lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

My Student System Table Descriptions hand book (I have big hands) Part 4

Student System - IGS_CO_TYPE_JO Links correspondence type to job in job scheduler facility
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence. Correspondence types can include system generated documents such as enrollment windows, fee invoices, and certificates of results, together with non-system generated documents such
OUTPUT_NUM The output number of the correspondence type job which is linked to the system generated correspondence type.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_JOB_NAME The name of a correspondence type job output which is linked to a system generated correspondence type.
Student System - IGS_CO_TYPE Describes available system-defined correspondence types
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence. Correspondence types may include system generated documents such as enrollment windows, fee invoices, and certificates of results, together with non-system generated documents such
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Describes an institution-defined type of correspondence. Correspondence typescan include system generated documents such as enrollment windows, fee invoices, and certificates of results, together with non-system generated documents such as
JOB_APPLICATION_ID Job Application Identifier
JOB_PROGRAM_ID Job Program Identifier
SYS_GENERATED_IND Indicates and specifies if the correspondence type is system generated or non-system generated. Selecting the checkbox signifies that the correspondence type is system generated. System generated correspondence types must be linked to one
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the correspondence type is open or closed. Selecting the checkbox closes the correspondence type and prevents further allocation of the type to new or modified correspondence categories. Closing a correspondence
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CO_S_PER_LT_PARM This table describes the parameter values relating to the system letter being produced for the person.
Column Name Descritpion
SPL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify a letter that has been sent to a person.
LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE This field contains the parameter type code that can be merged with letter templates.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify a parameter with a person letter.
PARAMETER_VALUE This field contains the value of the parameter to appear in the person letter.
LETTER_REPEATING_GROUP_CD This field contains the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
SPLRG_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify an instance of the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
PERSON_ID A unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular person.
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
Student System - IGS_CO_S_PER_LTR This table describes the system letter to be produced for the person.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID A unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular person.
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify a letter that has been sent to a person.
Student System - IGS_CO_S_PERLT_RPTGP This table describes the repeating groups in relation to the sytem letter to be produced for the person.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID A unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular person.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify an instance of the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
SUP_REPEATING_GROUP_CD This field contains the superior group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
SUP_SPLRG_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify the superior instance of the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
SPL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify a letter that has been sent to a person.
LETTER_REPEATING_GROUP_CD This field contains the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
Student System - IGS_EN_CAL_CONF Describes institution-defined date aliases that are used as default dates in certain data records and to control the operation of some processes
Column Name Descritpion
LOAD_EFFECT_DT_ALIAS Date alias that describes when student load is effective. It is anticipated that the CENSUS date will be used as this date alias.
S_CONTROL_NUM Unique number that specifies the number of records the calendar configuration table can have. This number is generated for processing purpose. The value of this number must be 1. Error messages are displayed if the value is not set to 1.
ENROLLED_RULE_CUTOFF_DT_ALIAS Date alias that represents the last date for that the unit attempts can be switched from INVALID to ENROLLED as a result of passing a previously failed rule.
INVALID_RULE_CUTOFF_DT_ALIAS Date alias that represents the last date for that the unit attempts can be switched from ENROLLED to INVALID as a result of failing a unit rule check.
LAPSE_DT_ALIAS Describes the date alias representing the date until that students must remain enrolled within an academic period. Failure to do so will result in their enrollment being lapsed.
ENR_CLEANUP_DT_ALIAS Describes the date that unconfirmed student program attempts will be cleaned up within an enrolment period.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
GRADING_SCHEMA_DT_ALIAS Grading schema change deadline date alias
BEGIN_TRANS_DT_ALIAS Begin program transfer date alias
CLEAN_TRANS_DT_ALIAS Cleanup program transfer date alias
PLANNING_OPEN_DT_ALIAS Indicates when the load calendar is available for planning
SCHEDULE_OPEN_DT_ALIAS Indicates when the load calendar is available for schedule
AUDIT_STATUS_DT_ALIAS Indicates when the Teaching Calendar is not available for updating audit flag
COMMENCE_CUTOFF_DT_ALIAS Date alias within a teaching period for that a student would no longer be considered commencing within their program. This alias is looked for in the student's first enrolled teaching period.
COMMENCEMENT_DT_ALIAS Date alias representing the default commencement date within an academic period calendar instance. Only one commencement date alias can exist in each academic period calendar instance.
EFFECT_ENR_STRT_DT_ALIAS Enrolment effective start date for an academic period. This date represents the time processes should be considering the related academic period as the "current" period.
RECORD_OPEN_DT_ALIAS Describes the date for recording of unit enrolments opens within a teaching period calendar instance. Combined with the RECORD_CUTOFF_DT_ALIAS, logical enrolment windows can be constructed.
RECORD_CUTOFF_DT_ALIAS Describes the date for that recording of unit enrolments that closes within a teaching period calendar instance. Combined with the RECORD_OPEN_DT_ALIAS, logical enrolment windows can be constructed.
SUB_UNIT_DT_ALIAS Sub-unit date alias is required to establish relationships between teaching calendar instances in that the sub-units are enrolled and the teaching calendar instance that enrolls the superior unit.
VARIATION_CUTOFF_DT_ALIAS Date alias used to prevent further enrolment variations in a teaching period. For the variation cut-off to be effective, date alias instances have to be specified for each teaching period.
ENR_FORM_DUE_DT_ALIAS Date alias that describes a default enrolment form due date. The default is only used by a job that produces enrolment forms if a specific due date is not specified at run time.
ENR_PCKG_PROD_DT_ALIAS Date alias that describes a default enrolment package production date.
Student System - IGS_EN_CAT_MAPPING Describes mapping of enrollment categories to admission categories
Column Name Descritpion
ENROLMENT_CAT Unique institution-defined code used to describe an Enrolment Category. Enrolment categories are used to define the processes and procedures involved in the enrolment of particular groups of students.
ADMISSION_CAT Code of an institution-defined admission category. An admission category is used to group a set of applicants whose applications will be processed via a common set of admission procedure steps. For example, STANDARD, INTERNAT, OTHER.
DFLT_CAT_IND Indicator that specifies whether the enrolment category is the default category for the related admission category. Setting the checkbox defines the enrolment category as the default.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_CAT_PRC_DTL Describes the detail of enrollment procedure type
Column Name Descritpion
ENROLMENT_CAT Enrolment category is used to group students who, for the purposes of enrolment, share common characteristics.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_STUDENT_COMM_TYPE System defined type of student. The allowable types are NEW - students commencing a program, RETURN - students continuing with program and ALL - encompassing both NEW and Returning students.
CONFIG_MIN_CP_VALDN Field to store the configuration of Minimum Credit Point Validation. Can be 'MINCPREACH' or 'DATEALIASREACH' or 'NONE'
ENFORCE_DATE_ALIAS Date Alias of Enforcement
ENR_METHOD_TYPE Institution-defined code that defines an enrolment method.
PRODUCE_PACKAGE_IND Indicator that specifies whether an enrolment package is produced for the selected enrolment category, enrolment method type, and student type combination. -Obsolete
PERSON_ADD_ALLOW_IND Indicator that specifies whether for the selected enrolment category, enrolment method type, and student type combination, it is permissible to add a new student to the database through the enrolment process.
COURSE_ADD_ALLOW_IND Indicator that specifies whether for the selected Enrolment Category, Enrolment Method Type, and Student Type combination, it is permissible to add a new student program attempt through the enrolment process.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_ENCMB_EFCTTYP This entity describes the encumbrance effects recognized by the system, and available for application to a student. e.g. Suppression of transcript, maximum enrollment load restriction.
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_ENCMB_EFFECT_TYPE System-defined encumbrance effect used in the creation of institution-defined encumbrance types.
APPLY_TO_COURSE_IND Indicator that specifies whether the system encumbrance effect type must be applied to an existing student program attempt. Setting the indicator restricts the system encumbrance effect type to an existing student program attempt.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the system encumbrance effect type is closed. Setting the checkbox prevents use of the system encumbrance effect type in the creation of new or modified institution-defined encumbrance types.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_ENROLMENT_CAT This entity describes an enrolment category. This will define the processes which will be performed during enrolling of students controlled by this type.
Column Name Descritpion
ENROLMENT_CAT Unique institution-defined code used to describe an enrolment category. Enrolment categories are used to define processes and procedures involved in the enrolment of particular groups of students. For examples, STANDARD, INTERNAT, OTHER.
DESCRIPTION Description of an institution-defined code used to describe an enrolment category. Enrolment categories are used to define the processes and procedures involved in the enrolment of particular groups of students.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies whether the Enrolment Category is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' prevents use of the category in the enrolment of students and prevents modification of any associated enrolment procedure detail.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_INSESS_SPSHT This table is a temporary table used by the process that creates the Enrolment Statistics Snapshot.
Column Name Descritpion
FUNDING_SOURCE Describes the user-defined funding source of the program of the student unit attempt that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for.
GOVT_FUNDING_SOURCE Describes the government funding source of the program of the student unit attempt that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for.
COMMENCEMENT_DT Describes the commencement date of the student program attempt.
COMMENCING_STUDENT_IND Describes whether or not a student is classified as a commencing student for the program of the student unit attempt that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for.
SCHOOL_LEAVER Describes whether or not a student is classified as a school leaver for the program of the student unit attempt that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for.
NEW_TO_HIGHER_EDUCATION Describes whether or not a student is classified as a new to higher education for the program of the student unit attempt that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for.
PERSON_ID Describes the person ID that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for. DETYA element 313. Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
SCA_CP_TOTAL Describes the credit points passed for the student in a student program attempt.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
COURSE_CD Describes the program code of the student unit attempt that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for. DETYA element 307.
CRV_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the program for the student unit attempt that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for.
SCA_LOCATION_CD Describes the location code of the program for the student unit attempt that the enrolment statistics snapshot is for.
Student System - IGS_EN_MERGE_ID_LOG Contains a log of the rows of tables involved in Merge Id process and the actions applied to the rows.
Column Name Descritpion
CURRENT_PERSON_ID Contains the ID of the current ID in the merge ID process.
CURRENT_ID_ROW_INFO Contains information identifying the row concerned in the merge ID process for the current ID.
TABLE_ALIAS Contains the table alias of the table involved in the merge ID process.
ACTION_ID Contains the action identifier.
SMIL_ID Represents a unique system generated number that describes the merge log identifier.
PERFORM_ACTION_IND Indicator that identifies whether a certain action is to be taken on merging the person identifiers. The action is taken upon when this indicator is selected.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
OBSOLETE_PERSON_ID Contains the ID of the student that is no longer used, an input to the merge ID process.
OBSOLETE_ID_ROW_INFO Contains information identifying the row concerned in the merge ID process.
Student System - IGS_EN_MERGE_ID_ROWS Contains the rows of tables involved in Merge Id process.
Column Name Descritpion
OBSOLETE_ID_ROW_INFO Contains information identifying the row that is no longer required but involved in the merge ID process with the current ID.
OBSOLETE_ID_ROWID Stores the ID of the row that is no longer required, that is involved in the merge process.
OBSOLETE_UPDATE_ON Holds the timestamp of when the row was last updated. This will be used in the merge process to verify that no details have altered when performing the merge.
CURRENT_PERSON_ID ID number of the person identified as the current ID. Data from the ID that is no longer used is merged into the current ID.
SMIR_ID Contains the unique identifier for a row containing the information to that an action is to be applied for the rows identified in the merge ID process.
CURRENT_ID_ROW_INFO Contains information identifying the current row involved in the merge ID process with the ID of the student that is no longer used.
CURRENT_ID_ROWID Stores the ID of the current row involved in the merge process.
CURRENT_UPDATE_ON Holds the timestamp of when the row was last updated. This will be used in the merge process to verify that no details have altered when performing the merge.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
TABLE_ALIAS Contains the table alias of the table involved in the merge ID process.
OBSOLETE_PERSON_ID ID number of the person that is no longer in use. Data from the this ID will be merged into the current ID.
Student System - IGS_EN_METHOD_TYPE Describes the available method types that students can be enrolled to. For example, online, ivrs, batch key. This table is modified to capture the enrollment method type related to self service.
Column Name Descritpion
ENR_METHOD_TYPE Describes the type of enrolment method used for enrolling.
DESCRIPTION Describes the enrolment method type.
CLOSED_IND Describes whether the enrolment method type is closed.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SELF_SERVICE Indicates whether the enrollment method type can be used in Self Service or not.
IVR_DISPLAY_IND To indicate if the enrollment method type is applicable for enrollment using IVR - Obsolete
BULK_JOB_IND Possible values are 'Y' and 'N'. If the column contains a value of 'Y' then the associated Method Type would be considered as the default Method Type by the Bulk Jobs in the Enrollment Sub system.
TRANSFER_FLAG Transfer flag
DFLT_TRANS_DETAILS_FLAG Default the transfer approved date and effective term flag
Student System - IGS_EN_MRG_ID_ACTION This table contains the possible actions that can be applied to rows within a table in the merge id process.
Column Name Descritpion
ACTION_TEXT An explanation of the action that will be performed in the merge process if the perform action indicator is checked. Deselecting the perform action indicator prevents the merge action.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
TABLE_ALIAS Contains the table alias of the table involved in the merge ID process.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ACTION_ID Contains the action identifier.
MANDATORY_IND Indicator that specifies whether the action choice is mandatory.
PERFORM_ACTION_DFLT_IND Indicator that specifies whether the merge process described in the action choice is to be performed. Deselecting the indicator prevents the merger of the data item.
Student System - IGS_EN_MRG_ID_ACT_CH This table contains the possible actions than can be applied to a row in the merge id process.
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SMIR_ID Contains the unique identifier for a row containing the information to which an action is to be applied for the rows identified in the merge ID process.
TABLE_ALIAS Contains the table alias of the table involved in the merge ID process.
ACTION_ID Contains the action identifier
PERFORM_ACTION_IND Indicates that the action is to be performed.
Student System - IGS_EN_ORUN_WLST_PRF The entity describes the organization unit waitlist preferences for each waitlist priority.
Column Name Descritpion
ORG_UNIT_WLST_PRF_ID Describes the unique number that represents the unit waitlist preference identifier.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_UNIT_WLST_PRI_ID Describes the unique number that represents the unit waitlist priority identifier.
PREFERENCE_ORDER Number that represents an order for that preferences have to be listed.
PREFERENCE_CODE Unique identifier that represents a preference.
PREFERENCE_VERSION Represents the version associated to each preference. For example, if a preference is chosen on a unit attempt, the version of the unit a student want to enroll is described here.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_ORUN_WLST_PRI This entity describes the organization unit waitlist priority based on which the students are ranked for the unit attempt. The highest priority is applied first.
Column Name Descritpion
ORG_UNIT_WLST_PRI_ID Describes the unique number that represents the unit waitlist priority identifier.
ORG_UNIT_WLST_ID Represents the organization unit waitlist identifier, a value that identifies a specific waitlist.
PRIORITY_NUMBER Unique number that identifies the order in that priorities are stored.
PRIORITY_VALUE Value associated to each priority number based on that students are ranked in the waitlist. This value can be any eligibility criteria that a student should meet for the corresponding unit attempt.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_STDNTPSHECSOP This entity describes the HECS option which a student has chosen for a particular student course attempt.
Column Name Descritpion
COURSE_CD Describes the program code of the student program attempt. A code used to identify the program in that the student is enrolled.
DIFF_HECS_IND_UPDATE_COMMENTS Provides comments describing why the differential HECS indicator was changed from the default value.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
START_DT Describes the date the HECS option is effective from.
END_DT Describes the date the HECS option is no longer effective.
HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION Describes the possible HECS payment options. For example, DEFERRED, UPFRONT, EXEMPT.
DIFFERENTIAL_HECS_IND Indicator that specifies whether differential rates of HECS apply to the student's program attempt. Normally, each unit of study is allocated to one of three bands that determines the HECS rate for that unit. Setting the indicator means t
DIFF_HECS_IND_UPDATE_WHO Describes the ORACLE username of the person who updated the differential HECS indicator from the default value.
DIFF_HECS_IND_UPDATE_ON Describes the date the differential HECS indicator was changed from the default value.
OUTSIDE_AUS_RES_IND Indicates whether the student is "an Australian permanent resident who will be resident outside Australia for the semester for a reason other than a requirement of the course". Collected through the HECS Payment Options Form.
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
NZ_CITIZEN_IND Indicates whether the student is "a New Zealand citizen who, at enrollment, is commencing a program of study". Collected through the HECS Payment Options Form.
NZ_CITIZEN_LESS2YR_IND Indicates whether the student is "a New Zealand citizen who, at enrolment, is continuing in a program of study that commenced prior to 1 January of the enrolment year and who has been resident in Australia for a continuous period of less t
NZ_CITIZEN_NOT_RES_IND Indicates whether the student is "a New Zealand citizen enrolling as an external student resident outside Australia". Collected through the HECS Payment Options Form.
SAFETY_NET_IND Describes whether or not a student who has selected the up-front payment option has opted for the 'safety-net'. This will permit the institution to change the up-front option to the deferred option.
TAX_FILE_NUMBER Describes the tax file number of the student.
TAX_FILE_NUMBER_COLLECTED_DT Describes whether or not the tax file number has been collected.
TAX_FILE_INVALID_DT Describes the date the institution was notified that the student supplied an invalid tax file number.
TAX_FILE_CERTIFICATE_NUMBER Describes the certificate number sighted during the student's enrolment.
Student System - IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_INTM This entity describes an intermission by a student from the student course attempt.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
COND_RETURN_FLAG Indicator for Conditional Return from intermission.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program in that the student is enrolled. See also, element 307 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
INTERMISSION_TYPE Type of Intermission
APPROVED Whether approved or not
START_DT Commencement date of the intermission period for the student program attempt.
INSTITUTION_NAME Code of Another Institution
MAX_CREDIT_PTS Maximum Credit Points accepted for Advanced Standing
MAX_TERMS Maximum Terms accepted for Advanced Standing
ANTICIPATED_CREDIT_POINTS Credit points anticipated to be completed by the student at the other institution.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DATE Date on which Intermission is logically deleted
APPROVER_ID Who Approved this type of Intermission
END_DT End date of the intermission period for the student program attempt. Values may be selected from a list of teaching periods.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
VOLUNTARY_IND Indicates whether the intermission of the student program attempt was initiated at the student's request.
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
COMMENTS Text-based facility for entering additional information or details about the student program intermission.
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
Student System - IGS_EN_ST_SNAPSHOT This entity describes a snapshot of the current enrolment statistics at the institution. Based on the census date and used for various reporting purposes.
Column Name Descritpion
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Institution-defined attendance type of the person selected for inclusion within the enrolment statistics snapshot.
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_TYPE Government attendance type of the person selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. See also, element No. 330 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
FUNDING_SOURCE Code of the institution-defined funding source of the program within the student unit attempt selected for inclusion within the enrolment statistics snapshot was undertaken.
GOVT_FUNDING_SOURCE Government funding source of the program selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number of the calendar instance selected for inclusion within the enrolment statistics snapshot.
MAJOR_COURSE Instances for that the student is concurrently enrolled in more than one program, this value identifies the student's major program.
COMMENCING_STUDENT_IND Indicator that describes whether or not the student is classified as a commencing student within the program selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. Setting the checkbox identifies them as a commencing student.
SCHOOL_LEAVER Describes whether or not the student selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot is classified as a school leaver.
NEW_TO_HIGHER_EDUCATION Value that describes whether or not the student is classified as new to higher education for the program of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
SUA_LOCATION_CD Location Code of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
UNIT_CLASS Unit Class code of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. See also, element No. 354 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
UNIT_LEVEL Unit Level of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
ENROLLED_DT Enrolment date for the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
DISCONTINUED_DT Enrolment discontinuation date for the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
PERSON_ID Person ID of the student selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. See also, element No. 307 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA. Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES.
EFTSU Effective Full Time Student Unit (EFTSU) is a value of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. See also, element No. 339 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
WEFTSU Weighted effective full time student unit( WEFTSU), is a value for the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
UNIT_INT_COURSE_LEVEL_CD Code of the institution-defined unit internal program level used for calculating the weighted effective full time student unit value of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
GOVT_REPORTABLE_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not the record should be reported to government in the higher education student data collection returns. Setting the checkbox includes the record.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ESS_ID Unique identifier that represents a student snapshot. This is used for internal processing purpose.
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
COURSE_CD Program code within that the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot was undertaken. See also element No. 307 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
CRV_VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the program selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
UNIT_CD Unit code of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. See also, element No. 354 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
UV_VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
SNAPSHOT_DT_TIME Describes the date the enrolment statistics snapshot was captured.
SUA_CAL_TYPE Teaching calendar type of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
SUA_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar sequence number of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
TR_ORG_UNIT_CD Code of the organizational unit that has teaching responsibility for the unit selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. See also, element No. 333 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
TR_OU_START_DT Start date of the organizational unit with teaching responsibility for the unit selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD Institution-defined discipline group code of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
GOVT_DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD Government discipline group code of the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. See also element No. 336 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
CRV_ORG_UNIT_CD Code of the organizational unit that is responsible for the program selected for inclusion within the enrolment statistics snapshot.
CRV_OU_START_DT Start date of the organizational unit that is responsible for the program selected for inclusion within the enrolment statistics snapshot.
