lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

My Student System Table Descriptions hand book (I have big hands) Part 3

Student System - IGS_AV_STND_ALT_UNIT Describes alternate units for a specified precluded unit
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Describes the ID that uniquely identifies a person.
AS_COURSE_CD Describes the program code against advancedstanding that is being given.
AS_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the program against advanced standing that is being given.
S_ADV_STND_TYPE Describes the type of advanced standing. For example, PRECLUSION.
UNIT_CD Describes the unit thath the student is being precludedfrom studying, as a result of the advanced standing assessment.
VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the unit.
AV_STND_UNIT_ID System generated number to store the primary key
ALT_UNIT_CD Describes the alternate unit that has beenspecified in place of a unit that the student has been precludedfrom studying.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
ALT_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the alternate unit that has been specified in place of a precluded unit.
OPTIONAL_IND Indicates whether the alternate unit is mandatory or whether a choice is available. Setting the indicator to checked means that the alternate unit is optional.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_AV_STD_UNT_BASIS_ALL Describes the basis on which a unit has been granted as advanced standing
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_ID Describes the ID that uniquely identifies a person.
AS_COURSE_CD Describes the program against the advanced standing that is approved or granted.
AS_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the program against the advanced standing that is approved or granted.
S_ADV_STND_TYPE Describes the type of advanced standing.
UNIT_CD Describes the unit that advanced standing has been given.
VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the unit that advanced standing has been given.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
AV_STND_UNIT_ID System generated number to store the primary key
BASIS_COURSE_TYPE Describes the program type of the program that forms the basis of the unit advanced standing.
BASIS_YEAR Describes the year the person was last enrolledin the program that forms the basis of the unit advancedstanding.
BASIS_COMPLETION_IND Indicates whether the student completed the programthat forms the basis of the unit advanced standing.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
Student System - IGS_AV_STND_CONF_ALL Describes values used as the basis for default values for advanced standing tables
Column Name Descritpion
S_CONTROL_NUM Uniquely identifies the advanced standing configurationrecord.
EXPIRY_DT_INCREMENT Describes the increment in months added to the current date, that is used as the default expiry date when creating unit or unit level advanced standing records.
ADV_STND_EXPIRY_DT_ALIAS Describes the expiry date alias for advanced standing.If approved advanced standing is not granted prior to this date,then the advanced standing is expired.
ADV_STND_BASIS_INST Describes the institution that is to be used as the default exemption institution when creating unit or unit level advanced standing records.
ADV_STND_MAJOR_EXEMPT_INST Describes the institution that is used as the default exemption institution when creating advanced standing records.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
Student System - IGS_AV_STND_UNIT_ALL Describes a unit granted as advanced standing
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Describes the ID that uniquely identifies a person.
CRS_GROUP_IND Describes whether the unit is to be regarded as program-grouped. Setting the indicator to checked means that the unit is program-grouped.
EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD Describes the institution student undertook the study that resulted in the unit advanced standing.
GRANTED_DT Describes the date the granting status of the unit was changed to GRANTED.
EXPIRY_DT Describes the date, the approval for the advanced standing unit level expired.
CANCELLED_DT Describes the date the granting status of the unit was changed to CANCELLED.
REVOKED_DT Describes the date the granting status of the unit was changed to REVOKED.
COMMENTS Provides comments about the advanced standing unit.
CREDIT_PERCENTAGE Describes the percentage of credit for the unit that is to be granted as advanced standing. --Obsolete
S_ADV_STND_RECOGNITION_TYPE Describes the available types of recognition that apply to the units, unit sets that form the advanced standing.
AV_STND_UNIT_ID System Generated number to store the primary key
CAL_TYPE This will store the Calender Type
AS_COURSE_CD Describes the program against advanced standing that isapproved or granted.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This will store the Sequence Number
INSTITUTION_CD Institution Code. For many-many relationship.
PREV_UNIT_CD Previous Unit Code. This is the Key to the many-many relationship. It stores AHV,prev_unit_id. --Oboleted.
TEST_SEGMENT_ID Test Segment ID. This is the Key to the many-many relationship. --Oboleted.
UNIT_DETAILS_ID Prevoius unit identifier
TST_RSLT_DTLS_ID Test segment identifier
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD This will store the Grade Schema Code.
GRD_SCH_VERSION_NUMBER This will store the valid Pass Grade belong to the above grading Schema.
GRADE This will store the Grade details, should be a valid grade.
ACHIEVABLE_CREDIT_POINTS This will store the Credit Point Granted details.
DEG_AUD_DETAIL_ID Degree Audit Details ID
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
AS_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the program against advanced standing that is approved or granted.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
S_ADV_STND_TYPE Describes the type of advanced standing.
UNIT_CD Identifies the unit the student is being given in advanced standing.
VERSION_NUMBER Identifies each version of a unit uniquely with version number.
S_ADV_STND_GRANTING_STATUS Describes the granting status of the advanced standingunit record. For example, CANCELLED, GRANTED, REVOKED.
APPROVED_DT Describes the date unit was approved for advanced standing purposes.
AUTHORISING_PERSON_ID Describes the Person ID of the officer who authorisedthe advanced standing.
Student System - IGS_AV_STND_UNIT_LVL_ALL Describes the number of advanced standing credit points granted to a student at a given level
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
PERSON_ID Describes the ID that uniquely identifies a person.
AS_COURSE_CD Describes the program against advanced standing that is approved or granted.
AS_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the program against advanced standing that is approved or granted.
S_ADV_STND_TYPE Describes the type of advanced standing.
UNIT_LEVEL Describes the level that advanced standing is being given. For example, first year level within a program, 2 - second year level within a program.
CRS_GROUP_IND Describes whether the unit level credit is to be regarded as program-grouped. Setting the indicator to checked means that the unit level advanced standing is program-grouped.
EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD Describes the institution that student undertook the study that resulted in the unit level advanced standing.
S_ADV_STND_GRANTING_STATUS Describes the granting status of the advanced standingunit level record. For example, CANCELLED, GRANTED, REVOKED.
CREDIT_POINTS Describes the number of credit points that have beenawarded as advanced standing at a particular unit level to astudent.
APPROVED_DT Describes the date the unit level was approved for advanced standing purposes.
AUTHORISING_PERSON_ID Describes the Person ID of the officer who authorisedthe advanced standing.
GRANTED_DT Describes the date the granting status of the unit level advanced standing was changed to GRANTED.
EXPIRY_DT Describes the date the approval for the advanced standing unit level expired.
CANCELLED_DT Describes the date the granting status of the unit level record was changed to CANCELLED.
REVOKED_DT Describes the date the granting status of the unit level advanced standing was changed to REVOKED.
COMMENTS Provides comments about the advanced standing unit level record.
AV_STND_UNIT_LVL_ID System Generated number to store the primary key
CAL_TYPE This will store the Calender Type.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This will store the sequence number.
INSTITUTION_CD Institution Code. For many-many relationship.
PREV_UNIT_CD Previous Unit Code. This is the key to many-many relationship. It will store AHV.prev_unit_id. --Obsoleted.
TEST_SEGMENT_ID Test Segment ID. This is the key to many-many relationship. --Obsoleted.
UNIT_DETAILS_ID Prevoius unit identifier
TST_RSLT_DTLS_ID Test segment identifier
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
DEG_AUD_DETAIL_ID Degree Audit Details ID
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
QUAL_DETS_ID Qualification details Identifier
UNIT_LEVEL_MARK Contains the Unit Level Mark to be included in the Summary Measures of Attainment calculations.
Student System - IGS_AV_STD_ULVLBASIS_ALL Describes the basis on which a unit level has been granted as advanced standing
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
PERSON_ID Describes the ID that uniquely identifies a person.
AS_COURSE_CD Describes the program against advancedstanding that is approved or granted.
AS_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the programe against the advanced standing that is approved or granted.
S_ADV_STND_TYPE Describes the type of advanced standing.
UNIT_LEVEL This field describes the level at which the advanced standing isbeing given. e.g. 1 - First year level within a course, 2 - Second year level within a course.
CRS_GROUP_IND Describes whether the unit level credit is to be regarded as program-grouped. Setting the indicator to on means that the unit level advanced standing is program-grouped.
EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD Describes the institution, the student undertookthe study that resulted in the unit advanced standing.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
AV_STND_UNIT_LVL_ID System generated number to store the primary key
BASIS_COURSE_TYPE Describes the program type of the program that forms the basis of the unit level advanced standing.
BASIS_YEAR Describes the year that person was last enrolledin theprogram that forms the basis of the unit level advancedstanding.
BASIS_COMPLETION_IND Indicates whether the person completed the programthat forms the basis of the unit level advanced standing.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_AV_ADV_STANDING_ALL Describes advanced standing that results from applications
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Describes the ID that uniquely identifies a person.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
COURSE_CD Describes the program against advanced standing that is approved or granted.
VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the program against advanced standing that is approved or granted.
TOTAL_EXMPTN_APPROVED This field describes the total credit points approved as advanced standing.
TOTAL_EXMPTN_GRANTED This field describes the total credit points granted as advanced standing.
TOTAL_EXMPTN_PERC_GRNTD This field describes the percentage of course requirements granted asadvanced standing. This maps onto DETYA elements prior-exemption and total exemption.
EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD This field describes the institution where the majority of the exemption was obtained.
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_ASSESSMNT_TYP Describes possible types of assessment items
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
ASSESSMENT_TYPE Displays the name of the assessment type. Each assessment item is assigned an assessment type, in order to classify the item. Assessment types can be either examinable or non-examinable, and are optionally mapped to a system assessment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_ASSESSMENT_TYPE Displays the system assessment type to that the institution-defined assessment type is optionally mapped. The currently available types are assignment and noncentral examinations that are not centrally managed.
DESCRIPTION Describes the assessment type. Each assessment item is assigned an assessment type, in order to classify the item. Assessment types can be either examinable or non-examinable and are optionally mapped to a system assessment type; for ex
EXAMINABLE_IND Indicates and specifies that the assessment type is examinable or non-examinable. Selecting the checkbox selected, identifies assessment items with the specified assessment type as examinable and makes the assessment item available
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the assessment type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' selected prevents allocation of the assessment type to assessment items.
ANON_GRADING_IND Anonymous Grading Y / N
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_SU_SETATMPT Describes student's attempt at program unit set
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Describes the ID code that uniquely identifies a person
PRIMARY_SET_IND If the primary set indicator is set checked it indicates that the unit set is the primary set. Primary unit sets display on official notification. A unit set cannot be a primary set if it is of a lower rank than another unit set that exi
VOLUNTARY_END_IND Indicates if the ending of the unit set attempt was voluntary. If not, the student was removed due to a progression breach or other administrative reason.
AUTHORISED_PERSON_ID The person ID of the staff member who authorised the unit set, for inclusion in the students record if authorisation was required for selection of the unit set or authorised the removal ofthe unit set from the students record if the unit s
AUTHORISED_ON The date on which the unit set was authorised.
OVERRIDE_TITLE The override title of the unit set.
RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_IND Indicates if the requirements of the unit set have been completed by the student. This can be set by either the system or manually, as indicated by the source type.
RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_DT The date on which the unit set requirements were complete.
S_COMPLETED_SOURCE_TYPE The source of the completion flag. It can be either system applied or manually applied.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
COURSE_CD A code used to identify the course in which the student is enrolled. See also element 307 higher education student data collection documentation 1997, DETYA.
CATALOG_CAL_TYPE Calendar Type for Catalog Year
CATALOG_SEQ_NUM Sequence Number for Catalog Year
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flex Feild Structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
UNIT_SET_CD The unit set code which is being attempted. Unit sets comprise lists of units or rules which constitute a logical set of units. Unit sets are used to represent concepts such as majors, minors, strands, streams and lists.
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute for descriptive flexfield
US_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the unit set version number which is being attempted
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the internal sequence number
SELECTION_DT The date the student selected the unit set. There may be multiple attempts of a unit set by a student over time.
STUDENT_CONFIRMED_IND Indicates if or not the student has confirmed their attempt at the unit set
END_DT The date on which the student unit set attempt was ended.
PARENT_UNIT_SET_CD The parent unit set code. If required it indicates that the unit set in context is a subordinate to another unit set. The parent unit set may be a major that is superior to the unit set in context which may be a minor. The parent unit set
PARENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The parent unit set attempt sequence number under which the current attempt is being studied. For example, a minor may be studied within a major.
Student System - IGS_AS_SU_ATMPT_PAT - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
CAL_TYPE - Obsolete
CREATION_DT - Obsolete
S_DEFAULT_IND - Obsolete
CREATED_BY - Obsolete
PERSON_ID - Obsolete
REQUEST_ID - Obsolete
PROGRAM_ID - Obsolete
COURSE_CD - Obsolete
UOO_ID - Obsolete
UNIT_CD - Obsolete
Student System - IGS_AS_SU_ATMPT_ITM Describes assessment item allocated to student unit attempt, either manually or by unit's default assessment items
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Describes the person ID of the student to whom the assessment item is linked
OVERRIDE_DUE_DT A user-defined date which overrides the default due date of the assessment item.
PERFORMANCE The outcome of a student unit attempt assessment item. This is not governed by a restricted set it is user-definable.
TRACKING_ID The tracking ID of the tracking item which has been created to track the students assessment item. A tracking is a system-generated identification number used to uniquely identify a tracking item.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Describes the date on that the record was logically deleted. Logical deletion is used here as a method of retaining the history of decisions made regarding a students assessment.
S_DEFAULT_IND Indicates if the assessment item has been assigned manually or by the system
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD The grading schema for the assessment item associated with student assessment item
GS_VERSION_NUMBER The version of grading schema for the assessment item associated with student assessment item.vv
GRADE The grade for the assessment item for the student.
OUTCOME_COMMENT_CODE The reason for changing the grade or marks. This would be a required column whenever the marks or the grade are changed.
MARK The mark for the assessment item for the student.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
COURSE_CD Describes the students course code
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
UNIT_SECTION_ASS_ITEM_ID Unique Identifier of the Assessment items attached at the unit section level
UNIT_CD Describes the students enrolled unit code
UNIT_ASS_ITEM_ID Unique Identifier of the Assessment items attached at the unit level
SUA_ASS_ITEM_GROUP_ID Unique identifier of a group to which the student unit attempt assessment item is attached.
MIDTERM_MANDATORY_TYPE_CODE For Midterm Grading Period, allows user to define whether a certain assessment item is:- Optional- Mandatory - Mandatory pass- Null (Default)
MIDTERM_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item relative to other assessment items for 'Midterm' grading period.
FINAL_MANDATORY_TYPE_CODE For Final Grading Period, allows user to define whether a certain assessment item is:- Optional- Mandatory - Mandatory pass- Null (Default)
FINAL_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item relative to other assessment items for 'Final' grading period.
SUBMITTED_DATE Date on which the student submitted the assessment item for grading
WAIVED_FLAG Allows the user to indicate that the assessment item is being waived for a particular student.
PENALTY_APPLIED_FLAG Allows the user to indicate that the captured mark/grade have been subjected to a penalty.
CAL_TYPE Describes the students enrolled teaching calendar type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the teaching calendar sequence number
ASS_ID The assessment item ID of an assessment item which has been linked to the student. An assessment item ID is a system generated number which is used to uniquely identify an assessment item. An assessment item must first be assigned to one
CREATION_DT Indicates the date on which an assessment item was created against the student. This is used partially to allow for uniqueness.
ATTEMPT_NUMBER The attempt number of the assessment. This exists to enable multiple of attempt of a particular assessment item within a single student unit attempt.
OUTCOME_DT The date on which an outcome was decided for the students attempt at the assessment item.
Student System - IGS_AS_SPL_CONS_APPL Describes occurrence of an application for special consideration
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID A unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular person.
SOUGHT_OUTCOME The code used to identify the special consideration outcome that the student has identified as the desired result of their application. For example, successful application, speical examination granted.
SPCL_CONSIDERATION_OUTCOME The result of the special consideration application. For example, unsuccessful application.
ESTIMATED_PROCESSING_DAYS The expected number of days that it will take to process the special consideration application.
TRACKING_ID The special consideration application tracking ID number.
COURSE_CD A code used to identify the program in which the student is enrolled.
COMMENTS A text facility for entering any additional comments associated with the special consideration application.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
NOTIFIED_DATE Date to indicate when a special consideration application outcome notification l
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier
UNIT_CD The code used to identify the unit that special consideration application is being recorded.
CAL_TYPE The teaching calendar that applies to the student unit attempt for the special consideration application is being made.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The teaching calendar sequence number.
ASS_ID The unit assessment item ID for which the special consideration application is being recorded.
CREATION_DT The date the assessment item was allocated to the student unit attempt.
RECEIVED_DT The date the application for special consideration was received.
SPCL_CONSIDERATION_CAT The category assigned to the special consideration application. A category typically identifies the basis for the application, and the degree to which the student is affected by the circumstance. For example, Meidcal, unable to complete.
Student System - IGS_AS_SPCL_CONS_OUT Describes possible outcomes from a special consideration application
Column Name Descritpion
SOUGHT_OUTCOME_IND Indicates that specifies whether the special consideration outcome is available as a sought outcome. The majority of outcomes are available as sought outcomes, but some are only appropriate as actual outcomes. For example, special conside
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SPCL_CONSIDERATION_OUTCOME The code used to identify a special consideration outcome. Outcomes are used to enter both the application result sought by the student and the actual application result.
CLOSED_IND Indicates that specifies whether the special consideration outcome is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed ticked prevents further use in special consideration applications.
DESCRIPTION Describes of the special consideration outcome. Outcomes are used to enter both the application result sought by the student and the actual application result.
EXPLANATION Explains the special consideration outcome. This text may be displayed in reports and is used in correspondence which advises students of the application outcomes.
Student System - IGS_AS_SPCL_CONS_CAT Describes available categories of special consideration applications
Column Name Descritpion
SPCL_CONSIDERATION_CAT The code used to identify a special consideration category. A category typically identifies the basis for the application and the degree to which the student is affected by the circumstances. For example medical, unable to complete.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Describes the special consideration category. A category typically identifies the basis for the application and the degree to which the student is affected by the circumstances. For example medical, unable to complete.
EXPLANATION Explains the special consideration category. This text may be displayed in reports.
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the special consideration category is open or closed. Selecting the checkbox to closed ticked prevents further use.
Student System - IGS_AS_SC_ATMPT_NOTE Describes mappings of notes to student program attempts
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID A unique identification number, incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular student.
COURSE_CD The unique identifier for theprogram for which the student program attempt note is being specified.
REFERENCE_NUMBER Identifies the reference number of a particular note.
ENR_NOTE_TYPE An institution-defined note type relating to a student course attempt.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_SC_ATMPT_ENR Describes enrollment which will occur or has occurred for student program attempt
Column Name Descritpion
CAL_TYPE An abbreviated name of a type of calendar used within the university. Forexample, academic, semester one.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance.
ENROLMENT_CAT Describes the types of enrollment procedure
ENROLLED_DT Date of enrollment
ENR_FORM_DUE_DT Describes the date on which a student must have their enrollment window returned either by mail or by performing their enrollment to be eligible to enroll.
ENR_PCKG_PROD_DT Describes the date on which to produce the students enrollment package
ENR_FORM_RECEIVED_DT Describes the date on which the student's enrollment window was received
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
PERSON_ID Describes the ID that uniquely identifies a person
COURSE_CD Describes the course code. DETYA element reference 307.
Student System - IGS_AS_SASSESS_TYPE Describes system-defined assessment types
Column Name Descritpion
S_ASSESSMENT_TYPE The system-defined assessment type. Mapping the institution-defined assessment types to the system-defined assessment type gives the institution-defined assessment types their underlying functionality. For example, assignment.
DESCRIPTION Describes the system-defined assessment type. Mapping the institution-defined assessment types to the system-defined assessment types gives the institution-defined assessment types their underlying functionality.
CLOSED_IND An indicator which specifies if the system assessment type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' ticked prevents the mapping of institution-defined assessment types to that system assessment type.
NON_CNTRL_EXAM_LOC_CD The exam location code under which examinations that are not centrally managed are to be grouped. This value is only set when the s_assessment_type - 'NONCENTRAL', which indicates the related assessment item is a non-centrally administered
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_COURSE_TYPE_ALL Describes course types applicable for assessment item, used in the allocation of assessment items to students
Column Name Descritpion
ASS_ID Describes the assessment Identifier of the related assessment item. The assessment Identifier is a system generated number that is used to uniquely identify an assessment item.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
COURSE_TYPE Describes a program type to that assessment item is restricted. When assessment program types exist, the system only allows the assessment item to be allocated to student unit attempts within programs of the specified type or types.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_ASSESSMNT_ITM_ALL Describes an item for which a student can be assessed
Column Name Descritpion
ASS_ID System generated number is used to uniquely identify an assessment item. An assessment item is a single piece of assessment, that is required by a student to complete as part of, or entire requirements of a unit. An assessment item must fi
EXAM_SUPERVISOR_INSTRCTN Special instructions to be conveyed to supervisors who are administering the examination.
EXAM_ANNOUNCEMENTS Announcements to be made just prior to commencement of or during the examination; for example, please note all students must answer three of five questions in the paper.
EXAM_ALLOWABLE_INSTRCTN Displays textual information about materials that students are allowed to take into the examination. This field is normally used to record details of miscellaneous items not available in the reference list of standard materials; for ex
EXAM_NON_ALLOWED_INSTRCTN Displays textual information about materials that students are not allowed to take into the examination. This field is normally used to enter details of miscellaneous items that are not available in the reference list of standard mate
EXAM_SUPPLIED_INSTRCTN Displays textual information about materials to be supplied to students undertaking the examination. This field is normally used to enter details of miscellaneous items that are not available in the reference list of standard materials
EXAM_CONSTRAINTS Constraints to be taken into consideration when scheduling an examination; for example, must be scheduled after paper 1.
