lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

My AR Table Descriptions hand book (I have big hands) part1

Receivables - AR_ACTION_NOTIFICATIONS Employees to be notified about a particular customer call
Column Name Descritpion
ACTION_NOTIFICATION_ID Action notification identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CALL_ACTION_ID Identifier of the action arising from a call
EMPLOYEE_ID Employee identifier
Receivables - AR_ADJUSTMENTS_ALL Pending and approved invoice adjustments
Column Name Descritpion
ADJUSTMENT_ID Adjustment identifier and primary key for this table.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Identifier of the Ledger to which the accounting entries for this adjustment will be posted
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CODE_COMBINATION_ID General Ledger account code combination
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
TYPE Lookup code for adjustment type in AR_LOOKUPS
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
ADJUSTMENT_TYPE Type of adjustment. Available types are CHARGES, FREIGHT, INVOICE, LINE and TAX.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
STATUS Approval status, A for approve, U for unapproved adjustment, R for rejected, and any other code for unapproved
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LINE_ADJUSTED Line amount adjusted as part of this adjustment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
FREIGHT_ADJUSTED Freight amount adjusted as part of this adjustment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
TAX_ADJUSTED Tax amount adjusted as part of this adjustment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
RECEIVABLES_CHARGES_ADJUSTED Charges adjusted as part of this adjustment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
ASSOCIATED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifier of cash receipt associated with this adjustment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column. User who last updated this row.
CHARGEBACK_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of chargeback transaction associated with this adjustment
LINK_TO_TRX_HIST_ID Transaction history record identifier, associated with movement of deferred tax due to maturity date event or subsequent reversal event
EVENT_ID Identifier of the accounting event created in Subledger Accounting
BATCH_ID Identifier of transaction batch associated with this adjustment
UPGRADE_METHOD Upgrade flag to indicate the origin of the adjustments.
AX_ACCOUNTED_FLAG Upgrade flag to indicate the distributions have been upgraded by AX
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of customer transaction associated with this adjustment
INTEREST_HEADER_ID Internal identifier of the late charge transaction header. Applicable only for late charge adjustments
INTEREST_LINE_ID Internal identifier of the late charge transaction line. Applicable only for late charge adjustments.
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Identifier of customer transaction line associated with this adjustment
SUBSEQUENT_TRX_ID Identifier of the invoice created against the guarantee that resulted in this adjustment
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifier of payment schedule associated with this adjustment
RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Identifier of the receivable activity assigned to the adjustment
DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID Identifier of distribution set associated with this adjustment
GL_POSTED_DATE Date adjustment posted to General Ledger
COMMENTS Comments provided for the adjustment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
CREATED_FROM Form or concurrent program name that this adjustment was created from
REASON_CODE Identifier of reason for this adjustment
POSTABLE Y or null indicates whether this adjustment is postable or not.
APPROVED_BY Identifier of user approving the adjustment
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure context.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted. Stores the identifier of the concurrent request for posted records.
ACCTD_AMOUNT Adjustment amount in functional currency
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent program who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the program that last updated this row
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent program who column. Date when a program last updated this row
AMOUNT Adjustment amount
REQUEST_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the concurrent request that last updated this row.
ADJUSTMENT_NUMBER Adjustment number automatically generated from AR_ADJUSTMENT_NUMBER_S
ORG_ID Organization identifier
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE Value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE_CONTEXT Context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield
DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE Document sequence number
DOC_SEQUENCE_ID Document sequence identifier
APPLY_DATE Date adjustment is performed
ASSOCIATED_APPLICATION_ID Identifier of the receipt application associated with this adjustment
CONS_INV_ID Consolidated invoice number on which this transaction appeared
MRC_GL_POSTED_DATE No longer in use
MRC_ACCTD_AMOUNT No longer in use
GL_DATE General Ledger accounting date for the adjustment
ADJ_TAX_ACCT_RULE Numeric code that identifies the tax accounting rule used to create the accounting
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_AGING_BUCKETS Aging bucket lines used in Receivables aging reports
Column Name Descritpion
AGING_BUCKET_ID Identifier of aging bucket
DESCRIPTION Aging bucket description
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
BUCKET_NAME Aging bucket name
STATUS Status of the aging bucket (Active or Inactive)
AGING_TYPE Lookup code for aging bucket type in AR_LOOKUPS
Receivables - AR_AGING_BUCKET_LINES_B An individual aging bucket period that is part of an aging bucket set
Column Name Descritpion
AGING_BUCKET_LINE_ID Identifier of aging bucket line
DAYS_TO End of days range
TYPE Lookup code for aging bucket line type in AR_LOOKUPS, with significant values DISPUTE_ONLY, DISPUTE_PENDADJ, and PENDADJ_ONLY
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
AGING_BUCKET_ID Identifier of aging bucket to which this line belongs
DAYS_START Start of days range
Receivables - AR_BATCHES_ALL Receipt batch information
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifier of the payment batch
STATUS Payment batch status
REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID The unique identifier of the remittance bank account use id to which the automatic receipt will be deposited
OLD_REMITTANCE_BANK_BRANCH_ID Identifier of the old default remittance bank branch of the payment batch.
DEPOSIT_DATE Deposit date for the payment batch
CLOSED_DATE Date the payment batch closed
TYPE Type of the payment batch
BATCH_SOURCE_ID Identifier of batch source holding accounting information associated with this payment batch
CONTROL_COUNT Control count of items in the payment batch
CONTROL_AMOUNT Control amount for this payment batch
BATCH_APPLIED_STATUS Indicates the actual stage of the payment batch
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code for the batch
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Used to define multiple currency exchange rates for the same date
EXCHANGE_DATE Date for which rate is selected
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate used to convert foreign currency amounts into functional currency
TRANSMISSION_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the lockbox transmission associated with this payment batch
LOCKBOX_ID Identifier of the lockbox associated with this payment batch
LOCKBOX_BATCH_NAME Name of the lockbox associated with this payment batch
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
MEDIA_REFERENCE Name of the media that will be used for the transmission
OPERATION_REQUEST_ID Concurrent request of the program which creates the payment batch
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Foreign key reference to the payment method in AR_RECEIPT_METHODS
REMITTANCE_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Foreign key reference to the remittance bank account in AP_BANK_ACCOUNTS
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REMITTANCE_BANK_BRANCH_ID Identifier of the default remittance bank branch of the payment batch
NAME Name of the payment batch
REMIT_METHOD_CODE Indicates the remittance method that will be used for remitting automatic receipts created with this payment batch
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Identifier of the General Ledger set of books associated with this payment batch
TRANSMISSION_ID Identifies the transmission that processed the lockbox receipts
BANK_DEPOSIT_NUMBER An optional, user entered reference number
BATCH_DATE Date for the payment batch
ORG_ID Organization identifier
PURGED_CHILDREN_FLAG Value is Yes if some details have been purged; otherwise value is null
WITH_RECOURSE_FLAG Indicates whether the bank has the right of recourse if the drawee defaults on a factored bill receivable
GL_DATE General Ledger date
AUTO_PRINT_PROGRAM_ID Print program identifier to be used for the remittance.
AUTO_TRANS_PROGRAM_ID Magnetic format print program identifier to be used for the remittance.
Receivables - AR_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL Accounting, bank account, and numbering information for a batch
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_SOURCE_ID Identifier of the payment batch source
START_DATE_ACTIVE Date to activate payment batch source
END_DATE_ACTIVE Date to inactivate payment batch source
DESCRIPTION Description of the payment batch source
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
DEFAULT_REMIT_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Default bank account for the payment batch source
AUTO_BATCH_NUMBERING Indicates whether the payment batch uses manual or automatic batch numbering
LAST_BATCH_NUM Last number to use when automatically numbering payment batches
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
DEFAULT_RECEIPT_CLASS_ID Identifier of the default receipt class which is associated with the payment batch source
DEFAULT_RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Identifier of the default receipt method which is associated with the payment batch source
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ORG_ID Organization identifier
REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID The unique identifier of the remittance bank account use id to which the automatic receipt will be deposited
NAME Name of the payment batch source
TYPE Payment batch sources always have a type of CASH
Receivables - AR_CALL_ACTIONS Customer call actions
Column Name Descritpion
CALL_ACTION_ID Identifier of the call action
PARTIAL_INVOICE_AMOUNT_FLAG Indicates whether the amount promised to pay is the entire outstanding invoice amount
CUSTOMER_CALL_ID Customer call identifier
COMPLETE_FLAG Y or N indicates whether or not the follow up action is complete
ACTION_DATE The date the call action was recorded
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CUSTOMER_CALL_TOPIC_ID Identifier of the call topic associated with this call action
ACTION_CODE Receivables lookup code identified with lookup_type = ACTION. Defines the action taken for customer call or call topic.
ACTION_AMOUNT Amount of the invoice that the customer promises to pay
Receivables - AR_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL Detailed receipt information
Column Name Descritpion
VAT_TAX_ID Internal identifier of the tax rate. Applicable only for miscellaneous receipts.
REFERENCE_TYPE Reference type associated to the miscellaneous receipt. Reference types supported are PAYMENT_BATCH, PAYMENT, CREDIT_MEMO, RECEIPT and REMITTANCE.
REFERENCE_ID Identifier of the referred transaction for the miscellaneous receipt. Foreign key to the AR_BATCHES, AR_CASH_RECEIPTS, or AP_CHECKS tables based on the reference type selected.
CUSTOMER_RECEIPT_REFERENCE Non-validated text field to store reference information entered by customer. This column corresponds to Reference field on the Receipt form.
OVERRIDE_REMIT_ACCOUNT_FLAG Flag to indicate whether remittance bank can be overridden during remittance process. Values 'Y' or null indicates yes and 'N' indicates no.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
ANTICIPATED_CLEARING_DATE Date the receipt is expected to clear the bank
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Internal identifier of the ledger to which the accounting entries for this receipt will be posted.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code of the receipt.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Internal identifier of the transaction associated with the receipt on the header.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER Internal identifier of the customer making the payment.
ISSUER_NAME Issuer name of Notes Receivable
ISSUE_DATE Date this Note Receivable was issued
ISSUER_BANK_BRANCH_ID Bank / Branch issuing the Note Receivable
MRC_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
STATUS Identifies the application status of the receipt. The application statuses are:APP - AppliedUNAPP - UnappliedUNID - Unidentified NSF - Non-sufficient fundsREV - Reversed receiptSTOP - Stop payment
MRC_EXCHANGE_RATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_EXCHANGE_DATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
PAYMENT_SERVER_ORDER_NUM Internal identifier of credit card authorization in Oracle Payments
APPROVAL_CODE Credit card authorization approval code received from external payment systems
TYPE Identifies the category of the receipt. The column will have value 'CASH' for standard receipts and 'MISC' for miscellaneous receipts.
TAX_RATE The new tax rate entered when the default rate is overridden for an ad hoc tax code for miscellaneous receipts
ACTUAL_VALUE_DATE The date cash is withdrawn or deposited in a bank account
RECEIPT_NUMBER Receipt number. System allows duplicate receipt numbers. Receipt number is not a primary key for records in this table.
POSTMARK_DATE The postmark date of the Receipt. Used in Trade Accounting.
APPLICATION_NOTES Reference number that could not be matched to a transaction number during AutoLockbox validation.
UNIQUE_REFERENCE Global unique Identifier for electronic receipts in Oracle Payments. This unique reference is generated using SYS_GUID() to make it unique within the instance.
PROMISE_SOURCE Source that generated this promise to pay. Used by Advanced Collections.
RECEIPT_DATE Receipt date.
REC_VERSION_NUMBER Used to control the updates when two concurrent users try to update the same receipt.
CC_ERROR_CODE Error code received from external payment system during processing of credit card receipts.
CC_ERROR_TEXT Error description provided by user for credit card error code
CC_ERROR_FLAG Flag to indicate whether receipt has credit card error. Y indicates a receipt had a credit card processing error
MISC_PAYMENT_SOURCE Non-validated text field to store the source from which the miscellaneous payment is received. This column corresponds to the 'Paid By Name' field on the Receipts form.
REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID The identifier of the remittance bank account to which the receipt will be deposited.
OLD_CUSTOMER_BANK_BRANCH_ID Identifier of the old default remittance bank branch of the payment batch.
COMMENTS Comments entered for the receipt.
OLD_ISSUER_BANK_BRANCH_ID Identifier of the old default remittance bank branch of the payment batch.
LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Identifies the legal entity to receive this receipt
PAYMENT_TRXN_EXTENSION_ID Payment extension identifier provided Oracle Payments for automatic receipts like credit card receipts and bank account transfer.
AX_ACCOUNTED_FLAG Upgrade flag to indicate the distributions have been upgraded by AX
DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID Internal identifier of the distribution set associated with the miscellaneous receipt. Distribution set is derived from the receivable activity provided for the receipt.
OLD_CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of the old default remittance bank account of the payment batch
CASH_APPLN_OWNER_ID Identifier of the cash application owner to whom the receipt is assigned for application.
REVERSAL_DATE Date on which the receipt is reversed.
WORK_ITEM_ASSIGNMENT_DATE Date on which the receipt is assigned to the cash application owner.
WORK_ITEM_REVIEW_DATE Review date assigned by the cash application owner.
WORK_ITEM_STATUS_CODE Status code of the receipt in cash application work queue.
WORK_ITEM_REVIEW_NOTE Review notes entered by cash application owner
PREV_PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER Identifier of the customer which was associated with this payment entry previously
PREV_CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID Identifies the customer's location which was associated with this payment entry previously
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Unique internal identifier of the cash receipt and primary key for this table.
REVERSAL_CATEGORY The reversal category code selected by the user when the receipt is reversed. Reversal category codes are stored in the system lookup REVERSAL_CATEGORY_TYPE.
WORK_ITEM_EXCEPTION_REASON Reserved for future use
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Reserved for future use
REVERSAL_REASON_CODE The reversal reason code selected by the user when the receipt is reversed. Reversal reason codes are stored in the extensible lookup CKAJST_REASON.
AUTOAPPLY_FLAG Reserved for future use
REVERSAL_COMMENTS Comments entered by the user when receipt is reversed.
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Currency exchange rate type provided for receipts in foreign currency.
EXCHANGE_RATE Currency exchange rate used to convert foreign currency receipt amount into functional currency
EXCHANGE_DATE Date provided for deriving currency exchange rate.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield context column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column. User who last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
REMITTANCE_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Internal identifier of the bank account to which the receipt will be remitted.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CONFIRMED_FLAG Flag to indicate confirmation status of the receipt. This column will have null value if receipt does not require confirmation. It will have value 'Y' when the receipt is confirmed and value 'N' when the receipt is not confirmed but require
CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID No longer used. In R12, Payment Transaction Extension Identifier in Oracle Payments links the customer bank details and transactions.
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID Internal identifier for the customer site assigned to the receipt header.
DEPOSIT_DATE Deposit date for the receipt.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent program who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the program that last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent program who column. Date when a program last updated this row.
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Identifier of the payment method assigned to the receipt
REQUEST_ID Concurrent program who column. Concurrent request identifier of the program that last updated this row.
SELECTED_FOR_FACTORING_FLAG Used by European and Asia Pacific localizations to flag receipt selected for factoring.
SELECTED_REMITTANCE_BATCH_ID Identifier of the remittance batch that includes this receipt.
AMOUNT Receipt amount in the currency of the receipt.
FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Bank charges amount for the receipt.
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE Code defined by public sector accounting
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE_CONTEXT Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column for public sector accounting
DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE Document number assigned to the receipt.