CI_CAL_TYPE Calendar type of the calendar instance selected for inclusion within the enrolment statistics snapshot.
COURSE_TYPE Institution-defined program type within that the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot was undertaken.
GOVT_COURSE_TYPE Government program type of the program selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot. See also element No. 310 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
COURSE_TYPE_GROUP_CD Institution-defined program type group code of the program selected for inclusion within the enrolment statistics snapshot.
SCA_LOCATION_CD Location code of the program for the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot.
ATTENDANCE_MODE Institution-defined attendance mode of the student's program within that the unit is being attempted.
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_MODE Government attendance mode of the program within that the student unit attempt selected for inclusion in the enrolment statistics snapshot was undertaken. See also element No. 329 higher education student data collection documentation 1997,
Student System - IGS_EN_ST_SPSHT_CTL This table describes the control details of the enrolment statistics snapshot.
Column Name Descritpion
DELETE_SNAPSHOT_IND Indicator that identifies whether or not the enrolment statistics snapshot should be deleted. A validation prevents deletion of those enrolment statistics snapshots that have been used in the preparation of government snapshots.
COMMENTS This field provides any additional information or details about the enrolment statistics snapshot.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
SNAPSHOT_DT_TIME Date the enrolment statistics snapshot was captured.
Student System - IGS_EN_UNITSETFEETRG This entity describes the unit set fee triggers. It is used during fee assessment processing to indicate a unit set based fee applies for a fee type.
Column Name Descritpion
FEE_CAT Describes the fee categories applicable to enrolled students. The purpose of the fee category is to identify the distinct fee assessment groups assigned fee type liabilities.
VERSION_NUMBER This field is used to uniquely identify each version of a unit set.
CREATE_DT This field contains the date and time the unit set fee trigger was created.
FEE_TRIGGER_GROUP_NUMBER This field contains the number that uniquely identifies the fee trigger group.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT The date the fee trigger was logically deleted.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
FEE_CAL_TYPE Calendar type with calendar category fee used in the assessment of student fees
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FEE_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
FEE_TYPE Describes the fee types used for the purpose of applying fees and charges. A fee type may be used with many fee categories, permitting a single system wide fee definition to be used. For example, HECS, GUILD.
UNIT_SET_CD The unique identifier of the unit set being defined as the unit set fee trigger.
Student System - IGS_EN_UNITSETPSTYPE This table describes the course type restrictions on a unit set. It will restrict the course versions to which the unit set can be linked. If no records have been created for a unit set, no restrictions will be applied.
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_SET_CD Describes the unit set code that is restricted
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
VERSION_NUMBER Describes the unit set version number that is restricted
COURSE_TYPE Describes the program type to that the unit set is restricted.
Student System - IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_CAT The entity describes the available categories of unit sets. eg. Major, Minor, Stream, List.
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_SET_CAT Code of a category of unit set. Unit set categories are institution defined and may include, for example, Major, Minor, Strand and Stream.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Provides a description of the categories used to classify unit sets. Unit set categories are institution defined and may include for example, Major, Minor, Strand, and Stream.
S_UNIT_SET_CAT System Unit Set Category like MAJOR, MINOR etc
RANK Describes the relative rank of the unit set category in relation to other categories. For example, a Major may have a higher rank than a Minor.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies whether the unit set category is open or closed. Setting the checkbox ticked closes the unit set category and prevents further unit sets from being assigned to the category.
Student System - IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_NOTE This table describes notes relating to the unit sets.
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_SET_CD Code of a unit set. Unit sets comprise lists of units or rules that constitute a logical set of units. Unit sets are used to represents concepts such as majors, minors, strands, streams, and lists.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
VERSION_NUMBER Uniquely identifies each version of a unit set
REFERENCE_NUMBER Internally generated reference number for the note
CRS_NOTE_TYPE Institution defined note type relating to a program
Student System - IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_RULE This entity describes the Unit set rules.
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_SET_CD Unit set code
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
VERSION_NUMBER Version number
S_RULE_CALL_CD Rule call name
RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Rule name rule sequence number
Student System - IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_STAT This entity describes the user-defined unit set statuses. e.g. Current, Suspended. These map back onto the system unit set statuses, to provide the system with the ability to have a large number of statuses which map back to the system fun
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_SET_STATUS Describes the user-defined unit set statuses. The unit set status is attributed to each version to define its currency in the system.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_UNIT_SET_STATUS Describes the system unit set status of the user-defined value. This can be either PLANNED, INACTIVE, or ACTIVE.
DESCRIPTION Provides a description of the statuses used to classify unit sets.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies whether the unit set status is open or closed. Setting the checkbox ticked closes the unit set status and prevents further unit sets from being assigned to the status.
Student System - IGS_EN_ATD_MODE_ALL Describes available university program attendance modes
Column Name Descritpion
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ATTENDANCE_MODE Code of an institution-defined attendance mode. Attendance mode identifies the mode of attendance for that a student undertakes a program. Each attendance mode must be mapped to a government attendance type.
DESCRIPTION Description of an institution-defined attendance mode. An attendance mode identifies the mode of attendance for a program that student undertakes. Each attendance mode must be mapped to a government attendance type.
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_MODE Code of a government attendance mode, DETYA element 329. An attendance mode identifies the mode of attendance for the program a student undertakes. For example, 1 - INTERNAL MODE OFATTENDANCE, 2 - EXTERNAL MODE OF ATTENDANCE.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the attendance mode is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' - ticked, prevents use of the attendance mode in new program offering option records.
Student System - IGS_EN_ATD_TYPE_ALL Describes available university program attendance types
Column Name Descritpion
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Code of an institution-defined attendance type. An attendance type identifies whether a student is classified as part-time or full-time in the program, based on their study load in the reference year.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
DESCRIPTION Description of an institution-defined attendance type. An attendance type identifies whether a student is classified as part-time or full-time in the program, based on their study load in the reference year.
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_TYPE Code of a government attendance type, DETYA element 330. An attendance type identifies whether a student is classified as part-time or full-time in the program, based on their study load in the reference year.
LOWER_ENR_LOAD_RANGE Lower end of the enrolment load range, in EFTSU, that defines the attendance type. The range specified by the lower and upper load values is used by the system to derive the student program attendance type in an academic period.
UPPER_ENR_LOAD_RANGE Upper end of the enrolment load range that defines the attendance type. The range specified by the lower and upper load values is used by the system to derive the student program attendance type in an academic period.
RESEARCH_PERCENTAGE Describes the default attendance percentage for a given attendance type. Attendance percentage is one of the factors considered in the calculation of minimum and maximum submission dates for research students.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the attendance type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' prevents use of the attendance type in new program offering option records.
Student System - IGS_EN_ATD_TYPE_LOAD_ALL Describes relationship between load calendar type and attendance types
Column Name Descritpion
CAL_TYPE Name of a load calendar type associated with the specified attendance type. Load calendars are used to determine student program attendance type, student EFTSU, credit point-based fees, HECS liabilities for reporting to government.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Describes the attendance types for a program. For example, Full-time, Part-time. DETYA element reference 330.
LOWER_ENR_LOAD_RANGE Value that determines the lower limit of the attendance type load range for the specified load calendar type.
UPPER_ENR_LOAD_RANGE Value that determines the upper limit of the attendance type load range for the specified load calendar type.
DEFAULT_EFTSU Field describes the EFTSU value that is the default for the context institution-defined attendance type within a load calendar.
Student System - IGS_EN_CAT_PRC_STEP_ALL This entity describes a step within an enrolment procedure and the sequence in which it must be performed. This step will be selected from one of the available system-defined enrolment steps.
Column Name Descritpion
ENROLMENT_CAT Describes the types of enrolment procedure.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_STUDENT_COMM_TYPE System defined type of student. The allowable types are NEW - students commencing a program, RETURN - students continuing with program and ALL encompassing both NEW and RETURNing students.
ENR_METHOD_TYPE Describes the type of enrolment method used for enrolling.
S_ENROLMENT_STEP_TYPE Describes the type code allocated to the enrolment step.
STEP_ORDER_NUM Describes the sequence in that the enrolment procedure step is performed.
MANDATORY_STEP_IND Describes whether the step is a mandatory step within the enrolment collection process for the relevant enrolment category detail. -Obsolete
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_DCNT_REASONCD_ALL This entity describes the available list of reasons as to why a student's course attempt course is discontinued. Examples are Non payment of fees, Voluntary withdrawal, No tax file number specified.
Column Name Descritpion
DISCONTINUATION_REASON_CD Identifies the reason for the discontinuation of the student program attempt.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
DESCRIPTION Describes the reason for the discontinuation of the student program attempt.
DFLT_IND Indicator that specifies whether the discontinuation reason code is the default reason. Setting the indicator will make the reason code appear as the default reason for all student program attempt discontinuations.
S_DISCONTINUATION_REASON_TYPE Identifies the system-defined reason type for the discontinuation of the student program attempt. For example 'TRANSFER' is used where a student program attempt is discontinued by the program transfer process.
SYS_DFLT_IND Indicates the institution-defined discontinuation reason code that will be used by system functionality to automatically set the reason code from a system-defined discontinuation reason type mapping.
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies whether the discontinuation reason is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' prevents use of the discontinuation reason in new or modified student course attempt discontinuation records.
COMMENTS Text-based facility for entering additional information or details about the discontinuation reason code.
DCNT_PROGRAM_IND Indicator that identifies the corresponding discontinuation reason code applicable to a program. A discontinuation reason is applicable to a program if this is selected.
DCNT_UNIT_IND Indicator that identifies the corresponding discontinuation reason code applicable to a unit in general. A discontinuation reason is applicable to a unit if this is selected.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_INST_WLST_OPT_ALL This entity describes the institutional level waitlist options that are specific for calendar instances.
Column Name Descritpion
INST_WAITLIST_ID Represents a unique number that identifies a waitlist.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier.
CAL_TYPE Name of a load calendar type associated with the specified waitlist.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Number that holds the waitlist sequence for internal processing. -Obsolete
WAITLIST_ALWD Indicator that identifies if a waitlist is allowed over a specific calendar type If the option is set to No. No waitlist processing is invoked during that enrolment calendar instance.
SMLNES_WAITLIST_ALWD Indicator that identifies whether more than one student can be allowed waiting for a program or unit attempt in the given calendar instance.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_NOTE_TYPE_ALL This entity describes the available enrolment note types.
Column Name Descritpion
ENR_NOTE_TYPE Institution-defined note type relating to a student program attempt.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
DESCRIPTION Description of an institution-defined note type relating to a student program attempt.
S_ENR_NOTE_TYPE System-defined note type relating to a student program attempt.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_OR_UNIT_WLST_ALL This entity describes the fields required to set organization unit waitlist.
Column Name Descritpion
ORG_UNIT_WLST_ID Unique number that identifies an organization unit waitlist.
ASSES_CHRG_FOR_WLST_STUD Indicator that identifies whether unit or program charges should be assessed for a student in the waitlist.
CLOSED_FLAG Indicates if the record is closed or active. Allowable values are N and Y.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_UNIT_CD Represents organization unit code
START_DT Describes the start date for a waitlist.
CAL_TYPE Name of a load calendar type associated with the specified waitlist.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Holds the waitlist sequence for a specific unit for internal processing. -Obsolete
WAITLIST_ALWD Indicator that specifies whether waitlist is allowed over a specific calendar instance. If not checked then no waitlists can be entered for the corresponding calendar instance. -Obsolete
MAX_WLST_PER_STUD Identifies the maximum number of waitlists a student can be in for a given calendar instance. -Obsolete
MAX_STUD_PER_WLST Represents the maximum number of students who can be in a waitlist.
SMTANUS_WLST_UNIT_ENR_ALWD Indicator that identifies whether more than one student can be allowed waiting for a unit enrolment in the given calendar instance.
Student System - IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT_ALL This entity describes a student's attempt at studying a particular course offered by the university.
Column Name Descritpion
ATTENDANCE_MODE Institution-defined attendance modes for that the program is offered. Institution-defined attendance modes may include, for example, N - On Campus, F - Off Campus, and M - Multi-modal.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Institution-defined attendance type for that the program is offered. Institution-defined attendance types may include, for example, F - Full-time and P - Part-time.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
PRIMARY_PROGRAM_TYPE Type of the program attempt. The value can be PRIMARY or SECONDARY
COO_ID Unique number that references the particular program offering option.
PRIMARY_PROG_TYPE_SOURCE How the program type associated with the program type. Valid value can be "Manual" or "System"
CATALOG_CAL_TYPE Calendar type for the catalogue.
STUDENT_CONFIRMED_IND Indicator that specifies whether a commencing student has confirmed their intention to enroll. Setting the checkbox changes the program status from UNCONFIRM to INACTIVE or ENROLLED and inserts the program commencement date.
CATALOG_SEQ_NUM Sequence number of the program attempt catalogue.
OVERRIDE_CMPL_DT Override Completion Date
COMMENCEMENT_DT Date on that the student commenced the current program for the first time. See element 328 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
MANUAL_OVR_CMPL_DT_IND Manual override completion date indicator. Possible values 'Y' and 'N'. If this column has a value of 'Y' then the completion date is overridden. Default value should be 'N'
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
COURSE_ATTEMPT_STATUS Student program attempt status is a system derived value and will be one of the following - UNCONFIRMED, INACTIVE, ENROLLED, DISCONTINUED INTERMITTED, LAPSED, or COMPLETED. Under certain circumstances a program might also have been DELETED.
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
PROGRESSION_STATUS Progression status of the student program attempt. The value will be one of EXCLUSION - student is currently excluded, EXPULSION - student has been expelled, GOODSTAND, SHOWCASUSE, SUSPENSION, UNDCONSID.
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
DERIVED_ATT_TYPE Displays the institution-defined derived attendance type for the student's program attempt. Typically the value will be the code for full-time or the code for part-time.
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
DERIVED_ATT_MODE Displays the institution-defined derived attendance mode for the student's program attempt. Typically the value would signify all units that are studied on campus, a code that signifies units that are taken up off campus, or multi-modal.
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
PROVISIONAL_IND Indicator that specifies whether the student's admission and enrolment in the program is provisional. Setting the checkbox indicates that the program candidature is provisional. The indicator is maintained manually.
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
DISCONTINUED_DT Effective date on that the student's program attempt was discontinued.
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program for that the student is enrolled. See also Element 307 Higher Education Student Data Collection Documentation 1997, DETYA.
FUTURE_DATED_TRANS_FLAG Future dated transfer flag
DISCONTINUATION_REASON_CD Identifies the primary reason behind the discontinuation of the student's program attempt.
LAPSED_DT Describes the date for that the student program attempt status was changed to lapsed.
FUNDING_SOURCE Funding Source applicable to the student's program attempt. A majority of students are funded from the Common wealth operating grant, however an increasing number of students are self-funded or paid for by industry.
EXAM_LOCATION_CD Code of an examination center nominated by the student as their default examination location. This location is overridden if the student nominates a different location for a specific unit.
DERIVED_COMPLETION_YR Year that the student is expected to have completed all program requirements providing the current rate of progress is maintained. If a value exists in the Admissions sub system at the time of offer it is copied into this field by the pre-e
DERIVED_COMPLETION_PERD Period or part of the year, at that time the student is expected to have completed all program requirements provided they maintain their current rate of progress.
NOMINATED_COMPLETION_YR Year that the student considers they will have completed all program requirements. The student also nominates the expected period - Summer, Mid-year or End of Year of program completion.
NOMINATED_COMPLETION_PERD Period, or part of the year, at that time the student considers they have completed all program requirements. The allowable values are SUMMER, MID, or END. The student also nominates the year of expected program completion.
RULE_CHECK_IND Indicator that specifies whether the system will check the student's academic record for program completion. Setting the indicator causes the system to check program completion rules.
WAIVE_OPTION_CHECK_IND Indicator that specifies whether any warnings applied as a result of forced element program offering option checks are waived. Checks are made of the student's location attendance mode and attendance type.
VERSION_NUMBER Number signifying the version of the program for that the student enrolls.
LAST_RULE_CHECK_DT Describes the date of the last complete rule check of the student's enrolment.
PUBLISH_OUTCOMES_IND Indicator that specifies whether the student is to have their results published in the press and or on public notice - boards. The indicator defaults to Y.
COURSE_RQRMNT_COMPLETE_IND Indicator that signifies the system has detected that the student program attempt is complete. When the student program attempt status to COMPLETED.
COURSE_RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_DT The date upon that program requirements were deemed to have been completed.
S_COMPLETED_SOURCE_TYPE Describes whether completion of program requirements was detected by the system following evaluation of rules, or set manually.
OVERRIDE_TIME_LIMITATION *** Future functionality.
ADVANCED_STANDING_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not the student has been granted an amount of advanced standing that contributes towards the satisfaction of program requirements.
FEE_CAT Fee category applicable to the student's program attempt. Fee categories are used to define the set of fees and charges applicable to a student studying a particular program.
CORRESPONDENCE_CAT Correspondence category applicable to the student's program attempt. Correspondence categories are used to define the set of system generated and non-system originated correspondence items that will be sent to the student.
SELF_HELP_GROUP_IND Indicator that specifies whether the student wants to participate in a self-help group for their enrolled program attempt. Setting the checkbox includes the student in the self-help group.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Date on that the student's program attempt was logically deleted.
CAL_TYPE Name of the calendar type for that the program is offered. It is usual for award programs to be offered in the standard academic calendar.
ADM_ADMISSION_APPL_NUMBER Describes the admissions application number that resulted in the student program attempt.
ADM_NOMINATED_COURSE_CD Describes the admissions program code that resulted in the student program attempt.
ADM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the admissions application sequence number that resulted in the student program attempt.
IGS_PR_CLASS_STD_ID Class Standing Override
LAST_DATE_OF_ATTENDANCE Last date when the student attended
DROPPED_BY Person type of who dropped or discontinued the last Enrolled
LOCATION_CD The location, typically a campus, from that the student's program is offered.
Student System - IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT_ALL This entity describes a student's attempt at studying a particular unit offered by the university. This table is modified to capture the Organizational unit code for the student finance requirements.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
CI_END_DT Date from that an instance of a calendar is no longer effective. For example, teaching period Semester 1, 1999 may end on 30/06/1999.
UOO_ID Unique identifier for a unit offering option.
ENROLLED_DT Describes the date on that the enrolment in the unit took effect. If this date is not set, the student has not confirmed their enrolment in the unit attempt.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS Describes the system-defined unit attempt statuses
ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT_STATUS Describes institution-defined administrative statuses. For example, WD-EARLY Withdrawn Early , WD-LATE Withdrawn Late .
DISCONTINUED_DT Describes the date on that the discontinuation of the unit attempt took effect.
RULE_WAIVED_DT Describes the date on that a failed rule applying to the unit attempt was waived.
RULE_WAIVED_PERSON_ID Describes the person who waived the unit rule applicable to the unit attempt.
NO_ASSESSMENT_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not the student is seeking a formal grade for the student unit attempt. Setting the checkbox ticked signifies that the student is simply auditing the unit and will not be formally assessed.
SUP_UNIT_CD Describes the superior unit code of the unit version being attempted.
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program in that the student is enrolled. See also, element 307 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
SUP_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the superior unit version number of the unit version being attempted.
EXAM_LOCATION_CD Describes the code that uniquely identifies an examination location.
ALTERNATIVE_TITLE Describes the alternative title for the student unit attempt. This alternative title will override the title contained in the unit table. For example, it would appear on the student's transcript .
OVERRIDE_ENROLLED_CP Describes the enrolled credit point value that applies to the student unit attempt. This value will override that contained in the unit entity.
OVERRIDE_EFTSU Describes the EFTSU figure entered as an override for the particular student unit attempt. This figure will be used by the system as a 'base EFTSU' whenever calculating EFTSU.
OVERRIDE_ACHIEVABLE_CP Describes the achievable credit point value that applies to the student unit attempt. This value will override that contained in the unit entity.
OVERRIDE_OUTCOME_DUE_DT *** Future functionality. This field describes an override for the due date of the outcome. Normally dates in the teaching period calendar would govern when an outcome is due for a student unit attempt.
OVERRIDE_CREDIT_REASON Describes the reason for overriding the achievable or enrolled credit point values.
ADMINISTRATIVE_PRIORITY Priority given to the waitlist by the administration
WAITLIST_DT Date on that the student is entered into the waitlist
WAITLIST_MANUAL_IND Indicates whether waitlist position is changed manually. Allowable Values Y-Manually changed, N-System changed
DCNT_REASON_CD Code that describes the reason for discontinuation from the program by the student.
UNIT_CD Code used to identify the unit
GRADING_SCHEMA_CODE Code that describes the grading schema for the program
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
GS_VERSION_NUMBER Holds the Version Number of the Grading Schema
ENR_METHOD_TYPE Holds the Enrollment Method Type.
FAILED_UNIT_RULE Field which will store the reason for failed validation for the INVALID unit attempts of the student.
VERSION_NUMBER Version number is used to uniquely identify each version of a unit.
DEG_AUD_DETAIL_ID Degree Audit Details id
CART Indicates whether the unit attempt is added to the cart or not.
ORG_UNIT_CD Captures the Organization unit code for the student unit attempt.
RSV_SEAT_EXT_ID Indicates the Reserve Seating Priority and Preference used for Enrollment
SUBTITLE Sub title
SESSION_ID Session id
STUDENT_CAREER_TRANSCRIPT Indicates whether to include the Unit attempt as part of Career transcript.
