lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

My Student System Table Descriptions hand book (I have big hands) Part 5

Student System - IGS_FI_ACC_CLASS This entity describes a usage classification for account codes.
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CLASSIFICATION_CD Institution defined classification code that is used to mark organizational unit accounts for specific fee income disbursement. Each disbursement formula is assigned a specific classification code that is mapped to organizational unit accou
DESCRIPTION Describes the account classification code
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the account classification is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' ticked prevents use of the account classification in new records.
Student System - IGS_FI_CHG_MTH_APP Describes the charge method apportionment applied to the calculation of fee liability charges based on student unit attempts. The apportionment is specific to teaching periods and effects student unit attempts within the teaching period. -
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
LOAD_CAL_TYPE Enters the load calendar instance or instances that are related to the fee calendar instance or fee type shown in the form's context block. Load calendars are used to determine the set of units and number of charge elements that must be co
LOAD_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee used in the assessment of student fees
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the charge method apportionment belongs
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the apportionment
Student System - IGS_FI_CRS_AT_F_SPN OBSOLETE (This entity describes student course attempt fee sponsorships )- Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
SPONSOR_CD Institution-defined code that uniquely identifies the system student fee sponsor
FEE_SPONSORSHIP_STATUS Describes the status assigned to a student program attempt fee sponsorship to indicate its current level of activity.These statuses are institution-definable and are mapped back on to system sponsorship statuses that will define the attac
SPONSORSHIP_LIMIT Limit of the sponsorship to be contributed by the student fee sponsor for the student program attempt. For example, $25 would limit the sponsorship up to $25 in total for all fee types assigned to the student program attempt fee sponsorship
PERCENTAGE_CONTRIBUTION Percentage value to be contributed by the student fee sponsor for the student program attempt. For example, 75% would limit the amount sponsored to 75% of the total cost for all fee types assigned to the student program attempt fee sponsors
MAX_UNIT_LOAD Describes the maximum number of units to be studied during the fee sponsorship of the student program attempt.
PROGRAM_OF_STUDY_UNITS_IND Describes whether or not the fee sponsorship of the student program attempt is limited to unit attempts within the program of study.
FIRST_UNIT_ATTEMPTS_IND Describes whether or not the fee sponsorship for the student program attempt is limited to a student's first attempt at a unit.
PERMIT_UNIT_FAILURE_IND Describes whether or not unit failure is permitted during the fee sponsorship of the student program attempt.
MIN_GPA Describes the minimum grade point average to be achieved during the fee sponsorship of the student program attempt.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
PERSON_ID Unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular person.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program in that the student is enrolled
START_DT Date from that the fee sponsorship for a student program attempt is effective
END_DT Date from that the fee sponsorship for a student program attempt is no longer effective
Student System - IGS_FI_CUR This entity describes the currency codes in which fee payments may be made.
Column Name Descritpion
CURRENCY_CD Contains the currency codes in that fee assessments and payments may be made
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation of the currency code
EXCHANGE_RATE Describes the rate of exchange for the currency
EFFECTIVE_DT Date from that the rate of exchange for the currency is effective
LOCAL_CURRENCY_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not the selected currency is regarded as the local currency. Setting the checkbox - ticked defines the currency as local. Only one currency can be defined in this way.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_DSBR_CAT This entity describes user-definable disbursement categories, which are applied to disbursement formulas for special reporting purposes.
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DISBURSEMENT_CAT Institution defined disbursement categories, that are applied to disbursement formulas for special reporting purposes.
DESCRIPTION Institution defined disbursement categories that might be assigned to disbursement formulas
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the disbursement category is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed ticked prevents use of the disbursement category in new or modified disbursement formula records.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_DSBR_JNL_DTL This entity describes the detail of a fee assessment income disbursement journal. Each detail is specific to an organisational unit, disbursed income account. -Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For examples, contribution, guild.
FIN_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This column is made obsolete
ACCOUNT_CD General ledger account code specific to a financial reporting period. It is used when recording assessments, receipting payments, and disbursing income. Each account is linked to an instance of the financial period calendar.
JOURNAL_AMOUNT Posting amount of a fee type journal
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Field uniquely identifies the calendar instance
CREATE_DT Contains the date the disbursement journal was created
FIN_CAL_TYPE This column is made obsolete
Student System - IGS_FI_DSBR_SPSHT This table describes the point in time fee disbursements for a fee type. Each snapshot is specific to a financial period calendar instance. - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
FIN_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This column is made obsolete .
ACCOUNT_CD General ledger account code specific to a financial reporting period. It is used when recording assessments,receipting payments, and disbursing income. Each account is linked to an instance of the financial period calendar.
DEBT_DISBURSEMENT_TOTAL Total dollar value of fee type disbursement in relation to debt assessed
PAYMENT_DISBURSEMENT_TOTAL Total dollar value of fee type disbursement in relation to payments received
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
CREATE_DT Date disbursement journal was created
FIN_CAL_TYPE This column is made obsolete
Student System - IGS_FI_DSB_CAT This entity describes the mapping of user-definable disbursement categories to disbursement formulas for special reporting purposes.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
FORMULA_NUMBER Unique number for referencing fee type disbursement formula
DISBURSEMENT_CAT Institution defined disbursement categories, that are applied to disbursement formulas for special reporting purposes.
Student System - IGS_FI_DSB_DTL_ALC This entity describes the allocation detail of a fee assessment income disbursement journal detail. - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
FIN_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fin
FIN_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
ACCOUNT_CD General ledger account code specific to a financial reporting period. It is used when recording assessments, receipting payments, and disbursing income. Each account is linked to an instance of the financial period calendar.
ORG_UNIT_CD Code for the organizational unit. An organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution or organization. Common organizational units in terti
OU_START_DT Date from that the organizational unit is effective. The organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date.
CLASSIFICATION_CD Institution defined classification code that is used to mark organizational unit accounts for specific fee income disbursement. Each disbursement formula is assigned a specific classification code that is mapped to organizational unit acc
PERSON_ID Unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular person.
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program that the student is enrolled
UNIT_CD Code used to identify the uni
TEACH_CAL_TYPE Name of a type of teaching calendar within the university. For example, SEM-1, YR-LONG
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
TEACH_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
FORMULA_NUMBER Unique number for referencing fee type disbursement formula
ALLOCATION_ELEMENTS Value of the disbursement method elements applied to the allocation
DEBT_ALLOCATION_AMOUNT Amount of a fee type disbursement as applied to the allocation in relation to assessed debt
PAYMENT_ALLOCATION_AMOUNT Amount of a fee type disbursement as applied to the allocation in relation to payments received
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
CREATE_DT Date the disbursement journal was created
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the disbursement detail allocation
Student System - IGS_FI_DSB_JNL_EXREF This entity describes the external references relating to an income disbursement journal. These references are to external entities on the finance system that are logically transaction related. - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
EXTERNAL_REFERENCE Reference to a finance transaction
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
CREATE_DT Date disbursement journal was created
EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_TYPE External reference type assigned to any external reference for a fee assessment. For example, debtor ID, invoice, debit note, credit note, refund cheque, journal.
Student System - IGS_FI_DSB_SPSHT_DTL This entity describes the detail of a fee assessment income disbursement journal. Each detail is specific to an organisational unit, disbursed income account. - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
FIN_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This column is made obsolete
ACCOUNT_CD General ledger account code specific to a financial reporting period. It is used when entering assessments,receipting payments, and disbursing income. Each account is linked to an instance of the financial period calendar.
ORG_UNIT_CD Code for the organizational unit. An organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution or organization. Common organizational units in terti
OU_START_DT Date from that the organizational unit is effective. The organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date.
CLASSIFICATION_CD Institution defined classification code that is used to mark organizational unit accounts for specific fee income disbursement. Each disbursement formula is assigned a specific classification code which is mapped to organizational unit acco
DEBT_DISBURSEMENT_AMOUNT Amount of a fee type disbursement to the organizational unit in relation to debt assessed
PAYMENT_DISBURSEMENT_AMOUNT Amount of a fee type disbursement to the organizational unit in relation to payments received
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
CREATE_DT Date disbursement journal was created
FIN_CAL_TYPE This column is made obsolete
Student System - IGS_FI_ELM_RANGE This entity describes ranges applied to elements derived from charge methods for the purpose of determining fee assessment rates.
Column Name Descritpion
RANGE_NUMBER Number that uniquely identifies the element range record
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
LOWER_RANGE Describes the lower range value in a fee assessment element range record. The value is inclusive and can be left unspecified if an upper range value is entered. Element range records cannot overlap.
UPPER_RANGE Describes the upper range value in a fee assessment element range record. The value is inclusive and can be left unspecified if a lower range value is recorded. Element range records cannot overlap.
S_CHG_METHOD_TYPE This is optional field. If left blank, the element range record defaults to the charge method entered at either the fee type calendar instance level, or the fee category instance level, as appropriate. Alternatively a flatrate override cha
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Contains the date and time the elements range record was logically deleted.
ER_ID Unique system generated element range ID
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the elements range belongs.
Student System - IGS_FI_ELM_RANGE_RT Describes charge rates specific to a range of charge elements
Column Name Descritpion
RANGE_NUMBER Number that uniquely identifies the elements range rate record.
RATE_NUMBER Fee assessment or charge rate for the elements rate range record. The fee assessment routine considers the charge method,the number of charge elements, and the charge rate.
CREATE_DT Contains the date and time the elements range rate was created.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Contains the date and time the elements range rate record was logically deleted.
ERR_ID Defines the unique system generated element range rate ID.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. Forexample, contribution, guild.
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the elements range belongs
Student System - IGS_FI_ENC_DFLT_EFT Describes the default effects that are applied to the associated encumbrance type.
Column Name Descritpion
COMMENTS Text facility for entering additional information or details about the default effect associated with the context institution-defined hold type.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE Code of an institution-defined hold type incorporating one or more system hold effect types.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_ENCMB_EFFECT_TYPE One of the set of system-defined hold effect types that has been established as a default effect for a particular institution-defined hold type. An hold type must have one or more system hold effect types. Each system hold effect type h
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_AS_EX_REF This entity describes the external references relating to a feeassessment. These references are to external entities on the finance system that are logically transaction related.
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSACTION_ID Uniquely identifies the fee assessment
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_TYPE Describes the external reference type assigned to any external reference for a fee assessment. For example, debtor ID, invoice, debit note, credit note, refund cheque, journal.
EXTERNAL_REFERENCE_CD Value of an external reference type assigned to any external reference for a fee assessment. Example, receipt number.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_AS_RATE This entity describes the method and parameters necessary for determining the amount to charge during fee assessment processing for a fee category fee liability.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
US_VERSION_NUMBER Unit Set Version Number
RATE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the fee assessment rate number
UNIT_CD Unit Code
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
UNIT_TYPE_ID Unit Program Type Level Identifier
LOCATION_CD Describes the program locations for that the fee should be assessed. If the field is left blank, the assessment rate applies to all locations. If a value is entered the assessment rate applies only to the nominated location.
UNIT_MODE Institution-defined mode of offering a unit.
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type for that the fee assessment rate belongs.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Describes the attendance types for that the fee should be assessed. These types are institution-defined. For example, full-time, part-time. If the field is left blank, the assessment rate applies to all attendance types. If a value is
ATTENDANCE_MODE Describes the attendance modes for that the fee should be assessed. These modes are institution-defined. For example, on campus, off campus. If the field is left blank,the assessment rate applies to all attendance modes. If a value is en
ORDER_OF_PRECEDENCE Combinations of location, attendance type, and attendance mode across related fee assessment rates can lead to non-mutually exclusive rates being defined. To resolve this situation an order of precedence must be defined. The fee assessment
GOVT_HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION Contains the government contribution payment options for that the fee should be assessed. For example, 10 - DeferredPayment 11 - Upfront With Discount. If the field is left blank, the assessment rate applies to all payment options. If a
GOVT_HECS_CNTRBTN_BAND Contains the government contribution band value applicable to students liable for differential contribution.- Obsoleted Column.
CHG_RATE Describes the per element charge rate EFTSU, per creditpoint, per unit, or flatrate for the fee assessment.
UNIT_CLASS This column is made obsolete
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Contains the date and time the fee assessment rate record was logically deleted.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
FAR_ID Contains the unique system generated fee assessment rate ID.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
RESIDENCY_STATUS_ID OBSOLETED. Represents the Residency Status Attribute stored as an ID
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program in which the student is enrolled
VERSION_NUMBER The version number of the program code
ORG_PARTY_ID The organization unit code
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
CLASS_STANDING The Class Standing associated with the Fee Assessment record
RESIDENCY_STATUS_CD Residency status code.
UNIT_SET_CD Unit Set Code
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_AS_RT This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates specific to a student for a fee type, that overrides the fee category fee liability fee assessment rates normally applied.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
LOCATION_CD Describes the program location for that the contract applies. If the field is left blank, the contract rate applies to all locations. If a value is entered the contract rate applies only to the nominated location.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Describes the attendance types for that the contract applies. These types are user-defined.
ATTENDANCE_MODE Describes the attendance mode to that the contract applies. These modes are user-defined.
CHG_RATE Describes the monetary value of the contract fee assessment rate.
LOWER_NRML_RATE_OVRD_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not a lower normal fee assessment rate will override the contract fee assessment rate. Setting the indicator ticked ensures that a lower normal rate will be used in preference to the contract rate.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
COURSE_CD Describes the program code
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee types might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
START_DT Describes the date a contract fee assessment rate is effective from.
END_DT Describes the date a contract fee assessment rate is no longer effective.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_CAT_MAP This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ADMISSION_CAT Code of an institution-defined admission category. An admission category is used to group a set of applicants whose applications will be processed via a common set of admission procedure steps.
DFLT_CAT_IND Indicator that specifies whether the fee category is the default category for the related admission category. Setting the checkbox ticked defines the fee category as the default.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_DSBR_FML This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
OVERRIDE_FORMULA Fee category formula overrides the normal fee type formula. However, the override formula will only apply to students who are in the fee category specified in the override. Students who are not in the fee category specified, will have the
FEE_CAT Fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
EVALUATION_ORDER Evaluation sequence as recorded for each of the disbursement formulae. The evaluation sequence ensures at the time of processing fixed disbursement amounts and percentage disbursement amounts are disbursed in the required order.
START_DT Start and end dates are used to define the operating period of the disbursement formula. Over the fee assessment period of the fee type, there may be a requirement to vary the fee disbursement formula. The start and end dates default from
END_DT Start and end dates are used to define the operating period of the disbursement formula. Over the fee assessment period of the fee type, there may be a requirement to vary the fee disbursement formula. The start and end dates default from
DESCRIPTION Describes the fee disbursement formula.
S_DSBRSMNT_METHOD_TYPE Disbursement method applied to a fee disbursement formula to indicate the method of disbursing the income. For example, direct disbursed directly to an organizational unit, unit teach disbursed to organizational units via teaching responsib
S_ALLOC_METHOD_TYPE Disbursement allocation method applied to a fee disbursement formulae to indicate the allocation method of disbursing the income. For example, per unit formula is applied per unit, student formula is applied once per student irrespective
CLASSIFICATION_CD Institution-defined classification code that is used to mark organizational unit accounts for specific fee income disbursement. Each disbursement formula is assigned a specific classification code that is mapped to organizational unit accou
ORG_UNIT_CD Code for an organizational unit. An organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution or organization. Common organizational units in tertia
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
OU_START_DT Date from that the organizational unit is effective. The organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date.
FIXED_DISBURSEMENT_AMOUNT Fixed disbursement amount is the rate that is applied based on allocation method. For example, if the fixed disbursement amount is $10.00 and the allocation method is per unit and there are five units, $50.00 would be disbursed. A fee disb
PERCENTAGE_DISBURSEMENT Percentage disbursement is applied as a proportion of the income to be disbursed. For example, if the income to be disbursed $100 and the percentage disbursement 10%, then the proportion of the income to be disbursed$10. If the allocatio
S_BASE_BALANCE Balance upon that the fee disbursement formula is to be based. For example, gross, net, and remainder.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
FORMULA_NUMBER Unique number for referencing fee type disbursement formula.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_DSB_FM_RU This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
S_RULE_CALL_CD Rule call code
RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Rule sequence number that is used for the calculations.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
FORMULA_NUMBER Unique number for referencing fee type disbursement formula.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_ENCMB This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates -- "Obsolete"
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee used in the assessment of student fees.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
SCHEDULE_NUMBER Describes the sequence number that uniquely identifies a fee hold.
DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias for the date alias instance the fee hold is applicable.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the date alias instance.
OFFSET_DAYS Describes the number of calendar days after the fee payment date required to trigger a fee hold.
MIN_OVERDUE_PERCENT Describes the minimum percentage overdue necessary to trigger a fee hold.