DOC_SEQUENCE_ID Identifier of the sequence used to assign document number to the receipt
Receivables - AR_COLLECTION_INDICATORS_ALL Collection Indicators for a closed period, used by the Collection Indicators report
Column Name Descritpion
COLLECTION_INDICATOR_ID Identifier of the collection indicator
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
GROSS_RECEIVABLES Sum of all open invoices as of the REPORT_DATE
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
OPEN_CM Sum of open credit memos
OPEN_PAYMENTS Sum of open receipts
INVOICE_SPLIT_AMOUNT User-defined amount to determine sales above and below this split amount
INVOICE_AMOUNT_OVER Sum of invoices above the invoice split amount
INVOICE_AMOUNT_UNDER Sum of invoices below the invoice split amount
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
INVOICE_COUNT_OVER Number of invoices above the invoice split amount
INVOICE_COUNT_UNDER Number of invoices below the invoice split amount
AMOUNT_COLLECTED Sum of receipts collected
PAYMENT_PATTERN_CURRENT_SALES Collected amount over invoiced amount for current period
PAYMENT_PATTERN_1PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period one
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
PAYMENT_PATTERN_2PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period two
PAYMENT_PATTERN_3PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period three
PAYMENT_PATTERN_4PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period four
PAYMENT_PATTERN_5PERIOD_PRIOR Represents collected amount over invoiced amount for period five
PAYMENT_PATTERN_6PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period six
REPORT_DATE Date entered to run the report
PAYMENT_PATTERN_7PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period seven
PAYMENT_PATTERN_8PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period eight
PAYMENT_PATTERN_9PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period nine
PAYMENT_PATTERN_10PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period ten
PAYMENT_PATTERN_11PERIOD_PRIOR Collected amount over invoiced amount for period eleven
DSO_DAYS Number of days used in CONVENTIONAL_DSO calculation
CREDIT_MEMO_AMOUNT Sum of credit memos created in period
WRITEOFF_AMOUNT Sum of adjustments created in period
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
CONVENTIONAL_DSO Conventional Day Sales Outstanding = (GROSS_RECEIVABLES/Original amount of debit items) * DSO_DAYS
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
Receivables - AR_COLLECTORS Information about collectors
Column Name Descritpion
COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the Receivables collector
STATUS Indicates whether this collector is active or inactive
INACTIVE_DATE Date this collector becomes inactive
ALIAS Alias that this collector is known by
TELEPHONE_NUMBER Collector's telephone number
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
RESOURCE_ID Resource ID of the Collector
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
RESOURCE_TYPE Resource Type of the Collector to hold the value 'RS_RESOURCE' OR 'RS_GROUPS'
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
NAME Name of the Receivables collector
EMPLOYEE_ID Receivables collector employee identifier
DESCRIPTION Description of the Receivables collector
Receivables - AR_CORRESPONDENCES_ALL Dunning letters sent to a customer
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_ID Identifier of the correspondence
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE Currently set to Dunning
REFERENCE1 Foreign key to the dunning letter set
REFERENCE2 Foreign key to the dunning letter
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
PRINTED_FLAG Y or N indicates whether this correspondence was printed or not
PRELIMINARY_FLAG Y or N indicates whether the dunning print is preliminary or not
DUNNING_LEVEL Dunning level of the item as printed on the dunning correspondence
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PURGED_CHILDREN_FLAG Y or null indicates whether details were purged or not
ORG_ID Organization identifier
SITE_USE_ID Identifier of customer site use record, used to determine ship-to and bill-to sites for correspondence
CORRESPONDENCE_DATE Date of the correspondence
Receivables - AR_CORR_PAY_SCHED_ALL Intersection table to show invoices referenced in a dunning letter
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_PAY_SCHED_ID Identifier of the correspondence payment schedule
AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING Transaction balance as reported on dunning letter
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
AMOUNT_ACCRUE Accrued finance charge amount
AMOUNT_UNACCRUE Unaccrued finance charge amount
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ORG_ID Organization identifier
STAGED_DUNNING_LEVEL Dunning level of the item as printed on the dunning correspondence
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifier of the payment schedule associated with this dunned record
CORRESPONDENCE_ID Identifier of the correspondence associated with this record
Receivables - AR_CREDIT_HISTORIES History of changes to a customer's credit profile
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_HISTORY_ID Identifier of the credit history
CREDIT_LIMIT Credit limit amount
CREDIT_RATING User-defined credit rating
RISK_CODE User-defined risk assessment
OUTSTANDING_BALANCE Outstanding receivables balance
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
SITE_USE_ID Identifier of the site use record associated with this credit history
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CURRENCY_CODE The code for the currency used
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT Customer's credit limit
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREDIT_INFO_UPDATED_BY The user who did the credit limit modifications
CREDIT_INFO_UPDATE_DATE The date the credit limits have been changed
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREDIT_INFO_UPDATE_LOGIN The system login from which the credit limit modications have happened
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier of the customer associated with this credit history
ON_HOLD Indicates whether this credit history is on hold
HOLD_DATE Date this credit history put on hold
Receivables - AR_CUSTOMER_CALL_TOPICS_ALL Topic of a customer call
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_CALL_TOPIC_ID Identifier of the call topic
CALL_DATE Date of the call associated with this call topic
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifier of the payment schedule associated with this call topic
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of the customer transaction associated with this call topic
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Identifier of the customer transaction line item associated with this call topic
PROMISE_DATE Date the customer promises to pay
PROMISE_AMOUNT Amount the customer promises to pay
FOLLOW_UP_DATE Date set for follow-up call
FOLLOW_UP_ACTION Follow-up action as result of call
FOLLOW_UP_COMPANY_REP_ID Not currently used
CALL_OUTCOME Outcome of the call
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
FORECAST_DATE Date payment is expected
COLLECTION_FORECAST Percentage of total amount expected to be collected
REASON_CODE User-defined reason code for customer explanation on failure to pay
SITE_USE_ID Identifier of the associated site use record
CONTACT_ID Identifier of contact associated with this call
PHONE_ID Phone number of the contact
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
COMPLETE_FLAG Y or N indicates whether the follow-up action is complete for this topic or not.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Receipt identifier
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CUSTOMER_CALL_ID Identifier of the call associated with this call topic
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier of the customer associated with this call topic
COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the collector associated with this call topic
Receivables - AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILES Customer credit information
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID Identifier of the customer profile
CREDIT_CHECKING Indicates whether a credit check is to be carried out
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG descriptive flexfield
TOLERANCE Percentage over credit limit that this customer can exceed before action is taken
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG descriptive flexfield
DISCOUNT_TERMS Indicates whether to allow discount terms
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG descriptive flexfield
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
DUNNING_LETTERS Indicates whether to send dunning letters to this customer when invoices, debit memos or chargebacks become past due
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
INTEREST_CHARGES Indicates whether to charge this customer interest
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
STATEMENTS Indicates whether to send this customer statements
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
CREDIT_BALANCE_STATEMENTS Indicates whether to send statements that have a credit balance
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved For Globalization Functionality
CONS_INV_FLAG Y or N indicates whether customer will be sent a Consolidated Billing Invoice
CONS_INV_TYPE Type of Consolidated Billing Invoice sent to customer (SUMMARY or DETAIL)
CREDIT_HOLD Indicates whether to put a hold on this customer's credit
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID_FOR_ADR Identifies AutoCash rule set for unapplied amount in Post QuickCash
PREF_FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY Customers preferred functional currency
CUSTOMER_PROFILE_CLASS_ID Identifier of the customer profile class associated with this customer profile
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
SITE_USE_ID Identifier of the site use record associated with this customer profile
REVIEW_CYCLE_DAYS No longer used
CREDIT_RATING List of values choice (CREDIT_RATING)
RISK_CODE List of values choice (RISK_CODE)
STANDARD_TERMS User defined payment terms
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
OVERRIDE_TERMS Indicates whether to allow override of standard terms
UNIQUE_TERMS No longer used
AUTO_DUNNING_DAYS No longer used
DUNNING_LETTER_SET_ID Identifier of the dunning letter set associated with this customer profile
INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS Number of days to which the interest rate refers
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
PAYMENT_GRACE_DAYS Maximum number of overdue days allowed before action is taken
DISCOUNT_GRACE_DAYS Number of days after discount term date that this customer can take discounts
STATEMENT_CYCLE_ID Identifier of the statement cycle associated with this customer profile
ACCOUNT_STATUS User defined account status
PERCENT_COLLECTABLE Percentage of this customer's account balance that can be expected to be collected on a regular basis
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID Identifier of the autocash hierarchy associated with this customer profile
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of the last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier of the customer associated with this profile
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
STATUS Indicates whether the profile is active or inactive
AUTO_REC_INCL_DISPUTED_FLAG Y means include disputed transactions; N means do not include disputed transactions
TAX_PRINTING_OPTION Tax printing option
CHARGE_ON_FINANCE_CHARGE_FLAG Y to compound finance charges and N to not compound finance charges for this customer or site
COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile
GROUPING_RULE_ID Identifies the default invoice line grouping rule for the customer
CLEARING_DAYS This column is used to specify a value for the number of clearing days before receipts that belong to this customer (or site) can be cleared by the Automatic Clearing program. This overrides the value of the payment method/bank account.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG descriptive flexfield
Receivables - AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_CLASSES Customer profile class information
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_PROFILE_CLASS_ID Identifier of the customer profile class
CREDIT_CHECKING Indicates whether credit checking is required for this customer profile class
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG descriptive flex segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
TOLERANCE Percentage over credit limit that this customer can exceed before collection action is taken
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
DISCOUNT_TERMS Indicates whether to allow discount terms
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
DUNNING_LETTERS Indicates whether to send dunning letters to this customer when invoices, debit memos or chargebacks become past due
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
INTEREST_CHARGES Indicates whether to charge this customer interest
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved For Globalization Functionality
CONS_INV_FLAG Y or N indicates whether customer will be sent a consolidated billing invoice
CONS_INV_TYPE Type of consolidated billing invoice sent to customer (SUMMARY or DETAIL)
STATEMENTS Indicates whether to send statements to customers assigned to this customer profile class
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID_FOR_ADR Identifies AutoCash rule set for unapplied amount in Post QuickCash
PREF_FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY Customers preferred functional currency
CREDIT_BALANCE_STATEMENTS Indicates whether to send statements that have a credit balance
DESCRIPTION Description of the customer credit profile class
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
REVIEW_CYCLE_DAYS Regularity with which to review customer profile class
OUTSIDE_REPORTING Indicates whether to allow reporting of the credit profile outside the company
STANDARD_TERMS User defined payment terms
OVERRIDE_TERMS Indicates whether to allow override of standard terms
UNIQUE_TERMS No longer used
AUTO_DUNNING_DAYS Not currently used
DUNNING_LETTER_SET_ID Identifier of the dunning letter set associated with this customer profile class
COMBINE_DUNNING_LETTERS Indicates whether to combine dunning letters for this customer profile
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS Number of days to which the interest rate refers
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID Identifier of the autocash hierarchy associated with this customer profile class
PAYMENT_GRACE_DAYS Maximum number of overdue days allowed before action is taken
DISCOUNT_GRACE_DAYS Number of days after discount term date that this customer can take discounts
STATEMENT_CYCLE_ID Identifier of the statement cycle associated with this customer profile
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining Column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
COPY_METHOD Indicates whether modified customer profiles are changed when this class is changed
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
AUTO_REC_INCL_DISPUTED_FLAG Y or N indicates whether to include disputed transactions while creating auto receipts
TAX_PRINTING_OPTION Define rule for printing invoice (defaults from System Options)
CHARGE_ON_FINANCE_CHARGE_FLAG Y or N indicates whether to compound finance charges for this customer or site
NAME Name of the customer profile class
GROUPING_RULE_ID Identifier for grouping rule name
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG descriptive flex segment
STATUS Indicates whether this customer profile class is active or inactive
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG descriptive flex segment
COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile class
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG descriptive flex segment
Receivables - AR_DISTRIBUTION_SETS_ALL Groups together a set of distribution lines
Column Name Descritpion
DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID Identifier for the distribution set
TOTAL_PERCENT_DISTRIBUTION Total percent allocated from individual distribution accounts to this distribution set
DISTRIBUTION_SET_NAME Distribution set name
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
STATUS Indicates whether distribution set is active or inactive
DESCRIPTION Distribution set description
Receivables - AR_DISTRIBUTION_SET_LINES_ALL The percentage and account for each line in a distribution set
Column Name Descritpion
DISTRIBUTION_SET_ID Identifier of the individual distribution set line
DESCRIPTION Individual distribution set line description
ORG_ID Organization identifier
DIST_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Identifier of the accounting flexfield record associated with this distribution line
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID General Ledger Set of Books used (only one currently supported)
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PERCENT_DISTRIBUTION Percentage of payment to allocate to this distribution set account
Receivables - AR_DUNNING_LETTERS_B Information about dunning letters
Column Name Descritpion
STATUS Indicates if this dunning letter is active or inactive
REVIEW_DATE Date used to review this dunning letter to assess effectiveness in collection reports
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
DUNNING_LETTER_ID Identifier of the dunning letter
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
Receivables - AR_INTERIM_CASH_RECEIPTS_ALL QuickCash payments processed by the PostBatch program
Column Name Descritpion
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code for the interim cash receipt
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
BATCH_ID Identifier of the payment batch that is associated with this interim cash receipt
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER Identifier of the customer who sent this payment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifier of the payment schedule that is associated with this interim cash receipt
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
CUSTOMER_BANK_BRANCH_ID Unique identifier for customer bank branch
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of the customer transaction that is associated with this interim cash receipt
AMOUNT_APPLIED Amount of the payment in the receipt currency
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Currency code of the invoice
STATUS Indicates if the receipt has been applied
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE Exchange rate that is used to convert the transaction amount into the receipt currency
APPLICATION_NOTES Reference number that could not be matched to a transaction number during AutoLockbox validation.
TYPE User-defined payment method
APPLICATION_REF_TYPE Application reference type
RECEIPT_NUMBER Receipt number of the cash receipt
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE Customer reference
OLD_REMIT_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Old Bank account that is assigned to the receipt
OLD_CUSTOMER_BANK_BRANCH_ID Identifier of the old default remittance bank branch of the payment batch
OLD_CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of the old default remittance bank account of the payment batch
RECEIPT_DATE Date of the payment
AUTOAPPLY_FLAG Reserved for future use
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Reserved for future use
AUTOCASH_FLAG Reserved for future use
REMITTANCE_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Bank account that is assigned to the receipt
GL_DATE General Ledger date
GL_POSTED_DATE Accounting date when the payment was posted
SPECIAL_TYPE Identifier for the AR_SPECIAL_TYPES table determines if a payment is unapplied, on-account, unidentified, or multiple
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Defines multiple exchange rates for the same date
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate that Receivables uses to convert foreign currency amounts into functional currency
EXCHANGE_DATE Date that the exchange rate is selected for
CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of the MICR number that is associated with this interim cash receipt
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifier of the interim cash receipt
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Payment method that is associated with the receipt
REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID Bank account that is assigned to the receipt
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
SITE_USE_ID Identifier for the billing location that is associated with the receipt
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE_CONTEXT Context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield
DOC_SEQUENCE_ID Document sequence number for this receipt
DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE Document sequence value
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ANTICIPATED_CLEARING_DATE Date that this receipt is expected to clear the bank
ORG_ID Organization identifier
AMOUNT Amount of the interim cash receipt
FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Amount of the bank charge and/or factor discount that was taken by the bank at clearance and/or factoring time
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_INTERIM_CASH_RCPT_LINES_ALL Temporary table used to store QuickCash payment applications
Column Name Descritpion
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifier of the interim cash receipt that is associated with this individual interim cash receipt line
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of the customer transaction that is associated with this interim cash receipt line
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Amount of payment in the receipt currency
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Identifier of the customer transaction line that is associated with this interim cash receipt line
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Currency code of the invoice
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE Exchange rate that is used to convert the payment from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
BATCH_ID Identifier of the payment batch that is associated with this interim cash receipt line
APPLICATION_REF_TYPE Identifies the application reference type
SOLD_TO_CUSTOMER Identifier of the customer that is associated with this interim cash receipt line
APPLIED_REC_APP_ID Identifies the Receivable Application record to which the payment has been applied.
DISCOUNT_TAKEN Discount given to the customer on this transaction
DUE_DATE Payment due date
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
CASH_RECEIPT_LINE_ID Partial identifier of the individual interim cash receipt line
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE Value for the USSGL Transaction Code
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE_CONTEXT Context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PAYMENT_AMOUNT Amount of the payment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifier of the payment schedule that is associated with this interim cash receipt line
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_CASH_BASIS_DISTS_ALL Distribution of payments over revenue accounts, used in Cash Basis Accounting
Column Name Descritpion
CASH_BASIS_DISTRIBUTION_ID Identifier of the distribution item
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID Identifier of the record used to determine the application of payments or credit memos associated with this distribution item
SOURCE Indicates whether this is a distribution of an ar_adjustments record or ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist record
SOURCE_ID Identifier of ar_adjustments record, or ra_cust_trx_line_gl_dist
TYPE Indicates whether this is a distribution of Lines, Tax, Freight, Charges, or Invoice
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Payment Schedule to which application was made
GL_DATE General ledger date
CURRENCY_CODE Currency of distribution
AMOUNT Amount posted
ACCTD_AMOUNT Equivalent amount in functional currency
CODE_COMBINATION_ID General Ledger code combination (account)
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
POSTING_CONTROL_ID ID of general ledger posting process
GL_POSTED_DATE Accounting date the distribution amount was posted
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID_CASH Application that triggered the posting of a Credit Memo Application
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ACTIVITY_BUCKET Amount bucket to each this distribution is associated
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
REF_ACCOUNT_CLASS Account Class to each this distribution is affected
REF_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID transaction identifyer
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
REF_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID transaction line identifyer
REF_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID transaction line distribution identifyer
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REF_LINE_ID eference to another distribution created via an adjustment
FROM_AMOUNT distribution amount in the from document currency
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
FROM_ACCTD_AMOUNT distribution accounted amount in the from document currency
LEDGER_ID ledger ID of the base ledger
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
BASE_CURRENCY functional currency
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
Receivables - AR_DUNNING_LETTER_SETS Sequence in which dunning letters are sent
Column Name Descritpion
STATUS Indicates whether this dunning letter set is active or inactive
RESEND_LAST_LETTER Indicates whether to resend the last letter of this dunning letter set. This column is used with the SEQUENCED_LETTERS_FLAG to specify which dunning letter is resent.
GRACE_DAYS Indicates whether to use grace days when determining when dunning letters are sent
DUN_DISPUTED_ITEMS Indicates whether to include disputed invoices in this dunning letter set
FINANCE_CHARGES Indicates whether to include finance charges in this dunning letter set
DESCRIPTION Dunning letter set description
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
CHARGE_DISPUTED_ITEMS Indicates whether to apply finance charges to disputed items
INCLUDE_UNUSED_PAYMENTS_FLAG Indicates whether to include unapplied and on-account payments in all dunning letters in a dunning letter set
DUNNING_LETTER_SET_ID Identifier of the dunning letter set
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SEQUENCED_LETTERS_FLAG Possible values are N if a particular dunning letter may be sent out of sequence, or Y to maintain the sequence in which the dunning letters within a dunning letter set are sent.
DUNNING_TYPE Possible values are DAYS_OVERDUE if dunning is based on days that items are past due, or STAGED_DUNNING if dunning is based on dunning levels.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
NAME Dunning letter set name
Receivables - AR_DUNNING_LETTER_SET_LINES Individual lines within a dunning letter set
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
DUNNING_LETTER_ID Identifier for the dunning letter that is printed for this dunning letter
RANGE_OF_DAYS_FROM Minimum number of days that a customer's oldest invoice, debit memo, or chargeback must be past due to receive this dunning letter
RANGE_OF_DAYS_TO Maximum number of days that a customer's oldest invoice, debit memo, or chargeback must be past due to receive this dunning letter
INCLUDE_CURRENT Indicates whether invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks that are not yet due for payment are included in a dunning letter
INVOICE_COPIES Indicates whether copies of invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks are included with each dunning letter
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
RANGE_OF_DUNNING_LEVEL_FROM Dunning level start value for this dunning letter
RANGE_OF_DUNNING_LEVEL_TO Dunning level end value for this dunning letter
MIN_DAYS_BETWEEN_DUNNING Minimum number of days before Receivables increments an item to next dunning level
DUNNING_LETTER_SET_ID Identifier of the individual line of a dunning letter set
DUNNING_LINE_NUM Specifies dunning order
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_APPROVAL_ACTION_HISTORY Approval and change history for invoice adjustments
Column Name Descritpion
APPROVAL_ACTION_HISTORY_ID Approval action identifier
COMMENTS Comments user enters about approval action
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ACTION_NAME Name of action
ADJUSTMENT_ID Identifier of adjustment associated with this approval action
ACTION_DATE Date of action
Receivables - AR_APPROVAL_USER_LIMITS User adjustment approval limits
Column Name Descritpion
USER_ID Identifier of user
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code
DOCUMENT_TYPE Document type for this approver, ADJ for adjustment and CM for credit memo
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
REASON_CODE Credit memo reason code for this approver
PRIMARY_FLAG Y or N indicates whether the user is a primary approver or not.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
AMOUNT_TO Upper amount range
AMOUNT_FROM Lower amount range
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_AUTOCASH_HIERARCHIES AutoCash Rule Sets information
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID Identifier of the Payment Rule Set
INCLUDE_DISPUTE_ITEMS Indicator as to whether or not to include disputed items in this Payment Rule Set
APPLY_PARTIAL_PAYMENTS Indicator as to whether to apply partial payments when using the Apply The Oldest Invoice First payment method
REMAINING_AMOUNT Indicates how to apply remaining receipt amounts in case of invalid transaction numbers
DESCRIPTION Description of the Payment Rule Set
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
HIERARCHY_NAME Name of the Payment Rule Set
STATUS Indicates whether this Payment Rule Set is active or inactive
INCLUDE_DISCOUNTS Type of discount
INCLUDE_FINANCE_CHARGES Indicates whether finance charges are included in this Payment Rule Set
Receivables - AR_AUTOCASH_RULES Application method for each rule in an AutoCash Rule Set
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOCASH_RULE_ID Identifier of the Payment Rule
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID Identifier of the Payment Rule Set associated with this Payment Rule
RULE_SEQUENCE Sequence of this rule in the Payment Rule Set
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_INTERIM_POSTING Used for posting when Cash Basis accounting is used
Column Name Descritpion
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifier of the cash receipt that was posted
BATCH_SOURCE Name of the payment batch source that was posted
BATCH_NAME Name of the payment batch that was posted
RECEIPT_NUMBER Number of receipt that was posted
RECEIPT_DATE Date of the receipt that was posted
RECEIPT_AMOUNT Amount of receipt that was posted
TRX_NUMBER Transaction number that was posted
LINE_NUMBER Line number that was posted
AMOUNT_APPLIED Applied amount that was posted
Receivables - AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL History of actions and status changes in the life cycle of a receipt
Column Name Descritpion
AMOUNT The amount for this step of the life cycle of the receipt. Most of the amounts will be similar to the original amount of the cash receipt but the cleared amount might be different from the remitted due to any charges the bank may apply.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield context.
NOTE_STATUS The state of the Note Receivable
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
MRC_POSTING_CONTROL_ID No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_GL_POSTED_DATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_REVERSAL_GL_POSTED_DATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_ACCTD_AMOUNT No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_ACCTD_FACTOR_DISC_AMOUNT No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_EXCHANGE_DATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_EXCHANGE_RATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
EVENT_ID Identifier of the event created in Subledger Accounting for this row.
FIRST_POSTED_RECORD_FLAG This column will have a value Y if this is the first row that is posted for this cash receipt; N otherwise.
POSTABLE_FLAG This column will have a value Y if the row is postable to Subledger Accounting and value N otherwise. It is N for the approved row. It is Y for all the other statuses.
FACTOR_FLAG This column will have status Y if the status is REMITTED and the cash receipt was factored as specified by the user on the remittance step.
CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID Internal identifier for the receipt history record.
GL_DATE The General Ledger accounting date that is used for the debit entry.
CURRENT_RECORD_FLAG This column will have value Y if this row is the latest step for this cash receipt; it is null otherwise.
BATCH_ID Internal identifier of the receipt batch that was used to create this row for this cash receipt. It can be a receipt batch or remittance batch.
ACCOUNT_CODE_COMBINATION_ID This is the account that is either debited or credited (on the GL_DATE and REVERSAL_GL_DATE respectively).
REVERSAL_GL_DATE The General Ledger accounting date that is used for the debit entry. It also signifies that this row has been reversed. It could mean that the receipt went on to the next step or reverted one step.
REVERSAL_CASH_RECEIPT_HIST_ID This is a unique key that sequences the reversal of this row and is sourced from the same sequence as CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID.
FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT This is the amount of the bank charge and/or factor discount taken by the bank at clearance and/or factoring time.
BANK_CHARGE_ACCOUNT_CCID This is the account that is debited and/or credited for bank charges.
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier; -1 means it was posted by the old posting program (ARXGLP); -2 means it's posted from old rel8 RA; -3 means it's not posted; -4 means it's posted by rel9 RAPOST. The column stores the identifier of the
REVERSAL_POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier; -1 means it was posted by the old posting program (ARXGLP); -2 means it's posted from RA; -3 means it's not posted; this will be null if REVERSAL_GL_DATE is null. The column stores the identifier of the
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Internal identifier of the cash receipt.
GL_POSTED_DATE Date on which posted to Subledger Accounting.
REVERSAL_GL_POSTED_DATE Date on which reversal is posted to Subledger Accounting.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row
ACCTD_AMOUNT Amount for this step in the functional currency.
ACCTD_FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Bank charges amount in the functional currency.
CREATED_BY Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
EXCHANGE_DATE Reference date for deriving currency exchange rate
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate used to convert foreign currency amounts into functional currency
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Used to define multiple currency exchange rates for the same date
STATUS Status of the receipt history record.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent program who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent program who column. Program identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent program who column. Date when a program last updated this row.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent program who column. Concurrent request identifier of the program that last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column user who last updated this row.
PRV_STAT_CASH_RECEIPT_HIST_ID This column has the CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID of the record that precedes the current record in status. Normally, it is the ID of the reversed record. For rate adjustments, it has the same value as that of the record it reversed/adjusted.
CREATED_FROM Populated by code that points to form or program that created this row
REVERSAL_CREATED_FROM Populated by code that points to form or program that reversed this row
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
TRX_DATE The transaction date on which the process step associated with the history record is performed.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_CHANGE_MATRIX This table is no longer used.
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CHANGE_UNCONFIRMED_INV_FLAG Yes/No flag if changes can be made when the CHANGE_UNCONFIRMED_INV_FLAG has been set.