STUDENT_CAREER_STATISTICS Indicates whether to include the Unit attempt as part of Career Statistics.
WLST_PRIORITY_WEIGHT_NUM Sum of waitlist priority weights the student satisfied, when moved into waitlist queue.
WLST_PREFERENCE_WEIGHT_NUM Sum of waitlist preference weights the student satisfied, when moved into waitlist queue.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
CAL_TYPE Field is the name of a type of teaching calendar within the university. For example, SEM-1, YR-LONG.
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
CORE_INDICATOR_CODE The core indicator indicates whether a student unit attempt is Core, Optional, Elective or null.
UPD_AUDIT_FLAG Indicates that the student has updated the audit flag to yes and audit permission Is created for this update.
SS_SOURCE_IND Indicates if the unit attempt was created thru the Swap or Admin or planning. Values could be S/A/P/N.N indicates that this unit attempt is a normal cart unit attempt
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
LOCATION_CD Location name or code. The location represents a geographical location and is used to indicate if units are offered.
UNIT_CLASS Describes the code that uniquely identifies the unit class.
CI_START_DT Describes the date from that an instance of a calendar is effective.
Student System - IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT_H_ALL This entity describes the history of changes made to a student unit attempt, including changes to status, location, class, etc.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record
GRADING_SCHEMA_CODE Holds the previous details of the Grading Schema Code
ENR_METHOD_TYPE Enrollment Method Type
ADMINISTRATIVE_PRIORITY Priority given to the waitlist by the administration
WAITLIST_DT Date on that the student is entered into the waitlist
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
HIST_WHO Oracle username of the person who created the history record
CART Indicates whether the unit attempt is added to the cart or not.
ORG_UNIT_CD Captures the Organization unit code for the student unit attempt.
RSV_SEAT_EXT_ID Indicates the Reserve Seating Priority and Preference used for Enrollment
GS_VERSION_NUMBER Holds the Version Number of the Grading Schema
LOCATION_CD Location name or code. The location represents a geographical location and is used to indicate if units are offered.
FAILED_UNIT_RULE Field which will store the reason for failed validation for the INVALID unit attempts of the student.
DEG_AUD_DETAIL_ID Degree Audit Details ID
UOO_ID The unique identifier for a unit offering option.
CORE_INDICATOR_CODE The core indicator indicates whether a student unit attempt is Core, Optional, Elective or null.
UNIT_CLASS Describes the code that uniquely identifies the unit class
ENROLLED_DT Describes the date on that the enrolment in the unit took effect. If this date is not set, the student has not confirmed their enrolment in the unit attempt.
UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS Describes the unit attempt status for the duration of the student unit attempt history.
ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT_STATUS Describes the administrative unit status for the duration of the student unit attempt history.
AUS_DESCRIPTION Describes the administrative unit status
COURSE_CD Describes the program code. DEET element reference 307.
DISCONTINUED_DT Describes the date discontinuation date for the duration of the student unit attempt history.
DCNT_REASON_CD Code that describes the reason for discontinuation from the program by the student.
RULE_WAIVED_DT Describes the date on that a failed rule applying to the unit attempt was waived.
RULE_WAIVED_PERSON_ID Describes the person who waived the unit rule applicable to the unit attempt
NO_ASSESSMENT_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not the student is seeking a formal grade for the student unit attempt. Setting the checkbox ticked signifies that the student is simply auditing the unit and will not be formally assessed.
EXAM_LOCATION_CD Describes the code that identifies if the examination was held for the student unit attempt.
ELO_DESCRIPTION Description of the exam location
SUP_UNIT_CD Describes the superior unit code of the unit version being attempted.
SUP_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the superior unit version number of the unit version being attempted.
UNIT_CD Code used to identify the unit
ALTERNATIVE_TITLE Describes the alternative title for the duration of the student unit attempt history.
OVERRIDE_ENROLLED_CP Describes the override enrolled credit points for the duration of the student unit attempt history.
OVERRIDE_EFTSU Describes the override EFTSU for the duration of the student unit attempt history.
OVERRIDE_ACHIEVABLE_CP Describes the override achievable credit points for the duration of the student unit attempt history.
OVERRIDE_OUTCOME_DUE_DT *** Future functionality.
OVERRIDE_CREDIT_REASON Describes the reason for overriding the achievable or enrolled credit point values.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
VERSION_NUMBER Version number is used to uniquely identify each version of a unit
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CAL_TYPE Name of a type of teaching calendar within the university. For example, SEM-1, YR-LONG.
Student System - IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_ALL This field describes a unit-set, being a logical sub-grouping of course. e.g. Major, Minor, Stream, Strand. A unit-set is typically related to the rules which govern its completion via the Rules Sub-system.
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_SET_CD Code of a unit set. Unit sets comprise lists of units or rules that constitute a logical set of units. Unit sets are used to represent concepts such as majors, minors, strands, streams, and lists.
SHORT_TITLE Describes the unit set short title
ABBREVIATION Describes the unit set abbreviation
RESPONSIBLE_ORG_UNIT_CD Code of an academic or administrative organizational unit operating within the university structure that is responsible for a unit set.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
RESPONSIBLE_OU_START_DT Describes the date from that the organizational unit is effective.
ADMINISTRATIVE_IND Indicator that specifies whether the unit set is administrative or academic in nature. Setting the checkbox ticked classifies the unit set as administrative.
AUTHORISATION_RQRD_IND Indicator that specifies whether authorization is required before a student can select a unit set as part of their program. Setting the checkbox ticked enforces authorization.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
VERSION_NUMBER Used to uniquely identify each version of a unit set
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
UNIT_SET_STATUS Describes the institution-defined unit set status. The unit set status is attributed to each version to define its currency in the system. Unit set status maps to a system unit set status with its associated functionality.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
UNIT_SET_CAT Code of a category of unit set. Unit set categories are institution-defined and might include, for example, MAJOR, MINOR, STRAND and STREAM.
START_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version is created
REVIEW_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version is to be reviewed. No automated action will result from this date, rather it is expected to trigger notification of the need for review.
EXPIRY_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version expires. This date would be entered as part of process of expiring one version and creating a new one. Students may still exist in expired unit set versions until the version is finally ended.
END_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version is finally closed. All student unit sets must be completed or ended before an end date can be entered.
TITLE Title of a unit set. Unit sets comprise lists of units or rules that constitute a logical set of units. Unit sets are used to represent concepts such as majors, minors, strands, streams and lists.
Student System - IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_HIST_ALL This entity describes the history of change to a unit set version.
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_SET_CD Code of a unit set. Unit sets comprise lists of units or rules that constitute a logical set of units. Unit sets are used to represent concepts such as majors, minors, strands, streams, and lists.
SHORT_TITLE Describes the unit set short title
ABBREVIATION Describes the unit set abbreviation
RESPONSIBLE_ORG_UNIT_CD Code of an academic or administrative organizational unit operating within the university structure that is responsible for a unit set.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
RESPONSIBLE_OU_START_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version is to be reviewed. No automated action will result from this date, rather it is expected to trigger notification of the need for review.
OU_DESCRIPTION Description of an organizational unit. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution or organization. Common organizational units in tertiary institutions are faculties, schools, departments, and divisions. Each organizational
ADMINISTRATIVE_IND Indicator that specifies whether the unit set is administrative or academic in nature. Setting the checkbox ticked classifies the unit set as administrative.
AUTHORISATION_RQRD_IND Indicator that specifies whether authorization is required before a student can select a unit set as part of their program. Setting the checkbox ticked enforces authorization.
VERSION_NUMBER Uniquely identify each version of a unit set
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record
HIST_WHO Oracle username of the person who created the history record
UNIT_SET_STATUS Describes the institution defined unit set status. The unit set status is attributed to each version to define its currency in the system. Unit set status maps to a system unit set status with its associated functionality.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
UNIT_SET_CAT Code of a category of unit set. Unit set categories are institution defined and may include, for example, Major, Minor, Strand, and Stream.
START_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version is created
REVIEW_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version is to be reviewed. No automated action will result from this date, rather it is expected to trigger notification of the need for review.
EXPIRY_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version expires. This date would be entered as part of the process of expiring one version and creating a new one. Students may still exist in expired unit set versions until the time when the version
END_DT Enters the date on that the unit set version is finally closed. All student unit sets must be completed or ended before an end date can be entered.
TITLE Title of a unit set. Unit sets comprise lists of units or rules that constitute a logical set of units. Unit sets are used to represents concepts such as majors, minors, strands, streams and lists.
Student System - IGS_CO_S_PER_LT_PARM_ALL Describes parameter values relating to system letter produced for person
Column Name Descritpion
SPL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify a letter that has been sent to a person.
LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the parameter type code that can be merged with letter templates
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify a parameter with a person letter.
PARAMETER_VALUE Contains the value of the parameter to appear in the person letter
LETTER_REPEATING_GROUP_CD Contains the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter
SPLRG_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify an instance of the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
Student System - IGS_CO_S_PER_LTR_ALL Describes system letter to be produced for person
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify a letter that has been sent to a person.
Student System - IGS_CO_S_PERLT_RPTGP_ALL Describes repeating groups in relation to system letter to be produced for person
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify an instance of the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
SUP_REPEATING_GROUP_CD Contains the superior group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter
SUP_SPLRG_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify the superior instance of the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
SPL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number to uniquely identify a letter that has been sent to a person.
LETTER_REPEATING_GROUP_CD Contains the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter
Student System - IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_CONF This entity describes the various date aliases that are used as reference and as default dates for allotting timeslot appointments to students who wish to enroll in a specific program or units.
Column Name Descritpion
TIMESLOT_NAME This field describes a specific timeslot in a given calendar period.
START_DT_ALIAS This field describes the alias name for the start period of a timeslot.
END_DT_ALIAS This field describes the alias name for the end period of a timeslot.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column.
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO column.
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_CONF_ID This is a unique number that is generated by the system for the purpose of identifying a record in the table uniquely.
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier.
Student System - IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_PARA To capture the Timeslot Parameters of running the process.
Column Name Descritpion
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_PARA_ID This is Primary Key column.
MAX_HEAD_COUNT The maximum headcount for one timeslot session.
LENGTH_OF_TIME The length of each timeslot session.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of the last concurrent program
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Program application identifier of the last concurrent program
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of the last concurrent program
PROGRAM_TYPE_GROUP_CD This column stores Program Type Group Code.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of the concurrent program
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier.
CAL_TYPE This column indicates Calendar Type.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER This column indicates Sequence Number.
STUDENT_TYPE This column displays the type of student.
TIMESLOT_CALENDAR This column contains Timeslot calendar.
TIMESLOT_ST_TIME The actual start time of the timeslot.
TIMESLOT_END_TIME The actual end time of the timeslot
TS_MODE Mode of the process - Trial or Final. Can have only two values T or F.
Student System - IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_STUP This entity is used to capture details regarding the setup details of timeslot.
Column Name Descritpion
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_STUP_ID Timeslot Setup Identifier that uniquely identifies a Timeslot setup.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
PROGRAM_TYPE_GROUP_CD A Program Type Group Code that is created in a Timeslot setup.
CAL_TYPE A calendar Type that has been associated with a Timeslot .
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Used to define a unique Sequence Number.
STUDENT_TYPE A Student Type that has been associated with a Timeslot Setup.
ASSIGN_RANDOMLY When checked , Timeslot is assigned Randomly for that particular Program Type.
SURNAME_ALPHABET Assignment of Timeslot is made on the value entered for this field.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
Student System - IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_RSLT To capture the Timeslot assignment results
Column Name Descritpion
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_RSLT_ID This is the unique id of this table for generating sequence number
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_PARA_ID Timeslot parameter Identifier
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. Stores a sequence generated value.
START_DT_TIME Effective Start Date and Time
END_DT_TIME Effective End Date and Time
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_PRTY This entity is used to capture the Timeslot Priority for a particular Program Type.
Column Name Descritpion
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_PRTY_ID Timeslot Priority Identifier that uniquely identifies a Priority.
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_STUP_ID Timeslot Setup Identifier that is uniquely used to Identify a Timeslot Setup.
PRIORITY_ORDER The priority Order of a particular Priority.
PRIORITY_VALUE The Priority Value of a particular Priority.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
Student System - IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_PREF This entity is used to capture the Preferences associated with a particular Priority.
Column Name Descritpion
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_PREF_ID Identifier that is used to uniquely identify a Preference.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number of the corresponding Calendar in the Preference code.
IGS_EN_TIMESLOT_PRTY_ID A Priority Identifier that is associated with a particular Preference.
PREFERENCE_ORDER The Preference Order associated with a particular Preference.
PREFERENCE_CODE The Preference Code associated with a particular Preference.
PREFERENCE_VERSION The Preference Version associated with a particular Preference.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
Student System - IGS_EN_DISC_DL_CONS Describes the columns related to discontinuation deadline date offset constraints
Column Name Descritpion
OFFSET_CONS_TYPE_CD Offset constraint type code
CONSTRAINT_CONDITION Constraint condition
CONSTRAINT_RESOLUTION Constraint resolution
NON_STD_DISC_DL_STP_ID Foreign Key to identify the non-standard unit section discontinuation deadline setup.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
DISC_DL_CONS_ID System generated sequence number uniquely identifies the offset constraints for non-standard unit section discontinuation deadline setup
Student System - IGS_EN_DL_OFFSET_CONS Describes the columns related to enrollment deadline date offset constraints
Column Name Descritpion
OFFSET_CONS_TYPE_CD Offset constraint type code
CONSTRAINT_CONDITION Constraint condition
CONSTRAINT_RESOLUTION Constraint resolution
NON_STD_USEC_DLS_ID Foreign key for non standard unit section dead lines
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
ENR_DL_OFFSET_CONS_ID Enrollment deadline offset constraint id
DEADLINE_TYPE This will hold the value of 'E', if the record is of enrollment deadline or it will hold the value 'R', if is Retention deadline
Student System - IGS_EN_NSD_DLSTP_ALL Describes the columns related to non-standard unit section discontinuation deadline setup
Column Name Descritpion
ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT_STATUS The name of an institution-defined administrative unit status
DEFINITION_CODE The definition level of the administrative unit status
ORG_UNIT_CODE The code for the organizational unit. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution organization
FORMULA_METHOD The formula for calculating the deadline date. It can either be D - Duration days or M - Meeting days
ROUND_METHOD The method of rounding off the result i.e. either S - Standard Round or A - Always Round Up
OFFSET_DT_CODE The offset date equivalent to some existing date for e.g. Unit Section effective Start date
OFFSET_DURATION The duration of offset as a percentage value
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
NON_STD_DISC_DL_STP_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the non-standard unit section discontinuation deadline setup
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
INCL_WKEND_DURATION_FLAG This will indicate whether to consider weekends for formula method duration days
Student System - IGS_EN_NSTD_USEC_DL Describes the columns related to non-standard unit section enrollment deadline dates
Column Name Descritpion
NON_STD_USEC_DLS_ID Foreign key to uniquely identify the non-standard unit section discontinuation deadline setup
FUNCTION_NAME Enrollment Function
DEFINITION_CODE The definition level for the Enrollment Function
ORG_UNIT_CODE The code for the organizational unit. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution organization
FORMULA_METHOD The formula for calculating the deadline date. It can either be Duration days or Meeting days
ROUND_METHOD The method of rounding off the result i.e. either Standard Round or Always Round Up
OFFSET_DT_CODE The offset date equivalent to some existing date for e.g. Unit Section effective Start date
OFFSET_DURATION The duration of offset as a percentage value
NSTD_USEC_DL_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the non-standard unit section enrollment deadline dates
UOO_ID Foreign Key to identify a Unit Section
ENR_DL_DATE Enrollment Deadline date
ENR_DL_TOTAL_DAYS Meeting or Duration Days
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_EN_NSU_DLSTP_ALL Contains all the columns related to non-standard unit section enrollment deadline setup
Column Name Descritpion
FUNCTION_NAME The name of an institution-defined administrative unit status
DEFINITION_CODE The definition level of the administrative unit status
ORG_UNIT_CODE The code for the organizational unit. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution organization
FORMULA_METHOD The formula for calculating the deadline date. It can either be Duration days or Meeting days
ROUND_METHOD The method of rounding off the result i.e. either Standard Round or Always Round Up
OFFSET_DT_CODE The offset date equivalent to some existing date for e.g. Unit Section effective Start date
OFFSET_DURATION The duration of offset as a percentage value
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
NON_STD_USEC_DLS_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the non-standard unit section discontinuation deadline setup
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
INCL_WKEND_DURATION_FLAG This will indicate whether to consider weekends for formula method duration days
Student System - IGS_EN_USEC_DISC_DL Contains all the columns related to non-standard unit section discontinuation deadline dates
Column Name Descritpion
USEC_DISC_DL_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the non-standard unit section discontinuation deadline date
USEC_DISC_DL_DATE Discontinuation Deadline date
USEC_DISC_TOTAL_DAYS Meeting or Duration Days
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT_STATUS Administrative unit status
DEFINITION_CODE The definition level for the administrative unit status
ORG_UNIT_CODE The code for the organizational unit. An organizational unit is a business unit of an institution organization
FORMULA_METHOD The formula for calculating the deadline date. It can either be D - Duration days or M - Meeting days
ROUND_METHOD The method of rounding off the result i.e. either S - Standard Round or A - Always Round Up
OFFSET_DT_CODE The offset date equivalent to some existing date for e.g. Unit Section effective Start date
OFFSET_DURATION The duration of offset as a percentage value.
Student System - IGS_EN_REP_PROCESS Used to store the setup details for Repeat Processing
Column Name Descritpion
REPEAT_PROCESS_ID Repeat Process Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
INSTITUTION_CD Institution code
ORG_UNIT_CD Organization Unit Code
ORG_UNIT_ID Organization Unit ID
INCLUDE_ADV_STANDING_UNITS Include Advance Standings Units Indicator
MAX_REPEATS_FOR_CREDIT Maximum Repeats For Credit
MAX_REPEATS_FOR_FUNDING Maximum Repeats For Funding
USE_MOST_RECENT_UNIT_ATTEMPT Use Most Recent Unit Attempt Indicator
USE_BEST_GRADE_ATTEMPT Use Best Grade Attempt Indicator
Student System - IGS_EN_CPD_EXT_ALL Contains the enrollment eligibility setup information.
Column Name Descritpion
IGS_EN_CPD_EXT_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the Eligibility setup.
RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Rule Sequence Number to identify the rule set up.
STUD_AUDIT_LIM Maximum number of audit units a given student can enroll.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
ORG_ID Organization Identifier for the enrollment Eligibility setup extension details.
ENROLMENT_CAT The Enrollment Category used for eligibility setup.
ENR_METHOD_TYPE The Enrollment Method Type used for eligibility setup.
S_STUDENT_COMM_TYPE The Student Commencement Type used for eligibility setup.
STEP_ORDER_NUM The order in which the eligibility steps should be validated for a given enrollment category, method type and student commencement type.
S_ENROLMENT_STEP_TYPE The Eligibility step type used for eligibility setup.
NOTIFICATION_FLAG Define notification flag i.e. WARN or DENY the user when the validation fails.
S_RULE_CALL_CD The rule call code to the rules engine which is holding the rule defined.
Student System - IGS_EN_ELGB_OVR_ALL Contains the Enrollment Eligibility Override information.
Column Name Descritpion
ELGB_OVERRIDE_ID Unique Identifier for the Eligibility Override information.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent WHO Column
PERSON_ID Unique Identifier for the Person
CAL_TYPE Calendar Type for which the override applied
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar Sequence Number for which the override applied
ORG_ID Unique Identifier of the Organization.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_EN_ELGB_OVR_STEP Contains the Enrollment Eligibility Override information for each validation step.
Column Name Descritpion
ELGB_OVR_STEP_ID Unique Identifier for the Eligibility Override step.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent WHO Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent WHO Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent WHO Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent WHO Column
ELGB_OVERRIDE_ID Unique Identifier for the Eligibility Override information.
UNIT_CD Unit Code for which the override applied -Obsolete
VERSION_NUMBER Unit Version Number for which the override applied -Obsolete
UOO_ID Unique Identifier of Organization. -Obsolete
STEP_OVERRIDE_TYPE The Eligibility step type override.
STEP_OVERRIDE_DT The date on which the override is applied.
STEP_OVERRIDE_LIMIT The override credit point limit if applicable.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_EN_INTM_TYPES Contains the intermission type and it description.
Column Name Descritpion
INTERMISSION_TYPE Type of Intermission
DESCRIPTION Description of Intermission
APPR_REQD_IND Whether approval is required or not
STUDY_ANTR_INST_IND Whether intermission is for studying at another institution or not
CLOSED_IND Whether the intermission type is valid or not.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_SPL_PERM Contains the latest transaction of special permission request.
Column Name Descritpion
SPL_PERM_REQUEST_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the Special permission request transaction.
INSTRUCTOR_DENY_INFO Instructor reason for deny
STUDENT_MORE_INFO More information on special permission request submitted by student over 4000 characters.
TRANSACTION_TYPE Type of the transaction, stores lookup code corresponding to the transaction.
