lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

My Bills of Material Table Descriptions hand book (I have big hands) part3

Bills of Material - CST_STANDARD_COSTS Standard cost history
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
STANDARD_COST_REVISION_DATE The date and time that cost update is run
COST_UPDATE_ID Cost update session identifier
STANDARD_COST Standard cost for the item after cost update
INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT_QUANTITY Total adjustment quantity for the item
INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENT_VALUE Total adjustment value for the item
INTRANSIT_ADJUSTMENT_QUANTITY Total intransit adjustment quantity for the item
INTRANSIT_ADJUSTMENT_VALUE Total intransit adjustment value for the item
WIP_ADJUSTMENT_QUANTITY Total adjustment quantity for the item in WIP
WIP_ADJUSTMENT_VALUE Total adjustment value for the item in WIP
LAST_COST_UPDATE_ID Not currently used
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CST_STD_COST_ADJ_TEMP Temporary table for standard cost adjustment
Column Name Descritpion
SOURCE_TYPE Flag indicating whether data comes from perpetual stack or transaction rollback
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier
SUBINVENTORY Subinventory name
WIP_ENTITY_ID WIP job or repetitive assembly identifier
OPERATION_SEQ_NUM Operation sequence number in a routing
COST_UPDATE_ID Cost update session identifier
DEPARTMENT_ID Department identifier
RESOURCE_SEQ_ID Resource sequence identifier
RESOURCE_SEQ_NUM Resource sequence number
RESOURCE_ID Resource identifier (sub-element)
TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier
APPLIED_RESOURCE_VALUE Resource value applied to job
STANDARD_CHARGE_FLAG Not currently used
STANDARD_RATE_FLAG Flag indicating resource rate is standard rate or actual rate
FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID Intransit source organization
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
TO_ORGANIZATION_ID Intransit target organization
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
COST_GROUP_ID Cost Group identifier
TRANSACTION_TYPE Type of transaction
ADJUSTMENT_QUANTITY Adjustment quantity

Bills of Material - CST_STD_COST_ADJ_VALUES Standard cost adjustment value computed by standard cost update
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
TRANSACTION_TYPE Type of transaction
ADJUSTMENT_QUANTITY Adjustment quantity
OLD_UNIT_COST Current unit cost for the entity
NEW_UNIT_COST New unit cost for the entity
COST_ELEMENT_ID Cost element identifier
LEVEL_TYPE Level at which cost is incurred
IN_OUT_FLAG Direction at which the cost is incurred for WIP
RESOURCE_ID Resource identifier (subelement)
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier
SUBINVENTORY Subinventory name
WIP_ENTITY_ID WIP job or repetitive assembly identifier
OPERATION_SEQ_NUM Operation sequence number in a routing
DEPARTMENT_ID Department identifier
RESOURCE_SEQ_ID Resource sequence identifier
RESOURCE_SEQ_NUM Resource sequence number
STANDARD_RATE_FLAG Flag indicating resource rate is standard rate or actual rate
TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier
FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID Intransit source organization
TO_ORGANIZATION_ID Intransit target organization
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
COST_UPDATE_ID Cost update session identifier
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
COST_GROUP_ID Cost Group identifier
INTRANSIT_INV_ACCOUNT Intransit Inventory Account
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CST_VALUE_REPORT_TEMP Temporary table used by inventory value report
Column Name Descritpion
SESSIONID ORACLE session identifier
ACCOUNT_SEGMENT Concatenated code combination segments
AMOUNT Account balance

Bills of Material - CST_ROLLUP_DELETE_TEMP Temporary table for rollup identifier for deleting
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
GROUP_ID Rollup identifier
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CZ_CONSTRAINTS Configurator constraints
Column Name Descritpion
CONSTRAINT_ID Constraint unique identifier
VALID_FLAG For future use
MESSAGE_LEVEL For future use
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
NAME Constraint name
DESCRIPTION Constraint description
CONSTRAINT_TYPE Flag indicating the type of constraint: A - Autoselection, E - Error, O - Overrideable error, S - Suggestion, W - Warning, X - Autoexclusion

Bills of Material - CZ_ERROR_CLAUSES Configurator error clauses
Column Name Descritpion
ERROR_CLAUSE_ID Error clause unique identifier
RESULT2 Clause RHS result
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
CLAUSE_ID Constraint clause unique identifier
ERROR_ID Error unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
RESULT1 Clause LHS result