MIN_OVERDUE_AMOUNT Describes the minimum amount overdue necessary to trigger a fee hold.
ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE Code of an institution-defined hold type incorporating one or more system hold effect types.
DISCONTINUE_ENR_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not the student program should be discontinued prior to application of the fee hold If the indicator is checked ticked the course programt should be discontinued.
WRITE_OFF_BAD_DEBT_IND Indicator that describes whether or not the overdue debt should be considered bad and written off. No system functionality presently attaches to this indicator.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the schedule entry belongs.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to uniquely identify the fee hold.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example contribution, guild.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_LBL_SPNSR OBSOLETE (This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rate )- Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
SPONSOR_CD Describes the code that uniquely identifies the student fee sponsor.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee used in the assessment of student fees.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, guild.
START_DT Describes the date the fee sponsorship for a student program attempt is effective from.
FEE_SPONSORSHIP_STATUS Describes the status assigned to a student program attempt fee sponsorship to indicate its current level of activity. These statuses are institution-definable and map back onto system fee sponsorship statuses that define associated function
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
PERSON_ID Unique identification number, incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular student.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program in that the student is enrolled. See also element 307 higher education student data collection.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_PAY_SCHD This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category FEE used in the assessment of student fees.
FEE_CAT This field describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
SCHEDULE_NUMBER This field describes the sequence number which uniquely identifies a payment schedule.
DT_ALIAS This field is the code identifying the date alias for the date alias instance the fee payment schedule applies.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the date alias instance.
OFFSET_DAYS This field describes the number of calendar days after the fee assessment notification date when the specified percentage of the liability is due for payment.
CHG_PERCENTAGE This field describes the percentage of the total fee charge specified for each entry in the payment schedule representing the minimum payment due on or by the payment due date.The percentage is cumulative and must be 100% in the last entry
DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE This field contains the discount percentage applicable to payments made against the fee charge according to the payment schedule.
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT This field contains the amount of discount applicable to payments made against the fee charge according to the payment schedule.
DISCOUNT_FULL_PAYMENT_IND An indicator which specifies whether a discount is only applicable on receipt of full payment. Setting the checkbox ticked, restricts the discount to full payments. Note, full payment may also be the result of cumulative partial payments.
DISCOUNT_MIN_PAYMENT This field contains the minimum payment required to attract the discount. Note, payment may also be the result of cumulative partial payments.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
MIN_AMOUNT_DUE This field describes the minimum amount due before using the schedule.
TERM_ID Term ID is the Payment Term Identifier of the Payment Term created in Oracle Account Receivables
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
S_RELATION_TYPE This field describes the system relation type to which the schedule entry belongs.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER A system-generated number which is used to uniquely identify the fee payment schedule.
FEE_TYPE This field describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. Examples HECS, GUILD.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_RET_SCHD This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category FEE used in the assessment of student fees.
SCHEDULE_NUMBER Describes the sequence number that uniquely identifiesa payment schedule.
DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias for the date aliasinstance the fee payment schedule applies.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the date alias instance.
RETENTION_PERCENTAGE Contains the percentage of fee retention applicable to feeassessments already made against the fee type according to theretention schedule.
RETENTION_AMOUNT Contains the amount of fee retention applicable to feeassessments already made against the fee type according to theretention schedule.
DEDUCTION_AMOUNT Describes the amount deducted to coveroverheads incurred at the time of the retention schedule. - Obsolete.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, hecs, guild.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolledstudents. The purpose of the fee category is to identify thedistinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the scheduleentry belongs.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to uniquely identify the feeretention schedule.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_SPNSR_ST OBSOLETE (This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates )- Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_SPONSORSHIP_STATUS Describes the status assigned to a student program attempt fee sponsorship to indicate its current level of activity. These status's are institution-definable and are mapped back onto system defined sponsorship statuses, that define the a
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation of the fee sponsorship status.
S_FEE_SPONSORSHIP_STATUS Contains the system defined fee sponsorship status. The status is recognized by system functionality.
CLOSED_IND An indicator that specifies whether the status is open or closed. Setting the checkbox ticked closes the fee sponsorship status. Closed fee sponsorship status are unavailable for assignment to student program attempt or fee liability spon
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_STR_STAT This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_STRUCTURE_STATUS Describes the institution-defined fee structure statuses.These map back onto the system fee structure statuses.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation of the fee structure status.
S_FEE_STRUCTURE_STATUS Describes the system recognized fee structure statuses.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the fee structure status is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed ticked prevents use of the fee structure status in new or modified records in other parts of the system.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_TRG_GRP This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation of the fee trigger group.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Contains the date and time the fee trigger group recordwas logically deleted.
COMMENTS Provides any additional information or details aboutthe fee trigger group.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee used in the assessmentof student fees.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, hecs, guild.
FEE_TRIGGER_GROUP_NUMBER Contains the number that uniquely identifies the feetrigger group.
Student System - IGS_FI_FND_SRC_RSTN This entity describes the funding sources which are available for a course. A default can be specified in this entity.
Column Name Descritpion
COURSE_CD Unique identifier for the program for that fundingsource restriction information is being specified.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the program for that fundingsource restriction information is being specified.
FUNDING_SOURCE Unique identifier for the institution-defined funding source.
DFLT_IND Describes whether a funding source is the default for studentsenrolling in the program. This indicator can only be set for onefunding source per program.
RESTRICTED_IND Indicates whether students enrolling in the program are restricted tofunding sources appearing in this set.
Student System - IGS_FI_F_CAT_CA_INST This entity describes the periods of fee assessment - fee calendar instances- applicable to a fee category.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolledstudents. The purpose of the fee category is to identify thedistinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
START_DT_ALIAS Code that identifies the date alias for the date aliasinstance for that fee assessment processing starts.
START_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the start fee assessment processingdate alias instance.
END_DT_ALIAS Code that identifies the date alias for the date aliasinstance at that fee assessment processing ends.
END_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the end fee assessment processing datealias instance.
RETRO_DT_ALIAS Code that identifies the date alias for a date aliasinstance representing the period until that retrospective feeassessment can be made. The date alias instance can be optionally usedto define a period running past the fee calendar instance
RETRO_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the retrospective fee assessmentprocessing date alias instance.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Code of a fee calendar type used in the assessment of studentfees.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
FEE_CAT_CI_STATUS Status assigned to a fee type calendar instance to indicate its current level of activity. These statuses are institution-defined and map back onto system fee structure statuses. For example, active, inactive, planned.
Student System - IGS_FI_GOVT_FUND_SRC This entity describes the government set of funding sources.
Column Name Descritpion
GOVT_FUNDING_SOURCE Unique identifier for the government funding source.Not in current use.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Description of the government funding source.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the government funding source is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed prevents use of the government funding source in new or modified funding source records.
Student System - IGS_FI_GOVT_HEC_CNTB This table describes the list of government defined HECS, Higher Education Contribution Scheme, contribution bands. These bands are mapped against government discipline groups.
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
GOVT_HECS_CNTRBTN_BAND Contains the government contribution band. These contribution bands are mapped to government discipline groups and are relevant in calculating the contribution liability applicable to a unit ofstudy.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Describes the government contribution band.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the government contribution band is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed prevents use of the contribution band in new or modified records in other parts of the system.
Student System - IGS_FI_GOV_HEC_PA_OP This entity describes the list of government defined contribution payment options. These options are what is reported to the government in the submissions, so the institutionally defined options must map back onto these for that purpose.
Column Name Descritpion
GOVT_HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION Government-defined contribution payment option code. These codes are used for reporting student contribution details to Government.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Description of the government contribution payment option. These codes are used for reporting student contribution details to Government.
S_HECS_PAYMENT_TYPE Name of the system-defined contribution payment type to that the government contribution payment option is mapped. This mapping enables the system to determine how students will discharge their contribution liability.
ALLOW_DISCOUNT_IND Indicator that specifies whether the government contribution payment option allows discount for up-front and partial payments. Setting the indicator allows the discount. To comply with 1998 contribution guidelines, the indicator should be
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies whether the government contribution payment option is open or closed. If closed, the option cannot be linked to any further institution-defined contribution payment options.
Student System - IGS_FI_GV_DSP_HEC_CN This table describes the mappings of government discipline groups to contribution bands.
Column Name Descritpion
GOVT_DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD Describes the government discipline group to that a unit of study belongs, as classified by the institution.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
GOVT_HECS_CNTRBTN_BAND Contains the government contribution band value.
START_DT The date from which the Government discipline group and Governmentcontribution band mapping is effective.
END_DT The date from which the Government discipline group and Government contribution band mapping is no longer effective.
Student System - IGS_FI_HECS_PAY_OPTN This entity describes the list of possible contribution payment options.Example.10 - Deferred, 11 -Upfront, 24 - Overseas students.
Column Name Descritpion
HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION This field describes the possible Contribution payment options.Examples DEFERRED, UPFRONT, EXEMPT.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
GOVT_HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION This field describes the possible types of Contribution payment options
DESCRIPTION This field provides an explanation of the Contribution payment option.
EXPIRE_AFTR_ACDMC_PERD_IND This field describes whether students having this Contribution option have their option expire at the end of the current academic period.Setting the indicator means that the Contribution option of students who have this option will expire
CLOSED_IND This field describes whether the Contribution payment option is open orclosed. Setting the indicator to 'closed' means that the Contribution payment option cannot be used in new or modified student Contribution records.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_SPNSR_STAT OBSOLETE (This entity describes the user-defined sponsor statuses. These map back onto the system sponsor statuses, to provide the system with the ability to have a large number of statuses which tie back to the system functionality) - Obso
Column Name Descritpion
SPONSOR_STATUS Describes the status assigned to a sponsor. Sponsor statuses are institution-defined and must be mapped to a system sponsor status. It is recommended that only one sponsor status is matched to each system sponsor status.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation of the sponsor status.
S_SPONSOR_STATUS Contains the system defined sponsor status.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies whether the status is open or closed. Setting the checkbox closes the sponsor status and prevents further allocation of the type to new or modified sponsors. Closing a sponsor status does not stop the functionality
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_SPNSR_TYPE OBSOLETE (This entity describes the fee sponsor types). - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
SPONSOR_TYPE Describes the institution-defined student fee sponsor types. For example, corporation, government-public body, charity organization, individual, aou. These sponsor types are mapped to sponsors.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation of the institution's student fee sponsor types.
CLOSED_IND An indicator that specifies whether the sponsor type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox closes the sponsor type and prevents further allocation of the type to new or modified sponsors. Closing a sponsor type does not stop the processi
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_UNIT_FEE_TRG This entity describes the unit based fee triggers. It is used during fee assessment processing to indicate a unit based fee applies for a fee type.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the unit fee trigger.
VERSION_NUMBER Version number is used to uniquely identify each version of a unit.
CAL_TYPE Calendar type of the calendar instance in that the unit is offered. Units can only be offered in instances of calendar types that are categorized as teaching calendars.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier for the calendar instance.
LOCATION_CD Code of a physical location owned or used by an institution. Each location has a location type, such as campus, that defines its use in the system.
UNIT_CLASS Institution-defined code that identifies a unit class.
CREATE_DT Contains the date and time the unit fee trigger was created.
FEE_TRIGGER_GROUP_NUMBER Describes the number that uniquely identifies the fee trigger group.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Date the fee trigger was logically deleted.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used.
UNIT_CD Unique identifier of the unit being defined as the unit fee trigger.
Student System - IGS_FI_CONTROL This table stores a flag to indicate if Oracle Accounts Recievables is installed or not.
Column Name Descritpion
REC_INSTALLED Flag to indicate if accounts receivables is installed
LAST_ACCOUNT_TRANS Date & Time of the last accounts transfer from accounts receivables
LAST_PAY_TERM_TRANS Date & Time of the last payment terms transfer from accounts receivables
LAST_PAYMENT_TRANS Date & Time of the last student payments transfer from accounts receivables
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_AS_ITEMS This entity stores an itemized list of assessment items that have contributed to the student's assessment.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_ASS_ITEM_ID Unique system generated fee assessment Item ID
CHG_ELEMENTS Number of charge elements for the fee assessment items.
AMOUNT Charge amount for this fee assessment item
FEE_EFFECTIVE_DT Effective date for this assessment item
COURSE_CD Unique identifier for a study program
CRS_VERSION_NUMBER Program version number
COURSE_ATTEMPT_STATUS Program attempt status for the fee assessment
ATTENDANCE_MODE Describes the mode of attendance by that a student undertakes a program.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Describes whether or not a student is classified as being full-time or part-time, based on their study load in the reference year.
UNIT_CD Unique identifier of a unit - obsolete column
UNIT_VERSION_NUMBER Is used to uniquely identify each version of a unit set. - obsolete column
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS Is used to identify status of a unit attempt.
UNIT_LOCATION_CD Denotes the code of a physical location owned or used by an institution -OBSOLETED.
CAL_TYPE Denotes the unit load calendar type - obsolete column
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Denotes the unit load calendar instance - obsolete column
EFTSU Equivalent full time student unit, represents the student load for a unit or part of a unit expressed as a proportion of the workload for a standard annual program for students undertaking a full year of study in a particular year of a part
TRANSACTION_ID Assessment transaction identifier
CREDIT_POINTS Unit credit points for the unit
LOGICAL_DELETE_DATE The date the fee assessment item was logically deleted.
UNIT_CLASS Institution-defined code that identifies a unit class.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
STATUS Denotes the status of the fee assessment Item Like E, O for ENROLLED , OVERIDDEN.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
INVOICE_ID Invoice Identifier to uniquely identify the created invoice.
ORG_UNIT_CD Unique identification number for this party
RESIDENCY_STATUS_ID OBSOLETED. This represents the Residency Status attribute stored as an ID
LOCATION_CD The location to which the created charge belongs
UOO_ID The unit offering option to which the student enrolled.
CHG_RATE The charge rate for the assessment
RESIDENCY_STATUS_CD Residency status code.
UNIT_SET_CD Unit Set Code
US_VERSION_NUMBER Unit Set Version Number
UNIT_TYPE_ID Unit Program Type Level Identifier
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
UNIT_MODE Institution-defined mode of offering a unit.
SCOPE_RUL_SEQUENCE_NUM Rule Sequence Number which defines the Fee Assessment Scope
ELM_RNG_ORDER_NAME Element Range Order Name which defines the order in which fee assessment computes fees.
MAX_CHG_ELEMENTS The maximum number of charge elements that will be considered for charge amount calculation during Fee Assessment
FEE_CAT Fee categories are created to identify distinct fee assessment groups. Fee categories might contain one or more fee types.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category of fee used in the assessment of student fees.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Rule sequence number to identify the rule for amount calculation.
S_CHG_METHOD_TYPE Charge method type for this assessment item
DESCRIPTION Denotes charge description
Student System - IGS_FI_ACCT_INT_ALL This interface table stores third party account definitions - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
ACCOUNT_ID System generated unique account identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
EXT_TRX_TYPE_ID External transaction type identifier
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
EXT_TRX_TYPE_NAME External transaction type name identifier
EXT_TRX_TYPE_DESC External transaction type description identifier
EXT_GL_ID_REC External receivable account identifier
EXT_GL_ID_REV External revenue account identifier
EXT_GL_ID_TAX External tax account identifier
EXT_GL_ID_FREIGHT External freight account identifier
STATUS Denotes whether the record is available or not. For example, 'active','inactive'
Student System - IGS_FI_ACC_ALL This entity describes a Finance General Ledger account specific to a financial reporting period (financial period calendar instance).
Column Name Descritpion
ACCOUNT_ID This column is made obsolete
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FIN_CAL_TYPE This column is made obsolete
FIN_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This column is made obsolete
ACCOUNT_CD Code of a general ledger account specific to a financial reporting period. The account is used to record fee assessments for a particular fee type or group of fee types.
DESCRIPTION Code of a general ledger account specific to a financial reporting period. The account is used to record fee assessments for a particular fee type or group of fee types.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the account is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' ticked prevents use of the account in new records.
Student System - IGS_FI_CHG_MTH_APP_H_ALL Describes the history of changes to a charge method apportionment. - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
LOAD_CAL_TYPE Abbreviated name of a type of calendar used within the university. The calendar type must be of system calendar category 'LOAD'.
LOAD_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies calendar instance
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the charge method apportionment belongs
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the apportionment
Student System - IGS_FI_CUST_INT_ALL
Column Name Descritpion
Student System - IGS_FI_DSBR_JNL_ALL This entity describes the history of fee assessment income disbursements for a fee type. Each journal is specific to a financial period calendar instance. - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
SNAPSHOT_CREATE_DT Date the disbursement journal was created
FIN_CAL_TYPE This column is made obsolete .
FIN_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This column is made obsolete
ACCOUNT_CD General ledger account code specific to a financial reporting period. It is used when recording assessments,receipting payments and disbursing income. Each account is linked to an instance of the financial period calendar.