REQUEST_TYPE Request type indicates whether the record is for special permission request or for audit request.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
STUDENT_PERSON_ID Person ID of the Student
UOO_ID Unit section ID, to which the student is attempting
DATE_SUBMISSION Date of the last transaction happened, i.e. last date of update of this record
AUDIT_THE_COURSE Audit this course, possible values are 'Y'/'N', default value is 'N'
INSTRUCTOR_PERSON_ID Person ID of the Instructor who has to approve the Special permission request
APPROVAL_STATUS Approval status of the transaction, possible values are 'M'(Need more Information required) , 'D'(Deny) or 'A'(Approved).
REASON_FOR_REQUEST Reason for the request of the Special permission
INSTRUCTOR_MORE_INFO More information on special permission request submitted by student up to 4000 characters.
Student System - IGS_EN_USEC_STAT_DSP Contains the Unit section statuses what are to be displayed to the self service user for enrollment based on whether displayed is set to yes/no.
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_SECTION_STATUS Unit section status.
DISPLAYED Indicate whether the unit section with the status selected will be displayed for self service enrollment or not.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_DA_CNFG Parent table storage for Configuration of Degree Audit Request Screen capabilities.
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_CONFIG_ID Uniqueness of configuration is applied to request mode and person type. --Obsolete
REQUEST_MODE Configuration requiredType of Request - S (single request) or B (batch request) --Obsolete
PERSON_TYPE Person Type associated with person requesting the degree audit/transfer evaluation report. --Obsolete
RESPONSIBILITY_NAME Self-service responsibility associated with person type
ACCESS_LEVEL Access level for the responsibility
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
REQUEST_TYPE_ID Becomes new key for table
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_PRG_USET Storage for outgoing Program Unit Set information on the programs found for the Student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifies the parent request for data in the table.
UNIT_SET_CATALOG Unit set catalog. References date for students requested or officially declared unit set(s) to identify the effective date(s) of the book which contains university-wide policy.
SELECTION_DATE If the parent program is for an officially declared program, date the unit set code/version above was selected by the student to be an officially declared unit set. This value is used to determine the unit set catalog.
PRIM_UNIT_SET If the parent program is for an officially declared program, indicates whether the unit set code/version above is the main one being officially pursued by the student.
PARENT_UNIT_SET_CODE Code for parent unit set associated with the unit set code/version.
PARENT_UNIT_SET_VERSION Version associated with the parent unit set code.
PARENT_UNIT_SET_SEL_DATE If the parent program is for an officially declared program, date the parent unit set code/version was selected by the student to be an officially declared parent unit set.
UNIT_SET_COMPLETED If the parent program is for an officially declared program, indicates whether the unit set has been completed or not.Y indicates YES, N indicates NO.
UNIT_SET_COMP_DATE If the parent program is or an officially declared program, date the unit set was completed.
UNIT_SET_COMP_SOURCE Source of information that the unit set is complete.SYSTEM for system source, MANUAL for manual source.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Column Attribute cateogry
PERSON_ID Identifies student selected in request
ATTRIBUTE1 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 1
ATTRIBUTE2 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 2
ATTRIBUTE3 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 3
ATTRIBUTE4 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 4
ATTRIBUTE5 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 5
ATTRIBUTE6 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 6
ATTRIBUTE7 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 7
ATTRIBUTE8 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 8
ATTRIBUTE9 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 9
ATTRIBUTE10 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 10
PROGRAM_SEQ_NUM Sequence id which serves as the "parent" program to its associated major(s), minor(s) and track/option(s).
ATTRIBUTE11 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 11
ATTRIBUTE12 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 12
ATTRIBUTE13 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 13
ATTRIBUTE14 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 14
ATTRIBUTE15 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 15
ATTRIBUTE16 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 16
ATTRIBUTE17 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 17
ATTRIBUTE18 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 18
ATTRIBUTE19 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 19
ATTRIBUTE20 Basic Unit Set Details Screen DDF Attribute 20
UNIT_SEQ_NUM Sequence id which helps to link the unit set code/version below to its associated information in this table
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
UNIT_SET_CODE Code of the student's requested or officially declared unit set.
UNIT_SET_VERSION Version associated with the unit set code.
ORG_UNIT_SET_CODE Organizational unit responsible for the unit set code/version.
UNIT_SET_TITLE Title of unit set code/version.
UNIT_SET_CATEGORY Category of the unit set code/version can be major unit set, minor unit set, or track/option unit set. (Only those unit sets with the categories which were defined in the degree audit system profiles are listed in this table.
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_PRG_REF Storage for outgoing information on the Program references for programs found for the Students in the Degree Audit Request
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifies the parent request for data in the table.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Identifies student selected in report
PROGRAM_SEQ_NUM Sequence id which helps to link the program which serves as the "parent" of the students requested or officially declared program to its associated major(s), minor(s) and track/option(s).
PROGRAM_REF_CODE Reference code(s) related to either the requested program or officially declared program as determined in program request type. These codes have meaning for either the third party software or the user.
PROGRAM_REF_CODE_TYPE User-defined type of code associated with the program reference code.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_PRG_CGRY Storage for the outgoing program categories on the programs found for the students selected in the request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifies the parent request for data in the table.
PERSON_ID Identifies student selected in request
PROGRAM_SEQ_NUM Sequence id which helps to link the program which serves as the "parent" of the requested or officially declared program to its associated major(s).
PROGRAM_CATEGORY Category related to either the requested program or officially declared program.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_PRG Storage for the outgoing program for the declared and requested information on the Student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
ORG_UNIT_PROG Organizational unit responsible for the program code/version.
PROGRAM_TITLE Title of the program code/version.
PROGRAM_CATALOG Program level catalog. The program catalog identifies the effective date(s) of the book which contains university-wide policy applicable to the program requested or officially declared program of the student which contains student progress
PROGRAM_START_DATE If the program code/version is an officially declared program, date the students enrollment in the program code/version commences
LOCATION If the program code/version above is an officially declared program, where the program code/version is available for enrollment.
ATTENDANCE_MODE If the program code/version above is an officially declared program, attendance mode associated with program code/version and location.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE If the program code/version is an officially declared program, attendance type associated with the student's officially declared program code/version, location and attendance mode.
PRIMARY_PROGRAM If the program code/version is an officially declared program, indicates whether the officially declared program of the student represents the main program being pursued by the student. Values: Primary, Secondary.
PROGRAM_ATTMPT_STATUS If the program code/version is an officially declared program, indicates status of the officially declared program code/version.
NOMIN_COMPL_YEAR If the program code/version is an officially declared program, and if the student is nominated for program completion, indicates the year associated with that nomination.
PERSON_ID person_id
NOMIN_COMPL_PERIOD If the program code/version is an officially declared program, indicates the period associated with the nominated completion year if the student has been nominated for program completion.
DERIVED_COMPL_YEAR If the program code/version is an officially declared program, indicates a derived completion year the program is to be completed.
DERIVED_COMPL_PERIOD If the program code/version is an officially declared program, indicates a derived period to be associated with the derived completion year.
ANTIC_PROG_COMPL_DATE If the program code/version is an officially declared program, anticipated date of graduation.
REQMTS_COMPLETE If the program code/version is an officially declared program, indicates if all program requirements have been completed.
REQMTS_COMPL_DATE If the program code/version is an officially declared program, date all program requirements are completed
REQMTS_COMPL_SOURCE If the program code/version is an officially declared program, source of information determining that all program requirements have been completed.
CUMULATIVE_GPA Column Cumulative GPA
CLASS_STANDING Student's class standing.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Attribute Category
ATTRIBUTE1 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 1
ATTRIBUTE2 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 2
ATTRIBUTE3 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 3
PROG_SEQ_NUM Sequence id which serves as the "parent" program to its associated major(s), minor(s) and track/option(s).
ATTRIBUTE4 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 4
ATTRIBUTE5 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 5
ATTRIBUTE6 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 6
ATTRIBUTE7 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 7
ATTRIBUTE8 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 8
ATTRIBUTE9 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 9
ATTRIBUTE10 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 10
ATTRIBUTE11 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 11
ATTRIBUTE12 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 12
ATTRIBUTE13 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 13
PRM_REQUEST_TYPE Indicates type of program associated with above prog_seq_num, requested program, officially declared program, or combination Values:D (declared), R (requested, non-declared), B (both)
ATTRIBUTE14 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 14
ATTRIBUTE15 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 15
ATTRIBUTE16 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 16
ATTRIBUTE17 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 17
ATTRIBUTE18 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 18
ATTRIBUTE19 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 19
ATTRIBUTE20 Basic Program Details Screen DFF Attribute 20
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
PERSON_CATALOG Person level catalog for the student of the request. References date associated with either the Person subsystem's matriculation term, first term of admission or most recent term of admission. This date helps identify the effective date(s
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
GRADUATION_TERM Inserted by user hook
ENCODER_SIGNATURE Inserted by user hook.
PROGRAM_CODE Code for the program requested or students officially declared program.
PROGRAM_VER_NUM Version associated with program code.
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_AUDT_DTL Storage for the Degree Audit details for the units found for the Student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
DPMASK Degree program filter and can assist in linking source units to transfer evaluation results
ALT_UNIT_ID1 Transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 1
ALT_UNIT_ID2 Transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 2
ALT_UNIT_ID3 Transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 3
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG1 Indicates alternate unit 1 is a pseudo unit
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG2 Indicates alternate unit 2 is a pseudo unit
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG3 Indicates alternate unit 3 is a pseudo unit
UNIT_FLAG1 Instructs action in third party software
UNIT_FLAG2 Instructs action in third party software.Unit Flag 2
UNIT_FLAG3 Instructs action in third party software .Unit Flag 3
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
UNIT_FLAG4 Instructs action in third party software.Unit Flag 4
UNIT_FLAG5 Instructs action in third party software.Unit Flag 5
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE1 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE2 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE3 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE4 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE5 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE6 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE7 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE8 Unit characteristic code
UNIT_SEQ_NUM Contains references to the unit sequence number in advanced standing, assessment or enrollment tables It is a programmatic sequence and is a part of the primary key.
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE9 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE10 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE11 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE12 Unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_COMMENTS Degree Audit Comments
REF_INST_ID Reference Institution Identification - id for transfer evaluations referenced institution.
REF_INST_CODE Reference Institution Code - code which represents an alternate institition id and used in combination with reference institution id to further define transfer evaluations referenced institution
REF_TITLE Title of transfer evaluations referenced institution
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
OSS_UNIT_LOCATOR OSS Unit Locator indicating where the data is coming from in OSS. Academic history, Advanced standing or Student unit attempts in enrollments, i.e. AH, EN, AS.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
UNIT_SEQ_CODE Unit Sequence Code
UNIT_PSEUDO_UNIT_FLG Indicates unit is a pseudounit
UNIT_EVAL_LOCK Unit has been included in a transfer credit evaluation and decision is locked
DA_GROUP Identifies grouping related to transfer evaluation decision and can assist in linking source units to transfer evaluation results
Student System - IGS_DA_IN_USR_DEF Storage for the incoming user specific information on the Student in the Degree Audit Request
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
ATTRIBUTE2 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE3 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE4 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE5 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE6 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE7 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE8 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE9 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE10 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE11 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
ATTRIBUTE12 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE13 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE14 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE15 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
USER_DEFINED1 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
USER_DEFINED2 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
USER_DEFINED3 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
USER_DEFINED4 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
USER_DEFINED5 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE1 Meaning to user - Return API defined by user hook
Student System - IGS_DA_IN_USET Storage for incoming Unit Set information for the programs coming back from the 3rd party for the Students in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
PRGM_SEQ_IN_ID Sequence number generated by the third party software to assist with linking the program associated with the request to the results in this table
UNIT_SET_EARNED_GPA Grade Point Average generated by the third party software which indicates the gpa using credits completed toward the request's unit set requirements
UNIT_SET_EARNED_GPA_PTS Number of gpa points generated by the third party software which indicates the number of earned quality points for the request's unit set requirements
ATTRIBUTE1 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE2 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE3 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE4 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE5 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE6 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE7 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
BATCH_ID Column Batch Id
ATTRIBUTE8 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE9 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE10 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE11 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE12 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE13 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE14 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE15 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE16 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE17 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
PERSON_ID Column Person ID
ATTRIBUTE18 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE19 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
ATTRIBUTE20 Meaning to user - Return API and storage in OSS defined by user hook
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
PROG_CODE Program Code for the request
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
PROG_VERSION Program Version for the Request Program
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
UNIT_SET_GPA_TYPE Type of unit set gpa generated by the results of the current request.Lookup valueNCA => NCAAMAJ => Major GPAMIN => Minor GPATRO => Track/Option GPAPMA => Projected Major PMI => Projected MinorPTR => Projected Track
UNIT_SET_CODE Unit set code associated with the request
UNIT_SET_VERSION Version associated with the unit set code above
UNIT_SET_COMPL_IND Value generated by the third party software which indicates if the unit set /version of the request is complete or not. May additionally indicate if complete, that in progress units were/were not included in the degree audit results.
UNIT_SET_COMPL_DATE Date generated by the third party software to indicate date that the unit set requirements were completed. Represents the date of the completed degree audit request.
UNIT_SET_COMPL_SRC Always = some value which has meaning to OSS that indicates Third Party Degree Audit Software. This is not a generated value.
UNIT_SET_EARNED_CR_PTS Number generated by the third party software which indicates the number of credits completed toward the request's unit set requirements
Student System - IGS_DA_IN_SRC_UNTS Storage for all the Source Units given by the 3rd party for the Students in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
SRC_UNIT_TEACH_PERIOD Term during which the transfer evaluation's source unit code above was taken
SRC_UNIT_EARNED_CREDIT Credit earned by the student at the prior institution for the transfer evaluation's source unit code above
SRC_UNIT_GRADE Grade earned by the student at the prior institution for the transfer evaluation's source unit code above
SRC_UNIT_COUNT Count associated with the transfer evaluation's source unit code above
SRC_UNIT_TITLE Title associated with the transfer evaluation's source unit code above
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
SRC_UNIT_ID Sequence number generated by the third party software which is associated with each source unit code/version for the student in the request
SRC_UNIT_GROUP Grouping number assigned by third party software which assists in linking the transfer evaluation source and result units
SRC_UNIT_DPMASK Degree program filter associated with the transfer evaluation's source units. Assists in linking the transfer evaluation's source and result units.
SRC_TRANS_UNIT_INST_ID Id of the institution where the transfer evaluation's source unit was taken.The typical link will be one source to one result. However, there may be many source units to one or more result units each with a group (required) and dpmask(opti
SRC_TRANS_UNIT_ALT_INST_ID Alternate institution id for institution where the transfer evaluation's source unit was taken
SRC_UNIT_CODE Code for transfer evaluation's source unit
SRC_UNIT_CODE_VERSION Version associated with the transfer evaluation's source unit code above
Student System - IGS_DA_IN_RSLT_UNTS Storage for the Resulting Unit information from the 3rd party about Units for the Students in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
RESLT_UNIT_TITLE Title generated by the third party software which is associated with the result unit code/version above
RESLT_UNIT_LEVEL Unit level generated by the third party software which is associated with the result unit code/version above
RESLT_UNIT_LEVEL_TITLE Title generated by the third party software which is associated with the result unit level above
RESLT_UNIT_TEACH_PERIOD Term generated by the third party software which indicates the term the transfer evaluation's result unit's credits should be applied to the student's program
RESLT_UNIT_EARNED_CRED Value generated by the third party software which indicates the number of credits earned for the transfer evaluation's unit code/ version above
RESLT_UNIT_GRADE Value generated by the third party software which indicates grade associated with the transfer evaluation's result unit code version above
RESLT_UNIT_GPA_PTS Value generated by the third party software - indicates grade point average points calculated by the third party software for the transfer evaluation's result unit code/ version above
RESLT_UNIT_QUAL_PTS_EARNED Value generated by the third party software - indicates number of quality points to be associated with the transfer evaluation's result unit code/ version above
RESLT_UNIT_SEQ_CODE Value generated by the third party software - indicates unit sequence code
RESLT_UNIT_COUNT Value generated by the third party software - indicates count
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
RESLT_UNIT_PSEUDO_FLAG Value generated by the third party software - indicates that the transfer evaluation's result unit code is a pseudo unit
RESLT_ALT_UNIT_ID1 Value generated by the third party software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 1
RESLT_ALT_UNIT_ID2 Value generated by the third party software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 2
RESLT_ALT_UNIT_ID3 Value generated by the third party software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 3
RESLT_ALT_UNIT_PSEUDO_FLG1 Value generated by the third party software - indicates that the transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 1 is a pseudo unit
RESLT_ALT_UNIT_PSEUDO_FLG2 Value generated by the third party software - indicates that the transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 2 is a pseudo unit
RESLT_ALT_UNIT_PSEUDO_FLG3 Value generated by the third party software - indicates that the transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 3 is a pseudo unit
RESLT_UNIT_FLAG1 Value generated by the third party software which will be stored in the degree audit details and will used by the third party software for processing subsequent requests
RESLT_UNIT_FLAG2 Value generated by the third party software which will be stored in the degree audit details and will used by the third party software for processing subsequent requests
RESLT_UNIT_FLAG3 Value generated by the third party software which will be stored in the degree audit details and will used by the third party software for processing subsequent requests
RSLT_UNIT_ID Sequence number generated by the third party software which assists in linking the information below to the correct result unit generated by the third party software
RESLT_UNIT_FLAG4 Value generated by the third party software which will be stored in the degree audit details and will used by the third party software for processing subsequent requests
RESLT_UNIT_FLAG5 Value generated by the third party software which will be stored in the degree audit details and will used by the third party software for processing subsequent requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE1 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE2 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE3 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE4 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE5 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE6 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE7 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE8 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_UNIT_GROUP Grouping number assigned by the third party software which is associated with the transfer evaluation's result unit code/version. Assists in linking the transfer evaluation source and result units. This value will be stored in the degree
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE9 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE10 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE11 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_DA_UNIT_CODE12 Code generated by the third party software - indicates a unit characteristic code which has meaning to the third party software in subsequent report requests
RESLT_REF_INST_ID Reference Institution Id associated with the referenced transfer evaluation
RESLT_REF_INST_CD Reference Institution associated with the referenced transfer evaluation
RESLT_REF_TITLE Reference Title associated with the referenced transfer evaluation
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
RESLT_UNIT_DPMASK Degree program filter assigned by the third party software which is associated with the transfer evaluation's result unit code/ version. Assists in linking the transfer evaluation's source and result units. This value will be store in th
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
RESLT_UNIT_INST_ID Id of the institution where the transfer evaluation's result units are to be applied toward program requirements
RESLT_UNIT_ALT_INST_ID Alternate institution id for institution where the transfer evaluation's result units are to be applied toward program requirements
RESLT_UNIT_CODE Code generated by the third party software for the transfer evaluation's result unit
RESLT_UNIT_CODE_VERSION Version generated by the third party software which is associated with the above transfer evaluation's result unit
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_STDT_DEG Storage for the outgoing information on the degree information for the Student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
DEGREE_SEQ_NUM Sequence generated value derived from student degree table
PRIOR_ATTMPT_DEGREE Degree program(s) which the student is either currently enrolled in or was previously enrolled in.
PRIOR_DEGREE_EARNED Degree program(s) which the student successfully completed.
PRIOR_DEGREE_INST Institution code where the prior degree was awarded.
PRIOR_DEGREE_INST_NAME Name of the institution where the prior degree was issued.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_STDNT Storage for specific outgoing information on the Student in the Degree Audit Request
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
COUNTRY column country
POSTAL_CODE column postcode
PIN Personal Identification Number, inserted by user hook.
MATRICULATION_TERM Generally defined as the term the student first enrolls in a unit attempt at the local institution or the term the student first enrolls in a unit attempt at the local institution while being enrolled in a degree-granting program attempt.
ADVISOR Academic counselor to the student id of the request.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
MAILING_ADDRESS1 Line one of preferred address or if batch type of request, optional preferred override address
MAILING_ADDRESS2 Line two of preferred address or if batch type of request, optional preferred override address column
MAILING_ADDRESS3 Line three of preferred address or if batch type of request, optional preferred override address column
MAILING_ADDRESS4 Line four of preferred address or if batch type of request, optional preferred override address column
CITY City of preferred address or if batch type of request, optional preferred override address.column city
STATE State of preferred address or if batch type of request
PROVINCE column province
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_SPCL_REQ Storage for the outgoing Special Requirements on the Student found for the Degree Audit Request
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
SPEC_REQ_SEQ_NUM Sequence number associated with each special requirement of the student program attempts for the student in the request.
SPECIAL_REQUIREMENT Identifies code associated with each special requirement of the student program attempts for the student in the request.
TERM_PERIOD Derived teaching period which is associated with the date the special requirement is completed. This represents the term where the special requirement completion will be applied.
SPECIAL_REQ_EXPIRE_DATE Date the special requirements applicability toward program requirements will expire.
SPECIAL_REQ_REF User-defined reference code value.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_CNFG_SRT_ORD Storage for Degree Audit Request configuration on how Units and Unit Like information (Test scores and special requirements) is to be stored in the outgoing tables for the 3rd party.
Column Name Descritpion
SORT_ORDER_TYPE Type of Sorting. Indicates the location in Oacle Student System where the units or unit-like items are stored. AH for Academic History, EN for Enrollment, AS for Advanced Standing.