ASSESSMENT_TYPE An assessment type is assigned to the an assessment item in order to classify the item; for example, EXAM-CTL centrally managed examination, assignment. Assessment types can be either examinable or non-examinable.
QUESTION_OR_TITLE Displays the non-examinable assessment item question or title; for example, essay topic or title- seminar topic or title.
ASS_LENGTH_OR_DURATION Displays the length or duration of a non-examinable assessment item; for example, an essay with a length of 2000 words, a seminar with a duration of 15 min.
DESCRIPTION Describes an assessment item. An assessment item is a single piece of assessment that a student might be required to complete as part of, or as the entire requirements of a unit. An assessment item must be assigned to one or more unit
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
COMMENTS Displays additional information or details about a non-examinable assessment item.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
EXAM_SHORT_PAPER_NAME Describes short name of the examination paper.
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
CLOSED_IND Indicates whether the assessment item is closed or not
EXAM_PAPER_NAME Describes long name of the examination paper that is normally printed on the cover sheet of a theory examination.
EXAM_WORKING_TIME Displays the amount of time that student has to complete the examination; for example, 3.00 hours.
EXAM_PERUSAL_TIME Displays the amount of time allowed for reading the exam paper prior to commencement of the examination; for example 15 minutes.
EXAM_SCHEDULED_IND Specifies whether or not the examinable assessment item is to be included in the exam time table. The process that extracts data and exports it to the time table facility and uses this indicator to determine assessment items to be includ
Student System - IGS_AS_UPVALUNT_ATMP Contains validated student unit attempt outcome records
Column Name Descritpion
SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number of the parent upload_validated record.
PERSON_ID A unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit. Identifies the person to which the outcome applies.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
SURNAME The surname of the student as passed from the validated file.
UNIT_CD The code that uniquely identifies the unit for which the outcome record is being loaded.
LOCATION_CD The code used to identify the location, typically a campus, from where the unit is offered as specified in the file.
UNIT_MODE The institution-defined mode of offering the unit specified in the file.
UNIT_CLASS The code of the class associated with the unit in which the student is enrolled as specified in the file.
MARK The mark as specified in the file. This field is optional.
GRADE The grade as specified in the file. This field is optional in the case where the mark is specified and it can result in a defaulted grade.
LOADED_BY Describes the system user who ran to job resulting in the validated record being loaded against the student. It is possible that there can be more than one user per validated batch if records were skipped in a previous run.
LOADED_ON The date the record was loaded against the student unit attempt.
Student System - IGS_AS_UNT_PATRN_ITM - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_CD - Obsolete
CAL_TYPE - Obsolete
ASS_ID - Obsolete
CREATED_BY - Obsolete
REQUEST_ID - Obsolete
PROGRAM_ID - Obsolete
Student System - IGS_AS_UNTAS_PATTERN This entity describes the assessment patterns which make up the assessment requirement for a unit.
Column Name Descritpion
VERSION_NUMBER The version of the unit the unit assessment pattern is linked to. Students are normally enrolled in the current version. Prior versions of the unit are end-dated.
CAL_TYPE The calendar type of the unit offerings to which the assessment pattern is linked. A calendar type is a institution-defined code for a calendar. eg. ACAD-YR for a standard academic year.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number of the calendar instance for the unit assessment pattern. The sequence number is the unique identifier for the calendar instance.
ASS_PATTERN_ID The assessment pattern ID of the assessment pattern attached to the unit. The assessment pattern ID is a system generated number which is used to uniquely identify an assessment pattern.
ASS_PATTERN_CD The institution defined code for the Unit Assessment Pattern. Assessment patterns enable the grouping of assessment items. Where unit assessment patterns exist, students are typically able to select one of the available patterns. For exa
DESCRIPTION The institution defined description of the unit assessment pattern. Assessment patterns enable the grouping of assessment items. Where unit assessment patterns exist, students are typically able to select one of the available patterns. F
LOCATION_CD The location at which the unit assessment pattern is available in the specified teaching period. If a location is not specified, it is considered to be available at all locations in the context of the specified mode or class. E.g. A uni
UNIT_CLASS The class in which the assessment pattern is available in the specified teaching period. If a class is not specified, the assessment pattern is considered to be available for all classes. E.g. A unit assessment pattern may only be avail
UNIT_MODE The mode in which the unit assessment pattern is available in the specified teaching period. If a mode is not specified, the assessment pattern is considered to be available in all modes. Eg. A unit assessment pattern may only be avail
DFLT_PATTERN_IND An indicator which specifies whether the assessment pattern is a default pattern for the unit. If set (ticked), students enrolled in the unit will automatically be allocated the assessment pattern and items via the processes ASSJ3212 an
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT The date on which the assessment pattern was logically deleted from unit offering pattern. Logical deleted patterns can be viewed in the form but are not valid patterns for the unit.
ACTION_DT The date on which the unit assessment pattern is added, deleted or updated. If the assessment pattern is a default pattern, the existence of an action date is a trigger which determines that the change is applied to students enrolled in
UNIT_CD The unit code to which assessment patterns are linked. Unit code is a Institution-defined unique identifier of a unit of study.
Student System - IGS_AS_UNIT_MODE Describes available university unit offering modes
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
UNIT_MODE Institution-defined mode of offering a unit. Each institution-defined mode must map to one of the set of system-defined modes of offering. The options include ON for on campus, OFF for off campus and composite for a mixture of on-campus and
DESCRIPTION Describes the institution-defined of a unit mode of delivery. For example, On-campus, Off-campus.
S_UNIT_MODE System-defined mode of offering of a unit that the institution-defined mode is mapped to gives the institution-defined mode its functionality. The options include ON for on campus, OFF for off campus, and composite for a mixture of on camp
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the unit mode is open or closed. Selecting the indicator to closed prevents the use of the mode in new or modified unit offering options.
Student System - IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM This entity describes the assessment items which are allocated to a unit version within a nominated teaching calendar instance (ie. a unit offering pattern). A unit may be assigned many assessment items, and in turn an assessment item m
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_CD The unit code to which assessment items are linked. Unit code is a Institution-defined unique identifier of a unit of study.
VERSION_NUMBER The version of the unit the unit assessment item is linked to. Students are normally enrolled in the current version. Prior versions of the unit are end-dated.
CAL_TYPE The calendar type of the unit offerings to which the assessment item is linked. A calendar type is a institution-defined code for a calendar. eg. ACAD-YR for a standard academic year.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number of the calendar instance for the unit assessment item. The sequence number is the unique identifier for the calendar instance.
ASS_ID The assessment ID of the assessment item attached to the unit. The assessment ID is a system generated number which is used to uniquely identify an assessment item.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER This is a sequence number to uniquely identify the relationship. It is required due to the possibility of an assessment item being linked to the same unit offering pattern at more than one location/mode/class.
CI_START_DT The start date of the teaching calendar instance that applies to the unit assessment item. It is the date from which the calendar instance becomes effective.
CI_END_DT The end date of the teaching calendar instance that applies to the unit assessment item. It is the date from which the calendar instance is no longer effective. eg teaching period semester 1 1996, may end on 30/6/96.
UNIT_CLASS The class in which the assessment item is available in the specified teaching period. If a class is not specified, the assessment item is considered to be available for all classes. Eg a unit assessment item may only be available for a
UNIT_MODE The mode in which the unit assessment item is available in the specified teaching period. If a mode is not specified the assessment item is considered available in all modes. Eg. A unit assessment item may only be available in mode ON
LOCATION_CD The location at which the unit assessment item is available in the specified teaching period. If a location is not specified, it is considered to be available at all locations in the context of the specified mode or class. Eg a unit ass
DUE_DT The due date for completion / submission of the unit assessment item. Due dates are typically recorded for non-examinable assessment items. Assignment due dates are used in the assignment tracking facility as the default Action Date for
REFERENCE The reference for the unit assessment item. References are typically used to indicate the number of a unit assignment or examination. Eg assignment '1', assignment '2' and so on. The reference is used to enable easy identification of an
DFLT_ITEM_IND An indicator which specifies whether the assessment item is a default item for the unit. If set (ticked), students enrolled in the unit will automatically be allocated the assessment item via the processes ASSJ3212 and ASSJ3213. If no
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT The date on which the assessment item was deleted from the unit offering pattern. Logical deletion does not cause the unit assessment item to be physically deleted from the database, however the item is no longer available for use for t
ACTION_DT The date on which the unit assessment item is added, deleted or updated. If the assessment item is a default item, the existence of an action date is a trigger which determines that the change is applied to students within the unit when
EXAM_CAL_TYPE The examination calendar type to which the examinable assessment item applies. This detail need only be entered when the unit offering pattern teaching period spans multiple examination periods and the unit is examined in more than one
EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number of the examination calendar instance to which the assessment item applies. This detail is only required when the teaching period spans more than one instance of the same examination calendar type.
Student System - IGS_AS_TYPGOV_SCORMP Holds mapping of score held in the secondary education table to government reportable score for a specific assessment type
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
RESULT_OBTAINED_YR Year the secondary education results were obtained that must be mapped to government reportable values.
INSTITUTION_SCORE Score recognized by the local institution as the student's tertiary entrance score for this assessment type. Local tertiary entrance score must be mapped to a common index tertiary entrance score for government reporting purposes.
GOVT_SCORE Score thatis reported to the government as the student's tertiary entrance score DETYA element 369- for this assessment type. The score reported must be from DETYA's common index tertiary entrance scores.
SCNDRY_EDU_ASS_TYPE Describes secondary education assessment types. For example, VCE, IB, YR12-ACT
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_TRANSCRPT_TYP Describes user-defined transcript types
Column Name Descritpion
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the transcript type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to closed selected prevents use of the transcript type when producing academic transcripts.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
TRANSCRIPT_TYPE Institution-defined name of a transcript type. Each transcript type is linked to a system letter definition of a transcript template. This enables it to be used by the corresponding template facility to produce academic transcripts.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE Code for the type of correspondence
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER System letter unique identifier
DESCRIPTION Describes transcript type. Each transcript type is linked to a system letter definition of a transcript template. This enables it to be used by the correspondence template facility to produce academic transcripts.
Student System - IGS_AS_UPLD_VALIDATE_ALL Describes an uploaded batch of validated student unit attempt outcomes
Column Name Descritpion
LOADED_BY Describes the user who loaded the batch into the system. This field is reset for every load of the batch, and is set even if one or more records from the batch were not loaded due to errors.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER The unique sequence number of the validated batch.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
LOADED_ON Describes the date and time on which the batch was loaded into the system. This date is reset for every load of the batch, and is set even if one or more records from the batch were not loaded due toerrors.
COMMENTS Any comments about the batch entered by the person running the validation process
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
UNIT_CD The unit code for all unit attempt outcomes entered in the upload file. The unit code must be entered and all records in the file must have the same unit code.
TEACH_CAL_TYPE The teaching calendar type in which the validated unit attempts are enrolled.
TEACH_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The teaching calendar sequence number in which the validated unit attempts are enrolled.
LOCATION_CD The location code for student unit attempt outcomes entered in the upload file. A location can only be entered if all unit attempts in the file have the same location. This field is optional, but assists in identifying the file when it is l
UNIT_MODE The unit mode for student unit attempt outcomes entered in the upload file. A mode can only be entered if all unit attempts in the file have the same mode. This field is optional but assists in identifying the file when it is loaded into th
UNIT_CLASS The class code for student unit attempt outcomes entered in the upload file. A class can only be entered if all unit attempts in the file have the same class. This field is optional, but assists in identifying the file when it is loaded int
VALIDATED_ON The date and time the batch was validated.
VALIDATED_BY Describes the user who validated the batch
Student System - IGS_AS_UNIT_CLASS_ALL Describes available unit classes, which map to unit mode
Column Name Descritpion
END_TIME Time the unit class finishes
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the class is open or closed. Selecting the checkbox to closed prevents the use of the class in new or modified student unit enrollments.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
UNIT_CLASS Institution-defined code that identifies a unit class, such as, D-day or evening.
UNIT_MODE Institution-defined mode of offering of the unit class. Each institution-defined mode must map to one of the system defined modes of offering a unit. Options include ON for on campus, OFF for off campus and composite, a mixture of on-campus
DESCRIPTION Describes the institution-defined unit of the class
DAY_OF_WEEK Day of the week the unit class is scheduled
START_TIME Time the unit class commences
Student System - IGS_AS_SU_STMPTOUT_ALL Describes outcome of student unit attempt as a mark or grade if the default mark is overridden
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Describes the ID code that uniquely identifies a person
VERSION_NUMBER Describes the number identifying the version of the grading schema
GRADE The grade which the student attained for this unit attempt.
S_GRADE_CREATION_METHOD_TYPE The system-defined grade creation method types. This value is automatically inserted by the system and identifies the process by which the grade was entered. Available types are conversion, discontin, keyed, upload and system.
FINALISED_OUTCOME_IND Indicates and specifies if or not the outcome for the unit attempt is finalised. Setting the indicator ticked means that the outcome for the unit attempt is finalised. If the indicator is not set and it is the latest outcome, then it is c
MARK Indicates the student's level of achievement in the unit attempt
NUMBER_TIMES_KEYED Indicates the number of times the outcome has been entered
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier
TRANSLATED_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Describes the number identifying the code of the grading schema
TRANSLATED_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the number identifying the version of the grading schema
TRANSLATED_GRADE The code representing the translated grade.
TRANSLATED_DT Describes the date the unit attempt outcome was translated according to the grading schema
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
COURSE_CD Describes the course code. DETYA element reference 307.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier.
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Cd.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard DFF Column
UNIT_CD The code used to identify the unit.
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard DFF Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard DFF Column
INCOMP_DEADLINE_DATE Completion Date for completing Incomplete Grade.
INCOMP_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Grading Schema for the incomplete grade.
INCOMP_VERSION_NUMBER Grading SchemaVersion Number for the incomplete grade.
INCOMP_DEFAULT_GRADE Default Grade if incomplete Grade is not completed.
INCOMP_DEFAULT_MARK Default Mark if incomplete Grade is not completed.
COMMENTS Comments.
CAL_TYPE An abbreviated name of a type of calendar used within the university. For examples, academic, semester 1.
MARK_CAPPED_FLAG Allows user to indicate whether marks have been capped for a student unit attempt outcome
SHOW_ON_ACADEMIC_HISTRY_FLAG Allows user to define whether the changed grade be displayed on the Academic History self-service page.
RELEASE_DATE Date on which the student unit attempt outcome will be released to the student for viewing
MANUAL_OVERRIDE_FLAG The user should select this checkbox to keep the system from replacing the manually assigned marks with the system calculated ones.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
CI_START_DT Describes the teaching period calendar start date
CI_END_DT Describes the teaching period calendar end date
OUTCOME_DT The date the outcome was entered for the student unit attempt. This date is automatically inserted by the system and cannot be updated.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Describes the set of available marks, grades and results which can be used in the assessment of student unit attempts. There can be multiple grading schemas for any one institution.
Student System - IGS_AS_SU_SETATMPT_H_ALL Describes history of changes applied to student's unit set attempt for a program
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Describes the person ID attempting the unit set
PRIMARY_SET_IND If the primary set indicator is set checked it indicates that the unit set is the primary set. Primary unit sets display on official notification. A unit set cannot be set as a primary set if it is of a lower rank than another unit set th
VOLUNTARY_END_IND Describes if the ending from the unit set attempt was voluntary. If not, the student was removed due to a progression breach or other administrative reason.
AUTHORISED_PERSON_ID The person ID of the person who authorized the unit set, for inclusion in the students record if authorization was required for selection of the unit set or authorised the removal of the unit set from the students record if the unit set was
AUTHORISED_ON The date on which the unit set was authorized.
OVERRIDE_TITLE The override title of the unit set.
RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_IND Describes if the requirements of the unit set have been completed by the student. This can be set by either the system or manually, as indicated by the source type.
RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_DT The date on which the unit set requirements were complete.
S_COMPLETED_SOURCE_TYPE Describes the source of the completion flag. It can be either system applied or manually applied.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CATALOG_CAL_TYPE Calendar Type for Catalog Year
COURSE_CD Describes the enrolled program under that unit set is being attempted
CATALOG_SEQ_NUM Sequence Number for Catalog Year
UNIT_SET_CD The unit set code which is being attempted. Unit sets comprise lists of units or rules which constitute a logical set of units. Unit sets are used to represent concepts such as majors, minors, strands, streams and lists.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the internal sequence number
HIST_START_DT The effective start date and time of the history record.
HIST_END_DT The effective end date and time of the history record.
HIST_WHO The Oracle username of the person who created the history record.
US_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the unit set version number which is being attempted
SELECTION_DT Describes the date the student selected the unit set. There can be multiple attempts of a unit set by a student over time.
STUDENT_CONFIRMED_IND Indicates if or not the student has confirmed their attempt at the unit set
END_DT Describes the date on which the attempt was ended
PARENT_UNIT_SET_CD The parent unit set code. If required it indicates that the unit set in context is a subordinate to another unit set. The parent unit set may be a major that is superior to the unit set in context which may be a minor. The parent unit set
PARENT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes parent unit set attempt sequence number under the current attempt is being studied. For example, a minor may be studied within a major.
Student System - IGS_AS_SU_ATMPTOUT_H_ALL Describes history of changes made to student unit attempt outcome
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Grading schema code
VERSION_NUMBER Grading schema version number
GRADE The grade which the student attained for this unit attempt.
S_GRADE_CREATION_METHOD_TYPE System grade creation method type
FINALISED_OUTCOME_IND Indicates and specifies if or not the outcome for the unit attempt is finalised. Setting the indicator ticked means that the outcome for the unit attempt is finalised. If the indicator is not set and it is the latest outcome, then it is c
MARK A numeric code that indicates the student's level of achievement in the unit attempt.
NUMBER_TIMES_KEYED Total number of times entered by the user.
TRANSLATED_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Translated grading cchema code
TRANSLATED_VERSION_NUMBER Translated grading schema version number
COURSE_CD Course code
TRANSLATED_GRADE Translated grade
TRANSLATED_DT Date when the translation was done.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
MARK_CAPPED_FLAG Allows user to indicate whether marks have been capped for a student unit attempt outcome
SHOW_ON_ACADEMIC_HISTRY_FLAG Allows user to define whether the changed grade be displayed on the Academic History self-service page.
RELEASE_DATE Date on which the student unit attempt outcome will be released to the student for viewing
MANUAL_OVERRIDE_FLAG The user should select this checkbox to keep the system from replacing the manually assigned marks with the system calculated ones.
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier
UNIT_CD Unit code
CAL_TYPE Calendar type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar instance sequence number
OUTCOME_DT Outcome date
HIST_START_DT The effective start date and time of the history record.
HIST_END_DT Effective end date
HIST_WHO The Oracle username of the person who created the history record.
Student System - IGS_AS_STD_EXM_INSTN_ALL Describes relationship between student unit attempt and time-tabled examination instance
Column Name Descritpion
ASS_ID The ID of the assessment item examination.
COURSE_CD The code of the student's program attempt.
UNIT_CD The unit code being examined.
CAL_TYPE The teaching calendar type in which the student unit attempt is enrolled.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The teaching calendar sequence number in which the unit being examined is being studied.
CREATION_DT The date the student examination instance was created.
ATTENDANCE_IND Indicates and specifies if or not the student attended the examination. When the checkbox is set ticked, the student is flagged as having attended.
TIMESLOT The timeslot allocated to the student within the examination session. Timeslots are used when individual appointments are scheduled for students. For example, music performance.
TIMESLOT_DURATION The duration of the student's timeslot. Timeslots are used when individual appointments are scheduled for students. For example, music performance.
SEAT_NUMBER The seat number allocated to the student for the examination.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
EXAM_CAL_TYPE The examination calendar type in which the examination is timetabled.
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier
STD_EXM_INSTN_ID Unique identifier
EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination calendar sequence number.
DT_ALIAS The date alias instance on which the examination session is held.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination session date alias instance sequence number.
START_TIME The start time of the examination.
END_TIME The end time of the examination.
ESE_ID The examination session ID.
VENUE_CD The code which describes the venue in which the examination is being held.
PERSON_ID The person ID of the student.
Student System - IGS_AS_SC_ATTEMPT_H_ALL Describes history of changes to student program attempt
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Describes the ID that uniquely identifies a person
ADM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the admissions application sequence number which resulted in the student program attempt
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
VERSION_NUMBER Uniquely identifies each version of a course.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier.
LAST_DATE_OF_ATTENDANCE Last date when the student attended
DROPPED_BY Person type of who dropped or discontinued the last Enrolled Unit
CAL_TYPE The name of the calendar type in which the course is offered. It is usual for award courses to be offered in the standard academic calendar.
PRIMARY_PROGRAM_TYPE Type of the program attempt. The value can be PRIMARY or SECONDARY
PRIMARY_PROG_TYPE_SOURCE How the program type associated with the program type. Valid value can be "Manual" or "System"
LOCATION_CD Describes the location of the student course attempt
CATALOG_CAL_TYPE Calendar type for the catalogue.
CATALOG_SEQ_NUM Sequence number of the program attempt catalogue.
ATTENDANCE_MODE Describes the code which identifies the mode of attendance by which the student undertook the course attempt. DEET element reference 329.