CHANGE_UNCONF_INV_MSG_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the CHANGE_CUST_NAME_FLAG constraint has been violated.
BATCH_SOURCE_TYPE Foreign key to ra_batch_Sources.batch_source_type. Imported if the batch source is used by AutoInvoice; Manual otherwise
CHANGE_AUTOTAX_FLAG Yes/No flag if changes can be made when the CHANGE_AUTOTAX_FLAG has been set.
AUTOTAX_MSG_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the AutoTax constraint has been violated.
ACCOUNTING_METHOD The accounting method that is being used. May be CASH or ACCRUAL.
CREATED_FROM Short name of the form to which this constraint applies.
CANVAS For internal use only
ACTION Action this record is for; can be I (insert), U (update), D (delete)
CANVAS_TO_CHANGE For internal use only
CHANGE_USSGL_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION1_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION2_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION3_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION4_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION5_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION6_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION7_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION8_FLAG For internal use only
CHECK_IN_INSERT_MODE_FLAG Y or N flag if permission checking should be done in insert mode
CHANGE_FUNCTION9_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION10_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION11_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION12_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION13_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION14_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION15_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION16_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION17_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION18_FLAG For internal use only
FORM Form name
CHANGE_FUNCTION19_FLAG For internal use only
CHANGE_FUNCTION20_FLAG For internal use only
USSGL_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION1_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION2_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION3_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION4_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION5_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION6_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION7_MSG_NAME For internal use only
CHANGE_MATRIX_ID Unique identifier for ar_change_matrix
ZONE Zone name
FUNCTION8_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION9_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION10_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION11_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION12_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION13_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION14_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION15_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION16_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION17_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FIELD Field name
FUNCTION18_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION19_MSG_NAME For internal use only
FUNCTION20_MSG_NAME For internal use only
COMPLETE_PROPERTY For internal use only
RULES_PROPERTY For internal use only
PRINTED_PROPERTY For internal use only
ACTIVITY_PROPERTY For internal use only
POSTED_PROPERTY For internal use only
AUTORULE_PROPERTY For internal use only
CHANGE_CUST_ON_TRX_PROPERTY For internal use only
APPLICATION_ID Application identifier
TAX_UPDATE_PROPERTY For internal use only
USE_INV_ACCT_FOR_CM_PROPERTY For internal use only
AR_UPDATE_DUE_DATE_PROPERTY For internal use only
CHANGE_CUST_NAME_PROPERTY For internal use only
REV_BASED_ON_SREP_PROPERTY For internal use only
CHANGE_UNCONF_INV_PROPERTY For internal use only
USSGL_PROPERTY For internal use only
AUTOTAX_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION1_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION2_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION3_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION4_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION5_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION6_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION7_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION8_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION9_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION10_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION11_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION12_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION13_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION14_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION15_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION16_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION17_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION18_PROPERTY For internal use only
FUNCTION19_PROPERTY For internal use only
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type
FUNCTION20_PROPERTY For internal use only
FIELD_MIRROR For internal use only
PROHIBIT_ALL_CHANGES_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether all changes are prohibited
CHANGE_COMPLETE_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether changes can be made when the transaction is incomplete
CHANGE_RULES_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether changes can be made if the transaction uses invoicing rules
CHANGE_PRINTED_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether changes can be made after printing
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CHANGE_ACTIVITY_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether changes can be made after activity has occurred
CHANGE_POSTED_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether changes can be made after the transaction has been posted
CHANGE_AUTORULE_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether changes can be made after AutoRule has been run for this transaction
CHANGE_REV_BASED_ON_SREP_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether changes can be made when the CHANGE_CUST_ON_TRX option is set
CHANGE_CHANGE_CUST_ON_TRX_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether changes can be made when the CHANGE_CUST_ON_TRX option has been set
CHG_CHANGE_PRINTED_INV_FLAG Yes/No flag if changes can be made after the transaction has been printed.
CHANGE_TAX_UPDATE_FLAG Yes/No flag if changes can be made when the TAX_UPDATE_FLAG is set.
CHG_USE_INV_ACCT_FOR_CM_FLAG Yes/No flag if changes can be made when the USE_INV_ACCT_FOR_CM_FLAG option has been set.
CHANGE_INVOICE_DELETION_FLAG Yes/No flag if changes can be made when the INVOICE_DELETION_FLAG has been set.
CHANGE_AR_UPDATE_DUE_DATE_FLAG Yes/No flag if changes can be made when the AR_UPDATE_DUE_DATE_FLAG has been set.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CHANGE_CHANGE_CUST_NAME_FLAG Yes/No flag if changes can be made when the CHANGE_CUST_NAME_FLAG has been set.
COMPLETE_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the complete constraint is violated.
RULES_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the rules constraint is violated.
PRINTED_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the printed constraint is violated.
ACTIVITY_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the activity constraint is violated.
POSTED_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the posted constraint is violated.
AUTORULE_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the AutoRule constraint is violated.
CHANGE_CUST_ON_TRX_MSG_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the CHANGE_CUST_ON_TRX constraint is violated.
CHANGES_AFTER_PRINT_MSG_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the CHANGES_AFTER_PRINTING constraint is violated.
TAX_UPDATE_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the TAX_UPDATE constraint is violated.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
USE_INV_ACCT_FOR_CM_MSG_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the USE_INV_ACCT_FOR_CM constraint is violated.
INVOICE_DELETION_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the INVOICE_DELETION constraint is violated.
AR_UPDATE_DUE_DATE_MSG_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the AR_UPDATE_DUE_DATE constraint is violated.
CHANGE_CUST_NAME_MESSAGE_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the CHANGE_CUST_NAME constraint is violated.
REV_BASED_ON_SREP_MSG_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the REV_BASED_ON_SREP constraint is violated.
PROHIBIT_ALL_CHANGES_MSG_NAME Message dictionary message name that is displayed when the PROHIBIT_ALL_CHANGES constraint is violated.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_CONC_PROCESS_REQUESTS Currently running or terminated concurrent requests
Column Name Descritpion
CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_NAME Name of concurrent process
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
Receivables - AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_AMOUNTS Customer profile amount limits for each currency
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG descriptive flexfield
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID Identifier of the customer's profile
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
CURRENCY_CODE Code defined for a currency
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved For Globalization Functionality
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT Credit limit for an order
CUSTOMER_PROFILE_AMOUNT_ID Unique identifier of profile amount row
OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT Overall credit limit
MIN_DUNNING_AMOUNT This column is the minimum total a dunning letter should have before the letter is printed.
MIN_DUNNING_INVOICE_AMOUNT The balance due on a payment schedule must be as high as this value before it can be dunned.
MAX_INTEREST_CHARGE Maximum interest to be charged per invoice for a currency
MIN_STATEMENT_AMOUNT The minimum total a statement should have before the statement is printed.
AUTO_REC_MIN_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Limits the minimum receipt amount for a currency
INTEREST_RATE The interest rate to be charged to this customer (site) for invoices in this currency
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
MIN_FC_BALANCE_AMOUNT This is the minimum balance a customer or site account should have before any finance charges can be charged to this customer's or site's invoices.
MIN_FC_INVOICE_AMOUNT This is the minimum balance on an invoice before any finance charges can be computed for it.
CUSTOMER_ID This is a foreign key to RA_CUSTOMERS.
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID This is a foreign key to RA_SITE_USES_ALL.
REQUEST_ID Identifies the concurrent request of the program that created the row
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Identifies the application that owns the program that created the row
PROGRAM_ID Identifies the program that created the row
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Date that the program stamped on the row
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY JG descriptive flexfield
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG descriptive flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG descriptive flexfield
Receivables - AR_CUST_PROF_CLASS_AMOUNTS Customer profile class amount limits for each currency
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG descriptive flex segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
CUSTOMER_PROFILE_CLASS_ID Customer profile class identifier
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
CURRENCY_CODE Code defined for a currency
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved For Globalization Functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved For Globalization Functionality
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT Credit limit for an order
CUST_PROF_CLASS_AMOUNT_ID Identifier for the customer profile class amount
OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT Overall credit limit
MIN_DUNNING_AMOUNT This column is the minimum total a dunning letter should have before the letter is printed.
MAX_INTEREST_CHARGE Maximum interest to be charged per invoice for a currency
MIN_STATEMENT_AMOUNT The minimum total a statement should have before the statement is printed
AUTO_REC_MIN_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Limits the minimum receipt amount for a currency
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining Column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment Column
INTEREST_RATE The interest rate to be charged to this customer (site) for invoices in this currency
MIN_FC_BALANCE_AMOUNT This is the minimum balance a customer or site account should have before any finance charges can be charged to this customer's or site's invoices.
MIN_FC_INVOICE_AMOUNT This is the minimum balance on an invoice before any finance charges can be computed on it.
MIN_DUNNING_INVOICE_AMOUNT The balance due on a payment schedule must be at least this amount before it can be selected for dunning.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining Column (for European requirements)
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG descriptive flex segment
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG descriptive flex segment
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG descriptive flex segment
Receivables - AR_DOC_SEQUENCE_AUDIT A record for every document number generated
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
DOC_SEQUENCE_ID Document sequence identifier, foreign key to the FND_DOCUMENT_SEQUENCES table
DOC_SEQUENCE_ASSIGNMENT_ID Document sequence assignment identifier
DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE The document number that was generated
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
Receivables - AR_DISPUTE_HISTORY A history of invoice disputes for each payment schedule
Column Name Descritpion
DISPUTE_HISTORY_ID Unique identifier for a dispute history record
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_FROM Null if the record is created by the AR_DISPUTE_HISTORY_BRU trigger
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifies the payment schedule
AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING The current amount due remaining
AMOUNT_IN_DISPUTE The current disputed amount
DISPUTE_AMOUNT The difference between the last amount_in_dispute and the current amount_in_dispute
START_DATE Start Date for dispute history record
END_DATE End Date for dispute history record
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_AUTOREC_EXCEPTIONS Temporary table used to store exceptions found by Automatic Receipts and its related programs
Column Name Descritpion
PAYING_SITE_USE_ID This column is meaningless unless the payment methods number of receipts rule is Per Site, then this is the site of the automatic receipt
DUE_DATE This column is meaningless unless the Number of Receipts Rule is Per Due Date, then this is the maturity date of the automatic receipt.
CUST_BANK_ACCT_ID Unique identifier of the customer's bank account from which the money for the automatic receipt is taken
REMIT_BANK_ACCT_ID The unique identifier of the remittance bank to which the automatic receipt will be deposited
CUST_MIN_REC_AMOUNT This is the minimum receipt amount for creating a automatic receipt set at the customer level.
BATCH_ID Unique identifier of the automatic receipt batch
BANK_MIN_REC_AMOUNT This is the minimum receipt amount for creating an automatic receipt at the remittance bank level.
EXCEPTION_CODE This is the error message that tells you why this invoice installment was rejected by the Automatic Receipt Creation program.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ADDITIONAL_MESSAGE Additional error message text
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifier of the cash receipt
REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID The unique identifier of the remittance bank account use id to which the automatic receipt will be deposited
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Unique identifier of the invoice's installment being rejected by the Automatic Receipt Creation program
PAYING_CUSTOMER_ID The unique identifier of the customer for whom the automatic receipt should have been created
Receivables - AR_CREDIT_MEMO_AMOUNTS GL dates for credit memos that use invoicing rules to back out revenue
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Unique identifier for the credit memo line
GL_DATE General Ledger date
AMOUNT Amount of revenue to be recognized on this General Ledger date
CREDIT_MEMO_AMOUNT_ID Unique identifier
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_AUDIT_DATA Temporary table used in the rollforward process
Column Name Descritpion
CLASS Identifies the class of the transaction (AM, PMT, INV, DM)
RECORD_ID Foreign key to identify the transaction (CASH_RECEIPT_ID )
CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID Identifies the transaction type defined by user
SOURCE Identifies the source of the transaction
INVNUM The transaction number visible to user
AMOUNT The amount of the transaction
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifies the payment schedule of the transaction
Receivables - AR_CONC_REQUEST_MESSAGES Untranslated messages for server PL/SQL error and log reporting
Column Name Descritpion
ERROR_NUMBER Error number
TYPE Translation information, either Translate for translate this message or No Translate for do not translate
TEXT Text of the messages passed from the merge program
CONC_REQUEST_MESSAGE_ID Unique identifier of every message line inserted.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Accounting records for receipts
Column Name Descritpion
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Internal identifier of the General Ledger account code. It is the account that will be debited or credited.
THIRD_PARTY_ID Bill-to customer ID for transactions, paid-from customer ID for receipts
THIRD_PARTY_SUB_ID Bill-to site use ID for transactions, customer site use ID for receipts
REVERSED_SOURCE_ID The source ID that the reversal record was created from. Used for receipt application (APP) records to get the debit/credit for the gain/loss account.
TAX_CODE_ID No longer in use
AMOUNT_DR Journal line debit amount in entered currency.
LOCATION_SEGMENT_ID No longer in use
TAX_GROUP_CODE_ID No longer in use
REF_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Used in Multi Fund Accounts Receivables feature. Stores the internal identifier of the applied transaction line.
AMOUNT_CR Journal line credit amount entered in currency.
REF_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID Used in Multi Fund Accounts Receivables feature. Stores the internal identifier of the applied transaction distribution line.
REF_ACCOUNT_CLASS Used in Multi Fund Accounts Receivables feature. Stores the account class of the applied transaction distribution line.
ACTIVITY_BUCKET Represents the bucket, which the current distribution hits along with the type of activity like ADJ_CHRG, ADJ_LINE, ADJ_TAX, APP_FRT, APP_LINE, APP_TAX, etc.
REF_LINE_ID Reference to another distribution created via an adjustment
ACCTD_AMOUNT_DR Journal line debit amount in functional currency.
FROM_AMOUNT_DR Stores the debit amount in the currency of the receipt or credit memo.
FROM_AMOUNT_CR Stores the credit amount in the currency of the receipt or credit memo.
FROM_ACCTD_AMOUNT_DR Stores the debit amount in the functional currency.
FROM_ACCTD_AMOUNT_CR Stores the credit amount in the currency of the receipt.
ACCTD_AMOUNT_CR Journal line credit amount in functional currency.
REF_MF_DIST_FLAG Indicate if the distribution is created based on a PSA distribution
REF_DIST_CCID Maintains accounting code combination ID at time of application. Optimizes performance when CCID comes from distribution outside AR, such as PSA multi-funded CCID.
LINE_ID Internal identifier of the distribution record and primary key for this table.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column. User who last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
SOURCE_TABLE_SECONDARY This column will always store the value 'RA'
SOURCE_ID Identifier for record in SOURCE_TABLE that created this distribution.
SOURCE_ID_SECONDARY This column is populated for the UNAPP rows and stores the receivable application id of the APP row in AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table.
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code for the journal entry.
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE Exchange rate used for foreign currency journal entry
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE Conversion type used for foreign currency journal entry
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE Date used to derive the currency exchange rate
TAXABLE_ENTERED_DR For distributions which are prorated over transaction tax lines, stores the taxable amount debit (prorated) for the current accounted distribution amount in entered currency of transaction
TAXABLE_ENTERED_CR For distributions which are prorated over transaction tax lines, stores the taxable amount credit (prorated) for the current accounted distribution amount in entered currency of transaction
SOURCE_TYPE Account type of transaction for which distribution is posted.