SORT_ORDER_DESCR Sorting Description. Text describing the Sort Order Type
SORT_ORDER_VAL 1 - 5 values allowed from Lookups.Indicates the preferred sort order, 1-5, with 1 being the first. Items within each value grouping should be sorted further by chronological order.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_DETAILS Storage location for Degree Audit Details
Column Name Descritpion
DEG_AUD_DETAIL_ID Sequence generated number to link degree audit details information to specific units in academic history, advanced standing and student unit attempts in enrollments
UNIT_EVAL_LOCK Meaning to Third Party Software - Unit has been included in a transfer credit evaluation and decision is locked
DA_GROUP Meaning to Third party Software - identifies grouping related to transfer evaluation decision and can assist in linking source units to transfer evaluation results
DPMASK Meaning to Third Party Software - degree program filter and can assist in linking source units to transfer evaluation results
ALT_UNIT_ID1 Meaning to Third Party Software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 1
ALT_UNIT_ID2 Meaning to Third Party Software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 2
ALT_UNIT_ID3 Meaning to Third Party Software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 3
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG1 Meaning to Third Party Software - indicates alternate unit 1 is a pseudo unit
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG2 Meaning to Third Party Software - indicates alternate unit 2 is a pseudo unit
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG3 Meaning to Third Party Software - indicates alternate unit 3 is a pseudo unit
UNIT_FLAG1 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
OSS_UNIT_LOCATOR OSS Unit locator indicating area where data is linked to OSS subsystem. Could be AH, AS, EN
UNIT_FLAG2 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
UNIT_FLAG3 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
UNIT_FLAG4 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
UNIT_FLAG5 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE1 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE2 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE3 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE4 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE5 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE6 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
UNIT_CD Unit Code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE7 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE8 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE9 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE10 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE11 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE12 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_COMMENTS Freeform for user defined need or Third Party Software instructions - may be used to pass text specific to the instance of the unit functional instructions such as academic expections
REF_INST_ID Meaning to Third Party Software - id for transfer evaluation's referenced institution
REF_INST_CODE Meaning to Third Party Software - code which represents alternate institution id and used in combination with referece institution id to further define transfer evaluation's referenced institution
REF_TITLE Meaning to Third Party Software - title of transfer evaluation's referenced institution
ATTRIBUTE1 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 1
ATTRIBUTE2 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 2
ATTRIBUTE3 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 3
ATTRIBUTE4 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 4
ATTRIBUTE5 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 5
ATTRIBUTE6 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 6
ATTRIBUTE7 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 7
ATTRIBUTE8 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 8
ATTRIBUTE9 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 9
UNIT_LEVEL_CD Unit Level Code
ATTRIBUTE10 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 10
ATTRIBUTE11 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 11
ATTRIBUTE12 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 12
ATTRIBUTE13 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 13
ATTRIBUTE14 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 14
ATTRIBUTE15 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 15
ATTRIBUTE16 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 16
ATTRIBUTE17 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 17
ATTRIBUTE18 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 18
ATTRIBUTE19 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 19
ATTRIBUTE20 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 20
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
UNIT_SEQ_CODE Meaning to Third Party Software - Unit Sequence Code
DA_COUNT Meaning to Third Party Software - Count
UNIT_PSEUDO_UNIT_FLG Meaning to Third Party Software - indicates unit is a pseudo unit
Student System - IGS_DA_DETAILS_HIST History storage of the Degree Audit Details
Column Name Descritpion
DEG_AUD_DETAIL_ID Sequence generated number to link degree audit details information to specific units in academic history, advanced standing and student unit attempts in enrollments
UNIT_SEQ_CODE Meaning to Third Party Software - Unit Sequence Code
DA_COUNT Meaning to Third Party Software - Count
UNIT_PSEUDO_UNIT_FLG Meaning to Third Party Software - indicates unit is a pseudo unit
UNIT_EVAL_LOCK Meaning to Third party Software - Unit has been included in a transfer credit evaluation and decision is locked
DA_GROUP Meaning to Third party Software - identifies grouping related to transfer evaluation decision and can assist in linking source units to transfer evaluation results
DPMASK Meaning to Third Party Software - degree program filter and can assist in linking source units to transfer evaluation results
ALT_UNIT_ID1 Meaning to Third Party Software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 1
ALT_UNIT_ID2 Meaning to Third Party Software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 2
ALT_UNIT_ID3 Meaning to Third Party Software - transfer evaluation unit code decision supplement 3
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG1 Meaning to Third Party Software - indicates alternate unit 1 is a pseudo unit
OSS_UNIT_LOCATOR OSS Unit locator indicating area where data is linked to OSS subsystem. Could be AH, AS, EN
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG2 Meaning to Third Party Software - indicates alternate unit 2 is a pseudo unit
ALT_UNIT_PSEUDOUNIT_FLAG3 Meaning to Third Party Software - indicates alternate unit 3 is a pseudo unit
UNIT_FLAG1 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
UNIT_FLAG2 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
UNIT_FLAG3 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
UNIT_FLAG4 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
UNIT_FLAG5 Meaning to Third Party Software - instructs action in third party software
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE1 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE2 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE3 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
HIST_START_DT Date of initial Insert to Unit's degree audit details info. For unit code/version or unit level code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE4 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE5 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE6 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE7 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE8 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE9 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE10 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE11 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_UNIT_CODE12 Meaning to Third Party Software - unit characteristic code
DEG_AUD_COMMENTS Freeform for user defined need or Third Party Software instructions - may be used to pass text specific to the instance of the unit functional instructions such as academic exceptions
HIST_END_DT Date of most recent modification to unit's or unit level's degree audit details info
REF_INST_ID Meaning to Third Party Software - id for transfer evaluation's referenced institution
REF_INST_CODE Meaning to Third Party Software - code which represents alternate institution id and used in combination with reference institution id to further define transfer evaluation's referenced institution
REF_TITLE Meaning to Third Party Software - title of transfer evaluation's referenced institution
ATTRIBUTE1 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 1
ATTRIBUTE2 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 2
ATTRIBUTE3 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 3
ATTRIBUTE4 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 4
ATTRIBUTE5 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 5
ATTRIBUTE6 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 6
HIST_WHO User ID making the update
ATTRIBUTE7 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 7
ATTRIBUTE8 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 8
ATTRIBUTE9 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 9
ATTRIBUTE10 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 10
ATTRIBUTE11 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 11
ATTRIBUTE12 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 12
ATTRIBUTE13 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 13
ATTRIBUTE14 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 14
ATTRIBUTE15 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 15
ATTRIBUTE16 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 16
UNIT_CD Unit Code
ATTRIBUTE17 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 17
ATTRIBUTE18 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 18
ATTRIBUTE19 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 19
ATTRIBUTE20 Degree Audit Details screen's DFF Attribute 20
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
UNIT_LEVEL_CD Unit Level Code
Student System - IGS_DA_IN_PRG Storage for the incoming information from the 3rd party about programs related to the Students in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
PROG_COMP_SRC Always = some value which has meaning to OSS that indicates Third Party Degree Audit Software. This is not a generated value.
PROG_EARNED_CR_PTS Credit point earned in the program. Number generated by the third party software which indicates the number of credits completed toward the request's program requirements
PROG_EARNED_GPA GPA earned in the program. Grade Point Average generated by the third party software which indicates the gpa using credits completed toward the request's program requirements
PROG_EARNED_GPA_PTS Number of gpa points generated by the third party software which indicates the number of earned quality points for the request's program requirements
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
PRGM_SEQ_IN_ID Sequence number generated by the third party software to assist with linking the program associated with the request to the results in this table
DEGREE_DATE Represents the nominated completion year and term (ceremony_round) for requests which represent a preliminary or final graduation clearance run type.
PROG_CODE Code of the request's program
PROG_VERSION Version associated with the above program code of the request
PROG_COMP_IND Program Completion Indicator. Value generated by the third party software which indicates if the program/version of the request is complete or not. May additionally indicate if complete, that in progress units were/were not included in the
PROG_COMP_DATE Program Completion Date. Represents the date of the completed degree audit request.
Student System - IGS_DA_FTR_VAL_MAP Storage location for mapping between Configurable features and their lookup values
Column Name Descritpion
FEATURE_CODE The lookup code of the feature
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
FEATURE_VAL_TYPE The lookup type for the set of feature values
CONFIGURE_CHECKED Value to be stored as system default that can not be changed by user.
THIRD_PARTY_FTR_FLAG Flag indicating that this feature is required for outgoing transfer on the request-- Obsoleted
THIRD_PARTY_FTR_CODE Allows software-specific features to be filtered
ALLOW_DISP_CHK_FLAG Flag to indicate if the user is allowed to set the display flag or not for the feature
SINGLE_ALLOWED Flag to indicate if the feature is allowed for a Single Request type
BATCH_ALLOWED Flag to indicate if the feature is allowed for a Batch Request type
TRANSFER_EVALUATION_IND Allows transfer-specific features to be filtered
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_CNFG_REQ_TYP Storage of Degree Audit configurations on Run Types allowed on the Request Screen
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_CONFIG_ID Request configuration id link back to the configuration parent table - Obsolete
ATTRIBUTE4 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 4
ATTRIBUTE5 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 5
ATTRIBUTE6 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 6
ATTRIBUTE7 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 7
ATTRIBUTE8 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 8
ATTRIBUTE9 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 9
ATTRIBUTE10 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 10
ATTRIBUTE11 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 11
ATTRIBUTE12 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 12
ATTRIBUTE13 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 13
REQUEST_TYPE_ID Sequence on table for each request type configured.
ATTRIBUTE14 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 14
ATTRIBUTE15 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 15
ATTRIBUTE16 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 16
ATTRIBUTE17 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 17
ATTRIBUTE18 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 18
REQUEST_NAME User defined name given to the report.
ATTRIBUTE19 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 19
ATTRIBUTE20 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 20
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_TYPE Configuration required Select one or more values to link to request_mode and person_type combination.For each request type selected, one or more request features must be selected and configured. Validations should occur during the confi
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
REQUEST_MODE Holds the student selection mode - single, batch, or both
REQUEST_TYPE_DISPLAY Y or N value. Indicates whether the request type value will be displayed in the request type LOV on the degree audit/transfer evaluation request screen. - Obsolete
CLOSED_IND Closed Request template do not appear in self-service
PURGABLE_IND Indicator for purge process
REQUEST_TYPE_COMMENT Comment of config user. Meaning to Third Party Software - freeform text which is specific to the request type + person type + request mode combination.
WIF_IND Holds the program comparisons details for the request. Indicates whether the program comparison type is what if.
WIF_PROGRAM_CODE Holds the program code of the program comparison comparisons details for the request if comparison is of type Special program.
WIF_PROGRAM_MOD_IND Indicates if the what if the user in self-service pages can modify details.
WIF_CATALOG_CAL_TYPE Holds the catalog cal type for the What if program comparison type.
WIF_CATALOG_CI_SEQ_NUM Holds the catalog cal sequence number for the What if program comparison type.
WIF_CATALOG_MOD_IND Indicates if the what if the user in self-service pages can modify details (Program catalog).
SPECIAL_IND Indicates whether the program comparison type is Special
SPECIAL_PROGRAM_CODE Holds the program code if the comparisons is of type 'Special program'.
SPECIAL_PROGRAM_MOD_IND Indicates if the user in self-service pages can modify the special programdetail.
SPECIAL_CATALOG Holds the catalog information if the program comparison is special program
SPECIAL_CATALOG_MOD_IND Indicates if the user in self-service pages can modify the special program catalog detail.
ENROLLED_IND Indicates if the user in self-service pages can modify the special program catalog detail.
SPA_COMPLETE_IND Indicates whether Program is completed or not.
SUSA_COMPLETE_IND Indicates whether Unit Sets is completed or not.
ATTRIBUTE1 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 1
ATTRIBUTE2 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 2
ATTRIBUTE3 Degree Audit/Transfer Request Configuration DFF Attribute 3
Student System - IGS_DA_CNFG_FTR Storage of Degree Audit configuration on Features allowed on the Request Screen.
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_TYPE_ID Sequence ID for the table to have multiple request types allowed to choose for request
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
FEATURE_CODE Holds the feature code for relation to FTR_VAL_MAP
FEATURE_NAME Configuration screen choice. Indicates value from lookup Degree Audit Request Features selected for configuration which is associated with request mode + person type + request type combination -- Obsolete
CONFIGURE_FLAG Configuration screen choice. Indicates if the selected request feature value is selected to be configured for the request type + person type + request mode combination.
DISPLAY_FLAG Configuration screen choice. Indicates if the selected request feature should be displayed on the degree audit/transfer evaluation request screen for the request type + person type + request mode combination
FEATURE_VALUE Selected feature value from the options given for feature values
FORCE_VALUE_FLAG Configuration screen choice. Y or N. Indicates that the selected feature value is the pre-selected value
DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG Configuration screen choice. Y or N
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_STDT_SPT Storage for outgoing information on all Sports the Student in the Degree Audit Request is involved with.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
SPORT_SEQ_NUM Programmatic sequence. Part of Primary key
SPORT_NAME The name of the teams, sports, or athletic activities in which the student participates.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_TSTS Storage for the outgoing Test information for the Student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
TEST_SCORE_ATTR1 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 1
TEST_SCORE_ATTR2 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 2
TEST_SCORE_ATTR3 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 3
TEST_SCORE_ATTR4 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 4
TEST_SCORE_ATTR5 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 5
TEST_SCORE_ATTR6 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 6
TEST_SCORE_ATTR7 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 7
TEST_SCORE_ATTR8 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 8
TEST_SCORE_ATTR9 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 9
TEST_SCORE_ATTR10 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 10
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
TEST_SCORE_ATTR11 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 11
TEST_SCORE_ATTR12 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 12
TEST_SCORE_ATTR13 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 13
TEST_SCORE_ATTR14 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 14
TEST_SCORE_ATTR15 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 15
TEST_SCORE_ATTR16 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 16
TEST_SCORE_ATTR17 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 17
TEST_SCORE_ATTR18 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 18
TEST_SCORE_ATTR19 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 19
TEST_SCORE_ATTR20 Test Scores Screen DFF Attribute 20
TEST_SEQ_NUM Sequence number associated with each test type for the student in the request.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
TEST_TYPE Identifies type of test.
TEST_DATE Test administration date .
TERM Derived teaching period which is associated with the test date.
SPECIAL_CODE User-defined code associated with the test type.
COMPOSITE_SCORE Summary of scores of the test segments associated with the test type.
TEST_SCORE_ACTIVE Indicates which of the test dates associated with the test type is the one used to determine competency and unit placement.Y indicates YES, N indicates NO.
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_TST_SGMT Storage for outgoing information on the test segments for the tests found for the Student in the Degree Audit Request
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
TEST_SEQ_NUM References "parent" test sequence number found in tests table .
TEST_SEGMT_NAME Name of the test segment
TEST_SEGMT_SCORE Score associated with the test segment above
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_AS Storage on outgoing Advanced Standing information on student in the Degree Audit Request
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
UNIT_VERSION Indicates version associated with unit code.
ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT Organizational unit responsible for the unit code/version.
UNIT_INTERNAL_PROG_LVL Internal program level associated with the unit code/version.
UNIT_LEVEL Indicates unit level assigned to unit code at system level.
ADV_STAND_UNIT_LVL Advanced standing level associated with the unit level code. This is unit level designated in advanced standing details
UNIT_TITLE Title of the unit code/version.
UNIT_LEVEL_DESCRIPTION Indicates the description of the unit level.
ADV_STAND_TYPE Type of recognition associated with the unit code/version or unit level code.
ADV_STAND_GRANT_STAT Status associated with the unit code/version.
ADV_STAND_LVL_GRNT_STATUS Status associated with the unit level code.
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
UNIT_GRADE Indicates grade for the advanced standing unit code/version or unit level granted.
GRADING_SCHEMA Indicates grading schema associated with grade for the unit code/version or unit level.
GRADING_SCHEMA_VERSION Indicates version of the grading schema.
UNIT_CREDIT_SIGN Indicates whether advanced standing credits are positive or negative. Null for positive, "-" for negative
UNIT_PTS_EARN_ACHVE Indicates number of credits assigned to the unit code/version or unit level as a result of the transfer evaluation
GPA_PTS Indicates derived grade point average value for unit code/version or unit level.
QUALITY_PTS_EARNED Indicates quality points earned for the unit code/version or unit level as a result of the transfer evaluation. This value is used to calculate a grade point average for advanced standing credits.
ADV_STAND_UNIT_APPR_DATE Indicates date the advanced standing unit code/version credit is approved.
ADV_STAND_UNIT_EXP_DATE Indicates date the approved advanced standing unit code/version credit will expire pending some condition or action.
ADV_STAND_UNIT_GRNT_DATE Indicates date the approved advanced standing unit code/version credit is granted as a result of a pending condition or action being satisfied
UNIT_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for each unit or unit level for the students selected in the request.
ADV_STAND_LVL_APPR_DATE Indicates date the advanced standing unit level credit is approved.
ADV_STAND_LVL_EXP_DATE Indicates date the approved advanced standing unit level credit will expire pending some condition or action
ADV_STAND_LVL_GRANT_DATE Indicates date the approved advanced standing unit level credit is granted as a result of a pending condition or action being satisfied.
SRC_UNIT_INSTITUTION_ID Identifies previous institution where source unit was taken.
SRC_ALT_INSTITUTION_ID Provides an alternate id for the previous institution where the source unit was taken.
SRC_UNIT_CODE Previous institution's code for the unit.
SRC_UNIT_TITLE Previous institution's title for the unit.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Column Attribute category
ATTRIBUTE1 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF Attribute1
ATTRIBUTE2 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute2
HOME_INST_ID Identifies an institution as the local institution for students selected by the request.
ATTRIBUTE3 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute3
ATTRIBUTE4 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute4
ATTRIBUTE5 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute5
ATTRIBUTE6 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute6
ATTRIBUTE7 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute7
ATTRIBUTE8 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute8
ATTRIBUTE9 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute9
ATTRIBUTE10 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute10
ATTRIBUTE11 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute11
ATTRIBUTE12 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute12
HOME_INST_ALT_ID Alternate institution id for "local" institution
ATTRIBUTE13 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute13
ATTRIBUTE14 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute14
ATTRIBUTE15 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute15
ATTRIBUTE16 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute16
ATTRIBUTE17 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute17
ATTRIBUTE18 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute18
ATTRIBUTE19 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute19
ATTRIBUTE20 Basic Unit Detail Screen DFF attribute20
LECT_CREDIT_PTS Indicates number of lecture credit points associated with the unit code/version
LAB_CREDIT_PTS Indicates number of lab credit points associated with the unit code/version
EXEMPTION_INST_ID Id of the institution where the exemption is being given
CONTIN_EDU_UNITS Indicates number of continuing education credits associated with unit code/version
OTHER_CREDIT_PTS Indicates number of user-defined credits associated with unit code/version
REPEAT_IND Indicates whether unit code/version can be repeated.Y indicates YES, N indicates NO.
REP_MAX_TIMES_CRED Maximum number of cumulative times the unit code/version may be repeated
REP_MAX_CRD_PTS Indicates maximum number of credit points for which unit code/version can be repeated.
REP_MAX_CRD_PTS_PERIOD Indicates maximum number of credit points for which unit code/version can be repeated within one teaching period
REP_MAX_TIMES_PERIOD Indicates maximum number of times unit code/version can be repeated in one period
AWARD_PROG_IND Indicates whether the unit can count toward program award requirements.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
ALT_INSTITUTION_ID Alternate institution code definition for exemption institution.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
TERM_PERIOD Indicates term to which advanced standing applies. Term can differ from term when source unit was taken at previous institution.
UNIT_CODE Indicates unit code assigned as result of transfer evaluation.
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_EN Storage for the outgoing Enrollment units for the student in the Degree Audit Request
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifies the parent request for data in the table.
UNIT_VERSION Indicates version of unit code for attempted unit
ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT Indicates organizational unit responsible for the unit code/version.
LOCATION Indicates location where the unit code/version is taught.
UNIT_CLASS Indicates code associated with the unit code/version which usually corresponds to "section number" in legacy information.
UNIT_INTERNAL_PROG_LVL Indicates internal program level associated with unit code/version.
UNIT_LEVEL Indicates unit level associated with unit code/version.
UNIT_TITLE Indicates title of unit code/version.
UNIT_SUBTITLE Indicates subtitle of the unit code/version or unit class.
SHORT_TITLE Indicates short title of unit code/version.
UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS Indicates student unit attempt status.
PERSON_ID Identifies student selected in the request
FINALIZED_GRADE_IND Indicates whether grade is final or not
UNIT_GRADE Indicates grade for student unit attempt.
UNIT_MARK Indicates mark for student unit attempt
GRADING_SCHEMA Indicates grading scheme associated with grade or mark for the student unit attempt.
GRADING_SCHEMA_VERS Version of the grading schema
TRANSL_UNIT_GRADE Indicates the translated grade when a grade is translated between grading schemas.
TRANSL_GRADE_SCHEMA Indicates grading schema into which original grade is translated.
TRANSL_GRADE_SCHEMA_VER Indicates version of grading schema into which original grade is translated.
UNIT_CREDIT_SIGN Indicates whether credit for the student unit attempt is positive or negative NULL for positive, "-" for negative
UNIT_CREDIT_PTS Indicates maximum number of credits allowed to be earned - set at system level
UNIT_SEQ_NUM Sequence number associated with each student unit attempt for the student in the request.