Bills of Material - CZ_AUTOSELECTION_ITEMS Configurator autoselection items
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOSELECTION_ID AutoSelection items unique identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
QUANTITY AutoSelection quantity
AUTOSELECT_ON_BOOK Flag to indicate if autoselection is to be done at booking or first time the configuration is validated
COMPONENT_SORT_CODE Component code of autoselection item as represented in BOM_EXPLOSIONS table
OPT_ATTRIBUTE_CODE Code of attribute used to optimize quantity of the autoselection item
RANGE_ID AutoSelection ranges unique identifier
PRICE_FLAG Flag to indicate if autoselection item is to be included in the price of the configuration
ECN_CODE Engineering change notice code
EFFECTIVITY_DATE Effectivity date of autoselection item
DISABLE_DATE Disable date of autoselection item
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ASSIGNMENT_ID Constraint Assignments unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier

Bills of Material - CZ_AUTOSELECTION_RANGES Configurator autoselection ranges
Column Name Descritpion
RANGE_ID Autoselection ranges unique identifier
TO_RANGE To range for optimization expression result
FROM_RANGE From range for optimization expression result
EFFECTIVITY_DATE Effectivity date of the autoselection range
DISABLE_DATE Disable date of the autoselection range
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
OPT_ATTRIBUTE_CODE Code of the item attribute used to optimize items and or item quantites
AUTOSELECT_ON_BOOK Flag to indicate if the autoselection is to be done at the time of booking or intial validation
PRICE_FLAG Flag indicates if the autoselected item is to be priced or not
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfied segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfied segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfied segment
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfied segment
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ASSIGNMENT_ID Constraint assignment unique identifier
LOW_RANGE Not used

Bills of Material - CZ_CONSTRAINT_ASSIGNMENTS Configurator constraint assignments
Column Name Descritpion
ASSIGNMENT_ID Constraint assignment unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CONSTRAINT_GROUP Grouping of constraints: I - Initialization, B - Before autoselection, S - Autoselection, A - After autoselection
SCOPE For future use
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Determines the order in which constraints are fired within a constraint group
EVALUATE_ON_TRUE Determines if the constraint should fire if the final constraint result evaluates to TRUE or FALSE
OPTIMIZE_FLAG Flag to indicate if the autoselection constraint uses optimization expression
OPTIMIZE_EXPRESSION Optimization expression to drive autoselection
MESSAGE_LEVEL For future use
CONSTRAINT_ID Constraint unique identifier
EFFECTIVITY_DATE Effectivity date of constraint assignment
DISABLE_DATE Disable date of constraint assignment
ECN_CODE Engineering change notice code
AUTOSELECTION_TYPE Type of autoselection I - Standard Items and Quantities R - Ranges with Items and Quantities E - Optimized quantities O - Optimized items and quantities
REVENUE_FLAG Used to determine if the autoselected item is required to ship before the features that caused it to be autoselected can be invoiced
PRICE_FLAG Used to determine if the autoselected items are to be priced in Order Entry
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier
AUTOSELECT_ON_BOOK Flag to indicate if autoselection is to be done at booking or first time the configuration is validated
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
SYSTEM_TYPE_CODE Configurator system code assigned to a system in the service module. This column is mutually exclusive with inventory_item_id and organization_id
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CZ_CONSTRAINT_CLAUSES Configurator constraint clauses
Column Name Descritpion
NAME Clause name
DB_OBJECT_NAME1 LHS database object name
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number of the clause
ACTION_IF_NULL Action to be taken if the LHS or RHS result is NULL S - Stop with the constraint T - Set clause to True F - Set clause to False
DB_OBJECT_NAME2 RHS database object name
PREFIX Parenthesis
FUNCTION1 LHS function name
ATTRIBUTE_CODE1 Code of LHS attribute
DB_FUNCTION1 For future use
FUNCTION2 RHS function code
ATTRIBUTE_CODE2 Code of RHS attribute
SUFFIX Right parenthesis
OPERATOR Operator AND - And OR = Or
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
CLAUSE_ID Constraint clause unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
CONSTRAINT_ID Constraint unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CZ_CONSTRAINT_MESSAGES_TL Configurator constraint messages (Translated)
Column Name Descritpion
CONSTRAINT_ID Constraint unique identifier
LANGUAGE Language code
MESSAGE_TEXT Message text in language specified by language
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
TRANSLATED Translated flag