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_DR For distributions which are prorated over transaction tax lines, stores the taxable amount debit (prorated) for the current accounted distribution amount in functional currency
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_CR For distributions which are prorated over transaction tax lines, stores the taxable amount credit (prorated) for the current accounted distribution amount in functional currency
TAX_LINK_ID Links tax and taxable lines within the AR_DISTRIBUTIONS table
Receivables - AR_ARCHIVE_CONTROL Historical archive and purge information
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSACTION_PERIOD Archive run parameter
OPEN_RECEIVABLES Archive run parameter
POSTABLE Archive run parameter
ARCHIVE_LEVEL Archive run parameter
NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES Archive run parameter
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
COMMIT_SIZE Archive run parameter
STATUS Archive run parameter
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ARCHIVE_ID Identifier of the archive process
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TRANSACTION_MODE Archive run parameter
TRANSACTION_TYPE Archive run parameter
Receivables - AR_ARCHIVE_PURGE_LOG Log information generated during the Archive and Purge process
Column Name Descritpion
MESSAGE Column for log message
TIME Time stamp for message
Receivables - AR_ARCHIVE_PURGE_INTERIM Interim table used by the Archive and Purge program
Column Name Descritpion
TRX_ID Transaction identifier
RELATED_ID Related transaction identifier (either another transaction or receipt)
Receivables - AR_ARCHIVE_CONTROL_DETAIL Detailed archive and purge information
Column Name Descritpion
ARCHIVE_ID Identifier of the archive process
CASH_RECEIPTS_CNT Number of cash receipts archived/purged
INVOICES_NO_REC_CNT Number of invoices not open to receivables archived/purged
CREDIT_MEMOS_NO_REC_CNT Number of credit memos not open to receivables archived/purged
DEBIT_MEMOS_NO_REC_CNT Number of debit memos not open to receivables archived/purged
CHARGEBACKS_NO_REC_CNT Number of chargebacks not open to receivables archived/purged
DEPOSITS_NO_REC_CNT Number of deposits not open to receivables archived/purged
GUARANTEES_CNT Number of guarantees archived/purged
MISC_RECEIPTS_CNT Number of miscellaneous transactions archived/purged
INVOICES_TOTAL Total functional amount of invoices
CREDIT_MEMOS_TOTAL Total functional amount of credit memos
PERIOD_NUMBER Period number
DEBIT_MEMOS_TOTAL Total functional amount of debit memos
CHARGEBACKS_TOTAL Total functional amount of chargebacks
DEPOSITS_TOTAL Total functional amount of deposits
ADJUSTMENTS_TOTAL Total functional amount of adjustments
CASH_RECEIPTS_TOTAL Total functional amount of cash receipts
DISCOUNTS_TOTAL Total functional amount of discounts taken
EXCHANGE_GAIN_LOSS_TOTAL Total functional amount of exchange rate gain/loss
INVOICES_NO_REC_TOTAL Total functional amount of invoices not open to receivables
CREDIT_MEMOS_NO_REC_TOTAL Total functional amount of credit memos not open to receivables
DEBIT_MEMOS_NO_REC_TOTAL Total functional amount of debit memos not open to receivables
PERIOD_NAME Period name
CHARGEBACKS_NO_REC_TOTAL Total functional amount of chargebacks not open to receivables
DEPOSITS_NO_REC_TOTAL Total functional amount of deposits not open to receivables
GUARANTEES_TOTAL Total functional amount of guarantees
MISC_RECEIPTS_TOTAL Total functional amount of miscellaneous transactions
INVOICES_CNT Number of invoices archived/purged
CREDIT_MEMOS_CNT Number of credit memos archived/purged
DEBIT_MEMOS_CNT Number of debit memos archived/purged
CHARGEBACKS_CNT Number of chargebacks archived/purged
DEPOSITS_CNT Number of deposits archived/purged
ADJUSTMENTS_CNT Number of adjustments archived/purged
Receivables - AR_ARCHIVE_HEADER Header-level archive information
Column Name Descritpion
ARCHIVE_ID Identifier of the archive process
BATCH_NAME Batch name of transaction source
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE2 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE3 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE4 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE5 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE6 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE7 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE8 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE9 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE10 Interface header attribute value
BATCH_SOURCE_NAME Batch source of transaction
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE11 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE12 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE13 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE14 Interface header attribute value
INTERFACE_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE15 Interface header attribute value
BANK_DEPOSIT_NUMBER Bank deposit number
REFERENCE_TYPE Cash receipt reference type
REFERENCE_ID Cash receipt reference identifier
CUSTOMER_RECEIPT_REFERENCE Customer receipt reference
BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME Remittance bank account name
SET_OF_BOOKS_NAME Set of books name
LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME Name of legal entity
AMOUNT Transaction amount
ACCTD_AMOUNT Transaction amount in functional currency
EXCHANGE_GAIN_LOSS Exchange rate gain/loss amount
EARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Amount of earned discount taken
UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Amount of unearned discount taken
ACCTD_EARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Amount of earned discount taken in functional currency
ACCTD_UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Amount of unearned discount taken in functional currency
TRANSACTION_CLASS Transaction class of entity
TYPE Type of cash receipt or adjustment
ADJUSTMENT_TYPE Adjustment type
POST_TO_GL Y or N flag if transactions should be posted to the General Ledger
ACCOUNTING_AFFECT_FLAG Y or N flag if transaction has open receivable balances
REASON_CODE_MEANING Invoicing reason
CASH_RECEIPT_STATUS Status of cash receipt
CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_STATUS Status of cash receipt history
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Customer number for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NAME Name for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_LOCATION Location for bill-to customer
TRANSACTION_TYPE Transaction type of entity
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1 Address information for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS2 Address information for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS3 Address information for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS4 Address information for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_CITY Address information for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_STATE Address information for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_COUNTRY Address information for bill-to customer
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_POSTAL_CODE Address information for bill-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Number of ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_NAME Name of ship-to customer
TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier (from source table) of entity
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_LOCATION Location of ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1 Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS2 Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS3 Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS4 Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_CITY Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_STATE Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_COUNTRY Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_POSTAL_CODE Address information for ship-to customer
REMIT_TO_ADDRESS1 Remit-to address information
RELATED_TRANSACTION_CLASS Transaction class of related entity
REMIT_TO_ADDRESS2 Remit-to address information
REMIT_TO_ADDRESS3 Remit-to address information
REMIT_TO_ADDRESS4 Remit-to address information
REMIT_TO_CITY Remit-to address information
REMIT_TO_STATE Remit-to address information
REMIT_TO_COUNTRY Remit-to address information
REMIT_TO_POSTAL_CODE Remit-to address information
SALESREP_NAME Salesrep name
TERM_NAME Payment terms name
TERM_DUE_DATE Due date of the first payment
RELATED_TRANSACTION_TYPE Transaction type of related entity
PRINTING_LAST_PRINTED Last day any installment was printed
PURCHASE_ORDER Purchase order number
COMMENTS Transaction comments
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type
EXCHANGE_RATE_DATE Exchange rate date
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code
GL_DATE General Ledger date
REVERSAL_DATE Date that the cash receipt was reversed
RELATED_TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier (from source table) of related entity
REVERSAL_CATEGORY Identifies the category of the cash receipt reversal
REVERSAL_REASON_CODE_MEANING Indicates reason for the cash receipt reversal
REVERSAL_COMMENTS Comments on reversal
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
TRANSACTION_NUMBER Transaction number from transaction source table
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
RECEIPT_METHOD_NAME Receipt method name
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction date from transaction source table
WAYBILL_NUMBER Waybill number
DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NAME Document sequence name
START_DATE_COMMITMENT Commitment start date
END_DATE_COMMITMENT Commitment end date
INVOICING_RULE_NAME Name of invoicing rule
CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME Customer bank account name
DEPOSIT_DATE Deposit date
FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Amount of the bank charge and/or factor discount taken by the bank at clearance and/or factoring time
INTERFACE_HEADER_CONTEXT Interface header context
Receivables - AR_ARCHIVE_DETAIL Line and distribution-level archive information
Column Name Descritpion
ARCHIVE_ID Identifier of the archive process
LINE_NUMBER Line number
ORIGINAL_COLLECTIBILITY_FLAG Indicates original line collectibility
LINE_COLLECTIBLE_FLAG Indicates current line collectibility
DISTRIBUTION_TYPE Distribution type of detail entity. Valid values are: LINE, CM_APP, REC_APP, MCD, ADJ, CRH, REC, REV, TAX, FREIGHT, UNBILL, UNEARN, SUSPENSE
MANUAL_OVERRIDE_FLAG Indicates manual adjustment
CONTINGENCY_CODE Revenue Impacting Contingency
APPLICATION_TYPE Type of application (either CASH or CM)
EXPIRATION_DATE Contingency expiration date
EXPIRATION_DAYS Number of days until contingency expires
REASON_CODE_MEANING Line specific reason code meaning
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Number of ship-to customer
LINE_DESCRIPTION Line description
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_NAME Name of ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_LOCATION Location of ship-to customer
ITEM_NAME Line item name
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS1 Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS2 Address information for ship-to customer
QUANTITY Line quantity
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS3 Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS4 Address information for ship-to customer
UNIT_SELLING_PRICE Selling price per unit
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_CITY Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_STATE Address information for ship-to customer
LINE_TYPE Line type. Valid values are: LINE, TAX, FREIGHT
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_COUNTRY Address information for ship-to customer
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_POSTAL_CODE Address information for ship-to customer
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
TAX_LINE_ID Identifies the detail tax line in ZX_LINES
TRANSACTION_CLASS Transaction class of entity
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
TRANSACTION_TYPE Transaction type of entity
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ACCTD_AMOUNT Functional amount
UOM_CODE Unit of measure code
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE Code defined by public sector accounting
TAX_RATE Tax rate
TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier (from source table) of entity
TAX_CODE Tax code
TAX_PRECEDENCE Tax precedence for a tax line
ACCOUNT_COMBINATION1 Account reference, concatenated segment values
ACCOUNT_COMBINATION2 Account reference, concatenated segment values
ACCOUNT_COMBINATION3 Account reference, concatenated segment values
ACCOUNT_COMBINATION4 Account reference, concatenated segment values
GL_DATE General Ledger date
GL_POSTED_DATE Posted General Ledger date
ACCOUNTING_RULE_NAME Name of accounting rule
RULE_DURATION Duration of accounting rule
TRANSACTION_LINE_ID Transaction line identifier (from source table) of entity
RULE_START_DATE Start date of accounting rule
LAST_PERIOD_TO_CREDIT Last period to credit for unit credit memos against invoices with rules
COMMENTS Line comments
LINE_ADJUSTED Adjusted line amount
FREIGHT_ADJUSTED Adjusted freight amount
TAX_ADJUSTED Adjusted tax amount
RECEIVABLES_CHARGES_ADJUSTED Adjusted receivables charges amount
LINE_APPLIED Line amount applied
FREIGHT_APPLIED Freight amount applied
TAX_APPLIED Tax amount applied
RELATED_TRANSACTION_CLASS Transaction class of related entity
RECEIVABLES_CHARGES_APPLIED Receivables charges amount applied
EARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Amount of earned discount taken towards the application
UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Amount of unearned discount taken towards the application
ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Amount of the source converted to base (functional) currency
ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_TO Amount applied to item converted to base (functional) currency
ACCTD_EARNED_DISC_TAKEN Earned discount equivalent in the functional currency obtained using the exchange rate
ACCTD_UNEARNED_DISC_TAKEN Unearned discount equivalent in the functional currency obtained using the exchange rate
FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Amount of the bank charge and/or factor discount taken by the bank at clearance and/or factoring time
INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT Interface line context
RELATED_TRANSACTION_TYPE Transaction type of related entity
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE3 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE4 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE5 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE6 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE7 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE8 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE9 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE10 Interface line attribute value
RELATED_TRANSACTION_ID Transaction identifier (from source table) of related entity
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE11 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE12 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE13 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE14 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 Interface line attribute value
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type
EXCHANGE_RATE_DATE Exchange rate date
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate
DUE_DATE Due date of the applied/adjusted payment schedule
APPLY_DATE Application date
RELATED_TRANSACTION_LINE_ID Transaction line identifier (from source table) of related entity
MOVEMENT_ID Movement identifier
TAX_VENDOR_RETURN_CODE Warning code returned during supplier calculation of a sales tax rate, used for diagnostics and support. Only applicable if the artaxvdr() returns TAX_SUCCESS
TAX_AUTHORITY_TAX_RATES Tax rates for sales tax
TAX_EXEMPTION_FLAG Tax lines are controlled by the lookup (TAX_CONTROL_FLAG), which allows for Standard tax, Exempt tax and Required tax
TAX_EXEMPTION_ID Tax exemption identifier
TAX_EXEMPTION_TYPE Type of tax exemption
TAX_EXEMPTION_REASON Tax exemption reason
TAX_EXEMPTION_NUMBER Exemption certificate number for item lines with TAX_EXEMPTION_FLAG set to E (exempt)
ITEM_EXCEPTION_RATE Item exception rate
ITEM_EXCEPTION_REASON Item exception reason
Receivables - AR_CUSTOMER_CALLS_ALL Customer call information
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CUSTOMER_ID Customer identifier
COLLECTOR_ID Collector identifier
CALL_DATE Date on which the call was registered
CUSTOMER_CALL_ID Call identifier
SITE_USE_ID Customer location identifier
STATUS Customer status, lookup code for CODE_STATUS
PROMISE_DATE Date on which customer promises to pay
PROMISE_AMOUNT Amount promised by customer
CALL_OUTCOME Outcome of the customer call
FORECAST_DATE Date that collector based forecast amount on
COLLECTION_FORECAST Amount of receivable forecasted by collector, expressed as percentage
CONTACT_ID Contact identifier for both customer and customer location
PHONE_ID Telephone identifier
FAX_ID Fax identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REASON_CODE Reason for customer call
CURRENCY_CODE Code of the currency entered
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
FOLLOW_UP_DATE Date set to follow up call with customer
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
COMPLETE_FLAG Y or N indicates whether the follow-up action is complete for this customer call or not.
FOLLOW_UP_ACTION Follow-up action for this customer call
ORG_ID Organization identifier
Receivables - AR_CUSTOMER_ALT_NAMES Alternate customer names for AutoLockbox name matching
Column Name Descritpion
TERM_ID Payment term identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ALT_NAME_ID Unique identifier for alternate names
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ALT_NAME Alternate name of the customer
CUSTOMER_ID Unique customer identifier
SITE_USE_ID Bill-to location identifier for the customer
Receivables - AR_CONS_INV_ALL Information about a consolidated billing invoice
Column Name Descritpion
CONS_INV_ID Consolidated billing invoice identifier determined by AR_CONS_INV_ALL sequence
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
AGING_BUCKET3_AMT Aging amount
AGING_BUCKET4_AMT Aging amount
CONS_INV_TYPE Lookup code for consolidated invoice type in AR_LOOKUPS, Summary or Detail
AGING_BUCKET5_AMT Aging amount
AGING_BUCKET6_AMT Aging amount
STATUS Lookup code for consolidated billing invoice status in AR_LOOKUPS, Draft, Accepted, or Rejected
AGING_BUCKET7_AMT Aging amount
LAST_BILLING_DATE Previous billing date for balance forward
PRINT_STATUS Lookup code for document print status in the AR_LOOKUPS table, Pending or Printed
BILLING_CYCLE_ID Billing cycle identifier
REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_ID Remit-to address identifier
TERM_ID Payment terms code identifier
LAST_CHARGE_DATE Last Date on which late charge was computed on this bill
ISSUE_DATE Date that consolidated billing invoice was generated
CUT_OFF_DATE Consolidated billing invoice cut-off date
DUE_DATE Consolidated billing invoice due date
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code
BEGINNING_BALANCE Customer balance due at beginning of period, or ending balance of prior consolidated billing invoice
CONS_BILLING_NUMBER Consolidated billing invoice number
ENDING_BALANCE Customer balance at end of period
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_ID Customer identifier
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
SITE_USE_ID Customer bill-to site identifier
START_DATE Billing period start date for the consolidated billing invoice
BILLING_DATE Billing date for balance forward transactions
CONCURRENT_REQUEST_ID Identifies concurrent request that generated consolidated billing invoice
BILL_LEVEL_FLAG Indicates billing level: A for account, S for site
TOTAL_RECEIPTS_AMT Sum of all receipts
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
TOTAL_ADJUSTMENTS_AMT Sum of all adjustments
TOTAL_CREDITS_AMT Sum of all credits
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TOTAL_FINANCE_CHARGES_AMT Sum of all finance charges
TOTAL_TRX_AMT Sum of all transactions
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
TOTAL_TAX_AMT Sum of all tax
UNPAID_REASON Reason why bill is not paid
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
AGING_BUCKET1_AMT Aging amount
AGING_BUCKET2_AMT Aging amount
Receivables - AR_CONS_INV_TRX_ALL Transactions included on a consolidated billing invoice
Column Name Descritpion
CONS_INV_ID Consolidated billing invoice identifier
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Transaction identifier
JUSTIFICATION Indicates reason this transaction is included in this balance forward bill
CONS_INV_LINE_NUMBER Line number assigned to each row related to an invoice or credit memo transaction
UNPAID_REASON Reason why bill is not paid
SHIP_TO_SITE_ID Ship-to site identifier
TRANSACTION_TYPE Consolidated invoice transaction type lookup code in AR_LOOKUPS
TRX_DESCRIPTION Transaction description
TRX_NUMBER Invoice, credit memo, or receipt number
TRANSACTION_DATE Transaction date
AMOUNT_ORIGINAL Original balance due for this transaction
TAX_ORIGINAL Original amount of tax for this transaction
ORG_ID Organization identifier
Receivables - AR_CONS_INV_TRX_LINES_ALL Transaction lines included on a consolidated billing invoice
Column Name Descritpion
CONS_INV_ID Consolidated billing invoice identifier
UNIT_SELLING_PRICE Selling price per unit for a transaction line
EXTENDED_AMOUNT Transaction line amount
TAX_AMOUNT Tax amount for invoice line
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CONS_INV_LINE_NUMBER Line number that is assigned to associated invoice or credit memo transaction in the AR_CONS_INV_TRX table
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Invoice identifier
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Invoice line identifier
LINE_NUMBER Line number of the invoice
INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Inventory item identifier
DESCRIPTION Item description
UOM_CODE Unit of measure code
QUANTITY_INVOICED Quantity of invoice line
Receivables - AR_APP_RULE_SETS Application Rule Sets
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_SOURCE Source of this application rule set
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
RULE_SET_ID Rule set identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
FREEZE_FLAG Y or N indicates whether this rule set is frozen (has passed validation)
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
DESCRIPTION Description of this application rule set
RULE_SET_NAME Name of this application rule set
Receivables - AR_APP_RULES Application Rules
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_SEQUENCE For this application rule set, this number identifies the number in the sequence for this application rule.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
RULE_ID Rule identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
RULE_NAME Name of this application rule
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
RULE_SET_ID Identifier of the application rule set
OVERAPP_FLAG Sequence number of the application rule in the application rule set
Receivables - AR_APP_RULE_DETAILS Detailed information about individual application rules
Column Name Descritpion
LINE_TYPE The line type for this rule, line, freight, or charges
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
RULE_DETAIL_ID Identifier for this rule set
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
RULE_ID Identifier for this rule
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ROUNDING_CORRECTION_FLAG Y or N indicates whether this rule contains amounts that rounding corrections create or not.
TAX_TREATMENT Tax handling information for this rule, prorate, before, after, or none.
Receivables - AR_DUNNING_LETTERS_CUSTOM_TL Provides multi-lingual support (MLS) for custom dunning letters
Column Name Descritpion
DUNNING_LETTER_ID Identifier of the dunning letter
LANGUAGE Language code of dunning letter text
SOURCE_LANG Source language
PARAGRAPH_NUMBER Number of each paragraph in the dunning letter
LAST_UPDATE_BY Standard Who column
PARAGRAPH_TEXT Paragraph text
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_COLIND Temporary table used by the Oracle Business Intelligence System (OBIS)
Column Name Descritpion
ADJ2_AMT The sum of all adjustments created after the cut-off period
REM_AMT Sum of the remaining amount in functional currency from payment schedules that fall within report cut-off period
CUSTOMER_ID Identifies the customer associated with the report values
ORIG_AMT Sum of the original amounts in functional currency from payment schedules that fall within report cut-off period
ADJ1_AMT The sum of all adjustments that fall within the cut-off period
REC_AMT The total amount received after the cut-off period
Receivables - AR_AGING_BUCKET_LINES_TL Provides multi-lingual support (MLS) for aging bucket periods. MLS enables you to store and print data that you define in multiple languages.
Column Name Descritpion
AGING_BUCKET_LINE_ID Identifier of aging bucket line
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REPORT_HEADING1 First line label for this bucket line
REPORT_HEADING2 Second line label for this bucket line
LANGUAGE Language code of the text in REPORT_HEADING1 and REPORT_HEADING2
SOURCE_LANG Language code of the record from which this was copied during the upgrade
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_DUNNING_LETTERS_TL Provides multi-lingual support (MLS) for standard dunning letters
Column Name Descritpion
DUNNING_LETTER_ID Identifier of the dunning letter
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
DESCRIPTION Description of the dunning letter
LETTER_NAME Dunning letter name
LANGUAGE Language code of the dunning letter text
SOURCE_LANG Language code of the record from which this was copied during the upgrade
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_DEBUG
Column Name Descritpion
ITEM_TYPE Workflow item type
ITEM_KEY Workflow item key
ACTIVITY_NAME Last activity processed
EXECUTION_DATE Date of Execution
DEBUG_TYPE Debug usage description
Receivables - AR_CUSTOMER_BALANCE_ITF Customers selected for the Customer Open Balance Letter report
Column Name Descritpion
AS_OF_DATE As of date
TRANS_AMOUNT Total invoice amount
TRANS_AMOUNT_REMAINING Amount remaining on invoice/open balance
RECEIPT_AMOUNT Transaction receipt amount
ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT Adjustment amount
EARNED_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Total discount amount
UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Accounted unearned total
INVOICE_CREDIT_AMOUNT Total invoice credit amount
BANK_CHARGE Bank charge
ON_ACCOUNT_CREDIT_AMOUNT Total on-account credit amount
ON_ACCOUNT_RECEIPTS Total on-account receipts
ORGANIZATION_NAME Organization name
UNAPPLIED_RECEIPTS Total unapplied receipts
FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE Functional currency code
CUSTOMER_NAME Customer name
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Customer number
TAX_REFERENCE_NUM Customer tax reference number
ADDRESS_LINE1 Customer bill-to address line 1
ADDRESS_LINE2 Customer bill-to address line 2
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ADDRESS_LINE3 Customer bill-to address line 3
ADDRESS_LINE4 Customer bill-to address line 4
CITY Customer bill-to city
STATE Customer state
ZIP Customer zip code
COUNTRY Customer country
TRANS_TYPE Invoice transaction type
TRX_NUMBER Invoice number
TRANSACTION_DATE Invoice transaction date
TRX_CURRENCY_CODE Invoice currency code
Receivables - AR_ADJUSTMENTS_REP_ITF RXi interface table for the Adjustments Register report
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ADJ_TYPE_MEANING Adjustment type meaning
CUSTOMER_NAME Customer name
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Customer number
TRX_DATE Invoice date
ACCTD_ADJ_AMOUNT Adjustment amount in functional currency
DOC_SEQUENCE_NAME Document sequence name
DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE Document sequence number
CUSTOMER_ID Customer identifier
ADJ_NAME Adjustment name
D_OR_I Deposit or invoice
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ADJ_AMOUNT Adjustment amount
DEBIT_ACCOUNT Debit account
DEBIT_ACCOUNT_DESC Debit account description
DEBIT_BALANCING Debit balancing
DEBIT_BALANCING_DESC Debit balancing description
DEBIT_NATACCT Natural debit account
DEBIT_NATACCT_DESC Natural debit account description
ACCOUNT_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Account code combination identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE Functional currency code
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ADJ_CURRENCY_CODE Adjustment currency code
SORTBY Sort by
ADJ_TYPE Adjustment type
TRX_NUMBER Transaction number
DUE_DATE Adjustment due date
GL_DATE General Ledger date
ADJ_NUMBER Adjustment number
ADJ_CLASS Adjustment class
ADJ_TYPE_CODE Adjustment code
Receivables - AR_BR_STAMP_VALUES_ALL Bills Receivable-specific table that contain stamp information
Column Name Descritpion
STAMP_ID Bills Receivable stamp value unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
AMOUNT_FROM Bills Receivable stamp value lower amount range in functional currency
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
AMOUNT_TO Bills Receivable stamp value upper amount range in functional currency
STAMP_VALUE Bills Receivable stamp value in functional currency
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_BR_FMT_TMP Temporary table used to format and build Bills Receivable reports.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Unique batch identifier for the report
BR_ID Unique transaction identifier for the bills receivable that are included in the report
LINE_ID Unique line identifier for the concurrent request
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
FORMAT_TEXT Bills receivable format data that appears in the report output
Receivables - AR_BR_STATUS_REP_ITF RXi report interface table for the Bills Receivable by Status report
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
DOCUMENT_NUMBER Document sequence number
DOCUMENT_SEQUENCE_NAME Document sequence name
CURRENCY Currency of the bills receivable
MAGNETIC_FORMAT_CODE Magnetic format code for the bills receivable remittance
ENTERED_AMOUNT Original amount
FUNCTIONAL_AMOUNT Original amount in functional currency
BALANCE_DUE Current amount due
FUNCTIONAL_BALANCE_DUE Current amount due in functional currency
ASSIGNED_ENTERED_AMOUNT Transaction amount assigned to the bills receivable
ASSIGNED_FUNCTIONAL_AMOUNT Transaction amount assigned to the bills receivable in functional currency
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
DRAWEE_NAME Drawee name
DRAWEE_NUMBER Drawee number
JGZZ_FISCAL_CODE Drawee taxpayer ID
DRAWEE_VAT_REG_NUMBER Drawee VAT registration number
DRAWEE_CITY Drawee city
DRAWEE_STATE Drawee state
DRAWEE_COUNTRY Drawee country
DRAWEE_POSTAL_CODE Drawee postal code
DRAWEE_CLASS Drawee class
DRAWEE_CATEGORY Drawee category
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
DRAWEE_LOCATION Drawee site use identifier
ISSUE_DATE Issue date of the bills receivable
CREATION_GL_DATE GL date when the bills receivable reached creation status
STATUS_GL_DATE GL date of the bills receivable status
MATURITY_DATE Maturity Date of the bills receivable
ORIGINAL_MATURITY_DATE The original maturity date of the bills receivable
ISSUED_BY_DRAWEE Y or N indicates if the bills receivable was issued by the drawee
SIGNED_BY_DRAWEE Y or N indicates if the bills receivable was signed by the drawee
TRANSACTION_TYPE Transaction type
TRANSACTION_BATCH_SOURCE Batch source of the bills receivable
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REMIT_BANK_NAME Name of the remittance bank
REMIT_BANK_NUMBER Number of the remittance bank
REMIT_BRANCH_NAME Name of the remittance bank branch
REMIT_BRANCH_NUMBER Number of the remittance bank branch
REMIT_BANK_ACC_NAME Name of the remittance bank account
REMIT_BANK_ACC_NUMBER Number of the remittance bank account
REMIT_BRANCH_CITY City of the remittance bank branch
REMIT_BRANCH_STATE State of the remittance bank branch
REMIT_BRANCH_COUNTRY Country of the remittance bank branch
REMIT_BRANCH_POSTAL_CODE Postal Code of the remittance bank branch
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
REMIT_BRANCH_ADDRESS1 Address Line 1 of the remittance bank branch
REMIT_BRANCH_ADDRESS2 Address Line 2 of the remittance bank branch
REMIT_BRANCH_ADDRESS3 Address Line 3 of the remittance bank branch
REMIT_BANK_ALLOW_OVERRIDE Y or N indicates if the bills receivable remittance bank may be dynamically overridden at remittance time
REMIT_BANK_ACC_CHECK_DIGITS Check digits defined for the remittance bank account
REMIT_BANK_ACC_CURR Currency of the remittance bank account
DRAWEE_BANK_NAME Name of the drawee bank
DRAWEE_BANK_NUMBER Number of the drawee bank
DRAWEE_BRANCH_NAME Name of the drawee bank branch
DRAWEE_BRANCH_NUMBER Number of the drawee bank branch
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
DRAWEE_BANK_ACC_NAME Name of the drawee bank account
DRAWEE_BANK_ACC_NUMBER Number of the drawee bank account
DRAWEE_BRANCH_CITY City of the drawee bank branch
DRAWEE_BRANCH_STATE State of the drawee bank branch
DRAWEE_BRANCH_COUNTRY Country of the drawee bank branch
DRAWEE_BRANCH_POSTAL_CODE Postal code of the drawee bank branch
DRAWEE_BRANCH_ADDRESS1 Address line 1 of the drawee bank branch
DRAWEE_BRANCH_ADDRESS2 Address line 2 of the drawee bank branch
DRAWEE_BRANCH_ADDRESS3 Address line 3 of the drawee bank branch
DRAWEE_BANK_ACC_CHECK_DIGITS Check digits defined for the drawee bank account
STATUS Status of the bills receivable
DRAWEE_BANK_ACC_CURR Currency of the drawee bank account
UNPAID_DATE Date that the bill receivable was marked unpaid
ACCEPTANCE_DATE Date that the bill receivable was accepted
DAYS_LATE Number of days past the maturity date
REMITTANCE_BATCH_NAME Name of the remittance batch in which the bills receivable is included
REMITTANCE_METHOD Remittance method of the bill receivable
WITH_RECOURSE Y or N indicates if the bills receivable was remitted with recourse
LAST_PRINTED_DATE Date that the bills receivable was last printed
UNPAID_RECEIPT_REVERSAL_REASON The reason for receipt reversal if the bills receivable is unpaid
STATUS_DATE Date of the bills receivable status
RISK_ELIMINATION_DAYS Number of days after maturity date that the receipt will be applied to the bills receivable
REMITTANCE_DATE Date that the bills receivable is remitted
REMITTANCE_PAYMENT_METHOD Payment method of the remittance batch in which the bills receivable is included
CREATION_BATCH_NAME Name of the bills receivable creation batch
DRAWEE_ADDRESS1 Address line 1 of the drawee
DRAWEE_ADDRESS2 Address line 2 of the drawee
DRAWEE_ADDRESS3 Address line 3 of the drawee
DRAWEE_CONTACT Drawee contact
SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS Special instructions
FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE Functional currency code
TRANSACTION_NUMBER Transaction number of the bills receivable
ORGANIZATION_NAME Organization name
Receivables - AR_BR_STATUS_SUM_ITF RXi report interface table for the Bills Receivable by Status report
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
FUNCTIONAL_BALANCE_DUE Current amount due in functional currency
TRANSACTION_TYPE Transaction type
COUNT Number of bills receivable included in summary
FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE Functional currency code
ORGANIZATION_NAME Organization name
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
STATUS Status of the bills receivable
CURRENCY Currency of the bills receivable
BALANCE_DUE Current amount due
Receivables - AR_BR_TRX_BATCH_RPT Report table for the Automatic Transaction Batch report
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
BR_AMOUNT Amount of bills receivable
BR_CURRENCY Currency of bills receivable
BATCH_STATUS Status of batch when row was created
MATURITY_DATE Maturity date of the bills receivable
DRAWEE_ID Drawee identifier
DRAWEE_CONTACT_ID Drawee contact identifier
DRAWEE_SITE_USE_ID Site use identifier
DRAWEE_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Bank account identifier
TRANSACTION_ID Identifier of included transaction
AMOUNT_ASSIGNED Amount of included transaction assigned to the bills receivable
RECEIPT_METHOD_NAME Receipt method name
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
BR_MIN_ACCTD_AMOUNT Minimum accounted amount
BR_MAX_ACCTD_AMOUNT Maximum accounted amount
LEAD_DAYS Lead days
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
BATCH_ID Batch ID that bills receivable is included in
BR_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of bills receivable transaction
BILL_NUMBER Bills receivable transaction number
Receivables - AR_BANK_DIRECTORY This table stores bank information.