ACHIEVABLE_CRED_PTS Indicates maximum number of credits allowed to be earned - set at system level
UNIT_PTS_EARN_ACHIEVED Indicates number of credits the student earns after satisfactory/unsatisfactory completion of the class
LECT_CREDIT_PTS Indicates number of lecture credit points associated with the unit code/version
LAB_CREDIT_PTS Indicates number of lab credit points associated with the unit code/version
CONTIN_EDU_UNITS Indicates number of continuing education credits associated with unit code/version
OTHER_CREDIT_PTS Indicates number of user-defined credits associated with unit code/version
EQUIV_FULL_STUDENT_UNIT Indicates number of equivalent full-time student credits (government reporting information) associated with the unit code/version
OVERRIDE_EFTSU Indicates overridden number of equivalent full-time student credits associated with the student unit attempt
REPEAT_IND Indicates whether unit code/version can be repeated. Y indicates YES, N indicates NO.
REP_MAX_TIMES_CRED Indicates maximum number of times unit code/version can be repeated
HOME_INST_ID Identifies an institution as the local institution for students selected by the request.
REP_MAX_CRD_PTS Indicates maximum number of credit points for which unit code/version can be repeated.
REP_MAX_CRD_PTS_PERIOD Indicates maximum number of credit points for which unit code/version can be repeated within one teaching period
REP_MAX_TIMES_PERIOD Indicates maximum number of times unit code/version can be repeated in one period
AWARD_PROG_IND Indicates whether the unit can count toward program award requirements.
BASIC_UNIT_DET1 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 1
BASIC_UNIT_DET2 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute2
BASIC_UNIT_DET3 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 3
BASIC_UNIT_DET4 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 4
BASIC_UNIT_DET5 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 5
BASIC_UNIT_DET6 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 6
HOME_INST_ALT_ID Provides an alternate institution identifier for the local institution.
BASIC_UNIT_DET7 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 7
BASIC_UNIT_DET8 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 8
BASIC_UNIT_DET9 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 9
BASIC_UNIT_DET10 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute10
BASIC_UNIT_DET11 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 11
BASIC_UNIT_DET12 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 12
BASIC_UNIT_DET13 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 13
BASIC_UNIT_DET14 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 14
BASIC_UNIT_DET15 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 15
BASIC_UNIT_DET16 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 16
UNIT_INSITUTION_ID Indicates institution where unit attempt is taken.
BASIC_UNIT_DET17 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 17
BASIC_UNIT_DET18 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 18
BASIC_UNIT_DET19 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 19
BASIC_UNIT_DET20 Basic Unit DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 20
UNIT_SEC_DET1 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 1
UNIT_SEC_DET2 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 2
UNIT_SEC_DET3 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 3
UNIT_SEC_DET4 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 4
UNIT_SEC_DET5 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 5
UNIT_SEC_DET6 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 6
ALT_INSTITUTION_ID Provides an alternate identifier for the institution where unit attempt is taken.
UNIT_SEC_DET7 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 7
UNIT_SEC_DET8 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 8
UNIT_SEC_DET9 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 9
UNIT_SEC_DET10 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 10
UNIT_SEC_DET11 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 11
UNIT_SEC_DET12 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 12
UNIT_SEC_DET13 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 13
UNIT_SEC_DET14 Basic Unit Section DetailsScreen DFF Attribute 14
UNIT_SEC_DET15 Basic Unit Section Details Screen DFF Attribute 15
UNIT_SEC_DET16 Basic Unit Section Details Screen DFF Attribute 16
TEACHING_PERIOD Indicates teaching period in which unit attempt is taken.
UNIT_SEC_DET17 Basic Unit Section Details Screen DFF Attribute 17
UNIT_SEC_DET18 Basic Unit Section Details Screen DFF Attribute 18
UNIT_SEC_DET19 Basic Unit Section Details Screen DFF Attribute 19
UNIT_SEC_DET20 Basic Unit Section Details Screen DFF Attribute 20
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
UNIT_CODE Indicates unit code of attempted unit.
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_USR_DEF Storage for outgoing institution specific information that is to be sent out for each student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifies the parent request for data in the table.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE1 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE2 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE3 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE4 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE5 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE6 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE7 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE8 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE9 Inserted by user hook
PERSON_ID Identifies student selected in request
ATTRIBUTE10 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE11 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE12 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE13 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE14 Inserted by user hook
ATTRIBUTE15 Inserted by user hook
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
TOP_TEXT Inserted by user hook
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
BOTTOM_TEXT Inserted by user hook
USER_EXCPT1 Inserted by user hook
USER_EXCPT2 Inserted by user hook
USER_EXCPT3 Inserted by user hook
USER_EXCPT4 Inserted by user hook
USER_EXCPT5 Inserted by user hook
Student System - IGS_DA_PURGE Storage of Degree Audit Requests that have been purged from system
Column Name Descritpion
PUR_REQ_ID Sequence on table
REQUESTOR_TYPE Requestor Type (Person type)
REQUEST_MADE_DATE Date of request made
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
BATCH_ID Batch ID of the request that is Purged
PURGE_STATUS Type of Purge Request. P (Preliminary) or F (final) status
REQUEST_STATUS Final status value of the Degree Audit request
REQUEST_TYPE Request Type of the selected Degree Audit request made by the user
REQUEST_MODE Single or Batch request made by user
REPORT_STATUS Final Status of report from 3rd Party
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_FTRS Storage of Degree Audit configuration on Features allowed on the Request Screen
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
FEATURE_NAME Value from lookup Degree Audit Request Features selected for configuration which is associated with request mode + person type +request type combination --Obsoleted
DISPLAY_FLAG Indicates if the selected request feature should be displayed on the degree audit/transfer evaluation request screen for the request mode + person type + request type combination --Obsoleted
FEATURE_VALUE Selected feature value from the options given for feature values and can be NULL if the feature is required for 3rd party and not configured by the admin.
FEATURE_UPDATE_FLAG Can be Y or N. Y represents the Default value and can be changed by user. N represents Force value and can not be changed by user. --Obsoleted
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_STDNTS Storage for the Students that the Degree Audit Request is for.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
IGS_DA_REQ_STDNTS_ID Unique ID. It is sequence generated.
PERSON_ID For batch requests, the order that person id will appear in this table is determined by the sort option 1-5 values selected during the batch student criteria selection.
PROGRAM_CODE Holds the enrolled program code
WIF_PROGRAM_CODE Holds the what-if program code
SPECIAL_PROGRAM_CODE Holds the special program code
MAJOR_UNIT_SET_CD Holds the major unit set code
PROGRAM_MAJOR_CODE Holds the combination of program and major codes
PERSON_NUMBER Person number for the person. --Obsoleted
LAST_NAME Last Name of a person --Obsoleted
FIRST_NAME First name of a person --Obsoleted
ALT_PERSON_NUMBER Atlernate Student ID which can be used to associate student Id values stored in 3rd party software with those in OSS --Obsoleted
WIF_ID Unique Identifier for the program and unit set details for a what-if request
REPORT_TEXT CLOB holding the returned report from the third-party
ERROR_CODE Holds error code for each student's request that fails.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_RQST Parent table for storage of all Degree Audit Requests made.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch number of request
REQUEST_TYPE Request Type value associated with Request --Obsoleted
REQUEST_TYPE_COM1 Unique Request Type Comment associated with Request Mode and Person Type of requestor and request Type --Obsoleted
REQUEST_TYPE_COM2 Freeform Comment inserted by User hook which has the meaning for third party software --Obsoleted
REQUEST_TYPE_COM3 Freeform Comment inserted by User hook which has the meaning for third party software --Obsoleted
REQUEST_TYPE_COM4 Freeform Comment inserted by User hook which has the meaning for third party software
REQUEST_TYPE_ID New relation to configuration template
DECL_PROGRAM Declared program code value selected from the Request screen. --Obsoleted
DECL_PROG_VERSION Declared program version of the program code selected from the Request Screen --Obsoleted
DECL_PROG_CATALOG Declared program catalog of the program code selected from the Request screen. --Obsoleted
DECL_PROG_CAL_TYPE Calendar Type associated to the catalog chosen for the program catalog on the Request Screen. --Obsoleted
DECL_PROG_SEQ_NUM Sequence Number associated with the catalog chosen for the program catalog on the Request Screen. --Obsoleted
WHATIF_ORG_UNIT Organizational unit selected for defining the What-if program on Request Screen. --Obsoleted
SPECIAL_PROGRAM Freeform, user-defined value representing software program code which is provided during the request or pre-selected as part of the request configuration
REQUEST_MODE Indicates whether Single or Batch Request and if batch request then there is a batch record.
SPECIAL_PROGRAM_CATALOG Freeform, user-defined value representing software catalog associated with above software program code which is provided during the request or pre-selected as part of the request configuration
IDGROUP_REGION Grouping of student characterisitcs for batch request student selection. Y indicates ID Group Region used as part of request, N indicates it is not used. --Obsoleted
ACTIVITIES_REGION Grouping of student characterisitcs for batch request student selection. Y indicates Activities region used as part of request, N indicates it is not used. --Obsoleted
ADMISSION_REGION Grouping of student characterisitcs for batch request student selection. Y indicates Admission Region used as part of request, N indicates it is not used. --Obsoleted
PROGRAM_REGION Grouping of student characterisitcs for batch request student selection. Y indicates Program Region used as part of request, N indicates it is not used. --Obsoleted
GRADUATION_REGION Grouping of student characteristics for batch request student selection. Y indicates Graduation Region used as part of request, N indicates it is not used. --Obsoleted
ENROLLMENT_REGION Grouping of student characterisitcs for batch request student selection. Y indicates Enrollment Region used as part of request, N indicates it is not used. --Obsoleted
TEST_REGION Grouping of student characterisitcs for batch request student selection. Y indicates Test Region used as part of request, N indicates it is not used. --Obsoleted
SORT_REGION Grouping of student characterisitcs for batch request student selection. Y indicates Sort Region used as part of request, N indicates it is not used. --Obsoleted
ATTRIBUTE1 Request Type DFF Attribute 1
ATTRIBUTE2 Request Type DFF Attribute 2
ATTRIBUTE3 Request Type DFF Attribute 3
PROGRAM_COMPARISON_TYPE Holds the program comparison information
ATTRIBUTE4 Request Type DFF Attribute 4
ATTRIBUTE5 Request Type DFF Attribute 5
ATTRIBUTE6 Request Type DFF Attribute 6
ATTRIBUTE7 Request Type DFF Attribute 7
ATTRIBUTE8 Request Type DFF Attribute 8
REQUEST_STATUS Status of outgoing request -- informs software of readiness for DEGAUD API to begin processing outgoing data. Value of the request status can be N( new), N(x) where x represents the screen number that the user was on after each stage, P (
ATTRIBUTE9 Request Type DFF Attribute 9
ATTRIBUTE10 Request Type DFF Attribute 10
ATTRIBUTE11 Request Type DFF Attribute 11
PERSON_ID_GROUP_ID Holds the person ID group used for multiple student selections
ATTRIBUTE12 Request Type DFF Attribute 12
ATTRIBUTE13 Request Type DFF Attribute 13
ATTRIBUTE14 Request Type DFF Attribute 14
ATTRIBUTE15 Request Type DFF Attribute 15
ATTRIBUTE16 Request Type DFF Attribute 16
PERSON_ID Holds the person ID used for single student selection
ATTRIBUTE17 Request Type DFF Attribute 17
ATTRIBUTE18 Request Type DFF Attribute 18
REPORT_INDICATOR Indicates to user the completion status of the report's requirements. --Obsoleted
ATTRIBUTE19 Request Type DFF Attribute 19
ATTRIBUTE20 Request Type DFF Attribute 20
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
REQUESTOR_ID Person ID that made the request
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
STUDENT_RELEASE_IND Indicates if the reports have been released to students
NUM_REPORTS -Obsoleted
REQUESTOR_TYPE Person type code for person making the request. --Obsoleted
REPORT_STATUS Status of incoming report. Informs Return OSS API to begin processing incoming data. Value of the report status from the 3rd party. Values are N (New Request), S (Success), F (Failure) --Obsoleted
REQUESTOR_SURNAME Person's Surname who is making the request --Obsoleted
REQUESTOR_GIVENNAME Person's Given name who is making the request --Obsoleted
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_WIFTRCKS Storage for Degree Audit Request information on What-If Track options for the Student. Information only allowed for Single Request Types not Batch.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PRIMARY_SEQ_NUM Unique Identifier for row
PROGRAM_CODE Program code which serves as the "parent" of the request to its associated major(s)
MAJOR_SEQ_NUM A maximum of one track/option allowed per major unit set per request. column can be null depending on institution setup for major.
TRACK_SEQ_NUM Programmatic sequence number based on the number of track options allowed per major
TRACK_UNIT_SET Option selected at time of request by user.
TRACK_OPTION_VERSION Version number associated with the track/options unit-set above
TRACK_OPTION_CATALOG Track/Options catalog selection during the request. References date for track/options unit set selection to identify the effective date(s) of the book which contains university-wide policy applicable to student.
TRACK_CAL_TYPE This column is used to store the Calendar type attached to the Tracking a program .
TRACK_CI_SEQ_NUM This column is used to store the Calendar instance sequence number attached to the Tracking a program .
ORG_UNIT_TRACK Organizational unit responsible for the track/option unit set
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_WIFPRGS Storage on the Degree Audit Request What-If programs for the Student. Information only allowed during the Single Request Types not Batch
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PROGRAM_CODE Course code selected as part of the request
PROGRAM_VERSION Version number associated with course code above
PROGRAM_CATALOG The program catalog selected during request which identifies the effective date(s) of the book.
ORG_UNIT_PROG Organizational unit code responsible for the request's program (Program code)
PRG_CAL_TYPE This column is used to store the Calendar type attached to a program .
PRG_CI_SEQ_NUM This column is used to store the Calendar instance sequence number attached to a program .
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_WIFMNRS Storage of Degree Audit Request information on What-If Minors selection for the student. Information only allowed for Single Request Types not Batch.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PRIMARY_SEQ_NUM Unique identifier for the row
MINOR_SEQ_NUM Programmatic sequence on record insert. Values should be 1 - 3 per program code or major sequence number combination.
MAJOR_SEQ_NUM Up to three minor unit sets may be associated with each major seq num per request. major sequence number can be null depending on institution setup for major definition.
MINOR_UNIT_SET Minor unit set code selected as part of the request
MINOR_VERSION Version number associated with the minors unit-set above
MINOR_CATALOG Minors catalog selected during the request. References date for minors unit set selection to identify the effective date(s) of the book which contains university-wide policy.
MINOR_CAL_TYPE This column is used to store the Calendar type attached to the minor program .
MINOR_CI_SEQ_NUM This column is used to store the Calendar instance sequence number attached to the minor program .
ORG_UNIT_MINOR Organizational unit responsible for the minor unit set
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_WIFMJRS Storage for the Degree Audit Request information on What-If majors selection for the student. Information only allowed during Single Request Type not Batch.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
MAJOR_SEQ_NUM This is a programmatic sequence. For this table there are only 3 major rows per program in the What-if scenario. So the values for the request if there are any inserted will be 1, 2 and 3.This helps to identify the linking of major unit s
PROGRAM_CODE Course code selected for the request which will serve as a "parent" to the major, minor or track/option unit sets.
MAJOR_UNIT_SET Unit set code which represents the major selected during the request
MAJOR_VERSION Version number associated with the unit set code above
MAJOR_CATALOG Major's catalog selected during the request. References date for major's unit set selection to identify the effective date(s) of the book.
MAJOR_CAL_TYPE This column is used to store the Calendar type attached to the major program .
MAJOR_CI_SEQ_NUM This column is used to store the Calendar instance sequence number attached to the major program .
ORG_UNIT_MAJOR Organizational Unit responsible for the major unit set (unit_set_cd)
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_RPTS Storage for Degree Audit Request Reports generated by the 3rd Party.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
REPORT_TEXT Inserted when report generated. Physical formatted report generated by the 3rd party software
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_BATCH Storage for Degree Audits on criteria for students in the request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID ID to be in sync with parent request table IGS_DA_RQST
ADMISSION_PERIOD Calendar period which the applicant has applied for admission to the institution
ADM_PRD_CAL_TYPE Calendar type that is used in the definition of the admission period
ADM_PRD_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for the calendar that is used in the definition of the admission period
ADM_PRD_START_DT Start date of the calendar instance that is used in definition of admission period
ADM_PRD_END_DT End date of the calendar instance that is used in definition of admission period
ENTRY_STATUS Value indicating status of incoming student usually in terms of class standing at time of admissionExample:Early admit from High School, first time freshman, freshman transfer, junior transfer, post-undergraduate transfer
ENTRY_STATUS_DESC Description of the admission entry status meaningful to the user.
S_ADM_ENTRY_STATUS System use for obtaining the entry status value
PRIOR_INSTITUTION_CODE Institution id associated with the academic institutions attended by the student id of the request prior to being admitted to the local institution
PRIOR_INSTITUTION_NAME Name that identifies the institution code meaningful to the user.
PERSON_ID_GROUP_CD User defined value in OSS for Person Group reference that links students on criteria meaningful to user
ATHLETIC_PROGRAM_DESC Description of the athletic program meaningful to the user.
ATHLETIC_PROGRAM_NAME Name of the athletic program student is involved in
ATHLETIC_PROGRAM_ID OBSOLETED. Unique identifier of the athletic program
ADVISOR_PERSON_ID Advisors person ID that matches the advisor_of name
ADVISOR_OF Academic counselor to the student id of the request
ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_PROG Organizational unit associated with the student's program attempt identified in program/version belowExamples: College of Education, College of Business, Continuing Education Unit
ANTIC_COMPL_TERM Term that the student is anticipated to complete the program in
ANTIC_COMPL_CAL_TYPE Calendar type that the anticipated completion term is based off.
ANTIC_COMPL_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for the calendar type that the anticipated completion term is based off
ANTIC_CAL_START_DATE Anticipated Completion Term calendar start date
PERSON_ID_GROUP_ID Unique identifier for the group id code created by the user for the Program Group Code
ANTIC_CAL_END_DATE Anticipated Completion Term calendar end date
ANTIC_COMPL_OPER Operator value based on lookup of OPERATOR lookup type
GRAD_TERM Graduation term that the student is eligible for or potentially eligible for.
GRAD_CAL_TYPE Graduation term calendar type that assists in the creation the term
GRAD_SEQ_NUMBER Graduation term calendar sequence number that assists in the creation of the term
GRAD_CAL_START_DT Start date of the calendar instance that the Graduation term was created on
GRAD_CAL_END_DT End date of the calendar instance that the Graduation term was created on
GRAD_TERM_OPER Operator value based on lookup of OPERATOR lookup type
PROGRAM_REF_CD Reference code value that is used for defining a program
PROGRAM_REF_CD_TYPE Program reference type value that identifies the reference code used for the program
PERSON_ID_GROUP_DSCR Description of the Program Group Code meaningful to the user
PROGRAM_REF_CD_DESC Description of the reference code that is meaningful to the user.
S_REFERENCE_CD_TYPE System lookup for the program reference code.
PROGRAM_GROUP_CD Program code that represents the the group of programs
PROGRAM_GROUP_TYPE Program group type that represents the program code
PROGRAM_GROUP_DESC Description of the Program Group that is meaningful to the user.
PROGRAM_CD COURSE_CD associated with the student's program attempts
PROGRAM_TITLE Title of the Program that gives meaning to the user
PROGRAM_VERSION version associated with COURSE_CD above
PROGRAM_ATTMPT_STATUS Status associated with program/version above
PROGRAM_CATALOG References date for program selection to identify the effective date(s) of the book which contains university-wide policy applicable to student progression and academic decision-making rules Examples: Academic Yr 2000 Academic Yr plus Ter
CLASS_STANDING Student status based on user-defined criteria, usually the number of credits earned toward program completionExamples: freshman, sophomore, junior, senior, post-undergraduate
PROGRAM_CATALOG_OPER Greater than, less than, equal to value for program catalog
PROGRAM_CAT_CAL_TYPE Calendar type to the program catalog
PROGRAM_CAT_SEQ_NUM Sequence number associated to the calendar for the program catalog
PROGRAM_CAT_START_DT Start date of the Program Catalog
PROGRAM_CAT_END_DT End Date of the program Catalog
UNIT_SET_CATEGORY Type of unit setExamples: major, minor
UNIT_SET_CAT_DESC Description of the Unit Set category that is meaningful to the user.
UNIT_SET_CODE Unit set's reference value which has meaning to the user or third party software
UNIT_SET_CODE_TITLE Unit Sets title for the Unit set code
UNIT_SET_VERSION Version number of the unit set code
CLASS_STANDING_DSCR Description of the Class Standing meaningful to the user.
UNIT_SET_CATALOG References date for unit set selection to identify the effective date(s) of the book which contains university-wide policy applicable to student progression and academic decision-making rules Examples: Academic Yr 2000 Academic Yr plus Te
UNIT_SET_CATALOG_OPER Greater than, less than, equal to value for unit set catalog
UNIT_SET_CAT_CAL_TYPE Calendar type that is associated to the catalog term
UNIT_SET_CAT_SEQ_NUM Sequence number that is associated to the calendar to make up the catalog term
UNIT_SET_CAT_START_DT Start date of the Unit Set catalog
UNIT_SET_CAT_END_DT End date of the unit set catalog
ACADEMIC_TERM Timeframe that a unit was taught at the institution
ACAD_CAL_TYPE Calendar Type which assists in the defining of the academic term
ACAD_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for the calendar instance that assists in defining the academic term
ACAD_TERM_START_DT Start date of the academic term
ADMISSION_OFFER_STATUS Status of institution's offer of admission to the applicant
ACAD_TERM_END_DT End date of the academic term
UNIT_REF_CODE Reference value associated with unit_code/versions which has meaning to the userExample: - SocSci meaning unit allowed to meet Social Science general education requirements- MajElect meaning unit which is allowed to meet Major Elective req
UNIT_REF_CD_TYPE Type of reference code for the Unit.