KEY_PROGRAM Key Program Y/N Value
OVERRIDE_CMPL_DT Override Completion Date
MANUAL_OVR_CMPL_DT_IND Manual override completion date indicator. Possible values 'Y' and 'N'. If this column has a value of 'Y' then the completion date is overridden. Default value should be 'N'
COO_ID Course Offering Option ID
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Describes the code which identifies whether the student was classified as being a full-time or part-time student, based on their student load in the reference year, for the program attempt. DEET element reference 330.
STUDENT_CONFIRMED_IND Indicates and specifies if a commencing student has confirmed their intention to enroll. Selecting the checkbox ticked changes the program status from unconfirm to inactive or enrolled and inserts the program commencement date.
COMMENCEMENT_DT Describes the date in which the student commenced the current program attempt. DEET element reference 328.
COURSE_ATTEMPT_STATUS Describes the status for the duration of the student program attempt history
COURSE_CD Describes the course code. DEET element reference 307.
PROGRESSION_STATUS The progression status of the student program attempt. The value will be one of exclusion student is currently excluded, expulsion student has been expelled, goodstand student is in good sttanding, probation student is on probation, show ca
DERIVED_ATT_TYPE Displays the institution-defined derived attendance type for the student's course attempt. Typically the value will be F full time or P part-time. Institution-defined attendance types are mapped to element 330 of the higher education stud
DERIVED_ATT_MODE Displays the institution-defined derived attendance mode for the student's program attempt. Typically the value will be either N On Campus all units studied on campus, F off Campus all unitsstudied off campus or Multi-modal a mixture of o
PROVISIONAL_IND Indicates and specifies if the student's admission and enrollment in the course is provisional. Setting the checkbox ticked indicates that the course candidature is provisional. The indicator is maintained manually.
DISCONTINUED_DT Describes the discontinuation date for the duration of the student course attempt history
DISCONTINUATION_REASON_CD Describes the discontinuation reason for the duration of the student program attempt history
LAPSED_DT Describes the date that the student program attempt was lapsed
FUNDING_SOURCE Describes the funding source for the duration of the student program attempt history
FS_DESCRIPTION Funding source description
EXAM_LOCATION_CD The code of an examination center nominated by the student as their default examination location. This location is overridden if the student nominates a different location for a specific unit.
HIST_START_DT The effective start date and time of the history record.
ELO_DESCRIPTION Examination location description
DERIVED_COMPLETION_YR The year that the student is expected to have completed all course requirements providing the current rate of progress is maintained. If a value exists in theaAdmissions sub system it will be copied to this field by the pre-enrollment proce
DERIVED_COMPLETION_PERD The period, or part of the year, that time the student is expected to have completed all course requirements provided they maintain their current rate of progress. The allowable values are summer, mid-year or end-end of year. If a value ex
NOMINATED_COMPLETION_YR The year that the student considers they will have completed all course requirements. The student also nominates the expected period summer, mid-year or end of year of program completion.
NOMINATED_COMPLETION_PERD The period, or part of the year, at which time the student considers they will have completed all course requirements. The allowable values are summer, MID -Mid-year- or end -end of year-. The student also nominates the year of expected cou
RULE_CHECK_IND Indicates and specifies if the system will check the student's academic record for program completion. Selecting the indicator ticked causes the system to check program completion rules. De-selecting the indicator blank turns off system ch
WAIVE_OPTION_CHECK_IND Indicates and specifies if any warnings applied as a result of forced element program offering option checks are waived. Checks are made of the student's location attendance mode and attendance type. Selecting the checkbox ticked waives th
LAST_RULE_CHECK_DT Describes the date of the last complete rule check of the student's enrollment
PUBLISH_OUTCOMES_IND Indicates and specifies if the student is to have their results published in the press and or on public notice boards. The indicator defaults to Y ticked. De-selecting the indicator suppresses publication of results except in a formal certi
HIST_END_DT The effective end date and time of the history record.
COURSE_RQRMNT_COMPLETE_IND Describes whether the system has detected the student's program requirements to be complete. If set, the student would be picked up by the graduation sub-system, gain academic organisational unit AOU approval and set the program attempt s
COURSE_RQRMNTS_COMPLETE_DT The date upon that program requirements were deemed to have been completed.
S_COMPLETED_SOURCE_TYPE Describes whether completion of course requirements was detected by the system following evaluation of rules, or set manually
OVERRIDE_TIME_LIMITATION Describes the time limitation for the duration of the student program attempt history
ADVANCED_STANDING_IND Indicates and specifies if or not the student has been granted an amount of advanced standing which contributes towards the satisfaction o program requirements. Details of any approved and granted advanced standing are maintained in the adv
FEE_CAT Describes the category for the duration of the student program attempt history
FC_DESCRIPTION Describes fee category
HIST_WHO The Oracle username of the person who created the history record.
CORRESPONDENCE_CAT The correspondence category applicable to the student's program attempt. Correspondence categories are used to define the set of system generated and non-system originated correspondence items which will be sent to the student.
CC_DESCRIPTION Correspondence category description
SELF_HELP_GROUP_IND Indicates and specifies if the student wishes to participate in a self-help group for their enrolled program attempt. Setting the checkbox ticked includes the student in the self-help group. De-selecting the checkbox removes the student fro
ADM_ADMISSION_APPL_NUMBER Describes the admissions application number which resulted in the student program attempt
ADM_NOMINATED_COURSE_CD Describes the admissions program code that results in the student program attempt
Student System - IGS_AS_NON_ENR_STDOT_ALL Describes an outcome for unit attempt in which student is not enrolled
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID The person ID of the student for whom the non-enrolled outcome is entered. Non-enrolled outcomes are typically cases where students with an outcome are manually added to result sheets byassessors. In the majority of cases, the students are
RESOLVED_IND An indicator which specifies whether or not the non-enrolled outcome has been resolved, that is attributed to an enrolled student. This indicator provides the means to only report on non-enrolledoutcomes which are still a issue. Setting th
COMMENTS Any additional information or details about the outcome for a unit attempt in which the student is not enrolled.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
UNIT_CD The unit code of the unit attempt for which the non-enrolled outcome isentered. Non-enrolled outcomes are typically cases where students with an outcome are manually added to result sheets by assessors. In the majority of cases, the studen
VERSION_NUMBER Describes the unit version number in which the student is enrolled
CAL_TYPE Calendar type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar instance sequence number
COURSE_CD The program attempt program code of the student for whom the non-enrolled outcome isentered. This field is optional and is normally only used if the relevantprogram attempt is known at the time of enterng the non-enrolled outcome. A non-enr
LOCATION_CD The location code of the location where the unit is being offered. A location code is a institution-defined code of a physical location owned or used by the institution. Each location has alocation type, such as campus, which defines its
UNIT_MODE The unit mode of the unit attempt. A unit mode is a institution defined mode of offering a unit. For example, on-campus, off-campus. A list of values is available.
UNIT_CLASS The unit class of the unit attempt. A unit class is a institution-defined code that identifies a unit class. A list of values is available.
S_GRADE_CREATION_METHOD_TYPE Describes the creation method which was used to load the grade. For example, keying, upload.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Describes the creation method which was used to load the grade. For example keying, upload.
GS_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the grading schema
GRADE A code which indicates the student's level of achievement in the unit attempt. A list of values is available.
MARK A numeric code which indicates the student's level of achievement in the unit attempt.
Student System - IGS_AS_MARK_SHEET_ALL Describes mark sheet for specified unit offering pattern
Column Name Descritpion
SHEET_NUMBER The system generated number printed on each mark sheet to provide a unique identifier.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code
GROUP_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the sequence number of the group in which the sheets were created. This number allows multiple sheets to be created in a single request, and all printed within the same job.
UNIT_CD Describes the unit code for which the mark sheet has been produced
VERSION_NUMBER Describes the unit version number for which the mark sheet has been produced
CAL_TYPE Describes the calendar type of the unit version for which the mark sheet has been produced
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the calendar sequence number
LOCATION_CD Location code
UNIT_MODE Unit mode
PRODUCTION_DT Describes the date a mark sheet is produced
DUPLICATE_IND Describes whether the mark sheet is a duplicate. All students contained on this mark sheet are also contained on anothersingle mark sheet. This indicator is used purely for display purposes on the printed mark sheet.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
Student System - IGS_AS_GRD_SCH_TRN_ALL Contains information required to translate grade from one schema to another
Column Name Descritpion
TO_VERSION_NUMBER A system generated number used to identify the version of the 'to' grading schema when performing a translation.
TO_GRADE A code representing the grade in one schema, to which the grade in another schema the from schema is translated or mapped.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD The code that identifies the 'from' grading schema when performing a grading schema translation. A grading schema describes the set of available marks and grades which can be used in the assessment of student unit attempts. There may be mul
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
VERSION_NUMBER A system generated number used to identify the version of the 'from' grading schema when performing a translation.
GRADE A code representing the grade from one schema which is translated or mapped to grade in another schema the to schema.
TO_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD The code that identifies the to grading schema. A grading schema describes the set of available marks and grades which can be used in the assessment of student unit attempts. An institution may have multiple grading schema.
Student System - IGS_AS_EXM_SUPRVISOR_ALL Describes occurrence of examination supervisor
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID The person ID of the supervisor.
EXAM_SUPERVISOR_TYPE Supervisors default supervisor type. When supervisors are assigned to exam session venues and exam instances, they inherit their default supervisor type. However, the default may be overridden.
COMMENTS A text facility forentering any additional information about the supervisor.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
PREVIOUS_SESSIONS The number of examination sessions the person has supervised at other institutions. This information is used to provide an indication of the supervisor's level of experience.
RESPONSIBLE_ORG_UNIT_CD The organisational unit with which the supervisor is normally associated. For example, if academic staff supervise examinations, their faculty, department or school details may be entered here.
RESPONSIBLE_OU_START_DT The start date of the organisational unit with which the supervisor is normally associated.
Student System - IGS_AS_EXMVNU_SESAVL_ALL Describes availability of examination venue for examination session
Column Name Descritpion
VENUE_CD Describes the code of an examination venue that is available for use during the specified session
EXAM_CAL_TYPE The examination session calendar type
COMMENTS A text facility for entering any additional comments about the availability of an examination venue for an examination session.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination session calendar type sequence number
DT_ALIAS A day within the specified examination period
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination session date alias sequence number
START_TIME The start time of the examination session
END_TIME The end time of the examination session
ESE_ID The examination session ID
Student System - IGS_AS_EXAM_SESSION_ALL Describes available sessions, which are linked to date alias instance within the nominated examination calendar instance, during which examinations may be conducted
Column Name Descritpion
EXAM_CAL_TYPE The examination calendar type in which the session is being held
EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination calendar sequence number
DT_ALIAS The date alias on which the examination session is being held. This date must always exist within the related examination calendar instance.
COMMENTS Any additional comments about the examination session
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The date alias sequence number of the session date
CI_START_DT The examination calendar start date
CI_END_DT The examination calendar end date
START_TIME The time the examination session is to commence
END_TIME The time the examination session is to conclude
ESE_ID The examination session ID. This is an internally generated number that uniquely identifies an examination session and is used internally to the system as a quick-reference between timetabling details and the session.
EXAM_SESSION_NUMBER A number that identifies the session within the selected calendar
Student System - IGS_AS_EXAM_INSTANCE_ALL Describes relationship between examination session instance and venue
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ASS_ID The day of the examination period on which the examination is being held. Eg EXAM-DAY1.
COLLECT_PERSON_ID The ID of the person responsible for collecting or receiving the completed examination papers.
SPECIAL_SESSION_IND An indicator which specifies if or not the session is a 'special' examination session. When the indicator is set -ticked- the session is deemed to be a special session. Special sessions are not advertised. They are typically created for stu
OVERRIDE_START_TIME The override start time for the examination at this venue. Normally the examination start time is a standard scheduled time for all instances of an examination. However, in some cases it is necessary to vary the start time. For example, the
OVERRIDE_END_TIME The override end time for the examination at this venue. Normally the examination end time is a standard scheduled time for all instances of an examination. However, in some cases it is necessary to vary the end time. For example, the exam
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
EXAM_CAL_TYPE The name of the examination period or calendar type in which the assessment item is being examined. For example, EXAM-S1 - semester 1 examination period-.
SPECIAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS Any special announcements to be made to students for this instance of the examination
SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS Any special instructions which are to be issued to candidates for thisinstance of the examination
EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination calendar sequence number
WORKED_SCRIPT_INSTRUCTIONS Any special instructions for supervisors about the handling of worked scripts
COMMENTS Any additional comments associated with the examination instance
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
DT_ALIAS The date alias instance on which the examination is being held
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The date alias instance sequence number
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
START_TIME The start time of the examination
END_TIME The end time of the examination
ESE_ID The examination session ID
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
VENUE_CD The of the venue at which the examination is being held
Student System - IGS_AS_MSHT_SU_ATMPT Describes student unit attempt contained on mark sheet and order in which student unit attempt appeared on hard-copy sheet
Column Name Descritpion
SHEET_NUMBER Describes the sheet number on which the student was printed
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier
PERSON_ID A unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit, used to identify a particular person.
COURSE_CD The code that identifies the course in which the student is enrolled.
UNIT_CD Describes the students enrolled unit code
CAL_TYPE Describes the students enrolled teaching calendar type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the students enrolled calendar sequence number
LOCATION_CD Location code
UNIT_MODE Unit mode
UNIT_CLASS Unit class
STUDENT_SEQUENCE Describes the student's place in the sequence of the original mark sheet. This is determined at the time of producing the mark sheet or adding new students to the end of the sheet.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
Student System - IGS_AS_ITM_EXAM_MTRL Describes allowed, disallowed, and supplied materials for an examination
Column Name Descritpion
ASS_ID The ID number of the assessment item to which the exam materials apply to. The assessment ID is a system generated number which is used to uniquely identify an assessment item.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
COMMENTS Any additional information or detail about the examination materials.
EXAM_MATERIAL_TYPE The code of an allowed, not allowed or supplied examination material type for the examination. For example, calculator, textbooks, multichoice answer sheets, ten page writing booklet.
S_MATERIAL_CAT The system category of the examination material type. The three categories are allowable, non-allowable, and supplied.
QUANTITY_PER_STUDENT The quantity of the exam material type to be supplied to each student for the assessment item. For example, the number of answer booklets. Quantity is applicable only for supplied materials.
Student System - IGS_AS_ITEM_ASSESSOR This table describes assessors applicable for assessment items
Column Name Descritpion
ASS_ID The ID number of the assessment item to which the assessor is allocated. The assessment ID is a system generated number which is used to uniquely identify an assessment item.
COMMENTS Provides any additional information or details about the assessment item assessor
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
PERSON_ID The person ID of the assessor.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER The internal sequence number, required as a person can be an assessor for more than one location, mode or class.
ASS_ASSESSOR_TYPE The assessor type of the assessment item assessor. Assessor type is a means of classifying assessors. For example, external marker, Internal marker, chief assessor.
PRIMARY_ASSESSOR_IND An indicator which specifies whether this assessor is the primary assessor chief assessor for the assessment item. Setting the checkbox ticked identifies the assessor as the primary assessor.
ITEM_LIMIT The maximum number of assessment items-usually assignments that the assessor should be allocated. This value is used by the assignment tracking process to limit the number of assignments sent to each assessor for marking.
LOCATION_CD The location to which the assessor is allocated for the assessment item. If a location is not specified, the assessor is considered to be available for all locations.
UNIT_MODE The unit mode to which the assessor is allocated for the assessment item. If the mode is not specified, the assessor is considered to be available to all modes.
UNIT_CLASS The class to which the assessor is allocated for the assessment item. If a class is not specified, the assessor is considered to be available to all classes.
Student System - IGS_AS_INS_GRD_ENTRY Contains temporary information about grade entries
Column Name Descritpion
KEYING_WHO The Oracle username of the person who entered the result.
GS_VERSION_NUMBER A system generated number used to identify the version of a grading schema.
GRADE A grade which represents the student's level of achievement for the unit attempt. The grade entered must exist in the grading schema being used.
SPECIFIED_GRADE_IND Specified grade indicator
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
KEYING_TIME The number of times that the grade has been entered.
STUDENT_SEQUENCE Student sequence in the grade entry
PERSON_ID The person ID of the student for whom results are being entered.
NAME The name of the student.
COURSE_CD The code of the course in which the student is enrolled.
UNIT_CD A code that uniquely identifies the unit in which the student is enrolled.
VERSION_NUMBER A number that uniquely identifies the version of a unit.
CAL_TYPE The calendar type in which the student unit attempt is enrolled. For example, SEM-1.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The calendar sequence number.
LOCATION_CD The code identifying the location, which is typically a campus, in which the unit attempt was enrolled.
UNIT_CLASS The code of the class associated with the unit in which the student is enrolled.
UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS The status of the student unit attempt. For example, enrolled, discontin.
MARK A numeric value which represents the student's level of achievement in the unit attempt.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD A code identifying the grading schema which describes the set of available marks and grades which can be used in the assessment of student unit attempts.
Student System - IGS_AS_GRD_SCH_GRADE Describes characteristics of grade within grading schema
Column Name Descritpion
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD The code that identifies the grading schema. A grading schema describes the set of available marks and grades which can be used inthe assessment of student unit attempts. There may be multiple grading schemas for any one institution.
SHOW_INTERNALLY_IND An indicator that specifies whether or not the grade is shown on documents internal to the institution. Setting the indicator ticked allows the grade to be shown on internal documents. For example, internal transcripts, and academic histor
SYSTEM_ONLY_IND An indicator that specifies whether or not the grade can only be assigned by system processes. Setting the indicator ticked means the grade can only be assigned by the system and cannot be entered.
DFLT_OUTSTANDING_IND An indicator which specifies whether the grade is the default grade used to replace blank grades by the insert administrative grades process. The default grade is used only if the 'Insert Default From Grading Schema' parameter is set to "Y
EXTERNAL_GRADE The name of the external grade that is equivalent to the institution grade schema grade. External grades are typically used when grades are published via external sources such as newspapers. For example, the grade "FF - BAD FAIL" may have
LOWER_MARK_RANGE A numerical value that designates the lowest mark a student can achieve to be awarded a certain grade. The system uses the grade mark range to derive grades and to validate grades against marks. For example, eighty can be the lowest mark fo
UPPER_MARK_RANGE A numerical value that designates the highest mark a student can achieve to be awarded a certain grade rank. The system uses the grade mark range to derive grades and to validate grades against marks. For example, seventy nine can be the hi
MIN_PERCENTAGE The normal expected minimum percentage of students awarded the grade for a particular unit offering option. Used for reporting purposes only, there is no system functionality attached to this item.
MAX_PERCENTAGE The normal expected maximum percentage of students awarded the grade for a particular unit offering. Used for reporting purposes only there is no system functionality attached to this item.
GPA_VAL The numerical value assigned to the grade for use in calculation of a student's GPA - grade point average.
INCL_IN_REPEAT_PROCESS_IND Include in Repeat Processing (Y/N)
VERSION_NUMBER A system generated number used to identify the version of the grading schema.
SHOW_IN_EARNED_CRDT_IND Includes in Earned Credit Points (Y/N)
ADMIN_ONLY_IND Administrator only grade (Y/N)
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code for which the grade is valid
RANK The rank of the grade in relation to other grades within the same grading schema. Rank is used for comparison of grades in rules. For example, has a student achieved a grade better than a credit and also in sorted ordering on reports. For e
REPEAT_GRADE Repeat grade to report
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column.V
GRADE A code representing the grade which indicates the student's level ofachievement in the unit attempt. For example HD, D, C.
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute for Descriptive Flexfield.
FULL_GRADE_NAME The full name of a grade. For example "Distinction", "High Distinction".
CLOSED_IND Indicates whether the assessment item is closed or not
S_RESULT_TYPE The system defined result for the grade. Result types enable the system to identify the nature of a student unit attempt outcome for specific functionality such as progression rules. Available systemresult types are pass, fail, incomplete a
SHOW_ON_NOTICEBOARD_IND An indicator that specifies whether or not unit attempts with this grading schema grade will be included on noticeboard lists of results. Selecting the indicator ticked allows unit attempts with the grade to be included in noticeboard list
SHOW_ON_OFFICIAL_NTFCTN_IND An indicator that specifies whether or not unit attempts with the grade will be included on official notifications of results. Setting the indicator ticked allows unit attempts with the grade to beincluded on official notifications. For exa
S_SPECIAL_GRADE_TYPE The special grade type of the grade. The available special grade types are special-exam, supp-exam, and replaceable. The types special-exam and supp-exam are used by the system to identify students requiring deferred/ special/ supplementary
SHOW_IN_NEWSPAPER_IND An indicator that specifies whether or not unit attempts with the grade can be published in the newspaper. Setting the indicator ticked allows the unit attempts with the grad to be published in thenewspaper. For example may elect not to dis
Student System - IGS_AS_GRD_SCHEMA Describes set of available marks, grades, and results used in the assessment of student unit attempts
Column Name Descritpion
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD The code that identifies the grading schema. The grading schema describes the set of available marks and grades which can be used in the assessment of student unit attempts. An institution can have multiple grading schema.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
VERSION_NUMBER The system allocated number which identifies the version of the grading schema.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
DESCRIPTION Describes the grading schema. The grading schema describes the set of available marks and grades which can be used in the assessment of student unit attempts. An institution can have multiple grading schema.
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
GRADING_SCHEMA_TYPE This field segregates the user defined grading schema of 'Unit' or 'Assessment Item' or Award.
START_DT The start date of the grading schema version.