Bills of Material - CZ_ERRORS Configurator errors
Column Name Descritpion
ERROR_ID Error unique identifier
OVERRIDE_FLAG Flag indicating if this message has been overridden by the user
SYSTEM_ID System unique identifier
HEADER_ID Sales order header unique identifier
LINE_ID Sales order line unique identifier
ASSIGNMENT_ID Constraint assignment unique identifier
GROUP_ID Grouping for configurator messages generated during one run of validation
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
MESSAGE_STATUS For future use

Bills of Material - CZ_ERROR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES Configurator error attribute values
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_ID Error attribute value unique identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE Item attribute value
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ERROR_CLAUSE_ID Error clauses unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CODE Code of item attribute
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier

Bills of Material - CZ_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_NAMES Configurator attribute list names
Column Name Descritpion
LIST_NAME Name of the attribute list
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Description of the attribute list
TYPE For future use
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column

Bills of Material - CZ_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_VALUES Configurator attribute list values
Column Name Descritpion
LIST_NAME Name of attribute list
DESCRIPTION Description of attribute list value
START_DATE_ACTIVE Effectivity date of attribute list value
END_DATE_ACTIVE Disable date of attribute list value
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
LIST_VALUE Attribute list value
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
TYPE For future use
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
MEANING Meaning of attribute list value

Bills of Material - CST_SC_BOM_EXPLOSION Supply Chain Bill of Material Explosion Table
Column Name Descritpion
ROLLUP_ID Supply Chain Rollup identifier
PLAN_LEVEL Level in bill
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
ASSEMBLY_ITEM_ID Assembly item identifier
COMPONENT_QUANTITY Component quantity per assembly
ASSEMBLY_ORGANIZATION_ID Assembly organization identifier
OPERATION_SEQ_NUM Operation sequence number of this component in bill
COMPONENT_SEQUENCE_ID Bill identifier of this component
COMPONENT_ITEM_ID Component item identifier
COMPONENT_ORGANIZATION_ID Component organization identifier
DELETED_FLAG Indicates if component has been assigned a low level code
EXPLODED_FLAG Indicates if component has already been exploded

Bills of Material - CST_SC_BOM_STRUCTURES Supply Chain Bill of Material Structures
Column Name Descritpion
ROLLUP_ID Supply Chain Rollup identifier
COMPONENT_ORGANIZATION_ID Component organization identifier
COMPONENT_QUANTITY Component quantity per assembly
EXTENDED_QUANTITY Extended quantity including quantity per, yield, shrinkage, and sourcing
INCLUDE_IN_COST_ROLLUP Flag indicating if component is to be used when rolling up costs
EXTEND_COST_FLAG Flag indicating if component contributes costs to top level item
PHANTOM_FLAG Flag indicating if component has phantom routing or supply type
PHANTOM_SUB_ASSY_FLAG Flag indicating if component is part of a phantom subassembly
ERROR_CODE Error code
ERROR_MESG Error message
COMPONENT_REVISION Component revision
TOP_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Item identifier of top level item
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
TOP_ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier of top level item
SORT_ORDER Sorting sequence for the report structure
BOM_LEVEL Level in bill
ASSEMBLY_ITEM_ID Assembly item identifier
ASSEMBLY_ORGANIZATION_ID Assembly organization identifier
COMPONENT_SEQUENCE_ID Bill identifier of this component
COMPONENT_ITEM_ID Component item identifier

