lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

My AR Table Descriptions hand book (I have big hands) part2

Receivables - AR_MISC_CASH_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL All accounting entries for miscellaneous cash applications
Column Name Descritpion
MISC_CASH_DISTRIBUTION_ID Primary key for miscellaneous cash distributions
GL_DATE General Ledger accounting date for the accounting entry generated by this distirubtion.
PERCENT Percent of the distribution that is attributed to this record
AMOUNT Distribution amount in entered currency.
GL_POSTED_DATE Date that this line was posted to Subledger Accounting
APPLY_DATE The application date of the line
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield context.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted. Stores the identifier of the concurrent request for posted records.
ACCTD_AMOUNT Distribution amount in functional currency.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent program who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent program who column. Date when a program last updated this row.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the concurrent request that last updated this row.
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE_CONTEXT Context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield
CREATED_FROM Populated by code that points to form or program that created this row
REVERSAL_GL_DATE Populated for records that were reversed and for the reversing record, limits the number of records that are reversed by rate adjustments and receipt reversal
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
MRC_GL_POSTED_DATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_POSTING_CONTROL_ID No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_ACCTD_AMOUNT No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Internal identifier for the miscellaneous receipt associated with the distribution
EVENT_ID Event identifier created in Subledger Accounting for the associated transaction.
CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID Cash receipt history identifier for activity accounting distribution
CODE_COMBINATION_ID General Ledger account code combination
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Internal identifier ledger to which the distribution will be posted
Receivables - AR_NOTES Memopad information for customer calls
Column Name Descritpion
NOTE_ID Identifier of the note
CALL_ACTION_ID Action of the call
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Invoice that is the subject of the call
CUSTOMER_CALL_ID Call identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
NOTE_TYPE Type of note
TEXT Text of the line
CUSTOMER_CALL_TOPIC_ID Topic of the customer call
Receivables - AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL All transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous cash receipts
Column Name Descritpion
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Internal Identifier of the installment record and primary key for this table.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
DUE_DATE Due date of the installment
GL_DATE General Ledger accounting date
ACCTD_AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING Open amount of transaction in functional currency
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent program who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the program that last updated this row.
AMOUNT_DUE_ORIGINAL The original amount due of the installment
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent program who column. Date when a program last updated this row.
RECEIPT_CONFIRMED_FLAG Y or N flag for a receipt to indicate whether the receipt has been confirmed
REQUEST_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the concurrent request that last updated this row.
SELECTED_FOR_RECEIPT_BATCH_ID Stores the internal identifier of the automatic receipt batch, which includes the associated transaction. A transaction is available for automatic receipt creation or any other receivable activity only when this column is null.
LAST_CHARGE_DATE The Late charges program stores the latest date on which this payment schedule was charged.
AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING The current outstanding amount of the installment. This column is updated when: A receipt is applied to the installment A credit memo is applied to the installment An adjustment is performed for the receivables transaction
SECOND_LAST_CHARGE_DATE This column is reserved for future use.
DISPUTE_DATE This column stores the last date that was inserted into the AR_DISPUTE_HISTORY table. It basically serves as a placeholder so that the database trigger knows what date to insert.
ORG_ID Unique internal identifier of the Operating Unit to which the transaction or receipt belongs.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
NUMBER_OF_DUE_DATES The total number of installments created for the associated receivables transaction.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
STATUS Status of the installment. Possible values are 'OP' for open status and 'CL' for close status. A payment schedule will have a status of 'OP' when amount due remaining is not equal to zero and a status of 'CL' when amount due remaining is eq
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Currency code of the associated transaction.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
CONS_INV_ID This column is used by the Balance Forward Bill (earlier Consolidated Bill) to store the invoice ID that contains this transaction
CLASS Identifies the class of transaction to which the installment is related. Possible values are:INV - InvoiceDM - Debit Memo GUAR - Guarantee CM - Credit Memo DEP - Deposit CB - ChargebackPMT - Receipt BR - Bills Receivable
CONS_INV_ID_REV This column is used to store cons. Invoice id that was reversed by the receipt.
EXCLUDE_FROM_DUNNING_FLAG This column indicates whether this transaction should be excluded from the dunning process. Possible values are Y or N.
MRC_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_EXCHANGE_DATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID The unique internal identifier for the transaction type of the associated transaction. The field is not populated if the record is related to receipt.
MRC_EXCHANGE_RATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_ACCTD_AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
BR_AMOUNT_ASSIGNED Amount of transaction that is assigned to a bill receivable
CUSTOMER_ID The unique internal identifier of the customer to which the transaction or receipt belongs.
RESERVED_TYPE Used in bills receivable. Indicates that the bills receivable is reserved and no activity like receipts can be performed on this transaction.
RESERVED_VALUE Used in bills receivable. Indicates that the bills receivable is reserved and no activity like receipts can be performed on this transaction.
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID The unique internal identifier for the Bill To site of the customer.
ACTIVE_CLAIM_FLAG This column indicates whether an active claim exists in Trade Management for this transaction.
EXCLUDE_FROM_CONS_BILL_FLAG Flag to indicate exclusion from balance forward bill. Value 'Y' indicates whether the transaction should be excluded from consolidation in a balance forward bill.
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID The unique internal identifier for the associated receivables transaction. This column is not populated if the record is related to a receipt application.
PAYMENT_APPROVAL Used by iReceivables.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID The unique internal identifier of the associated receipt. This column is populated only if the record is related to a receipt application.
ASSOCIATED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID The unique internal identifier of the receipt from which the chargeback is created. This column is populated only if the associated transaction is a chargeback.
TERM_ID The unique internal identifier of the payments terms used in calculating the payment schedule. Payment term is derived from the associated receivables transaction.
TERMS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number given to each installment record. Multiple installment records are created for a receivables transaction when split payment terms are used. For each transaction the sequence number starts with 1 and incremented by 1.
GL_DATE_CLOSED The accounting date when the schedule was closed. If the schedule is not closed, this column is populated with largest date (V7db supports 31-DEC-4712), to improve the aging report performance.
ACTUAL_DATE_CLOSED The actual date when the schedule was closed. If the schedule is not closed, this column is populated with largest date (V7db supports 31-DEC-4712), to improve the aging report performance.
DISCOUNT_DATE No longer in use.
STAGED_DUNNING_LEVEL Dunning level of the payment schedule as printed on the dunning correspondence.
AMOUNT_LINE_ITEMS_ORIGINAL Original line amount of the payment schedule. This column is not populated if the record is related to receipt application.
AMOUNT_LINE_ITEMS_REMAINING Remaining line amount of the payment schedule. This column is not populated if the record is related to receipt application.
AMOUNT_APPLIED Receipt amount applied to the installment.
AMOUNT_ADJUSTED Amount adjusted for the installment.
AMOUNT_IN_DISPUTE Amount disputed for the installment.
AMOUNT_CREDITED Credit Memo amount applied to the installment.
RECEIVABLES_CHARGES_CHARGED Original amount of finance charge applied to the installment. This column is not populated if the record is related to a receipt application.
RECEIVABLES_CHARGES_REMAINING Remaining amount of finance charge for the payment schedule. This column is not populated if the record is related to a receipt application.
FREIGHT_ORIGINAL Original freight amount for the payment schedule. This column is not populated if the record is related to receipt a application.
FREIGHT_REMAINING Remaining freight amount for the payment schedule. This column is not populated if the record is related to a receipt application.
TAX_ORIGINAL Original tax amount for the payment schedule. This column is not populated if the record is related to a receipt application.
TAX_REMAINING Remaining tax amount for the payment schedule. This column is not populated if the record is related to a receipt application.
DISCOUNT_ORIGINAL No longer in use.
DISCOUNT_REMAINING No longer in use.
DISCOUNT_TAKEN_EARNED Actual amount of earned discount taken for the installment. This column is populated only if the record is related to a receipt application.
DISCOUNT_TAKEN_UNEARNED Actual amount of unearned discount taken for the installment. This column is populated only if the record is related to a receipt application.
IN_COLLECTION This column indicates whether the payment schedule record is transferred to Advanced Collection module. Value 'Y' indicates yes and value 'N' indicates no.
DUNNING_LEVEL_OVERRIDE_DATE The system date on which user manually adjusted the dunning level of the transaction.
CASH_APPLIED_ID_LAST No longer in use.
CASH_APPLIED_DATE_LAST No longer in use.
CASH_GL_DATE_LAST No longer in use.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID_LAST No longer in use.
CASH_RECEIPT_DATE_LAST No longer in use.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE The exchange rate type used on the associated receivables transaction or receipt.
EXCHANGE_DATE The exchange rate date used on the associated receivables transaction or receipt.
EXCHANGE_RATE The exchange rate used on the associated receivables transaction or receipt.
ADJUSTMENT_ID_LAST No longer in use.
ADJUSTMENT_DATE_LAST No longer in use.
FOLLOW_UP_DATE_LAST Date the customer was last contacted with reference to the associated transaction.
FOLLOW_UP_CODE_LAST Lookup code value for the outcome of the last follow up with the customer. Possible values for the column are derived from the Receivables lookup code 'FOLLOW_UP'.
PROMISE_DATE_LAST The last date by which the customer promised to pay the installment.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column. User who last updated this row.
PROMISE_AMOUNT_LAST The amount the customer last promised to pay
COLLECTOR_LAST The last collector that called the customer
CALL_DATE_LAST The last date a collector called a customer
TRX_NUMBER Transaction number of the associated transaction.
TRX_DATE The transaction date of the associated transaction.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
REVERSED_CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifier for CASH_RECEIPT_ID of reversed receipt from which debit memo is created
AMOUNT_ADJUSTED_PENDING Amount of pending adjustment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_STANDARD_TEXT_B Standard statement messages
Column Name Descritpion
STANDARD_TEXT_ID Identifier of standard message text
TEXT_TYPE Type of statement message
TEXT_USE_TYPE Indicates the type of statement message
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
START_DATE Date when the standard message is active
END_DATE Date when the standard message becomes inactive
NAME Name of the standard statement message
Receivables - AR_STATEMENT_CYCLES Information about statement cycles
Column Name Descritpion
STATEMENT_CYCLE_ID Identifier of the statement cycle
DAY Contains day of each interval that a statement is to be generated
STATUS Determines the status of the statement cycle
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
NAME Name of the statement cycle
DESCRIPTION Description of the statement cycle
INTERVAL Frequency of the statement cycle, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and so on
Receivables - AR_STATEMENT_CYCLE_DATES_ALL Dates within a cycle for sending customer statements
Column Name Descritpion
STATEMENT_CYCLE_DATE_ID Identifier of statement cycle date
PRINT_DATE Date when the statement was printed, can be null
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
STATEMENT_CYCLE_ID Identifier of statement cycle
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
STATEMENT_DATE Date of statement generation
PRINTED Determines if the statement date is displayed as a list of values choice in the Print Statements window
Receivables - AR_STATEMENT_CYCLE_INTERVALS Statement cycle intervals
Column Name Descritpion
INTERVAL_NAME Name of the interval
LOW_DAY First date when the interval is active
HIGH_DAY Last date when the interval is active
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_STATEMENT_LINE_CLUSTERS Interim table of transaction lines that appear on a statement
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSACTION Transaction description
DUE_DATE Due date of the transaction
BILL_TO_LOCATION Address of the bill to location
TRX_AMOUNT The amount of the transaction
AMOUNT_DUE The amount due
ADJUSTMENT_ID Adjustment identifier. Foreign key to the AR_ADJUSTMENTS table.
CUSTOMER_ID Customer identifier. Foreign key to the RA_CUSTOMERS table.
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier. Foreign key to the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS table.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
SITE_USE_ID Site use identifier of the transaction. Foreign key to the RA_SITE_USES_ALL table.
BILL_TO_CITY Bill-to city
ORIG_PAYMENT_AMOUNT Original payment amount
LINE_CLUSTER_ID Identifier for the line cluster
TRANSACTION_CODE Transaction class. CB, CM, DM, DEP, GUAR, INV, or PMT
RECEIPT_CURRENCY_CODE Currency code of the receipt being applied to the invoice
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Amount applied in the receipt currency
CUSTOMER_TRX_SEQUENCE Customer_trx_id. Foreign key to the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table.