Column Name Descritpion
BANK_NAME Commonly-used abbreviation to identify the bank
ADDRESS Delivery address
CITY City name of the delivery address
STATE State of the delivery address
POSTAL_CODE Postal code of the delivery address
POSTAL_CODE_EXTENSION Postal code extension of the delivery address
COUNTRY Country abbreviation of the delivery address
PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE Country code of the contact telephone number
ROUTING_NUMBER The bank routing number
PHONE_AREA_CODE Area code of the contact telephone number.
PHONE_NUMBER Contact telephone number.
NEW_ROUTING_NUMBER New bank routing number as the result of a merger or renumber
CHANGE_DATE Date of most recent change to the record.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_BPA_CONTENT_AREAS_B Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
CONTENT_AREA_ID Unique identifier of content area
DISPLAY_SEQUENCE Order in which contents are displayed
CONTENT_AREA_WIDTH Percent width of the content area
CONTENT_AREA_LEFT_SPACE F Space to the left of contents in pixels
CONTENT_AREA_RIGHT_SPACE Space to the right of contents in pixels
CONTENT_AREA_TOP_SPACE Space above the contents in pixels
CONTENT_AREA_BOTTOM_SPACE Space below the contents in pixels
CONTENT_COUNT Number of items referenced from this content area
LINE_REGION_FLAG Flag to indicate if the content area displays transaction lines
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ITEM_LABEL_STYLE Display style of the item label.
CONTENT_DISP_PROMPT_STYLE Display style of the content area display prompt
DISPLAY_LEVEL Identifies level in the page at which data is displayed
ITEM_VALUE_STYLE Display style of the item value
INVOICE_LINE_TYPE Identifies the invoice line type
AREA_CODE Unique identifier of content area
PARENT_AREA_CODE Identifies which content area was split to form the new content
ITEM_COLUMN_WIDTH Column Width for Item
CONTENT_TYPE Indicates type of content such as sub-region,text,image, message or address
CONTENT_ORIENTATION Identifies vertical or horizontal orientation of content referenced in the content area
TEMPLATE_ID Identifies template to which the content area belongs
CONTENT_STYLE_ID Indicates layout style of the content
ITEM_ID Foreign key to items registered for display in HTML page
URL_ID Identifies HTML page linked to the item
Receivables - AR_BPA_CONTENT_AREAS_TL Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
CONTENT_AREA_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LANGUAGE Indicates which language the values of translatable fields are translated into
SOURCE_LANG Indicates which language the values of translatable columns were originally entered in
CONTENT_AREA_NAME Identifies content area
CONTENT_DISPLAY_PROMPT Label above the group of contents in this content area
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_BPA_DATA_SRC_PARAMS The AR_BPA_DATA_SRC_PARAMS table stores the parameters that are used to present transaction data from the AR_BPA_DATA_SOURCES table on a Bill Presentment Architecture bill.
Column Name Descritpion
PARAM_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ITEM_ID Identifies item that the parameter belongs to. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_ITEMS_B table.
PARAM_NAME Name used in SQL Where Clause to extract data from data source
PARAM_TYPE Identifies type of parameter passing between pages
PARAM_SEQUENCE Order in which parameter appears in SQL Where Clause.
PARAM_VALUE_SOURCE Source column to derive parameter value from
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_BPA_ITEMS_TL The AR_BPA_ITEMS_TL table provides multilingual support (MLS) for content items defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
ITEM_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LANGUAGE Indicates which language the values of translatable fields are translated into
SOURCE_LANG Indicates which language the values of translatable columns were originally entered in
ITEM_NAME Name of the item
ITEM_TEXT_VALUE Custom text for text items
DISPLAY_PROMPT Field label for the item
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
Receivables - AR_BPA_TEMPLATES_TL Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
TEMPLATE_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LANGUAGE Indicates which language the values of translatable fields are translated into
SOURCE_LANG Indicates which language the values of translatable columns were originally entered in
TEMPLATE_NAME Name of the template
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_BPA_TEMPLATES_B Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
TEMPLATE_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
SHOW_SEQUENCE_FLAG Indicates if sequence number is displayed
SHOW_ITEMIZED_TAX_FLAG Indicates if itemized tax information is displayed
USE_AR_TAXOPTION_FLAG Indicates if AR Tax Printing Option is used
TAX_SUMMARY_GRPBY Indicates grouping criteria for the tax summary section
COMPLETED_FLAG Indicates if template is complete
SEEDED_FLAG Indicates if template is seeded
HEADER_HEIGHT Primary Header height
FOOTER_HEIGHT Footer height
HEADER_SHOW_TYPE Header display type
FOOTER_SHOW_TYPE Footer display type
PAGE_WIDTH Page width
PAGE_HEIGHT Page height
TOP_MARGIN Top margin
BOTTOM_MARGIN Bottom margin
LEFT_MARGIN Left margin
RIGHT_MARGIN Right margin
REF_TEMPLATE_ID Reference template that this template is copied from
PAGE_NUMBER_LOC Page number location
SECONDARY_HEADER_HEIGHT Secondary Header height
EXTERNAL_TEMPLATE_FLAG Indicates if template is uploaded
TEMPLATE_TYPE Indicates template type
PRINT_LINES_FLAG Indicates if billing lines are to be printed on OKS Invoice
PRINT_FONT_FAMILY Stores the font name
PRINT_FONT_SIZE Stores the font Size
TRX_CLASS Identifies the transaction class for the template.
TEMPLATE_FORMAT Display format of balance forward bills
PRIMARY_APP_ID Application providing primary content for the template
SECONDARY_APP_ID Application providing supplementary content for the template
CONTRACT_LINE_TYPE Service or Usage line type from Oracle Contracts modules
SHOW_LINE_DETAILS_FLAG Flag to indicate if lines can be drilled into, for more information
SHOW_LINE_GROUPING_FLAG Flag to indicate if summary table for transaction lines are displayed
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
Receivables - AR_BPA_ITEMS_B The AR_BPA_ITEMS_B table stores all the content items that can be added to a bill template using the Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
ITEM_ID Unique identifier
URL_ID Identifies HTML page linked to the item
ITEM_IMAGE_FILENAME Filename of image that the item refers to
ITEM_MESSAGE_NAME Identifies message defined in system
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
DISPLAYED_MULTI_LEVEL_FLAG Indicates whether the item will be displayed at multiple levels.
SEEDED_APPLICATION_ID Identifies the seeded application
TAX_ITEM_FLAG Indicates if this is a tax item
ITEM_CODE Internal item identifier
TOTALS_ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if totals should be calculated
LINK_ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if drilldown link should be added
DATA_TYPE Identifies the data type of the item
URLCFG_ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if item is enabled for URL configuration
FLEXFIELD_ITEM_FLAG Indicates whether the item is a flexfield item
COLUMN_NAME Identifies column name of the item
ITEM_SOURCE Indicates whether item is pre-defined or user-defined
ITEM_TYPE Identifies type of item such as image,text or message defined in system
DISPLAY_LEVEL Identifies level in the page at which data is displayed
DATA_SOURCE_ID Identifies data source from AR_BPA_DATA_SOURCES_B
DISPLAY_ENABLED_FLAG Flag to indicate if item is enabled for display
ASSIGNMENT_ENABLED_FLAG Flag to indicate if item can be used for defaulting template
AMOUNT_ITEM_FLAG Flag to indicate an amount item
Receivables - AR_BPA_DATA_SOURCES Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_CMGT_AUTO_RULES The AR_CMGT_AUTO_RULES table stores rules about whether a credit review and credit decision may be accomplished without user intervention.
Column Name Descritpion
AUTO_RULES_ID Unique identifier for automation rules.
SUBMIT_FLAG Indicates the status of the scoring model, Y for Submitted and N for Saved.
SCORE_MODEL_ID Unique identifier for a scoring model.
START_DATE Start date of this rule.
END_DATE End date of this rule.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CF_AGING_DTLS The AR_CMGT_CF_AGING_DTLS table stores the calculated aging bucket values for the customer under credit review when the case folder is created.
Column Name Descritpion
CASE_FOLDER_ID The AR_CMGT_CF_AGING_DTLS table stores the calculated aging bucket values for the customer under credit review when the case folder is created.
COUNT Aging count
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
AGING_BUCKET_ID Identifier of the aging bucket associated with the case folder
AGING_BUCKET_LINE_ID Identifier of the aging bucket line associated with the case folder
AMOUNT Aging amount
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CF_DNB_DTLS The AR_CMGT_CF_DNB_DTLS table identifies to Oracle Credit Management where Dun & Bradstreet Global Data Product report data is stored, when purchased and imported for use in a credit review.
Column Name Descritpion
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the case folder
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SOURCE_TABLE_NAME Source table name for D&B data elements
SOURCE_KEY Identifier of the source table key
SOURCE_KEY_TYPE Source key type of D&B data elements
SOURCE_KEY_COLUMN_NAME Column name that contains the source key
SOURCE_KEY_COLUMN_TYPE_NAME Column name that contains the source key type
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CF_RECOMMENDS The AR_CMGT_CF_RECOMMENDS table stores the credit recommendations submitted for each case folder.
Column Name Descritpion
RECOMMENDATION_ID Identifier of the recommendation
CREDIT_RECOMMENDATION Credit recommendation
RECOMMENDATION_VALUE1 Recommendation value
RECOMMENDATION_VALUE2 Recommendation value
STATUS Indicates whether this recommendation is implemented or not
RECOMMENDATION_NAME Custom recommendation lookup type
APPEALED_FLAG Indicates if a recommendation has been appealed
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the case folder associated with the recommendation
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request associated with the recommendation
CREDIT_REVIEW_DATE Credit review date
Receivables - AR_CMGT_DNB_MAPPINGS The AR_CMGT_DNB_MAPPINGS table identifies each data point contained within the Dun & Bradstreet Global Data Product reports and maps them to Oracle Credit Management.
Column Name Descritpion
DATA_ELEMENT_ID Identifier of D&B data element
DATA_POINT_ID Identifier of the data point
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_DNB_ELEMENTS_TL The AR_CMGT_DNB_ELEMENTS_TL table provides multilingual support (MLS) for all Dun & Bradstreet data points displayed in a case folder in Oracle Credit Management. MLS lets you store and print information that you define in multiple language
Column Name Descritpion
DATA_ELEMENT_ID Identifier of D&B data element
DATA_ELEMENT_NAME Data element name
SOURCE_LANG Source language
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_DNB_ELEMENTS_B The AR_CMGT_DNB_ELEMENTS_B table identifies the intersection between where Dun & Bradstreet Global Data Product report data is stored and how it is retrieved for display in Oracle Credit Management. Each report has a number of data points t
Column Name Descritpion
DATA_ELEMENT_ID Identifier of D&B data element
RETURN_DATA_TYPE Data type of data points: D for date, N for number, or C for varchar
SCORABLE_FLAG Indicates whether the data point is scorable
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
SOURCE_TABLE_NAME The table name that stores the D&B source key
SOURCE_COLUMN_NAME Column name that contains the source key
RETURN_DATE_FORMAT Indicates date format, when RETURN_DATA_TYPE column is date(D)
Receivables - AR_CMGT_DATA_POINTS_TL The AR_CMGT_DATA_POINTS_TL table provides multilingual support (MLS) for all case folder data points that are available for display in Oracle Credit Management.
Column Name Descritpion
DATA_POINT_ID Identifier of the data point
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
DATA_POINT_NAME Data point name
DESCRIPTION Data point description
SOURCE_LANG Source language
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_DATA_POINTS_B The AR_CMGT_DATA_POINTS_B table stores information about the details of each data point in Oracle Credit Management.
Column Name Descritpion
DATA_POINT_ID Identifier of the data point
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
APPLICATION_ID Application identifier
PACKAGE_NAME PL/SQL package name
FUNCTION_NAME PL/SQL function name
ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if data point is enabled, Y or N
PARENT_DATA_POINT_ID Parent data point identifier
RETURN_DATA_TYPE Data type of data points: D for date, N for number, or C for varchar
RETURN_DATE_FORMAT Indicates date format, when RETURN_DATA_TYPE column is date(D)
FUNCTION_TYPE Type of function
DATA_POINT_SUB_CATEGORY Data point subcategory
DATA_POINT_CODE Data point internal name
DATA_POINT_CATEGORY Data point categories
USER_DEFINED_FLAG Indicates whether the data point is user defined
SCORABLE_FLAG Indicates whether the data point is scorable
DISPLAY_ON_CHECKLIST_FLAG Indicates whether the data point is displayed on the checklist
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CREDIT_REQUESTS The AR_CMGT_CREDIT_REQUESTS table stores information for each credit request.
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request
REQUESTOR_ID Identifier of the person who placed the credit request. For the requestor_type EMPLOYEE, this is the person_id of the employee stored in the HR tables.
REVIEW_TYPE Type of credit review to be conducted on the credit request Values are in the AR_LOOKUPS table with the lookup_type AR_CMGT_REVIEW_TYPE
CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION Credit classification of the customer for whom the credit request was created The credit classification reflects the customer's existing or initially assessed creditworthiness Values are in the AR_LOOKUPS table with a lookup_type of AR_CMGT
CHECK_LIST_ID Identifier of the checklist
CREDIT_ANALYST_ID Resource identifier (resource_id) of the credit analyst
LIMIT_AMOUNT Requested credit limit amount
LIMIT_CURRENCY Requested credit limit currency
TRX_AMOUNT The amount of the customer's transaction that created the credit request, such as the order amount of an order placed on credit hold
TRX_CURRENCY Currency of the customer's transaction that created the credit request
CREDIT_CHECK_RULE_ID Identifier of the credit checking rule, defined in Oracle Order Management, which is used to calculate credit exposure for the credit analysis The rule also provides the exchange_rate_type for currency conversions required to calculate the
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
TERM_LENGTH Desired period, in months, of term credit from the credit applicant
CREDIT_TYPE Type of credit requested by the applicant, either TERM or TRADE
PARTY_ID Identifier of the party under credit review Foreign key to the HZ_PARTIES table
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of the account under credit review Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID Identifier of the account site under credit review
SITE_USE_ID Identifier of the bill-to site use location for the account under credit review
CONTACT_PARTY_ID Contact identifier of the person identified on the credit application as the credit contact
STOCK_EXCHANGE Identifies the stock exchange where the company under credit review trades its securities
CURRENT_STOCK_PRICE Current price of the stock for the company under creditreview
STOCK_CURRENCY Currency of the current stock price for the company under credit review
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
MARKET_CAPITALIZATION Total amount of the company's outstanding shares of stock at the current stock price
MARKET_CAP_MONETARY_UNIT Currency multiplier for the market capitalization amount For example, 000 indicates that the amount is multiplied by 1000
PENDING_LITIGATIONS Number of pending litigations currently open for the company under credit review
BOND_RATING Bond Rating of the company under credit review
LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME Legal name of the company under credit review, if different from the organization name used in HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_NAME
ENTITY_TYPE Business entity type of the company under credit review Values are in the AR_LOOKUPS table with a lookup_type of AR_CMGT_ENTITY_TYPE
CASE_FOLDER_NUMBER Unique identification number for the case folder used to store all information used during the credit review
SCORE_MODEL_ID Identifier of the scoring model associated with this case folder
ATTACHMENT_FLAG Attachment flag
STATUS Status of the case folder
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
SOURCE_NAME Name of the source calling the Credit Request API, such as Order Management
SOURCE_USER_ID User identifier calling the Credit Request API
SOURCE_RESP_ID Responsibility identifier calling the Credit Request API
SOURCE_RESP_APPLN_ID Application identifier calling the Credit Request API
SOURCE_SECURITY_GROUP_ID Security group identifier calling the Credit Request API
SOURCE_ORG_ID Operating unit identifier calling the Credit Request API
SOURCE_COLUMN1 Unique identifier of the information supplied to the Credit Request API, such as order_id from Oracle Order Management
SOURCE_COLUMN2 Source data identifier of the information supplied to the Credit Request API
SOURCE_COLUMN3 Additional data identifier of the information supplied to the Credit Request API
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
NOTES Free-form notes to clarify the credit request
REVIEW_CYCLE Stores the periodic credit review cycles
PARENT_CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of credit request that initiated the collection of this guarantor.