UNIT_REF_CD_DESC Description of the Reference code meaningful to the user for the unit
S_UNIT_REF_CD_TYPE System defined valueto be used for matching Student Ids to the Unit Reference cd Type
UNIT_SECTN_REF_CODE Reference value associated with unit code/version's unit class which has meaning to the user Examples: - MechEngr meaning Independent Study in Engineering applicable to Mechanical Engineering- ElecEngr meaning Independent Study in Enginee
UNIT_SECTN_REF_CD_DESC Description of the reference code meaningful to the user for the unit section
UNIT_SECTN_REF_CD_TYPE Type of reference code for the unit section
S_UNIT_SEC_REF_CD_TYPE System defined valueto be used for matching Student Ids to the Unit Section Reference cd
CUM_GPA Cumulative value which represents ability of student id in the request to achieve academically at the institution. May include all units attempted by the student. Examples: (4.00 Scale)Cum GPA = 4.00 ExcellentCum GPA = 3.00 GoodCum GPA =
CUM_GPA_OPER Greater than, less than, equal to value for cum gpa
CUM_CREDIT_PTS Cumulative Credit points
ADMISSION_OFFR_DSCR Description of the Admission offer status meaningful to the user
CUM_CREDIT_PTS_OPER Selection of Lookup value from OPERATOR lookup type based on LOV for greater than, less than, or equal to.
TEST_TYPE Type of TestExamples:SAT, ACT, GRE, TOEFL, User-defined performance or placement tests
TEST_TYPE_DESC Description of the test type that is meaningful to the user.
COMPOSITE_TEST_SCORE Summary of scores for component segments of the test score type aboveExample: The composite test score for ACT would include the summary of scores for English, Math, Science, and other test segments associated with the ACT test
COMPOSITE_TEST_SCORE_OPER Greater than, less than, equal to value for composite test score
TEST_SEGMENT_NAME Name of sub-test associated with test score type above
TEST_SEGMENT_DESC Description of the test segment meaningful to the user.
TEST_SEGMENT_SCORE Score received for each sub-test of test score type above
TEST_SEGMENT_SCORE_OPER Greater than, less than, equal to value for test segment score
S_ADM_OFFER_RESP_STAT System use for obtaining the admission offer status value
SORT_OPTION1 Primary value to sort students selected for the batch request. Affects order student id loaded to outgoing data exchange tables.
SORT_OPTION2 Secondary value to sort students selected for the batch request. Affects order student id loaded to outgoing data exchange tables.
SORT_OPTION3 Third value to sort students selected for the batch request. Affects order student id loaded to outgoing data exchange tables.
SORT_OPTION4 Fourth value to sort students selected for the batch request. Affects order student id loaded to outgoing data exchange tables.
SORT_OPTION5 Fifth value to sort students selected for the batch request. Affects order student id loaded to outgoing data exchange tables.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_PRSMD Storage of information on requests made for Person modifications to assist 3rd party on OSS updates
Column Name Descritpion
PERS_MOD_REQ_ID Sequence on table
CITY column city
STATE column state
PROVINCE column province
COUNTRY column country
POSTAL_CODE column postcode
MIDDLE_NAME middle_name
DATE_OF_BIRTH birth_date
PERSON_ID Person ID that has been modified and is part of request made
PERSON_CREATE_DATE Date person record was created
DATE_LAST_UPDATED Date person record was updated
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
ALT_PERSON_ID_TYPE Alternate Person ID Type
PERSON_TYPE Person Type retrieved
EMAIL_ADDR email_addr
MAILING_ADDRESS1 column addr_line1
MAILING_ADDRESS2 column addr_line2
MAILING_ADDRESS3 column addr_line3
MAILING_ADDRESS4 column addr_line 4
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_REF Storage for outgoing information on unit reference information on Academic History, Advanced Standing and Enrolments for the student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifies the parent request for data in the table.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Identifies person requesting the report.
UNIT_SEQ_NUM Indicates reference to the unit sequence number in IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_AS or IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_EN
OSS_UNIT_LOCATOR Identifies OSS subsystem where data is linked - advanced standing or student unit attempts in enrollments. Values are AS for Advanced Standing or EN for Enrollment.
UNIT_REF_SEQ_NUMBER Unit reference sequence number
UNIT_REF_CODE Provides reference code associated with the unit code/version linked to the unit sequence number.
UNIT_REF_CODE_TYPE Indicates user-defined type of information that the unit reference code is defining.
UNIT_REF_LEVEL_TYPE Indicates level of the unit's codification that the reference code represents Values: VER - Unit Level, SEC - Unit Section Level, OCC - Unit Section Occurrence Level.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_CAT Storage for the outgoing unit categories on the units found for the Student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifies the parent request for data in the table.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Identifies student selected in the request
UNIT_SEQ_NUM Indicates reference to the unit sequence number in IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_AS or IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_EN
OSS_UNIT_LOCATOR Identifies OSS subsystem where data is linked - advanced standing or student unit attempts in enrollments. Values are AS for Advanced Standing, EN for Enrollment.
UNIT_CATEGORY User-defined category associated with the units found for the student in the request.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_DA_OUT_UNT_AH Storage for all outgoing Academic History on the Student in the Degree Audit Request.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique ID for a request
CURR_INSTITUTION_IND Indicates for students applying for admission the prior institution that the applicant is currently attending
TRANSCRIPT_SOURCE Method of transcript receipt.
TRANSCRIPT_STATUS Status of received transcript.
TERM_PERIOD Term during which the unit was taken at the prior institution
TRANS_DETAIL_TERM_TYPE Type of term calendar used at the prior institution.
SRC_UNIT_CODE Indicates the code used for the unit at the prior institution.
SOURCE_UNIT_TITLE Name of unit taken at prior institution
UNIT_DIFFICULTY Units difficulty category
UNIT_GRADE This is GRADE from academic history.Indication of academic achievement for the unit taken at the prior institution.
UNIT_CREDIT_SIGN Indicates whether credit associated with the unit taken at prior institution is positive or negative credit. Null for positive and "-" for negative
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for a person
UNIT_CREDIT_PTS Number of credits enrolled in the unit at the prior institution
UNIT_PTS_EARN_ACHVE Indicates number of earned credit points for the unit taken at the previous institution.
QUALITY_PTS_EARNED Indicates the number of quality points, or unit grade points earned for the unit at the previous institution.
SPEEDE_HONORS For transcripts imported using EDI, indicates the honors code for the unit taken at the previous institution. For future use
SPEEDE_BACC For transcripts imported using EDI, indicates the basis for the academic credit code for the unit taken at the previous institution For future use
SPEEDE_REPEATF For transcripts imported using EDI, indicates the course repeat code for the unit taken at the previous institution. For future use
SPEEDE_AGCLC For transcripts imported using EDI, indicates the academic grade or course level code for the unit taken at the previous institution. For future use
SPEEDE_GRADEQ For transcripts imported using EDI, indicates the grade qualifier code for the unit taken at the previous institution For future use
SPEEDE_ACTC For transcripts imported using EDI, indicates the academic credit type codefor the unit taken at the previous institution For future use
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
UNIT_SEQ_NUM Sequence number for unit taken at a prior institution by the students selected in the request for purpose of linking unit characteristics to the appropriate unit.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
HOME_INST_ID The "local" institution of the student of the request for which the student is seeking admission or is already enrolled.
HOME_INST_ALT_ID Provides an alternate institution identifier for the local institution.
UNIT_INSTITUTION_ID Id of the prior institution where the unit was taken.
ALT_INSTITUTION_ID Alternate institution code for prior institution where unit was taken.
INSTITUTION_TYPE Type of institution of prior institution.
INSTITUTION_TITLE Name of prior institution
Student System - IGS_EN_SPL_PERM_H This table maintains the history of special permission request transactions.
Column Name Descritpion
SPL_PERM_REQUEST_H_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the Special permission request history.
TRANSACTION_TYPE Type of the transaction like request from user, approve from instructor etc.
HIST_START_DT Start date of the history record
HIST_END_DT End date of the history record
HIST_WHO Person ID of who performed the transaction
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
DATE_SUBMISSION Date of the last transaction happened, i.e. last date of update of this record
AUDIT_THE_COURSE Audit this course
APPROVAL_STATUS Approval status of the transaction, it can be Need more Information required , Deny or Approved.
REASON_FOR_REQUEST Reason for the request of the Special permission
INSTRUCTOR_MORE_INFO More information needed by instructor on Special permission request
INSTRUCTOR_DENY_INFO Instructor reason for deny
STUDENT_MORE_INFO More information submitted by the student
Student System - IGS_EN_SPA_AWD_AIM This table stores the information about maintenance of a student's targeted awards for each student program attempt, including start/end dates and completion flag.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
COURSE_CD A code used to identify the course in which the student is enrolled. See also Element 307 Higher Education Student Data Collection Documentation 1997, DETYA.
AWARD_CD Unique identifier for the award.
START_DT Start date for the Student Program Attempt Award aim.
END_DT End date for the Student Program Attempt Award aim.
COMPLETE_IND Indicates that the award for the Student Program attempt is completed or not.
HONOURS_LEVEL Indicates the honors level associated with the award. -OBSOLETE
CONFERRAL_DATE Indicates the date on which the award was conferred to the student.
AWARD_MARK Award Mark for the student.
AWARD_GRADE Award Grade for the student.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD A code for identifying grading schema.
GS_VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the grading schema.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_EN_NOM_CMPL_PRD This is the setup table for the Nominated Completion Periods
Column Name Descritpion
DESCRIPTION Description of the completion Period
CLOSED_IND Closed indicator for the completion period
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
COMPLETION_PERD Completion Periods
Student System - IGS_EN_ATTRIBUTES Storage Location of Attribute for NSLC
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIB_ID Attribute Identifier
DOC_ID Document Identifier
ATTRIB_NAME Attribute Name
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_ATTRIB_VALUES Storage Location Attribute Values for NSLC
Column Name Descritpion
OBJ_TYPE_ID Object Type Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
OBJ_ID Object Identifier
ATTRIB_ID Document Identifier
VALUE Value of Attribute
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_DOCUMENTS This Table Stores the Documents for NSLC
Column Name Descritpion
DOC_ID Document Identifier
DOC_NAME Document Name
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_DOC_INSTANCES Storage Location of Document Instances for NSLC
Column Name Descritpion
DOC_INST_ID Document Interface Identifier
DOC_INST_NAME Document Interface Name
DOC_INST_PARAMS Document Interface Parameters
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_NSC_OPTIONS This Table is used to configure the National Student Clearinghouse Details.
Column Name Descritpion
OPT_TYPE Configuration Setup Option Type
OPT_VAL Configuration Setup Option Value
PRIORITY Priority for the Setup Option Type
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
Student System - IGS_EN_OBJECT_TYPES This Table Stores the Object Types for NSLC
Column Name Descritpion
OBJ_TYPE_ID Object Type Identifier
OBJ_TYPE_NAME Object Type Name
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_EN_CONFIG_ENR_CP This table captures the Enrollment Credit Point Overrides for a given Load Calendar
Column Name Descritpion
VERSION_NUMBER The Version Number of a Course
CAL_TYPE The Load Calendar Type of a Program
MIN_CP_PER_TERM The minimum Credit Points per Load Calendar for a given Program.
MAX_CP_PER_TERM The Maximum Credit Points per Load Calendar for a given Program.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
COURSE_CD The Course Code
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_REG_BTCH_INT Contains the batch details for student registration information. This table is required for each batch prior to running the concurrent program.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier to Run the Registration Process for a Batch of Students.
BATCH_DESCRIPTION Description for the Batch Identifier.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_REG_UPD_INT Contains the details of the student's registration date. Rows in this table must correspond to a batch in the IGS_EN_REG_BTCH_INT table.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier to run for a group of Students.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
REQUEST_ID Standard WHO column for concurrent Program.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard WHO column for concurrent Program.
PROGRAM_ID Standard WHO column for concurrent Program.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column for concurrent Program.
REGISTRATION_ID Value along with Batch Identifier that uniquely identifies each record in the interface table.
PERSON_NUMBER Person Number of the Student. Used to find Person Identifier.
COURSE_CD Program Code for Student's Program Attempt.
ALTERNATE_CODE Alternate Code for Calendar Instance. Valid values are Alternate Codes for active Academic Calendars.
ENR_FORM_RECEIVED_DT Date used to record that Enrollment Form/Information is received.
ERRORS Error Text from Registration Update Process.
Student System - IGS_EN_PIG_CP_SETUP Person ID Group Enrollment Credit Points Setup
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_ID Person ID Group Identifier
PRSID_MAX_CP Maximum Credit Points Setup at Person ID Group Level
PRSID_MIN_CP Minimum Credit Points Setup at Person ID Group Level
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_PIG_S_SETUP Person ID Group Enrollment Setup
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_ID Person ID Group Identifier
S_ENROLMENT_STEP_TYPE Enrollment Step Type
NOTIFICATION_FLAG Notification Flag, either Deny or Warn
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_SEVIS_AUTH Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
START_DT Obsolete
END_DT Obsolete
Student System - IGS_EN_LGCY_SPA_INT Contains the Student Program Attempt (and Research Candidacy) information to be imported into the IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT_ALL (and optionally IGS_RE_CANDIDATURE_ALL) table by the legacy data import process. Rows in this table must correspond t
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier, used to identify the set of records to be processed.
STUDENT_CONFIRMED_IND Indicator that specifies whether a commencing student has confirmed their intention to enroll. Setting the checkbox changes the program status from UNCONFIRM to INACTIVE or ENROLLED and inserts the program commencement date.
COMMENCEMENT_DT Date on that the student commenced the current program for the first time.
PRIMARY_PROGRAM_TYPE Type of the program attempt. The value can be PRIMARY or SECONDARY
PRIMARY_PROG_TYPE_SOURCE How the program type associated with the program type. Valid value can be "Manual" or "System"
PROVISIONAL_IND Indicator that specifies whether the student's admission and enrolment in the program is provisional. Setting the checkbox indicates that the program candidature is provisional. The indicator is maintained manually.
DISCONTINUED_DT Effective date on that the student's program attempt was discontinued.
DISCONTINUATION_REASON_CD Identifies the primary reason behind the discontinuation of the student's program attempt.
LAPSED_DT Describes the date for that the student program attempt status was changed to lapsed.
FUNDING_SOURCE Funding Source applicable to the student's program attempt. A majority of students are funded from the Common wealth-operating grant, however an increasing number of students are self-funded or paid for by industry.
LEGACY_EN_SPA_INT_ID Unique identifier of the EN Student Program Attempt record.
EXAM_LOCATION_CD Code of an examination center nominated by the student as their default examination location. This location is overridden if the student nominates a different location for a specific unit.
NOMINATED_COMPLETION_YR Year that the student considers they will have completed all program requirements. The student also nominates the expected period - Summer, Mid-year or End of Year of program completion.
NOMINATED_COMPLETION_PERD Period, or part of the year, at that time the student considers they will have completed all program requirements. The student also nominates the year of expected program completion.
RULE_CHECK_IND Indicator that specifies whether the system will check the student's academic record for program completion. Setting the indicator causes the system to check program completion rules.
WAIVE_OPTION_CHECK_IND Indicator that specifies whether any warnings applied as a result of forced element program offering option checks are waived. Checks are made of the student's location attendance mode and attendance type.
LAST_RULE_CHECK_DT Describes the date of the last complete rule check of the student's enrolment.
PUBLISH_OUTCOMES_IND Indicator that specifies whether the student is to have their results published in the press and or on public notice - boards. De-selecting the indicator suppresses publication of results except in a formal certificate of results..
COURSE_RQRMNT_COMPLETE_IND Indicator that signifies the student program attempt is complete. When set processes within the graduation subsystem are run to obtain academic organizational unit approval.
COURSE_RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_DT The date upon which the program requirements were deemed to have been completed.
S_COMPLETED_SOURCE_TYPE Describes whether completion of program requirements was detected by the system (SYSTEM) following evaluation of rules, or set manually (MANUAL).
PERSON_NUMBER Person Identifier
ADVANCED_STANDING_IND Indicator that specifies whether or not the student has been granted an amount of advanced standing that contributes towards the satisfaction of program requirements. Details of any approved and granted advanced standing are maintained in t
FEE_CAT Fee category applicable to the student's program attempt Fee categories are used to define the set of fees and charges applicable to a student studying a particular program.
CORRESPONDENCE_CAT Correspondence category applicable to the student's program attempt. Correspondence categories are used to define the set of system generated and non-system originated correspondence items that will be sent to the student.
SELF_HELP_GROUP_IND Indicator that specifies whether the student wants to participate in a self-help group for their enrolled program attempt. Setting the checkbox includes the student in the self-help group.
ADM_ADMISSION_APPL_NUMBER Describes the admissions application number that resulted in the student program attempt.
ADM_NOMINATED_COURSE_CD Describes the admissions program code that resulted in the student program attempt.
ADM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the admissions application sequence number that resulted in the student program attempt.
CATALOG_CAL_ALTERNATE_CODE Alternate Calendar type for the catalogue.
OVERRIDE_CMPL_DT Override Expected Completion Date
PROGRAM_CD Code used to identify the program for that the student is enrolled.
MANUAL_OVR_CMPL_DT_IND Manual override completion date indicator. Possible values 'Y' and 'N'. If this column has a value of 'Y' then the completion date is overridden. Default value should be 'N'.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flex field structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
VERSION_NUMBER Number signifying the version of the program for that the student enrolls.
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
CAL_TYPE Name of the calendar type for that the program is offered. It is usual for award programs to be offered in the standard academic calendar.
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
RE_ATTENDANCE_PERCENTAGE Describes the current attendance percentage of the candidate. The attendance percentage represents the total attendance of the research candidature and program work unit attempts.
RE_GOVT_TYPE_OF_ACTIVITY_CD Describes the Government type of activity code that best reflects the research undertaken by the candidate.
RE_MAX_SUBMISSION_DT Describes the latest date the thesis can be submitted. This system-derived value can be overridden.
RE_MIN_SUBMISSION_DT Describes the earliest date the thesis can be submitted. This system date can be overridden.
RE_RESEARCH_TOPIC Describes the broad research topic of the candidature. More detailed descriptions are entered against the thesis details. This field is required for candidature details.
RE_INDUSTRY_LINKS Describes any industries associated with the thesis
IMPORT_STATUS Record's Import status
CREATED_BY Standard who column
LOCATION_CD The location, typically a campus, from that the student's program is offered.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
ATTENDANCE_MODE Institution-defined attendance modes for that the program is offered. Institution-defined attendance modes may include.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Institution-defined attendance type for that the program is offered. Institution-defined attendance types may include, for example, F - Full-time and P - Part-time.
Student System - IGS_EN_LGCY_SPI_INT Contains the Intermission details to be imported into the IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_INTM table by the legacy data import process. Rows in this table must correspond to a batch in the IGS_EN_LGCY_BAT_INT table.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier, used to identify the set of records to be processed.
APPROVED Whether the intermission has been approved (where approval is required).
INSTITUTION_NAME The code of the institution, where the intermission is a leave of study.
MAX_CREDIT_PTS Maximum credit points.
MAX_TERMS Maximum terms away.
ANTICIPATED_CREDIT_POINTS Anticipated credit points from leave of study.
APPROVER_PERSON_NUMBER The person number of the staff member approving the intermission.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
LEGACY_EN_SPI_INT_ID Unique identifier of the EN Student intermission record.
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
PERSON_NUMBER The person number of the student
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
IMPORT_STATUS Record's Import status
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
PROGRAM_CD The program code being intermitted. Must be an uppercase value.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
COND_RETURN_FLAG Indicator for Conditional Return from intermission.
START_DT Commencement date of the intermission period.
END_DT End date of the intermission period.
VOLUNTARY_IND Indicates whether the intermission of the student program attempt was initiated at the student's request.
COMMENTS General comments.
INTERMISSION_TYPE The type of intermission. Must be an uppercase value.
Student System - IGS_EN_LGCY_SUA_INT Contains the Student Unit Attempt (and optionally outcome) information to be imported into the IGS_EN_SU_ATTEMPT_ALL (and optionally IGS_AS_SU_STMPTOUT_ALL) table by the legacy data import process. Rows in this table must correspond to a ba
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier, used to identify the set of records to be processed.
ENROLLED_DT Enrollment date.
WAITLISTED_DT Date on which waitlisted.
DROPPED_IND Indicator to signify whether the unit has been dropped
DISCONTINUED_DT Date on which discontinuation has happened
ADMINISTRATIVE_UNIT_STATUS Administrative unit status for discontinuation and drop
DCNT_REASON_CD Reason code for discontinuation and drop
NO_ASSESSMENT_IND Indicator to tell whether an assessment can happen
OVERRIDE_ENROLLED_CP The overridden value of Enrolled Credit Points
OVERRIDE_ACHIEVABLE_CP The overridden value of Achievable Credit Points
GRADING_SCHEMA_CODE The Override Grading Schema Code for the Unit or Unit section.