Bills of Material - CST_SC_LOW_LEVEL_CODES Supply Chain Low Level Codes
Column Name Descritpion
ROLLUP_ID Supply Chain Rollup identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Item identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
LOW_LEVEL_CODE Low level code
ROUND_UNIT Rounding unit for organization currency
PRECISION Standard precision for organization currency
EXT_PRECISION Extended precision for organization currency
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CST_SC_SOURCING_RULES Supply Chain Sourcing Rule Snapshot
Column Name Descritpion
ROLLUP_ID Supply Chain Rollup identifier
MARKUP_CODE Indicates whether markup is by amount or percentage
MARKUP Markup amount or percentage
SHIP_CHARGE_CODE Indicates whether shipping charge is by amount or percentage
SHIP_CHARGE Shipping charge amount or percentage
ITEM_COST Buy Item cost
BUY_COST_FLAG Flag indicating whether buy cost was used
CONVERSION_TYPE GL daily conversion type identifier
CONVERSION_RATE GL daily conversion rate used
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ASSIGNMENT_SET_ID MRP assignment set identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
VENDOR_SITE_ID Vendor site identifier
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Item identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
SOURCE_ORGANIZATION_ID Source organization identifier
VENDOR_ID Vendor identifier
SOURCE_TYPE Source type, make, buy, or transfer
SHIP_METHOD Shipping method
ALLOCATION_PERCENT Allocation percentage

Bills of Material - CST_SC_ROLLUP_HISTORY Supply Chain Rollup History
Column Name Descritpion
ROLLUP_ID Supply Chain Rollup identifier
EXPLOSION_LEVEL Number of levels to explode
ROLLUP_OPTION_TYPE Rollup option, full or single level rollup
REPORT_OPTION_TYPE Report option, with or without print report
RANGE_TYPE Range option
REVISION_DATE Item/bill revision date
INC_UNIMP_ECN_FLAG Flag indicating whether to include unimplemented ECOs
ENG_BILL_FLAG Flag indicating whether to include engineering items
QTY_PRECISION Quantity precision
ITEM_ID Item identifier
CATEGORY_SET_ID Category set identifier
DESCRIPTION Supply Chain Rollup Description
CATEGORY_ID Category identifier
ALT_BOM_DESG Alternate designator
ALT_RTG_DESG Alternate routing designator
EXPLOSION_TIME Time of explosion in seconds
LOW_LEVEL_CODE_TIME Time of low level code computation in seconds
REMOVE_COSTS_TIME Time of cost purge process in seconds
ROLLUP_TIME Time of cost rollup in seconds
BOM_STRUCTURE_TIME Time of BOM structure generation in seconds
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LIST_ID Not currently used
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
COST_TYPE_ID Cost type identifier
BUY_COST_TYPE_ID Buy cost type identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
ASSIGNMENT_SET_ID MRP assignment set identifier
CONVERSION_TYPE GL daily conversion type identifier
REPORT_LEVEL Number of levels to report

Bills of Material - CST_SC_LISTS Supply Chain List for Assemblies to rollup
Column Name Descritpion
ROLLUP_ID Supply Chain Rollup identifier
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Item identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column

Bills of Material - CST_WIP_LAYER_COST_DETAILS CST_WIP_LAYER_COST_DETAILS stores the elemental cost, by level, of inventory layers in WIP
Column Name Descritpion
WIP_LAYER_ID Material quantity relieved due to WIP scrap
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
INV_LAYER_ID Inventory layer identifier
COST_ELEMENT_ID Cost element identifier
LEVEL_TYPE Level type
LAYER_COST Elemental layer cost
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CST_WIP_LAYERS CST_WIP_LAYERS stores information about each inventory layer in WIP
Column Name Descritpion
WIP_LAYER_ID WIP layer identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
OPERATION_SEQ_NUM Operation sequence number within a routing
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Item identifier
REPETITIVE_SCHEDULE_ID WIP repetitive schedule identifier
INV_LAYER_ID Inventory layer identifier
INV_LAYER_DATE Inventory layer creation date
CREATE_TXN_ID Transaction identifier that created this WIP layer
WIP_ENTITY_ID WIP job or schedule identifier
APPLIED_MATL_QTY Part quantity issued
RELIEVED_MATL_COMP_QTY Material quantity relieved due to WIP completion
RELIEVED_MATL_SCRAP_QTY Material quantity relieved due to WIP scrap
RELIEVED_MATL_FINAL_COMP_QTY Material quantity relieved due to WIP final completion
TEMP_RELIEVED_QTY Temporary column used in completion cost implementation
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CST_STD_COST_ADJ_VALUES_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
Column Name Descritpion
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set Of Books Identifier
TO_ORGANIZATION_ID To Organization Identifier
FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID From Organization Identifier
COST_UPDATE_ID Cost Update Identifier
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory Item Identifier
OPERATION_SEQ_NUM Operation Sequence Number
COST_ELEMENT_ID Cost Element Identifier