CREDIT_REQUEST_TYPE Credit request type identifier
RECOMMENDATION_NAME Custom recommendation lookup type
REASON_CODE Credit request reason code
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
APPLICATION_NUMBER Credit request application number
APPLICATION_DATE Credit request application date
REQUESTOR_TYPE Credit request application number
Receivables - AR_CMGT_COLLATERAL_DATA The AR_CMGT_COLLATERAL_DATA table stores detailed information about assets that can be pledged to secure credit available by the company under credit review pledged to secure credit.
Column Name Descritpion
DATAPOINT_ID Unique data point identifier for collateral information used in displaying the value of the data in the case folder.
COLLATERAL_VALUE Value of the collateral for the company under credit review.
COLLATERAL_CURRENCY Currency of the collateral value.
VALUATION_TYPE Type of appraisal conducted to determine the collateral value.
VALUATION_DATE Date of the collateral appraisal.
PREV_VALUATION_DATE Date of the previous collateral appraisal.
APPRAISER_NAME Name of the person who conducted the collateral appraisal.
APPRAISER_PHONE_NUMBER Phone number of the person who conducted the appraisal of the collateral.
COLLATERAL_LOCATION Physical location of the collateral, e.g.,such as bank vault.
CASE_FOLDER_ID Case folder identifier for Collateral information used in displaying the value of the data in the case folder.
NOTES Free- form text area to provide additional information about the collateral available for secured funding for the company under credit review.
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request for which Ccollateral information is reported for the company under credit review.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
COLLATERAL_DESCRIPTION Description of the collateral provided for securing funding for the company under credit review.
COLLATERAL_CATEGORY Category of the collateral for the company under credit review.
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CHECK_LIST_DTLS The AR_CMGT_CHECK_LIST_DTLS table stores detail level information for a checklist in Oracle Credit Management.
Column Name Descritpion
CHECK_LIST_ID Unique identifier for a checklist.
DATA_POINT_ID Unique identifier for a data point.
REQUIRED_FLAG Indicates whether the data point is required or optional, Y for Required, N for Optional.
NUMBER_OF_REFERENCES Indicates number of references required for reference type data points.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CHECK_LISTS The AR_CMGT_CHECK_LISTS table stores information about your organizations credit policies. Each checklist defines what data points and requirements exist for different types of credit reviews.
Column Name Descritpion
CHECK_LIST_ID Unique identifier for a checklist
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SUBMIT_FLAG Indicates the status of the checklist, Y for Submitted and N for Saved
USER_DEFINED_FLAG Indicates if checklist contains any user defined data points, Y for Yes and N for No
SCORE_MODEL_ID Identifier for scoring model
INCLUDE_ALL_CURRENCIES Include all currencies for calculating the data points
CHECK_LIST_NAME Check list name
DESCRIPTION Ckeck list description
START_DATE Start date for this checklist
END_DATE End date for this checklist
NOTES Notes associated with this checklist
CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION Credit classification
REVIEW_TYPE Review type
Receivables - AR_CMGT_TRADE_REF_DATA The AR_CMGT_TRADE_REF_DATA table stores information about the a companys credit and trade relationships of a company under credit review with other creditors.
Column Name Descritpion
DATAPOINT_ID Unique identifier of the bank trade reference data point. to which the bank accounts belong.
REFERENCE_NAME Name of the company with whom the company under credit review has a trade relationship
CONTACT_NAME Name of the person who supplied the Ttrade Rreference information for the company under credit review
ADDRESS Address of the trade Rreference address
PHONE_NUMBER Pnone number of the trade Rreference person
CITY City of the trade Rreference address
FAX_NUMBER Fax number of the trade Rreference
STATE State of the the trade reference address
EMAIL e-amil of the Ttrade Rreference person
POSTAL_CODE Postal code of the Ttrade Rreference address
PROVINCE Province of the Ttrade Rreference
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request that initiated the collection of this companys trade reference informationCredit request identifier for which bank account information is reported for the company under credit review.
URL URL of the Ttrade Rreference
REPORT_DATE Receipt date of the Ttrade Rreference information
LAST_TRANSACTION_DATE Date of the last transaction between the Ttrade Rreference and the company under credit review
NUMBERS_OF_YEARS_IN_TRADE Number of years that the Ttrade Rreference and the company under credit review have been transacting
PAYMENT_TERMS Standard payment terms between the trade reference and for the company under credit review for the Trade Reference
CREDIT_LIMIT Total amount of credit extended by the Ttrade Rreference to the company under credit review
CURRENCY Currency of the credit extended by the Ttrade Rreference
AMOUNT_OWED Amount owed to the Ttrade Rreference by the company under credit review.
CREDIT_BALANCE Amount of credit available to the company by the Ttrade Rreference for new purchases.
PAST_DUE_AMOUNT Past due balance owed to the Ttrade Rreference by the company under credit review.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
INTERNAL_TRADE_RATING Trade Rreference assessment of the creditworthiness of the company under credit review
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the case folder. Foreign key to the AR_CMGT_CASE_FOLDERS table.
NOTES Free-form text area to provide additional information gathered from the the trade Rreference
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
COUNTRY Country of the address for the Ttrade Rreference supplied for the company under credit review.
TAX_NUMBER Tax Identification number for the trade Rreference
Receivables - AR_CMGT_SETUP_OPTIONS The AR_CMGT_SETUP_OPTIONS table stores information that you supply to customize Oracle Credit Management.
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
AGING_BUCKET_ID Unique identifier of the AR aging bucket that will be chosen as one time setup for the usage in credit management.
DEFAULT_CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION Default credit classification which will be defaulted on the credit applications in those cases where the credit classification does not exist on the customer profile in TCA.
MATCH_RULE_ID Unique identifier of the DQM Matching Rule. This matching rule will be used to perform the party search in the credit management.
APPEAL_AUTHORIZE_DAYS Number of days a credit decision can be appealed
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PERIOD Length of time used to accumulate historical balance and transaction information for credit reviews, e.g.,such as the total amount of invoices for the past 6 months.
CER_DSO_DAYS Number of days to use in the Days Sales Outstanding calculation for credit reviews, e.g.such as 90 days.
AUTO_APPLICATION_NUM_FLAG Indicates whether the credit application number is automatically created generated, of or manually generated assigned by the credit requestor. Y for automatic credit application number generation, N for manual application number assignment.
DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Indicates where exchange rates will be derived for converting foreign currency credit information into the credit currency. Values are CORPORATE, SPOT, USER.
Receivables - AR_CMGT_SCORE_WEIGHTS The AR_CMGT_SCORE_WEIGHTS table stores weights for each data point in a scoring model.
Column Name Descritpion
SCORE_MODEL_ID Unique identifier for a scoring model.
DATA_POINT_ID Unique identifier for a data point.
WEIGHT Relative weight of the data points in the scoring model.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_SCORE_DTLS The AR_CMGT_SCORE_DTLS table stores detail level information for a credit scoring model used in Oracle Credit Management.
Column Name Descritpion
SCORE_MODEL_ID Unique identifier for a scoring model.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
NUM_CHAR_FLAG N or C indicates whether a score range is numeric or VARCHAR2, respectively.
DATA_POINT_ID Unique identifier for a data point.
RANGE_SEQUENCE_NUM Range sequence number. Values are 1, 2, 3, and so on.
RANGE_FROM Starting range
RANGE_TO Ending range
SCORES Score for this range
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_CMGT_SCORES The AR_CMGT_SCORES table stores header level information for a credit scoring model.
Column Name Descritpion
SCORE_MODEL_ID Unique identifier for a scoring model.
END_DATE End date of this scoring model.
SUBMIT_FLAG Indicates the status of the scoring model, Y for Submitted and N for Saved.
CURRENCY Currency code associated with this scoring model.
NULL_ZERO_FLAG Y indicates that null values are treated as 0
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
NAME Scoring model name.
START_DATE Start date of this scoring model.
Receivables - AR_CMGT_OTHER_DATA The AR_CMGT_OTHER_DATA table stores detailed information about Venture Capital funding in use by the company under credit review.
Column Name Descritpion
DATAPOINT_ID Identifier of the data point identified on the checklist for use during the credit review
VENTURE_CAPITAL_NAME Name of the Vventure Ccapital firm
VC_CONTACT_NAME Name of the primary contact person at the Vventure Ccapital firm
VC_ADDRESS Address of the Vventure Ccapital firm
VC_CONTACT_PHONE Phone number of the primary contact
VC_STATE State of the Vventure Ccapital firm address
VC_CONTACT_FAX Fax number of the primary contact
VC_POSTAL_CODE Postal Ccode of the Vventure Ccapital firm address.
VC_PROVINCE Email address of the primary contact person
VC_CONTACT_EMAIL Province of the Vventure Ccapital firm address
CAPITAL_STAGE_COMPLETED Text description of the funds spent from the Vventure Ccapital firm. Also referred to as Rounds of Funding.
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request. Foreign key to the AR_CMGT_CREDIT_REQUESTS table.
CURRENCY Currency of the funding provided by the Vventure Ccapital firm
FUNDING_AMOUNT The total amount of funding provided or promised by the Vventure Ccapital firm
PERCENT_INVESTED Percentage of the total funding amount which has been given to the company under credit review
BURN_RATE Number of months which the company under credit review can continue to operate with the remaining funds from the Vventure Ccapital firm
FUTURE_FUNDING_PLANS Number of months which the company under credit review can continue to operate with the remaining funds from the Vventure Ccapital firm
NOTES Free-form text area to provide additional information regarding Vventure Ccapital funding.
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the case folder. Foreign key to the AR_CMGT_CASE_FOLDERS table.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
COUNTRY Country of the Vventure Ccapital firm address
KEY_EXECUTIVE Name of the key executive of the Vventure Ccapital firm
Receivables - AR_CMGT_GUARANTOR_DATA The AR_CMGT_GUARANTOR_DATA table stores information about an entity who is legally responsible for fulfilling a credit obligation if the primary party, the company under credit review, fails to pay its debt.
Column Name Descritpion
DATAPOINT_ID Unique data point identifier for Gguarantor information used in displaying the value of the data in the case folder
REFERENCE_NAME Name of the company or person who will provide payment for the company under credit review, in case of a default on its credit obligations
CONTACT_NAME Name of the person who supplied the Gguarantor information for the company under credit review
ADDRESS Address of the Gguarantor
PHONE_NUMBER Phone of the Gguarantor address
CITY City of the Gguarantor address
FAX_NUMBER Fax number of the Gguarantor address
STATE State of the Gguarantor address
EMAIL Email address of the Gguarantor contact person
POSTAL_CODE Postal Ccode of the Gguarantor address
PROVINCE Province of the Gguarantor address
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request that initiated the collection of this companys guarantor informationCredit request identifier for which bank account information is reported for the company under credit review.
URL Website address of the Gguarantor
CURRENCY Currency of the amount guaranteed
GUARANTEED_AMOUNT Amount pledged by the Gguarantor to be paid if the company under credit review defaults on its credit obligations.
FUNDING_AVAILABLE_FROM Date that when the guaranteed amount is available for collection
FUNDING_AVAILABLE_TO Date that when the guaranteed amount is no longer available for collection
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the case folder. Foreign key to the AR_CMGT_CASE_FOLDERS table.
NOTES Free-form text area to provide additional information gathered from the Gguarantor
GUARANTOR_CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of credit request for guarantor.
DESCRIPTION Asset description
QUANTITY Asset quantity
UOM_CODE Unit of measurement associated with asset
REFERENCE_TYPE Asset reference type
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ASSET_IDENTIFIER Asset identifier
APPRAISER Appraiser name
APPRAISER_PHONE Appraiser telephone number
VALUATION Valuation number
VALUATION_DATE Valuation date
ACQUISITION_DATE Acquisition date
PARTY_ID Identifier of guarantor under credit review.
CONTACT_PARTY_ID Contact identifier of person identified on credit application
CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION Credit classification
REVIEW_TYPE Credit review type
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
COUNTRY Country of the guarantor address for the Guarantor supplied for the company under credit review.
TAX_NUMBER Tax Iidentification Nnumber for the Gguarantor
Receivables - AR_CMGT_FINANCIAL_DATA The AR_CMGT_FINANCIAL_DATA table stores financial statements information about the company under credit review.
Column Name Descritpion
FINANCIAL_DATA_ID Identifier of the financial statements data entered during the credit review.
CURR_FIN_ST_DATE End date of the period for the financial statement.
REPORTING_PERIOD Length of time represented on the financial statement, e.g.,such as Annual, Quarterly, Month-to-date, Year-to-date
CASH Value of Cash on the financial statement
ACCOUNTS_PAYABLE Value of Accounts Payable on the financial statement
NET_RECEIVABLES Net Receivables amount on the financial statement.
SHORT_TERM_DEBT Short Term Debt amount on the financial statement.
INVENTORIES Value of Inventory on the financial statement.
OTHER_CUR_LIABILITIES Value of Current Liabilities on the financial statement.
OTHER_CUR_ASSETS Value of Other Current Assets on the financial statement.
TOTAL_CUR_LIABILITIES Value of Total Current Liabilities on the financial statement.
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request. Foreign key to the AR_CMGT_CREDIT_REQUESTS table.
TOTAL_CUR_ASSETS Value of Total Current Assets on the financial statement.
LONG_TERM_DEBT Value of Long Term Debt on the financial statement.
NET_FIXED_ASSETS Value of Net Fixed Assets on the financial statement.
OTHER_NON_CUR_LIABILITIES Value of Other Non-Current Liabilities on the financial statement.
OTHER_NON_CUR_ASSETS Value of Other Non-Current Assets on the financial statement.
TOTAL_LIABILITIES Value of Total Liabilities on the financial statement
TOTAL_ASSETS Value of Total Assets on the financial statement
STOCKHOLDER_EQUITY Value of Stockholders Equity on the financial statement
TOTAL_LIABILITIES_EQUITY Value of Total Liabilities & Stockholders Equity on the financial statement
REVENUE Value of Revenue on the financial statement
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
NON_OPERATING_INCOME Value of Non-Operating Income on the financial statement
COST_OF_GOODS_SOLD Value of Cost of Goods Sold on the financial statement
NON_OPERATING_EXPENSES Value of Non-Operating Expenses on the financial statement
SGA_EXPENSES Value of Operating Expenses on the financial statement
PRE_TAX_NET_INCOME Value of Net Income Before Taxes on the financial statement
OPERATING_INCOME Value of Operating Income on the financial statement
INCOME_TAXES Value of Income Tax on the financial statement
OPERATING_MARGIN Value of Gross Margin on the financial statement
NET_INCOME Value of Net Income on the financial statement
EARNINGS_PER_SHARE Value of Earnings Per Share on the financial statement
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the credit review case folder. Foreign key to the AR_CMGT_CASE_FOLDERS table.
PARTY_ID Party identifier
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Customer account identifier
SITE_USE_ID Customer site identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REPORTING_CURRENCY Currency used on the financial statement data.
MONETARY_UNIT Currency multiplier for the market capitalization amount. E.g.For example, 000 indicates that the amount is multiplied by 1000.
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CF_DTLS The AR_CMGT_CF_DTLS table stores each data point and its value that you selected for display in a case folder.
Column Name Descritpion
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the case folder
SCORE Score value of the data point
CASE_FOLDER_DETAIL_ID Identifier of the case folder detail
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number
PARENT_DATA_POINT_ID Parent data point identifier
PARENT_CF_DETAIL_ID Parent case folder detail identifier
DATA_POINT_VALUE_ID Data point value identifier
DATA_POINT_ID Identifier of the data point
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
DATA_POINT_VALUE Data point value
INCLUDED_IN_CHECKLIST Indicates whether this data point is included in the checklist
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CF_ANL_NOTES The AR_CMGT_CF_ANL_NOTES table stores topical notes created by the credit analyst and stored in the case folder during a credit review.
Column Name Descritpion
ANALYSIS_NOTES_ID Identifier for the notes
IMPORTANCE Indicates the importance of the created/updated record
NOTES Description
DATE_OPENED Date when the note was opened
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier for the case folder
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TOPIC Stores the topic of the case folder notes
DISPLAY Indicates whether the note is published or internally used
Receivables - AR_CMGT_CASE_FOLDERS The AR_CMGT_CASE_FOLDERS table stores information for each case folder.
Column Name Descritpion
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the this case folder
STATUS Identifies whether the this case folder is open or closed.
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Customer account identifier
PARTY_ID Party identifier
SCORE_MODEL_ID Identifier of the score scoring model associated with this case folder
SITE_USE_ID Identifies the customers location
CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION Credit classification
REVIEW_TYPE Credit review Ttype
CREDIT_ANALYST_ID Credit analyst Iidentifier
TYPE Identifier of the Ccase folder type, either whether CASE_FOLDER/ or DATA
DISPLAY_FLAG Identifies whether to display the this case folder.
CASE_FOLDER_NUMBER Case folder number
CREATION_DATE_TIME Case folder creation date and time
LAST_UPDATED Last updated date
LIMIT_CURRENCY Currency of the credit limit defined
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type of the this case folder
REVIEW_CYCLE Stores the periodic credit review cycles
REQUEST_ID Concurrent request ID
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request associated with the this case folder
CHECK_LIST_ID Identifier of the check list associated with this case folder
Receivables - AR_CMGT_AUTO_RULE_DTLS The AR_CMGT_AUTO_RULE_DTLS table stores rules about whether a credit review and credit decision may be processed without user intervention.
Column Name Descritpion
AUTO_RULE_DETAILS_ID Unique identifier for auto rule details.
CREDIT_LIMIT Allowed credit limit if score falls between the range of low and high credit scores.
USE_REQ_CREDIT_LIMIT_FLAG Indicates whether to use the requested credit limit when submitting a credit application, Y for Yes and N for No.
CURRENCY Currency to be used for this rule.
SKIP_APPROVAL_FLAG Indicates whether the credit request needs approval, Y for Yes and N for No.
OVERRIDE_CHECKLIST_FLAG Indicates whether all mandatory data points defined in the checklist are required during automation, Y for Yes and N for No.
AUTO_RULES_ID Foreign key to the ar_cmgt_auto_rules table.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREDIT_SCORE_LOW Low credit score
CREDIT_SCORE_HIGH High credit score
Receivables - AR_CMGT_BANK_REF_ACCTS The AR_CMGT_BANK_REF_ACCTS table stores detailed bank account balance information for the company under credit review.
Column Name Descritpion
BANK_REFERENCE_ACCOUNT_ID Unique identifier of the bank account for the company under credit review.
ACCOUNT_TYPE The type of bank account, e.g.,such as depository, checking, etc.and so on
DATE_OPENED Date when the bank account was opened
CURRENCY Currency of the bank account
CURRENT_BALANCE Current balance of the bank account
BALANCE_DATE Date for which when the current balance of the bank account was reported
AVERAGE_BALANCE Average balance of the bank account for the customer under credit review.
DATAPOINT_ID Unique data point identifier of the bank reference data point to which the bank account belongsfor Bbank Aaccount information used in displaying the value of the data in the case folder
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request that initiated the collection of this companys bank account information
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ACCOUNT_NUMBER Bank account number for the company under credit review
Receivables - AR_CMGT_BANK_REF_DATA The AR_CMGT_BANK_REF_DATA table stores information about the banks where a company under credit review has active accounts.
Column Name Descritpion
DATAPOINT_ID Unique data point identifier for bank reference data pointCcollateral information used in displaying the value of the data in the case folder
CITY City of the bank address
STATE State of the bank address
POSTAL_CODE Postal Ccode of the Bbank address
PROVINCE Province of the Bbank address
COUNTRY Country of the Bbank address
CONTACT_NAME Bank contact person for the company under review
PHONE Phone number of the bank contact person
FAX Fax number of the bank contact person
EMAIL Email address of the bank contact person
URL Website address of the bank
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Identifier of the credit request that initiated the collection of this companys bank information
BANK_ROUTING_NUMBER Routing number of the bank used by the company under credit review
CASE_FOLDER_ID Identifier of the case folder. Foreign key to the AR_CMGT_CASE_FOLDERS table.
NOTES Free-form text area to provide additional information gathered from the bank reference
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
BANK_NAME Name of the bank where the company under credit review has active accounts
ADDRESS Bank Aaddress
Receivables - AR_CONFIRMATION_ACTIONS This table stores information about which action to take based on the information that is included in trading partner's confirmation message.
Column Name Descritpion
ACTION_ID Identifier of confirmation action
HANDLER_TYPE Handler type of the handler that handles the appropriate action for this combination of STATUS and REASON_CODE
START_DATE Start date of this action
END_DATE End date of this action
STATUS Status of document transferred. Determined by trading partner.
REASON_CODE Reason code of document transferred. Determined by trading partner.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
HANDLER_NAME Handler that handles the appropriate action for this combination of STATUS and REASON_CODE
Receivables - AR_DOCUMENT_TRANSFERS This table stores information about document transfer to your trading partners.