END_DT The end date of the grading schema version. If the end date is less than the current date, the schema version is not available to be attached to any unit offering options, course offering patterns or student unit attempts.
COMMENTS To enter any comments associated with the gradingschema in text from.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_EXM_SPRVSRTYP Describes types of examination supervisors
Column Name Descritpion
EXAM_SUPERVISOR_TYPE The name of the supervisor type. Each supervisor is assigned a supervisor type, which gives an indication of the level of responsibility allocated to the supervisor, and the role they willplay in the supervision of examinations. For example
DESCRIPTION Describes the examination supervisor type
IN_CHARGE_IND Indicates and specifies if the supervisor type is a 'in charge' type. Setting the checkbox -ticked, identifies the supervisor type as 'in charge'. A supervisor assigned an 'in charge' type is normally considered to be the senior or organisi
CLOSED_IND Indicatese and specifies whether the examination supervisor type is open or closed. Selecting the checkbox to closed ticked prevents further use of the supervisor type in new or updated records.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_EXM_SES_VN_SP Describes linking of examination supervisor to examination session venue
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID The person ID of the supervisor.
EXAM_SUPERVISOR_TYPE The supervisor type assigned to the supervisor. Supervisor type forthe exam session venue is inherited from the supervisor's pre-assignedtype, but may be overridden here. It is an indication of the level ofresponsibility allocated to the su
OVERRIDE_START_TIME The time a supervisor commences supervision of an examination session. If no value is specified the system will default to the start time of the examination session. For example, the supervisor may be required to start earlier to assist wit
OVERRIDE_END_TIME The time a supervisor ends supervision of an examination session. If no value is specified, the system will take the default value to the end time of the examination session. For example, the supervisor may be required to stay later to ass
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
EXAM_CAL_TYPE The examination calendar in which the supervised examinations arescheduled.
EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination calendar sequence number.
DT_ALIAS The examination session date alias instance.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination session date alias instance sequence number.
START_TIME The start time of the examination session.
END_TIME The end time of the examination session.
ESE_ID The examination session ID.
VENUE_CD The venue code of the venue in which the examination is beingsupervised.
Student System - IGS_AS_DUE_DT_SUMRY Describes assessment due dates summary
Column Name Descritpion
AT_ID Attempt identifier
UNIT_CD Unit code
VERSION_NUMBER Version number
CAL_TYPE Calendar type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar instance sequence number
OWNER_ORG_UNIT_CD Unit code from owning organization unit
OWNER_OU_START_DT Start date of owning organization unit
UNIT_MODE Unit mode
ASS_ID Assessment Identifier
WEEK_ENDING_DT Week ending date
BASE_COUNT Base count of number of attempts
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
EXPECTED_OVERDUE_COUNT Expected over due count
ONE_WEEK_EXTENSION_COUNT Count of one week extensions
TWO_WEEK_EXTENSION_COUNT Count of two week extensions
THREE_WEEK_PLUS_EXTNSN_COUNT Count of three week extensions
RECEIVED_COUNT Received count
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
SESSION_ID Describes session Identifier within the selected examination calendar.
Student System - IGS_AS_ENTRY_CONF Stores seed data for entry configuration of marks and grades
Column Name Descritpion
UPLD_PERSON_NO_EXIST Describes an electronic upload configuration setting which defines the action to be taken by the system if a person entered in the upload file doesnot exist in the system that is person ID does not exist. The available options are 'Abort Fi
KEY_MARK_ENTRY_DEC_POINTS Mark entry decimal points 0,1,2 or 3.
S_CONTROL_NUM System control number
UPLD_CRS_NOT_ENROLLED Describes an electronic upload configuration setting which defines the action to be taken by the system if the person specified in the validation file does not have any entered program attempts. The available options are 'Abort File' upload
UPLD_UNIT_NOT_ENROLLED Describes an electronic upload configuration setting which defines the action to be taken by the system when a student is not enrolled in the unit entered in the upload file. The available options are 'Abort File upload file will not be loa
UPLD_UNIT_DISCONT Describes an electronic upload configuration setting which defines the action to be taken by the system when a unit attempt entered in the upload file is discontinued. The available options are 'Abort File' upload file will not be loaded in
UPLD_GRADE_INVALID Describes an electronic upload configuration setting which defines the action to be taken by the system when the grade specified for a student unit attempt in the upload file does not exist in the grading schema being used. The available op
UPLD_MARK_GRADE_INVALID Describes an electronic upload configuration setting which defines the action to be taken by the system when the mark or grade combination entered for astudent unit attempt in the upload file is invalid. The available options are 'Abort Fi
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
KEY_ALLOW_INVALID_IND Indicates and specifies if or not invalid mark or grade combinations can be entered. An invalid combination exists when the keyed mark is outside the range of marks associated with the entered grade in the grading schema. If selected, t
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
KEY_PRTL_SBMN_ALLOWED_IND Partial Submission for grade entry allowed indicator
UPLD_UG_SBMTD_GRADE_EXIST Action to take if submitted grade exists
UPLD_UG_SAVED_GRADE_EXIST Action to take if saved grade exists
UPLD_ASMNT_ITEM_NOT_EXIST Action to take if assessment item does not exists
UPLD_ASMNT_ITEM_GRD_EXIST Action to take if assessment item grade exists.
KEY_DERIVE_UNIT_GRADE_FLAG If enabled, it allows the users to calculate the student unit attempt outcome marks based on student assessment item outcomes' marks. By default, this checkbox is selected. Note: For 'Derive Unit Marks from Assessment item Marks' checkbox
KEY_ALLOW_INST_FINALIZE_FLAG If not selected the "Faculty" responsibility users, will be restricted from Finalizing and Releasing the grades.
KEY_AI_COLLECT_MARK_FLAG If selected, allows the user to insert a mark for each student assessment item outcome record; by default, this check box is selectedNote: This check box must be selected if the assessment item 'Mark Entry Mandatory' check box is selected.
KEY_AI_MARK_MNDTRY_FLAG If selected, a mark is required for each student assessment item outcome record where the grade has an equivalent mark range; by default, this check box is selected.
KEY_AI_GRADE_DERIVE_FLAG If selected, the system automatically derives and inserts the grades for the respective mark range, from the corresponding assessment item grading schema; by default, this check box is selectedNote: This check box can be selected only if as
KEY_AI_ALLOW_INVALID_FLAG If selected, allows a grade other than that normally corresponding to the assessment item mark to be entered. The entered grade has to be within the relevant assessment item grading schema; by default, this check box is not selected.
KEY_AI_MARK_ENTRY_DEC_POINTS Number of decimals for the assessment item mark to be entered and displayed; values are 0,1,2, and 3. By Default the value is set to 2.
KEY_COLLECT_MARK_IND Indicates and specifies if or not marks can be entered when keying results. If selected, the 'Mark' column is displayed in ASSF5330 and marks can be entered. This indicator must be set if the 'Mark Entry Mandatory' is set and should no
KEY_GRADE_DERIVE_IND Indicates and specifies if or not the grade should be derived from the entered marks. If set selected, the system derives the grade from the mark using the grading schema mark range. If not set, a grade must be entered. If set, the 'Co
KEY_MARK_MNDTRY_IND Indicates and specifies if or not a mark must be entered when keying results. If set selected, a mark must be selected if the grade has a mark range in the grading schema. This validation also operates for the electronic result upload p
Student System - IGS_AS_EXM_INS_SPVSR Describes linking of examination supervisors to particular examination instance
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID The person ID of the supervisor.
VENUE_CD This field describes the venue code of the venue in which the examination is being supervised.
EXAM_SUPERVISOR_TYPE The supervisor type assigned to the supervisor. Supervisor type for the exam instance is inherited from the supervisor's pre-assigned type but may be overridden here. It is an indication of the level ofresponsibility allocated to the superv
OVERRIDE_START_TIME The time a supervisor commences supervision of an examination instance. If no value is specified, the system will default to the start time of the examination session. For exaple, the supervisor may be required to start earlier to assist wi
OVERRIDE_END_TIME The time a supervisor ends supervision of an examination instance. If no value is specified, the system will by default take the end time of the examination session. For example, the supervisor can be required to stay later to assist with
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ASS_ID The assessment item ID of the examination the supervisor is scheduledto supervise.
EXAM_CAL_TYPE The examination calendar in which the supervised examinations are scheduled.
EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination calendar sequence number being supervised.
DT_ALIAS The examination session date alias instance
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The examination session date alias instance sequence number
START_TIME The start time of the examination session.
END_TIME The end time of the examination session.
ESE_ID The examination session ID.
Student System - IGS_AS_EXM_MTRL_TYPE Describes materials used during examinations
Column Name Descritpion
EXAM_MATERIAL_TYPE The code used to identify types of allowed, non-allowed or supplied examination material. For example, TEXTS-Textbook, MULTI-CHC-multi choice answer sheets, CALCULATOR-calculators.
DESCRIPTION Descripes the examination material type. An examination material type is a code used to identify different types of allowed, non-allowed and supplied examination materials. For example, textbooks, multichoice answer sheets and calculators
CLOSED_IND An indicator which specifies if the examination material type is open or closed. Selecting the checkbox to 'closed' ticked prevents use of the examination material type in a new or modified assessment item records.
COMMENTS Additional information or detail about the examination material type
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_EXM_LOC_SPVSR Describes examination location which the supervisor attends
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID A unique student information system identification number, typically incorporating a check digit, used to identify a supervisor.
EXAM_LOCATION_CD An examination location at which the supervisor is available to supervise. Each examination location has one or more venues to which examinations are allocated.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_CAL_CONF Holds control calendar reference details
Column Name Descritpion
S_CONTROL_NUM Describes control number for the table. This only has a valid value of 1.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ASS_ITEM_CUTOFF_DT_ALIAS Used to warn the date alias further unit assessment variations in a teaching period. For the variation cut off to be effective, date alias instances must be specified for each teaching period. If an instance is not specified for a pa
MID_MGS_START_DT_ALIAS Midterm Mark/Grade Submission Start
MID_MGS_END_DT_ALIAS Midterm Mark/Grade Submission End
EFINAL_MGS_START_DT_ALIAS Early Final Mark/Grade Submission Start
EFINAL_MGS_END_DT_ALIAS Early Final Mark/Grade Submission End
FINAL_MGS_START_DT_ALIAS Final Mark/Grade Submission Start
FINAL_MGS_END_DT_ALIAS Final Mark/Grade Submission End
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_ASSESSOR_TYPE Describes available used-defined assessor types
Column Name Descritpion
ASS_ASSESSOR_TYPE Describes the assessor type name. Assessor type describes the type of assessor allocated to an assessment item. For example, EXT-MARKER - external marker, Int Marker- Internal Marker, and UNIT_CHAIR - Chair of assessment panel.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Describes assessor type. Assessor type describes the type of assessor allocated to an assessment item. For example, EXT-MARKER-external marker, Int-Marker-internal marker, and UNIT_CHAIR- Chair of assessment panel.
DFLT_IND Specifies whether the assessor type is the default type assigned to the assessor record which is created by the system each time a unit assessment item is created. Selecting the check box ticked makes the assessor type the default. There ca
CLOSED_IND Specifies if the assessor type is open or closed. Selecting the checkbox to 'closed' ticked prevents further use of the assessor type in assessor records. Existing assessor records are not affected.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CA_ARTS_TC_CA_CD Describes the teaching period code to define semester enrolled
Column Name Descritpion
CLOSED_IND Specifies if the automated results transfer system teaching calendar type code is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to'closed' prevents use of the code in new or modified calendar type records with a calendar category of teaching.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
ARTS_TEACHING_CAL_TYPE_CD Contains the automated results transfer system teachingcalendar type code used to define 'semester enrolled' for the purposeof transferring results data for applicants as requested by thetertiary admission centers.
DESCRIPTION Explains automated results transfer system teaching calendar type code.
Student System - IGS_CA_INST_ALL Describes an instance of a calendar type
Column Name Descritpion
CAL_STATUS Status of the calendar instance, that indicates the level of activity of the calendar. Each status is mapped to one of the system statuses of ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or PLANNED.
ALTERNATE_CODE Alternate short reference code for identifying a calendar instance. Alternate codes are mandatory for academic, admission progression, and teaching calendars. The code is used to facilitate mass keying of enrolments, uni tand course offerin
SUP_CAL_STATUS_DIFFER_IND System-set indicator that specifies if the status of a calendar instance differs from the status of any of its superior calendar instances.
PRIOR_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier for a prior calendar instance. Set when calendar instance is the result of a rolled over calendar.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CAL_TYPE Name of a type of calendar used within the organization.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SS_DISPLAYED Indicates whether the load calendar is to be displayed to self service users or not.
DESCRIPTION Description for the Calendar Instance
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier for the calendar instance.
IVR_DISPLAY_IND To indicate if the calendar is to be displayed in IVR
TERM_INSTRUCTION_TIME Term Instructional Time of the Load calendar instance, measured in weeks.
PLANNING_FLAG Indicates whether the load calendar is available for planning or not. Default Value 'N'
SCHEDULE_FLAG Indicates whether the load calendar is available for schedule or not. Default Value 'N'
START_DT Date from that a calendar instance becomes effective. For example, the calendar instance Semester 1 1999 may commence on 1/3/1999.
ADMIN_FLAG Indicates whether the load calendar is available for searching/scheduling in self-service or not for admin and faculty. Default Value 'N'
END_DT Date from that a calendar instance is no longer effective. For example, the calendar instance Semester 1 1999 may end on 11/6/1999.
Student System - IGS_CA_TYPE Describes available calendar types
Column Name Descritpion
ABBREVIATION Abbreviated description of a type of calendar used within the institution.
ARTS_TEACHING_CAL_TYPE_CD Describes the ARTS teaching calendar type code that defines the teaching period. ARTS is the Automated Results Transfer System used by Tertiary Admissions Centres to transfer academic records between post-secondary educational institutions
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the calendar type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' prevents use of the calendar type in new calendar instance records.
CAL_TYPE Institution-defined name of a type of calendar used within the organization. Units can only be offered in instances of calendar types that are categorized as TEACHING calendars.
NOTES Text-based field for entering additional information or details about a calendar type.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Description of a type of calendar used within the institution. For example, STANDARD ACADEMIC YEAR, SEMESTER 1 TEACHING PERIOD, TRIMESTER 2 TEACHING PERIOD, and ENROLMENT PERIOD 1.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_CAL_CAT System-defined categorization of calendar types. Each calendar type is assigned a calendar category to enable the system to determine associated functionality for each type of calendar. For example, the system recognises that units can only
Student System - IGS_CA_STAT Describes user-defined calendar statuses, which map to system-defined calendar statues
Column Name Descritpion
CLOSED_IND Indicator that specifies if the calendar status is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' prevents use of the status in new or modified calendar instance records.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CAL_STATUS Institution-defined name of a status assigned to a calendar instance. The status of a calendar instance indicates its level of activity. Each status is mapped to a system-defined calendar status. For example, the institution-defined status
DESCRIPTION Description of a calendar status assigned to a calendar. The status of a calendar instance indicates its level of activity. Each status is mapped to a system-defined calendar status. For example, the institution-defined status CURRENT may
S_CAL_STATUS Preset code for a system-defined calendar instance status. Each institution-defined calendar status is mapped to a system status.
Student System - IGS_CA_INST_REL Describes the relationships among calendar instances
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SUB_CAL_TYPE Institution-defined name of the subordinate calendar instance represented in the relationship. Typically the SEMESTER 1, TRIMESTER 2 teaching calendars would be subordinate to the STANDARD ACADEMIC YEAR calendar.
SUB_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier for the subordinate calendar instance.
SUP_CAL_TYPE Institution-defined name of the superior calendar instance represented in the relationship. Typically the STANDARD ACADEMIC YEAR calendar would be superior to the SEMESTER 1 and TRIMESTER 2 teaching calendars.
SUP_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier for the superior calendar instance.
LOAD_RESEARCH_PERCENTAGE Field describes the percentage of the parent academic calendar that applies to the related load subordinate calendar. For example, percentages applied against academic or load calendar relationships indicate how much of the annual research
Student System - IGS_CA_DT_OF_MTH Holds values for monthly calendar report temporarily
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DT_OF_MONTH Holds a temporary value representing a date within a month.
CURRENT_USER Holds the oracle username of the temporary data set.
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_PAIR Describes combination of date aliases into pairs
Column Name Descritpion
DT_ALIAS Name of an event, not an actual date value. Each date alias is assigned a date alias category and can be assigned a calendar category.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
RELATED_DT_ALIAS Name of the date alias that is paired with the context date alias. The pairing of two date aliases enables the definition of a period of time inclusive of the two date aliases. For example, the pairing of the two date aliases START SEMESTE
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_OFST Describes the relationship between one date alias and another
Column Name Descritpion
DAY_OFFSET Number of days by the context date alias is offset from the related date alias. Values may be positive or negative. It can be used in conjunction with WEEK, MONTH, and or or YEAR offset values. For example, date alias instance A may be off
WEEK_OFFSET Number of weeks by that the context date alias is offset from the related date alias. Values may be positive or negative. It can be used in conjunction with DAY, MONTH, and or or YEAR offset values. For example, date alias instance A may b
MONTH_OFFSET Number of months by that the context date alias is offset from the related date alias. Values may be positive or negative. It can be used in conjunction with DAY, WEEK, and or or YEAR offset values. For example, date alias instance A may be
YEAR_OFFSET Number of years the context date alias is offset from the related date alias. Values may be positive or negative. It can be used in conjunction with DAY, WEEK and or or MONTH offset values. For example, date alias instance A may be offset f
DT_ALIAS Name of an event, not an actual date value. Each date alias is assigned a date alias category and may be assigned a calendar category.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
OFFSET_DT_ALIAS Date alias against that the context date alias is offset. Creation of such offsets enables the system to automatically derive a value for a date alias instance based on its relationship to another date alias.
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_INST Describes an instance of a date alias in a calendar instance
Column Name Descritpion
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System generated number that is used to identify the calendar instance, for that the date alias instance occurs.
ABSOLUTE_VAL The real date value allocated to an instance of a date alias.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DT_ALIAS Event name, that is not an actual date value. Each date alias is assigned a date alias category and may be assigned a calendar category. Date alias examples are CENSUS, END-LECT, and CUTOFF.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER System generated number that is used to identify the date alias instance.
CAL_TYPE Type of calendar used within the organization.
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_INST_OFCNT Describes the set of constraints to be applied when applying an offset to generate a date alias instance value from another date alias instance
Column Name Descritpion
DT_ALIAS Date Alias is a short form of the Description of an event's short form is Date Alias. For example, CENSUS DATE, END LECTURES, and CUTOFF DATE.
CONSTRAINT_CONDITION Operator which acts on the constraint type. The available conditions are MUST and MUST NOT.
CONSTRAINT_RESOLUTION Offset value, in number of days, for the purpose of resolving failed date alias instance offset constraints. Positive or negative values can be specified and are used to adjust derived date aliasinstance values when a constraint fails. For
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER A system-generated number that is used to identify the date alias instance.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CAL_TYPE Calendar Type is the institution defined name of a type of calendar used within the organization. Note: Calendar type does not refer to a particular occurrence of a calendar but rather to all like calendars. Each calendar type must be as
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the calendar instance for that the date alias instance occurs.
OFFSET_DT_ALIAS Name of the offset date alias instance. A date alias is the name of an event, not an actual date value. For example, CENSUS.
OFFSET_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the offset date alias instance.
OFFSET_CAL_TYPE Calendar type of the calendar instance for that the offset date alias instance occurs. A calendar type is the name of a type of calendar used within the institution.
OFFSET_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the calendar for that the offset date alias instance occurs.
S_DT_OFFSET_CONSTRAINT_TYPE The constraint type, in conjunction with a condition, defines the constraint.. Constraint types are system defined. For exampl,, MONDA,,WEEK DAY, and HOLIDAY..
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_INST_OFST Describes the relationship between one date alias instance and another
Column Name Descritpion
CAL_TYPE Calendar type of the calendar instance for that the context date alias instance occurs. A calendar type is an institution-defined name of a type of calendar used within the organization.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the calendar instance for that the date alias instance occurs.
OFFSET_DT_ALIAS Name of the offset date alias instance. A date alias is the name of an event, not an actual date value.
OFFSET_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the offset date.
OFFSET_CAL_TYPE Calendar type of the calendar instance for that the offset date alias instance occurs. A calendar type is the name of a type of calendar used within the institution.
OFFSET_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the calendarfor that the offset date alias instance occurs.
DAY_OFFSET Number of days for that the context date alias instance is offset from the related date alias instance. Values may be positive or negative. It can be used in conjunction with WEEK, MONTH, YEAR offset values. For example, date alias instanc
WEEK_OFFSET Number of weeks for that the context date alias instanceis offset from the related date alias instance. Values may bepositive or negative. It can be used in conjunction with DAY, MONTH, YEAR offset values. For example, date alias instance
MONTH_OFFSET Number of months for that the context date alias instanceis offset from the related date alias instance. Values may be positiveor negative. It can be used in conjunction with DAY, WEEK, YEARoffset values. For example, date alias instance
YEAR_OFFSET Number of years for that the context date alias instanceis offset from the related date alias instance. Values may beor negative. It can be used in conjunction with DAY, WEEK, MONTH offset values. For example, date alias instance A may be
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
DT_ALIAS Name of the context date alias instance. A date alias is an institution-defined name of an event, not an actual date value .
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
OFST_OVERRIDE Flag to indicate if the offset is to be overridden.
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the datealias instance for that an offset is being defined.