JOURNAL_TOTAL Total dollar value of fee type journal
S_INCOME_TYPE Income type being disbursed via the journal
AUTHORISING_PERSON_ID Person ID of the person who authorised the disbursement journal for release to the finance system
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
CREATE_DT Date disbursement journal was created
PRIOR_JOURNAL_CREATE_DT Creation date of the previous disbursement journal for the fee type calendar instance
Student System - IGS_FI_ELM_RANGE_H_ALL Describes the history of changes to an elements range
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
LOWER_RANGE Describes the lower charge element value in the range of charge element values for the fee assessment rate. This value is inclusive.
UPPER_RANGE Describes the upper charge element value in the rangeof charge element values for the fee assessment rate. This value isnot inclusive.
S_CHG_METHOD_TYPE Describes the methods for determining the number of charge rate units for use in a fee assessment calculation.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the elements range belongs.
RANGE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the fee category fee liability element range.
Student System - IGS_FI_ENCMB_TYPE_ALL Describes the user-defined encumbrance types that might be applied to a person by the institution. For example, unpaid fees, failed academic progression check.
Column Name Descritpion
COMMENTS Text facility for entering additional information comments or details about the context institution-defined hold type.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE Code of an institution-defined hold type incorporating one or more system hold effect types.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Description of an institution-defined hold type incorporating one or more system hold effect types.
S_ENCUMBRANCE_CAT Hold category of the hold type. The category may be academic or administrative.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies whether the hold type is closed or open. Setting the checkbox to closed prevents further application of holds of this type.
Student System - IGS_FI_EXT_INT_ALL This table is used as a source for the entry of all external charges from any third party.
Column Name Descritpion
EXTERNAL_FEE_ID Unique system generated external fee identifier
TRANSACTION_TYPE Type of particular transaction. This is an obsolete column now.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Contains the date and time the record was logically deleted.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
GL_DATE The General Ledger Date of the External Charge Interface record.
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
TRANSACTION_AMOUNT Amount for this transaction
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ERROR_MSG Specifies the error message text when the external interface charge record import has failed.
CURRENCY_CD Field denotes the currency of the particular transaction
EXCHANGE_RATE Describes the rate of exchange for the currency
CHG_RATE Describes a per element rate applying to a fee. This is an obsolete column now.
CHG_ELEMENTS Component of the fee calculation, in that a rate per element is multiplied by the number of elements representing the student's study load over the fee period for the fee liability concerned. This is an obsolete column now.
EFFECTIVE_DT Date from which the external charges are effective.
COMMENTS Text facility for entering additional information or details
OVERRIDE_DR_REC_ACCOUNT_CD Receivables Account Code. Used if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not Installed.
OVERRIDE_DR_REC_CCID Receivables Account Flex Field (Code Combination ID) . Used if Oracle Receivables is installed.
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
OVERRIDE_CR_REV_ACCOUNT_CD Revenue Account Code. Used if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not Installed.
OVERRIDE_CR_REV_CCID Revenue Account Flex Field (Code Combination ID) . Used if Oracle Receivables is installed.
STATUS This field identifies the status of the record. The statuses are of the same type as Invoice Statuses. For example, TODO, SUCESS, ERROR.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
FEE_TYPE This field describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
FEE_CAL_TYPE The code of a Fee calendar type which defines the period of time in which the fee type will operate.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
COURSE_CD Identifies the program code against which the external charge is entered. This column is obsoleted now.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
CRS_VERSION_NUMBER Identifies the Version Number of the program code against which the external charge is levied. This is an obsolete column now.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
TRANSACTION_DT The date of the transaction - OBSOLETE.
Student System - IGS_FI_FD_SRC_RSTN_H_ALL This entity describes the history of funding source restriction changes for a course version.
Column Name Descritpion
COURSE_CD Describes the program
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the program for that funding source restriction information is being specified.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FUNDING_SOURCE Describes the funding sources
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
DFLT_IND Describes whether a funding source is the default for students enrolling in the program. This indicator can only be set for one funding source per program.
RESTRICTED_IND Indicates whether students enrolling in the program are restricted to funding sources appearing in this set.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_AS_ALL This entity describes the fee assessments against a person for a fee category fee liability.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
FEE_CAT Fee categories are created to identify distinct fee assessment groups.
S_TRANSACTION_TYPE Describes the fee assessment system transaction type
TRANSACTION_DT Describes the date of recording the fee assessment
TRANSACTION_AMOUNT Describes the transaction amount of a fee category fee liability fee assessment. The amount might be both positive or negative.
CURRENCY_CD Describes the currency code applicable to the transaction amount. Note, it is only specified for non local currency codes.
EXCHANGE_RATE Describes the rate of exchange for the currency
CHG_RATE Describes the per element charge rate used for the fee assessment transaction. - column obsolete
CHG_ELEMENTS Describes the number of charge elements used for the fee assessment transaction.
EFFECTIVE_DT Contains the date of the effective assessment. Assessments can be made retrospectively, hence the transaction date and the effective date may be different.
TRANSACTION_ID Uniquely identifies the fee assessment
COURSE_CD Unique identifier for a program of study
NOTIFICATION_DT Describes the date the debtor was notified of the fee assessment.
SPONSOR_CD OBSOLETE (Describes the code that uniquely identifies the student fee sponsor )- Obsolete
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Date the fee assessment was logically deleted.
COMMENTS Contains any special notes or other important information relating to the fee assessment.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category of fee used in the assessment of student fees.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_AS_RT_HT_ALL This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
END_DT Describes the date a contract fee assessment rate is no longer effective.
LOCATION_CD Describes the program locations for that the fee should be assessed. If the field is left blank, the assessment rate applies to all locations. If a value is entered the contract rate applies only to the nominated location.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Describes the attendance types for that the fee should be assessed. These types are user-defined. For example, full-time ,part-time. If the field is left blank the assessment rate applies to all attendance types. If a value is entered the
ATTENDANCE_MODE Describes the attendance modes for that the fee should be assessed. These modes are user-defined. For example , on campus, off campus. If the field is left blank, the assessment rate applies to all attendance modes. If a value is entered
CHG_RATE Describes the monetary value of the contract fee assessment rate.
LOWER_NRML_RATE_OVRD_IND Describes whether or not a lower normal fee assessment rate will override the contract fee assessment rate.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
COURSE_CD Describes program code
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
START_DT Describes the date a contract fee assessment rate is effective from.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_AS_RT_H_ALL This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
US_VERSION_NUMBER Unit Set Version Number
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
UNIT_CD Unit Code
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
UNIT_TYPE_ID Unit Program Type Level Identifier
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
UNIT_MODE Institution-defined mode of offering a unit.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
LOCATION_CD The location name or code. The location represents a geographical location and might be used to indicate where programs and units can be offered.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Describes the attendance types for a program. For example, full-time, part-time.
ATTENDANCE_MODE Describes the attendance modes in that theprogram is offered. These modes are user-defined. For example, on campus, off campus.
ORDER_OF_PRECEDENCE Describes the order of precedence applied to the fee assessment rate.
GOVT_HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION Describes the possible types of contribution payment options. - Obsoleted Column.
GOVT_HECS_CNTRBTN_BAND Contains the government contribution band value. - Obsoleted Column.
CHG_RATE Describes the per element charge rate for the fee assessment.
UNIT_CLASS Represents the class the unit taught.
RESIDENCY_STATUS_ID OBSOLETED. This represents the Residency Status attribute stored as an ID.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies calendar instance
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the Program in which the Student is enrolled
VERSION_NUMBER The version number of the Program Code
ORG_PARTY_ID The Organization Unit Code
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the fee assessment rate belongs.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
RESIDENCY_STATUS_CD Residency status code.
RATE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies fee assessment rate
UNIT_SET_CD Unit Set Code
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_CAT_ALL This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Fee categories are created to identify distinct fee assessment groupsand may contain one or more fee types.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Description of the fee category created to identify distinct fee assessment groups.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CURRENCY_CD Currency codes in that fee assessments and payments might be made. If not defined, fee assessments default to the local currency.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the fee category is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' ticked prevents use of the category in new records. The fee category will continue to operate where the category was assigned to a student pr
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_CAT_CI_HT_ALL This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
FEE_CAT_CI_STATUS Describes the status assigned to a fee category calendar instance to indicate its current level of activity.
START_DT_ALIAS The code identifying the date alias for the date alias instance for that fee assessment processing starts.
START_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the start fee assessment processing date alias instance.
END_DT_ALIAS The code identifying the date alias for the date alias instance for that fee assessment processing ends.
END_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the end fee assessment processing date alias instance.
RETRO_DT_ALIAS The code identifying the date alias for a date alias instance representing the period till retrospective fee assessment can be made. The date alias instance can be optionally used to define a period running past the fee calendar instance pr
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
RETRO_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the retrospective fee assessment processing date alias instance.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_DSB_FML_H_ALL This table contains the history of changes to fee disbursement formulae.
Column Name Descritpion
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
OVERRIDE_FORMULA Describes a unique number for referencing fee type disbursement formula.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
EVALUATION_ORDER Evaluation sequence as entered for each of the disbursement formulae. The evaluation sequence ensures at the time of processing fixed disbursement amounts and percentage disbursement amounts are disbursed in the required order.
START_DT Start and end dates are used to define the operating period of the disbursement formula. Over the fee assessment period of the fee type, there may be a requirement to vary the fee disbursement formula. The start and end dates default from
END_DT Start and end dates are used to define the operating period of the disbursement formula. Over the fee assessment period of the fee type, there can be a requirement to vary the fee disbursement formula. The start and end dates default from
DESCRIPTION Describes the fee disbursement formula.
S_DSBRSMNT_METHOD_TYPE Describes the disbursement method applied to a fee disbursement formulae to indicate the method of disbursing the income. For example, direct disbursed directly to an organizational unit, unit pro rata disbursed to organizational units via
S_ALLOC_METHOD_TYPE Disbursement allocation method applied to a fee disbursement formulae to indicate the allocation method of disbursing the income. For example, per unit formula is applied per unit , student formula is applied once per student irrespective o
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, hecs, guild.
CLASSIFICATION_CD Institution -defined classification code that is used to mark organizational unit accounts for specific fee income disbursement. Each disbursement formula is assigned a specific classification code that is mapped to organizational unit acco
ORG_UNIT_CD Code for the organizational unit. An organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution or organization. Common organizational units in terti
OU_START_DT Date from that the organizational unit is effective. The organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date.
FIXED_DISBURSEMENT_AMOUNT Fixed disbursement amount is the rate that is applied based on allocation method. For example, if the fixed disbursement amount is $10.00 and the allocation method is per unit and there are five units, $50.00 would be disbursed. A fee disb
PERCENTAGE_DISBURSEMENT Percentage disbursement is applied as a proportion of the income to be disbursed. For example, if the income to be disbursed $100 and the percentage disbursement 10%, then the proportion of the income to be disbursed $10. If the alloca
S_BASE_BALANCE Balance upon that the fee disbursement formula is to be based. For example, gross, net, and remainder.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
FORMULA_NUMBER Unique number for referencing fee type disbursement formula.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_ENCMB_H_ALL This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates -- "Obsolete"
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, contribution, guild.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
SCHEDULE_NUMBER Describes the sequence number that uniquely identifies a fee hold.
DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias for the date alias instance the fee hold is applicable.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the date alias instance.
OFFSET_DAYS Describes the number of calendar days after the fee is due that the fee hold applies.
MIN_OVERDUE_PERCENT Describes the minimum percentage to be considered for a fee hold of an overdue payment.
MIN_OVERDUE_AMOUNT Describes the minimum amount to be considered for a fee hold of an overdue payment.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE Describes the user-defined encumbrance types that can be applied to a person by the institution. For example, unpaid fees, failed academic progression check.
DISCONTINUE_ENR_IND Describes whether or not enrollment will be discontinuedas a result of the fee encumbrance.
WRITE_OFF_BAD_DEBT_IND Describes whether or not to write off the students debt
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the schedule entry belongs.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to uniquely identify the fee Hold.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_TYPE_ALL This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, hecs, guild.
OPTIONAL_PAYMENT_IND Indicator that specifies whether payment of assessed amounts is optional or mandatory.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the fee type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed ticked prevents use of the fee type in new or modified records in other parts of the system.
COMMENTS Contains any comments or notes applicable to the fee type.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_FEE_TYPE Describes the system recognized fee types hecs, tuition, and other. The system type determines characteristics of the fee and determines those that are reported to the commonwealth government hecs, tuition and those that are not other .
FEE_CLASS This Column is used to group the fee types so that once a charge is created for the person for any of the fee type, the Financial Aid Disbursement can look at this value tagged for the particular fee type for disbursement of funds.
SUBACCOUNT_ID No longer used.
S_FEE_TRIGGER_CAT Describes the system defined fee trigger category applicable to the fee type.
DESIGNATED_PAYMENT_FLAG This flag indicates whether the particular Fee Type can be included in Targeted Applications in the context of self-service or lockbox.
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation of the fee type.
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_TYPE_CI_H_ALL This entity describes special contract based fee assessment rates
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, hecs, guild.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
FEE_TYPE_CI_STATUS Describes the status assigned to a fee type calendarinstance to indicate its current level of activity.
START_DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias for the date aliasinstance at that fee assessment processing starts.
START_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the start fee assessment processingdate alias instance.
END_DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias for the date aliasinstance at that fee assessment processing ends.
END_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the end fee assessment processing datealias instance.
RETRO_DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias for a date aliasinstance representing the period till that retrospective feeassessment can be made. The date alias instance can be optionally usedto define a period running past the fee calendar instance proc
RETRO_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the retrospective fee assessmentprocessing date alias instance.
S_CHG_METHOD_TYPE Describes the methods for determining the number of charge rate units for use in a fee assessment calculation. For example, flat rate, per eftsu load, per unit student unit attempts, per credit point enrolled . Note, per eftsu, per uni
RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies a rule
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
FIN_CAL_TYPE Calendar type of finance category - Obsolete Column
FIN_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance of finance category - Obsolete Column
ACCOUNT_CD General ledger account code specific to a financial reporting period. - Obsolete Column
PAYMENT_HIERARCHY_RANK Ranking of the payment to implement the apportionment hierarchy. Partial payments will be allocated firstly to invoice lines fee types of a higher rank.
INITIAL_DEFAULT_AMOUNT The amount that is used by the Fee Assessment when run in the Initial Default or Initial Prior modes.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
NONZERO_BILLABLE_CP_FLAG Flag to identify if fee needs to be assessed for any student unit attempt with zero billable credit point.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
SCOPE_RUL_SEQUENCE_NUM Rule Sequence Number which defines the Fee Assessment Scope for a Fee Type Calendar Instance
ELM_RNG_ORDER_NAME Element Range Order Name which defines the order in which fee assessment computes fees.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
MAX_CHG_ELEMENTS The maximum number of charge elements that will be considered for charge amount calculation during Fee Assessment
Student System - IGS_FI_FEE_TYPE_HIST_ALL This entity describes the fee types used throughout the system for the purpose of applying fees and charges.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, hecs,guild.
S_FEE_TRIGGER_CAT Describes the system defined fee trigger categoryapplicable to the fee type. It is used to restrict the fee triggersthat can be defined for a fee category fee liability of the fee type.
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation of the fee type.
OPTIONAL_PAYMENT_IND Indicates if a payment is required for assessments made of this fee type. When checked payment is optional. Penalties or encumbrances cannot be applied to overdue optional payments.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the fee type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed ticked prevents use of the fee type in new or modified records in other parts of the system.
COMMENTS Contains any comments or notes applicable to the fee type.
FEE_CLASS This Column is used to group the fee types.
SUBACCOUNT_ID OBSOLETE. Sub Account Identifier.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESIGNATED_PAYMENT_FLAG This flag indicates whether the particular Fee Type can be included in Targeted Applications in the context of self-service or lockbox.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
S_FEE_TYPE Describes the system recognized fee types. For example, hecs, tuition. It is used primarily for reporting fee details to the government.
Student System - IGS_FI_FUND_SRC_ALL This entity describes the university set of funding sources.
Column Name Descritpion
FUNDING_SOURCE Unique identifier for the institution-defined funding source.This must be mapped to a government funding source.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Description of an institution-defined funding source.
GOVT_FUNDING_SOURCE Unique identifier for the government funding source.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the funding source is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed prevents use of the funding source in new or modified funding source restriction records.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
Student System - IGS_FI_FUND_SRC_HIST_ALL This entity describes the history of changes for a funding source.
Column Name Descritpion
FUNDING_SOURCE Describes the funding sources. This is not limited tothe deet set, and values that are reported to deet will be mappedonto deet equivalent values.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
DESCRIPTION Description of an institution-defined funding source.