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_SEQUENCE Payment schedule ID of the INVOICE_NUMBER which serves as a foreign key to the AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES table
TRX_ORDER_SEQUENCE Specifies the ordering of statement lines
GENERAL_SEQUENCE Unique identifier from the AR_STATEMENT_LINE_CLUSTERS_S sequence
INVOICE_NUMBER Transaction number
TRX_DATE The date of the transaction
Receivables - AR_RATE_ADJUSTMENTS_ALL Information about adjustments made to the exchange rates of foreign currency receipts
Column Name Descritpion
RATE_ADJUSTMENT_ID Identifies the rate adjustment
OLD_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type before the adjustment
NEW_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type after the adjustment
OLD_EXCHANGE_DATE Exchange rate date before the adjustment
NEW_EXCHANGE_DATE Exchange rate date after the adjustment
GAIN_LOSS Gain or loss that is associated with the adjustment
GL_DATE General Ledger date
GL_POSTED_DATE General Ledger date of the posting when the adjustment was recognized
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifies the payment that the adjustment was made against
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
CREATED_FROM Indicates where this record was created. Valid values are ARXCAACI (Rate Adjustments form) or ARXAPCBR (Clear Bank Remittances form).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ORG_ID Organization identifier
MRC_OLD_EXCHANGE_RATE MRC only: concatenated string of reporting Set of Books ID, exchange rate before the adjustment pairs
MRC_NEW_EXCHANGE_RATE MRC only: concatenated string of reporting Set of Books ID, exchange rate after adjustment pairs
MRC_OLD_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE MRC only: concatenated string of reporting Set of Books ID, exchange rate type before adjustment pairs
MRC_NEW_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE MRC only: concatenated string of reporting Set of Books ID, exchange rate type after adjustment pairs
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
MRC_OLD_EXCHANGE_DATE MRC only: concatenated string of reporting Set of Books ID, exchange rate date before adjustment pairs
MRC_NEW_EXCHANGE_DATE MRC only: concatenated string of reporting Set of Books ID, exchange rate date after adjustment pairs
MRC_GAIN_LOSS MRC only: concatenated string of reporting Set of Books ID, the gain or loss associated with adjustment pairs
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
OLD_EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate before the adjustment
NEW_EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate after the adjustment
Receivables - AR_STATEMENT_HEADERS Interim table of statement header information
Column Name Descritpion
LINE_CLUSTER_ID Identifier for the line cluster
BUCKET4_HEADING Heading for the corresponding bucket
BUCKET5_HEADING Heading for the corresponding bucket
BUCKET1 Total amount for bucket 1
BUCKET2 Total amount for bucket 2
BUCKET3 Total amount for bucket 3
BUCKET4 Total amount for bucket 4
BUCKET5 Total amount for bucket 5
FINANCE_CHARGES Total amount of finance charges that the customer owes the company
TOTAL_AMOUNT_DUE Total amount due
ERROR_AMOUNT_DIFFERENT Y if the customer has a calculated amount due that is different from the amount due remaining, otherwise N
SEND_TO_ADDRESS_ID Identifier for the send-to address
ERROR_NO_SEND_TO Y if the customer does not have a send-to address, otherwise N
ERROR_NO_REMIT_TO Y if the customer does not have a remit-to address, otherwise N
ERROR_NO_LINES Always set to N
MESSAGE1 Identifier for standard message 1, foreign key to the AR_STANDARD_TEXT table
MESSAGE2 Identifier for standard message 2, foreign key to the AR_STANDARD_TEXT table
MESSAGE3 Identifier for standard message 3, foreign key to the AR_STANDARD_TEXT table
MESSAGE4 Identifier for standard message 4, foreign key to the AR_STANDARD_TEXT table
MESSAGE5 Identifier for standard message 5, foreign key to the AR_STANDARD_TEXT table
MESSAGE6 Identifier for standard message 6, foreign key to the AR_STANDARD_TEXT table
MESSAGE7 Identifier for standard message 7, foreign key to the AR_STANDARD_TEXT table
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier for the customer
MESSAGE8 Identifier for standard message 8, foreign key to the AR_STANDARD_TEXT table
MESSAGE1_LINE_COUNT Number of lines that are required to print standard message 1
MESSAGE2_LINE_COUNT Number of lines that are required to print standard message 2
MESSAGE3_LINE_COUNT Number of lines that are required to print standard message 3
MESSAGE4_LINE_COUNT Number of lines that are required to print standard message 4
MESSAGE5_LINE_COUNT Number of lines that are required to print standard message 5
MESSAGE6_LINE_COUNT Number of lines that are required to print standard message 6
MESSAGE7_LINE_COUNT Number of lines that are required to print standard message 7
MESSAGE8_LINE_COUNT Number of lines that are required to print standard message 8
REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_ID Identifier for the remit-to address
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
SITE_USE_ID Site use identifier, foreign key to the RA_SITE_USES_ALL table
STATEMENT_TYPE Indicates if the statement that is generated is sent to a statement or bill-to site
BILL_TO_LOCATION Bill-to location
CREDIT_BALANCE_STATEMENTS Y if credit-balance statements are sent to this site, otherwise N
STATEMENT_DATE Statement date
CUST_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID Customer level profile identifier, foreign key to the AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table
MIN_STATEMENT_AMOUNT Minimum statement amount for statements to be printed
MONTHLY_INTEREST_RATE Period interest rate
SITE_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID Site level profile identifier, foreign key to the AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code
BUCKET1_HEADING Heading for the corresponding bucket
BUCKET2_HEADING Heading for the corresponding bucket
BUCKET3_HEADING Heading for the corresponding bucket
Receivables - AR_LOCKBOXES_ALL Lockbox details used by the AutoLockbox program
Column Name Descritpion
LOCKBOX_ID Lockbox identifier
BANK_ORIGINATION_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the bank branch that sends the lockbox information
BATCH_SIZE Number of records in the batch
CONTACT_NAME Name of the contact person
TELEPHONE Telephone number of the contact person
GL_DATE_SOURCE Source of the accounting date
AUTO_ASSOCIATE Y or N indicates if AUTO_ASSOCIATE is on or off
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ZENGIN_CHAR_SET Determines the character set used when importing bank files in the Zengin format using AutoLockbox. Replaces the AR: Zengin Character Set profile option.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
REQUIRE_BILLING_LOCATION_FLAG Y or N indicates if a billing location is required for receipts
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Indicates the default exchange rate type for foreign currencies
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Indicates the default receipt method for the receipts in the lockbox
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
USE_MATCHING_DATE Use matching date for matching in lockbox, value can be NEVER, ALWAYS, or FOR_DUPLICATES
ALLOW_INVALID_TXN_NUM Y or N indicates if AutoLockbox should ignore invalid transaction numbers
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATE_CLAIMS_FLAG Determines if receipts/remittances should be considered for claim creation
LINE_LEVEL_CASH_APP_RULE Line Level Cash Application Rule
LOCKBOX_NUMBER Number of the lockbox within the bank
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Reserved for future use
AUTOAPPLY_FLAG Reserved for future use
STATUS Status of the lockbox, active or inactive
AUTOCASH_FLAG Reserved for future use
BATCH_SOURCE_ID Identifier of the batch source that is associated with this lockbox
Receivables - AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL Accounting information for cash and credit memo applications
Column Name Descritpion
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent program who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent program who column. Date when a program last updated this row.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the concurrent request that last updated this row.
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE Code defined by public sector accounting
USSGL_TRANSACTION_CODE_CONTEXT Context value for the USSGL Transaction Code Flexfield
EARNED_DISCOUNT_CCID General Ledger code combination for the earned discount
UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_CCID General Ledger code combination for the unearned discount
ACCTD_UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Unearned discount equivalent in the functional currency obtained using the invoice exchange rate
REVERSAL_GL_DATE General Ledger account date for the records that have been reversed and for the reversing record as well.
CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID Foreign key to the AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY table identifying the row that was current when the receivable application was created
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
TAX_CODE No longer in use.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID Internal identifier of the receivable application record and primary key for this table.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column. User who last updated this row.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
CONS_INV_ID Internal identifier of the balance forward bill to which the receipt is applied.
CONS_INV_ID_TO Consolidated billing invoice ID which contains the application to the new site (if application of cash or credit memo is applied to a site that is different from the site that was originally assigned to the cash or credit memo transaction)
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
RULE_SET_ID Identifier of the application rule set used to apply this record.
LINE_EDISCOUNTED Amount of earned discount attributable to line amount of the transaction.
TAX_EDISCOUNTED Amount of earned discount attributable to tax amount of the transaction.
FREIGHT_EDISCOUNTED Amount of earned discount attributable to freight amount of the transaction.
CHARGES_EDISCOUNTED Amount of earned discount attributable to charged amount of the transaction.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
LINE_UEDISCOUNTED Amount of unearned discount attributable to line amount of the transaction.
TAX_UEDISCOUNTED Amount of unearned discount attributable to tax amount of the transaction.
FREIGHT_UEDISCOUNTED Amount of unearned discount attributable to freight amount of the transaction.
CHARGES_UEDISCOUNTED Amount of unearned discount attributable to charged amount of the transaction.
RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Internal identifier of receivable transaction.
AMOUNT_APPLIED For same currency applications, the total amount of the application in the currency of the receipt and transaction. For cross currency applications, the total amount of the application in the currency of the transaction.
ON_ACCOUNT_CUSTOMER No longer in use.
MRC_AMOUNT_APPLIED No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_DISPLAY No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_STATUS No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_CASH_RECEIPT_ID No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_GL_POSTED_DATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_POSTING_CONTROL_ID No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM The amount applied to the transaction in the receipt currency. This field is used only for cross currency applications. Will be null for same currency applications.
MRC_ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_TO No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_ACCTD_EARNED_DISC_TAKEN No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_ACCTD_UNEARNED_DISC_TAKEN No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
EDISC_TAX_ACCT_RULE Used internally to setup receivable activity for earned discount.
UNEDISC_TAX_ACCT_RULE Used internally to setup receivable activity for unearned discount.
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE The exchange rate used to convert the amount applied in the transaction currency to the amount applied in the receipt currency. This field is used only for cross currency receipt applications.
LINK_TO_TRX_HIST_ID This column is used to reference the transaction history record, which is associated with the movement of deferred tax due to maturity date event, or its subsequent reversal event.
LINK_TO_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID This column is used to reference the transaction that is associated with the short term debt application.
APPLICATION_REF_TYPE Identifies the application reference type and determines the context for the APPLICATION_REF_ID and APPLICATION_REF_NUM columns
APPLICATION_REF_ID Application reference identifier whose context is determined by the APPLICATION_REF_TYPE column's value.
GL_DATE The General Ledger accounting date for the accounting entry for this application.
APPLICATION_REF_NUM User-visible application reference number whose context is determined by the APPLICATION_REF_TYPE column's value
CODE_COMBINATION_ID General Ledger account code combination that will be debited or credited for this application row.
SECONDARY_APPLICATION_REF_ID Secondary application reference identifier of another transaction or application, such as a claim, that is associated with this receipt application
PAYMENT_SET_ID Internal identifier of the prepayment application's payment set ID
APPLICATION_REF_REASON Application reason code whose context is determined by the APPLICATION_REF_TYPE column's value
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE Reference supplied by customer
CUSTOMER_REASON Customer reason
APPLIED_REC_APP_ID For receipt-to-receipt application, stores the internal identifier of the receipt which is receiving the application.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Internal identifier of the ledger to which accounting entry for this application will be posted.
SECONDARY_APPLICATION_REF_TYPE Identifies the application reference type and determines the context for the SECONDARY_APPLICATION_REF_ID and SECONDARY_APPLICATION_REF_NUM columns
SECONDARY_APPLICATION_REF_NUM User-visible application reference number whose context is determined by the SECONDARY_APPLICATION_REF_TYPE column's value
DISPLAY Y or N flag to indicate whether this is the latest application
EVENT_ID Identifier of the event created in Subledger Accounting for this record.
UPGRADE_METHOD Upgrade flag to indicate the origin of the application
APPLY_DATE Date the application was applied
APPLICATION_TYPE Indicates whether the application is a receipt application or credit memo application. Value 'CASH' indicates receipt application and 'CM' indicates credit memo application.
STATUS Lookup type for the status of the application. Possible application statuses include:APP - AppliedUNAPP - UnappliedACC - On-AccountUNID - Unidentified ACTIVITY - Receivable ActivityOTHER ACC - Other Receipt Application
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Internal identifier of the payment schedule of the credit memo that is being applied.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Internal identifier of the cash receipt being applied.
APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Internal identifier the debit item or credit memo to which the receipt or credit memo is applied
APPLIED_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID The line number of the debit item or credit memo to which the receipt or credit memo is applied
APPLIED_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifies the payment schedule of the debit item or credit memo to which the receipt or credit memo is applied.
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Internal identifier of the credit memo that is being applied.
LINE_APPLIED Line amount applied
TAX_APPLIED Tax amount applied
FREIGHT_APPLIED Freight amount applied
RECEIVABLES_CHARGES_APPLIED Receivables charges amount applied
EARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Amount of earned discount taken towards the application
UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Amount of unearned discount taken towards the application
DAYS_LATE Difference between apply date and due date of transaction
APPLICATION_RULE Code used internally to identify which SQL statements in which modules created this record
GL_POSTED_DATE Date the application was posted to General Ledger
COMMENTS Comments entered by the user
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield context.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
POSTABLE Y or N indicates whether the item is postable to the General Ledger
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted. Stores the identifier of the concurrent request for posted records.
ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Amount applied in functional currency. Converted using the exchange rate provided for the receipt.
ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_TO Amount applied to the transaction in functional currency. Converted using the exchange rate provided for the transaction.
ACCTD_EARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Earned discount amount in the functional currency converted using the transaction exchange rate.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CONFIRMED_FLAG Null or Y when the cash receipt is confirmed, N if the cash receipt is not confirmed. Always use nvl (CONFIRMED_FLAG is Y) when checking this column.
Receivables - AR_TRANSMISSIONS_ALL Lockbox transmission information
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSMISSION_REQUEST_ID Identifies the concurrent request of the transmission
AMOUNT Sum of payments in the transmission
VALIDATED_COUNT Number of records read in the transmission that passed the validation
VALIDATED_AMOUNT Sum of the validated payments within the transmission
ORIGIN Identifier of the institution from which the transmission originated
DESTINATION Account of the recipient
STATUS Lookup code for the status of the transmission
COMMENTS User's comments entered at submission
REQUESTED_LOCKBOX_ID Identifies the selected originating Lockbox
REQUESTED_TRANS_FORMAT_ID Identifies the selected transmission format
REQUESTED_GL_DATE Selected General Ledger date for payments
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
TRANSMISSION_NAME Name that the user has specified to identify transmission
TRANSMISSION_ID Uniquely identifies the transmission
LATEST_REQUEST_ID Identifies the concurrent request that last processed the transmission
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SOURCE_TYPE_FLAG Indicates interfaced data source
SCORING_MODEL_ID Indicates scoring model
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TRANS_DATE Deposit date that corresponds to the transmission
TIME Deposit time that corresponds to the transmission
COUNT Number of records read in the transmission
Receivables - AR_TRANSMISSION_FORMATS Lockbox transmission formats
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSMISSION_FORMAT_ID Identifies the transmission format
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ZENGIN_CHAR_SET Determines the character set used when importing bank files in the Zengin format using autobox. Replaces the AR: Zengin Character Set profile option.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
FORMAT_NAME Name of this transmission format
STATUS_LOOKUP_CODE Lookup code for the status of this transmission format
DESCRIPTION Description given to this transmission format
Receivables - AR_TRANS_FIELD_FORMATS Format of each field in a Lockbox transmission format
Column Name Descritpion
FIELD_FORMAT_ID Identifies each transmission field format
FIELD_END_POSITION End position of field
FIELD_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Lookup code for the type of field
DESCRIPTION Description of field
DATE_PICTURE_LOOKUP_CODE Lookup code for the date format
TIME_PICTURE_LOOKUP_CODE Lookup code for the time format
JUSTIFICATION_LOOKUP_CODE Lookup code for the field justification
AMOUNT_FORMAT_LOOKUP_CODE Lookup code for the amount format
OVERFLOW_REC_INDICATOR Indicates whether this field is an overflow of the preceding payment record
FILL_CHARACTER_LOOKUP_CODE Lookup code for the field fill character
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
RECORD_FORMAT_ID Identifies the record within which the field appears
TRANSMISSION_FORMAT_ID Identifies the transmission format with which this field is associated
FIELD_START_POSITION Start position of field
Receivables - AR_TRANS_RECORD_FORMATS Format of a record within a Lockbox transmission format
Column Name Descritpion
RECORD_FORMAT_ID Identifies the record format
DESCRIPTION Describes the record
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
TRANSMISSION_FORMAT_ID Identifies the Lockbox transmission format associated with this record
RECORD_IDENTIFIER Uniquely identifies each record within each record type
RECORD_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE Lookup code for the record type
Receivables - AR_JOURNAL_INTERIM_ALL Temporary table used by the Journal Entries report
Column Name Descritpion
STATUS Journal entry status
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ENCUMBRANCE_TYPE_ID Purchasing encumbrance column
BUDGET_VERSION_ID Budget version defining column
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE Date of exchange rate
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE Type of exchange rate
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE Foreign currency exchange rate
SEGMENT1 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT2 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT3 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT4 Key flexfield segment
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID General Ledger Set of Books that is used, only one supported currently
SEGMENT5 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT6 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT7 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT8 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT9 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT10 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT11 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT12 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT13 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT14 Key flexfield segment
JE_SOURCE_NAME Journal entry source
SEGMENT15 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT16 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT17 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT18 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT19 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT20 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT21 Accounting Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT22 Accounting Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT23 Accounting Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT24 Accounting Flexfield segment column
JE_CATEGORY_NAME Journal entry category
SEGMENT25 Accounting Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT26 Accounting Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT27 Accounting Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT28 Accounting Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT29 Accounting Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT30 Accounting Flexfield segment column
ENTERED_DR Transaction debit amount in the entered currency
ENTERED_CR Transaction credit amount in the entered currency
ACCOUNTED_DR Transaction debit amount in base currency
ACCOUNTED_CR Transaction credit amount in base currency
ACCOUNTING_DATE Date within the accounting period
TRANSACTION_DATE Date of the transaction
REFERENCE1 Inserted into GL_JE_BATCHES.NAME. Journal Import uses this to distinguish between batches. Derived from REFERENCE1 + JE_SOURCE_NAME + FND_REQUEST_ID + ACTUAL_FLAG.