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_OFFCNT Describes the set of constraints to be applied when applying an offset to generate a date alias value from another date alias
Column Name Descritpion
DT_ALIAS The name of the context date alias instance. A date alias is an institution-defined name of an event, not an actual date value.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
OFFSET_DT_ALIAS Name of the offset date alias instance. A date alias is the name of an event, not an actual date value.
S_DT_OFFSET_CONSTRAINT_TYPE The constraint type, in conjunction with a condition, defines the constraint. Constraint types are system-defined. Examples are MONDAY,WEEK DAY and HOLIDAY.
CONSTRAINT_CONDITION The operator which acts on the constraint type. The available conditions are MUST and MUST NOT.
CONSTRAINT_RESOLUTION The offset value, in number of days, for the purpose of resolvingfailed date alias instance offset constraints. Positive or negativevalues can be specified and are used to adjust derived date aliasinstance values when a constraint fails. Fo
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_INST_PAIR Stores the pairing of two date alias instances and enables the definition of a period of time inclusive of the two date aliases
Column Name Descritpion
DT_ALIAS Name of an event, not an actual date value. Each date alias is assigned a date alias category and may be assigned a calendar category.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the date alias instance for that an offset is being defined.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CAL_TYPE Calendar type of calendar instance in that the context date alias instance occurs. A calendar type is an institution-defined name of a type of calendar used within the organization.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the calendar instance in that the date alias instance occurs.
RELATED_DT_ALIAS Name of the date alias that is paired with the context datealias instance. The pairing of two date alias instances enables thedefinition of a period of time inclusive of the two instances. For example, pairing of the two date alias instance
RELATED_DAI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the offset date alias instance.
RELATED_CAL_TYPE Name of the calendar containing the paired or related date alias.
RELATED_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER System-generated number that is used to identify the calendar instance in that the date alias instance occurs.
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_CAT Describes the user-defined categories assigned to a date alias to group date aliases
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
DT_CAT Date alias category name. Date alias categories are used to classify or group date aliases with common attributes, particularly for inquiry or reporting purposes. Each date alias must be assigned a date alias category. For example, date ali
DESCRIPTION Description of the date alias category. Date alias categories areused to classify or group date aliases with common attributes,particularly for inquiry or reporting purposes. Each date alias mustbe assigned a date alias category. For exampl
Student System - IGS_CA_DA Describes available date alias types
Column Name Descritpion
DT_CAT Name of a date alias category. A date alias category is a classification of date aliases for the purpose of grouping common date or event types. Each date alias is assigned a date alias category.For example, FEE DATES, UNIT WITHDRAWAL DATES
ABBREVIATION Abbreviated descrition of an event, that is not an actual date value. Each date alias is assigned a date alias category and may be assigned a calendar category. Date alias examples are CENSUS DATE, END LECTURES, and CUTOFF DATE.
S_CAL_CAT System-defined categorization of calendar types. Each calendar typeis assigned a calendar category. The optional linking of a date aliasto a calendar category has the effect of restricting the creation ofinstances of that date alias to inst
CLOSED_IND Specifies if the date alias is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' prevents use of the date alias in new date alias instance records.
NOTES Enters additional information or details about the date alias. This is a text-based facility.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
DT_ALIAS Name of an event, that is not an actual date value. Each date alias is assigned a date alias category and may be assigned a calendar category. For example, Date aliases are CENSUS and END-LECT.
DESCRIPTION Description of an event, that is not an actual date value. Each date alias is assigned a date alias category and may be assigned a calendarcategory. For example Date alias are GOVERNMENT CENSUS DATE, LAST DAY OF LECTURES IN TEACHING PERIOD
Student System - IGS_CO_CAT Describes a correspondence category used to define correspondence sent to students
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_CAT The code of an institution-defined correspondence category. Correspondence categories are used to define sets of system generated and non-system generated correspondence items which are due to be sent to a student.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION The name, or description, of an institution-defined correspondence category. Correspondence categories are used to define sets of system generated and non-system generated correspondence items which are due to be sent to a student.
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the correspondence category is open or closed. Setting the checkbox closes the category and prevents further students being assigned to the correspondence category.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_PHR Describes letter phrases used on system letters
Column Name Descritpion
PHRASE_CD The unique institution-defined code used to identify a phrase.
DESCRIPTION Describes an institution-defined phrase. Phrases are used to assign particular text to letter parameters of type 'PHRASE', and are used in system letter correspondence types.
PHRASE_TEXT The text that is associated with a phrase code. Text entered here, will display in letters, when the phrase code, is assigned to a letter parameter of type 'PHRASE'.
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the letter phrase is open or closed. Setting the checkbox closes the phrase and prevents further letter parameters being assigned the letter phrase.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CO_S_LTR_PR_RSTN Describes system letter restriction on system letter parameter types
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
S_LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the system recognized parameters that can be merged with letter templates. For example, SURNAME, LOCATION, ATT_MODE.
Student System - IGS_CO_S_LTR_PR_ARG Holds relationship between bind variables used in the code_block field of the system letter parameter type table and the variables that are available in the function calling the dynamic SQL created from the code_block
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
S_LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the system recognized parameters that can be merged with letter templates. For example SURNAME, LOCATION, ATT_MODE etc.
BIND_VARIABLE Contains the name of the bind variables used in the code_block field of the parent s_letter_parameter_type record
DIRECTION Indicates if the bind variable is being passed into or out of the dynamic SQL code block
Student System - IGS_CO_S_LTR_PARAM Describes system-recognized parameters that can be merged with letter templates
Column Name Descritpion
S_LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the system recognized parameters that can be merged with letter templates. For example, SURNAME, LOCATION, ATT_MODE.
DESCRIPTION Describes the system recognized parameters that can be merged with letter templates. For example, the description for ATT_MODE would be ATTENDANCE MODE.
CLOSED_IND Indicates if the system letter parameter type is open or closed
CODE_BLOCK Contains PLSQL code that will be used in dynamic SQL to create a call to the routine that will return the correct data for this letter parameter type
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CO_S_LTR Describes system letter
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
DESCRIPTION Contains a description of the system letter
S_LETTER_REFERENCE_TYPE Contains the reference type of the letter for example, admission, assessment. Reference types are used to limit system letters to sub systems of Oracle Student System.
S_LETTER_OBJECT Contains the object type of letter being produced
TEMPLATE_FILENAME Contains the filename of the template that will be used to produce the letter. All templates are assumed to be in the C directory. Only the filename and extension is required, that is, file.doc
LETTER_TITLE Contains the text that will appear as the title of the letter
CLOSED_IND Indicate that specifies if the system letter is open or closed. Select the checkbox closes the letter and prevents further system letters being assigned to students, or processes.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CO_OU_CO_REF This entity holds any specific person references for an outgoing correspondence item.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID This field describes the ID of the person to which the correspondence was sent.
CAL_TYPE The calendar type of the calendar instance in which the unit is offered. Units can only be offered in instances of calendar types that are categorised as TEACHING calendars. Examples include SEM - 1 (semester 1 teaching period), SEM - 2
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for the calendar instance.
COURSE_CD The unique identifier for the course.
CV_VERSION_NUMBER The version number of the course. There can only be one version of a course with a system status of ACTIVE and an unset EXPIRY DATE.
UNIT_CD The unique identifier of the unit.
UV_VERSION_NUMBER the version number of the unit. Students are normally enrolled in the current version. Prior versions are end-dated.
OTHER_REFERENCE Any reference not specific to a calendar instance, course version or unit version.
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This field describes a type of correspondence.
REFERENCE_NUMBER This field describes a system generated reference number that identifies the correspondence item.
ISSUE_DT This field describes the date the outgoing correspondence was created.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for the outgoing correspondence reference.
Student System - IGS_CO_OU_CO This entity describes the link between a person and a correspondence item.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID This field describes the ID of the person to which the correspondence was sent.
TRACKING_ID This field links the outgoing correspondence to a tracking item. For system generated correspondence, the creation of a tracking ID is an parameter option of the job which creates the correspondence item.
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence. Correspondence types may include system generated documents such as enrolments forms, fee invoices, and certificates of results, together with non-system generated documents such
COMMENTS This field contains any comments associated with the outgoing correspondence.
REFERENCE_NUMBER This field describes a system generated reference number that identifies the correspondence item.
DT_SENT This field describes the date a correspondence item was sent. For non-system generated correspondence, the 'sent date' defaults to the same date as the 'issue date.' For system generated correspondence, a batch job operates to record the
UNKNOWN_RETURN_DT This field describes the date on which the correspondence was returned to sender. It indicates that the recipient no longer resides at the address to which the correspondence was sent.
ISSUE_DT This field describes the date the outgoing correspondence was created. (Particularly relevant to system-generated correspondence where the issue date and the actual date of posting (sent date) may differ.
ADDR_TYPE This field describes the address type to which the outgoing correspondence was sent.
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_RPT_GRP This table describes groups that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
LETTER_REPEATING_GROUP_CD This field contains the unique institution defined group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
DESCRIPTION This field describes the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
SUP_REPEATING_GROUP_CD This field contains the superior group code that will be used to link repeating groups within the letter.
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_PR_RSTCN This tables describes the correspondence type restriction of user-defined letter parameter types.
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence. Letter parameters may be restricted to only be assigned to particular system letters ie. letter parameters for the admissions sub-system, may be restricted to the OUTCOME-LT or t
LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE This field contains the unique institution defined parameter type code that can be merged with letter templates.
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_PR_RPT_GR This table describes the letter parameters types that exist the the repeating group.
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
LETTER_REPEATING_GROUP_CD This field contains the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter.
LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE This field contains the unique institution defined parameter type code that can be merged with letter templates.
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_PARM_TYPE Describes user-defined letter parameters to be merged with letter templates
Column Name Descritpion
DESCRIPTION Describes an institution-defined letter parameter. Letter parameters are used to assign system objects, rules or text, to a system letter
S_LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the system recognized parameters that can be merged with letter templates. In general, there are three types of system letter parameter types
LETTER_TEXT Contains text that will be substituted for the parameter code if it exists in the letter templates. The system letter parameter type must be 'LETTERTEXT'. This text will appear in every letter, that includes the letter parameter code.
CLOSED_IND Indicates and specifies if the letter parameter is open or closed. Setting the checkbox closes the parameter and prevents further system letters being assigned the letter parameter.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the unique institution-defined parameter type code that can be merged with letter templates
Student System - IGS_CO_CAT_MAP Describes the mappings of correspondence categories to admission categories, which restrict the allocation of correspondence categories to students
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_CAT The code of an institution-defined correspondence category. Correspondence categories are used to define sets of system generated and non-system generated correspondence items which are due to be sent to a student.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ADMISSION_CAT The code of an institution-defined admission category. An admission category is used to group a set of applicants whose applications will be processed via a common set of admission procedure steps.
DFLT_CAT_IND Indicates and specifies if the correspondence category is the default category for the related admission category. Setting the checkbox defines the correspondence category as the default.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CO_DTL_OLE Contains OLE information for correspondence item
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE Describes a type of correspondence
CORD_OLE Describes the OLE detail for a particular piece of correspondence
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
REFERENCE_NUMBER Describes a system generated reference number that uniquely identifies the correspondence item
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
Student System - IGS_CO_ITM This entity describes correspondence items which are sent to students. These may be system generated items or non system generated items which users have chosen to register against students.
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence. Correspondence types may include system generated documents such as enrolment forms, fee invoices, and certificates of results, together with non-system generated documents such
S_JOB_NAME This field contains the name of the job producing the output.
REQUEST_JOB_ID This field contains the job identifier of the output within a request. It allows for multiple instances of the same job name within a single request.
OUTPUT_NUM This field contains the number which identifies the request job output.
REQUEST_JOB_RUN_ID This field contains an identifier for a job that has run within a request.
CAL_TYPE The abbreviated name of the type of calendar associated with, or used as a selection parameter for the job which produced the correspondence item.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER This field describes the sequence number of the type of calendar associated with this correspondence item.
COURSE_CD The course code associated with, or used as a selection parameter for the job which produced the correspondence item.
CV_VERSION_NUMBER This field describes the version number of the course code associated with this correspondence item.
UNIT_CD The unit code associated with, or used as a selection parameter for the job which produced the correspondence item.
UV_VERSION_NUMBER This field describes the version number of the unit code associated with this correspondence item.
REFERENCE_NUMBER This field describes a system generated reference number that identifies the correspondence item.
COMMENTS A text facility for recording any comments associated with the correspondence item.
ORIGINATOR_PERSON_ID The identification number of the person who, either: (i) ran the job which created the system generated correspondence, or (ii) is the originator of, or responsible for, the non-system generated correspondence.
REQUEST_NUM This field contains the request number for which the job is run.
CREATE_DT This field describes the date on which the correspondence item is created.
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_PARAM Describes system-defined parameters to be merged with the defined template to produce correspondence
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the unique institution defined parameter type code that can be merged with letter templates
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LETTER_ORDER_NUMBER This adds order number of the parameter of the letter.
Student System - IGS_CO_DTL Contains textual information and describes details for correspondence items
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE Describes a type of correspondence
CORD_TEXT Describes the textual detail for a particular piece of correspondence detail
EXTERNAL_REFERENCE Describes the external reference document path and file specification
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
REFERENCE_NUMBER Describes a system generated reference number that identifies the correspondence item
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
S_CORD_FORMAT_TYPE Describes the format type of a particular piece of correspondence
Student System - IGS_CO_CAT_ITM Describes the items which the relevant correspondence category should or should not be sent
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_CAT The code of an institution-defined correspondence category. Correspondence categories are used to define sets of system generated and non-system generated correspondence types which are due to be sent to a student.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence. Correspondence types can include system generated documents such as enrollments windows, fee invoices, and certificates of results, together with non-system generated documents such
CREATE_DT The date on which the correspondence type item was included in the correspondence category.
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT The date on which the correspondence type item was deleted from the correspondence category.
BLOCK_WHEN_ENCUMBERED_IND Indicates and specifies if generation of the correspondence item is blocked when the recipient is held with any of the system hold effect types.
Student System - IGS_AS_UNTAS_PATTERN_ALL - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
CAL_TYPE - Obsolete
LOCATION_CD - Obsolete
UNIT_CLASS - Obsolete
UNIT_MODE - Obsolete
ACTION_DT - Obsolete
CREATED_BY - Obsolete
REQUEST_ID - Obsolete
PROGRAM_ID - Obsolete
ORG_ID - Obsolete
UNIT_CD - Obsolete
Student System - IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM_ALL Describes assessment items allocated to unit version within nominated teaching calendar instance
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_CD Unit code to which assessment items are linked. Unit code is an institution-defined unique identifier of a unit of study.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD The grading schema for the assessment item associated with student assessment item
GS_VERSION_NUMBER he version of grading schema for the assessment item associated with student assessment item.
RELEASE_DATE Date on which outcome is released to the student. If the value is null the outcome is not displayed to the student on self service screens.
DESCRIPTION The item description defined at the unit level.
UNIT_ASS_ITEM_GROUP_ID Unique identifier for a group to which the unit assessment item is attached.
MIDTERM_MANDATORY_TYPE_CODE For Midterm Grading Period, allows user to define whether a certain assessment item is:- Optional- Mandatory - Mandatory pass- Null (Default)
MIDTERM_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item relative to other assessment items for 'Midterm' grading period.
FINAL_MANDATORY_TYPE_CODE For Final Grading Period, allows user to define whether a certain assessment item is:- Optional- Mandatory - Mandatory pass- Null (Default)
FINAL_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item relative to other assessment items for 'Final' grading period.
VERSION_NUMBER Version of the unit the unit assessment item is linked to. Students are normally enrolled in the current version. Prior versions of the unit are end-dated.
CAL_TYPE Calendar type of the unit offerings to which the assessment item is linked. A calendar type is an institution-defined code for a calendar, such as ACAD-YR for a standard academic year.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar instance sequence number for the unit assessment item. Sequence number is the unique identifier for the calendar instance.
ASS_ID Identifier term attached to the unit. The assessment identifier is a system generated number that is used to uniquely identify an assessment item.
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number uniquely identifying the relationship. Required due to the possibility of an assessment item being linked to the same unit offering pattern at more than one location or mode or class.
CI_START_DT Start date of the teaching calendar instance that applies to the unit assessment item. Date from which the calendar instance becomes effective.
CI_END_DT End date of the teaching calendar instance that applies to the unit assessment item. Date from which the calendar instance is no longer effective. For example, teaching period semester 1 1996, ends on 30/6/96.
UNIT_CLASS - Obsolete
UNIT_ASS_ITEM_ID Unique Identifier of the Assessment items attached at the unit level.
UNIT_MODE - Obsolete
LOCATION_CD - Obsolete
DUE_DT Due date for completion or submission of the unit assessment item. Due dates are typically entered for non-examinable assessment items. Assignment due dates are used in the assignment tracking facility as the default action date for the Rec
REFERENCE Reference for the unit assessment item. References are typically used to indicate the number of a unit assignment or examination such as assignment 1 or assignment 2. Reference is used to enable easy identification of an assessment item whe
DFLT_ITEM_IND Indicates and specifies if the assessment item is a default item for the unit. If set selected, students enrolled in the unit are automatically allocated the assessment item via the processes ASSJ3212 and ASSJ3213. If not selected, the asse
LOGICAL_DELETE_DT Date on which the assessment item deleted from the unit offering pattern. Logical deletion does not cause the unit assessment item to be physically deleted from the database. However, the item is no longer available for use for the unit of
ACTION_DT Date on which the unit assessment item is added, deleted, or updated. If the assessment item is a default item, the existence of an action date is a trigger which determines that the change is applied to students within the unit when the pr
EXAM_CAL_TYPE Examination calendar type to which the examinable assessment item applies. This detail is needed only while entering the unit offering pattern teaching period spans multiple examination periods and the unit is examined in more than one exa
EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number of the examination calendar instance to which the assessment item applies. This detail required only when the teaching period spans more than one instance of the same examination calendar type.
Student System - IGS_CO_OU_CO_ALL Describes link between person and correspondence item
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
DT_SENT Describes the date a correspondence item was sent . For non-system generated correspondence, the 'sent date' defaults to the same date as the 'issue date.' For system generated correspondence, a batch job operates to enter the 'sent date.'
UNKNOWN_RETURN_DT Describes the date on which the correspondence was returned to sender. It indicates that the recipient no longer resides at the address to which the correspondence was sent.
PERSON_ID Person identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER Add letter reference number
SPL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Add Person letter sequence number
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence. Correspondence types can include system generated documents such as enrollments windows, fee invoices, and certificates of results, together with non-system generated documents.
REFERENCE_NUMBER Describes a system generated reference number that identifies the correspondence item
ISSUE_DT Describes the date the outgoing correspondence was created. Particularly relevant to system-generated correspondence if the issue date and the actual date of posting that is the sent date can differ.
ADDR_TYPE Describes the address type to which the outgoing correspondence was sent
TRACKING_ID Links the outgoing correspondence to a tracking item. For system generated correspondence, the creation of a tracking ID is an parameter option of the job which creates the correspondence item.
COMMENTS Contains any comments associated with the outgoing correspondence
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_CO_OU_CO_REF_ALL Holds specific person references for an outgoing correspondence item
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES. This is a sequence generated value.
CAL_TYPE The calendar type of the calendar instance in that the unit is offered. Units can only be offered in instances of calendar types that are categorised as teaching calendars.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for the calendar instance.
COURSE_CD The unique identifier for the course.
CV_VERSION_NUMBER The version number of the course. There can only be one version of a course with a system status of active and an unset expiry date.
UNIT_CD The unique identifier of the unit.
UV_VERSION_NUMBER The version number of the unit. Students are normally enrolled in the current version. Prior versions are end-dated.
S_OTHER_REFERENCE_TYPE The system defined other reference types .The other reference types are attached to this.
OTHER_REFERENCE Any reference not specific to a calendar instance, course version or unit version.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE Describes a type of correspondence
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
REFERENCE_NUMBER Describes a system generated reference number that identifies the correspondence item
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
ISSUE_DT Describes the date the outgoing correspondence was created
SEQUENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for the outgoing correspondence reference.
Student System - IGS_CO_ITM_ALL Describes correspondence items sent to students
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence. Correspondence types can include system generated documents such as enrollmentwindows, fee invoices, and certificates of results, together with non-system generated documents such a
S_JOB_NAME Contains the name of the job producing the output
REQUEST_JOB_ID Contains the job identifier of the output within a request. It allows the multiple instances of the same job name within a single request.
OUTPUT_NUM Contains the number that identifies the request job output
REQUEST_JOB_RUN_ID Contains an identifier for a job that has run within a request
CAL_TYPE The abbreviated name of the type of calendar associated with, or used as a selection parameter for the job which produced the correspondence item.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Describes the sequence number of the type of calendar associated with this correspondence item
COURSE_CD The course code associated with, or used as a selection parameter for the job which produced the correspondence item.
CV_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the course code associated with this correspondence item
UNIT_CD The unit code associated with, or used as a selection parameter for the job which produced the correspondence item.
UV_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the unit code associated with this correspondence item
REFERENCE_NUMBER Describes a system generated reference number that identifies the correspondence item
COMMENTS A text facility for recording any comments associated with the correspondence item.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program.
ORIGINATOR_PERSON_ID The identification number of the person who, either ran the job which created the system generated correspondence, or is the originator of, or responsible for, the non-system generated correspondence.
REQUEST_NUM This field contains the request number for which the job is run.