GOVT_FUNDING_SOURCE Unique identifier for the government funding source.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the funding source is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed prevents use of the funding source in new or modified funding source restriction records.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
Student System - IGS_FI_F_CAT_FEE_LBL_ALL This entity describes the fee types applicable to a fee category period fee category calendar instance.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolledstudents. The purpose of the fee category is to identify thedistinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
START_DT_ALIAS Code that identifies the date alias for the date aliasinstance when fee assessment processing starts.
START_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the date alias instance.
S_CHG_METHOD_TYPE Describes the methods for determining the number of charge elements for use in a fee assessment calculation.
RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the rule that will be used in the assessment of fees.
PAYMENT_HIERARCHY_RANK Contains the ranking of the payment to implement the apportionment hierarchy. Partial payments will be allocated firstly to invoice lines of a higher rank. - Obsolete.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category of fee used in the assessmentof student fees.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
WAIVER_CALC_FLAG Flag to identify that the Fee Type is marked for waiver amount calculation
FEE_TYPE Fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges.
FEE_LIABILITY_STATUS The status assigned to a fee category fee liability to indicate its current level of activity. These statuses are institution-defined and map back onto system fee liability statuses that define associated functionality. For example, active
Student System - IGS_FI_F_CAT_F_LBL_H_ALL This entity describes the history of changes to a fee category fee liability.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolledstudents. The purpose of the fee category is to identify thedistinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
FEE_LIABILITY_STATUS Describes the status assigned to a fee category fee liability to indicate its current level of activity. These statuses are user-definable and will map back onto the system fee liabilitystatuses that will define the attached functionality.
START_DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias when date aliasinstance fee assessment starts on
START_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the date alias instance.
S_CHG_METHOD_TYPE Describes the methods for determining the number of charge rate units, for use in a fee assessment calculation.
RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies a rule
PAYMENT_HIERARCHY_RANK Contains the ranking of the payment to implement the apportionment hierarchy. Partial payments will be allocated firstly to invoice lines of a higher rank. - Obsolete.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
Student System - IGS_FI_F_PAY_SCHD_HT_ALL This entity describes the history of changes to a fee payment schedule.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee used in the assessmentof student fees.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolledstudents. The purpose of the fee category is to identify thedistinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
SCHEDULE_NUMBER Describes the sequence number that uniquely identifiesa payment schedule.
DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias for the date aliasinstance the fee payment schedule applies.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the date alias instance.
OFFSET_DAYS Describes the number of calendar days after the feeassessment transaction date when payment is due.
CHG_PERCENTAGE Describes the percentage of the total fee chargespecified for each entry in the payment schedule representing theminimum payment due on or by the payment due date. The percentage iscumulative and must be 100% in the last entry in the sched
DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE Contains the percentage of discount applicable to paymentsmade against the fee charge according to the payment schedule.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Contains the amount of discount applicable to paymentsmade against the fee charge according to the payment schedule.
DISCOUNT_FULL_PAYMENT_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not a discount should only be applied on receipt of full payment. Setting the checkbox restricts the application of discounts to full payments. Note, fullpayment may also be the result of cumulative parti
DISCOUNT_MIN_PAYMENT Contains the minimum payment that attracts adiscount. Note, the minimum payment may also be the result ofcumulative payments.
MIN_AMOUNT_DUE Describes the minimum amount due before using the schedule.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the scheduleentry belongs.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to uniquely identify the feepayment schedule.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
Student System - IGS_FI_F_RET_SCHD_HT_ALL This entity describes the history of changes to a fee retention schedule.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee used in the assessment of student fees.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolledstudents. The purpose of the fee category is to identify thedistinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
SCHEDULE_NUMBER Describes the sequence number that uniquely identifiesa payment schedule.
DT_ALIAS Code identifying the date alias for the date aliasinstance the fee payment schedule applies.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the date alias instance.
RETENTION_PERCENTAGE Contains the percentage of fee retention applicable to feeassessments already made against the fee type according to theretention schedule.
RETENTION_AMOUNT Contains the amount of fee retention applicable to feeassessments already made against the fee type according to theretention schedule.
DEDUCTION_AMOUNT Describes the amount deducted to coveroverheads incurred at the time of the retention schedule.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_RELATION_TYPE Describes the system relation type to that the scheduleentry belongs.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to uniquely identify the feeretention schedule.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
Student System - IGS_FI_F_TYP_CA_INST_ALL This entity describes the periods of fee assessment fee calendar instances applicable to a fee type.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type can be used within many fee categories, and once allocated to a fee category it is known as a liability. Fee types with a system fee type of hecs and o
REC_ACCOUNT_CD Receivables Account code string
RET_GL_CCID Retention Account Flexfield CCID
START_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the start fee assessment processingdate alias instance.
RET_ACCOUNT_CD Retention Account Code String
END_DT_ALIAS Code that identifies the date alias for the date aliasinstance at that fee assessment processing ends.
COMPLETE_RET_FLAG Complete Withdrawal Retention Rule Indicator
NONZERO_BILLABLE_CP_FLAG Flag to identify if fee needs to be assessed for any student unit attempt with zero billable credit point.
END_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the end fee assessment processing datealias instance.
SCOPE_RUL_SEQUENCE_NUM Rule Sequence Number which defines the Fee Assessment Scope for a Fee Type Calendar Instance
ELM_RNG_ORDER_NAME Element Range Order Name which defines the order in which fee assessment computes fees.
RETRO_DT_ALIAS Code that identifies the date alias for a date aliasinstance representing the period until that retrospective feeassessment can be made. The date alias instance can be optionally usedto define a period running past the fee calendar instance
MAX_CHG_ELEMENTS The maximum number of charge elements that will be considered for charge amount calculation during Fee Assessment
RETRO_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the retrospective fee assessmentprocessing date alias instance.
S_CHG_METHOD_TYPE Describes the methods for determining the number of charge elements for use in a fee assessment calculation.
RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the rule that will be used in theassessment of fees.
FIN_CAL_TYPE This column is made obsolete
FIN_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This column is made obsolete
ACCOUNT_CD This column is made obsolete
FEE_CAL_TYPE Code of a fee calendar type that defines the period of time inthat the fee type will operate.
PAYMENT_HIERARCHY_RANK Contains the ranking of the payment to implement the apportionment hierarchy. Partial payments will be allocated firstly to invoice lines of a higher rank. - Obsolete.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
SUBACCOUNT_ID Obsolete- This field captures the Sub Account Identifier
INITIAL_DEFAULT_AMOUNT The amount that is used by the Fee Assessment if run in the initial default/initial prior modes.
FEE_TYPE_CI_STATUS Status assigned to a fee type calendar instance to indicate its current level of activity. These statuses are institution-defined and map back onto system fee structure statuses. For example active, inactive, planned.
ACCT_HIER_ID Account Hierarchy ID
REC_GL_CCID Receivables account FlexField CCID
START_DT_ALIAS Code that identifies the date alias for the date aliasinstance at that fee assessment processing begins.
REV_ACCOUNT_CD Revenue Account code string
Student System - IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_ALL This interface table stores invoice lines data generated by invoice process.
Column Name Descritpion
INVOICE_LINES_ID Invoice Line Identifier uniquely identifies an Invoice Line
UNIT_LOCATION_CD Unit Location Code- Obsolete column
CAL_TYPE Unit Load Calendar Type - Obsolete column
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unit Load Calendar Instance - Obsolete column
EFTSU Unit Effective Full Time Student Units
CREDIT_POINTS Unit Credit Points
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
INVOICE_ID Invoice Identifier uniquely identifies an Invoice
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LINE_NUMBER Invoice Line number
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
UNIT_CLASS Unit Class of the Unit Section - Obsolete column
REC_ACCOUNT_CD Receivables Account Code
REV_ACCOUNT_CD Revenue Account Code
REC_GL_CCID Receivables Key Accounting Flexfield
REV_GL_CCID Revenue Key Accounting Flexfield
ORG_UNIT_CD Org Unit Code
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ID Obsolete - As part of Enh bug #2228910
S_CHG_METHOD_TYPE Charge method type for this assessment item
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
DESCRIPTION Description of the charge
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Process Column
ERROR_STRING Error string that is generated by Build accounts process when it fails to generate account code.It also contains the concatenated segments of the account
ERROR_ACCOUNT Error Account Flag.Default value is 'N'
LOCATION_CD The location to which the transaction belongs
UOO_ID The unit offering option to which the student is enrolled
GL_DATE General Ledger Date of the Charge Record.
GL_POSTED_DATE The Date on which the charge record is posted to the interface.
CHG_ELEMENTS Charge elements used if this is not an enrollment based charge.
POSTING_CONTROL_ID The Posting Batch Identifier.
UNIT_TYPE_ID Unit Program Type Level Identifier
AMOUNT Charge Amount
UNIT_CD Unit Code - Obsolete column
UNIT_VERSION_NUMBER Unit Version Number - Obsolete column
Student System - IGS_FI_INVPAY_INT_ALL This interface table stores invoice payments data generated by an accounts.
Column Name Descritpion
INVOICE_PAYMENT_ID Invoice Payment Identifier uniqely identifies an Invoice Payment
AMOUNT_PAID Amount of payment
STATUS Initial Value should be 'TODO', Other values are 'LOAD', 'TRANSFER', 'SUCCESS', 'ERROR'
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
INVOICE_ID Invoice Identifier
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Payment Schedule Identifier
TERM_ID Term Identifier used to create the payment schedule
TERM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Term sequence number given to each installment for multiple payment terms
PAY_DUE_DATE Payment due by Date
AMOUNT_DUE Student portion of amount due by the due date
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifies the payment receipt
Student System - IGS_FI_INV_INT_ALL This interface table stores invoice data generated by invoice process.
Column Name Descritpion
INVOICE_ID Invoice Identifier
INVOICE_AMOUNT_DUE Invoice or Transaction Amount
INVOICE_DESC Invoice Description
CURRENCY_CD Currency Code
ACCOUNT_ID Oracle Student System Account Identifier - No longer used
TERM_ID Oracle Student System Payment Term Identifier - No longer used
STATUS Initial Value should be 'LOAD', Other values are 'TODO', 'TRANSFER', 'SUCCESS', 'ERROR'
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
PERSON_ID Student identifier
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier.
MERCHANT_ID Merchant ID - No longer used
SPONSOR_CD OBSOLETE (Sponsor Code if student is sponsored )- Obsolete
CREDIT_CARD_CODE Represent Type of Credit Card - No longer used
CREDIT_CARD_HOLDER_NAME Credit Card Holder Name - No longer used
CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE Credit card expiration date - No longer used
CREDIT_CARD_APPROVAL_CODE Authorization Code - No longer used
CREDIT_CARD_APPROVAL_DATE Date of Approval - No longer used
PAYMENT_SERVER_ORDER_NUMBER Payment Server Order Number - No longer used
PAYMENT_SERVER_TXN_DATE Payment Server Taxation Date - No longer used
PAYMENT_SERVER_TXN_STATUS Payment Server Taxation Status - No longer used
PAYMENT_SERVER_ERROR_CODE Payment Server Error Code - No longer used
PAYMENT_SERVER_ERROR_MSG Payment Server Error Message - No longer used
BEP_ERROR_CODE Error Code - No longer used
BEP_ERROR_MSG Error Message - No longer used
ERROR_LOCATION Error Location - No longer used
AUTHORIZED_AMOUNT Authorized Amount - No longer used
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Receipt Method Identifier - No longer used
RECEIPT_METHOD_NAME Receipt Method Name - No longer used
CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Bank Account Identifier of the customer - No longer used
CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME Customer Bank Account Name - No longer used
PROCESSED_IN_SSA Processed in SSA - No longer used
PAYMENT_METHOD Payment Method - No longer used
PAYMENT_STATUS Payment Status - No longer used
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SUBACCOUNT_ID OBSOLETE. Sub Account ID that this transaction belongs to
INVOICE_AMOUNT Invoice Transaction Amount
BILL_ID Bill Id that this transaction included in
FEE_CAT Fee Category
WAIVER_FLAG Waiver Flag - if this Transaction is waived
WAIVER_REASON Waiver Reason - if this Transaction is waived
EFFECTIVE_DATE Effective Date of this Charge Transaction
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange Rate for the Transaction , used is the transaction is not in local currency.
BILL_PAYMENT_DUE_DATE This field would be updated by the Bill Process
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ID Obsolete - As part of Enh bug #2228910
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO
FEE_CAL_TYPE Fee Calendar Type
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program WHO
OPTIONAL_FEE_FLAG Decline Optional Fee Status
REVERSAL_GL_DATE The General Ledger Date for the Reversed Charge Record.
TAX_YEAR_CODE Indicates the 1098-T Reporting Tax Year, in which the charge is reported to the Internal Revenue Services
WAIVER_NAME Indicates the Waiver Program Name attached to fee calendar instance for which waiver adjustment charge was created.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Fee Calendar Instance Sequence Number
COURSE_CD Program Code
Student System - IGS_FI_PER_PAY_SCHD_ALL This entity describes the payment schedules for a person in relation to payment of fee assessments for a fee category fee liabilibity.
Column Name Descritpion
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
FEE_TYPE This field describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category FEE.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the payment schedule.
FEE_CAT This field describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
COURSE_CD A unique program code .
PAYMENT_DUE_DT This field indicates the date upon which payment of the liability is due.
PAYMENT_AMOUNT_DUE This field indicates the assessment amount for the liability prior to discounts being applied. The expected payment field indicates how much the institution expects to receive from the student once any discounts have been applied. Example
SPONSORED_AMOUNT OBSOLETE (A value will only display in this field if the student is sponsored for the liability. The value displayed indicates the amount of the liability that is sponsored )- Obsolete
SPONSOR_CD OBSOLETE (This field describes the code which uniquely identifies the student fee sponsor) - Obsolete
DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE This field contains the percentage discount applicable to payments made against the liability as specified.
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT This field contains the discount amount applicable to payments made against the liability as specified.
DISCOUNT_MIN_PAYMENT This field contains the minimum payment from which a discount may be given. Note, payment may also be the result of cumulative partial payments.
CURRENCY_CD This field describes the available types of currency codes in which payments may be made.
MANUAL_ENTRY_IND An indicator which specifies whether the fee assessment was a manual or system calculated assessment. A ticked checkbox signifies that the assessment was manual.
NOTIFICATION_DT This field describes the date the debtor was notified regarding the fee assessment.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT This field describes whether or not the person payment schedule record has been logically deleted.
COMMENTS This field describes any special notes about the person payment schedule.
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record .
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
Student System - IGS_FI_PER_PAY_SC_H_ALL This entity describes the history of changes to a person payment schedule.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the payment schedule.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
COURSE_CD Unique program code
PAYMENT_DUE_DT Describes the date the payment amount is due for the person.
PAYMENT_AMOUNT_DUE Describes the payment amount due for the person.
SPONSORED_AMOUNT OBSOLETE (Contains the sponsored portion of the payment amount due for the person. It is only used when the fee is being sponsored. )- Obsolete
SPONSOR_CD OBSOLETE (Describes the code that uniquely identifies the student fee sponsor.) - Obsolete
DISCOUNT_PERCENTAGE Contains the percentage of discount applicable to payments made against the fee charge according to the payment schedule.
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Contains the amount of discount applicable to payments made against the fee charge according to the payment schedule.
DISCOUNT_MIN_PAYMENT Contains the minimum payment from that a discount might be given. Note, payment might also be the result of cumulative partial payments.
CURRENCY_CD Describes the available types of currency codes in that payments may be made.
MANUAL_ENTRY_IND Describes whether or not the person payment schedule is a new manual entry or a modified entry.
NOTIFICATION_DT Describes the date the debtor was notified regarding the fee assessment.
COMMENTS Describes any special notes about the person payment schedule.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_STDNT_FEE_SPN_ALL OBSOLETE (This entity describes the system student fee sponsors )- Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
SPONSOR_CD Contains the code that uniquely identifies the student fee sponsor.
START_DT Date from that the organizational unit is effective. The organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date.
PAYMENT_ADVICE_NUMBER Contains the payment advice number to be used by a sponsor when making payments to a bank. It enables matching the payment back to the sponsor.
COMMENTS Provides any comments about the student fee sponsor.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SPONSOR_TYPE Describes the institution-defined student fee sponsor types. For example, corporation, government or public body, charity organization, individual, aou.
SPONSOR_STATUS Describes the institution-defined status assigned to a sponsor. For example, active, planned, cancelled.
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
ORG_UNIT_CD Code for the organizational unit. An organizational unit is uniquely identified by the combination of its code and start date. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution or organization. Common organizational units in terti
Student System - IGS_FI_TERM_INT_ALL This interface table stores third party payment term definitions.