Bills of Material - CST_STANDARD_COSTS_EFC Euro as a Functional Currency Archive
Column Name Descritpion
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory Item Identifier
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization Identifier
WIP_ADJUSTMENT_VALUE Work In Progress Adjustment Value
COST_UPDATE_ID Cost Update Identifier
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set Of Books identifier

Bills of Material - CST_WIP_OPERATION_TXN_COSTS CST_WIP_OPERATION_TXN_COSTS stores snapshots of WIP operations tables
Column Name Descritpion
TXN_COST_ID Primary key sequence identifier
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction date
COMPONENT_ITEM_ID Component item identifier
COMPONENT_SEQUENCE_ID Bill identifier of this component
RESOURCE_ID Resource identifier
RESOURCE_SEQ_NUM Resource sequence number
BASIS_TYPE Basis type
PRIOR_APPLIED_UNITS Prior quantity applied
NEW_APPLIED_UNITS New quantity applied
PRIOR_APPLIED_VALUE Prior value applied
NEW_APPLIED_VALUE New value applied
TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier
PRIOR_RELIEVED_SCRAP_UNITS Prior quantity relieved due to WIP scrap
NEW_RELIEVED_SCRAP_UNITS New quantity relieved due to WIP scrap
PRIOR_RELIEVED_SCRAP_VALUE Prior value relieved due to WIP scrap
NEW_RELIEVED_SCRAP_VALUE New value relieved due to WIP scrap
PRIOR_RELIEVED_VAR_VALUE Prior value relieved to WIP variance
NEW_RELIEVED_VAR_VALUE New value relieved to WIP variance
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_CODE Transaction source code
PRIOR_RELIEVED_FINAL_UNITS Prior quantity relieved due to WIP final completion
NEW_RELIEVED_FINAL_UNITS New quantity relieved due to WIP final completion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
WIP_ENTITY_ID WIP job or schedule identifier
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
PRIOR_RELIEVED_COMP_UNITS Prior quantity relieved due to WIP completion
NEW_RELIEVED_COMP_UNITS New quantity relieved due to WIP completion
PRIOR_RELIEVED_COMP_VALUE Prior value relieved due to WIP completion
NEW_RELIEVED_COMP_VALUE New value relieved due to WIP completion
REPETITIVE_SCHEDULE_ID WIP repetitive schedule identifier
OPERATION_SEQ_NUM Operation sequence number in a routing
COST_ELEMENT_ID Cost element identifier
LEVEL_TYPE Level type