JOB_REQUEST_ID Add concurrent manager review id
CREATE_DT Describes the date on which the correspondence item is created
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_PR_RPT_GR_ALL Describes letter parameters types that exist in the repeating group
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
LETTER_REPEATING_GROUP_CD Contains the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter
LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the unique institution-defined parameter type code that can be merged with letter templates
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LETTER_ORDER_NUMBER Add Order the parameters of the letter.
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_RPT_GRP_ALL Describes groups used to link repeating parameters within letter
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE This is a code for the type of correspondence.
LETTER_REFERENCE_NUMBER The unique identifier for a system letter.
LETTER_REPEATING_GROUP_CD Contains the unique institution-defined group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter
DESCRIPTION Describes the group code that will be used to link repeating parameters within the letter
SUP_REPEATING_GROUP_CD Contains the superior group code that will be used to link repeating groups within the letter
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
Student System - IGS_CO_LTR_PR_RSTCN_ALL Describes correspondence type restriction of user-defined letter parameter types
Column Name Descritpion
CORRESPONDENCE_TYPE The code of an institution-defined type of correspondence.Letter parameters may be restricted to only be assigned to particular system letters i.e. letter parameters for the admissions sub-system,may be restricted to certain letter types.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
LETTER_PARAMETER_TYPE Contains the unique institution-defined parameter type code that can be merged with letter templates
Student System - IGS_AS_ATTEND_CONFIG Stores attendance entry configuration set up
Column Name Descritpion
KEY_CHK_DGT Check Digit Allowed (Y/N)
ATTENDANCE_ENTRY_REQD Blank Attendance Hours are not allowed (Y/N)
UNIT_DISCNTD If Unit is discontinued then also Collect Hours or Do Not Collect hours
HRS_EXIST If the hours already exists then Do Not Load Hours or Overwrite Hours
OVER_CLAIMABLE_HRS If Hours entered are more than Claimable Hours then Allow, Warning Only or Do Not Collect Hours
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
EAC_ID Sequence generated Primary Key
Student System - IGS_AS_GPC_PROGRAMS Stores grading period cohorts program details
Column Name Descritpion
GPC_PROGRAM_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the programs in the cohort
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code
COURSE_CD Program Code
COURSE_VERSION_NUMBER Program Version Number
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
Student System - IGS_AS_GPC_PE_ID_GRP Stores grading period cohorts person ID group details
Column Name Descritpion
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code
GROUP_ID Person Group ID
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
GPC_PE_GRP_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the person id group in the cohort
Student System - IGS_AS_GPC_UNIT_SETS Stores grading period cohorts unit set details
Column Name Descritpion
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code
UNIT_SET_CD Unit Set Code
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
GPC_UNIT_SET_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the unit set in the cohort
Student System - IGS_AS_INC_GRD_CPROF Stores incomplete grade conversion profile details
Column Name Descritpion
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Grading Schema Code
VERSION_NUMBER Version Number of Grading Schema
ORG_UNIT_CD Organization Unit Code
NUMBER_UNIT_TIME Number of units of time for completing the incomplete grade
TYPE_UNIT_TIME Type of Unit of time for completing the incomplete grade
COMP_AFTER_DT_ALIAS Date Alias from which the completion calculation is done
DEFAULT_GRADE Default Grade if the incomplete grade is not completed
INC_GRD_CPROF_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the incomplete grade conversion profile
DEFAULT_MARK Default Mark if the incomplete grade is not completed
INSTRUCTOR_UPDATE_IND Indicates whether the instructor can overwrite the default profile in the Incomplete Grade Form
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_AS_GPC_CLS_STNDG Stores grading period cohorts class standing details
Column Name Descritpion
GPC_CLS_STNDG_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the class standing in the Cohorts
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
Student System - IGS_AS_GPC_ACA_STNDG Stores grading period cohorts academic standing details
Column Name Descritpion
GPC_ACA_STNDG_ID System generated number to uniquely identify the academic standing in cohorts
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
Student System - IGS_AS_NOTIFY_BE Contains the Information of the Business event generated
Column Name Descritpion
INTERNAL_NAME Business Event Internal Name
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Request ID for concurrent program
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Program application ID for concurrent program
UOO_ID Unit Offering Option ID
PROGRAM_ID Program ID for concurrent program
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Program Update Date for concurrent Program
Student System - IGS_AS_UG_INTERFACE Grade Unit Interface Table primarily using to import details entered in Web ADI for Final Grades.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_DATE The batch date .
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
LOCATION_CD Unit Section Location code
UNIT_CLASS Unit Section Unit Class
MARK_CAPPED_FLAG Allows user to indicate whether marks have been capped for a student unit attempt outcome
MANUAL_OVERRIDE_FLAG The user should select this checkbox to keep the system from replacing the manually assigned marks with the system calculated ones.
RELEASE_DATE Date on which the student unit attempt outcome will be released to the student for viewing
UOO_ID Unique identifier for a unit offering option.
PERSON_NUMBER Student Number.
ANONYMOUS_ID Anonymous Number.
COURSE_CD Course Code.
UNIT_CD Unit code.
CAL_TYPE Calendar Type.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar Instance Sequence Number.
ALTERNATE_CODE Alternate Code.
USER_ID User Identification Number.
GRADE Grade.
MARK Mark.
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code.
INCOMP_DEFAULT_GRADE For Incomplete Grade default grade
INCOMP_DEFAULT_MARK For Incomplete Grade default Mark.
INCOMP_DEADLINE_DATE For Incomplete Grade deadline date.
COMMENTS Comments.
ERROR_CODE Error code to be replaced by import process.
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
Student System - IGS_AS_USEC_ATD_LINE Contains the Attendance Information. There is no need to create the table handlers for this table since the data is populated thru EO's in self service screens.
Column Name Descritpion
COURSE_CD Course_CD from Student Unit Attempt
ATTENDANCE_HOURS Attendance hours given to student for a particular unit section
SUBMITTED Attendance have been Submitted 'T'/'N'
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO Columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO Columns
UOO_ID UOO ID of the Unit Section whose Attendance entered
Student System - IGS_AS_CHN_GRD_REQ Stores the Change Grade Requests History of a student
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Student Id
REQUEST_DATE Date Of Request
REQUESTER_ID Person Id, requesting for change of grade
CURRENT_MARK Current Marks of the Student
CURRENT_GS_VERSION_NUMBER Grading Schema Version Number
CURRENT_GRADE Current Grades of the Student
CHANGE_MARK Requested Marks to replace current marks
CHANGE_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Change Grading Schema Code
CHANGE_GS_VERSION_NUMBER Change Grading Schema Version Number
CHANGE_GRADE Requested Grades to replace current Grades
COURSE_CD Course Code
REQUESTER_COMMENTS Justification for change of grade request
APPROVER_ID Person Id, approving requested change of grade
APPROVER_DATE Date of approval
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
MARK_CAPPED_FLAG Allows user to indicate whether marks have been capped for a student unit attempt outcome
UNIT_CD Unit Code
SHOW_ON_ACADEMIC_HISTRY_FLAG Allows user to define whether the changed grade be displayed on the Academic History self-service page.
LOCATION_CD Location Of Section
LOAD_CAL_TYPE Load Calender Type
LOAD_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER LoadCalendar Sequence Number
TEACH_CAL_TYPE Teaching Calendar Type
TEACH_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Teaching Calendar Sequence Number
Student System - IGS_AS_DOC_FEE_PMNT This tables stores the details of document fee payment
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
PLAN_ID Transcript Service Plan ID
INVOICE_ID Invoice Id of the Payment
PLAN_DISCON_FROM Date on which plan is discontinued
PLAN_DISCON_BY Person who discontinued the plan
NUM_OF_COPIES Number of copies
CAL_TYPE Calendar Type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar Sequence Number
PREV_PAID_PLAN Previous Paid Indicator for Lifetime Fee
PROGRAM_ON_FILE Stores program or career
FEE_PAID_DATE On which date fee paid
FEE_RECORDED_DATE Fee recorded Date
FEE_RECORDED_BY fee recorded by
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_GAA_SUB_HIST Used to capture the Grades and Attendance submission History of Unit sections.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier of the person who submitted the grades.
SUBMITTED_DATE Grade submitted Date.
SUBMISSION_TYPE The submission Type can either be GRADE or ATTENDANCE.
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code.
SUBMISSION_STATUS Submission Status is set to COMPLETE if all students are graded or attendance entered . Else it is INCOMPLETE.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
UOO_ID Unit Offering Option Identifier of the Unit Section.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Student System - IGS_AS_DOC_DLVY_TYP This table will store all the delivery methods that will be used for document request
Column Name Descritpion
DELIVERY_METHOD_TYPE Delivery Method Type Code. It is unique in this table.
DESCRIPTION Delivery Method Type Description
S_DELIVERY_METHOD_TYPE System Delivery Method Type.
CLOSED_IND Closed Indicator
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_AS_DOC_DLVY_FEE This table will store the fee information associated with every delivery method.
Column Name Descritpion
DFEE_ID Sequence Generated column. Uniquely identifies the table.
AMOUNT This is the amount to be paid for that type of delivery
FEE_TYPE This is the fee type against which the payment will be done.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_AS_ANON_NUMBER Holds Anonymous Number to be used to recognize a person
Column Name Descritpion
LOAD_CAL_TYPE Load Calendar Type
LOAD_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Load Calendar Sequence Number
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
ANUM_ID Sequence Generated Unique Key
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_AS_ORD_ITM_INT This interface table contains one entry for each document requested as a line item on the associated order. The data is extracted from the OSS production tables and used by the consulting solution for document production. The options includ
Column Name Descritpion
ORDER_NUMBER Request Number of the request for Documents. Sequence generated.Sequence Generated Column
COMMENTS Indicates the purpose for which this Document is requested
RECIP_PERS_NAME Recipient Name is always data-entered by the requester and stored explicitly..
RECIP_INST_NAME Please note that the organization may be either registered in the TCA or not. So, Name is stored explicitly.
RECIP_ADDR_LINE_1 Indicates Line 1 of recipient's address.
RECIP_ADDR_LINE_2 Indicates Line 2 of recipient's address.
RECIP_ADDR_LINE_3 Indicates Line 3 of recipient's address.
RECIP_ADDR_LINE_4 Indicates Line 4 of recipient's address.
RECIP_CITY Indicates the city of recipient's address.
RECIP_POSTAL_CODE Indicates postal code of recipient's address.
RECIP_STATE Indicates state of recipient's address.
PERSON_ID Identity of the Person who requested the Document
RECIP_PROVINCE Indicates province of recipient's address.
RECIP_COUNTY Indicates county of recipient's address.
RECIP_COUNTRY Indicates country of the recipient's address.
RECIP_FAX_AREA_CODE Indicates the area code of the recipient's fax number. Will be used if the delivery method is fax.
RECIP_FAX_COUNTRY_CODE Country code for the FAX
RECIP_FAX_NUMBER Recipient's FAX Number
DELIVERY_METHOD_TYPE Indicates the delivery method to be used.This is a user-defined field.
DUP_REQUESTED Indicates whether the duplicate document is requested by the user, Only Admin can exercise this option. Once checked, the status of the item is changed from COMPLETED to in process.
DUP_REQ_DATE Date on which the duplicate document was requested.
DUP_SENT_DATE Date on which duplicate document was processed and sent
DOCUMENT_TYPE Specifies the type of document that are ordered. The value may be Like TRANSCRIPT, ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATION
FGRADE_CAL_TYPE Indicates the teaching period for which to wait for final grades to be entered - if checked should be added to hold file.
FGRADE_SEQ_NUM Sequence Number of the calendar instance for grade hold release.
DEGHOLD_CAL_TYPE Indicates the teaching period for which to wait for degree to be entered - if checked should be added to hold file.
DEGHOLD_SEQ_NUM Sequence Number of the calander instance for Degree Hold
HOLD_FOR_GRADE_CHG Indicates whether the hold for grade changes is applicable or not.
HOLD_DEGREE_EXPECTED Indicates whethere the document should be held unless degree is expected.
HOLD_RELEASE_OF_FINAL_GRADES Indicates whether the document is to be withheld until final grades are done.
INCL_CURR_COURSE Indicates whether the information related to current course is to be included in document or not.
MISSING_ACAD_RECORD_DATA_IND Indicates if there is some missing information that could not be selected from the choice available.
DOCUMENT_SUB_TYPE Indicates the transcript type requested by the student.Lookup Type = IGS_AS_DOCUMENT_TYPE
SEND_TRANSCRIPT_IMMEDIATELY Indicates if the transcript is to be sent immediately.
SPECIAL_INSTR Special Instructions
EXPRESS_MAIL_TYPE Used if the student has chosen the method type as overnight/express etc
EXPRESS_MAIL_TRACK_NUM Used if the student has chosen the method type as overnight/express etc
GE_CERTIFICATION Holds the General Education certification details
EXTERNAL_COMMENTS Holds the external comments
INTERNAL_COMMENTS Holds the internal comments
ENR_TERM_CAL_TYPE Calendar Type that will determine the information that will appear on Enrollment certification
ENR_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number for the Calendar Type that will determine the information that will appear on Enrollment certification
INCL_ATTEMPTED_HOURS Indicates whether the Attempted hours will appear on the enrollment certification.
ITEM_NUMBER Indicates the Item number in the Order
INCL_CLASS_RANK Indicates whether the Class Rank will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_PROGRESSSION_STATUS Indicates whether the Progression status will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_CLASS_STANDING Indicates whether the Class standing will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_CUM_HOURS_EARNED Indicates whether the Cumulative hours earned will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_GPA Indicates whether the GPA of the student will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DATE_OF_GRADUATION Indicates whether the Date of graduation will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DEGREE_DATES Indicates whether Degree Dates will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DEGREE_EARNED Indicates whether the Degree Earned will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DATE_OF_ENTRY Indicates whether the Date of entry will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DROP_WITHDRAWAL_DATES Indicates whether the Drop or withdrawal dates will appear on the enrollment certification.
ITEM_STATUS Status of the Document
INCL_HRS_EARNED_FOR_CURR_TERM Indicates whether the Hours earned for the current term will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_MAJORS Indicates whether the Majors will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_LAST_DATE_OF_ENROLLMENT Indicates whether the Last date of enrollment will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_PROFESSIONAL_LICENSURE Indicates whether the Professional Licensure information will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_COLLEGE_AFFILIATION Indicates whether the College affiliation will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_INSTRUCTION_DATES Indicates whether the Instruction dates will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_USEC_DATES Indicates whether the Unit section dates will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_PROGRAM_ATTEMPT Indicates whether the Program attempt information will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_ATTENDENCE_TYPE Indicates whether the Attendance type information like Full Time/Part time will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_LAST_TERM_ENROLLED Indicates whether the Last term enrolled will appear on the enrollment certification.
DATE_PRODUCED Indicates the date the document was produced.
INCL_SSN Indicates whether the Social security number will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DATE_OF_BIRTH Indicates whether the Date of Birth will appear on the enrollment certification
INCL_DISCIPLIN_STANDING Indicates whether the Disciplinary standing will appear on the enrollment certification
INCL_NO_FUTURE_TERM Indicates The disclaimer that will appear on enrollment certification, which says We do not include future term.
INCL_ACURAT_TILL_COPMP_DT Indicates The disclaimer that will appear on enrollment certification, which says Information is accurate till the completion date.
INCL_CANT_REL_WITHOUT_SIGN Indicates That the enrollment certification will not be released without student's signature.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
NUM_OF_COPIES Indicates the number of copies of the Document requested
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent programs
RECIP_INST_CD Code for the recipient institution
RECIP_EMAIL Recipient Email identifier
PROGRAMS_ON_FILE Programs on File which should be displayed on the transcript
Student System - IGS_AS_ORDER_HDR Order Header Table
Column Name Descritpion
ORDER_NUMBER Request Number of the request for Documents. Sequence Generated Column
ORDER_STATUS Status of the Document order
DELIVERY_FEE Holds the Delivery Fee Details
ORDER_FEE Fee associated with document order
INVOICE_ID Invoice ID from Student Finance
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
DATE_COMPLETED Date of completion
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent programs
ORDER_PLACED_BY Order Placed by (Admin Id)
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
ADDR_LINE_1 Address Line 1
ADDR_LINE_2 Address Line 2
ADDR_LINE_3 Address Line 3
ADDR_LINE_4 Address Line 4
Student System - IGS_AS_DOC_FEE_STUP This table holds the document fees for each type of document delivery method
Column Name Descritpion
TFEE_ID It is Primary Key for this table. It is Generated through Sequence IGS_AS_DOC_FEE_STUP_S.
DOCUMENT_TYPE Transcript Type
LOWER_RANGE Lower range for the number of copies ordered
UPPER_RANGE Upper range for the number of copies ordered
PAYMENT_TYPE It is the criterion of paying the amount. It can be Flat rate (F) , Per Copy (P) or Life Time (L).
AMOUNT This is the amount to be paid for that type of transcript.
FEE_TYPE This is the fee type against which the payment will be done.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_AS_DOC_DETAILS This table will store the information about the documents associated with the order
Column Name Descritpion
ORDER_NUMBER Request Number of the request for Documents. Sequence generated.Sequence Generated Column
RECIP_PERS_NAME Recipient Name is always data-entered by the requester and stored explicitly.
INCL_SURNAME Include Surname Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_FORE_NAME Include ForeNames Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_PREV_NAMES Include Previous Names Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_INITIALS Include Initials Information in Enrollment certificate
DOC_PURPOSE_CODE Code for purpose of ordering the transcript
PLAN_ID Plan ID for payment plan
PRODUCED_BY Document Produced by person ID
PERSON_ID Person ID against whom order is placed
RECIP_INST_NAME Please note that the organization may be either registered in the TCA or not. So, Name is stored explicitly as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_ADDR_LINE_1 Indicates Line 1 of the recipient s address, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_ADDR_LINE_2 Indicates Line 2 of the recipient s address, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_ADDR_LINE_3 Indicates Line 3 of the recipient s address, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_ADDR_LINE_4 Indicates Line 4 of the recipient s address, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_CITY Indicates city of the recipient's city, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_POSTAL_CODE Indicates postal code of the recipient's city, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_STATE Indicates state of the recipient's city, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_PROVINCE Indicates province of the recipient's province, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
DOCUMENT_TYPE Specifies the type of document that are ordered. The value may be like TRANSCRIPT, ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATION
RECIP_COUNTY Indicates county of the recipient's city, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_COUNTRY Indicates country of the recipient's city, as found in TCA, data-entered or corrected.
RECIP_FAX_AREA_CODE Indicates the recipient's fax area code. Will be used if the delivery method is fax.
RECIP_FAX_COUNTRY_CODE Indicates the recipient's fax country code. Will be used if the delivery method is fax.
RECIP_FAX_NUMBER Indicates the recipient's fax number. Will be used if the delivery method is fax.
DELIVERY_METHOD_TYPE This value is the result of the requester selecting from an LOV or pre-populated by the program if EDI required to an EDI partner option is enabled and the associated receiving institution is an EDI partner.
PROGRAMS_ON_FILE Programs on File which should be displayed on the transcript
MISSING_ACAD_RECORD_DATA_IND Missing Academic Record Data Indicator
SEND_TRANSCRIPT_IMMEDIATELY Indicates whether Transcript should be sent Immediately
DOCUMENT_SUB_TYPE Indicates the transcript type requested by the user. Values are like 'Official', 'Unofficial'.
HOLD_RELEASE_OF_FINAL_GRADES Indicates whether Final Grades should be held for release.
FGRADE_CAL_TYPE Indicates the teaching period for which to wait for final grades to be entered - if checked should be added to " hold" file.
FGRADE_SEQ_NUM Indicates the teaching period for which to wait for final grades to be entered - if checked should be added to "hold" file.
HOLD_DEGREE_EXPECTED Indicates whether Degree Expected at the end of teaching period should be held.
DEGHOLD_CAL_TYPE Indicates the teaching period for which to wait for degree to be entered - if checked should be added to "hold" file.
DEGHOLD_SEQ_NUM Indicates the teaching period for which to wait for degree to be entered - if checked should be added to "hold" file.
HOLD_FOR_GRADE_CHG Indicates whether the hold for grade changes is applicable or not.
SPECIAL_INSTR Indicates special Instruction.
EXPRESS_MAIL_TYPE Manually populated by an Administrator with the carrier name if the requester chooses a delivery method that has a carrier associated with it.
EXPRESS_MAIL_TRACK_NUM Populated manually by the person who fulfils the request if the carrier for the delivery method chosen offers a tracking number.
ITEM_NUMBER Indicates the Item number in the Order
GE_CERTIFICATION Holds the General Education certification details
EXTERNAL_COMMENTS Holds the external comments
INTERNAL_COMMENTS Holds the internal comments
DUP_REQUESTED Indicates whether the duplicate of the document is requested or not. Default value is "N"
DUP_REQ_DATE Date on which duplicate was requested
DUP_SENT_DATE Date on which the duplicate t document was produced and sent.
ENR_TERM_CAL_TYPE Calendar Type that will determine the information that will appear on Enrollment certification
ENR_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number for the Calendar Type that will determine the term that will appear on Enrollment certification. This is mandatory for Enrollment Certification.
INCL_ATTEMPTED_HOURS Indicates whether the Attempted hours will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_CLASS_RANK Indicates whether the Class Rank will appear on the enrollment certification.