Column Name Descritpion
TERM_ID Payment term identifier
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
EXT_TERM_ID External payment term identifier
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
EXT_TERM_NAME External payment term name identifier
EXT_TERM_DESC External payment term description identifier
EXT_START_DATE_ACTIVE Active start date for payment term
EXT_END_DATE_ACTIVE Active end date for payment term
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column.
Student System - IGS_FI_UNIT_FEE_TR_H_ALL This entity describes the history of changes to a unit/unit offering option fee trigger.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the unit fee trigger.
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO Updated by person at the time of the history.
VERSION_NUMBER Version number is used to uniquely identify each version of a unit.
CAL_TYPE Calendar type in that the unit is offered.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier for the calendar instance.
LOCATION_CD Institution-defined location code, typically of a campus, at that a unit offering option is offered.
UNIT_CLASS Institution-defined code that identifies a unit class.
CREATE_DT Contains the data and time the unit fee trigger was created.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee.
FEE_TRIGGER_GROUP_NUMBER Describes the number that uniquely identifies the fee trigger group.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type might be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used.
UNIT_CD Code used to identify the unit.
Student System - IGS_FI_ANC_RT_SGMNTS This entity stores the segments which act as the column headings for the ancillary attributes.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE This field describes the fee types used for the purpose ofapplying fees and charges.
FEE_CAL_TYPE The code of a Fee calendar type which defines the period of time in which the fee type will operate.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTES The columns denote the Ancillary attribute column names where the segments are stored. Eg "ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE1 to "ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE15"
ANCILLARY_SEGMENTS The labels for the Ancillary Attributes.These act as the prompts for the ancillary attributes.
ENABLED_FLAG Denotes if the segments are enabled or not
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
ANC_RATE_SEGMENT_ID The Unique Rate Segment Identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_FI_ANC_RATES This entity stores the rate defined for the combination of the ancillary attributes.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE This field describes the fee types used for the purpose ofapplying fees and charges.
ANCILLARY_CHG_RATE The Ancillary Charge Rate for the combination of the Attributes.
ENABLED_FLAG Denotes if the ancillary rates are enabled or not.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
FEE_CAL_TYPE The code of a Fee calendar type which defines the period of time in which the fee type will operate.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE1 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE2 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE3 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE4 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE5 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_RATE_ID The unique Ancillary Rate ID for each combination of ancillary attributes.
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE6 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE7 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE8 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE9 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE10 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE11 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE12 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE13 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE14 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE15 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
Student System - IGS_FI_IMP_CHGS_ALL This entity stores the header details for the charges lines (External and Ancillary) which are imported from the Interface tables.
Column Name Descritpion
IMPORT_CHARGES_ID The unique ID which denotes the Charges Imported.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID A unique identification number, used to identify a particular person.
FEE_TYPE This field describes the fee types used for the purpose ofapplying fees and charges.
FEE_CAL_TYPE The code of a Fee calendar type which defines the period of time in which the fee type will operate.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
TRANSACTION_TYPE Indicates the type of transaction . Here Ancillary
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
Student System - IGS_FI_ANC_INT_ALL The interface table for the Ancillary attributes for the students.
Column Name Descritpion
ANCILLARY_INT_ID The unique identifier which distinguishes the interface records.
OVERRIDE_DR_REC_CCID Receivables Account Flex Field (Code Combination ID) . Used if Oracle Receivables is installed.This column is OBSOLETE
OVERRIDE_CR_REV_ACCOUNT_CD Revenue Account Code. Used if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not Installed.This column is OBSOLETE
OVERRIDE_CR_REV_CCID Revenue Account Flex Field (Code Combination ID) . Used if Oracle Receivables is installed.This column is OBSOLETE.
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE1 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE2 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE3 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE4 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE5 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE6 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE7 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
PERSON_ID A unique identification number, used to identify a particular person.
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE8 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE9 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE10 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE11 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE12 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE13 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE14 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE15 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
PERSON_ID_TYPE The Alternate Person ID Type used to classify the Alternate person ID
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
API_PERSON_ID Alternate identification for a Person .
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
STATUS Holds the status of the record. The different statuses are 'TODO' , 'ERROR' , 'SUCCESS'
EFFECTIVE_DT The date from which the charges are effective.
TRANSACTION_DT The Date of the transaction - OBSOLETE.
ERROR_MSG Holds the error message if Ancillary Charge calculation failed.
VALIDATION_FLAG This denotes whether the data elements entered are validated or not. The valid values are 'Y' and 'N'. If 'Y' they are not validated again in the process for importing the attributes
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
FEE_TYPE This field describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
FEE_CAL_TYPE The code of a Fee calendar type which defines the period of time in which the fee type will operate.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
OVERRIDE_DR_REC_ACCOUNT_CD Receivables Account Code. Used if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not Installed.This column is OBSOLETE
Student System - IGS_FI_IMPCHGS_LINES This entity stores the lines for the charges (External and Ancillary) which are imported from the Interface tables.
Column Name Descritpion
IMPCHG_LINES_ID The sequence generated unique identifier for each import charge lines.
COMMENTS Free Flow text for user comments about the charges
OVERRIDE_DR_REC_ACCOUNT_CD Receivables Account Code. Used if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not Installed. This column is OBSOLETE.
OVERRIDE_DR_REC_CCID Receivables Account Flex Field (Code Combination ID) . Used if Oracle Receivables is installed. This column is OBSOLETE.
OVERRIDE_CR_REV_ACCOUNT_CD Revenue Account Code. Used if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not Installed. This column is OBSOLETE.
OVERRIDE_CR_REV_CCID Revenue Account Flex Field (Code Combination ID) . Used if Oracle Receivables is installed. This column is OBSOLETE.
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE1 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE2 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE3 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE4 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE5 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
IMPORT_CHARGES_ID This corresponds to the ID for the Imported charges
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE6 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE7 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE8 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE9 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE10 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE11 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE12 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE13 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE14 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
ANCILLARY_ATTRIBUTE15 Ancillary Attributes for the Student
TRANSACTION_DT The date of the transaction
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
EFFECTIVE_DT The date from which the charge is effective
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
TRANSACTION_AMOUNT The calculated ancillary charge
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
EXT_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
CURRENCY_CD The Currency code in which the external charges are entered.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
EXT_ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield Attribute. This column is OBSOLETE.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Manager WHO Columns
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
EXCHANGE_RATE The Exchange Rate for the Currency Code.
CHG_RATE The Charge rate entered for the External Charge - Obsolete.
CHG_ELEMENTS The number of elements for which the charge is calculated. - Obsolete.
Student System - IGS_FI_F_CAT_CAL_REL No longer used
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Student Identifier
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program in which the student is enrolled.
VERSION_NUMBER Version Number of the program
FEE_CAL_TYPE Code of a fee calendar type that defines the time period
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
FEE_CAT_CAL_REL_ID The unique identifier for the fee category and fee calendar relationship.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_OTC_CHARGES Contains information on the charges (of type external) that are created at the time of receipt creation. Provides a repository of all charges that are tied to the receipt, if any, that were created when the student pays over the counter.
Column Name Descritpion
OTC_CHARGE_ID OTC receipt charge id
INVOICE_ID Charge id or Invoice id
CREDIT_ID Credit id
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
Student System - IGS_FI_SA_LOCKBOXES No longer used.
Column Name Descritpion
LOCKBOX_SUBACCOUNT_ID Sequence Generated Number - Primary Key for the table
SUBACCOUNT_ID OBSOLETE. Subaccount to which this lockbox number is attached - foreign key
RECEIPT_LOCKBOX_NUMBER Receipt lockbox number
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
Student System - IGS_FI_CRD_INT_ALL No longer used.
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_INT_ID Credit int Id
ORG_ID Multi-Org Id
MERCHANT_ID Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_CODE Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_NUMBER Credit Identifier
CREDIT_CARD_HOLDER_NAME Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_APPROVAL_CODE Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column.
PARTY_ID Party Identifier
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column.
GL_DATE The General Ledger Date of the Credit Interface record.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
AMOUNT Credit Amount
CURRENCY_CD Currency Code
Student System - IGS_FI_POSTING_INT_ALL This table contains transactions information collated from three source transaction tables - IGS_FI_CR_ACTIVITIES, IGS_FI_INVLN_INT_ALL and IGS_FI_APPLICATIONS for posting purposes. The information captured here is an interim step to create
Column Name Descritpion
POSTING_ID Sequence Generated Number - Primary Key for the table
AMOUNT Amount of the posting transaction.
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ID The unique identifier of the source transaction. The valid values are CREDIT, CHARGE or APPLICATION
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_TYPE This field identifies the transaction type of the posting transaction. The valid values are CREDIT, CHARGE, APPLICATION, APPLFEE
STATUS To be used to indicate that the record is successfully moved to Oracle AR or Other External AR System.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
BATCH_NAME The Posting Batch Identifier - Can be used to locate a particular posting batch for subsequent processing
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
ORG_ID Multi-Org Id
ORIG_APPL_FEE_REF Stores a string for admission application fee reference when the source transaction type is 'Application Fee'
POSTING_CONTROL_ID The Posting Batch Identifier.
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction Date of the posting transaction
CURRENCY_CD Currency Code
DR_ACCOUNT_CD Debit Account String. Populated if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not installed.
CR_ACCOUNT_CD Credit Account String. Populated if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not installed.
DR_GL_CODE_CCID Debit GL Account Flexfield CCID. Populated if Oracle Accounts Receivables is installed.
CR_GL_CODE_CCID Credit GL Account Flexfield CCID. Populated if Oracle Accounts Receivables is installed.
Student System - IGS_FI_BALANCES This table contains balance amount for a party in the context of an Account.
Column Name Descritpion
BALANCE_ID Sequence Generated Number - Primary Key for this table
STANDARD_BALANCE_RULE_ID Balance Rule Id for the Standard Balance that this Balance Process Used for deriving the balance amounts - OBSOLETE(2364505)
FEE_BALANCE_RULE_ID Balance Rule Id for the Fee Balance that this Balance Process Used for deriving the balance amounts
HOLDS_BALANCE_RULE_ID Balance Rule Id for the Holds Balance that this Balance Process Used for deriving the balance amounts
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
PARTY_ID Party ID - Person for which balance is being calculated
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
SUBACCOUNT_ID OBSOLETE. Sub Account ID that this balance belongs to
STANDARD_BALANCE Balance Amount for Standard Balance
FEE_BALANCE Balance Amount for Fee Balance
HOLDS_BALANCE Balance Amount for Holds Balance
BALANCE_DATE Balance calculation date
Student System - IGS_FI_BAL_EX_C_TYPS This table captures information of Credit Types that need to be ignored for Balance Calculation.
Column Name Descritpion
BAL_EXC_CREDIT_TYPE_ID Sequence Generated Number - Primary Key for this table
CREDIT_TYPE_ID Credit Type ID that needs to be excluded
ENABLED_FLAG Enabled Flag - Obsolete
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_BAL_EX_SACCTS This table captures information of Sub Accounts that need to be ignored for Balance Calculation.
Column Name Descritpion
BAL_EXC_SUBACCT_ID Sequence Generated Number - Primary key for the table
BALANCE_RULE_ID Balance Rule Id - Parent ID - FK
SUBACCOUNT_ID Sub Account ID that would be excluded for the Balance Calculation
ENABLED_FLAG Enabled Flag - Obsolete
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_BAL_EX_F_TYPS This table captures information of Fee Types that need to be ignored for Balance Calculation
Column Name Descritpion
BAL_EXC_FEE_TYPE_ID Sequence Generated Number - Primary Key for this table
ENABLED_FLAG Enabled Flag - Obsolete
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_BALANCE_RULES This table contains Balance Rules definition for five system level balances - STANDARD, FEE, HOLDS, INSTALLMENT and OTHER. The rules defined for each are for exclusion purposes.
Column Name Descritpion
BALANCE_RULE_ID Sequence Generated Number - Primary Key for this table
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
LAST_CONVERSION_DATE Describes the earliest date from which the holds balance was updated using this rule
VERSION_NUMBER Version Number of the Rule Definition
Student System - IGS_FI_APPLICATIONS Contains application information about credits and charges transaction that are applied.
Column Name Descritpion
APPLICATION_ID Primary key of the table
CR_ACCOUNT_CD Credit Account String
DR_GL_CODE_CCID Debit GL Account Flexfield CCID
CR_GL_CODE_CCID Credit GL Account Flexfield CCID
APPL_HIERARCHY_ID Application Hierarchy Id that the application uses if applicable
POSTING_ID Posting Id if the transaction is posted
GL_DATE The General Ledger Date of the Application or Unapplication record.
GL_POSTED_DATE The date on which the Application or Unapplication record is posted to the interface.
POSTING_CONTROL_ID The Posting Batch Identifier.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
APPLICATION_TYPE Field for application source type
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program Who Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program Who Column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program Who Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program Who Column
INVOICE_ID Invoice id of the charge that is being applied
CREDIT_ID Credit Id that is being applied
CREDIT_ACTIVITY_ID Credit Activity id for Credit Id
AMOUNT_APPLIED Applied amount
APPLY_DATE Apply date for the transaction
LINK_APPLICATION_ID Link Application Id , required for Credit Reversal Un-application process
DR_ACCOUNT_CD Debit Account String
Student System - IGS_FI_P_SA_NOTES Contains any textual notes for a sub account and a person context. This tracks the notes with an effective date.
Column Name Descritpion
PARTY_SA_NOTES_ID Sequence generated number - Primary Key of the table
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
PARTY_ID Party ID - Person identifier for which notes being entered
SUBACCOUNT_ID OBSOLETE. Sub Account ID that this note belongs to
EFFECTIVE_DATE Effective date for the note
REFERENCE_NUMBER Reference number link to derive text for the note
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_PARTY_SUBACTS Captures information that are specific to a person and sub account relationship. This table contains holds threshold amount , holds waiver flag etc. that are pertinent to the party and sub account context.
Column Name Descritpion
PARTY_SUBACCOUNT_ID Sequence Generated Number - Primary Key for this table
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
SUBACCOUNT_ID Sub Account that this association is made to
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
PARTY_ID Party (Person etc) Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Obsolete- This field captures the Fee Calendar Type
CLOSED_IND Closed Indicator
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Obsolete- This field captures the Fee Calendar Instance
INCLUDE_IN_BILL_FLAG Include in Bill flag
HOLDS_THRESHOLD_AMOUNT Obsolete - The Holds Threshold Amount
HOLDS_WAIVER_FLAG Obsolete-The Holds waiver flag.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
Student System - IGS_FI_SUBACCTS_ALL Stores information about each defined sub account. Each row contains information for a specific sub account, including name, description, receivables, revenue, cash and unapplied account details and receipt lockbox numbers that are assigned
Column Name Descritpion
SUBACCOUNT_ID Sequence Generated number - Primary Key for this table
REC_ACCOUNT_CD Receivable Account Code - String
REV_ACCOUNT_CD Revenue Account Code - String
CASH_ACCOUNT_CD Cash Account Code - String
UNAPP_ACCOUNT_CD Unapplied Account Code - String
HOLDS_THRESHOLD_AMOUNT Obsolete - The Holds Threshold Amount
HOLDS_WAIVER_FLAG Obsolete- The Holds waiver flag.
ORG_ID Multi Org Operating Unit
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
SUBACCOUNT_NAME Name of the Sub Account
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
REC_GL_CCID Receivables GL Account Flexfield CCID
REV_GL_CCID Revenue GL Account Flexfield CCID
CASH_GL_CCID Cash GL Account Flexfield CCID
UNAPP_GL_CCID Unapplied GL Account Flexfield CCID
Student System - IGS_FI_APP_RULES Contains information about each Application Rules associated to an Application Hierarchy that you define. The information captured here are Fee Types and sequence in which these Fee Types would be selected for application purposes.
Column Name Descritpion
APPL_RULE_ID Sequence generated number - Primary Key for this table
APPL_HIERARCHY_ID Application Hierarchy identifier
RULE_SEQUENCE Hierarchy sequence - lower the number , higher the hierarchy level
FEE_TYPE Fee Type Name
ENABLED_FLAG Default is 'Y', Enable/Disable a fee type from the rule
RULE_TYPE Denotes whether the Fee Type defined as an Application Hierarchy rule is of type "Allowable" or "Additional Authorized".
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_CR_TYPES_ALL Stores information about the 'credit type' of a credit transaction. The credit type provides the debit and credit account information to a credit transaction along with some other information like credit class etc.
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_TYPE_ID Sequence generated Credit Type ID - Primary Key
REFUND_ALLOWED Refund Allowable Flag
ORG_ID Multi Org Operating Unit
SUBACCOUNT_ID OBSOLETE. Sub Account that this credit type belongs to
PAYMENT_PRIORITY Payment Priority - Future use in FAM
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
CREDIT_TYPE_NAME Name of the Credit Type
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
TITLE4_TYPE_IND Denotes if the Credit type is of Title IV type.
