lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

My Human Resources Table Descriptions hand book (I have big hands) part5

Human Resources - PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES Predefined list of valid period types for payroll and HR budget calendars.
Column Name Descritpion
PERIOD_TYPE Name of the period type.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Who Column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive flexfield column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
DISPLAY_PERIOD_TYPE Translated name of the period type
NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR Number of periods in a fiscal year.
YEAR_TYPE_IN_NAME Year type. Always set to F, (Fiscal).
DESCRIPTION Description and remark.
SYSTEM_FLAG Indicates whether period type is predefined data (Y/N).
REQUEST_ID Standard Who Column.
Human Resources - PER_VALID_GRADES Lists valid grades for jobs and positions.
Column Name Descritpion
VALID_GRADE_ID System-generated primary key column.
PROGRAM_ID Standard Who Column.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive flexfield column.
GRADE_ID Foreign key to PER_GRADES.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive flexfield column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
DATE_FROM First date on which the grade is valid for the job or position.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER System-generated version of row. Increments by one with each update.
COMMENTS General remark.
DATE_TO The last date on which the grade is valid for the job or position.
JOB_ID Foreign key to PER_JOBS.
REQUEST_ID Standard Who Column.
Human Resources - TEST
Column Name Descritpion
O System-generated version of row. Increments by one with each update.
Human Resources - PER_WORK_INCIDENTS Holds information on Incidents that happen at work or en route to work, for example, an industrial accident
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Foreign key to PER_PEOPLE_F.
DISEASE_TYPE The category of disease diagnosed.
HAZARD_TYPE The category of hazard (object or substance) involved.
BODY_PART Description of body part involved and how affected.
TREATMENT_RECEIVED_FLAG Indictes whether medical treatment administered.
HOSPITAL_DETAILS Details of hospitalisation.
DOCTOR_NAME Name of doctor treating the injury or disease.
COMPENSATION_DATE Date of compensation award.
INCIDENT_REFERENCE Unique reference code for the work incident.
COMPENSATION_CURRENCY Currency in which compensation was awarded.
COMPENSATION_AMOUNT Amount of compensation.
REMEDIAL_HS_ACTION Details of health and safetly action required following the incident.
NOTIFIED_HSREP_ID Health and safety representative notified of incident. Foreign key to PER_PEOPLE_F.
NOTIFIED_HSREP_DATE Date health and safety representative was notified of incident.
NOTIFIED_REP_ID Person belonging to representative body notified of incident. Foreign Key to PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F.
NOTIFIED_REP_DATE Date representative body was notified of incident.
NOTIFIED_REP_ORG_ID Representative Body that has been notified.
RELATED_INCIDENT_ID Work incident to which this record relates. Foreign key to PER_WORK_INCIDENTS_F.
OVER_TIME_FLAG Indicates whether disease or condition occurred gradually
ABSENCE_EXISTS_FLAG Indicates whether there is an absense record for this work incident.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield column.
INCIDENT_TYPE Type of incident.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield column.
INCIDENT_DATE Date of incident.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE21 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE22 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE23 Descriptive flexfield column.
INCIDENT_TIME Time of incident.
ATTRIBUTE24 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE25 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE26 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE27 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE28 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE29 Descriptive flexfield column.
ATTRIBUTE30 Descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION_CATEGORY Developer descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
INC_INFORMATION1 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION2 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION3 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION4 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION5 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION6 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
ORG_NOTIFIED_DATE Date the organisation was notified of the work incident.
INC_INFORMATION7 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION8 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION9 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION10 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION11 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION12 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
LOCATION Location of incident. (Not an HRMS location ).
INC_INFORMATION13 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION14 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION15 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION16 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION17 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION18 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION19 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION20 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION21 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION22 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
AT_WORK_FLAG Indicates whether the incident occured 'at work' or 'en-route' to work.