REFERENCE2 Inserted into GL_JE_BATCHES.DESCRIPTION. If not entered, value for this column is Journal Import JE_SOURCE_NAME FND_REQUEST_ID.
REFERENCE3 Standard reference column
REFERENCE5 Inserted into GL_JE_HEADERS.DESCRIPTION. If not entered, value for this column is Journal Import FND_REQUEST_ID.
REFERENCE7 Standard reference column
REFERENCE8 Standard reference column
REFERENCE9 Standard reference column
REFERENCE10 Inserted into GL_JE_LINES.DESCRIPTION. If not entered, value for this column is Journal Import created.
REFERENCE11 Standard reference column
REFERENCE12 Standard reference column
REFERENCE13 Standard reference column
REFERENCE14 Standard reference column
REFERENCE15 Standard reference column
REFERENCE16 Standard reference column
REFERENCE17 Standard reference column
REFERENCE18 Standard reference column
REFERENCE19 Standard reference column
DATE_CREATED Standard Who column
REFERENCE20 Standard reference column
REFERENCE21 Corresponds to GL_JE_LINES.REFERENCE1, for General Ledger reporting
REFERENCE22 Corresponds to GL_JE_LINES.REFERENCE2, for General Ledger reporting
REFERENCE23 Corresponds to GL_JE_LINES.REFERENCE3, for General Ledger reporting
REFERENCE24 Corresponds to GL_JE_LINES.REFERENCE4, for General Ledger reporting
REFERENCE25 Corresponds to GL_JE_LINES.REFERENCE5, for General Ledger reporting
REFERENCE26 Receivables uses this column for reporting purposes. After Journal Import process completes, column is no longer used and value is overwritten.
REFERENCE27 Receivables uses this column for reporting purposes. After Journal Import process completes, column is no longer used and value is overwritten.
REFERENCE28 Receivables uses this column for reporting purposes. After Journal Import process completes, column is no longer used and value is overwritten.
REFERENCE29 Receivables uses this column for reporting purposes. After Journal Import process completes, column is no longer used and value is overwritten.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REFERENCE30 Receivables uses this column for reporting purposes. After Journal Import process completes, column is no longer used and value is overwritten.
INTERFACE_RUN_ID Identifier for this General Ledger Interface submission
JE_BATCH_ID Journal entry batch defining column
PERIOD_NAME Accounting period
JE_HEADER_ID Journal entry header defining column
JE_LINE_NUM Journal entry line number
CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID Accounting Flexfield structure defining column
FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE Accounting books base currency
CODE_COMBINATION_ID General Ledger code combination account
DATE_CREATED_IN_GL Date when batch was created in General Ledger
ACTUAL_FLAG Balance type, actual, budget, or encumbrance
WARNING_CODE Not currently used
STATUS_DESCRIPTION Status description
STAT_AMOUNT Statistical amount column
ORG_ID Organization identifier
Receivables - AR_LOCATION_COMBINATIONS Defines each distinct tax authority
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
START_DATE_ACTIVE Date when code combination becomes active
END_DATE_ACTIVE Date when code combination is deactivated
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
LOCATION_ID Internal location code combination ID
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_1 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_2 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_3 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_4 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_5 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_STRUCTURE_ID Identifies which structure of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield that this combination of locations belongs to
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_6 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_7 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_8 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_9 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
LOCATION_ID_SEGMENT_10 Foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_VALUES table for this segment of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield
ENABLED_FLAG Flag that enables or disables a location code combination
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_LOCATION_VALUES Defines the location and description for each of the value sets used in the Sales Tax Location flexfield
Column Name Descritpion
EDISC_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the non-recoverable tax account for earned discounts
UNEDISC_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the non-recoverable tax account for unearned discounts
LOCATION_SEGMENT_DESCRIPTION Long name for this location, used for reporting purposes only
FINCHRG_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the non-recoverable account for finance charges
PARENT_SEGMENT_ID Identifies which location owns this location. For example, which state owns this county.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
LOCATION_SEGMENT_ID Internal location segment ID
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LOCATION_SEGMENT_USER_VALUE Short name for this location, sourced from one of the columns in the RA_ADDRESSES or AR_TAX_INTERFACE tables
TAX_ACCOUNT_CCID Identifier for tax account code combination
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
INTERIM_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the deferred tax account
ADJ_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the revenue/net expense account for adjustments
LOCATION_STRUCTURE_ID Identifies the Sales Tax Location Structure that this hierarchy of values is used for
EDISC_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the expense account for earned discounts
UNEDISC_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the expense account for unearned discounts
LOCATION_SEGMENT_QUALIFIER Identifies which authority this location is for. Values may be sourced from the RA_ADDRESSES table.
FINCHRG_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the revenue account for finance charges
ADJ_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the Accounting Flexfield for the non-recoverable tax account for adjustments
Receivables - AR_MEMO_LINES_ALL_B Standard memo lines for debit memos, on-account credits, debit memo reversals, and chargebacks
Column Name Descritpion
START_DATE Standard memo line start date
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TAX_PRODUCT_CATEGORY Classifies non-inventory products or services for tax purposes
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
MEMO_LINE_ID Unique identifier
GL_ID_REV Code combination identifier for standard memo line revenue account
TAX_CODE Standard memo line tax code
UOM_CODE Standard memo line unit of measure
UNIT_STD_PRICE Standard memo line unit standard price
INVOICING_RULE_ID Standard memo line invoicing rule
ACCOUNTING_RULE_ID Standard memo line accounting rule
END_DATE Standard memo line end date
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LINE_TYPE Standard memo line type
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_POSTING_CONTROL Details of each General Ledger Interface submission
Column Name Descritpion
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Posting program submission identifier
REPORT_ONLY_FLAG Indicates if posting was run in Report Only mode. Y for run in this mode. N for not run in this mode. Always set to N.
RUN_GL_JOURNAL_IMPORT_FLAG Indicates if General Ledger Journal Import program was run. Y for program was run. N for program not run.
STATUS Posting status, either running or done, for all processes, not just posting program
GL_POSTED_DATE General Ledger date of posted items
CODE_COMBINATION_ID_GAIN System parameter to identify account that exchange rate gains and losses are posted to
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
CODE_COMBINATION_ID_LOSS Code combination identifier of realized losses
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ARGLTP_REQUEST_ID Concurrent request identifier of the ARGLTP posting program
ARGCGP_REQUEST_ID No longer used
GLLEZL_REQUEST_ID Concurrent request identifier of the General Ledger Journal Import program
START_DATE General Ledger start date of items to be posted to General Ledger
POST_THRU_DATE General Ledger end date of items to be posted to General Ledger
INTERFACE_RUN_ID Sequence generated identifier for the General Ledger Journal Import program
Receivables - AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES Information about receipt classes
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_METHOD_CODE AUTOMATIC for automatic receipt creation, MANUAL for manual receipts
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
NOTES_RECEIVABLE Notes Receivable flag
BILL_OF_EXCHANGE_FLAG Flag to indicate whether this receipt class is used for Bills of Exchange
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CLEAR_FLAG N if no clearance required (receipt created as cleared), S by automatic clearing, Y by matching
NAME Name of receipt class
RECEIPT_CLASS_ID Identifier of receipt class
REMIT_FLAG Y or N indicates whether remittance is required for this receipt
CREATION_STATUS Receipt creation status
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REMIT_METHOD_CODE FACTORING if receipts must be factored. STANDARD for standard remittance. STANDARD_AND_FACTORING if both options available to user.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
CONFIRM_FLAG Y or N indicates whether confirmation is required for this receipt
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_RECEIPT_METHODS Information about payment methods
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
PAYMENT_TYPE_CODE Payment type for this payment method, values include CASH, CHECK, and CREDIT CARD
MERCHANT_ID Merchant's identifier for the Credit Card Processor, usually provided by the bank or credit card issuer
RECEIPT_INHERIT_INV_NUM_FLAG Indicates if a receipt that the Automatic Receipts program creates is assigned the same document number as the transaction that the receipt pays
NAME Name of the receipt method
DM_INHERIT_RECEIPT_NUM_FLAG Indicates if the debit memo that a debit memo reversal creates is assigned the same document number as the reversed receipt
BR_CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID Identifier of the bills receivable transaction type, used in a bills receivable transaction creation batch
BR_MIN_ACCTD_AMOUNT Minimum functional amount that a bill receivable can be created for
BR_MAX_ACCTD_AMOUNT Maximum functional amount that a bill receivable can be created for
RECEIPT_CLASS_ID Identifier of the receipt class that is associated with this receipt method
BR_INHERIT_INV_NUM_FLAG Indicates if a standard transaction number is used for the bill receivable number
MERCHANT_REF Merchant's identifier for the Credit Card Processor, usually provided by the bank or credit card issuer
PAYMENT_CHANNEL_CODE Identifies payment channel
START_DATE Date when this receipt method is active
AUTO_PRINT_PROGRAM_ID Identifier of the program that prints the automatic receipts that this receipt method creates
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Identifier of the receipt method
AUTO_TRANS_PROGRAM_ID Identifier of the program that transmits the automatic receipts that this receipt method creates
END_DATE Date when this receipt method is inactive
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LEAD_DAYS Number of days before the invoice due date that an invoice becomes eligible to be selected for receipt application of the automatic receipts that this payment method creates
MATURITY_DATE_RULE_CODE Determines the maturity date of an automatic receipt that is used to pay invoices that have different due dates
RECEIPT_CREATION_RULE_CODE Indicates the rule that is used to group automatic receipts that this receipt method creates. For example, one per customer or one per site.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PRINTED_NAME String that is printed on statements when referring to this receipt method
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_RECEIPT_METHOD_ACCOUNTS_ALL Account information for accounts used by payment methods
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
EARNED_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Earned Account
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
EDISC_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Foreign key to AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX. This indicates the Receivables Activity to use when accounting for tax on earned discounts.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
UNEDISC_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Foreign key to AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX. This indicates the Receivables Activity to use when accounting for tax on unearned discounts.
BR_COLLECTION_DAYS Number of days that a bank requires for collecting bills receivable funds from a drawee
BR_STD_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Receivables activity used for short-term debt definition for the transaction type of Bills Receivable Remittance
BR_REMITTANCE_CCID Accounting Flexfield identifier for the Bills Receivable Remittance account
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
BR_FACTOR_CCID Accounting Flexfield identifier for the Bills Receivable Factoring account
CLAIM_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Foreign key to AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX. Indicates the receivable activity to use for claim investigation accounting.
OLD_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Old Identifier of the bank account associated with this receipt method
ON_ACCOUNT_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the On Account Account
REMIT_BANK_ACCT_USE_ID Identifier of the bank account associated with this receipt method
START_DATE Date this combination of receipt method and bank account is active
BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier of the bank account associated with this receipt method
UNAPPLIED_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Unapplied Account
UNEARNED_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Unearned Account
UNIDENTIFIED_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Unidentified Account
BANK_CHARGES_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Bank Charges Account
END_DATE Date this combination of receipt method and bank account is inactive
FACTOR_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Factor Account
FACTOR_PRINT_PROGRAM_ID Identifier of the program that will be used to print receipt that are selected for factoring and which use these receipt method and bank account
FACTOR_TRANSMISSION_PROGRAM_ID Identifier of the program that will be used to transmit receipt that are selected for factoring and which use these receipt method and bank account
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Identifier of the receipt method associated with this bank account
MIN_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Indicates the minimum receipt amount in this currency that must be specified when an automatic receipt is created with this payment method
RECEIPT_CLEARING_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Receipt Confirmation Account
REMITTANCE_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Remittance Account
REMIT_PRINT_PROGRAM_ID Identifier of the program that will be used to print automatic receipts that are selected for remittance and which use these receipt method and bank account
REMIT_TRANSMISSION_PROGRAM_ID Identifier of the program that will be used to transmit automatic receipts that are selected for remittance and which use these receipt method and bank account
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
CASH_CCID Identifier of the Accounting Flexfield for the Cash Account
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PRIMARY_FLAG Y or N indicates whether this remittance bank is the primary bank account in this currency for this payment method
CLEARING_DAYS This stores the number of clearing days it takes for a bank account to clear a payment method. On a factored receipt, it is also the number of days after maturity date when customer risk of non-payment is eliminated.
SHORT_TERM_DEBT_CCID Stores the short term debt liability account that is credited when receipts are factored to the bank. The account is debited at risk elimination time. It is mandatory for receipt classes whose remit_method_code allows factoring.
OVERRIDE_REMIT_ACCOUNT_FLAG This column will be used to default the OVERRIDE_REMIT_ACCOUNT_FLAG for receipts created with this payment method and bank account combination. It is considered Y when null.
RISK_ELIMINATION_DAYS Stores the number of days after the maturity date of a discounted receipt before the risk of non-payment of the receipt can be eliminated. The Automatic Clearing program uses this date. It is 0 when null.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_SALES_TAX Sales tax information for each tax authority defined in Oracle Receivables
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SALES_TAX_ID Internal primary key that is populated from the AR_SALES_TAX_S sequence, used as a foreign key in the RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES table
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LOCATION_ID Location code combination ID, foreign key to the AR_LOCATION_CODE_COMBINATIONS table
RATE_CONTEXT Internal structure ID of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, initially allows the rate structure to display
ENABLED_FLAG Y or N indicates if the sales tax rate is enabled
START_DATE Date when tax becomes active
END_DATE Date when tax becomes inactive
FROM_POSTAL_CODE Low range of a postal code that this rate is active for against this location
TO_POSTAL_CODE High range of a postal code that this rate is active for against this location
TAX_RATE Compiled sales tax rate, sum of every tax rate, taking into account overrides, for each segment of your structure
LOCATION1_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 1 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LOCATION2_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 2 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LOCATION3_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 3 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LOCATION4_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 4 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LOCATION5_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 5 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LOCATION6_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 6 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LOCATION7_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 7 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LOCATION8_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 8 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LOCATION9_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 9 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
LOCATION10_RATE Rate that is assigned to Segment 10 of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield, or null if this segment is inactive
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
DATE_FIRST_USED Identifies when this sales tax rate was first used
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_B Tax codes defined in the Tax Codes and Rates window
Column Name Descritpion
VAT_TAX_ID Unique identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG Y indicates if tax code is inclusive by default. Otherwise, tax code is exclusive.
AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_OVERRIDE Y indicates that the value of AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG can be overridden at time of usage. Otherwise, the AMOUNT_INCLUDES_TAX_FLAG column must be used at tax code level.
TAXABLE_BASIS AR_TAXABLE_BASIS lookup type for determining taxable amount
TAX_CALCULATION_PLSQL_BLOCK PL/SQL block to calculate tax amount
INTERIM_TAX_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for deferred tax account
ADJ_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for expense or revenue account for adjustments
TAX_RATE The tax rate associated with the tax code the user specified in the Tax Codes and Rates window
EDISC_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for expense account for earned discounts
UNEDISC_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for expense account for unearned discounts
FINCHRG_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for revenue account for finance charges
ADJ_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for non-recoverable tax account for adjustments
TAX_TYPE Lookup column that uses the TAX_TYPE lookup type
EDISC_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for non-recoverable tax account for earned discounts
UNEDISC_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for non-recoverable tax account for unearned discounts
FINCHRG_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield for non-recoverable tax account for finance charges
TAX_CLASS Input for tax codes on purchase transactions or output for tax codes on sales transactions
VALIDATE_FLAG Indicates whether the tax code is an Ad Hoc tax code
DISPLAYED_FLAG Controls if this tax code can be selected using the list of values to choose a tax code or tax group. By default, all tax groups and all tax codes that are not used within a tax group are displayed.
ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if the tax code is enabled. Y for enabled. N for not enabled. This column works with the START_DATE and END_DATE columns to enabled or disabled tax codes, even for a start date that is specified in the START_DATE column.
TAX_CONSTRAINT_ID Identifies a condition set used to optionally validate the tax group for any transaction line. Tax conditions ensure that a tax group has all required taxes and raise a user error message if a required tax is not used. This column is a fore
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Unique identifier of Set of Books
ADJUSTMENT_TAX_CODE Tax code used for adjustment
TAX_ACCOUNT_ID Code combination identifier of accounting flexfield that tax should be posted to
START_DATE First date that the tax code is active
END_DATE Last date that the tax code is active
TAX_CODE The tax code associated with a rate user specified in the Tax Codes and Rates window
UNAPPROVED_EXEMPTION_FLAG Allows the creation of unapproved exemption certificates
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
DESCRIPTION Description of tax code, for Italian legal requirement
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_LOCATION_RATES Sales tax rates for each tax authority
Column Name Descritpion
START_DATE Effective date, low end of range
END_DATE Effective date, high end of range
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
FROM_POSTAL_CODE Lowest possible postal code that this tax rate is effective for. Character, not numeric, comparison.
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
TO_POSTAL_CODE Highest possible postal code that this tax rate is effective for. Character, not numeric, comparison.
TAX_RATE Sales tax rate that is associated for this location within this postal code and effective date range. If null, then this is just a postal code range record.
LOCATION_RATE_ID Internal ID sequence number
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
OVERRIDE_RATE1 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 1 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
OVERRIDE_RATE2 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 2 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
OVERRIDE_RATE3 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 3 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
OVERRIDE_RATE4 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 4 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
OVERRIDE_RATE5 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 5 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
OVERRIDE_RATE6 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 6 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
OVERRIDE_RATE7 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 7 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
OVERRIDE_RATE8 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 8 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
OVERRIDE_RATE9 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 9 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
OVERRIDE_RATE10 Sales tax rate that overrides Segment 10 of the Location Flexfield, or null for no override
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
OVERRIDE_STRUCTURE_ID Used by city level records, the presence of a value indicates that the Override Parent Rates Descriptive Flexfield should appear
LOCATION_SEGMENT_ID Identifies parent location that owns this set of sales tax rates
Receivables - AR_TAX_INTERFACE Sales tax rates import table
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PARENT_LOCATION_ID Foreign key to AR_TAX_INTERFACE.LOCATION_ID, identifies parent taxing authority or is null for senior segment
FROM_POSTAL_CODE Minimum value for this tax authority, if known
TO_POSTAL_CODE Maximum value for this tax authority, if known
START_DATE Date from which this tax record is active
END_DATE The last date that this tax record is effective
TAX_RATE The sales tax rate to use
OVERRIDE_STRUCTURE_ID Identifies structure used during overrides of sales tax interface, defaulted to SYSPARAM.LOCATION_STRUCTURE_ID
OVERRIDE_RATE1 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 1, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE2 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 2, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE3 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 3, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE4 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 4, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE5 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 5, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE6 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 6, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE7 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 7, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE8 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 8, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE9 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 9, null for use normal value
OVERRIDE_RATE10 Tax rate to use as an override for segment 10, null for use normal value
INTERFACE_LINE_ID Line number in the source data file
CHANGE_FLAG Indicates if this record was changed. Y for changed. N for unchanged. Null for not known.
STATUS Transfer status, initially null for ready to load
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
ERROR_MESSAGE Application error message after upload
OVERRIDE_CONTROL Placeholder for SQL*Loader script, not used by concurrent program
LOCATION_SEGMENT_ID Internal location segment identifier, foreign key to AR_LOCATION_VALUES.LOCATION_SEGMENT_ID, after upload
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
SEGMENT_QUALIFIER Identifies which specific tax authority this record is for
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_TYPE Sales tax rate type
RATE_ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_ID Unique identifier used externally to identify this location
RATE_ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
RATE_ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LOCATION_VALUE Location short name, for example, CA for California, loaded into AR_LOCATION_VALUES.LOCATION_SEGMENT_USER_VALUE
LOCATION_DESCRIPTION Tax location description
Receivables - AR_POSTING_REPORT_INTERIM Temporary table used by the Posting Execution report
Column Name Descritpion
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
ENTERED_DR Sum of entered debits
ENTERED_CR Sum of entered credits
ACCOUNTED_DR Sum of accounted debits
ACCOUNTED_CR Sum of accounted credits
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code for posting report row
USER_JE_CATEGORY_NAME General Ledger category of this row
CYCLE_NUMBER The posting cycle of this row
Receivables - AR_PURGE_TRX_AUX Interim table used by the Archive and Purge program to store identifiers for selected transactions
Column Name Descritpion
TRX_ID Transaction identifier
RELATED_ID Related transaction identifier
TYPE Type of related transaction
STATUS Status of row, Y for purgeable or N for not purgeable
Receivables - AR_PURGE_REC_AUX Interim table used by the Archive and Purge process to store identifiers for selected receipts
Column Name Descritpion
REC_ID Receipt identifier
REC_TRX_ID Identifier of transaction that is related to this receipt
STATUS Status of receipt, Y for purgeable or N for not purgeable
Receivables - AR_PURGE_OE_EXCEPTIONS Interim table used by the Archive and Purge process to store identifiers for transactions that cannot be purged
Column Name Descritpion
TRX_ID ID of transaction that does not meet the Oracle Order Management purge requirement
Receivables - AR_SALES_TAX_REP_ITF Report Exchange interface table for the US Sales Tax report
Column Name Descritpion
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE14 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE15 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LINE_NUMBER Invoice line number
ADJUSTMENT_NUMBER Adjustment number or credit memo number
INV_OR_ADJ_DATE Transaction date
INVENTORY_ITEM Inventory item
DESCRIPTION Line item description
ITEM_DESCRIPTION Inventory item description, can be overridden by line item description
LINE_AMOUNT Invoice line amount
EXEMPT_AMOUNT Exempt amount
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TAXABLE_AMOUNT Taxable amount
TAX_REFERENCE Tax reference
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type
EXCHANGE_DATE Exchange rate date
EXCHANGE_RATE Exchange rate
UOM Unit of measurement
QUANTITY_INVOICED Quantity invoiced
UNIT_SELLING_PRICE Unit selling price
SALES_ORDER_LINE Sales order line number
LINE_CATEGORY Line Level Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE1 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE2 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LINE_ATTRIBUTE3 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE4 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE5 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE6 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE7 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE8 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE9 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE10 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE11 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE12 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE13 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE14 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
LINE_ATTRIBUTE15 Line Descriptive Flexfield segment column of type Line
TAX_LINE_NUMBER Tax line number
TAX_RATE Tax rate
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
TAX_CODE Tax code
TAX_PRECEDENCE Tax precedence
TAX_AMOUNT Tax amount
EXEMPT_NUMBER Exemption number
EXEMPT_REASON Exemption reason
TOTAL_LINES_AMOUNT Total line amount
TOTAL_TAX_AMOUNT Total tax amount
SOB_NAME Set of Books name
BASE_CURRENCY Base currency code
INVOICE_NUMBER Invoice number
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE Invoice currency code
TRANSACTION_TYPE Transaction type
CLASS Invoice class
FOB_POINT Freight on Board
SHIP_DATE_ACTUAL Actual ship date
WAYBILL_NUMBER Waybill number
POSTING_STATUS Posting status
SHIP_TO_STATE Ship-to state
SHIP_TO_COUNTY Ship-to county
SHIP_TO_CITY Ship-to city
SHIP_TO_POSTAL_CODE Ship-to postal code
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_NAME Ship-to customer name
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Ship-to customer number
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_TYPE Ship-to customer type
SHIP_TO_ADDRESS1 Ship-to address line
SHIP_TO_ADDRESS2 Ship-to address line 2
SHIP_TO_ADDRESS3 Ship-to address line 3
SHIP_TO_ADDRESS4 Ship-to address line 4
SHIP_TO_PROVINCE Ship-to province
BILL_TO_STATE Bill-to state
BILL_TO_COUNTY Bill-to county
BILL_TO_CITY Bill-to city
BILL_TO_POSTAL_CODE Bill-to postal code
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NAME Bill-to customer name
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Bill-to customer number
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_TYPE Bill-to customer type
BILL_TO_ADDRESS1 Bill-to address line 1
BILL_TO_ADDRESS2 Bill-to address line 2
BILL_TO_ADDRESS3 Bill-to address line 3
BILL_TO_ADDRESS4 Bill-to address line 4
BILL_TO_PROVINCE Bill-to province
SOLD_TO_STATE Sold-to state
SOLD_TO_COUNTY Sold-to county
SOLD_TO_CITY Sold-to city
SOLD_TO_POSTAL_CODE Sold-to postal code
SOLD_TO_CUSTOMER_NAME Sold-to customer name
SOLD_TO_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Sold-to customer number
SOLD_TO_CUSTOMER_TYPE Sold-to customer type
SOLD_TO_ADDRESS1 Sold-to address line 1
SOLD_TO_ADDRESS2 Sold-to address line 2
SOLD_TO_ADDRESS3 Sold-to address line 3
SOLD_TO_ADDRESS4 Sold-to address line 4
SOLD_TO_PROVINCE Sold-to province
PURCHASE_ORDER Purchase order number
PURCHASE_ORDER_REVISION Purchase order revision
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SALES_ORDER Sales order number
SALES_ORDER_SOURCE Sales order source
SALES_ORDER_REVISION Sales order revision
SALES_ORDER_DATE Sales order date
HEADER_CATEGORY Header Level Descriptive Flexfield structure defining column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE1 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE2 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE3 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE4 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE5 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE6 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE7 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE8 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE9 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE10 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE11 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE12 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
HEADER_ATTRIBUTE13 Header Descriptive Flexfield segment column
Receivables - AR_MC_ADJUSTMENTS Currency-related information about invoice adjustments for each reporting set of books
Column Name Descritpion
ADJUSTMENT_ID Adjustment identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
GL_POSTED_DATE Date this record was transferred to the General Ledger
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted
ACCTD_AMOUNT Adjustment amount in functional currency
Receivables - AR_MC_CASH_RECEIPT_HIST Currency-related information about each step in the life cycle of a receipt for each reporting set of books
Column Name Descritpion
CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID Cash receipt history identifier
EXCHANGE_DATE Currency conversion date used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
EXCHANGE_RATE Currency conversion rate used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Currency conversion type used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
CREATED_FROM Code for form or program that created this row
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash receipt identifier
FIRST_POSTED_RECORD_FLAG Y or N indicates whether this is the first row posted for this cash receipt or not
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted
REVERSAL_POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted
GL_POSTED_DATE Date this record was transferred to the General Ledger
REVERSAL_GL_POSTED_DATE Date this record was transferred to the General Ledger
ACCTD_AMOUNT Receipt amount in functional currency
Receivables - AR_MC_CASH_RECEIPTS Currency-related information about receipts for each reporting set of books
Column Name Descritpion
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash receipt identifier
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Conversion type used to convert foreign currency transactions
EXCHANGE_RATE Currency conversion rate used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
EXCHANGE_DATE Currency conversion date used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
Receivables - AR_MC_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL Currency-related information about distributions generated by the different steps in the life cycle of a cash receipt
Column Name Descritpion
LINE_ID Unique identifier primarily for rows that pass on to General Ledger
ACCTD_AMOUNT_CR Accounted credit amount of journal entries
SOURCE_TYPE_SECONDARY Secondary source type
TAX_GROUP_CODE_ID Foreign key to the AR_TAX_GROUP_CODES table to identify tax group for tax code
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ORG_ID Organization identifier
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
SOURCE_TABLE_SECONDARY Secondary source table
SOURCE_ID_SECONDARY Secondary source identifier
SOURCE_ID Foreign key to AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL.CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID, refers to transaction that created these distributions
CURRENCY_CODE Code defined for a currency
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_RATE Currency conversion rate used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
SOURCE_TABLE Source table
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_TYPE Currency conversion type used to convert the transaction currency amount to reporting currency amount
CURRENCY_CONVERSION_DATE Date which determines currency conversion rate to convert transaction currency amounts into reporting currency amounts
TAXABLE_ENTERED_DR Taxable entered debit amount
TAXABLE_ENTERED_CR Taxable entered credit amount
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Foreign key to GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS.CODE_COMBINATION_ID, the account to create journals for
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_DR Taxable accounted debit amount
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_CR Taxable accounted credit amount
AMOUNT_DR Debit amount of journal entries
TAX_LINK_ID Tax link identifier
THIRD_PARTY_ID Third party identifier
AMOUNT_CR Credit amount of journal entries
THIRD_PARTY_SUB_ID Third party subidentifier
REVERSED_SOURCE_ID Reversed source identifier
ACCTD_AMOUNT_DR Accounted debit amount of journal entries
TAX_CODE_ID Tax code identifier
LOCATION_SEGMENT_ID Internal location segment identifier
Receivables - AR_MC_MISC_CASH_DISTS Currency and accounting information about miscellaneous cash applications for each reporting set of books
Column Name Descritpion
MISC_CASH_DISTRIBUTION_ID Miscellaneous cash distribution identifier
CREATED_FROM Populated by code that points to form or program that created this row
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash receipt identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
AMOUNT Amount of the distribution
PERCENT Percent of the distribution attributed to this record
GL_POSTED_DATE Date this record was transferred to the General Ledger
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted
ACCTD_AMOUNT Amount in functional currency
Receivables - AR_MC_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES Currency-related information about all transactions except adjustments and miscellaneous cash receipts
Column Name Descritpion
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING The current amount due remaining
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Payment schedule identifier
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Invoice identifier
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Conversion type used to convert foreign currency transactions
EXCHANGE_DATE Currency conversion date used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
EXCHANGE_RATE Currency conversion rate used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
Receivables - AR_MC_RATE_ADJUSTMENTS Currency-related information about exchange rate adjustments for each reporting set of books
Column Name Descritpion
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
RATE_ADJUSTMENT_ID Rate adjustment identifier
NEW_EXCHANGE_RATE Current exchange rate used to convert foreign currency amounts into functional currency
OLD_EXCHANGE_RATE Previous exchange rate used to convert foreign currency amounts into functional currency
NEW_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Current conversion type used to convert foreign currency transactions
OLD_EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Previous conversion type used to convert foreign currency transactions
NEW_EXCHANGE_DATE Current currency conversion rate used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
OLD_EXCHANGE_DATE Previous currency conversion rate used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
GAIN_LOSS Gain or loss associated with rate adjustment
Receivables - AR_MC_RECEIVABLE_APPS Cash and credit memo applications for each reporting set of books
Column Name Descritpion
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID Receivable application identifier
ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Portion of receipt allocated to transaction in receipt currency. Only populated for APP and UNAPP rows that are part of a cross-currency application.
ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_TO Amount allocated to the transaction in functional currency, converted using the transaction rate
ACCTD_EARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Earned discount equivalent in the functional currency obtained using the invoice exchange rate
ACCTD_UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Unearned discount equivalent in the functional currency obtained using the invoice exchange rate
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Total amount of the application in the currency of the receipt (the portion of the receipt allocated to the transaction). This is only populated for APP and UNAPP rows that are part of a cross currency application.
CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ID Cash receipt history identifier
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
AMOUNT_APPLIED For same currency applications, the total amount of application in currency of receipt and transaction
APPLICATION_RULE Application rule
REVERSAL_CREATED Reversal created
DISPLAY Y or N indicates whether this is the latest application or not
ADJUSTMENT_CREATED Adjustment created
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
STATUS Lookup type for the status of the application
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifies payment schedule of payment or credit memo being applied
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Cash receipt identifier
GL_POSTED_DATE Date this record was transferred to the General Ledger
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier, -1, -2, and -4 for posted in previous releases and -3 for not posted
Receivables - AR_STATEMENTS_HISTORY_ALL The history of every customer statement that you generate
Column Name Descritpion
LINE_CLUSTER_ID Identifier for the line cluster
STATEMENT_TYPE Indicates if the statement that is generated is sent to a statement or a bill-to site
BILL_TO_LOCATION Location description of a bill-to site
CREDIT_BALANCE_STATEMENTS Y if credit balance statements are sent to this site, otherwise N
CUST_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID Customer level profile identifier, foreign key reference to the AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table
MIN_STATEMENT_AMOUNT Minimum statement amount before statements are printed
MONTHLY_INTEREST_RATE Period interest rate
SITE_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID Site level profile identifier, foreign key reference to the AR_CUSTOMER_PROFILES table
IS_IT_A_REPRINT Y if the statement has been reprinted, otherwise N
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SEND_TO_ADDRESS_ID Identifier for the send-to address, foreign key reference to the RA_ADDRESSES_ALL table
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
STATEMENT_CYCLE_ID Identifier of the Statement Cycle
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier for the customer, foreign key reference to the RA_CUSTOMERS table
REMIT_TO_ADDRESS_ID Identifier for the remit-to address, foreign key reference to the RA_ADDRESSES_ALL table
STATEMENT_DATE Date when the statement was generated
CURRENCY_CODE Lookup code for the currency of the transaction
FINANCE_CHARGES Amount of finance charges that the customer owes
TOTAL_AMOUNT_DUE Total amount due
SITE_USE_ID Identifier for the site use, foreign key reference to the RA_SITE_USES_ALL table
Receivables - AR_PERIODS Information about accounting periods
Column Name Descritpion
PERIOD_SET_NAME Accounting set name
NEW_PERIOD_NUM Maintains the next nonadjusting period within the same period set name and period type
PERIOD_TYPE Accounting period type
START_DATE Date when accounting period begins
PERIOD_NAME System-generated accounting period name
END_DATE Date when accounting period ends
Receivables - AR_PERIOD_TYPES Information about accounting period types
Column Name Descritpion
PERIOD_TYPE Type of period
MAX_REGULAR_PERIOD_LENGTH Maximum number of days in a period within this period type
Receivables - AR_TAX_CONDITIONS_ALL Tax Condition Sets
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_CONDITION_ID Internal Unique Identifier, used to identify the Tax Condition.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TAX_CONDITION_NAME User Defined Name of this Condition.
TAX_CONDITION_TYPE Identifies on which instance of a tax group this condition can be used. Values include Tax Code Condition, Tax Group Constraints, and Tax Code Exceptions.
TAX_CONDITION_EXPR Compiled expression
Receivables - AR_TAX_CONDITION_ACTIONS_ALL Actions performed by Tax Condition Sets
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_CONDITION_ACTION_ID Internal unique identifier, used to identify the expression line record for each within a tax condition
TAX_CONDITION_ACTION_CODE Identifies the action to be taken (for example: Error Message, Use Tax Code, Apply Exception), based on the TAX_CONDITION_ACTION lookup type
TAX_CONDITION_ACTION_VALUE Optional value, used in conjunction with the condition action.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
TAX_CONDITION_ID Part of the primary key, identifies the tax condition that this set of actions belongs to
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
TAX_CONDITION_ACTION_TYPE Part of the Primary key - identifies if this set of actions is TRUE or FALSE.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
DISPLAY_ORDER Part of the primary key - controls the display order of each action.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_TAX_CONDITION_LINES_ALL Tax Condition Lines
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_CONDITION_LINE_ID Internal unique identifier, used to identify the expression line record for each line within a tax condition
TAX_CONDITION_OPERATOR The evaluation operator. For example, =, >, or <>
TAX_CONDITION_FIELD Used to name the field within the entity that this tax code is conditional on (for example, Country, County, State, Province, FOB, Tax Classification, or City)
TAX_CONDITION_VALUE Character value string
TAX_CONDITION_EXPR Compiled expression
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
TAX_CONDITION_ID Part of the primary key, identifies the tax condition that this condition line belongs to
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
DISPLAY_ORDER Part of the primary key, controls the display order of each tax code used within a tax group
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TAX_CONDITION_CLAUSE Controls how different conditions for a tax code can be used. Values include AND, OR, ELSE.
TAX_CONDITION_ENTITY Identifies which entity that this tax code is conditional on. Values include SHIP TO, SHIP FROM, BILL TO.
Receivables - AR_TAX_GROUP_CODES_ALL Tax codes within a tax group
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_GROUP_CODE_ID Internal unique identifier, used to control which tax codes are assigned to each tax group
TAX_CODE_ID Foreign key to AR_VAT_TAX.VAT_TAX_ID. Identifies each tax code within a tax group.
TAX_CONDITION_ID Foreign key to AR_TAX_CONDITIONS.TAX_CONDITION_ID. Tax conditions can apply the same condition criteria to any tax code within a tax group.
TAX_EXCEPTION_ID Foreign key to AR_TAX_CONDITIONS.TAX_CONDITION_ID. Tax conditions can apply condition criteria as an exception to any tax code within any tax group.
START_DATE Effective start date for using this tax code within this tax group
END_DATE Optional end date for this tax code within this tax group
ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if this tax code is active within this tax group. Y for active. N for inactive.
COMPOUNDING_PRECEDENCE Indicates the order that a tax code is used within a tax group when calculating tax on tax
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PRODUCT_FISC_CLASSIFICATION Product Fiscal Classification
TRX_BUSINESS_CATEGORY_CODE Transaction Business Category
PARTY_FISC_CLASSIFICATION Party Fiscal Classification
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TAX_GROUP_TYPE Indicates if tax group is output or input
TAX_GROUP_ID Tax group identifier
DISPLAY_ORDER Controls the display order of each tax code within a tax group
Receivables - AR_MEMO_LINES_ALL_TL Provides multilingual support (MLS) for standard memo lines
Column Name Descritpion
MEMO_LINE_ID Unique identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ORG_ID Organization identifier
NAME Name of this standard memo line
DESCRIPTION Description of this standard memo line
LANGUAGE Language code of the memo line text
SOURCE_LANG Language code of the record that this was copied from during the upgrade
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_STANDARD_TEXT_TL Multilingual support (MLS) for standard text messages that you define for statements
Column Name Descritpion
STANDARD_TEXT_ID Identifier of standard message text
TEXT Text of this statement message
LANGUAGE Language code of the statement message text
SOURCE_LANG Language code of the record that this text was copied from during the upgrade
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_VAT_TAX_ALL_TL Multi-lingual support (MLS) for each tax code that you define
Column Name Descritpion
VAT_TAX_ID Unique identifier
ORG_ID Organization identifier
PRINTED_TAX_NAME The name of this tax code as it appears on the printed invoice
LANGUAGE Language code of the tax code
SOURCE_LANG Language code of record that this record was copied from during upgrade
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_MC_BATCHES Currency-related information about receipt batches for each reporting set of books
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Identifier of the payment batch
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Identifier of the General Ledger Set of Books associated with this payment batch
EXCHANGE_RATE Currency conversion rate used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
EXCHANGE_DATE Currency conversion date used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Currency conversion type used to convert the transactional currency amount to reporting currency amount
Receivables - HZ_BILLING_PREFERENCES Invoicing format
Column Name Descritpion
BILL_LANGUAGE The language, such as English or Spanish, that the bill is printed in. Foreign key to the FND_LANGUAGES table.
BILL_ROUND_NUMBER Describes the rounding method that rounds the amounts on the bill to a specified limit.
BILL_TYPE Detail or summary
MEDIA_FORMAT An identifier for the type of media such as tape, CD, or diskette on which the bill is to be copied for distribution to the customer.
SITE_USE_ID Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table
MEDIA_TYPE The type of media on which the bill is to be presented. For example, printed, electronic transmission or electromagnetic (tape, diskette, and so on).
BILLING_PREFERENCES_ID Unique identifier for this billing information
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Customer account identifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
NUMBER_OF_COPIES Number of copies (printed or copies of the media) that are to be made at the time of printing.
CURRENCY_CODE ISO code for the currency that should appear on a billing document. Foreign key to the FND_CURRENCIES table
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
Receivables - HZ_CERTIFICATIONS Certifications given to parties
Column Name Descritpion
CURRENT_STATUS Name for the status of the certification. For example, applied for, granted, or expired.
PARTY_ID Unique identifier for a party. Foreign key to the HZ_PARTIES table
EXPIRES_ON_DATE Date when certification expires.
GRADE Level or grade of certification provided by the ISSUED_BY_AUTHORITY. For example, founding member, gold, fully certified, partially certified.
ISSUED_BY_AUTHORITY The name of the certifying authority.
CERTIFICATION_ID Certification identifier
ISSUED_ON_DATE Date when a certification was issued.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CERTIFICATION_NAME The name of the certification such as ISO9000 and GMP001.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
STATUS Record status flag
Receivables - HZ_CITIZENSHIP Person's claimed nationality
Column Name Descritpion
COUNTRY_CODE ISO code for the country from which a person claims citizenship. Foreign key to the FND_TERRITORIES table
APPLICATION_ID Unique identifier for the application that created this record
CREATED_BY_MODULE Identifier for the source application module that created this record
DATE_DISOWNED Date when an individual renounced citizenship. Usually a self-declared date that might not match a legal effective date.
DATE_RECOGNIZED Date when the country granted citizenship to the individual. For a native-born person, this date is typically the person's date of birth.
DOCUMENT_REFERENCE A number such as passport number or naturalization reference number associated with DOCUMENT_TYPE.
END_DATE Date that the country recognizes as the end of citizenship.
CITIZENSHIP_ID Citizenship identifier
DOCUMENT_TYPE The class of document that confirms citizenship. For example, a passport, or naturalization papers.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
BIRTH_OR_SELECTED Indicates if the citizenship was granted by being born in the country or by naturalization.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PARTY_ID Unique identifier for a party. Foreign key to the HZ_PARTIES table.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
STATUS Record status flag
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Version number for locking purposes
Receivables - HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES Roles that parties perform in customer accounts
Column Name Descritpion
PARTY_ID Internal identifier of party with PARTY_RELATIONSHIP party type
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE21 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE22 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE23 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE24 Descriptive Flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Not currently used
CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID Customer account site identifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Not currently used
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Site use identifier from foreign system
ATTRIBUTE25 Descriptive flexfield segment
STATUS Record status flag
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
BEGIN_DATE No longer used
END_DATE No longer used
PRIMARY_FLAG Indicates if this party occupies the primary role for this account. Y for a party in the primary role for this account, N for all other parties.
CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLE_ID Unique identifier for the role played by the party in the customer account
ROLE_TYPE Lookup for type of role a party performs.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SOURCE_CODE Promotion that was used to make the party a customer
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
WH_UPDATE_DATE No longer used
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ALL Relationships between customer accounts
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID ID of first customer account in a relationship. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
RELATED_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID ID of second customer account in a relationship. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_ALL table
CUSTOMER_RECIPROCAL_FLAG Indicates if this relationship is reciprocal or not. Y for reciprocal relationships, N for relationships that are not reciprocal
STATUS Customer relationship status flag. Lookup code for CODE_STATUS
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
BILL_TO_FLAG Bill-To customer account
SHIP_TO_FLAG Ship-To customer account
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ID Primary key, customer account relationship identifier. Script arhcarpk.sql must be used to populate.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
RELATIONSHIP_TYPE Revenue accounting code for the RELATIONSHIP_TYPE column in the AR_LOOKUPS table
COMMENTS Additional comments
Receivables - HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL Stores all customer account sites across all operating units
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier for a customer account. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
PARTY_SITE_ID Identifier for a party site. Foreign key to the HZ_PARTY_SITES table
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Address identifier from foreign system
STATUS Customer Status flag. Receivables lookup code for CODE_STATUS
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
BILL_TO_FLAG Indicates if this is a Bill-To site. Y for a Bill-To site, P for the primary Bill-To site, and N for a site that is not a Bill-To site.
MARKET_FLAG Indicates if this is a Marketing site. Y for a Marketing site, P for the primary Marketing site, and N for a site that is not a Marketing site.
SHIP_TO_FLAG Indicates if this is a Ship-To site. Y for a Ship-To site, P for the primary Ship-To site, and N for a site that is not a Ship-To site.
CUSTOMER_CATEGORY_CODE User-definable category. The lookup type is ADDRESS_CATEGORY.
LANGUAGE No Longer Used.
KEY_ACCOUNT_FLAG Key account for sales representatives
TP_HEADER_ID Trading partner header identifier
ECE_TP_LOCATION_CODE Stores the EDI location code. It should be unique for a customer. The column accepts free-form text.
PRIMARY_SPECIALIST_ID Used for the service personnel dispatching feature in Incident Tracking. Foreign key to the PER_PEOPLE table
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SECONDARY_SPECIALIST_ID Used for the service personnel dispatching feature in Incident Tracking. Foreign key to the PER_PEOPLE table.
TERRITORY_ID Identifier for the territory
ADDRESS_TEXT Address text used for context search
TERRITORY Not Currently Used. The Territory column should be used to store a NLS Territory as defined in Oracle database. It will be used for future mulitple language support enhancements.
TRANSLATED_CUSTOMER_NAME Translated customer name
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID Customer site identifier
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
WH_UPDATE_DATE No longer used
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS Stores information about the credit limits specified for a customer's profile.
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCT_PROFILE_AMT_ID Unique identifier of profile amount row
OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT Overall credit limit
MIN_DUNNING_AMOUNT Dunning letter is not printed if account balance is below this amount.
MIN_DUNNING_INVOICE_AMOUNT A dunning letter is not sent, if an invoice is less than this amount.
MAX_INTEREST_CHARGE Maximum late charge amount.
MIN_STATEMENT_AMOUNT A statement is not printed if the total amount of the statement is below this amount.
AUTO_REC_MIN_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Limits the minimum receipt amount for a currency
INTEREST_RATE The same percentage interest will be charged consistently on overdue invoices. Used when interest type is percentage.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
MIN_FC_BALANCE_AMOUNT Late charges should not be calculated if customer balance is below this threshold.
MIN_FC_INVOICE_AMOUNT Late charges should not be calculated if individual transaction balance is below this threshold.