PAYMENT_CREDIT_TYPE_ID Payment Credit Type Identifier.
FORFEITURE_GL_CCID Forfeiture GL Flexfield Account.
FORFEITURE_ACCOUNT_CD Forfeiture Account Code String.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
CREDIT_CLASS Lookup Code - System Level - Payment etc.
APPL_HIERARCHY_ID Application Hierarchy Identifier
DR_ACCOUNT_CD Debit Account String
CR_ACCOUNT_CD Credit Account String
DR_GL_CCID Debit Account Flexfield CCID
CR_GL_CCID Credit Account Flexfield CCID
Student System - IGS_FI_A_HIERARCHIES Captures application hierarchies setup information from the Define Application Hierarchy form along with information about the credit type associated with this hierarchy.
Column Name Descritpion
APPL_HIERARCHY_ID Primary Key - Sequence generated Application Hierarchy ID
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
VERSION_NUMBER Version Number for this Hierarchy
DESCRIPTION Description of the Application Hierarchy
Student System - IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL This table contains information about all credit or payment transactions and is the central repository for all credits and payments related information in Student Finance.
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_ID Sequence generated number to uniquely identify a credit transaction
CURRENCY_CD This will always be local currency
EFFECTIVE_DATE Effective Date for this Credit Transaction
REVERSAL_DATE The date this transaction is reversed.
REVERSAL_COMMENTS Textual comments
BALANCE_FLAG Default N, This flag would be used by the balance process to filter transactions.
ORG_ID Multi-Org operating units
UNAPPLIED_AMOUNT The portion of the credit amount that remains to be applied to any open debit item.
CREDIT_NUMBER User Defined Credit Transaction Identifier
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ID This field would be used to capture source transaction id when any credit transaction is created from other system viz. AR LockBox etc.
SUBACCOUNT_ID No longer used.
RECEIPT_LOCKBOX_NUMBER User defined Lockbox Name.
MERCHANT_ID Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_CODE Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_HOLDER_NAME Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRATION_DATE Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
CREDIT_CARD_APPROVAL_CODE Credit Card (CC) Transaction related fields.
STATUS Status of the transaction - CLEARED and RESERVED. Would be controlled by a lookup type.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column.
CREDIT_SOURCE This is to identify a source , e.g. PELL, PERKIN, INDIVIDUAL etc - User defined Lookups
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column.
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column.
AWD_YR_CAL_TYPE The Calendar Type for the Award Year
AWD_YR_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The Calendar Instance for the Award Year
FEE_CAL_TYPE The Calendar Type for the Fee Period
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The Calendar Instance for the Fee Period
PARTY_ID Beneficiary of the credit transaction
GL_DATE The General Ledger Date of the Credit Record.
CHECK_NUMBER Check Number of the Receipt Transaction. This is applicable only if the credit instrument of the receipt is 'Check'.
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_TYPE Source Transaction Type of the receipt. This will signify the classification of source transaction reference.
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_REF Source Transaction Reference Number.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO Column.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column.
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO Column.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Process Column
LOCKBOX_INTERFACE_ID The Unique Lockbox Interface Identifier.
CREDIT_TYPE_ID The credit type that this credit transaction uses to derive accounting
BATCH_NAME The Lockbox batch name.
DEPOSIT_DATE The Bank Supplied Lockbox Deposit Date.
CREDIT_CARD_STATUS_CODE Status of the Credit Card Transaction.
CREDIT_CARD_TANGIBLE_CD Credit Card Tangible Code, used to identify a credit card transaction.
SOURCE_INVOICE_ID Invoice Identifier for the Source Charge transaction
TAX_YEAR_CODE Indicates the 1098-T Reporting Tax Year, in which the credit is reported to the Internal Revenue Services
WAIVER_NAME Indicates the Waiver Program Name attached to fee calendar instance for which the person has received waiver credit.
DESCRIPTION Description of the credit transaction
AMOUNT Credit Amount
Student System - IGS_FI_F_TYPE_ACCTS_ALL This table holds the revenue account segment values for a fee type calendar instance
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_TYPE_ACCOUNT_ID Sequence generated primary key column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_TYPE Fee type
FEE_CAL_TYPE Fee calendar type
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Fee calendar instance identifier.
SEGMENT GL accounting flex field segment name
SEGMENT_NUM GL accounting flex field segment number
SEGMENT_VALUE GL accounting flexfield segment value
ORG_ID The Operating Unit Identifier.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_HIER_ACCT_TBL This table captures the entities and their respective orders in the account hierarchy defined in the table
Column Name Descritpion
ACCT_TBL_ID Sequence generated primary key column of the table
ACCT_HIER_ID The Account Hierarchy Identifier.
ORDER_SEQUENCE Sequence number order of the hierarchy
ENTITY_TYPE_CODE Entity type code
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_SA_SEGMENTS_ALL This table captures the entities and their respective orders in the account hierarchy defined in the table
Column Name Descritpion
SUBACCOUNT_SEGMENT_ID Sequence generated primary key column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SEGMENT GL Accounting flex field segment name
SEGMENT_NUM GL accounting flex field segment number
SEGMENT_VALUE GL accounting flexfield segment value
ORG_ID Multi org unit operating ID
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_BILL_ADDR This table describes the relation that records the different addressing details for the Bill.
Column Name Descritpion
BILL_ADDR_ID Bill Address Identifier. A sequence generated number to record the Primary Key.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
BILL_ID Reference Bill ID for which the Address details are being recorded.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
ADDR_TYPE Whether the address Type is 'Remittance' or 'Bill To'. Values('R' , 'B')
ADDR_LINE_1 Address Line 1
ADDR_LINE_2 Address Line 2
ADDR_LINE_3 Address Line 3
ADDR_LINE_4 Address Line 4
Student System - IGS_FI_BILL_ALL IGS_FI_BILL_ALL is the relation where the Billing Header information is recorded. Here the Bill Numbers are generated and Bill header details such as Bill Date, Due Date, Billed Person, Sub Account and Balances are recorded.
Column Name Descritpion
BILL_ID A Sequence Generated Number that records the Primary Key
CUT_OFF_DATE The Cut Off Date till which the transactions were included in the Bill.
CLOSING_BALANCE The Closing Balance for the Bill.
PRINTED_FLAG Denotes whether the Bill has been printed and can have values ('Y','N') For Site Specific use. Default value is 'N'
PRINT_DATE The date on which the Bill was printed.
TO_PAY_AMOUNT Specifies the amount due for the particular bill, calculated using the planned credits for the person.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
ORG_ID The Org ID Column for Multi Org functionality
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
BILL_NUMBER Bill number that the charge belongs to. Will be Sequence Generated and the same as Bill ID. Can be used if there is a requirement of Bill Number format being specified by the customer.
BILL_DATE The date on which the Bill has been generated.
DUE_DATE The date on which the payments against the Bill is due.
PERSON_ID The Person being Billed
SUBACCOUNT_ID OBSOLETE. The Sub Account for which the Bill is being generated.
BILL_FROM_DATE The date from which the charges are included for Billing
OPENING_BALANCE The Opening Balance for the Bill
Student System - IGS_FI_BILL_TRNSCTNS IGS_FI_TRNSCTNS is the relation where the transactions recorded against a Bill are stored. This relation has a mapping to the Bill Header table as it stores the detail information against the header records. The transaction recorded in this
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSACTION_ID Transaction Identifier. Sequence generated number acts a Primary Key.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Request WHO Column
BILL_ID Reference Bill ID for which the transactions details are being recorded.
TRANSACTION_TYPE Identified whether it is a Charge or Credit transaction. Charge is represented by 'D' and Credit by 'C'
INVOICE_CREDITACT_ID The referenced ID for the transaction from the Charges table or Credit Activities table.
TRANSACTION_DATE The Date of the transaction. Will be effective date for a Credit and the transaction date for a Charge.
TRANSACTION_NUMBER The transaction number from the Charges or Credits table.
FEE_CREDIT_TYPE The Type of a Charge or Credit.
TRANSACTION_DESCRIPTION The Description of the Charge of Credit
TRANSACTION_AMOUNT The amount of the Transaction (charge or credit)
Student System - IGS_FI_CR_ACTIVITIES Contains steps for the life cycle of credit transactions. This captures one record in this table when a new credit transaction is created in IGS_FI_CREDITS_ALL table with STATUS 'CLEARED'.
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_ACTIVITY_ID Sequence generated Primary Key for this table
BILL_ID Bill Id if this transaction is placed in any Bill
BILL_NUMBER Bill Number String
POSTING_ID Posting ID - If this transaction is posted in posting interface table
GL_DATE The General Ledger Date of the Credit Activity Record.
GL_POSTED_DATE The Date on which the credit activity record is posted to the interface.
POSTING_CONTROL_ID The Posting Batch Identifier.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
CREDIT_ID Header ID for this Child table
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Process Column
STATUS Status - CLEARED or REVERSED - System level Lookup Code
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction date of the activity
AMOUNT Amount of the activity
DR_ACCOUNT_CD Debit Account String
CR_ACCOUNT_CD Credit Account String
DR_GL_CCID Debit GL Accounting Flexfield CCID
CR_GL_CCID Credit GL Account Flexfield CCID
Student System - IGS_FI_CONTROL_ALL This table stores a flag to indicate if Oracle Accounts Receivables is installed or not.
Column Name Descritpion
REC_INSTALLED Flag to indicate if accounts receivables is installed
INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT This would point to DFF Set up in AR - Obsolete
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE This would point to DFF Set up in AR - Obsolete
BATCH_SOURCE_ID Batch Source Name for AR Defaults - Obsolete
CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID Transaction Type Id for AR Defaults - Obsolete
TERM_ID Payment Term ID For AR Defaults - Obsolete
LOCKBOX_CONTEXT No longer used.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID General ledger set of books id.
LAST_ACCOUNT_TRANS Obsoleted- Date & Time of the last accounts transfer from accounts receivables
ORG_ID Multi Organisation Identifier
FEE_CALC_MTHD_CODE The Fee Calculation Method to be used.
PRG_CHG_DT_ALIAS No longer used
AR_INT_ORG_ID No longer used.
REFUND_DR_GL_CCID General ledger account code combination identifier
REFUND_CR_GL_CCID General ledger account code combination identifier
REFUND_DT_ALIAS Date alias for refunds Add drop period
PLANNED_CREDITS_IND Suggests if the Student Finance sub system should consider planned credits for the transactions.
CONV_PROCESS_RUN_IND Identifies if the Holds Balance Conversion Process is running
REC_GL_CCID Receivables Account Code Combination identifier
CASH_GL_CCID Cash Account Code Combination identifier
UNAPP_GL_CCID Unapplied Account Code Combination identifier
REC_ACCOUNT_CD Receivables Account Code String
REV_ACCOUNT_CD Revenue Account Code String
LAST_PAY_TERM_TRANS Obsoleted-Date & Time of the last payment terms transfer from accounts receivables
CASH_ACCOUNT_CD Cash Account Code String
UNAPP_ACCOUNT_CD Unapplied Account Code String
CURRENCY_CD The functional currency code for the system.
RFND_DESTINATION Column for storing the Refund Destination.
AP_ORG_ID Organization Identifier for the Payables Operating Unit.
DFLT_SUPPLIER_SITE_NAME Default Supplier Site Name used for creation of supplier site.
MANAGE_ACCOUNTS This column indicates the decision for the management of Accounts. The valid values are Student Finance and Other.
ACCT_CONV_FLAG Flag for Account conversion process.
RES_DT_ALIAS No longer used.
POST_WAIVER_GL_FLAG Flag to identify if waiver credit transaction needs to be posted to General Ledger for a Cash base Accounting
WAIVER_NOTIFY_FINAID_FLAG Flag to indicate if waiver transaction for the student should be reported to Financial Aid
LAST_PAYMENT_TRANS Obsoleted-Date & Time of the last student payments transfer from accounts receivables
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_HIER_ACCOUNTS This table stores information of User Defined Account Hierarchy
Column Name Descritpion
ACCT_HIER_ID Sequence generated number.Primary key column of the table
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
NAME Name of the hierarchy
DESCRIPTION Description of the hierarchy
DEFAULT_FLAG The flag that indicates whether this hierarchy could be used as default to assign later
ZERO_FILL_FLAG This flag indicates whether aero filling of the incomplete segments at this level is allowed or not
CLOSED_IND Closed indicator
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_FIN_LT_PLAN Contains the plans for Finance and Late fee Charges
Column Name Descritpion
PLAN_TYPE The type of plan, either a late fee plan or finance charge plan.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
DESCRIPTION Description of Finance Charge or Late Fee Plan
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CLOSED_IND Closed indicator
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
PAYMENT_PLAN_ACCRL_TYPE_CODE Payment Plan Accrual Type Code
PAYMENT_PLAN_CHG_RATE Payment Plan Charge Rate
PAYMENT_PLAN_FLAT_AMT Payment Plan Flat Amount
PAYMENT_PLAN_MAX_CHARGE_AMT Payment Plan Maximum Charge Amount
PAYMENT_PLAN_MIN_CHARGE_AMT Payment Plan Minimum Charge Amount
PAYMENT_PLAN_MINCHGAMT_NOCHG Payment Plan, if minimum amount then no charge
PAYMENT_PLAN_MIN_BALANCE_AMT Payment Plan Minimum Balance Amount
SUBACCOUNT_ID OBSOLETE. Sub Account ID to which the charge plan applies.
BALANCE_TYPE The balance type for which the plan is effective
FEE_TYPE This field defines accounting for the resulting Finance Charge or Late Fee amount that is added to the student account.
ACCRUAL_TYPE The accrual type for the plan, which suggests whether it is a rate or flat amount, based charge.
OFFSET_DAYS This field represents the number of days the outstanding balance remains unpaid.
PLAN_NAME Field to uniquely identify the name of the Finance Charge or Late Fee Plan.
CHG_RATE Interest Rate in Percentage
FLAT_AMOUNT Amount to be charged to the account if considered overdue.
MAX_CHARGE_AMOUNT Amount, if calculated finance charge or late fee rate application is below, charge account the minimum amount.
MIN_CHARGE_AMOUNT Amount, if calculated finance charge or late fee rate application is above, charge maximum amount.
MIN_CHARGE_AMOUNT_NO_CHARGE If calculated finance charge or late fee rate application is below, do not charge account.
MIN_BALANCE_AMOUNT Amount, if account balance is below this threshold, do not calculate late fee.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
Student System - IGS_FI_INV_WAV_DET Stores the waiver details of the charges present in the charges table
Column Name Descritpion
START_DT The starting date from which the waiver is applicable for a particular charge and balance type combination
END_DT The last date till which the waiver is applicable for a particular charge and balance type combination
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Process Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
INVOICE_ID Uniquely identifies a charge
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_HOLD_PLAN This table holds the details about a hold plan defined in student finance.
Column Name Descritpion
HOLD_PLAN_NAME The name of the Hold plan for which the definition is created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
FEE_TYPE The Fee Type for which the fee type level hold plan is defined.
PAYMENT_PLAN_THRESHOLD_AMT Payment Plan Threshold Amount
PAYMENT_PLAN_THRESHOLD_PCENT Payment Plan Threshold Percent
HOLD_PLAN_DESC The description of the Hold Plan
HOLD_PLAN_LEVEL This defines at what level the Hold Plan is being created. Will hold the value 'F' if Fee Type Level, 'S' if Sub Account
HOLD_TYPE The Hold type associated with the Hold Plan.
THRESHOLD_AMOUNT The Threshold amount defined for the Hold Plan. While applying or releasing Holds this amount is considered.
THRESHOLD_PERCENT The Threshold percentage defined for the Hold Plan. While applying or releasing Holds this percentage is considered. The threshold amount and threshold percentage are mutually exclusive.
CLOSED_IND This determines whether a particular hold plan is Closed or Not. (Active or Not)
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_FI_HOLD_PLN_LNS This table holds the data for the criteria defined for a particular hold plan.
Column Name Descritpion
HOLD_PLAN_LINE_ID The unique sequence number for each of e Hold plan definition criteria. Generated by a sequence. Note: This is required because we cannot derive a functional primary key for this table
HOLD_PLAN_NAME The name of the Hold plan for which the criteria is created.
FEE_TYPE The Fee Types for which the Hold plan is defined for, if the level is defined at Fee Type. Will be null if the Hold plan is defined at Sub Account level.
SUBACCOUNT_ID The Sub accounts for which the Hold plan is defined for if the level is defined at Sub Account Level. Will be null if the Hold plan is defined at Fee type level.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_FI_PERSON_HOLDS This table acts as an intermediate table that will be used by the release hold process to find out the holds placed on a person by student finance. The Apply Hold Process populates data into this table.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID The person identifier on whom the hold is placed.