INC_INFORMATION23 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION24 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION25 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION26 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION27 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION28 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION29 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
INC_INFORMATION30 Developer descriptive flexfield column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
INCIDENT_ID Primary key generated from sequence PER_WORK_INCIDENTS_S.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER System-generated version of row. Increments by one with each update.
REPORT_DATE Date incident was reported.
REPORT_TIME Time incident was reported.
REPORT_METHOD Method by which the incident was reported.
PERSON_REPORTED_BY Person who reported the incident. Foreign key to PER_PEOPLE_F.
PERSON_REPORTED_TO Details of person or authority that the incident was reported to.
WITNESS_DETAILS Name and contact information of witness(es) to the incident.
DESCRIPTION Description of the incident.
INJURY_TYPE The category of injury that was incurred.
Human Resources - PER_WORK_INCIDENTS_EFC This is a copy of the PER_WORK_INCIDENTS table which is populated by the EFC (Euro as Functional Currency) process.
Column Name Descritpion
COMPENSATION_AMOUNT Refer to column comment on base table.
COMPENSATION_CURRENCY Refer to column comment on base table.
INCIDENT_ID Refer to column comment on base table.
Human Resources - PER_ZA_EMPLOYMENT_EQUITY Temporary table for Employment Equity Reporting
Column Name Descritpion
REPORT_ID Report id
FW White Females
LEVEL_CAT_CODE Category or Level Code
LEVEL_CAT Category or Level
MA African Males in Employment Equity Report or Average Salary of the top 5 earners per Occupational Category or Level in Income Differential Statement
MC Colored Males in Employment Equity Report or Average Salary of the 5 lowest earners per Occupational Category or Level in Income
MI Indian Males
MW White Males
FA African Females
FC Colored Females
FI Indian Females
Human Resources - PER_ZA_TRAINING Table to store NQF Training info for a person
Column Name Descritpion
TRAINING_ID Unique Training Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LEVEL_ID Level Identifier
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
FIELD_OF_LEARNING Field of Learning
COURSE Course studying towards
SUB_FIELD Sub field of learning
CREDIT Credits earned
REGISTRATION_NUMBER Person's registration number
Human Resources - PER_ZA_FORMAL_QUALIFICATIONS Table to store additional NQF Qualification info for a person
Column Name Descritpion
QUALIFICATION_ID Unique Qualification Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LEVEL_ID Level Identifier
FIELD_OF_LEARNING Field of learning - free text
SUB_FIELD Sub field of learning - free text
REGISTRATION_DATE Registration date
REGISTRATION_NUMBER Registration number
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
Human Resources - PER_ZA_ASSESSMENTS Table to store the NQF Assessment info for a person
Column Name Descritpion
ASSESSMENT_ID Unique Assessment Identifier
LOCATION_WHERE_ASSESSED Physical location where assessed
FIELD_OF_LEARNING Assessment's field of Learning
SUB_FIELD Assessment's sub field of Learning
ASSESSMENT_START_DATE Assessment start date
ASSESSMENT_END_DATE Assessment end date
COMPETENCE_ACQUIRED Competence acquired in assessment
ETQA_NAME ETQA (Government related) name
CERTIFICATION_DATE Date of certification
ACCREDITED_BY Institution (s) accredited by
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
DATE_OF_ACCREDITATION Date of accreditation
CERTIFICATION_EXPIRY_DATE Certification expiry date
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LEVEL_ID Assessment Level Identifier
NAME_OF_ASSESSOR Name of the Assessor
INSTITUTION Institution where assessment was done
CREDIT Credits earned by person for this assessment
DATE_OF_ASSESSMENT Date of the assessment
FINAL_RESULT Final Result obtained by person after assessment - free text
ASSESSMENT_NUMBER Assessment reference number
Human Resources - PER_ZA_LEARNERSHIP_AGREEMENTS Table to store the NQF learnership agreement info between a person and the organization
Column Name Descritpion
AGREEMENT_ID Unique Agreement Identifier
TERMINATED_BY Name of person who terminated the contract
LEARNER_TYPE External or Internal
REASON_FOR_TERMINATION Description of why agreement has been terminated
ACTUAL_END_DATE The last date that agreement was in operation
AGREEMENT_HARD_COPY_ID Unique Identifier for hard copy of agreement
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
NAME Agreement Name - free text
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Agreement Description
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
STATUS Agreement Status
SETA Seta Name
Human Resources - PER_ZA_QUALIFICATION_TYPES Table to link qualification types (titles) to NQF qualification types
Column Name Descritpion
QUALIFICATION_TYPE_ID Qualification Type Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
Human Resources - PER_ZA_AREAS_OF_ASSESSMENT Table to store the Areas of assessment per NQF Assessment
Column Name Descritpion
AREA_OF_ASSESSMENT_ID Unique Area of Assessment Identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
ASSESSMENT_ID Assessment Identifier
AREA_OF_ASSESSMENT Area of Assessment Description
ASSESSMENT_RESULT Assessment Results - free text
ASSESSMENT_CRITERIA Assessment Criteria - free text
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
Human Resources - PER_TIME_PERIOD_TYPES_TL Predefined list of translated period types for payroll and HR budget calendars.
Column Name Descritpion
LANGUAGE Language of translation.
SOURCE_LANG Source language of the row.
DISPLAY_PERIOD_TYPE Translated name of the period type.
DESCRIPTION Description and remark.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column.

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