ITEM_STATUS Status of the Document
INCL_PROGRESSSION_STATUS Indicates whether the Progression status will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_CLASS_STANDING Indicates whether the Class standing will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_CUM_HOURS_EARNED Indicates whether the Cumulative hours earned will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_GPA Indicates whether the GPA of the student will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DATE_OF_GRADUATION Indicates whether the Date of graduation will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DEGREE_DATES Indicates whether Degree Dates will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DEGREE_EARNED Indicates whether the Degree Earned will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DATE_OF_ENTRY Indicates whether the Date of entry will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_DROP_WITHDRAWAL_DATES Indicates whether the Drop or withdrawal dates will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_HRS_EARNED_FOR_CURR_TERM Indicates whether the Hours earned for the current term will appear on the enrollment certification.
DATE_PRODUCED Indicates the date the document was produced.
INCL_MAJORS Indicates whether the Majors will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_LAST_DATE_OF_ENROLLMENT Indicates whether the Last date of enrollment will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_PROFESSIONAL_LICENSURE Indicates whether the Professional Licensure information will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_COLLEGE_AFFILIATION Indicates whether the College affiliation will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_INSTRUCTION_DATES Indicates whether the Instruction dates will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_USEC_DATES Indicates whether the Unit section dates will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_PROGRAM_ATTEMPT Indicates whether the Program attempt information will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_ATTENDENCE_TYPE Indicates whether the Attendance type information like Full Time/Part time will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_LAST_TERM_ENROLLED Indicates whether the Last term enrolled will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_SSN Indicates whether the Social security number will appear on the enrollment certification.
INCL_CURR_COURSE Indicates whether to include the courses, which are currently in progress in the transcript.
INCL_DATE_OF_BIRTH Indicates whether the Date of Birth will appear on the enrollment certification
INCL_DISCIPLIN_STANDING Indicates whether the Disciplinary standing will appear on the enrollment certification
INCL_NO_FUTURE_TERM Indicates The disclaimer that will appear on enrollment certification, which says We do not include future term.
INCL_ACURAT_TILL_COPMP_DT Indicates The disclaimer that will appear on enrollment certification, which says Information is accurate till the completion date.
INCL_CANT_REL_WITHOUT_SIGN Indicates That the enrollment certification will not be released without student's signature..
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
NUM_OF_COPIES Indicates the number of copies of the documents requested
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent programs
RECIP_INST_CD Code for the recipient institution.
RECIP_EMAIL Recipient Email
OVERRIDDEN_DOC_DELIVERY_FEE Overridden document delivery fees.
OVERRIDDEN_DOCUMENT_FEE Overridden document fees.
FEE_OVERRIDDEN_BY Fees overridden by.
FEE_OVERRIDDEN_DATE Fees overridden date.
INCL_DEPARTMENT Include Department Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_FIELD_OF_STDY Include Field of Study Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_ATTEND_MODE Include Attendance Mode Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_YOP_ACAD_PRD Include Year of Program and Academic period Information in Enrollment certificate
COMMENTS Indicates the purpose for which this document is requested
INCL_INTRMSN_ST_END Include Intermission start and end dates
INCL_HNRS_LVL Include honours level Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_AWARDS Include awards Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_AWARD_AIM Include award aims Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_ACAD_SESSIONS Include Academic sessions Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_ST_END_ACAD_SES Include start and end date of each academic session Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_HESA_NUM Include HESA number in Enrollment certificate
INCL_LOCATION Include Location Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_PROGRAM_TYPE Include Program type Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_PROGRAM_NAME Include Program Name Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_PROG_ATMPT_STAT Include Program attempt status Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_PROG_ATMPT_END Include Program attempt end date Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_PROG_ATMPT_STRT Include Program attempt start date Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_REQ_CMPLETE Include Requirements complete flag Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_EXPECTED_COMPL_DT Include Requirements complete flag Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_CONFERRAL_DT Include Conferral dates Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_THESIS_TITLE Include Thesis title Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_PROGRAM_CODE Include Program Code Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_PROGRAM_VER Include Program version Information in Enrollment certificate
INCL_STUD_NO Include Student Number Information in Enrollment certificate
Student System - IGS_AS_DOCPROC_STUP This is setup table for Transcript Document Processing
Column Name Descritpion
TPSET_ID Sequence Generated Column
ALWAYS_SEND_DOCS_VIA_EDI Always send documents via EDI to those institutions designated EDI partners
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
PROVIDE_DUPLICATE_DOC_IND If not checked on setup form, all "Duplicate" processing is disabled. Default value is "N"
ADMINISTRATOR_ID User ID to whom admin notifications are to be sent
CHARGE_DOCUMENT_FEE_IND Charge Document Fee Indicator
CHARGE_DELIVERY_FEE_IND Charge Delivery Fee Indicator
LIFETIME_TRANS_FEE_IND Allow Life Time Transcript Fee paid Indicator
PROVIDE_TRANSCRIPT_IND Indicates whether the Transcript request is allowed or not
TRANS_REQUEST_IF_HOLD_IND Do not allow Transcript to be requested if Transcript Hold exists indicator DEFAULT ?N?
ALL_ACAD_HIST_IN_ONE_DOC_IND Indicates whether all academic history should be included in one transcript.
HOLD_DELIV_IND Allow Transcript to be requested if Transcript Hold exists but hold delivery of document until Hold clears Indicator Default ?N?
ALLOW_ENROLL_CERT_IND Indicates whether the Enrollment certification is allowed or not
BILL_ME_LATER_IND Bill Me later Indicator
EDI_CAPABLE_IND Indicates whether the institute is capable of delivering by EDI or Not
Student System - IGS_AS_SUAAI_OUHIST The history of the for the student assessment item outcomes is recorded in this table. The base table for the history table is IGS_AS_SU_ATMPT_ITM. The history is tracked for grading schema, mark, grade, outcome date and outcome comment c
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Student for whom the assessment item and its outcome is getting recorded
GRADE The grade for a student unit attempt assessment item
OUTCOME_DT The date on which an outcome was decided for the students attempt at the assessment item
MARK The marks for a student unit attempt assessment item
OUTCOME_COMMENT_CODE The reason for changing the grade or marks. This would be a required column whenever the marks or grade are changed
HIST_START_DT Effective start date and time of the history record
HIST_END_DT Effective end date and time of the history record
HIST_WHO Updated by the person
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
COURSE_CD The program for the student.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SUA_ASS_ITEM_GROUP_ID Unique identifier of a group to which the student unit attempt assessment item is attached.
MIDTERM_MANDATORY_TYPE_CODE For Midterm Grading Period, allows user to define whether a certain assessment item is:- Optional- Mandatory - Mandatory pass- Null (Default)
MIDTERM_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item relative to other assessment items for 'Midterm' grading period.
FINAL_MANDATORY_TYPE_CODE For Final Grading Period, allows user to define whether a certain assessment item is:- Optional- Mandatory - Mandatory pass- Null (Default)
FINAL_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item relative to other assessment items for 'Final' grading period.
SUBMITTED_DATE Date on which the student submitted the assessment item for grading
WAIVED_FLAG Allows the user to indicate that the assessment item is being waived for a particular student.
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier
PENALTY_APPLIED_FLAG Allows the user to indicate that the captured mark/grade have been subjected to a penalty.
UNIT_CD The unit for the student to which the assessment item is linked.
CAL_TYPE Students enrolled teaching calendar type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Students teaching calendar sequence number. It helps in identifying the instance for the calendar
ASS_ID The assessment item ID of an assessment item that has been linked to the student and against whom the history is getting tracked. An assessment item ID is a system-generated number that is used to uniquely identify an assessment item. An as
CREATION_DT Indicates the date on which an assessment item was created against the student.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD The grading schema for the assessment item associated with student assessment item
GS_VERSION_NUMBER The version of grading schema for the assessment item associated with student assessment item.
Student System - IGS_AS_GRD_SUB_HIST Stores the grade submission history of Unit Sections- Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier who has submitted the unit section grades.
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Cd.
SUBMITTED_DT The date the outcome was entered for the student unit attempt. This date is automatically inserted by the system and cannot be updated.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SUBMISSION_STATUS Grade submission status of the Unit Section - COMPLETE or INCOMPLETE
UOO_ID Unique identifier for a unit offering option.
Student System - IGS_AS_APPR_GRD_SCH The approved grading schemas for assessment types associated with unit and version are recorded. They can be defaulted so that on linking the assessment items to unit offering and sections the grading schema is associated with the assessmen
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_CD The unit to which the approved grading schema for an assessment type is attached.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
VERSION_NUMBER The unit version to which the approved grading schema for an assessment type is attached.
ASSESSMENT_TYPE The assessment type for the unit having approved grading schemas.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Grading Schema for the assessment type . These can be only of the system type assessment item
GS_VERSION_NUMBER Grading Schema version for the assessment type . These can be only of the system type assessment item
DEFAULT_IND To indicate that the grading schema is to be defaulted for assessment type when assessment types are linked with unit offering
CLOSED_IND The approved grading Schema is available for use or not.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_CO_MAPPING Mapping and Attributes
Column Name Descritpion
MAP_ID Unique Identifier
MAP_DESCRIPTION Description for the Mapping
ELAPSED_DAYS Elapsed Days for a Document
REPEAT_TIMES Repeat Days for a Student
ATTR_DESCRIPTION Description for the Attributes
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
MAP_CODE Mapping Type Code
DOC_CODE Document Type Code
SYS_LTR_CODE System Letter Code
Student System - IGS_CO_INTERAC_HIST Interaction History
Column Name Descritpion
CAL_TYPE Calendar Type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar Sequence Number
DATE_SENT Obsolete
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
VERSION_ID Version Number of the Document Content Item that was sent as correspondence letter to the person. This is a new column and the upgrade script will default 1 for all the existing records in the table.
STUDENT_ID Student Identifier
SYS_LTR_CODE System Letter Code of the Document
ADM_APPLICATION_NUMBER Admission Application Number
NOMINATED_COURSE_CD Nominated Course Code
Student System - IGS_AS_SERVIC_PLAN Contains one row for each Transcript Service Plan offered by the institution. It is also used to support allowance of several "free" transcripts per career or academic year. If an institution does not desire a seeded service, use of the clo
Column Name Descritpion
PLAN_TYPE Seeded or user entered.
UNLIMITED_IND Value 'Y' or 'N'
QUANTITY_LIMIT User entered unless "Unlimited" = 'Y'; then null. Maximum value of 999. No decimals allowed.
PERIOD_OF_PLAN Seeded LOV; value chosen from LOV
TOTAL_PERIODS_COVERED Optional. Use Career/Program for "Free Transcript" plan or Term/Academic Year descriptor for user-defined plans. Not used for "Lifetime Transcript" Plan.
FEE_AMOUNT Price for the Service plan. Greater than zero; allow two decimal places.
CLOSED_IND Value 'Y' or 'N'; if "N", never appears as a choice of plans to be subscribed to by a student.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
PLAN_ID System generated.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_AS_DOC_PURPOSES Contains one row for each user-defined purpose to be used when ordering a document.
Column Name Descritpion
DESCRIPTION Purpose Description
DOCUMENT_TYPE Valid Values: TRANSCRIPT - TranscriptENROLLMENT_CERTIFICATE - Enrollment CertificationEITHER_TR_OR_ENCERT - Either Transcript or Enrollment CertificationBULK - Bulk
CLOSED_IND Value 'Y' or 'N'. Default 'N'.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_AS_DUP_DOCS Duplicate Documents stores all the duplicate requests for a document.
Column Name Descritpion
ITEM_NUMBER Item Number for which duplicate is created
REQUESTED_BY Person ID of the person who requested the duplicate document
REQUESTED_DATE Date the duplicate is requested.
FULFILLED_BY Person ID of the person who input the date the duplicate document was sent or submitted the CM job in which the document is created
FULFILLED_DATE Date the duplicate document is sent; May be manually entered by Admin in case of Manual fulfillment
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
Student System - IGS_AS_SL_INTERFACE Assessment Student List Web ADI Interface Table
Column Name Descritpion
USER_ID User Identifier
CAL_TYPE Calendar Type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar sequence Number
LOCATION_CD Location Code
CI_START_DT Calendar Start Date
CI_END_DT Calendar End Date
UOO_ID Unit offering option identifier
UNIT_ATTEMPT_STATUS Unit attempt Status
NOMINATED_COMPL_YEAR Nominated Completion year
YEAR_OF_PROGRAM Year of program
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DT Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
GROUP_ID Group identifier
LAST_ACTIVITY_DT Last Activity Date
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
COURSE_CD Course Code
UNIT_CD Unit Code
Student System - IGS_AS_LGCY_SUO_INT Interface table to store Assessment Unit Outcome Legacy data.
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_SUAO_INT_ID Uniquely identify each record in the interface table.
GRADE The grade which the student attained for this unit attempt.
S_GRADE_CREATION_METHOD_TYPE The system-defined grade creation method types.
FINALISED_OUTCOME_IND Indicator to denote whether the outcome is finalized or not.
MARK Students level of achievement in the unit attempt.
INCOMP_DEADLINE_DATE Completion Date for completing Incomplete Grade.
INCOMP_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Grading Schema for the incomplete grade.
INCOMP_VERSION_NUMBER Grading Schema Version Number for the incomplete grade.
INCOMP_DEFAULT_GRADE Default Grade if incomplete Grade is not completed.
INCOMP_DEFAULT_MARK Default Mark if incomplete Grade is not completed.
COMMENTS Comments.
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier for the row
GRADING_PERIOD_CD Grading Period Code.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
PERSON_NUMBER The person number of the outcome.
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
PROGRAM_CD Program code in which the unit attempt was studied..
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard Descriptive Flexfield Column
IMPORT_STATUS Record Import Status , Allowable values are U - Unprocessed (Default) R - Ready For Re-Processing E - Error W - Warning I - Imported
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
UNIT_CD The unit code to which the outcome applies.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
LOCATION_CD Unit Section Location code
UNIT_CLASS Unit Section Unit Class
TEACH_CAL_ALT_CODE Teaching Calendar Alternate code
OUTCOME_DT The date the outcome was entered for the student unit attempt.
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Grading schema code
VERSION_NUMBER Version of the grading schema
Student System - IGS_AV_LGCY_LVL_INT Interface table to store Advance Standing Unit Level Legacy data
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_LVL_INT_ID Uniquely identify each record in the interface table.
PROG_GROUP_IND Unit level credit is to be regarded as program-grouped if this indicator is checked.
LOAD_CAL_ALT_CODE Calendar Alternate code.
INSTITUTION_CD Institution Code.
S_ADV_STND_GRANTING_STATUS Granting status of the advanced standing unit level record.
CREDIT_POINTS Number of credit points that have been awarded as advanced standing at a particular unit level to a student.
APPROVED_DT Date when the unit level was approved for advanced standing purposes.
AUTHORISING_PERSON_NUMBER Person number of the officer who authorized the advanced standing.
GRANTED_DT Date when the granting status of the unit level advanced standing was set to GRANTED.
EXPIRY_DT Date when the approval for the advanced standing unit level expired.
CANCELLED_DT Date when the granting status of the unit level record was changed to CANCELLED.
BATCH_ID Foreign Key to Batch Interface Table
REVOKED_DT Date when the granting status of the unit level advanced standing was set to REVOKED.
COMMENTS Comments about the advanced standing unit level record.
QUAL_EXAM_LEVEL Qualification details table exam level part of the qualification details key.
QUAL_SUBJECT_CODE Qualification details table subject code part of the qualification details key.
QUAL_YEAR Qualification details table year part of the qualification details key.
QUAL_SITTING qualification details table sitting part of the qualification details key.
QUAL_AWARDING_BODY Qualification details table award body part of the qualification details key.
APPROVED_RESULT Approved result, part of the qualification details key.
PREV_UNIT_CD Previous unit part of the previous unit details key
PREV_TERM Previous term details key
PERSON_NUMBER The person number of the advanced standing.
START_DATE Start date of the term
END_DATE End Date of the term
TST_ADMISSION_TEST_TYPE Test segment Admission Test Type
TST_TEST_DATE Test segment test date
TEST_SEGMENT_NAME Test segment name
BASIS_PROGRAM_TYPE Program type of the program that forms the basis of the unit level advanced standing.
BASIS_YEAR The year, a person was last enrolled in a program that forms the basis of the unit level advanced standing.
BASIS_COMPLETION_IND Completion indicator, indicating whether the person completed the program that forms the basis of the unit level advanced standing.
IMPORT_STATUS Records Import status, allowable values are U - Unprocessed (Default) R - Ready for Reprocessing : E - Error , W - Warning ,I - Imported
CREATED_BY Standard who column
PROGRAM_CD Program against which the advanced standing is to be approved or granted.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
UNIT_LEVEL_MARK Contains the Unit Level Mark to be included in the Summary Measures of Attainment calculations.
TOTAL_EXMPTN_APPROVED Total credit points approved as advanced standing.
TOTAL_EXMPTN_GRANTED Total credit points granted as advanced standing.
TOTAL_EXMPTN_PERC_GRNTD Percentage of program requirements granted as advanced standing.
EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD Institution where the majority of the exemption was obtained.
UNIT_LEVEL Level for which the advanced standing is being given.
Student System - IGS_AV_LGCY_UNT_INT Interface table to store Advance Standing Unit Legacy data
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_UNT_INT_ID Unique identifies of a record in the interface table.
VERSION_NUMBER Version of the grading schema
INSTITUTION_CD Institution Code.
APPROVED_DT Date the unit was approved for advanced standing purposes.
AUTHORISING_PERSON_NUMBER Person Number of the officer who authorized the advanced standing.
PROG_GROUP_IND Unit is regarded as program-grouped if this indicator is checked
GRANTED_DT The date the granting status of the unit was set to Granted.
EXPIRY_DT The date the approval for the advanced standing unit level expired.
CANCELLED_DT The date the granting status of the unit was set to Cancelled.
REVOKED_DT The date the granting status of the unit was set to Revoked.
COMMENTS Comments about the advanced standing unit.
BATCH_ID Foreign Key to Batch Interface Table
CREDIT_PERCENTAGE The percentage of credit for the unit that is to be granted as advanced standing. --Obsolete
S_ADV_STND_GRANTING_STATUS Advanced standing granting status
S_ADV_STND_RECOGNITION_TYPE Type of recognition that applies to the unit.
LOAD_CAL_ALT_CODE Load Calendar Alternate Code
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Grading schema code
GRD_SCH_VERSION_NUMBER Grading Schema Version Number.
GRADE The grade which the student attained for this unit attempt.
ACHIEVABLE_CREDIT_POINTS Achievable Credit Points Granted to a student.
PREV_UNIT_CD Previous unit part of the previous unit details key.
PREV_TERM Previous unit term part of the previous unit details key
PERSON_NUMBER The person number of the outcome.
START_DATE Start date of the previous term
END_DATE End Date of the previous term
TST_ADMISSION_TEST_TYPE Test segment Admission Test Type
TST_TEST_DATE Test segment test date
TEST_SEGMENT_NAME Test segment name
ALT_UNIT_CD Alternate unit that has been specified in place of a unit that the student has been precluded from studying.
ALT_VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the alternate unit that has been specified in place of a precluded unit.
OPTIONAL_IND Indicator of whether the alternate unit is mandatory or whether a choice is available. Setting the indicator to checked means that the alternate unit is optional.
BASIS_PROGRAM_TYPE Program type of the program that forms the basis of the unit advanced standing.
BASIS_YEAR The year, the person was last enrolled in the program that forms the basis of the unit advanced standing.
PROGRAM_CD Program code in which the unit attempt was studied.
BASIS_COMPLETION_IND Completion Indicator, indicating whether the students completed the program that forms the basis of the unit advanced standing.
IMPORT_STATUS Records Import status, allowable values are U - Unprocessed (Default) R - Ready for Reprocessing E - Error W - Warning I - Imported
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
TOTAL_EXMPTN_APPROVED Total credit points approved as advanced standing.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
APPLIED_PROGRAM_CD The program code under which the reference code is saved.
REFERENCE_CD The 'other system' reference code for a unit.
REFERENCE_CD_TYPE The institution-defined reference code type.
TOTAL_EXMPTN_GRANTED Total credit points granted as advanced standing.
TOTAL_EXMPTN_PERC_GRNTD Percentage of program requirements granted as advanced standing.
EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD Institution where the majority of the exemption was obtained.
UNIT_CD The unit code to which the outcome applies.
Student System - IGS_AZ_ADVISING_RELS Stores Student and Advisors combinations across various Advising Groups in the system.
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_ADVISING_REL_ID Primary key of the table. Indicates the relationship ID between the student and an advisor for the group. Its sequence generated.
GROUP_NAME Group name for which the relationship is being created.
GROUP_ADVISOR_ID The Primary Key ID of the table of Advisor table
GROUP_STUDENT_ID The sequence generated ID of the Advising student table.
START_DATE Start date of the relationship between the student and the advisor for a group.
END_DATE Date on which the relationship between the student and the advisor for a group terminated.
Student System - IGS_AZ_ADVISORS Details of all Advisors associated with the various Advising Groups in the system
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_ADVISOR_ID Primary Key of this table. The value is sequence generated
GROUP_NAME Name of the advising group to which the advisor belongs.
ADVISOR_PERSON_ID Person ID of the Advisor
START_DATE Date on which the Advisor became an active member of an advising group.
END_DATE Date on which the Advisor"s association with the advising group was terminated.
MAX_STUDENTS_NUM Maximum load capacity of the advisor for the advising group
NOTIFIED_DATE Date on which the Advisor was notified of his / her association or termination with the advising group
ACCEPT_ADD_FLAG The indicator signifies whether a certain Advisor"s suggested addition to an advising group has been accepted, rejected or is still unconfirmed.
ACCEPT_DELETE_FLAG The indicator signifies whether a certain Advisor"s suggested removal from an advising group has been accepted, rejected or is still unconfirmed.