FEE_CAL_TYPE The fee calendar for which the process of application of hold was run when the process was run for a fee type level hold plan. Will Not have any value if the Hold plan is sub account / student level.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The fee calendar instance for which the process of application of hold was run when the process was run for a fee type level hold plan. Will Not have any value if the Hold plan is sub account / student level.
FEE_TYPE_INVOICE_AMOUNT This stores the total charges incurred by the person as on the process_start_date when the hold application process was run.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Process Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Process Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
HOLD_PLAN_NAME The name of the Hold plan under which the particular hold type was created for the person.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
RELEASE_CREDIT_ID Release Credit Identifier
STUDENT_PLAN_ID Student Plan Identifier
LAST_INSTLMNT_DUE_DATE Last Installment Due Date
HOLD_TYPE The Hold type associated with the person.
HOLD_START_DT The date on which the Hold type is effective for the person.
PROCESS_START_DT The date on which the holds apply process was run (Functionally the batch cut off date)
PROCESS_END_DT The end date specified for the holds apply process (Functionally the payment due date)
OFFSET_DAYS The Offset Days (grace period) for which the Holds apply process was run.
BALANCE_AMOUNT No longer used
PAST_DUE_AMOUNT The amount due by the person as on the balance due date. (Along with the offset days)
Student System - IGS_FI_PARTY_SA Stores the mapping between the party id and the sub account id
Column Name Descritpion
PARTY_ID Unique Identifier for the Party
SUBACCOUNT_ID Unique Identifier for the Sub Account
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_FI_P_CUST_ACCT No longer used.
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Unique Identifier for the Customer Account Id
CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID Unique Identifier for the Customer Account Site Id
SITE_USE_ID Unique Identifier for the Customer Account Site Usage Id
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
PARTY_ID Unique Identifier for the party
REQUEST_ID Request Identifier of last Concurrent Program to update the record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application Identifier of last Concurrent Program to update the record.
PROGRAM_ID Program Identifier of last Concurrent Program to update the record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last Update Date of this record by a concurrent program.
Student System - IGS_FI_REFUNDS Stores all refund transactions which have been created due to excess unapplied credits.
Column Name Descritpion
VOUCHER_DATE Date on which voucher was created
REASON Mandatory if refunds transaction has been reversed.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
PAY_PERSON_ID Identifier for payee
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard Descriptive Flex Field Column.
GL_DATE The General Ledger Date of the Refund record.
REVERSAL_GL_DATE The General Ledger Date used for the Refund Voucher Reversal record.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent manager columns
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent manager columns
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent manager columns
DR_GL_CCID General ledger account code combination identifier
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent manager column
CR_GL_CCID General ledger account code combination identifier
DR_ACCOUNT_CD Account code
CR_ACCOUNT_CD Account code
REFUND_AMOUNT Refund amount,cannot be zero.
REFUND_ID Sequence generated primary key.
FEE_TYPE Fee type identifier
FEE_CAL_TYPE Fee calendar identifier
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER fee calendar instance identifier
PAYMENT_NUMBER Payment number - No longer used
PAYMENT_DATE Payment date - No longer used
PAYMENT_MODE Mode of payment i.e. CHECK or EFT - No longer used
SOURCE_REFUND_ID refund id of reversed charge
INVOICE_ID Invoice id of charge created for refund transaction
TRANSFER_STATUS Status field for interface processes for selecting records which have not been transferred to Refunds Interface.The default value is TODO.
REVERSAL_IND Mandatory if the refund transaction has been reversed.
Student System - IGS_FI_REFUND_SETUP Stores the tolerance limits for certain periods identified by start date and end date
Column Name Descritpion
START_DATE Start date of Tolerance limit
END_DATE End date of Tolerance limit
AMOUNT_HIGH Amount for upper limit
AMOUNT_LOW Amount for lower limit
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
REFUND_SETUP_ID Sequence generated primary key
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_REFUND_INT_ALL Interface table for transfer of refund data to a payables system.
Column Name Descritpion
VOUCHER_DATE Date on which the refund voucher is created.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
PERSON_ID A unique identification number, used to identify a particular person.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
PAY_PERSON_ID Identifier for payee of the refund voucher.
ORG_ID Unique Organisation identifier
GL_DATE The General Ledger Date of the Refund Interface record.
CREATED_BY Standard Who columns
CREATION_DATE Standard Who columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who columns
REQUEST_ID Concurrent manager columns
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent manager columns
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent manager columns
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent manager columns
DR_GL_CCID General ledger account code combination identifier. Populated if Oracle Accounts Receivables is installed.
CR_GL_CCID General ledger account code combination identifier. Populated if Oracle Accounts Receivables is installed.
DR_ACCOUNT_CD Account code. Populated if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not installed.
CR_ACCOUNT_CD Account code. Populated if Oracle Accounts Receivables is not installed.
REFUND_AMOUNT Amount of refund. The value cannot be zero.
REFUND_ID Refund voucher id.
FEE_TYPE This field describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges.
FEE_CAL_TYPE The code of a Fee calendar type which defines the period of time in which the fee type will operate.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
PAYMENT_NUMBER Number or reference of the payment.-OBSOLETE
PAYMENT_DATE Date of the payment.-OBSOLETE
SOURCE_REFUND_ID Refund identifier of the reversed refund
INVOICE_ID Invoice id for the charge created by this refund transaction
REASON Reversal reason of the refund transaction.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
Student System - IGS_FI_BILL_PLN_CRD Stores the planned credit records for the particular bill extract.
Column Name Descritpion
BILL_ID The bill Id for which the planned credit record was created.
AWARD_ID The award Id of the award record whose planned disbursement that was considered for the bill.
DISB_NUM The disbursement number of the planned disbursement record that was considered for the bill.
PLN_CREDIT_DATE The date of the planned credit record.
FUND_ID The fund Id for which the planned disbursement was created in financial aid.
FEE_CAL_TYPE The Fee Calendar for which the planned credit was created.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The Fee Calendar Instance
PLN_CREDIT_AMOUNT The planned credit amount.
CREATED_BY Standard who column.
BILL_DESC Bill Description.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column.
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent process column.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent process column.
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent process column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent process column.
Student System - IGS_FI_BALANCES_HST Records audit trail for any changes to the balances in case of Fee and Holds Balance Type
Column Name Descritpion
BALANCE_HIST_ID Balance History Identifier
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column
BALANCE_ID This is a sequence generated number and indicates the Balance Record for which the history record is created
BALANCE_TYPE The type of Balance for which the history record is created
BALANCE_AMOUNT Balance Amount of the Balance Type
BALANCE_RULE_ID Balance Rule Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_BILL_DPSTS This table captures eligible deposit records for a particular bill.
Column Name Descritpion
BILL_ID Bill identifier for this deposit record.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column.
CREDIT_ACTIVITY_ID Credit Activity Identifier for the Deposit record.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column.
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO Column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO Column.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program WHO Column.
Student System - IGS_FI_PARTY_VENDRS Maintains the relationships between the Party in Oracle Student System and Supplier in Oracle Payables.
Column Name Descritpion
PARTY_ID The Party Identifier in Oracle Student System.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
VENDOR_ID The Supplier Identifier in Oracle Payables that would be associated to the Party in Oracle Student System.
VENDOR_SITE_ID Supplier Site Identifier of the supplier in Oracle Payables that would be associated to the Party in Oracle Student System.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
Student System - IGS_FI_COM_RECS_INT Commercial Receivables Open Interface table.
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSACTION_CATEGORY This column indicates the type of the Transaction. The valid values are Charge and Credit.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This column indicates the Fee Calendar Instance for the Charge or Credit transaction.
FEE_CATEGORY This column indicates the Fee Category for the Charge Transaction.
COURSE_CD This column indicates the Program Code for the Charge transaction.
ATTENDANCE_MODE This column indicates the Attendance Mode for the Charge Transaction.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE This column indicates the Attendance Type for the Charge Transaction.
COURSE_DESCRIPTION This column indicates the Program Description of the Program Code.
REVERSAL_FLAG This column indicates the Reversal Flag for the Charge transaction.
REVERSAL_REASON This column indicates the Reversal Reason for the Charge transaction.
LINE_NUMBER This column indicates the Line Number of the Charge or credit transaction.
TRANSACTION_LINE_ID This column indicates the Line Identifier for the transaction.
TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID This column indicates the unique identifier for the Charge or Credit Transaction.
CHARGE_METHOD_TYPE This column indicates the Charge Method Type for the Charge transaction.
DESCRIPTION This column indicates the Description for the Charge transaction.
CHARGE_ELEMENTS This column indicates the Charge Elements for the Charge transaction.
AMOUNT This column indicates the Amount for the Charge transaction.
CREDIT_POINTS This column indicates the Credit Points for the Charge transaction.
UNIT_OFFERING_OPTION_ID This column indicates the Unit Offering Option Identifier for the Charge transaction.
CREDIT_GL_CODE_COMBINATION_ID This column indicates the Credit Code Combination Identifier for the Charge or Credit transaction.
DEBIT_GL_CODE_COMBINATION_ID This column indicates the Debit Code Combination Identifier for the Charge or Credit transaction.
CREDIT_ACCOUNT_CODE This column indicates the Credit Account Code for the Charge or Credit transaction.
DEBIT_ACCOUNT_CODE This column indicates the Debit Account Code for the Charge or Credit transaction.
TRANSACTION_NUMBER Transaction Number of the Transaction.
ORG_UNIT_CD This column indicates the Organization Unit Code for the Charge transaction.
LOCATION_CD This column indicates the Location Code for the Charge transaction.
GL_DATE GL Date for the Charge or Credit transaction.
CREDIT_TYPE_ID This column indicates the Credit Type Identifier for the Credit transaction.
CREDIT_CLASS This column indicates the Credit Class for the Credit transaction.
CURRENCY_CD This column indicates the Currency Code for the Charge or Credit transaction.
EXTRACT_FLAG Single character field updated by Institution's own extract process.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column.
PARTY_ID Unique Identifier for the Party.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
STUDENT_PARTY_ID Party Identifier for the Student
SOURCE_INVOICE_ID Invoice Identifier for the Source Invoice transaction
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction Date for the transaction.
EFFECTIVE_DATE Effective Date of the transaction.
FEE_TYPE Fee Type for the Charge Transaction. Null for the Credit Transaction.
S_FEE_TYPE System Fee Type identifier for the Charge transaction. Null for the Credit Transaction.
FEE_CAL_TYPE This column indicates the Fee Calendar Type for the Charge or Credit transaction.
Student System - IGS_FI_FTCI_ACCTS For a Fee Type Calendar Instance, Revenue Account Code or the Natural Account Segment for the combination of attributes will be stored in this table.
Column Name Descritpion
ACCT_ID Sequence Generated Identifier.
ATTENDANCE_MODE Code of an institution-defined attendance mode.
COURSE_CD Code of the program offered by an institution.
CRS_VERSION_NUMBER Version number associated to a program.
UNIT_CD Code of the unit offered by an institution.
UNIT_VERSION_NUMBER Version number associated to an unit.
ORG_UNIT_CD Organization Unit.
RESIDENCY_STATUS_CD Student Residency Status Code.
UOO_ID Unit Section Offering option identifier.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column.
FEE_TYPE The Fee Type for which the accounting information is setup.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program Who Column.
UNIT_TYPE_ID Unit Program Type Level Identifier
UNIT_CLASS Institution-defined code that identifies a unit class.
FEE_CAL_TYPE The Fee Calendar Type for which the accounting information is setup.
UNIT_MODE Institution-defined mode of offering a unit.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The Fee Type Calendar Instance for which the accounting information is setup.
ORDER_SEQUENCE Sequence Order for determining the Revenue Accounting information.
NATURAL_ACCOUNT_SEGMENT Natural Accounting Segment for the combination of attributes specified when Oracle General Ledger is installed.
REV_ACCOUNT_CD Revenue Account Code for the combination of attributes when an external accounting system is installed.
LOCATION_CD The institution-defined code of a physical location owned or used by the institution.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Code of an institution-defined attendance type.
Student System - IGS_FI_LB_CR_TYPES Table to store the mapping of bank-supplied codes to pre-defined Credit Types in the context of a Lockbox.
Column Name Descritpion
LOCKBOX_NAME The Lockbox Name associated with the record.
BANK_CD Credit Type Code as supplied by the Bank.
CREDIT_TYPE_ID Credit Type identifier existing in the System.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
Student System - IGS_FI_LB_FCIS Table for mapping bank codes with the fee calendar instance as defined in the system for a lockbox in context.
Column Name Descritpion
LOCKBOX_NAME The Lockbox Name associated with the record.
BANK_CD Bank supplied code to be mapped to Fee Calendar Instances.
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar Type of type Fee.
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar Instance effective date range identifier.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
Student System - IGS_FI_LB_REC_TYPES Table for mapping bank supplied record type identifiers for each data row in the bank transmission files.
Column Name Descritpion
LOCKBOX_NAME The Lockbox Name associated with the record.
RECORD_IDENTIFIER_CD Values used to identify record type for each row in the bank transmission file.
RECORD_TYPE_CODE System defined lookup code for a record type.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
Student System - IGS_FI_LOCKBOXES Table for storing the attributes of a user defined Lockbox Name.
Column Name Descritpion
LOCKBOX_NAME The Lockbox Name associated with the record.
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield.
LOCKBOX_DESC User defined description for the Lockbox.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
CLOSED_FLAG Closed Indicator for deactivating the Lockbox.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
GL_DATE_SOURCE_CODE Indicates GL Date Source associated to the lockbox.
DEFAULT_CREDIT_TYPE_ID Default Credit Type Identifier associated to the defined Lockbox.
BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Bank Account Identifier of the bank branch.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield.
Student System - IGS_FI_LOCKBOX_INTS This entity acts as an interface table used to store inbound lockbox receipts. A loader process would populate the records in this table.
Column Name Descritpion
LOCKBOX_INTERFACE_ID The Unique Lockbox Interface Identifier that would be populated by the loader process.
LOCKBOX_AMT The total currency amount in the Lockbox.
BATCH_NAME The Lockbox batch name.
BATCH_AMT The total currency amount in the Batch.
BATCH_RECORD_COUNT The total number of receipt records in the Batch.
ITEM_NUMBER The Item Number of the receipt or of the overflow record.
RECEIPT_AMT The receipt amount.
CHECK_CD The check number supplied by the bank for the receipt record.
PARTY_NUMBER The party number supplied by the bank with which the receipt record is associated.
PAYER_NAME The payer name provided by the bank with which the receipt record is associated.
CHARGE_CD1 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
RECORD_IDENTIFIER_CD The Identifier of the particular record in the Lockbox Interface Table.
CHARGE_CD2 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD3 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD4 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD5 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD6 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD7 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD8 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT1 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT2 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT3 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
RECORD_STATUS The Status of the particular Interface table record.
APPLIED_AMT4 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT5 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT6 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT7 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT8 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
CREDIT_TYPE_CD The bank supplied code for Credit Type of the receipt record.
FEE_CAL_INSTANCE_CD The bank supplied code for Fee Calendar Instance of the receipt record.
ADM_APPLICATION_ID The Unique Admission Application identifier provided by the bank in case the inbound lockbox receipt is for an Enrollment Deposit.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield.
DEPOSIT_DATE The Bank Supplied Lockbox Deposit Date.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield.
TRANSMISSION_RECORD_COUNT The number of records in the imported Bank Transmission.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
TRANSMISSION_AMT The total amount in the imported Bank Transmission.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program column.
LOCKBOX_NAME The Lockbox Name associated with the record.
LOCKBOX_BATCH_COUNT The total number of Lockbox Batches.
LOCKBOX_RECORD_COUNT The total number of receipt records in the Lockbox.
Student System - IGS_FI_LB_OVFL_ERRS This entity would be used to store the lockbox receipt overflow records that had validation errors detected during the import process from the interface table.
Column Name Descritpion
RECEIPT_OVERFLOW_ERROR_ID The Unique sequence generated identifier for the erroneous receipt overflow record.
CHARGE_CD8 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT1 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT2 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT3 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT4 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT5 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT6 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT7 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT8 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
LOCKBOX_RECEIPT_ERROR_ID The Receipt error record identifier to which this overflow record is related.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program column.
CHARGE_CD1 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD2 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD3 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD4 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD5 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD6 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD7 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
Student System - IGS_FI_LB_RECT_ERRS This entity would be used to store the lockbox receipt records that had validation errors detected during the import process from the interface table.
Column Name Descritpion
LOCKBOX_RECEIPT_ERROR_ID The Unique sequence generated identifier for the erroneous receipt record.
DEPOSIT_DATE The Bank Supplied Lockbox Deposit Date.
CREDIT_TYPE_CD The bank supplied code for Credit Type of the receipt record.