LEGACY_EN_SUA_INT_ID Unique interface identifier for the student unit attempt
GS_VERSION_NUMBER The Override Grading Schema Version Number for the Unit or Unit section.
SUBTITLE The subtitle of the unit attempt.
STUDENT_CAREER_TRANSCRIPT Indicator to show if the unit should show on the transcript within the enrolled Career.
STUDENT_CAREER_STATISTICS Indicator to show if the unit attempt should count towards Statistics of the enrolled Career.
TRANSFER_DT The Date of Student Unit Attempt Transfer.
TRANSFER_PROGRAM_CD The Source program from which the Unit section is transferred.
OUTCOME_DT The date on which the outcome was finalized.
MARK Marks secured by the student.
OUTCOME_GRADING_SCHEMA_CODE The Grading Schema Code of the Student Unit Attempt Outcome.
OUTCOME_GS_VERSION_NUMBER The Grading Schema Version Number of the Student Unit Attempt Outcome.
PERSON_NUMBER Person for which the enrollment is being done
GRADE The Grade of the Student Unit Attempt Outcome.
INCOMP_DEADLINE_DATE The Incomplete Deadline Date.
INCOMP_DEFAULT_GRADE The default Incomplete Grade.
INCOMP_DEFAULT_MARK The default Incomplete Mark.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flex field structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
PROGRAM_CD Program code in which the enrollment is done
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
UNIT_CD Unit code in which enrollment is done
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
IMPORT_STATUS Record's Import status
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
VERSION_NUMBER Version of the enrolled unit. Will be derived if not specified.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
CORE_INDICATOR_CODE The core indicator indicates whether a student unit attempt is Core, Optional, Elective or null.
TEACH_CALENDAR_ALTERNATE_CODE Alternate code of the teaching calendar in which enrollment exists.
LOCATION_CD Location of the unit
UNIT_CLASS Class for the unit.
Student System - IGS_EN_LGY_SPAA_INT Contains the Student Award Aim information to be imported into the IGS_EN_SPA_AWD_AIM table by the legacy data import process. Rows in this table must correspond to a batch in the IGS_EN_LGCY_BAT_INT table.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier, used to identify the set of records to be processed.
HONOURS_LEVEL The honors level achieved for the student award. Must be an uppercase value. -OBSOLETE
IMPORT_STATUS Record's Import status
AWARD_MARK Award Mark for the student.
AWARD_GRADE Award Grade for the student.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD A code for identifying grading schema.
GS_VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the grading schema.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
LEGACY_EN_SPAA_INT_ID Unique identifier of the EN Student award aim record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
PERSON_NUMBER Person number of the student
PROGRAM_CD The program code in which the award is being studied. Must be an uppercase value.
AWARD_CD The award code being studied. Must be an uppercase value.
START_DT The start date of the award.
END_DT The date the award was ended, whether completed or not.
COMPLETE_IND Indicates whether the award has been completed.
CONFERRAL_DT The conferral date of the student award.
Student System - IGS_EN_LGY_SUSA_INT Contains the Student Unit Set (or Year of Program) information to be imported into the IGS_AS_SU_SETATMPT table by the legacy data import process. Rows in this table must correspond to a batch in the IGS_EN_LGCY_BAT_INT table.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier, used to identify the set of records to be processed.
PARENT_UNIT_SET_CD The parent unit set code. If required it indicates that the unit set in context is a subordinate to another unit set. The parent unit set must be included as part of the student unit set attempt. Must be an uppercase value.
PRIMARY_SET_IND If the primary set indicator is set it indicates that the unit set is the primary set. Primary unit sets display on official notification. Administrative unit sets cannot be primary sets.
VOLUNTARY_END_IND Indicates if the ending of the unit set attempt was voluntary. If not, the student was removed due to a progression breach or other administrative reason.
AUTHORISED_PERSON_NUMBER The person number of the staff member who authorized the unit set. Must be STAFF member.
AUTHORISED_ON The date on which the unit set was authorized.
OVERRIDE_TITLE The override title of the unit set, replacing the standard title.
RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_IND Indicates if the student has completed the requirements of the unit set. This can be set by either the system or manually, as indicated by the source type.
RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_DT The date on which the unit set requirements was completed.
S_COMPLETED_SOURCE_TYPE The source of the completion flag. It can be either system applied or manually applied. Valid values of SYSTEM and MANUAL.
CATALOG_CAL_ALTERNATE_CODE The catalogue calendar of the unit set attempt. Must be valid LOAD or ACADEMIC calendar instance.
LEGACY_EN_SUSA_INT_ID Unique identifier of the EN Student unit set attempt record.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flex field structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
PERSON_NUMBER Person number of the student
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
PROGRAM_CD The program in which the unit set is being attempted.
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
IMPORT_STATUS Record's Import status
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
UNIT_SET_CD The unit set code which is being attempted. Unit sets comprise lists of units or rules which constitute a logical set of units. It will be used to represent concepts such as majors, minors, strands, streams, years of program and lists.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
US_VERSION_NUMBER The version number of the unit set that is being attempted.
SELECTION_DT The date the student selected the unit set. There may be multiple attempts of a unit set by a student over time.
STUDENT_CONFIRMED_IND Indicates if or not the student has confirmed their attempt at the unit set.
END_DT The date on which the student unit set attempt was ended.
Student System - IGS_EN_LGCY_BAT_INT Contains the batch details for Enrollments and Records legacy data import. This table is the logical parent of all other Enrollment and Records legacy tables, and is required for each batch prior to running the concurrent program.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique Batch Identifier
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent program who column
DESCRIPTION Description about the batch
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent program who column
Student System - IGS_EN_LGCY_ERR_INT Contains the errors generated by the Legacy Import Process for Enrollment and Records. A row will be created by the process for any warning or error, along with the primary key ID (INT_TABLE_ID) of the related interface table as signified
Column Name Descritpion
ERR_MESSAGE_ID Legacy Message ID
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent program who column
INT_TABLE_CODE Table code of the Interface table, for which the current error message is being logged
INT_TABLE_ID The Interface table ID, which identifies a unique row in a particular interface table
MESSAGE_NUM Message Number
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_DA_CNFG_STAT This table holds the statistic types for a GPA calculation request.
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_TYPE_ID Relation to parent configuration template
STAT_TYPE Statistic type for GPA calculation
TIMEFRAME Timeframe for statistic type
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
Student System - IGS_DA_REQ_WIF This table holds program and unit set details for a what-if request
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Relation to request
MINOR_UNIT_SET_CD2 Holds the second what-if minor
MINOR_UNIT_SET_CD3 Holds the third what-if minor
TRACK_UNIT_SET_CD1 Holds the first what-if track
TRACK_UNIT_SET_CD2 Holds the second what-if track
TRACK_UNIT_SET_CD3 Holds the third what-if track
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
WIF_ID Unique ID
PROGRAM_CODE Holds the what-if program code
CATALOG_CAL_TYPE Holds the what-if catalogue
CATALOG_CI_SEQ_NUM Holds the what-if catalogue
MAJOR_UNIT_SET_CD1 Holds the first what-if major
MAJOR_UNIT_SET_CD2 Holds the second what-if major
MAJOR_UNIT_SET_CD3 Holds the third what-if major
MINOR_UNIT_SET_CD1 Holds the first what-if minor
Student System - IGS_DA_SETUP Single record table to store the configuration information for degree audit
Column Name Descritpion
S_CONTROL_NUM Primary Key, default to 1
THIRD_PARTY_OPTIONS Determines which request features are displayed in request template configuration
ADVISOR_RELATIONSHIP_IND Determines whether or not advisors can only see student records in the advisor"s group - Obsolete
DISPLAY_CONTAINER_IND Determines whether or not to display the content container containing a link to the third party software
CONTAINER_TITLE Contains the title to be displayed in the content container
LINK_TEXT Contains the link text to be displayed in the content container
LINK_URL Contains the URL to the third party software
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
PROGRAM_DEFINITION_IND Determines what program information is sent to third party software
DEFAULT_STUDENT_ID_TYPE Determines what student id value is sent to third party software
DEFAULT_INST_ID_TYPE Determines what institution id value is sent to third party software
DEFAULT_ADDRESS_TYPE Determines what address information is sent to third party software
WIF_MAJOR_UNIT_SET_CAT Determines what unit set values are displayed for WIF majors in self service
WIF_MINOR_UNIT_SET_CAT Determines what unit set values are displayed for WIF minors in self service
WIF_TRACK_UNIT_SET_CAT Determines what unit set values are displayed for WIF tracks in self service
WIF_UNIT_SET_TITLE Determines what unit set titles are displayed for WIF unit sets in self service
Student System - IGS_EN_ELGB_OVR_UOO This table is used to capture the Unit and Unit section Details of the overridden Enrollment Eligibility Unit Steps.
Column Name Descritpion
ELGB_OVR_STEP_UOO_ID Sequence generated Primary key of the table.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
ELGB_OVR_STEP_ID Unique Identifier of the Override Step for which the Unit details are captured in this table.
UNIT_CD Unit code.
VERSION_NUMBER Version Number of the Unit.
UOO_ID Unique identifier of the Unit Offering.
STEP_OVERRIDE_LIMIT The column is used to capture the Override Credit point for the Variable Credit points or for Unit Validation Steps.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_MAP Unit Set Mapping
Column Name Descritpion
MAPPING_SET_CD Grouping Name
SEQUENCE_NO Sequence in the group
STREAM_UNIT_SET_CD Unit Set for the Stream
US_VERSION_NUMBER Unit Set Version Number
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_BAT_SUA_INTS Contains the batch details for the student unit attempt upload. This table is required for each batch prior to running the concurrent program.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_DESC Batch description
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
BATCH_ID Batch Id to run for a group of unit attempt uploads
Student System - IGS_EN_BLK_SUA_INTS Contains the Student Unit Attempt information to be imported into the IGS_EN_SI_ATTEMPT_ALL table for current unit attempts. Rows in this table must correspond to a batch in IGS_EN_BAT_SUA_INTS.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch id to run for a group of unit attempt uploads
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent program
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent program
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent program
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent program
CORE_INDICATOR_CODE The core indicator indicates whether a student unit attempt is Core, Optional, Elective or null.
UPDATE_CORE_FLAG Valid values are Y=Yes or NULL
PERSON_NUMBER Person number associated with student
PROGRAM_CD Program code for student's program attempt
PROGRAM_VER_NUM Program version
UNIT_CD Unit code
UNIT_VER_NUM Unit version
LOCATION_CD Location code
UNIT_CLASS Unit class/section
UPLOAD_ID A value to uniquely identify each record in the interface table. To be generated from a sequence
ALTERNATE_CD Alternate code for calendar instance. Valid values are alternate codes for active teaching calendar instances
STATUS_FLAG Valid values are"S" - attempt successful"E" - error"U" - unprocessed"R" - ready for processing
AUDIT_FLAG Audit indicator
GRADING_SCH_CD Grading schema code
GRADING_SCH_VER_NUM Grading schema version
VARIABLE_CR_POINT Variable credit points
UNIT_SEC_SUB_TITLE Unit section sub title
ERROR_TXT Error text from registration update process
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_EN_INST_WL_STPS Institution Setup for Waitlist.
Column Name Descritpion
WAITLIST_ALLOWED_FLAG Indicates whether waitlist is allowed for the institution. Allowable values are N and Y.
TIME_CONFL_ALWD_WLST_FLAG Indicates whether Time Conflict with waitlist is allowed. Allowable values are N and Y.
SIMULTANEOUS_WLST_ALWD_FLAG Indicates if waitlist is simultaneously allowed for multiple sections of the same unit. Allowable values are N and Y.
AUTO_ENROLL_WAITLIST_FLAG Indicates whether auto enroll from the waitlist is allowed. Allowable values are N and Y.
INCLUDE_WAITLIST_CP_FLAG Indicates if waitlisted unit sections are considered for calculating total credit points. Allowable values are N and Y.
MAX_WAITLISTS_STUDENT_NUM Indicates the maximum number of waitlists the student can be on at the institution.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
INST_WLST_SETUP_ID Unique Identifier for the Institution Setup.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
Student System - IGS_EN_SPAA_HIST Stores student program attempt award history
Column Name Descritpion
COURSE_CD A code used to identify the course in which the student is enrolled.
AWARD_CD Unique identifier for the award.
START_DATE Start date for the Student Program Attempt Award.
END_DATE End date for the Student Program Attempt Award.
COMPLETE_FLAG Indicates that the award for the Student Program Attempt is completed or not.
CONFERRAL_DATE Indicates the date on which the award was conferred to the student.
AWARD_MARK Award Mark for the student.
AWARD_GRADE Award Grade for the student.
PERSON_ID Person Identifier.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD A code for identifying grading schema.
GS_VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the grading schema.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_SPLACEMENTS The table for storing placement information of a student unit attempt
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Identifier of the person for the student placement
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
COURSE_CD The code of the student's program attempt
UOO_ID Identifier of the student unit attempt
START_DATE Start date of the placement
END_DATE End date of the placement
INSTITUTION_CODE Institution code
TITLE Title of the placement
DESCRIPTION Description of the placement
SPLACEMENT_ID Sequence generated primary key.
CATEGORY_CODE Placement category code
PLACEMENT_TYPE_CODE Placement type code
SPECIALTY_CODE Placement specialty code
COMPENSATION_FLAG Whether the student is compensated or not for the placement. Default value should be 'N'
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Attendance type of the placement
LOCATION Location of the placement
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_SPLACE_FACS The table for storing faculties for a placement
Column Name Descritpion
FACULTY_ID Identifier of the faculty for the student placement
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
SPLACEMENT_ID Identifier of the student placement record
Student System - IGS_EN_SPLACE_SUPS The table for storing supervisors for a placement
Column Name Descritpion
SUPERVISOR_ID Identifier of the supervisor for the student placement
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
SPLACEMENT_ID Identifier of the student placement record
Student System - IGS_EN_SS_DISP_STPS Self Service display configuration
Column Name Descritpion
ACADEMIC_YEAR_FLAG Display by academic year flag
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
CORE_REQ_IND Indicates whether core units should be displayed as CORE/REQUIRED
SS_DISPLAY_ID Unique identifier, for the self service display setup
Student System - IGS_EN_LGY_SPAT_INT Contains the Student Program Attempt Term records to be imported into the IGS_EN_SPA_TERMS table by the legacy data import process. Rows in this table must correspond to a batch in the IGS_EN_LGCY_BAT_INT table.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Nominated Attendance Type
FEE_CAT Fee Category
TERM_CAL_ALTERNATE_CD Term Calendar Alternate Code
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
LEGACY_EN_SPAT_INT_ID Term Record Identifier
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PROGRAM_CD Program Code
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Extended who column
PROGRAM_ID Extended who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Extended who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Extended who column
ACAD_CAL_TYPE Academic Calendar Type
LOCATION_CD Location Code
ATTENDANCE_MODE Nominated Attendance Mode
Student System - IGS_EN_SPA_TERMS Program attempt attributes based on Term Calendar.
Column Name Descritpion
ATTENDANCE_MODE Nominated Attendance Mode
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Nominated Attendance Type
FEE_CAT Fee Category
COO_ID Course Offering Option ID
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
PERSON_ID Student Unique ID
REQUEST_ID Extended who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Extended who column
PROGRAM_ID Extended who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Extended who column
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
PROGRAM_CD Program Code
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
PLAN_SHT_STATUS Indicates if for this person career and term a planning sheet has been submitted or skipped or plan is active or no planning sheet exists. Can take values SKIP/ SUB_PLAN/ SUB_CART/ PLAN/ NONE
ACAD_CAL_TYPE Academic Calendar Type
TERM_CAL_TYPE Term Calendar Type
TERM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Term Calendar Sequence Number
LOCATION_CD Location Code
Student System - IGS_EN_PSV_TERM_IT Term Instruction Time Override For a Program In a Load Calendar.
Column Name Descritpion
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Load Calendar Sequence Number
COURSE_CD Program Code
TERM_INSTRUCTION_TIME Term Instructional Time of the Program, measured in weeks.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
CAL_TYPE Load Calendar Type
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_PLAN_UNITS Contains the student planning sheet unit attempt details
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence-generated value.
GS_VERSION_NUMBER Holds the Version Number of the Grading Schema
CORE_INDICATOR_CODE The core indicator indicates whether a student unit attempt is Core, Optional, Elective or null. - For future use for admin
ALTERNATIVE_TITLE This field describes the alternative title for the student unit - For future use for admin
CART_ERROR_FLAG Value Y for cart errors of special permission, audit permission, waitlist, other errors. Value N for Planning sheet record. The planning sheet table is being used to store both the planning sheet records and the enrollment cart records, whi
SESSION_ID Stores the self service session which created this record.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
COURSE_CD Code used to identify the program in that the student is enrolled. See also, element 307 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
UOO_ID Unique identifier for a unit offering option.
TERM_CAL_TYPE Term calendar type in which this unit has been planned
TERM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Term calendar instance sequence number in which this unit has been planned
NO_ASSESSMENT_IND An indicator which specifies whether or not the student is seeking a formal grade for the student unit attempt. Setting the checkbox ticked signifies that the student is simply auditing the unit
SUP_UOO_ID Unit section identifier of the superior unit section. This will be populated if the current unit section is a subordinate unit section
OVERRIDE_ENROLLED_CP This field describes the enrolled credit point value which applies to the student unit attempt. This value will override that contained in the unit entity.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CODE Code that describes the grading schema for the program
Student System - IGS_EN_STD_WARNINGS Contains the self service warning details for a student
Column Name Descritpion
WARNING_ID Sequence generated id
MESSAGE_TEXT Message text of the failed warning/information
MESSAGE_ACTION Provides the text for the action links "Add Co-requisite", "Add Subordinate", "Request Permission" etc.. This is a lookup code
DESTINATION Identifies the destination page pointed by the action link
P_PARAMETERS The string of \";\" separated parameters to be used by the destination page. For coreq it will be 'unitcd1, unitcd2, 'For subordinate page, it will be 'uooid1, uooid2,', for audit_perm it will have AUDIT_PERM/SPL_PERM
STEP_TYPE Identifies whether the message is PERSON/PROGRAM/UNIT/DROP/INLINE error level
SESSION_ID Stores the self service session which created this record.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
PERSON_ID Unique identifier for person in system
COURSE_CD Course code
UOO_ID Unique identifier for unit attempt
TERM_CAL_TYPE Term calendar type in which this unit has been planned
TERM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Term calendar instance sequence number in which this unit has been planned
MESSAGE_FOR Contains the unit section for any unit step failures, and contains the validation type for others
MESSAGE_ICON D/W/I/P denotes whether the warning record is a deny/warn/information/Pass
MESSAGE_NAME The message_name for the failed validation. Can be a concatenation of 2 messages and tokens
Student System - IGS_EN_INTM_RCONDS Intermission Return Conditions
Column Name Descritpion
CLOSED_FLAG Closed Indicator
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_SPI_RCONDS Student Program Intermission Return Conditions
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
COURSE_CD Program Code
START_DT Start date of intermission record
LOGICAL_DELETE_DATE Logical delete date
APPROVED_DT Approved Date
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_EN_SPI_RCOND_INTS Interface table for Student Intermission Return conditions
Column Name Descritpion
LGCY_EN_SPI_RCONS_INT_ID Student Intermission Return Condition interface record identifier
IMPORT_STATUS Import status
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Request parameters
PROGRAM_ID Standard Request parameters
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Request parameters
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Request parameters
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier
PROGRAM_CD Program Code
START_DT Start date of Intermission
RETURN_CONDITION Return condition
STATUS_CODE Return condition Status Code
APPROVED_DT Approved date
APPROVER_NUMBER Approver number
Student System - IGS_EN_SVS_AUTH Contains the SEVIS Authorization Records
Column Name Descritpion
SEVIS_AUTH_ID This is a sequence generated number
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard Request parameters
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Request parameters
PROGRAM_ID Standard Request parameters
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Request parameters
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
START_DT Start Date
END_DT End Date
SEVIS_AUTHORIZATION_NO This is a system-generated number, which is unique for each person.
CANCEL_FLAG Cancel Indicator
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_EN_SVS_AUTH_CAL Contains SEVIS Authorization Calendar Records
Column Name Descritpion
SEVIS_AUTH_ID SEVIS Authorization Id
CAL_TYPE Calendar type for which Authorization was given
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar instance sequence number for which Authorization was given
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_ATS Stores those Attendance Types which are considered as half time attendance types for 1098-T reporting requirements
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_YEAR_NAME Name of the Tax Year, as defined by the user.
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Program Type that would be considered graduate level programs for 1098-T reporting purposes.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_FI_1098T_BATCHS Stores information regarding the Filing reported to the Internal Revenue Service
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Sequence generated identifier for the batch name.
REQUEST_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard Concurrent Program Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Concurrent Program Column
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking rows in the database.
BATCH_NAME Batch name that is provided by the user while generating the electronic file for the IRS.
FILE_NAME File Name of the electronic file that is generated
FILLING_MODE The Filing Mode for which the electronic file is generated
TAX_YEAR_NAME Name of the Tax Year, as defined by the user.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column

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