Column Name Descritpion
TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
CLASS_TYPE Accounting class type
PRIOR_TL_RESOURCE_IN Prior this level resource value put into the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_OVERHEAD_IN Prior this level overhead value put into the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_OSP_IN Prior this level outside processing value put into the job or schedule
PRIOR_PL_MATERIAL_IN Prior previous level material value put into the job or schedule
PRIOR_PL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_IN Prior previous level material overhead value put into the job or schedule
PRIOR_PL_RESOURCE_IN Prior previous level resource value put into the job or schedule
PRIOR_PL_OVERHEAD_IN Prior previous level overhead value put into the job or schedule
TRANSACTION_SOURCE_CODE Transaction source code
PRIOR_PL_OSP_IN Prior previous level outside processing value put into the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_MATERIAL_OUT Prior this level material value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_OUT Prior this level material overhead value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_RESOURCE_OUT Prior this level resource value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_OVERHEAD_OUT Prior this level overhead value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_OSP_OUT Prior this level outside processing value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_PL_MATERIAL_OUT Prior previous level material value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_PL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_OUT Prior previous level material overhead value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_PL_RESOURCE_OUT Prior previous level resource value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_PL_OVERHEAD_OUT Prior previous level overhead value taken out of the job or schedule
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction date
PRIOR_PL_OSP_OUT Prior previous level outside processing value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_MATERIAL_VAR Prior this level material variance
PRIOR_TL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_VAR Prior this level material overhead variance
PRIOR_TL_RESOURCE_VAR Prior this level resource variance
PRIOR_TL_OSP_VAR Prior this level outside processing variance
PRIOR_TL_OVERHEAD_VAR Prior this level overhead variance
PRIOR_PL_MATERIAL_VAR Prior this level material variance
PRIOR_PL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_VAR Prior this level material overhead variance
PRIOR_PL_RESOURCE_VAR Prior this level resource variance
PRIOR_PL_OVERHEAD_VAR Prior this level outside processing variance
WIP_ENTITY_ID WIP job or schedule identifier
PRIOR_PL_OSP_VAR Prior this level overhead variance
PRIOR_TL_SCRAP_IN Prior this level scrap value put into the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_SCRAP_OUT Prior this level scrap value taken out of the job or schedule
PRIOR_TL_SCRAP_VAR Prior this level scrap variance
NEW_TL_RESOURCE_IN New this level resource value put into the job or schedule
NEW_TL_OVERHEAD_IN New this level overhead value put into the job or schedule
NEW_TL_OSP_IN New this level outside processing value put into the job or schedule
NEW_PL_MATERIAL_IN New previous level material value put into the job or schedule
NEW_PL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_IN New previous level material overhead value put into the job or schedule
NEW_PL_RESOURCE_IN New previous level resource value put into the job or schedule
REPETITIVE_SCHEDULE_ID WIP repetitive schedule identifier
NEW_PL_OVERHEAD_IN New previous level overhead value put into the job or schedule
NEW_PL_OSP_IN New previous level outside processing value put into the job or schedule
NEW_TL_MATERIAL_OUT New this level material value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_TL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_OUT New this level material overhead value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_TL_RESOURCE_OUT New this level resource value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_TL_OVERHEAD_OUT New this level overhead value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_TL_OSP_OUT New this level outside processing value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_PL_MATERIAL_OUT New previous level material value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_PL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_OUT New previous level material overhead value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_PL_RESOURCE_OUT New previous level resource value taken out of the job or schedule
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
NEW_PL_OVERHEAD_OUT New previous level overhead value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_PL_OSP_OUT New previous level outside processing value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_TL_MATERIAL_VAR New this level material variance
NEW_TL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_VAR New this level material overhead variance
NEW_TL_RESOURCE_VAR New this level resource variance
NEW_TL_OSP_VAR New this level outside processing variance
NEW_TL_OVERHEAD_VAR New this level overhead variance
NEW_PL_MATERIAL_VAR New previous level material variance
NEW_PL_MATERIAL_OVERHEAD_VAR New previous level material overhead variance
NEW_PL_RESOURCE_VAR New previous level resource variance
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
NEW_PL_OVERHEAD_VAR New previous level overhead variance
NEW_PL_OSP_VAR New previous level outside processing variance
NEW_TL_SCRAP_IN New this level scrap value put into the job or schedule
NEW_TL_SCRAP_OUT New this level scrap value taken out of the job or schedule
NEW_TL_SCRAP_VAR New this level scrap variance
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column

Bills of Material - CST_STD_COST_ADJ_DEBUG Table to store intermediate data when debugging standard cost update process
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
COST_UPDATE_ID Cost update session identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
ORGANIZATION_ID Organization identifier
TRANSACTION_TYPE Type of transaction
ADJUSTMENT_QUANTITY Adjustment quantity
SOURCE_TYPE Flag indicating whether data comes from perpetual stack or transaction rollback
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier
SUBINVENTORY Subinventory name
WIP_ENTITY_ID WIP job or repetitive assembly identifier
OPERATION_SEQ_NUM Operation sequence number in a routing
DEPARTMENT_ID Department identifier
RESOURCE_SEQ_ID Resource sequence identifier
RESOURCE_SEQ_NUM Resource sequence number
RESOURCE_ID Resource identifier (sub-element)
TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier
APPLIED_RESOURCE_VALUE Resource value applied to job
STANDARD_CHARGE_FLAG Not currently used
STANDARD_RATE_FLAG Flag indicating resource rate is standard rate or actual rate
FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID Intransit source organization
TO_ORGANIZATION_ID Intransit target organization
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who column
COST_GROUP_ID Cost Group identifier
INTRANSIT_INV_ACCOUNT Intransit Inventory Account

Bills of Material - CST_SUB_LIST_TEMP Temporary list of subinventories for use in cost reporting
Column Name Descritpion
SUBINVENTORY_CODE Subinventory code from mtl_secondary_inventories