FEE_CAL_INSTANCE_CD The bank supplied code for Fee Calendar Instance of the receipt record.
CHARGE_CD1 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD2 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD3 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD4 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD5 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD6 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
CHARGE_CD7 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
LOCKBOX_INTERFACE_ID The Unique Lockbox Interface Identifier.
CHARGE_CD8 The Charge Number for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT1 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT2 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT3 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT4 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT5 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT6 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT7 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
APPLIED_AMT8 The Amount to be applied for Targeted Application.
ADM_APPLICATION_ID The Unique Admission Application identifier provided by the bank in case the inbound lockbox receipt is for a Enrollment Deposit.
ITEM_NUMBER The Item Number of the receipt record.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield.
LOCKBOX_NAME The Lockbox Name associated with the record.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield.
RECEIPT_AMT The Receipt Amount.
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program column.
BATCH_NAME The Lockbox batch name.
PARTY_NUMBER The party number supplied by the bank with which the receipt record is associated.
PAYER_NAME The payer name provided by the bank with which the receipt record is associated.
CHECK_CD The check number supplied by the bank for the receipt record.
Student System - IGS_FI_PP_TEMPLATES Table for storing Master Payment Plan Template information.
Column Name Descritpion
PAYMENT_PLAN_DESC Description of Payment Plan
CLOSED_FLAG Indicator of Payment Plan status
INSTALLMENT_PERIOD_CODE Installment Period Code.
DUE_DAY_OF_MONTH Day of Month, when installment is due.
DUE_END_OF_MONTH_FLAG Indicates, if installment is due on end of month.
DUE_CUTOFF_DAY Indicates the cutoff days, from start date of payment plan, to decide which month's installment is due.
PROCESSING_FEE_AMT Processing fee of Payment Plan.
INSTALLMENT_METHOD_FLAG Installment Allocation Method
BASE_AMT Total Amount for the Payment Plan
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_PP_STD_ATTRS This table stores attributes of Student Payment Plans
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Student Identifier
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program column
PLAN_STATUS_CODE Status of plan
PROCESSING_FEE_AMT Processing Fee Amount
FEE_CAL_TYPE Fee Calendar Type
STUDENT_PLAN_ID Student Plan Identifier
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Fee Calendar Sequence Number
NOTES User entered Notes
INVOICE_ID Charge identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield
Student System - IGS_FI_PP_TMPL_LNS This table stores Payment Plan Template Lines information
Column Name Descritpion
PLAN_LINE_NUM Plan Line Number
PLAN_PERCENT Plan Percentage of Total Amount
PLAN_AMT Plan Amount
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
PLAN_LINE_ID Payment Plan Line Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_FI_BILL_INSTLS This table stores Billing Installment information.
Column Name Descritpion
BILL_ID Bill Identifier
INSTALLMENT_ID Installment Identifier
INSTALLMENT_LINE_NUM Installment Line Number
INSTALLMENT_AMT Installment Amount
DUE_AMT Installment Amount due
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
STUDENT_PLAN_ID Student Plan Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program column
Student System - IGS_FI_BILL_P_PLANS This table stores student payment plan information included in a billing extract record
Column Name Descritpion
BILL_ID Bill Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
STUDENT_PLAN_ID Student Plan Identifier
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program column
Student System - IGS_FI_PP_INSTLMNTS This table stores Student Payment Plan Installment information.
Column Name Descritpion
STUDENT_PLAN_ID Student Plan Identifier
INSTALLMENT_LINE_NUM Installment Line Number
DUE_DAY Day of Month, when installment is due.
DUE_MONTH_CODE Name of the due month
DUE_DATE Due Date of the Installment
INSTALLMENT_AMT Installment Amount
DUE_AMT Installment Amount due
INSTALLMENT_ID Installment Identifier
PENALTY_FLAG Flag for Late Fee charge on a particular installment
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program column
Student System - IGS_FI_PP_INS_APPLS This table stores credit information for a particular installment.
Column Name Descritpion
APPLICATION_TYPE_CODE Application Type Code that identifies if this is an application or un-application record.
INSTALLMENT_ID Installment Identifier that this application record is related to.
CREDIT_ID Credit Identifier
CREDIT_ACTIVITY_ID Credit Activity Identifier
APPLIED_AMT Amount Applied to Installment
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction Date for the application record
LINK_APPLICATION_ID Link Application Identifier that relates an un-application record to an application record.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
INSTALLMENT_APPLICATION_ID Installment Application Identifier.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program Who Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program Who Column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program Who Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program Who Column
Student System - IGS_FI_SPECIAL_FEES Stores Student Special Fees transactions
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program Column
COURSE_CD Program Code associated with the Student Unit Attempt
UOO_ID Unit Section Identifier associated with the Special Fee
FEE_TYPE Special Fee Type
FEE_CAL_TYPE Fee Calendar Type associated with the Special Fee Transaction
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Fee Calendar Instance Identifier
FEE_AMT Special Fee Amount
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction date for the Special Fee
SPECIAL_FEE_ID Special Fee Transaction Identifier
S_TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE Transaction Type Identifier indicating if the transaction is 'Special Fee' or 'Retention'.
INVOICE_ID Special Fees charge identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
Student System - IGS_FI_SPA_FEE_PRDS Stores Person-Program-Fee Period information during Fee Assessment
Column Name Descritpion
COURSE_CD Program Code associated with the Student Unit Attempt
FEE_CAL_TYPE Fee Calendar Type for which the Fee Assessment Process is run
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Fee Calendar Instance Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Request WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Request WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_TP_RET_SCHD Retention Schedule for the Teaching Period
Column Name Descritpion
FTCI_TEACH_RETENTION_ID Sequence Generated Primary Key
RET_AMOUNT Retention Amount
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Manager WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Manager WHO Column
TEACH_CAL_TYPE Teaching Calendar Type
TEACH_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Teaching Calendar Instance
FEE_CAL_TYPE Fee Calendar Type
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Fee Calendar Instance
DT_ALIAS Teaching Period Date Alias
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Teaching Period Date Alias Instance
RET_PERCENTAGE Retention Percentage
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_SETUP Stores 1098-T reporting requirements setup information
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_YEAR_NAME Name of the Tax Year, as defined by the user.
FILER_PARTY_SITE_ID Party Site Identifier setup for the 1098-T Reporting Filer
VENDOR_PARTY_SITE_ID Party Site Identifier setup for the 1098-T Reporting Vendor
VENDOR_RELATIONSHIP_ID Relationship Identifier setup as the 1098-T Reporting Vendor Contact
VENDOR_CONTACT_POINT_ID Unique identifier of the Vendor Contact Phone
PERM_PARTY_SITE_USE_CODE Party Site Usage Code which serves as the permanent address
TEMP_PARTY_SITE_USE_CODE Temporary Party Site Usage Code which serves as the temporary address
CONTROL_CODE The alphanumeric Transmitter Control Code assigned by the Internal Revenue Service to the Transmitter
EXCL_NON_RES_ALIEN_FLAG Indicates that the 1098-T tuition statement need not be reported for an individual who is a Non Resident Alien during the calendar year
EXCL_NON_CREDIT_COURSE_FLAG Indicates that the 1098-T tuition statement need not be reported for any programs for which, no academic credit is offered by the institution
EXCL_TUIT_WAIV_FLAG Indicates that the 1098-T tuition statement need not be reported for individuals whose qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or entirely paid by scholarships
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
TRANS_TIN Tax Identification Number of the Transmitter
FILER_TIN Tax Identification Number of the Filer
TRANS_FOREIGN_ENTITY_FLAG Indicates that the Transmitter is a non U.S (foreign) institution
FILER_FOREIGN_ENTITY_FLAG Indicates that the Filer is a non U.S (foreign) institution
VENDOR_FOREIGN_ENTITY_FLAG Indicates that the Vendor is a non U.S (foreign) institution
SERVICE_PARTY_SITE_ID Party Site Identifier setup for the 1098-T Reporting Service Provider
FILER_CONTACT_POINT_ID Unique identifier of the Filer Contact Phone
SERV_CONTACT_POINT_ID Unique identifier of the Service Provider Contact Phone.
NAME_CONTROL_CODE The name control of the Filer
PERSON_ID_TYPE The user defined person Id type, which maps to the system person ID type of 'Tax Payer ID'
TAX_YEAR_CODE The Calendar Year corresponding to the Tax Year Name.
SEC_PHONE_NUMBER The Secondary Phone Number of the filer, which is printed on the 1098-T Tuition Statement.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
START_DATE Stores the Start Date of the Tax Year, the first day of the calendar year.
END_DATE Stores the End Date of the Tax Year, the last day of the calendar year.
REPORTING_MTHD_CODE The Institution's reporting method - i.e. Total payments received OR Total amounts billed.
TRANS_PARTY_SITE_ID Party Site Identifier setup for the 1098-T Reporting Transmitter
TRANS_RELATIONSHIP_ID Relationship Identifier setup as the 1098-T Reporting Transmitter Contact
TRANS_CONTACT_POINT_ID Unique identifier of the Transmitter Contact Phone
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_DATA Stores 1098-T tuition statement details, used for reporting to the Internal Revenue Service
Column Name Descritpion
STU_1098T_ID Sequence generated identifier for a Student 1098-T record.
ADJ_AMT Box 3 amount. Adjustments made for Payment received or Amounts Billed for a prior year.
FIN_AID_AMT Box 4 amount. Scholarships or grants. This also includes Tuition waivers.
FIN_AID_ADJ_AMT Box 5 amount. Adjustments to scholarships or grants for a prior year.
NEXT_ACAD_FLAG Box 6 checkbox. Flag which indicates if the Payment received amount or the Amount billed includes amounts for an academic period beginning in the first three months of the next academic year.
HALF_TIME_FLAG Box 8 checkbox. Flag which indicates that the student was at least a half-time student during any academic period that began in the tax year
GRAD_FLAG Box 9 checkbox. Flag that indicates that the student was a graduate student.
STATUS_CODE Code to indicate the validation status of the student's 1098-T data record.
IRS_FILED_FLAG Flag to indicate that the 1098-T tuition statement is filed with the Internal Revenue Service
CORRECTION_FLAG Flag to indicate that the 1098-T data has been corrected, following filing with the Internal Revenue Service
STMNT_PRINT_FLAG Flag to indicate that the student copy of the 1098-T tuition statement has been printed
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
OVERRIDE_FLAG Flag to indicate that the 1098-T data has been overridden manually
PAYMENT_AMT Not currently used. Box 1 amount. The Payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses.
REFUND_AMT Not currently used. Box 7 amount.
BATCH_ID To store the Batch ID which generated the electronic file for the IRS.
CORRECTION_TYPE_CODE Code that indicates which category of error, a correction 1098-T record falls in. Valid values are 1 and 2.
ERROR_CODE Code to indicate the type of Validation failure encountered while extracting the 1098-T data for the student.
ADDRESS1 First line for address
ADDRESS2 Second line for address
ADDRESS3 Third line for address
ADDRESS4 Fourth line for address
TAX_YEAR_NAME Name of the Tax Year, as defined by the user.
COUNTRY Country code from the TERRITORY_CODE column in the FND_TERRITORY table
POSTAL_CODE Postal code
SPECIAL_DATA_ENTRY Used to record information for state or local government reporting or for the filer's own purposes. Payers should contact the state or local revenue departments for the filing requirements.
FILE_NAME Name of the 1098-T Tuition Statement file created for the student.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
PARTY_ID Student identifier for 1098-T reporting
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program Column
EXTRACT_DATE The date when the 1098-T Data is extracted from the student account tables and the 1098-T transaction is created.
PARTY_NAME Student's Name (Stored here along with Party ID since the Party Name is updateable from SWS)
TAXID Student's Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number. (Originally,API_PERSON_ID from the IGS_PE_ALT_PERS_ID Table)
STU_NAME_CONTROL Student's Name Control (Originally, API_PERSON_ID from the IGS_PE_ALT_PERS_ID Table)
BILLED_AMT Box 2 amount. Amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses.
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_DTLS Stores 1098-T tuition statement transaction details, used for identifying the transactions that aggregate to the Box Amounts 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Column Name Descritpion
STU_1098T_ID Sequence generated identifier for a Student 1098-T record.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program Column
BOX_NUM The Box Number, under which the transaction is reported to the Internal Revenue Service.
TRANSACTION_ID The Charge Identifier or the Credit identifier of the Source Transaction
TRANSACTION_CODE The Source of the transaction, coded as 'C' for a Credit transaction and 'D' for a Charge transaction.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_LPS Stores Load Periods for 1098-T reporting requirements
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_YEAR_NAME Name of the Tax Year, as defined by the user.
CAL_TYPE Load Calendar Type identified for 1098-T Reporting purposes
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence Number of the Load Calendar Type
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
NEXT_ACAD_FLAG Box 6 checkbox
HALF_TIME_FLAG Box 8 checkbox
GRAD_FLAG Box 9 checkbox
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_FTS Stores Qualified Tuition and related expense Fee Types for 1098-T reporting requirements
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_YEAR_NAME Name of the Tax Year, as defined by the user.
FEE_TYPE Fee Type which identified qualified tuition and related expense charges
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_SFTS Stores those System Fund Types, which would be considered as 1098-T scholarships or grants.
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_YEAR_NAME Name of the Tax Year, as defined by the user.
SYS_FUND_TYPE System Fund Type, which is considered as a 1098-T Scholarship or Grant.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_PTS Stores those Program Types which would be considered Graduate Level programs for 1098-T reporting requirements
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_YEAR_NAME Name of the Tax Year, as defined by the user.
COURSE_TYPE Program Type that would be considered graduate level programs for 1098-T reporting purposes.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_ELM_RNG_ORDS Element Range Orders holds the order name, which is used for ordering of attributes while computing student's fees.
Column Name Descritpion
ELM_RNG_ORDER_NAME The Order Name uniquely identifies an Element Range Order
ELM_RNG_ORDER_DESC Free Format description for the Element Range Order Name
ELM_RNG_ORDER_ATTR_CODE The attribute for which the Element Range Order is defined
CLOSED_FLAG Indicates if the Element Range Order is active or closed.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_SUB_ELM_RNG This table describes the sub ranges applied to elements derived from charge methods for the purpose of determining fee assessment rates.
Column Name Descritpion
SUB_ER_ID Unique system generated sub element range Identifier
ER_ID Unique system generated Global Element Range Identifier. Identifies the Element Range for which Sub Element Ranges have been defined.
SUB_RANGE_NUM Number that uniquely identifies the sub element range record
SUB_LOWER_RANGE Describes the lower range value in a fee assessment sub element range record. The value is inclusive and can be left unspecified if an upper range value is entered. Sub Element range records cannot overlap.
SUB_UPPER_RANGE Describes the upper range value in a fee assessment sub element range record. The value is inclusive and can be left unspecified if a lower range value is recorded. Sub Element range records cannot overlap.
SUB_CHG_METHOD_CODE This is an optional field. A flat rate override charge method can be specified for the sub element range record.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DATE Contains the date and time the sub elements range record was logically deleted.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_SUB_ER_RT This table describes charge rates specific to a sub range of charge elements
Column Name Descritpion
SUB_ERR_ID Unique system generated sub element range rate Identifier
SUB_ER_ID Unique system generated sub element range Identifier
FAR_ID Contains the unique system generated fee assessment rate ID.
CREATE_DATE Contains the date and time the sub elements range rate was created.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DATE Contains the date and time the sub elements range record was logically deleted.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_ER_ORD_DTLS Element Range Order Details holds the ordering sequence of the attribute defined in the Element Range Order
Column Name Descritpion
ORDER_ID Uniquely identifies an order sequence
ELM_RNG_ORDER_NAME The Order Name uniquely identifies an Element Range Order for which the Ordering Sequence has been defined.
ORDER_NUM Order Sequence
ORDER_ATTR_VALUE Attribute value
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_FAI_DTLS Fee Assessment Item Detail table, which stores Unit Information of a fee assessment item record.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_AS_ITEM_DTL_ID Unique system generated Fee Assessment Item Detail ID
UOO_ID The unit offering option into which the student enrolled.
UNIT_SET_CD Unit Set Code
US_VERSION_NUMBER Unit Set Version Number
CHG_ELEMENTS Number of charge elements that were assessed for the Unit
FEE_AMOUNT Fee Amount calculated for the Unit Attempt - No longer used
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
FEE_ASS_ITEM_ID Unique system generated Fee Assessment Item ID. Identifier of the parent Fee Assessment Item.
FEE_CAT Fee Category under which fees were assessed.
COURSE_CD Unique identifier for a study program
CRS_VERSION_NUMBER Program version number
UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS Status of the student's Unit Attempt.
ORG_UNIT_CD Organization Unit Code corresponding to the Unit assessed.
LOCATION_CD The location to which the created charge belongs derived from the Unit.

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