Column Name Descritpion
DOCUMENT_TRANSFER_ID Identifier of the document transfer
TP_SOURCE_TABLE Source table of trading partner to whom this documnet is transferred is associated
TP_SOURCE_ID Identifier of trading partner to whom this document is transferred
STATUS Status of document transfer
EVENT_NAME Workflow business event that is raised to transfer document
ECX_TRX_TYPE XML Gateway's transaction type that is used to transfer document
ECX_TRX_SUBTYPE XML Gateway's transaction subtype that is used to transfer document
ECX_PARTY_TYPE XML Gateway's party type that is used to transfer document
EMAIL_ADDRESS Email address of trading partner
DOCUMENT_MSGID Identifier of XML document that is transferred
CONFIRMATION_MSGID Identifier of XML confirmation document that is received from trading partner
LAST_SUBMISSION_DATE Date that the document was last submitted
EXCEPTION_MESSAGE Exception message
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
APPLICATION_ID Identifier of application that created this row
RESPONSIBILITY_ID Identifier of responsibility that created this row
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SOURCE_ID Identifier of document that is transferred
SOURCE_TABLE Source table of the transferred document
Receivables - AR_BPA_AREA_ITEMS The AR_BPA_AREA_ITEMS table stores the selected content items for each template defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
AREA_ITEM_ID Primary Key column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DATA_SOURCE_ID Identifies data source of the area item
FLEXFIELD_ITEM_FLAG Indicates if item is a flexfield item
TEMPLATE_ID Identifies template that the rule belongs to. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_TEMPLATES_B table.
PARENT_AREA_CODE Identifies which content area was split to form the new content area
DISPLAY_LEVEL Identifies level in the page at which data is displayed
SECONDARY_APP_ID Supplementary application for data
ITEM_ID Identifies the item that the attribute is associated with. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_ITEMS_B table.
DISPLAY_SEQUENCE Order in which contents are displayed
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Receivables - AR_BPA_RULES_B The AR_BPA_RULES_B table stores the template assignment rules defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
SAME_PRINTING_TEMPLATE_FLAG Determines whether templates assigned to this rule will be used for both online and print purposes
PRINT_RULE_SEARCH_ORDER Search order used for finding print template
CM_SAME_PRT_TMPLT_FLAG Indicates if printed bill uses the same template as online bill for credit memo.
DM_SAME_PRT_TMPLT_FLAG Indicates if printed bill uses the same template as online bill for debit memo.
CB_SAME_PRT_TMPLT_FLAG Indicates if printed bill uses the same template as online bill for chargeback.
DEP_SAME_PRT_TMPLT_FLAG Indicates if printed bill uses the same template as online bill for deposit.
GUAR_SAME_PRT_TMPLT_FLAG Indicates if printed bill uses the same template as online bill for guarantee.
PRIMARY_APP_ID Primary application for data
SECONDARY_APP_ID Supplementary application for data
RULE_SEARCH_ORDER Sequence number for the rule
MATCH_ALL_ATTRIBUTES Matching criteria for the rule
SEEDED_FLAG Indicates if the rule is seeded
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_BPA_RULES_TL The AR_BPA_RULES_TL table provides multilingual support (MLS) for assignment rules defined in Bill Presentment Architecture. Data in this table is maintained in the Assignment Rules page. Each row includes the rule name and description. MLS
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LANGUAGE Indicates which language the values of translatable fields are translated into
SOURCE_LANG Indicates which language the values of translatable columns were originally entered in
RULE_NAME Rule name
RULE_DESCRIPTION Rule description
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_BPA_RULE_ATTRIBUTES_B The AR_BPA_RULE_ATTRIBUTES_B table stores all assignment attributes of assignment rules defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_ATTRIBUTE_ID Unique identifier
RULE_ID Identifies the rule that the attribute belongs to. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_RULES_B table.
ITEM_ID Identifies the item that the attribute is associated with. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_ITEMS_B table.
MATCH_CONDITION Matching condition for the rule attribute
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_BPA_RULE_ATTRIBUTES_TL The AR_BPA_RULE_ATTRIBUTES_TL table provides multilingual support (MLS) for assignment attributes of assignment rules defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_ATTRIBUTE_ID Unique identifier
LANGUAGE Indicates which language the values of translatable fields are translated into
SOURCE_LANG Indicates which language the values of translatable columns were originally entered in
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE Value of the rule attribute
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_BPA_RULE_TEMPLATES The AR_BPA_RULE_TEMPLATES table stores all assignment templates for assignment rules defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_TEMPLATE_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ASSIGNED_TEMPLATE_PURPOSE Determines whether template will be used for online or printed bills
TEMPLATE_ID Identifies template that the rule belongs to. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_TEMPLATES_B table.
RULE_ID Identifies rule that the template belongs to. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_RULES_B table.
EFFECTIVE_FROM_DATE Identifies first date when template is effective
EFFECTIVE_TO_DATE Identifies last date when template is effective
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_BPA_URLS_B The AR_BPA_URLS_B table stores all URLs defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
URL_ID Unique identifier
APPLICATION_ID Identifies the application the URL associated with
DATA_SOURCE_ID Identifies data source of the URL
URL_ADDRESS URL address without parameters
FULL_URL_ADDRESS URL address with parameters
SEEDED_FLAG Indicates if the URL is seeded
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_BPA_URLS_TL The AR_BPA_URLS_TL table provides multilingual support (MLS) for URLs defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
URL_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LANGUAGE Indicates which language the values of translatable fields are translated into
SOURCE_LANG Indicates which language the values of translatable columns were originally
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_BPA_URL_PARAMS The AR_BPA_URL_PARAMS table stores all parameters for the URLs defined in Bill Presentment Architecture.
Column Name Descritpion
URL_PARAM_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
URL_ID Identifies URL associated with this parameter. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_URLS
PARAM_TYPE Identifies the parameter type
PARAM_NAME Identifies the parameter name
PARAM_VALUE Identifies the parameter value
ITEM_ID Identifies item associated with this parameter. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_ITEMS_B table.
ENCRYPTED_FLAG Indicates if parameter is encrypted
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
Receivables - AR_BPA_DATASRC_APPS_B Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
APPLICATION_ID Unique identifier
INTERFACE_CONTEXT Identifies interface context of source application
ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if the application is enabled
SEEDED_FLAG Indicates if the application is seeded
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PRIMARY_FLAG Indicates if the data source is primary data source
Receivables - AR_BPA_DATASRC_APPS_TL Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
APPLICATION_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LANGUAGE Indicates which language the values of translatable fields are translated into
SOURCE_LANG Indicates which language the values of translatable columns were originally entered in
DATASRC_APP_NAME Data source application name
DATASRC_APP_DESC Data source application description
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_BPA_DATA_SOURCES_B The AR_BPA_DATA_SOURCES_B table stores all the data sources that Bill Presentment Architecture can access.
Column Name Descritpion
DATA_SOURCE_ID Unique identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
INVOICED_LINE_ACCTG_LEVEL Identifies accounting level of the invoice
TAX_SOURCE_FLAG Indicates if the data source provides tax information
SOURCE_LINE_TYPE Identifies line type of the source application
ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if data source is enabled
SEEDED_FLAG Indicates if data source is seeded
APPLICATION_ID Identifies application the data source belongs to. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_DATASRC_APPS_B table.
OBJECT_TYPE Data source object type
OBJECT_NAME Data source object name
VO_USAGE_NAME View object name
VO_USAGE_FULL_NAME Java class name for the view object
VO_INIT_SEQUENCE View object initialization sequence
DISPLAY_LEVEL Indicates area where data is displayed on a page
LINK_TO_DATA_SOURCE_ID Identifies primary data source that data source is linked to. Foreign key to the AR_BPA_DATA_SOURCES_B table.
Receivables - AR_BPA_DATA_SOURCES_TL The AR_BPA_DATA_SOURCES_TL table stores all the data sources that Bill Presentment Architecture can access.
Column Name Descritpion
DATA_SOURCE_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LANGUAGE Indicates which language the values of translatable fields are translated into
SOURCE_LANG Indicates which language the values of translatable columns were originally entered in
DATASRC_VIEW_NAME Data source view name
DATASRC_VIEW_DESC Data source view description
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_BPA_PAGE_SETUPS_B Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LEFT_MARGIN Left margin
RIGHT_MARGIN Right margin
PAGE_NUMBER_LOC Page number location
PAGE_SETUP_ID Primary key
PAGE_UNIT_OF_MEASURE Page dimension unit type
SEEDED_FLAG Indicates if setup is seeded
PRINT_FONT_FAMILY Stores the font name
PRINT_FONT_SIZE Stores the font size
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
PAGE_WIDTH Width dimension
PAGE_HEIGHT Height dimension
TOP_MARGIN Top margin
BOTTOM_MARGIN Bottom margin
Receivables - AR_BPA_PAGE_SETUPS_TL Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
PAGE_SETUP_DESC Page Setup description
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LANGUAGE Language code
SOURCE_LANG Source language
PAGE_SETUP_NAME Page Setup name
Receivables - AR_BPA_PRINT_REQUESTS Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Batch printing job request identifier
WORKER_ID Identifies print worker for payment shedule line
PRINT_FLAG Set to Y when transaction has been printed.
Receivables - AR_BPA_TEMPLATE_FIELDS Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
FIELD_NAME Field name extracted from uploaded file
ITEM_ID Identifies item that field is associated with
Receivables - AR_BPA_TEMPLATE_FILES Release 11i: Used by Bill Presentment Architecture
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
FILE_DATA File contents
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LANGUAGE_CODE Language code
FILE_NAME Name of file uploaded
Receivables - AR_CCID_CORRECTIONS_ALL Individual GL distribution lines that contain invalid code combinations (GL accounts)
Column Name Descritpion
DISTRIBUTION_TYPE ACCOUNT_CLASS or SOURCE_TYPE of postable accounting distribution
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
SOURCE_TABLE Identifies table where accounting originated from. Values may include GLD, RA, CRH, MCD, TH, and ADJ.
GL_DATE General Ledger date
CATEGORY_TYPE Identifies the type of transaction or activity that originated the accounting entry
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Account identifier (current)
NEW_CODE_COMBINATION_ID Account identifier (corrected)
SUBMISSION_ID Identifier for the batch processing of corrections
ORG_ID Operating Unit identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Receivables - AR_CMGT_AUTO_RECOMMENDS The AR_CMGT_AUTO_RECOMMENDS table stores the credit recommendations that result from automated credit reviews.
Column Name Descritpion
AUTO_RULE_RECOMMENDATION_ID Unique identifier for this automated credit recommendation
RECOMMENDATION_VALUE1 Recommendation value
RECOMMENDATION_VALUE2 Recommendation value
RECOMMENDATION_NAME Custom recommendation lookup type
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREDIT_TYPE Credit type either 'TERM' or 'TRADE'
Receivables - AR_CRH_APP_GT
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_CRH_GT
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_DETECT_GT
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_INV_API_DIST_GT
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_INV_API_LINES_GT
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_CONS_BILL_CYCLES_B The AR_CONS_BILL_CYCLES_B table stores information on defined cycles. Receivables creates one row for each billing cycle that you define. This information iis used to distinguish which activity to include on a bill.
Column Name Descritpion
BILLING_CYCLE_ID Billing cycle identifier
DAY_5 Indicates if billing should be run on fifth day of month
DAY_6 Indicates if billing should be run on sixth day of month
DAY_7 Indicates if billing should be run on seventh day of month
DAY_8 Indicates if billing should be run on eighth day of month
DAY_9 Indicates if billing should be run on ninth day of month
DAY_10 Indicates if billing should be run on tenth day of month
DAY_11 Indicates if billing should be run on eleventh day of month
DAY_12 Indicates if billing should be run on twelfth day of month
DAY_13 Indicates if billing should be run on thirteenth day of month
DAY_14 Indicates if billing should be run on fourteenth day of month
BILL_CYCLE_TYPE Type of billing cycle, either RECURRING or EVENT
DAY_15 Indicates if billing should be run on fifteenth day of month
DAY_16 Indicates if billing should be run on sixteenth day of month
DAY_17 Indicates if billing should be run on seventeenth day of month
DAY_18 Indicates if billing should be run on eighteenth day of month
DAY_19 Indicates if billing should be run on nineteenth day of month
DAY_20 Indicates if billing should be run on twentieth day of month
DAY_21 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-first day of month
DAY_22 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-second day of month
DAY_23 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-third day of month
DAY_24 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-fourth day of month
START_DATE Date when billing cycle becomes effective
DAY_25 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-fifth day of month
DAY_26 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-sixth day of month
DAY_27 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-seventh day of month
DAY_28 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-eighth day of month
DAY_29 Indicates if billing should be run on twenty-ninth day of month
DAY_30 Indicates if billing should be run on thirtieth day of month
DAY_31 Indicates if billing should be run on thirty-first day of month
DAY_MONDAY Indicates if billing should be run on Monday
DAY_TUESDAY Indicates if billing should be run on Tuesday
DAY_WEDNESDAY Indicates if billing should be run on Wednesday
CYCLE_FREQUENCY Frequency of billing, either DAILY, WEEKLY, or MONTHLY
DAY_THURSDAY Indicates if billing should be run on Thursday
DAY_FRIDAY Indicates if billing should be run on Friday
SKIP_WEEKENDS Indicates if billing should be skipped on weekends
SKIP_HOLIDAYS Indicates if billing should be skipped on holidays
REPEAT_DAILY Number of days after which the daily billing cycle should repeat
REPEAT_WEEKLY Number of weeks after which the weekly billing cycle should repeat
REPEAT_MONTHLY Number of months after which the monthly billing cycle should repeat
DAY_TYPE Type of day, either CALENDAR or WORKDAY
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_DAY Indicates if billing should be run on last day of month
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
DAY_SATURDAY Indicates if billing should be run on Saturday
DAY_SUNDAY Indicates if billing should be run on Sunday
DAY_1 Indicates if billing should be run on first day of month
DAY_2 Indicates if billing should be run on second day of month
DAY_3 Indicates if billing should be run on third day of month
DAY_4 Indicates if billing should be run on fourth day of month
Receivables - AR_CONS_BILL_CYCLE_DATES This table stores billing dates for given billing cycle.
Column Name Descritpion
BILLING_CYCLE_ID Billing cycle identifier.
BILLABLE_DATE Billing date of given billing cycle.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
Receivables - AR_CONS_BILL_CYCLES_TL The AR_CONS_BILL_CYCLES_TL table provides multilingual support (MLS) for each billing cycle that you define in Receivables. MLS lets you store and print data that you define in multiple languages.
Column Name Descritpion
BILLING_CYCLE_ID Billing cycle identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
CYCLE_NAME Name of billing cycle
DESCRIPTION Description of billing cycle
LANGUAGE Language code of billing cycle
SOURCE_LANG Language code of record from which this was copied during the upgrade
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Receivables - AR_CC_ERROR_HISTORY This table stores the execution report information for AutoReceipt or Remittance batches.
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of automatic receipt/remittance
PAYMENT_SERVER_ORDER_NUM Identifies credit card payment authorized by Oracle Payments
FIRST_RECORD_FLAG Y indicates transactions that have credit card errors for the first time
CURRENT_RECORD_FLAG Y indicates current attempt at correction of credit card error. Used to identify if number of days for subsequent action (or manual correction) have passed.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column. User who last updated this row.
PAYMENT_TRXN_EXTENSION_ID Identifier of payment transaction generated by Oracle Payments.
CC_TRX_CATEGORY Transaction category code for credit card errors. Based on lookup CC_TRX_CATEGORY. Available transaction categories are:CASH - Standard Receipt CM - Credit Memo DM -Debit MemoINV- Invoice MISC- Miscellaneous Receipt.
CC_TRX_ID Identifier for transactions with credit card errors
CC_ERROR_CODE Error code from credit card payment processor
CC_ERROR_DATE Credit card error date
CC_VENDOR_ERROR_DESC Payment processor description of credit card error
CC_ERROR_TEXT User provided description for credit card error code
CC_ACTION_CODE Corrective action to be performed on transactions with errors. Based on lookup AR_CC_ACTION_CODES.
CC_ACTION_TYPE_FLAG S indicates if a subsequent action can be performed for a credit card error after N number of days. Otherwise, set to A.
Receivables - AR_CC_ERROR_MAPPINGS This table stores credit card errors and the corresponding corrective actions for automation.
Column Name Descritpion
CC_ERROR_CODE Error code from credit card payment processor
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CC_ERROR_TEXT User-enterable description for credit card error code
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Identifier of receipt method.Foreign key to AR_RECEIPT_METHODS_ALL.RECEIPT_METHOD_ID.
CC_TRX_CATEGORY Transaction category for credit card errors. Based on lookup CC_TRX_CATEGORY.
CC_ACTION_CODE Corrective action to be performed on transactions with errors. Based on lookup AR_CC_ACTION_CODES.
NO_DAYS Number of days after which a subsequent corrective action can be performed. If no subsequent action exists, transaction will appear for manual correction after specified number of days.
SUBSEQUENT_ACTION_CODE Subsequent action that will be performed after first action is performed.
ERROR_NOTES User-enterable notes, attached to corrected transaction
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Receivables - AR_INTEREST_BATCHES_ALL Late Charge batches
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSFERRED_STATUS Transfere to autoinvoice flag
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object version number
REQUEST_ID Master concurrent request ID
BATCH_NAME Interest invoice Batch Name
CALCULATE_INTEREST_TO_DATE Date on which interest are computed
BATCH_STATUS Draft or final mode of interest calculaton for batch
GL_DATE General Ledger date
CREATED_BY Who column
Receivables - AR_INTEREST_LINES_ALL Late Charge lines
Column Name Descritpion
AMOUNT_DUE_ORIGINAL Ar_payment_schedules_all.amount_due_original
AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING Ar_payment_schedules_all.amount_due_remaining
ORIGINAL_TRX_ID Link between a late charge interest line and its original transaction.Ra_customer_trx_all.customer_trx_id,ar_cash_recesipts_all.cash_receipt_id
LAST_CHARGE_DATE Ar_payment_schedules_all.last_charge_date or last accrue charge date for this customer site
DUE_DATE Payment schedule due date/Balance ford bill date
ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED Actual date closed of payment schedule
INTEREST_RATE Rate applied
RATE_START_DATE Rate effectivity start date
RATE_END_DATE Rate effectivity end date
SCHEDULE_DAYS_FROM From days of aging bucket line
INTEREST_HEADER_ID Foreign key to ra_interest_headers_all.interest_invoice_id
SCHEDULE_DAYS_TO To day of aging bucket line
PROCESS_MESSAGE Error message text
PROCESS_STATUS Status code to indicate Success or Error
ORIGINAL_TRX_CLASS Interest on INV, DM (debits), CM, Receipt (credits)
DAILY_INTEREST_CHARGE Daily interest charged/interest amount charged
RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Interest line or penalty receivables trx id used only for adjustments
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object version number
ORG_ID Organization Id
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Foreign key to ar_payment_schedules_all.payment_schedule_id
OUTSTANDING_AMOUNT Outstanding Amount, overdue late payment amount
DAYS_OVERDUE_LATE Late in term of days
DAYS_OF_INTEREST Days interest to charge
INTEREST_CHARGED Interest charged
PAYMENT_DATE Payment date
FINANCE_CHARGE_CHARGED The adjustments of type FINCHRG this is deducted from the overdue amount of invoice to compute the simple interest for invoices.
Receivables - AR_INTEREST_HEADERS_ALL Late Charge headers
Column Name Descritpion
PAYMENT_GRACE_DAYS Receipt grace days
LATE_CHARGE_TERM_ID If late charge type is DEBIT_MEMO/INTEREST_INVOICE then the payment term must be populated,this is used to create the Invoice or Debit Memo
INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS Days in interest period
INTEREST_CALCULATION_PERIOD Interest calculation period
CHARGE_ON_FINANCE_CHARGE_FLAG Formulae on overdue amount to compute interest
HOLD_CHARGED_INVOICES_FLAG Place a hold on charged invoices
MESSAGE_TEXT_ID Message text ar_standard_text.standard_text_id
CHARGE_BEGIN_DATE Charge begin date
INTEREST_BATCH_ID Foreign key to ra_interest_batches_all.interest_batch_id
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type
MIN_FC_INVOICE_OVERDUE_TYPE Minimum Invoice amount overdue type
MIN_FC_INVOICE_AMOUNT Invoice balance threshold amount below which late charges must not be charged.
MIN_FC_INVOICE_PERCENT Invoice balance threshold percentage below which late charges must not be charged.
MIN_FC_BALANCE_OVERDUE_TYPE Minimum customer balance overdue type
MIN_FC_BALANCE_AMOUNT Customer balance threshold amount below which the late charge must not be charged
MIN_FC_BALANCE_PERCENT Customer balance percentage threshold below which the late charge must not be charged
MIN_INTEREST_CHARGE Threshold amount below which the late charge must not charged.
MAX_INTEREST_CHARGE Threshold amount above which the late charge must not be charged.
CUSTOMER_ID Foreign key to hz_cust_accounts_all.cust_account_id
INTEREST_TYPE Fixed amount, percent, charges schedule based interest.
INTEREST_RATE Interest rate
INTEREST_SCHEDULE_ID Foreign key to ar_charges_schedules.schedule_id
PENALTY_TYPE Fixed amount, percent, charges schedule based penalty.