Bills of Material - CST_XLA_SEQ_GT Temporary table is used in Costing SLA Upgrade to generate XLA entity_id, event_id, and header_id from XLA sequences for every XLA events.
Column Name Descritpion
SOURCE_ID_INT_1 Source transaction identifier; it is used to populate XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES.SOURCE_ID_INT_1.
ORG_ID Operation Unit identifier
SOURCE_ID_INT_2 Source transaction identifier; it is used to populate XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES.SOURCE_ID_INT_2.
SOURCE_ID_INT_3 Source transaction identifier; it is used to populate XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES.SOURCE_ID_INT_3.
SOURCE_ID_INT_4 Source transaction identifier; it is used to populate XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES.SOURCE_ID_INT_4.
SOURCE_ID_INT_5 Source transaction identifier; for future use.
ENTITY_ID XLA transaction entity identifier; it is used to populate XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES.ENTITY_ID. It is populated by XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES_S.nextval
EVENT_ID XLA event identifier; it is used to populate XLA_EVENTS.EVENT_ID. It is populated by XLA_EVENTS_S.nextval
HEADER_ID XLA journal entry header identifier; it is used to populate XLA_AE_HEADERS.HEADER_ID. It is populated by XLA_AE_HEADERS_S.nextval
LEGAL_ENTITY Legal Entity identifier

Bills of Material - CST_WIP_PAC_PERIOD_BAL_TMP PAC specific temporary table for WIP Value Report
Column Name Descritpion
COSTS_RELIEVED Relieved cost
PAC_PERIOD_ID PAC pac_period_id
LINE_ID Repetitive Line ID
COSTS_INCURRED Incurred cost

Bills of Material - CST_WRITE_OFFS Table Holds Write-Off Header Information
Column Name Descritpion
VENDOR_ID Vendor Identifier
DESTINATION_TYPE_CODE Destination Type Identifier
WRITE_OFF_SELECT_FLAG Internal Record Selection
LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Legal Entity Identifier
OPERATING_UNIT_ID Operating Unit Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
ACCRUAL_ACCOUNT_ID Accrual Account Identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who Column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who Column
OFFSET_ACCOUNT_ID Offset Account Identifier
ERV_ACCOUNT_ID ERV Account Identifier
WRITE_OFF_AMOUNT Total Amount of the Write-Off
ENTERED_AMOUNT Write-Off Amount in Entered Currency
WRITE_OFF_ID Write-Off Identifier
TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE Transaction Type Identifier
PO_DISTRIBUTION_ID PO Distribution Identifier
INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID Invoice Distribution Identifier
INVENTORY_TRANSACTION_ID Inventory Transaction Identifier
REVERSAL_ID Write-Off Identifier of the Transaction the Current Write-Off is Reversing
REASON_ID Write-Off Reason Identifier
COMMENTS Commenty on why Write-Off Occurred

Bills of Material - CST_WRITE_OFF_DETAILS Table Holds Details of Write-Off Transactions
Column Name Descritpion
RCV_TRANSACTION_ID Receiving Transaction Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Who Column
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Who Column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Who Column
AE_LINE_NUM Accounting Line Number
INVOICE_DISTRIBUTION_ID Invoice Distribution Identifier
INVENTORY_TRANSACTION_ID Inventory Transaction Identifier
WRITE_OFF_TRANSACTION_ID Write-Off Transaction Identifier
TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE Transaction Type Identifier
AMOUNT Transaction Amount
ENTERED_AMOUNT Entered Transaction Amount
WRITE_OFF_ID Write-Off Identifier
QUANTITY Transaction Quantity
OPERATING_UNIT_ID Operating Unit Identifier
AE_HEADER_ID Accounting Header Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column

Bills of Material - CST_XLA_INV_EVENT_MAP Table to map material transactions to their corresponding event types.
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE Used to identify special situations like common issue to WIP, variance transfer etc.
ORGANIZATION Tells whether to use the organization or the transfer organization for the corresponding MMT transaction.
TP Y or N based on value of CST: Transfer Price Option

Bills of Material - CST_XLA_RCV_EVENT_MAP Table to map receiving transactions to their corresponding event types.
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE Used in addition to the transaction type id to identify specific transaction type

Bills of Material - CST_XLA_WIP_EVENT_MAP Table to map wip transactions to their corresponding event types.
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE Used to identify special situations like IPV transfer to WIP

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