Student System - IGS_AZ_GROUPS Stores advising group definition
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_NAME Primary KeyName of the Advising Group
DEFAULT_ADVISOR_LOAD_NUM The default number of Students an Advisor is expected to counsel in an advising group. This number can be overwritten for each advisor assigned to the group.
MANDATORY_FLAG If selected, the system will track to ensure that students meet their respective advisor(s) at least as many times as stated in the "Advising Sessions" field
ADVISING_SESSIONS_NUM Expected number of times a student is expected to meet an Advisor
ADVISING_HOLD_TYPE If selected, all students associated with the advising group will be required to be put on a "hold" with the selected Advising Hold Type
CLOSED_FLAG If selected the checkbox signifies that the group is "inactive"
COMMENTS_TXT Free form text field to allow user enter more specific information about the group definition e.g. the types of students, advisors expected to be part of the advising group, etc.
AUTO_REFRESH_FLAG Indicates whether the advising group will be selected for periodic run of the maintenance job. If selected, the advising group will be included in the periodic run of the "Maintain Advising Group" concurrent manager job.
LAST_AUTO_REFRESH_DATE The Date on which the "Maintain Advising Group" concurrent manager job last considered the advising group for any updates
AUTO_STDNT_ADD_FLAG If selected, the suggested Student Additions will be automatically confirmed by the "Maintain Advising Group" concurrent manager job
AUTO_STDNT_REMOVE_FLAG If selected, the suggested Student Removals will be automatically confirmed by the "Maintain Advising Group" concurrent manager job
GROUP_DESC A short description of the Advising Group
AUTO_ADVISOR_ADD_FLAG If selected, the suggested Advisor Additions will be automatically confirmed by the "Maintain Advising Group" concurrent manager job
AUTO_ADVISOR_REMOVE_FLAG If selected, the suggested Advisor Removals will be automatically confirmed by the "Maintain Advising Group" concurrent manager job
AUTO_MATCH_FLAG If selected, the suggested Advisor and Student matches will be automatically confirmed by the "Maintain Advising Group" concurrent manager job
AUTO_APPLY_HOLD_FLAG If selected the "Apply Advising Hold" concurrent manager job, during its periodic run, will put all eligible students on an "advising hold"
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Attribute category for the flex field usage.
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute for Flex field
ADVISING_CODE User defined advising category that is used as a means to cluster advising groups e.g. Academic Advising Groups, Administrative Advising Groups, Athletic Advising groups, etc.
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute for Flex field
RESP_ORG_UNIT_CD The organization unit responsible for maintaining the advising group
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute for Flex field
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute for Flex field
RESP_PERSON_ID The primary contact person to answer any questions / issues pertaining to the advising group
LOCATION_CD Location of the Advising Center of an advising group
DELIVERY_METHOD_CODE Delivery method of advise including: (a) 1-on-1, (b) Self-Advise, and (c) Advising Center
ADVISOR_GROUP_ID Advisor"s Person ID Group (PIG) associated with the Advising group. The PIG could be static or dynamic.
STUDENT_GROUP_ID Student"s Person ID Group (PIG) associated with the Advising group. The PIG could be static or dynamic
Student System - IGS_AZ_STUDENTS Student details associated with the various Advising Groups in the system
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_STUDENT_ID Primary Key of this table. The value is sequence generated
ACCEPT_DELETE_FLAG The indicator signifies whether a certain Student"s suggested removal from an advising group has been accepted, rejected or is still unconfirmed.
GROUP_NAME Name of the advising group to which the Student belongs.
STUDENT_PERSON_ID Person ID of the Student
START_DATE Date on which the Student became an active member of an advising group.
END_DATE Date on which the Student"s association with the advising group was terminated.
ADVISING_HOLD_TYPE Advising hold type associated with the student for the advising group
HOLD_START_DATE The start date of advising hold associated with the student for the advising group
NOTIFIED_DATE Date on which the Student was notified of his / her association or termination with the advising group
ACCEPT_ADD_FLAG The indicator signifies whether a certain Student"s suggested addition to an advising group has been accepted, rejected or is still unconfirmed.
Student System - IGS_AS_LGCY_STC_INT Interface table to be populated with transcript comments.
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_CMTS_INT_ID A value to uniquely identify each record in the interface table. To be generated from a sequence.
UNIT_SET_CD Unit set code (optional) based on the comment type
US_VERSION_NUMBER Unit set version number (optional) based on the comment type
UNIT_CD Unique identifier of the unit (optional) based on the comment type.
VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the unit. (optional) based on the comment type.
TEACH_CAL_ALTERNATE_CD Teach calendar (optional) based on the comment type.
LOCATION_CD Institution-defined location code, typically of a campus, at that a unit offering option is offered (optional) based on the comment type.
UNIT_CLASS Institution-defined code that identifies a unit class (optional) based on the comment type.
IMPORT_STATUS Import Status -Either of 'U' - Unprocessed (Default) ,'R' - Ready for Reprocessing ,'E' - Error ,'W' - Warning ,'I' - Imported ,
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier for the row
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
COMMENT_TYPE_CODE One of six type of transcript comment.
COMMENT_TXT Transcript comment.
PERSON_NUMBER Person number
PROGRAM_CD Course code (optional) based on the comment type
PROGRAM_TYPE Course type (optional) based on the comment type
AWARD_CD Award code (optional) based on the comment type
LOAD_CAL_ALTERNATE_CD Load calendar (optional) based on the comment type.
Student System - IGS_AS_STU_TRN_CMTS Table to be populated with transcript comments for the student.
Column Name Descritpion
COMMENT_ID Unique Id (Sequence generated).
UNIT_SET_CD Unit set code ( optional ) based on the comment type
US_VERSION_NUMBER Unit set version number (optional) based on the comment type
UOO_ID UOO Id (optional) based on the comment type
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
COMMENT_TYPE_CODE One of six types of the transcript comments.
COMMENT_TXT Transcript comment.
COURSE_CD Course code ( optional ) based on the comment type
COURSE_TYPE Course type (optional ) based on the comment type
AWARD_CD Award code (optional )based on the comment type
LOAD_CAL_TYPE Load calendar type (optional ) based on the comment type
LOAD_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Load calendar sequence number (optional) based on the comment type
Student System - IGS_AS_VAH_CONF Program Type View Academic History Configuration
Column Name Descritpion
CONFIGURATION_ID Sequence generated primary key
UNIT_DETAILS_FLAG Determines whether or not the Institution Unit Details are displayed.Default 'Y'
UNIT_NOTE_FLAG Determines whether or not the Unit Notes are enabled and displayed.Default 'N'
ADV_STND_UNIT_FLAG Determines whether or not Advanced Standing Units are displayed.Default 'N'
ADV_STND_UNIT_LEVEL_FLAG Determines whether or not Advanced Standing Unit Level details are displayed.Default 'N'
STATISTICS_FLAG Determines whether or not the Statistical Details or Year of Program Results are displayed.Default 'N'
CLASS_RANK_FLAG Determines whether or not the Class Rank is displayed.Default 'N'
INTERMISSION_FLAG Determines whether or not Intermission details are displayed.Default 'N'
SPECIAL_REQ_FLAG Determines whether or not Special Requirements are displayed.Default 'N'
PERIOD_NOTE_FLAG Determines whether or not the Term Note is enabled and displayed.Default 'N'
UNIT_SET_FLAG Determines whether or not Unit Set details are displayed.Default 'N'
COURSE_TYPE Stores the display configuration for a specific course type.
AWARDS_FLAG Determines whether or not the Awards region is displayed.Default 'N'
PROG_COMPLETION_FLAG Determines whether or not the Program Completion details are displayed.Default 'N'
DEGREE_NOTE_FLAG Determines whether or not the Degree Note is enabled and displayed.Default 'N'
END_NOTE_FLAG Determines whether or not the End of Career Note is enabled and displayed.Default 'N'
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
UNT_LVL_MARKS_FLAG Determines whether or not the Unit Level marks are displayed
DISPLAY_ORDER_FLAG Defines the order in which the history information is displayed. If true, the student's current or most recent career/program is displayed first in reverse chronological order otherwise the display is in chronological order.Default 'N'
START_NOTE_FLAG Determines whether or not the Start of Career/Program note is enabled and displayed Default 'N'
PROGRAM_REGION_FLAG Determines if the Basis of Admissions or the Record of Learning and Achievement region is displayed.Default 'N'
TEST_SCORE_FLAG Determines whether or not the test scores are displayed.Default 'N'
SUM_ADV_STND_FLAG Determines whether or not the Summary of Advanced Standing is displayed.Default 'N'
ADMISSION_NOTE_FLAG Determines whether or not the Basis of Admissions note is enabled and displayed.Default 'N'
TERM_REGION_FLAG Determines if the Term Details Region is displayed.Default 'Y'
Student System - IGS_AS_SUA_SES_ATTS Stores the attendance for the student's unit attempt against the session.
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Id as a FK from SUA table
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column.
COURSE_CD Program code as a FK from SUA table
UOO_ID Unit Section identifier as a FK from SUA table
SESSION_NAME Session for which the attendance is being captured
ATTENDANCE_FLAG Flag to indicate if the student has attended the session or not. The valid values being Y,N and O
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column.
Student System - IGS_AS_USEC_SESSNS New table to store Unit Section Session details
Column Name Descritpion
UOO_ID Unit Section Id which is a FK to unit sections table.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column.
SESSION_NAME A user enterable session name for entering the attendance.
SESSION_DESCRIPTION An optional description about this session.
UNIT_SECTION_OCCURRENCE_ID Relates this session to a specific unit section occurrence.
SESSION_START_DATE_TIME A date time field indicating the start of this session.
SESSION_END_DATE_TIME A date time field indicating the end of this session.
SESSION_LOCATION_DESC The location where this session is being held.
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column.
Student System - IGS_AS_SUA_AI_GROUP Student Unit Attempt Assessment Item Group
Column Name Descritpion
SUA_ASS_ITEM_GROUP_ID System generated number is used to uniquely identify group of assessment items attached to a student unit attempt. Student unit attempt assessment item group is a group of assessment items that would have certain amount of weight in the uni
FINAL_FORMULA_QTY In case the Formula is 'Best N' or 'At least N', the user is required to define the corresponding number of assessment item that will be used to derive student unit attempt outcome marks.
FINAL_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item group relative to other assessment item groups for 'Final' grading period.
UNIT_ASS_ITEM_GROUP_ID Reference to the original source from where the student unit attempt assessment items were inherited - Unit Level
US_ASS_ITEM_GROUP_ID Reference to the original source from where the student unit attempt assessment items were inherited - Unit Section Level
LOGICAL_DELETE_DATE Logical Delete Date for the Group
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
PERSON_ID Describes the person ID of the student to whom the assessment item group is linked.
COURSE_CD Describes the students course code
UOO_ID Unique identifier for a unit section.
GROUP_NAME Describes the name of a group of assessment items attached to a student unit attempt. For example, Quizzes, Homework.
MIDTERM_FORMULA_CODE For Midterm Grading Period, allows user to define the derivation formula based on which the student unit attempt outcome marks will be calculated:- Weighted Average- Best N- At least N- Null
MIDTERM_FORMULA_QTY In case the Formula is 'Best N' or 'At least N', the user is required to define the corresponding number of assessment item to be used to derive student unit attempt outcome marks.
MIDTERM_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item group relative to other assessment item groups for 'Midterm' grading period.
FINAL_FORMULA_CODE For Final Grading Period, allows user to define the derivation formula based on which the student unit attempt outcome marks will be calculated:- Weighted Average- Best N- At least N- Null
Student System - IGS_AS_UNIT_AI_GRP Unit Assessment Item Group
Column Name Descritpion
UNIT_ASS_ITEM_GROUP_ID System generated number is used to uniquely identify group of unit assessment items. Unit Assessment Item group is a group of assessment items that would have certain amount of weight in the unit grade. Formula can be applied to all the ass
FINAL_FORMULA_CODE For Final Grading Period, allows user to define the derivation formula based on which the student unit attempt outcome marks will be calculated:- Weighted Average- Best N- At least N- Null
FINAL_FORMULA_QTY In case the Formula is 'Best N' or 'At least N', the user is required to define the corresponding number of assessment item that will be used to derive student unit attempt outcome marks.
FINAL_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item group relative to other assessment item groups for 'Final' grading period.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
UNIT_CD Unit code to which assessment item groups are linked. Unit code is an institution-defined unique identifier of a unit of study.
VERSION_NUMBER Version of the unit the unit assessment item group is linked to. Students are normally enrolled in the current version. Prior versions of the unit are end-dated.
CAL_TYPE Calendar type of the unit offerings to which the unit assessment item group is linked. A calendar type is an institution-defined code for a calendar, such as ACAD-YR for a standard academic year.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar instance sequence number for the unit assessment item group. Sequence number is the unique identifier for the calendar instance.
GROUP_NAME Describes the name of a group of Unit Assessment Items. For example, Quizzes, Homework.
MIDTERM_FORMULA_CODE For Midterm Grading Period, allows user to define the derivation formula based on which the student unit attempt outcome marks will be calculated:- Weighted Average- Best N- At least N- Null
MIDTERM_FORMULA_QTY In case the Formula is 'Best N' or 'At least N', the user is required to define the corresponding number of assessment item to be used to derive student unit attempt outcome marks.
MIDTERM_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item group relative to other assessment item groups for 'Midterm' grading period.
Student System - IGS_AS_US_AI_GROUP Unit Section Assessment Item Group
Column Name Descritpion
US_ASS_ITEM_GROUP_ID System generated number is used to uniquely identify group of unit section assessment items. Unit Section Assessment Item group is a group of assessment items that would have certain amount of weight in the unit grade. Formula can be applie
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
UOO_ID Unique identifier for a unit section.
GROUP_NAME Describes the name of a group of Unit Section Assessment Items. For example, Quizzes, Homework.
MIDTERM_FORMULA_CODE For Midterm Grading Period, allows user to define the derivation formula based on which the student unit attempt outcome marks will be calculated:- Weighted Average- Best N- At least N- Null
MIDTERM_FORMULA_QTY In case the Formula is 'Best N' or 'At least N', the user is required to define the corresponding number of assessment item to be used to derive student unit attempt outcome marks.
MIDTERM_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item group relative to other assessment item groups for 'Midterm' grading period.
FINAL_FORMULA_CODE For Final Grading Period, allows user to define the derivation formula based on which the student unit attempt outcome marks will be calculated:- Weighted Average- Best N- At least N- Null
FINAL_FORMULA_QTY In case the Formula is 'Best N' or 'At least N', the user is required to define the corresponding number of assessment item that will be used to derive student unit attempt outcome marks.
FINAL_WEIGHT_QTY Allows user to define the weight of the assessment item group relative to other assessment item groups for 'Final' grading period.
Student System - IGS_AV_UNT_REF_CDS Table containing the reference codes that have been associated with an advanced standing unit.
Column Name Descritpion
AVU_REFERENCE_CD_ID System Generated number to store the primary key.
DELETED_DATE The date the record was marked as deleted.
APPLIED_COURSE_CD The program code under which the reference code is saved.
PERSON_ID Person Identifier and foreign key to HZ_PARTIES.
AV_STND_UNIT_ID Advanced Standing Unit ID.
REFERENCE_CODE_ID Uniquely identifies an institution-defined reference code type.
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_OVD_VALS This entity will store the overridden date type information for the seeded system date types.
Column Name Descritpion
SYS_DATE_TYPE Seed System Date Type
ELEMENT_CODE Code of the overriding element, FK to a lookup. ORG- Org Unit, PROG_TYPE - Program Type, PRG_CD - Program version.
ELEMENT_CODE_VALUE Value of the overriding element. E.g "BA-PSY/1", "SCHOOL_LAW", "UG"
DATE_ALIAS User assigned Date Alias for the system date alias at the overridden element.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
OVRD_VAL_ID Sequence generated PK for the table.
Student System - IGS_AS_LGCY_SUARC_INT Interface table to be populated with Student Unit Attempt Reference Codes.
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_SUAR_INT_ID A value to uniquely identify each record in the interface table. To be generated from a sequence.
REFERENCE_CD_TYPE The reference code type
REFERENCE_CD The reference code applied to the student unit attempt
APPLIED_PROGRAM_CD The program code under which the reference code is saved.
IMPORT_STATUS Record Import Status , Allowable values are U - Unprocessed (Default) R - Ready For Re-Processing E - Error W - Warning I - Imported
CREATED_BY Standard who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column
REQUEST_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_ID Standard concurrent program who column
BATCH_ID Batch Identifier for the row
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard concurrent program who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard concurrent program who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column
PERSON_NUMBER Person number
UNIT_CD The unit code to which the reference code is attached.
VERSION_NUMBER Unit Version Number
TEACH_CAL_ALT_CODE Teaching Calendar Alternate code
LOCATION_CD Unit Section Location code
UNIT_CLASS Unit Section Unit Class
Student System - IGS_AS_SUA_REF_CDS This table stores the Student Unit Attempt Reference Codes
Column Name Descritpion
SUAR_ID Unique key for Student Unit Attempt Reference Code
CREATED_BY Created By -Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Creation Date -Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Last Updated By -Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Last Update Login Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Last Update Date Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person ID - part of foreign key to SUA
COURSE_CD Program ID - part of foreign key to SUA
UOO_ID Unit Offering Option ID - part of foreign key to SUA
REFERENCE_CODE_ID Reference Code ID - foreign key to reference code
REFERENCE_CD_TYPE The reference code type
REFERENCE_CD The reference code applied to the student unit attempt
APPLIED_COURSE_CD The program code under which the reference code is saved.
DELETED_DATE The date the record was marked as deleted.
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_CONFIGS This entity will store the seeded system date types and their information.
Column Name Descritpion
DESCRIPTION Short Description of the System Date Type
OWNER_MODULE_CODE Owning Module for the System Date Type
VALIDATION_PROC Validation Procedure for the System Date Type
ONE_PER_CAL_FLAG Flag to indicate if multiple instances of the System Date type can be created in a single Calender Instance.
RES_CAL_CAT1 Restricted Calendar Category for the System Date Type
RES_CAL_CAT2 Alternate Calendar Category for the System Date Type
DATE_ALIAS User assigned Date Alias value for the System Date Type
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
SYS_DATE_TYPE Seeded System Date Type
Student System - IGS_CA_DA_OVD_RULES This entity will store the information related to overriding of the seeded system date type setup.
Column Name Descritpion
SYS_DATE_TYPE Seeded System Date Type
ELEMENT_CODE Element code. FK to a lookup ORG - Org unit, PRG_TYPE - Program Type, PRG_CD - Program version
SQL_VAL SQL validation to restrict the values at which override can happen. (like org_unit like '%School%'
SQL_VAL_OVRD_FLAG Flag to indicate if the SQL validation in place has to be overridden
CLOSED_IND Closed indicator.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
Student System - IGS_CO_COV_LTR_RELS This table will maintain the relationships between templates that where created during preview
Column Name Descritpion
PARENT_ITEM_ID Parent item id
CHILD_ITEM_ID Child item id
BASE_ITEM_ID Base item id
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Student System - IGS_CO_PREV_REQS This table will maintain all of the required information to hold a correspondence request for preview, and later distribution.
Column Name Descritpion
CONCURRENT_REQUEST_ID Concurrent request identifier.
ADM_APPL_NUMBER Admission Application number.
NOMINATED_COURSE_CD Admission Application Course code.
APPL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Admission Application Sequence number.
FULFILLMENT_REQ Unique Fulfillment Server Identifier.
MEDIA_TYPE_CODE Delivery channel[s] (EMAIL,FAX,PRINT).
DESTINATION Destination name.
FAX_NUMBER Fax number.
REPLY_DAYS Number of days that must pass before resending this request.
PANEL_CODE Admission Panel Code.
FF_REQUEST_HIST_ID Fulfillment request history identifier
REPLY_EMAIL Email Reply To Address.
SENDER_EMAIL Email From Address.
CC_EMAIL Email CC Address.
ORG_UNIT_ID Party identifier.
AWD_CAL_TYPE Calendar Type.
AWD_CI_SEQ_NUMBER Calendar Sequence Number.
ORIGINAL_VERSION_ID Version Number of the Original Document Content Item.
CURRENT_VERSION_ID Version Number of the Current Document Content Item.
EMAIL_SUBJECT Email Subject text.
ORIGINAL_CONTENT_XML The element of the original xml request
LETTER_TYPE_CODE Document Type Code.
CURRENT_CONTENT_XML The element of the current xml request
EXTENDED_HEADER Extended header xml data
DISTRIBUTION_ID Identifies the distribution run this preview request will be distributed in.
AWARD_PRD_CD Award period
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PERSON_ID Person Identifier.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
EMAIL_ADDRESS Recipient's Email Address.
ORIGINAL_CONTENT_ID Document Identifier for the original content item associated with this request.
CURRENT_CONTENT_ID Document Identifier for the current content item associated with this request.
AWARD_YEAR Award Year.
SYS_LTR_CODE System Letter Code.
Student System - IGS_CO_PRV_BCH_REQS Table to store details about Preview requests
Column Name Descritpion
CONCURRENT_REQUEST_ID Concurrent request identifier.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
MASTER_CONTENT_ID Document Identifier for the master cover letter content item associated with this request
MASTER_VERSION_ID Content Version Id
MASTER_LANGUAGE Applications Language Code of the Content Item
MASTER_TEMPLATE_UPDATED_FLAG Indicator to identify whether the master template for this correspondence batch has been modified
BATCH_CANCELLED_FLAG Indicator for batch cancellation

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