PENALTY_RATE Penalty rate
PENALTY_SCHEDULE_ID Foreign key to ar_charges_schedules.schedule_id
LAST_ACCRUE_CHARGE_DATE Date as of which last compounded
CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID Foreign key to hz_customer_profiles.cust_account_profile_id
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID Foreign Key to hz_cust_site_uses_all.site_use_id
COLLECTOR_ID Foreign key to collectors entity
LEGAL_ENTITY_ID Foreign key of the legal entity
PROCESS_MESSAGE Error message text
PROCESS_STATUS Status code to indicate Success or Error
CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID Interest Type i.e. Invoice/Debit Memo, ar_receivables_trx_all.receivable_trx_id
ORG_ID Organization Id
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Object version number
WORKER_NUM Worker Id which created the header for the request id
REQUEST_ID Request id which created the header
FINANCE_CHARGE_DATE Date as of which the finance charge was generated
HEADER_TYPE Type of late charges documents ADJ, DM, INV
DISPLAY_FLAG For Internal processing only
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code from fnd_currencies
LATE_CHARGE_CALCULATION_TRX Eligibility criteria to select transactions for late charge processing based on overdue invoices and orlate payments.
CREDIT_ITEMS_FLAG Eligibility criteria to select transactions for late charge processing based on optional late charges
DISPUTED_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG Eligibility criteria to select transactions for late charge processing based on optional late charges
Receivables - AR_CHARGE_SCHEDULES Charge Schedules
Column Name Descritpion
SCHEDULE_ID Identifier
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield segment
SCHEDULE_NAME Schedule name
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Version numbering internal used
CREATED_BY Who column
SCHEDULE_DESCRIPTION Schedule description
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure definition
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_CHARGE_SCHEDULE_HDRS Charge Schedule Headers
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield segment
SCHEDULE_ID Foreign key to schedule
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield segment
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Version number internally used
CREATED_BY Who column
AGING_BUCKET_ID Foreign key to AR Aging Buckets
START_DATE Start date from which the schedule is active
END_DATE End date to which the schedule is no longer active
STATUS Status control if the schedule is active or not
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure definition
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_CHARGE_SCHEDULE_LINES Charge Schedule lines
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield segment
SCHEDULE_HEADER_ID Foreign key to header
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield segment
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Version number internally used
SCHEDULE_ID Foreign key to Schedule
AGING_BUCKET_ID Foreign key to AR aging bucket
AGING_BUCKET_LINE_ID Foreign key to AR aging bucket line
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure definition
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_IREC_SELFREG_CUST_QS Contains the self registration customer verification questions.
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_OBJECT_ID Contains the Rule Object Identifier
Receivables - AR_IREC_PRINT_REQUESTS Stores iReceivables transaction print requests and BPA immediate print output.
Column Name Descritpion
FILE_NAME The File Name generated through BPA Immediate Print Request. The file name will be like BPA.pdf
REQUEST_ID The Print Request Identifier
CUSTOMER_ID The Print Request made on the Customer Account Id
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID The Print Request made on the Customer Account Site Use Id
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
FILE_CONTENT_TYPE Content type as specified during the uploading process. This string is an unparsed entity-header for the entity "Content-Type", and specifies the content type, and any additional parameters (such as character set) that describe the stored c
FILE_DATA The uploaded data itself, which is a binary LOB
UPLOAD_DATE Timestamp at which the LOB was uploaded
PROGRAM_NAME Name of the program on whose behalf the LOB is being maintained.
REQUESTED_BY The user(FND_USER.USER_ID) who has requested the Print Request
LANGUAGE Language of file
ORACLE_CHARSET Oracle character set of file
FILE_FORMAT File format ('text' or 'binary')
Receivables - AR_CONT_ACTIONS_ALL Maps contingencies and revenue recognition events
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column - date when a user last updated this row
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID)
REVREC_EVENT_CODE Revenue Recognition Event Lookup Code for AR_REVREC_EVENTS
ORG_ID Organization Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID)
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column - date when this row was created
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID)
Receivables - AR_DEFERRED_LINES_ALL Stores revenue status information at the line level
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Invoice Line Identifier
ACCTD_AMOUNT_PENDING Amount Pending in Functional Currency
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Invoice Identifier
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization Identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID)
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USERS.USER_ID)
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column - date when this row was created
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USERS.USER_ID)
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column - date when this row was last updated
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID)
PARENT_LINE_ID Parent line identifier
MANUAL_OVERRIDE_FLAG Indicates Manual Adjustment
ACCTD_AMOUNT_DUE_ORIGINAL Original Amount Due in Functional Currency
ACCTD_AMOUNT_RECOGNIZED Amount Recognized in Functional Currency
Receivables - AR_DEFERRAL_REASONS Revenue Contingency Definitions
Column Name Descritpion
CONTINGENCY_ID Contigency identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CONTINGENCY_NAME Name of contigency
DESCRIPTION Description of contingency
NOTES Additional notes of contingency
REVREC_EVENT_CODE Revenue recognition event
EXPIRATION_EVENT_CODE Contingency expiration event
EXPIRATION_DAYS Contingency expiration days
POLICY_ATTACHED Name of policy
Receivables - AR_COGS_REV_ITF The AR_COGS_REV_ITF table holds temporary data for the COGS RXi reports.
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_ID Concurrent request identifier of program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID)
CUSTOMER_NAME Customer name
SALES_ORDER_TYPE Sales order type
SALES_ORDER Sales order
SALES_ORDER_LINE Sales order line
TRX_CLASS Transaction class, such as INV, CM, DM, GUAR, DEP, or CB
TRX_NUMBER Transaction numbe
TRX_LINE_NUMBER Transaction line number
ORDER_AMOUNT_ORIG Original sales order amount (shippable items only)
COGS_AMOUNT_PERIOD Amount of COGS in period
CREATED_BY Standard Who column. User who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
COGS_PERCENT_PERIOD Percentage of COGS in period
REV_AMOUNT_PERIOD Amount of revenue recognized in period
REV_PERCENT_PERIOD Percentage of revenue recognized in period
COGS_ADJUSTMENT Proposed COGS adjustment amount
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column. Date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column. User who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID)
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of books identifier
Receivables - AR_INTERFACE_CONTS_ALL Contingency information for transactions imported using AutoInvoice
Column Name Descritpion
INTERFACE_CONTINGENCY_ID Identifies the contigency
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE4 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE5 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE6 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE7 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE8 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE9 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE10 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE11 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE12 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE13 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE14 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_STATUS Interface status of the transaction. Used by AutoInvoice
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
EXPIRATION_DATE Contingency Expiration Date
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization Identifier
EXPIRATION_DAYS Contingency Expiration in Days
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID)
CREATED_BY Standard Who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USERS.USER_ID)
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column - date when this row was created
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USERS.USER_ID)
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when this row was last updated
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID)
CONTINGENCY_ID Contingency identifier
COMPLETED_FLAG Completed flag indicates if contingency has been completed
COMPLETED_BY Standard Who column - user who completed the contingency
EXPIRATION_EVENT_DATE Expiration event date
INTERFACE_LINE_ID Used by AutoInvoice to identify the contingency
INTERFACE_LINE_CONTEXT The context name of the Transaction Flexfield data
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 Interface line attribute value
INTERFACE_LINE_ATTRIBUTE3 Interface line attribute value
Receivables - AR_BASE_GL_ACCT_BALANCES Used as a processing table for Cumulative Activity Balance Report.
Column Name Descritpion
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Account identifier
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash receipt identifier
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ADJUSTMENT_ID Adjustment identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column. foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column. Foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column. Foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID.
CURRENCY Entered currency
ACCTD_AMOUNT_DR Debit amount in functional currency
ACCTD_AMOUNT_CR Credit amount in functional currency
AMOUNT_DR Debit amount in foreign currency
AMOUNT_CR Credit amount in foreign currency
NATURAL_ACCOUNT Natural account segment
COMPONENT Identifies SQL component that populated this row
TRX_TYPE Transaction type
TRX_NUMBER Transaction number
TRX_DATE Transaction date
ACTIVITY_GL_DATE GL Date of the last activity
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Invoice identifier
Receivables - AR_CCID_BY_GL_ACCOUNTS Used as a processing table for Cumulative Activity Balance Report.
Column Name Descritpion
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Account identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column. foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column. Foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column. Foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID.
NATURAL_ACCOUNT Natural account segment
Receivables - AR_CLOSED_GL_PERIODS Used as a processing table for Cumulative Activity Balance Report.
Column Name Descritpion
PERIOD_NAME Accounting period name
CLOSING_STATUS Accounting period status
START_DATE Accounting period start date
END_DATE Accounting period end date
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column. foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column. Foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column. Foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID.
PERIOD_YEAR Accounting period year
Receivables - AR_GL_ACCT_BALANCES Used as a processing table for Cumulative Activity Balance Report.
Column Name Descritpion
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Account identifier
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Invoice identifier
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash receipt identifier
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ADJUSTMENT_ID Adjustment identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column. foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column. Foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column. Foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID.
CURRENCY Entered currency
ACCTD_AMOUNT_DR Debit amount in functional currency
ACCTD_AMOUNT_CR Credit amount in functional currency
AMOUNT_DR Debit amount in foreign currency
AMOUNT_CR Credit amount in foreign currency
NATURAL_ACCOUNT Natural account segment
COMPONENT Identifies SQL component that populated this row
TRX_TYPE Transaction type
TRX_NUMBER Transaction number
TRX_DATE Transaction date
ACTIVITY_GL_DATE GL Date of the last activity
Receivables - AR_ACTIVITY_DETAILS Receivable Activities Details
Column Name Descritpion
LINE_DISCOUNT Discounted revenue line amount
TAX_DISCOUNT Discounted revenue tax amount
FREIGHT_DISCOUNT Discounted revenue freight amount
LINE_BALANCE Revenue line balance
TAX_BALANCE Tax line balance
APPLY_TO If application is on revenue or tax this is the trx line number
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Flexfield structure defining column
REFERENCE4 Reference Column 4
REFERENCE5 Reference Column 5
GROUP_ID Group Identifier
REFERENCE2 Reference Column 2
AMOUNT Corresponding invoice revenue amount
REFERENCE1 Reference Column 1
REFERENCE3 Reference Column 3
CREATED_BY_MODULE created by module
SOURCE_ID Fkey to AR distributions_all.SOURCE_ID
SOURCE_TABLE Fkey to AR distributions_all.SOURCE_TABLE
LINE_ID Fkey to AR distributions_all.LINE_ID
CURRENT_ACTIVITY_FLAG Latest activity record
OFFSET_REC_FLAG This will identify offset records under table ar_activity_details for value 'Y'.
TAX Corresponding invoice tax amount
FREIGHT Corresponding invoice freight amount
CHARGES Corresponding invoice charges amount
Receivables - AR120GIR_PERIODS AR120GIR Periods
Column Name Descritpion
PERIOD_NAME Upgrade Period Name
Receivables - AR_GL_RECON_GT
Column Name Descritpion
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Account Code combination Id
SUBLEDGER_REC_DR Subledger Debit (Source = Receivables)
SUBLEDGER_REC_CR Subledger Credit (Source = Receivables)
GL_UNPOSTED_DR Unposted Subledgers in GL (Debit)
GL_UNPOSTED_CR Unposted Subledgers in GL (Credit)
GL_INTERFACE_DR Subledgers in intergace table (Debit)
GL_INTERFACE_CR Subledgers in intergace table (Credit)
RECEIVABLES_DR Posted Journals in AR (Debit)
RECEIVABLES_CR Posted Journals in AR (Credit)
ACCOUNT Account Description
OPENING_BALANCE_DR Opening GL Balance Debit
COMPANY Balancing Segment
ACCOUNT_DESC Accounting Segment Description
OPENING_BALANCE_CR Opening GL Balance Credit
PERIOD_ACTIVITY_DR Period GL Activity Debit
PERIOD_ACTIVITY_CR Period GL Activity Credit
SUBLEDGER_NOT_AR_DR Subledgers (Debit) which are not Manual, not from Receivables or are not Unposted
SUBLEDGER_NOT_AR_CR Subledgers (Credit) which are not Manual, not from Receivables or are not Unposted
SUBLEDGER_MANUAL_DR Manual Subledger Debit
SUBLEDGER_MANUAL_CR Manual Subledger Credit
Receivables - AR_BASE_DIST_AMTS_GT
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_INTERIM_CASH_LINE_DETAILS Temporary table used to store QuickCash payment applications - line level details
Column Name Descritpion
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifier of the interim cash receipt
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LINE_DISCOUNT Discounted revenue line amount
TAX_DISCOUNT Discounted revenue tax amount
FREIGHT_DISCOUNT Discounted revenue freight amount
LINE_BALANCE Revenue line balance
TAX_BALANCE Tax line balance
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Identifier of the customer transaction line that is associated with this interim cash receipt line
APPLY_TO Line number of invoice or "charge
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
SOURCE_ID Fkey to AR distributions_all.SOURCE_ID
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
REFERENCE4 Reference Column 4
REFERENCE5 Reference Column 5
SOURCE_TABLE Fkey to AR distributions_all.SOURCE_TABLE
GROUP_ID Group Identifier
REFERENCE2 Reference Column 2
REFERENCE1 Reference Column 1
REFERENCE3 Reference Column 3
CREATED_BY_MODULE created by module
LINE_ID Fkey to AR distributions_all.LINE_ID
ALLOCATED_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Amount applied in receipt currency
AMOUNT Corresponding invoice revenue amount
TAX Corresponding invoice tax amount
FREIGHT Corresponding invoice freight amount
CHARGES Corresponding invoice charges amount
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_AUTOREC_INTERIM Temporary table used in the autoreceipts parallel process
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_AUTOCLEAR_INTERIM Intermediate table to store the receipts selected for clearance when 'Automatic Clearing for Receipts' program is run in parallel.
Column Name Descritpion
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash Receipt Identifier
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code of the payment batch associated with this payment entry
AMOUNT The remitted amount
FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT The amount determined to factor the receipt
CRH_AMOUNT Amount from Cash receipt History table.
CRH_FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Factor Discount Amount from Cash Receipt History table. This is the amount of the bank charge and/or factor discount taken by the bank at clearance and/or factoring time
EXCHANGE_RATE_OLD Exchange rate at the time of remittance
CURRENT_WORKER Worker number that processes the current receipt
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row
TYPE Type of receipt selected for Clearance . (Remitted/Risk/Factored)
TRX_DATE The transaction date when the history row occurs as entered by the user
GL_DATE The General Ledger Date that is used when debiting the ACCOUNT_CODE_COMBINATION_ID
CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID Cash Receipt History Identifier
EXCHANGE_DATE Date for which rate selected
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Used to define multiple currency exchange rates for the same date
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate used to convert foreign currency amounts into functional currency
Receivables - AR_AE_ALLOC_REC_GT
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_CASH_RECOS_PS_GT GT Table for Recommendations UI (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
RECOMMENDATION_ID Recommendation Identifier
TRX_NUMBER Transaction Number
TRX_DATE Transaction Date
CLASS Payment Class
CUSTOMER_ID Customer Identifier
REMIT_REFERENCE_ID Remittance Reference Identifier
MATCH_RESOLVED_USING Match Resolved Category
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Payment Schedule Identifier
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Customer Transaction Identifier
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_AGING_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES Temporary table used in the Aging Report process
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_AGING_EXTRACT Temporary table used in the Aging Report process
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_AGING_MFAR_EXTRACT Temporary table used in the MFAR Aging Report process
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_CASH_REMIT_REFS_ALL This table stores Cash Remittance Reference details (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
REMIT_REFERENCE_ID Remit Reference Identifier
INVOICE_REFERENCE Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
MATCHING_REFERENCE_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Currency Code of Transaction
AMOUNT_APPLIED Amount Applied in transaction currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Amount Applied in Receipt Currency
INVOICE_STATUS Status of Invoice
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Automatch Set Identifier
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Customer Transaction Identifier
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Payment Schedule Identifier
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE Additional Remittance Information.
AUTO_APPLIED Auto applied
MANUALLY_APPLIED Manually applied
INSTALLMENT_NUMBER Transactions payment schedule
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash Receipt Identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Program Application Identifier
PROGRAM_ID Program Identifier
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Program Update date
REQUEST_ID Request Identifier
RECEIPT_REFERENCE_STATUS AutoMatch Application Status
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier
TRANSMISSION_ID Lockbox Transmission Identifier
INSTALLMENT_REFERENCE Installment Number Reference
CUSTOMER_ID Customer Identifier
Receivables - AR_CASH_AUTOMATCHES This table stores Automatch Cash Rule Details (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOMATCH_ID Unique identifier of Automatch Rule
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
MATCHING_OPTION Matching option to validate the receipt
AUTO_MATCH_THRESHOLD Threshold for Automatic match
SUGG_MATCH_THRESHOLD Threshold for Suggested match
START_DATE Start Date of the Automatch Rule
END_DATE End Date of the Automatch Rule
USE_MATCHING_DATE Match receipt for a date
USE_MATCHING_AMOUNT Match receipt for an amount
Receivables - AR_CASH_RECOS_ALL This table stores Recommendation details generated for the document number references provided (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
RECOMMENDATION_ID Recommendation Identifier
MATCH_RESOLVED_USING Resolved Number Category
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
REMIT_REFERENCE_ID Remittance Reference Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Program Application Identifier
PROGRAM_ID Program Identifier
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Program Update date
REQUEST_ID Request Identifier
AUTOMATCH_ID Automatch Rule Identifier
PRIORITY Rule Priority inside the Rule Set
AUTOAPPLY_STATUS Status of Automatic Application
PAY_FROM_CUSTOMER Identifier of the customer who sent this payment
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING_CLASS Transaction class of the matching number
RESOLVED_MATCH_CURRENCY Currency code of transaction
RESOLVED_TRX_AMOUNT Resolved Transaction Amount
RESOLVED_TRX_AMOUNT_REM Balance on the matching transaction number
Receivables - AR_CASH_RECO_LINES_ALL This table stores Application Details for the Recommendations generated in AR_CASH_RECOS_ALL (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
RECOMMENDATION_ID Recommendation Identifier
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Program Application Identifier
PROGRAM_ID Program Identifier
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Program Update date
REQUEST_ID Request Identifier
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Customer Transaction Identifier
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Payment schedule for invoice number
AMOUNT_APPLIED Amount Applied in Transaction Currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Amount Applied in Receipt Currency
Receivables - AR_CASH_AUTO_RULE_SETS This table stores Automatch Rule Set details (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Unique identifier of Automatch Rule Set
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
START_DATE Start Date of the Automatch Rule Set
END_DATE End Date of the Automatch Rule Set
EXCEPTION_REASON Exception reason code
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
Receivables - AR_CASH_AUTOMATCH_RULE_MAP This table stores Automatch rules associated to a Rule Set (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOMATCH_RULE_SET_MAP_ID Unique identifier of Automatch Rule Set Mapping
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Automatch Set Identifier
AUTOMATCH_ID Automatch identifier
PRIORITY Priority of the Automatch mapping defined for a Rule set
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Receivables - AR_CASH_AUTOMATCHES_TL This table stores language specific details of Automatch Cash Rules (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOMATCH_ID Unique identifier of Automatch Rule
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
AUTOMATCH_NAME Automatch Rule Name
LANGUAGE Language Code
SOURCE_LANG Source Langage Code
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Receivables - AR_CASH_REMIT_REFS_INTERIM An Interim Table used to store the subset of data from AR_CASH_REMIT_REFS_ALL for a particular run of Auto Cash Application Program (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
REMIT_REFERENCE_ID Remit Reference Identifier
AMOUNT_APPLIED Amount Applied in Transaction Currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Amount Applied in Receipt Currency
TRANSMISSION_ID Transmission Identifier, used in case if the program is called from Lockbox
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier, used in case if the program is called from QuickCash
RECEIPT_REFERENCE_STATUS AutoMatch Application Status
INSTALLMENT_REFERENCE Installment Number Reference
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Automatch Set Identifier
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash Receipt Identifier
CUSTOMER_ID Customer Identifier
INVOICE_REFERENCE Invoice Reference Number
Receivables - AR_CASH_AUTOMATCH_DTLS This table stores string transformation details of an Automatch Rule (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOMATCH_DTL_ID Unique identifier of Automatch Rule Details
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
AUTOMATCH_ID Automatch identifier
PADDING_SEQUENCE Sequence number
STRING_TYPE_CODE Transformation String type
NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS Number of positions in which the padding is done
CREATED_BY Standard who column
Receivables - AR_CASH_AUTO_RULE_SETS_TL This table stores language specific details of Automatch Rule Sets (BETA)
Column Name Descritpion
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Unique identifier of Automatch Rule Set
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
AUTOMATCH_SET_NAME Automatch Rule Set Name
LANGUAGE Language code
SOURCE_LANG Source Language code
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_GTA_CONSOL_TEMP
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_CMGT_HOLD_DETAILS This table stores hold details of a credit request
Column Name Descritpion
HOLD_DETAIL_ID Unique identifier of Hold details
CREDIT_REQUEST_ID Credit Request Identifier
TYPE Hold type
CODE Hold Code
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_GTA_TRX_LINES_ALL
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_GTA_RULE_DFFS_ALL
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_GTA_TRXIMP_TMP
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_CM_TO_GT
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_CM_FROM_GT
Column Name Descritpion

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