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
SITE_USE_ID Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table
EXPIRATION_DATE Date on which this credit limit expires
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY JG Descriptive Flexfield definition
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG Descriptive Flexfield
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG Descriptive Flexfield
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CUST_ACCOUNT_PROFILE_ID Identifier of the customer account's profile
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CURRENCY_CODE Code defined for a currency
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type for late charges. Validated against the table GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES. The type USER is excluded.
MIN_FC_INVOICE_OVERDUE_TYPE Indicates whether the minimum invoice balance overdue is expressed as a fixed amount or a percentage
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
MIN_FC_INVOICE_PERCENT Invoice balance threshold percentage below which late charges can not be charged
MIN_FC_BALANCE_OVERDUE_TYPE Indicates whether the minimum customer balance amount overdue is expressed as a fixed amount or a percentage
MIN_FC_BALANCE_PERCENT Customer balance percentage threshold below which the late charge cannot be charged
INTEREST_TYPE Refers to the interest portion of the charge to be calculated on late invoices. Can be a fixed amount, a percentage or based on a charges schedule. Validated against lookup type AR_INTEREST_PENALTY_TYPE.
INTEREST_FIXED_AMOUNT The flat amount to be charged on all overdue invoices. Used when interest type is fixed amount.
INTEREST_SCHEDULE_ID Charge based on a tiered schedule. Used when interest type is charges schedule. Foreign key to
PENALTY_TYPE Refers to any additional penalties to be added to late charges. Can be a fixed amount, a percentage or based on a charges schedule. Validated against lookup type AR_INTEREST_PENALTY_TYPE.
PENALTY_RATE The penalty will be calculated as a fixed percentage of the late charge. Used when penalty type is percentage.
MIN_INTEREST_CHARGE Minimum late charge amount.
PENALTY_FIXED_AMOUNT The penalty will be a flat fee applied to the late charge. Used when penalty type is fixed amount.
PENALTY_SCHEDULE_ID Charge based on a tiered schedule. Used when penalty type is charges schedule. Foreign key to AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES.SCHEDULE_ID
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT Credit limit for an order
Receivables - HZ_CUST_PROFILE_CLASSES Standard credit profile classes
Column Name Descritpion
PROFILE_CLASS_ID Identifier of the customer profile class
CREDIT_CHECKING Indicates if credit must be checked. Y for required credit checking, N for optional credit checking
MULTIPLE_INTEREST_RATES_FLAG Indicates if interest and penalty charges can be calculated using multiple rates for a single late charge period
CHARGE_BEGIN_DATE Optional value that indicates the date late charges begin.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Used internally for locking mechanism
TOLERANCE Percentage over credit limit that this customer can exceed before collection action is taken
DISCOUNT_TERMS Indicates if discount terms are allowed. Y for discount terms allowed, N for no discount terms.
DUNNING_LETTERS Indicates if dunning letters are sent to this customer when invoices, debit memos or chargebacks become past due. Y for dunning letters are sent, N for no dunning letters.
INTEREST_CHARGES Indicates if late charges are enabled
STATEMENTS Indicates if statements are sent to this customer. Y for statements are sent, N for no statements. Default value is Y.
CREDIT_BALANCE_STATEMENTS Indicates if statements with credit balances are sent to this customer. Y for statements are sent, N for no statements.
DESCRIPTION Description of the customer credit profile class
REVIEW_CYCLE_DAYS Number of days between account reviews
OUTSIDE_REPORTING Indicates whether to report creditworthiness outside the company. Y for credit information is provided to third parties, N for no reporting to third parties about customer creditworthiness.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
STANDARD_TERMS User-defined payment terms
OVERRIDE_TERMS Indicates if the user is allowed to override standard terms. Y for allowing user to override stand terms. N for preventing users from overriding standard terms.
DUNNING_LETTER_SET_ID Identifier of the dunning letter set associated with this customer profile class
COMBINE_DUNNING_LETTERS Indicates whether to combine dunning letters for this customer profile. Y for combined dunning letters, N for separate dunning letters.
INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS Number of days that the interest rate applies to
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID Identifier of the autocash hierarchy associated with this customer profile class
PAYMENT_GRACE_DAYS Maximum number of overdue days allowed before action is taken
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
DISCOUNT_GRACE_DAYS Number of days after discount term date that this customer can take discounts
STATEMENT_CYCLE_ID Identifier of the statement cycle associated with this customer profile
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
COPY_METHOD Indicates whether modified customer profiles are changed when this class is changed
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
AUTO_REC_INCL_DISPUTED_FLAG Indicates if disputed transactions are included. Y for including disputed transacitons, N for not including disputed transactions.
TAX_PRINTING_OPTION Define rule for printing invoice. Defaults from System Options
CHARGE_ON_FINANCE_CHARGE_FLAG Formula used to compute late charges.Possible values are simple, compound or flat rate. Validated against lookup type AR_FORMULAE.
GROUPING_RULE_ID Identifier for grouping rule name
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY JG Descriptive Flexfield segment definition
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG Descriptive Flexfield
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG Descriptive Flexfield
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG Descriptive Flexfield
NAME Name of the customer profile class
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
STATUS Indicates if this customer profile class is active or inactive
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile class
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
CONS_INV_FLAG Indicates if balance forward bill is generated and sent to customer. Y for yes, N or null for no.
CONS_INV_TYPE Format of balance forward bill. SUMMARY, DETAIL, or IMPORTED. Validated against HZ_CONS_INV_TYPE lookup type
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID_FOR_ADR Identifies AutoCash rule set for unapplied amount in Post QuickCash
REVIEW_CYCLE Review cycle of customer profile data
CREDIT_ANALYST_ID Identifier of credit analyst associated with this customer profile class
CONS_BILL_LEVEL Level at which balance forward billing is done, ACCOUNT or SITE. Validated against HZ_CONS_BILL_LEVEL lookup type
LATE_CHARGE_CALCULATION_TRX Indicates whether late charges should be calculated on overdue invoices and or late payments. Validated against lookup type AR_MANDATORY_LATE_CHARGES.
CREDIT_ITEMS_FLAG Indicates if credit items such as unapplied or on-account receipts, can be offset against the overdue balance to reduce the amount liable.
DISPUTED_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG Indicates if late charges can be calculated on disputed transactions
LATE_CHARGE_TYPE Determines if late charges should be recorded as an adjustment, debit memo or interest invoice. Validated against lookup type AR_LATE_CHARGE_TYPE
LATE_CHARGE_TERM_ID Payment term used when an invoice or debit memo is created for late charges. Foreign key to RA_TERMS.PAYMENT_TERM_ID.
INTEREST_CALCULATION_PERIOD Indicates if interest calculation period for late charges is daily or monthly. Validated against lookup type AR_CALCULATION_PERIOD.
HOLD_CHARGED_INVOICES_FLAG Indicates if late charges can be calculated more than once for a transaction
MESSAGE_TEXT_ID Message text printed on the late charge transaction. Applies only to late charges recorded as invoices or debit memos. Foreign key to AR_STANDARD_TEXT.STANDARD_TEXT_ID.
Receivables - HZ_CUST_PROF_CLASS_AMTS Customer profile class amount limits for each currency
Column Name Descritpion
PROFILE_CLASS_AMOUNT_ID Identifier for the customer profile class amount
OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT Overall credit limit
MIN_DUNNING_AMOUNT Dunning letter is not printed if account balance is less than this amount
MAX_INTEREST_CHARGE Maximum late charge amount
MIN_STATEMENT_AMOUNT A statement is not printed if the total amount of the statement is below this amount.
AUTO_REC_MIN_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Limits the minimum receipt amount for a currency
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
INTEREST_RATE The same percentage interest will be charged consistently on overdue invoices. Used when interest type is percentage
MIN_FC_BALANCE_AMOUNT Late charges should not be calculated if customer balance is below this threshold
MIN_FC_INVOICE_AMOUNT Late charges should not be calculated if individual transaction balance is below this threshold
MIN_DUNNING_INVOICE_AMOUNT If an invoice is below this amount, a dunning letter is not sent.
EXPIRATION_DATE Date on when these credit limits expire
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield structure definition used for Europe
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG Descriptive Flexfield
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG Descriptive Flexfield
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG Descriptive Flexfield
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PROFILE_CLASS_ID Customer profile class identifier
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CURRENCY_CODE Code defined for a currency
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type for late charges.Validated against the table GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES. The type USER is excluded.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
MIN_FC_INVOICE_OVERDUE_TYPE Indicates whether the minimum invoice balance overdue is expressed as a fixed amount or a percentage
MIN_FC_INVOICE_PERCENT Invoice balance threshold percentage below which late charges can not be charged
MIN_FC_BALANCE_OVERDUE_TYPE Indicates whether the minimum customer balance amount overdue is expressed as a fixed amount or a percentage
MIN_FC_BALANCE_PERCENT Customer balance percentage threshold below which the late charge cannot be charged
INTEREST_TYPE Refers to the interest portion of the charge to be calculated on late invoices. Can be a fixed amount, a percentage or based on a charges schedule. Validated against lookup type AR_INTEREST_PENALTY_TYPE.
INTEREST_FIXED_AMOUNT The flat amount to be charged on all overdue invoices. Used when interest type is fixed amount
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
INTEREST_SCHEDULE_ID Charge based on a tiered schedule. Used when interest type is charges schedule. Foreign key to AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES.SCHEDULE_ID
PENALTY_TYPE Refers to any additional penalties to be added to late charges. Can be a fixed amount, a percentage or based on a charges schedule. Validated against lookup type AR_INTEREST_PENALTY_TYPE.
PENALTY_RATE The penalty will be calculated as a fixed percentage of the late charge. Used when penalty type is percentage.
MIN_INTEREST_CHARGE Minimum late charge amount.
PENALTY_FIXED_AMOUNT The penalty will be a flat fee applied to the late charge. Used when penalty type is fixed amount.
PENALTY_SCHEDULE_ID Charge based on a tiered schedule. Used when penalty type is charges schedule. Foreign key to AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES.SCHEDULE_I
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Used internally for locking mechanism
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT Credit limit for an order
Receivables - AR_TAX_EXTRACT_DCL_ITF Reporting and legal entities selected by the Tax Reporting Ledger Tax Extract program
Column Name Descritpion
TAX_EXTRACT_DECLARER_ID Tax extract declarer identifier
REPORTING_ENTITY_NAME Reporting entity name
REPORTING_CONTEXT_ORG_ID Internal identifier for reporting context organization
REPORTING_CONTEXT_TAX_REG_NO Tax registration number from the Additional Organization window for legal entity
REPORTING_CONTEXT_LVL_CODE Internal Lookup code for displayed Reporting Context Level field
REPORTING_CONTEXT_NAME Reporting context name used in standard cross organization reporting, taken from Reporting Context Name submission option. Operating Unit, Legal Entity, or Set of Books.
LEGAL_ENTITY_ORG_ID Internal identifier for legal entity associated with this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_TAX_REG_NO Tax registration number for legal entity, set up using additional organization information for the legal entity business purpose of the organization
LEGAL_ENTITY_LOCATION_ID Internal identifier used to identify the HR_LOCATIONS record for the address of the legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_NAME Legal entity name
LEGAL_ENTITY_CITY City in address of legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_COUNTY County in address of legal entity reporting this transaction
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
LEGAL_ENTITY_STATE State in address of legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_PROVINCE Province in address of legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_ADDRESS1 Address line 1 of legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_ADDRESS2 Address line 2 of legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_ADDRESS3 Address line 3 of legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_COUNTRY Country code in address of legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_POSTAL_CODE Postal code in address of legal entity reporting this transaction
LEGAL_ENTITY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER Telephone number of legal entity reporting this transaction
REPORTING_SOB_NAME Primary Set of Books name used in accounting for this transaction
FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE Functional currency code of primary Set of Books name that is used in accounting this transaction
EXTRACT_SUMMARY_LEVEL Summary level that taxable transactions are extracted for, transaction, transaction line, or transaction distribution
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
UNION_ONE This flag controls if the relevant UNION is executed at view execution time.
UNION_TWO This flag controls if the relevant UNION is executed at view execution time.
UNION_THREE This flag controls if the relevant UNION is executed at view execution time.
UNION_FOUR This flag controls if the relevant UNION is executed at view execution time.
UNION_FIVE This flag controls if the relevant UNION is executed at view execution time.
UNION_SIX This flag controls if the relevant UNION is executed at view execution time.
UNION_SEVEN This flag controls if the relevant UNION is executed at view execution time.
UNION_EIGHT This flag controls if the relevant UNION is executed at view execution time.
BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE Balancing segment value for declarer record in declarer table
BALANCING_SEGMENT_DESC Balancing segment description for declarer record in declarer table
UNION_NINE Indicates if bills receivable transactions exist for a given request identifier
REPORTING_CONTEXT_LVL_MEANING One of the following values Operating Unit,Legal Entity or Set of Books
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT_CAT Global attribute category on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT2 Global attribute2 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT3 Global attribute3 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT4 Global attribute4 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT5 Global attribute5 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT6 Global attribute6 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT7 Global attribute7 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT8 Global attribute8 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT9 Global attribute9 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT10 Global attribute10 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT11 Global attribute11 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT12 Global attribute12 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT13 Global attribute13 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT14 Global attribute14 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT15 Global attribute15 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_HR_LOCATIONS_ATT20 Global attribute20 column on HR_LOCATIONS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT2 Global attribute2 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT3 Global attribute3 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT4 Global attribute4 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT5 Global attribute5 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT6 Global attribute6 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT7 Global attribute7 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT8 Global attribute8 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT9 Global attribute9 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT10 Global attribute10 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT11 Global attribute11 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT12 Global attribute12 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT13 Global attribute13 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT14 Global attribute14 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT15 Global attribute15 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT16 Global attribute16 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT17 Global attribute17 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
GDF_AR_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ATT18 Global attribute18 column on AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL table
TERRITORY_SHORT_NAME The short name that stands for the territory
EU_CODE The EU numeric entity code
TERRITORY_CODE The code for the territory
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REPORTING_ENTITY_ID Internal identifier of reporting entity
REPORTING_ENTITY_TAX_REG_NO Tax registration number of reporting entity
Receivables - AR_TAX_EXTRACT_SUB_ITF Tax Extract interface table
Column Name Descritpion
EXTRACT_SOURCE_LEDGER Source ledger for this ledger line, AP, AR, or GL
TAX1_CODE_ID The Internal ID of either the Input or Output tax code used on this transaction
TAX1_CODE_TAX_CLASS_CODE Either I or O, used internally to identify the Tax Code Class as one either Input or Output.This information is already available using Tax Line Tax Code Register Type
TAX1_CODE_TAX_CLASS_MEANING The displayed Tax Code Class (Input, Output)
TAX1_CODE The Tax Code used on this transaction
EXTRACT_REPORT_LINE_NUMBER Sequential line number for each record of tax ledger
TAX1_CODE_RATE The tax rate setup for this tax code. This rate may not be the effective tax rate of the transaction line if limits or exceptions are applied
TAX1_LINE_EFFECTIVE_TAX_RATE The effective tax rate for this transaction line
TAX1_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_CODE The VAT Transaction Type internal lookup code for this Tax Code
TAX1_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_MEANING The VAT Transaction Type displayed value for this Tax Code
TAX1_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_DESC The VAT Transaction Type description for this Tax Code
MATRIX_REPORT_FLAG Matrix Report flag to indicate matrix report
TAX1_CODE_REG_TYPE_CODE The internal lookup code for the Tax Register for this Tax Register Line
TAX1_CODE_REG_TYPE_MEANING The displayed value for the Tax Register for this Tax Register Line. Can be one of:Interim Input Tax Register,Input Tax Register,Output Tax Register,Nonrecoverable Input Tax Register,Nonrecoverable Output Tax Register
TAX1_CODE_TYPE_CODE The internal lookup code of the Tax Type for this Tax Code. Used to provide summary totals by regimes of tax and is based on the extensible lookup AR:TAX_TYPE
TAX1_CODE_TYPE_MEANING The displayed value for the Tax Type for this Tax Code.Used to provide summary totals by regimes of Tax
TAX1_CODE_NAME The Printed Tax Name of this Tax Code
TRX_ID Internal identifier used with the TRX_CLASS_CODE and REPORTING_SOURCE_LEDGER columns to identify original transaction
TAX1_CODE_DESCRIPTION The Description of this Tax Code
TAX1_RECOVERY_RATE Tax Recovery Rate
TAX2_CODE_ID The Internal ID of either the Input or Output tax code used on this transaction
TAX2_CODE_TAX_CLASS_CODE Either I or O, used internally to identify the Tax Code Class as one either Input or Output.This information is already available using Tax Line Tax Code Register Type
TAX2_CODE_TAX_CLASS_MEANING The displayed Tax Code Class (Input, Output)
TAX2_CODE The Tax Code used on this transaction
TAX2_CODE_RATE The tax rate setup for this tax code. This rate may not be the effective tax rate of the transaction line if limits or exceptions are applied
TAX2_LINE_EFFECTIVE_TAX_RATE The effective tax rate for this transaction line
TAX2_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_CODE The VAT Transaction Type internal lookup code for this Tax Code
TRX_DOC_SEQUENCE_ID Internal identifier of sequence name that is used in taxed transaction
TAX2_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_MEANING The VAT Transaction Type displayed value for this Tax Code
TAX2_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_DESC The VAT Transaction Type description for this Tax Code
TAX2_CODE_REG_TYPE_CODE The internal lookup code for the Tax Register for this Tax Register Line
TAX2_CODE_REG_TYPE_MEANING The displayed value for the Tax Register for this Tax Register Line. Can be one of:Interim Input Tax Register,Input Tax Register,Output Tax Register,Nonrecoverable Input Tax Register,Nonrecoverable Output Tax Register
TAX2_CODE_TYPE_CODE The internal lookup code of the Tax Type for this Tax Code. Used to provide summary totals by regimes of tax and is based on the extensible lookup AR:TAX_TYPE
TAX2_CODE_TYPE_MEANING The displayed value for the Tax Type for this Tax Code.Used to provide summary totals by regimes of Tax
TAX2_CODE_NAME The Printed Tax Name of this Tax Code
TAX2_CODE_DESCRIPTION The Description of this Tax Code
TAX3_CODE_ID The Internal ID of either the Input or Output tax code used on this transaction
TRX_DOC_SEQUENCE_NAME Name of sequence used in taxed transaction
TAX3_CODE_TAX_CLASS_CODE Either I or O, used internally to identify the Tax Code Class as one either Input or Output.This information is already available using Tax Line Tax Code Register Type
TAX3_CODE_TAX_CLASS_MEANING The displayed Tax Code Class (Input, Output)
TAX3_CODE The Tax Code used on this transaction
TAX3_CODE_RATE The tax rate setup for this tax code. This rate may not be the effective tax rate of the transaction line if limits or exceptions are applied
TAX3_LINE_EFFECTIVE_TAX_RATE The effective tax rate for this transaction line
TAX3_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_CODE The VAT Transaction Type internal lookup code for this Tax Code
TAX3_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_MEANING The VAT Transaction Type displayed value for this Tax Code
TAX3_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_DESC The VAT Transaction Type description for this Tax Code
TAX3_CODE_REG_TYPE_CODE The internal lookup code for the Tax Register for this Tax Register Line
TAX3_CODE_REG_TYPE_MEANING The displayed value for the Tax Register for this Tax Register Line. Can be one of:Interim Input Tax Register,Input Tax Register,Output Tax Register,Nonrecoverable Input Tax Register,Nonrecoverable Output Tax Register
TRX_TYPE_ID Internal identifier used to control the receivable transaction type of original invoice, debit memo, or credit memo
TAX3_CODE_TYPE_CODE The internal lookup code of the Tax Type for this Tax Code. Used to provide summary totals by regimes of tax and is based on the extensible lookup AR:TAX_TYPE
TAX3_CODE_TYPE_MEANING The displayed value for the Tax Type for this Tax Code.Used to provide summary totals by regimes of Tax
TAX3_CODE_NAME The Printed Tax Name of this Tax Code
TAX3_CODE_DESCRIPTION The Description of this Tax Code
TAX3_RECOVERY_RATE Tax Recovery Rate
TAX4_CODE_ID The Internal ID of either the Input or Output tax code used on this transaction
TAX4_CODE_TAX_CLASS_CODE Either I or O, used internally to identify the Tax Code Class as one either Input or Output.This information is already available using Tax Line Tax Code Register Type
TAX4_CODE_TAX_CLASS_MEANING The displayed Tax Code Class (Input, Output)
TAX4_CODE The Tax Code used on this transaction
TRX_CLASS_CODE Internal lookup code for transaction class used to identify original document
TAX4_CODE_RATE The tax rate setup for this tax code. This rate may not be the effective tax rate of the transaction line if limits or exceptions are applied
TAX4_LINE_EFFECTIVE_TAX_RATE The effective tax rate for this transaction line
TAX4_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_CODE The VAT Transaction Type internal lookup code for this Tax Code
TAX4_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_MEANING The VAT Transaction Type displayed value for this Tax Code
TAX4_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_DESC The VAT Transaction Type description for this Tax Code
TAX4_CODE_REG_TYPE_CODE The internal lookup code for the Tax Register for this Tax Register Line
TAX4_CODE_REG_TYPE_MEANING The displayed value for the Tax Register for this Tax Register Line. Can be one of:Interim Input Tax Register,Input Tax Register,Output Tax Register,Nonrecoverable Input Tax Register,Nonrecoverable Output Tax Register
TAX4_CODE_TYPE_CODE The internal lookup code of the Tax Type for this Tax Code. Used to provide summary totals by regimes of tax and is based on the extensible lookup AR:TAX_TYPE
TAX4_CODE_TYPE_MEANING The displayed value for the Tax Type for this Tax Code.Used to provide summary totals by regimes of Tax
TAX4_CODE_NAME The Printed Tax Name of this Tax Code
TRX_APPLIED_FROM_HEADER_TABLE Internal table name used to store applied-from document
TAX4_CODE_DESCRIPTION The Description of this Tax Code
TAX1_ENTERED_DR The sum of DR amounts of tax recorded for this ledger line
TAX1_ENTERED_CR The sum of CR amounts of tax recorded for this ledger line
TAX1_ENTERED_AMOUNT For Output tax codes this is TAX1_ENTERED_CR - TAX1_ENTERED_DR. For Input tax codes this is TAX1_ENTERED_DR - TAX1_ENTERED_CR
TAX1_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of accounted DR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX1_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of accounted CR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX1_LINE_NUMBER The Line number, within the Tax Reporting Ledger, for groups or multiple taxes on an invoice. This is available in Transaction Line level and Distribution Line level reporting; otherwise this column is null
TAXABLE1_ENTERED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TRX_APPLIED_FROM_TRX_HEADER_ID Internal identifier for applied-from document
TAXABLE1_ENTERED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE1_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE1_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAX2_ENTERED_DR The sum of DR amounts of tax recorded for this ledger line
TAX2_ENTERED_CR The sum of CR amounts of tax recorded for this ledger line
TAX2_ENTERED_AMOUNT For Output tax codes this is TAX2_ENTERED_CR - TAX2_ENTERED_DR. For Input tax codes this is TAX2_ENTERED_DR - TAX2_ENTERED_CR
TAX2_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of accounted DR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX2_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of accounted CR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TRX_APPLIED_FROM_CLASS_CODE Internal lookup code to identify transaction class of applied-from document
TAX2_LINE_NUMBER The Line number, within the Tax Reporting Ledger, for groups or multiple taxes on an invoice. This is available in Transaction Line level and Distribution Line level reporting; otherwise this column is null
TAXABLE2_ENTERED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE2_ENTERED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE2_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE2_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAX3_ENTERED_DR The sum of DR amounts of tax recorded for this ledger line
TAX3_ENTERED_CR The sum of CR amounts of tax recorded for this ledger line
TRX_APPLIED_FROM_TRX_NUMBER Cash receipt number for receipt applications, earned and unearned discounts
TAX3_ENTERED_AMOUNT For Output tax codes this is TAX3_ENTERED_CR - TAX3_ENTERED_DR. For Input tax codes this is TAX3_ENTERED_DR - TAX3_ENTERED_CR
TAX3_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of accounted DR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX3_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of accounted CR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX3_LINE_NUMBER The Line number, within the Tax Reporting Ledger, for groups or multiple taxes on an invoice. This is available in Transaction Line level and Distribution Line level reporting; otherwise this column is null
TAXABLE3_ENTERED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE3_ENTERED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE3_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE3_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TRX_APPLIED_TO_TRX_HDR_TABLE Internal table name used to store the applied-to document
TAX4_ENTERED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAX4_ENTERED_CR The sum of CR amounts of tax recorded for this ledger line
TAX4_ENTERED_AMOUNT For Output tax codes this is TAX4_ENTERED_CR - TAX4_ENTERED_DR. For Input tax codes this is TAX4_ENTERED_DR - TAX4_ENTERED_CR
TAX4_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of accounted DR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX4_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of accounted CR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX4_LINE_NUMBER The Line number, within the Tax Reporting Ledger, for groups or multiple taxes on an invoice. This is available in Transaction Line level and Distribution Line level reporting; otherwise this column is null
TAXABLE4_ENTERED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE4_ENTERED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TRX_APPLIED_TO_TRX_HEADER_ID Internal identifier for applied-to document
TAXABLE4_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE4_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TRX_APPLIED_TO_CLASS_CODE Internal lookup code to identify transaction class of applied-to document
ROUNDING_RULE Rounding Rule used for tax calculations
ORG_ID Organization Identifier
POSTED_FLAG Flag to indicate accounting for the invoice distribution line
TRX_APPLIED_TO_TRX_NUMBER Transaction number that this document is applied to, or invoice number for a credit memo, cash receipt, earned or unearned discount
GDF_TRX_HDR_ATT_CAT Global descriptive flexfield structure definition column
GDF_TRX_HDR_ATT1 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_TRX_HDR_ATT2 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_TRX_HDR_ATT3 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_TRX_HDR_ATT4 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_TRX_HDR_ATT12 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_TRX_HDR_ATT19 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_TAX_CODES_ATT_CAT Global descriptive flexfield structure definition column
GDF_TAX_CODES_ATT1 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_TAX_CODES_ATT19 Global descriptive flexfield segment
BILLING_TRADING_PARTNER_ID Internal identifier of trading partner, customer or supplier, used to bill or pay this transaction
GDF_AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES_ATT1 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES_ATT2 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT_CAT Global descriptive flexfield structure definition column
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT1 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT3 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_AR_VAT_TAX_ATT_CAT Global descriptive flexfield structure definition column
GDF_AR_VAT_TAX_ATT1 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_AR_VAT_TAX_ATT4 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_AR_VAT_TAX_ATT6 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT_CAT Global descriptive flexfield structure definition column
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT1 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT6 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT7 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT_CAT Global descriptive flexfield structure definition column
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT19 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT3 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT5 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT6 Global descriptive flexfield segment
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT9 Global descriptive flexfield segment
REGISTRATION_STATUS_CODE Customer Registration Satus Code
BILLING_TP_SITE_ID Internal identifier of trading partner site, customer or supplier site, used to bill or pay this transaction
GUI_TYPE_DESC GUI Type Description
DEDUCTIBLE_CODE_MEAN Deductible Code Meaning
TAX_INVOICE_LOC_MEAN Tax Invoice Location Meaning
TAX_RATE Tax rate
ENABLED_FLAG Tax Code enabled flag
TRX_BATCH_NAME Invoice batch name
GL_DATE_HDR Transaction header level GL Date
PARENT_INVOICE_ID Identifier for invoice matched to a credit or debit memo
BR_REF_CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Transaction ID of a transaction exchanged for a bill receivable
TRX_LINE_NUMBER Invoice line number
TRX_LINE_TYPE Receivables lookup code for STD_LINE_TYPE
MERCHANT_DOCUMENT_NUMBER Third party document number. Used on expense reports
MERCHANT_NAME Third party name. Used on expense reports
BILLING_TP_ADDRESS_ID Internal identifier of customer address or supplier site
MERCHANT_REFERENCE Third party reference. Used on expense reports
MERCHANT_TAX_REG_NUMBER Third party tax registration number. Used on expense reports
MERCHANT_TAXPAYER_ID Third party tax identification number. Used on expense reports
COUNTRY_OF_SUPPLY Country where goods or services originated. Used on expense reports
START_EXPENSE_DATE Date when the incurred expense started. Used for on expense reports
DEFAULT_STATUS Status to default for invoices of this type
BILLING_TP_TAX_REPORTING_FLAG Identifies if this site is used for income tax reporting
SHIPPING_TRADING_PARTNER_ID Ship-to customer internal identifier, used only for receivable transactions
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
SHIPPING_TP_SITE_ID Ship-to customer site internal identifier, used only for receivable transactions
SHIPPING_TP_ADDRESS_ID Internal identifier of ship-to customer address, used only for receivable transactions
BANKING_TP_NAME Bank name of remittance bank account, only populated for miscellaneous payment and receipt transactions in Oracle Receivables
BANKING_TP_TAXPAYER_ID Taxpayer identifier of remittance bank account, only for miscellaenous payment and receipt transactions in Oracle Receivables
AR_TRX_BATCH_SOURCE_ID Internal identifier of receivables batch source name used to create the original transaction, used only for receivable transactions
TAX_CODE_ID Internal identifier of either the input or output tax code used on this transaction
TAX_CODE_REGISTER_TYPE_CODE Internal lookup code for tax register for this tax register line
AE_ACCOUNTING_EVENT_ID Payables accounting event identifier, used internally
TAX_OFFSET_TAX_CODE_ID Payables offset tax code identifier, used internally
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TAXABLE_LINE_ITEM_ID Internal identifier of inventory item used on this invoice line
TAXABLE_LINE_ITEM_DESCRIPTION Line description used to document the original taxable document line, only for line and distribution level reports
TAXABLE_LINE_ITEM_FLEXFIELD Description of inventory item used on this invoice line
TAXABLE_LINE_SOURCE_TABLE Taxable source table name, only for line and distribution level reports, which allows extensible reporting of country-specific and other attributes of taxable line
TAXABLE_ITEM_SOURCE_ID Identifies row within taxable source table, only for line and distribution level reports
TAX_EXEMPTION_ID Receivable tax exemption identifier used to calculate effective tax rate
TAX_EXCEPTION_ID Receivable tax exception identifier used to calculate effective tax rate
TAXABLE_LINE_EXEMPT_AMOUNT Sum of receivable exempt amount for invoice line or lines
TAXABLE_LINE_TOTAL_AMOUNT Sum of receivable taxable and exempt amounts for invoice line or lines
TAX_LINE_ID Internal identifier for the tax line
TAX_ENTERED_DR Sum of tax debit amounts that are recorded for this ledger line
TAX_ENTERED_CR Sum of tax credit amounts that are recorded for this ledger line
EXTRACT_LINE_ID Internal unique identifier for this record
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
TAX_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of Accounted DR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of Accounted CR amounts, in the functional or reporting currency, of this ledger line
TAX_LINE_NUMBER Identifies groups or multiple taxes on an invoice within the Tax Reporting Ledger. Use the line number to identify that a given tax code is part of a multiple tax group. Available at the transaction and distribution line levels.
TAXABLE_ENTERED_DR Sum of debit taxable amounts that are recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE_ENTERED_CR Sum of credit taxable amounts that are recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE_AMOUNT For output tax codes, the difference between the TAXABLE_ENTERED_CR and TAXABLE_ENTERED_DR columns. For input tax codes, the difference between the TAXABLE_ENTERED_DR and TAXABLE_ENTERED_CR columns.
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_DR The sum of DR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_CR The sum of CR Taxable amounts recorded for this ledger line
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT For output tax codes, the difference between the TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_CR and TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_DR columns. For input tax codes, the difference between the TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_DR and TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_CR columns.
ACCTG_DIST_ID Internal identifier for the accounting distribution
AE_EVENT_ID Internal identifier of accounting event
AE_SOURCE_TABLE Table alias of source transaction table for this accounting event. For example, CR for the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS table
AE_SOURCE_ID Identifier of source transaction table for this accounting event. For example, 100002 for value of INVOICE_ID
TAX_EXTRACT_DECLARER_ID Foreign key to the AR_TAX_EXTRACT_DCL_ITF table. Identifies the declarer record.
AE_HEADER_ID Internal identifier of accounting entry header
AL_LINE_ID Internal identifier for the accounting line information
AL_HEADER_ID Internal ID of Accounting Entry Header
AL_ACCOUNT_CCID Code combination identifier
AL_ACCOUNT_FLEXFIELD Accounting flexfield concatenated segments. For example, 01-100-1000-1000
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Internal identifier for Set of Books
AL_ACCOUNT_DESCRIPTION The Accounting Flexfield concatenated segment descriptions
AL_SOURCE_TABLE Alias of source entity that the accounting line is linked to. For example, CRH for the AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY table
AL_SOURCE_ID Source entity identifier. For example, invoice identifier or invoice distribution identifier
TRX_ARAP_BALANCING_SEGMENT Balancing segment value for each transaction class. Liability account for Payables invoices, prepayments, and credit memos. Receivable account for Receivables invoices, credit and debit memos, discounts, and cash applications.
TRX_ARAP_NATURAL_ACCOUNT Natural account segment value for each transaction class. Liability account for Payables invoices, prepayments, and credit memos. Receivable account for Receivables invoices, credit and debit memos, discounts, and cash applications.
TRX_TAXABLE_BALANCING_SEGMENT Comma-separated balancing segments of accounting flexfields posted as part of taxable accounting lines
TRX_TAXABLE_NATURAL_ACCOUNT Comma-separated natural account segment values of accounting flexfields posted as part of taxable lines
TRX_TAX_BALANCING_SEGMENT Comma-separated balancing segment values of accounting flexfields posted as part of tax accounting lines
TRX_TAX_NATURAL_ACCOUNT Comma-separated natural account segment values of accounting flexfields posted as part of tax accounting lines
RECEIPT_CLASS_ID Internal identifier for the receipt class
MATRIX_STATEMENT Stores the SQL statement to enable matrix reporting
CHART_OF_ACCOUNTS_ID Internal identifier for chart of accounts
AX_FLAG Indicates if the line relates to a Global Accounting Engine-related transaction
TRX_CONTROL_ACCOUNT_FLEXFIELD Receivables, asset, or Payables, liability, control account flexfield
AH_JOURNAL_SEQUENCE_ID Journal sequence identifier for Global Accounting Engine subledger header
AL_JOURNAL_SEQUENCE_ID Journal sequence identifier for Global Accounting Engine subledger line
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
TRX_LINE_ID Receivables, Payables, or General Ledger transaction lines identifier
TAX_RECOVERY_RATE Recoverable tax rate
TAXABLE_LINE_QUANTITY Quantity taxed for quantity based taxes
BILLING_TP_SITE_NAME Location of the billing site
BILLING_TP_SITE_TAX_REG_NUM Tax registration number of billing location
SHIPPING_TP_SITE_NAME Location of the shipping site
SHIPPING_TP_SITE_TAX_REG_NUM Tax registration number of shipping location
AH_PERIOD_NAME The name of the accounting period in which the transaction took place.
TAX_EXEMPT_NUMBER Tax exemption number
TAX_EXEMPT_REASON_CODE Reason for exemption
TAX_EXCEPTION_REASON_CODE Reason for item exception
TAXABLE_QUANTITY_UOM_CODE Unit of measurement associated with the taxable quantity
EXEMPT_ACCTD_AMOUNT Exempt amount in functional currency
TAXABLE_EXEMPT_TOT_ACCTD_AMT Sum of exempt and taxable amounts in functional currency
EXEMPT_ENTERED_AMOUNT Exempt amount in entered currency
TAXABLE_EXEMPT_TOT_ENTERED_AMT Sum of exempt and taxable amounts in entered currency
RECONCILIATION_FLAG Indicates if record contains reconciliation amounts
TAXABLE_ENTERED_DISC_AMT Taxable amount of the discount, stated in the original currency.
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_DISC_AMT Taxable amount of the discount, stated in the functional currency.
TAX1_ENTERED_DISC_AMT Portion of taxable amount of the discount that is recoverable, stated in original currency.
TAX1_ACCOUNTED_DISC_AMT Portion of taxable amount of the discount that is recoverable, stated in functional currency.
TAX2_ENTERED_DISC_AMT Portion of taxable amount of the discount that is not recoverable, stated in original currency.
TAX2_ACCOUNTED_DISC_AMT Portion of taxable amount of the discount that is not recoverable, stated in functional currency.
TAX3_ENTERED_DISC_AMT Portion of taxable amount of the discount that is recoverable, stated in original currency. If matrix_report flag is Y, then column used for tax groups, as in Canada.
TAX3_ACCOUNTED_DISC_AMT Portion of taxable amount of the discount that is recoverable, stated in functional currency. If matrix_report flag is Y, then column used for tax groups, as in Canada.
TAX4_ENTERED_DISC_AMT Portion of taxable amount of the discount that is not recoverable, stated in original currency. If matrix_report flag is Y, then column used for tax groups, as in Canada.
TAX4_ACCOUNTED_DISC_AMT Portion of taxable amount of the discount that is not recoverable, stated in functional currency. If matrix_report flag is Y, then column used for tax groups, as in Canada.
Receivables - AR_RECEIPTS_REP_ITF Report Exchange interface table for the Receivables Receipts reports
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
EXCHANGE_TYPE Exchange Rate Type
DOC_SEQUENCE_NAME Document Sequence Name
DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE Document Sequence Value
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
MISC_PAYMENT_SOURCE Miscellaneous Transactions Payment Source
TAX_CODE Tax Code for Miscellaneous Transactions
BANK_NAME Remittance Bank Name
BANK_NAME_ALT Remittance Bank Name (Alt)
BANK_BRANCH_NAME Remittance Branch Name
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
BANK_BRANCH_NAME_ALT Remittance Branch Name (Alt)
BANK_NUMBER Remittance Bank Number
BANK_BRANCH_NUMBER Remittance Branch Number
BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME Remittance Account Name
BANK_ACCOUNT_NAME_ALT Remittance Account Name (Alt)
BANK_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY Remittance Account Currency
GL_DATE General Ledger date
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ACCTD_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Receipt Amount (Functional currency)
ACCTD_FACTOR_DISCOUNT_AMOUNT Factor Discount Amount (Functional Currency)
DEBIT_ACCOUNT General Ledger account
DEBIT_ACCOUNT_DESC General Ledger account description
DEBIT_BALANCING Balancing Segment
DEBIT_BALANCING_DESC Balancing Segment Description
DEBIT_NATACCT Natural Account
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
DEBIT_NATACCT_DESC Natural Account Description
CUSTOMER_ID Paying Customer ID
CUSTOMER_NAME Paying Customer Name
CUSTOMER_NAME_ALT Payment Customer Name (Alt)
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Paying Customer Number
APPLY_DATE Application Date
AMOUNT_APPLIED_TO Amount Applied (in Invoice Currency)
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Amount Applied (in Receipt Currency)
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_TO Accounted Amount Applied (from Invoice Currency)
ACCTD_AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM Accounted Amount Applied (from Receipt Currency)
ACCTD_EARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Earned Discount Taken (Functional Currency)
ACCTD_UNEARNED_DISCOUNT_TAKEN Unearned Discount Taken (Functional Currency)
TRX_NUMBER Applied Transaction Number
TRX_CURRENCY_CODE Applied Transaction Currency Code
TRX_DATE Applied Transaction Date
TRX_AMOUNT Applied Transaction Amount
ACCTD_TRX_AMOUNT Applied Transaction Amount (Functional Currency)
RECEIPT_GAIN_LOSS Exchange Rate Gain/Loss
MISC_PERCENT Miscellaneous Distribution Percentage
MISC_AMOUNT Miscellaneous Distribution Amount
RELATED_CUSTOMER Related customer
ON_ACCOUNT_AMOUNT Receipt amount that was applied on account
UNAPP_AMOUNT Unapplied receipt amount
CLAIM_AMOUNT Receipt amount that was applied against claim investigation
PREPAY_AMOUNT Receipt amount that was applied against a prepayment
TOTAL_UNRESOLVED_AMOUNT Total unresolved receipt amount
FORMAT_CURRENCY_CODE Currency code used for formatting amounts on the Unapplied Receipts Register
ACTIVITY_NAME Name of Receivables Activity
ACCOUNT_NUMBER Bank Account Number
ACCOUNTING_FLEXFIELD Concatenated Accounting Segments
APPLICATION_REF_TYPE Application reference type
APPLICATION_REF_NUMBER Application reference number
FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE Functional currency code
REMIT_BATCH_NAME Name of Remittance Batch
Receivables - AR_TRANSACTIONS_REP_ITF Report Exchange interface table for the Receivables Transactions reports
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
TRX_NUMBER Transaction number
CONS_BILL_NUMBER Consolidated billing number
REC_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID Receivables distribution identifier
REC_ACCOUNT Receivables account accounting flexfield
REC_ACCOUNT_DESC Receivables account accounting flexfield description
REC_BALANCE Receivables balancing segment value
REC_BALANCE_DESC Receivables balancing segment description
REC_NATACCT Receivables natural account segment value
REC_NATACCT_DESC Receivables natural account segment description
REC_POSTABLE_FLAG Receivables postable flag
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TRX_LAST_UPDATED_BY Transaction last updated by
TRX_LAST_UPDATE_DATE Transaction last update date
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Transaction line identifier
LINK_TO_CUST_TRX_LINE_ID Linked transaction line identifier
INVENTORY_ITEM Inventory item
CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST_ID Distribution line identifier
ACCOUNT Account accounting flexfield
ACCOUNT_DESC Account accounting flexfield description
BALANCE Balancing segment value
BALANCE_DESC Balancing segment description
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
NATACCT Natural account segment value
NATACCT_DESC Natural account segment description
TRX_PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Transaction payment schedule identifier
ITEM_DESCRIPTION Item description
TRX_DATE Transaction Date
TRX_CURRENCY Transaction Currency Code
EXCHANGE_DATE Date of exchange rate
EXCHANGE_TYPE Exchange rate type
RECEIVABLES_GL_DATE General Ledger date for the receivable
TRX_DUE_DATE Transaction Due Date
TAX_HEADER_LEVEL_FLAG Indicates if tax is calculated at header or line level. Y for header level, N for line level.
DOC_SEQUENCE_VALUE Value of the document sequence
TRX_AMOUNT Transaction Amount
TRX_ACCTD_AMOUNT Transaction amount in the functional currency
SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ID Ship-to customer identifier
SHIP_TO_SITE_USE_ID Ship-to site use identifier
BILL_TO_CUSTOMER_ID Bill-to customer identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID Bill-to site use identifier
CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID Transaction type identifier
TERM_ID Payment term identifier
DOC_SEQUENCE_ID Identifies the document sequence
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Receipt method identifier
ORG_ID Organization identifier
BATCH_ID Batch identifier
BATCH_SOURCE_ID Batch Source identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
FUNCTIONAL_CURRENCY_CODE Functional currency code
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Transaction identifier
Receivables - AR_TA_RULES_ALL Details of all rules that are used by the Cash Engine to match receipt lines to transactions in the database
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_ID The rule id
PROCEDURE_NAME The name of procedure hat needs to be run when this rule is used
ACTIVE_FLAG Whether the rule is active or not; has a value of Y or N
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
RULE_TYPE The Type of the rules; currently there is only one type: Matching Rules
SHORT_NAME The Short name of the rule; this is the data that is displayed in forms under rule name
DESCRIPTION The brief description of the rule
Receivables - AR_TA_RULE_SETS_ALL Details of the rule sets defined in Trade Accounting
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_SET_ID The rule set identifier
START_DATE The active from date
END_DATE The active end date. If end date is null then it indicates that the rule is active forever
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
RULE_TYPE Obsolete from 2.3 onwards
NAME The name of the rule set
DESCRIPTION The description of the rule set
Receivables - AR_TA_RULE_SET_LN_ALL Details of the transaction types and event types contained in a transaction set
Column Name Descritpion
RULE_SET_LINE_ID The rule set line id
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
RULE_SET_ID The rule set id to which the rule belongs
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence of the rule. This is used to determine in which order the rules the need to be applied.
RULE_ID The rule id
Receivables - AR_TA_TRX_SETS_ALL Details of the transaction sets defined in Trade Accounting
Column Name Descritpion
TRX_SET_ID The Transaction set id.
END_DATE The active end date. If end date is null then it indicates that the rule is active forever.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
NAME The name of the transaction set.
DESCRIPTION The description of the transaction set.
START_DATE The active from date.
Receivables - AR_TA_TRX_SET_LN_ALL Details of the transaction types and event types contained in a transaction set
Column Name Descritpion
TRX_SET_LINE_ID The transaction set line id.
CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID The transaction type id that needs to be create for the event. This transaction type id is passed to the Transaction API for creating deductions or balancing transactions.
START_DATE The active from date.
END_DATE The active end date. If end date is null then it indicates that the rule is active forever.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
TRX_SET_ID The transaction set id.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Not used. Obsolete in version 2. 3 upwards used to determine in which order.
EVENT Corresponds to the trx_ class column of the AR_TA_ TRX_ TO_ CREATE table.
Receivables - AR_TA_CR_AGEN_INF
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_TA_DEDN_ASSGNS_ALL Stores assignment history information for deduction transactions
Column Name Descritpion
DEDUCTN_ASSGNMT_ID Primary key for deduction assignments
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of deduction transaction
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ASSIGNED_TO_SALESREP_ID Identifier of the sales representative to whom deduction was assigned
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ASSIGNED_TO_COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the collector to whom deduction was assigned
DEDUCTN_TEXT Comments associated with the deduction assignment
DATE_ASSIGNED Date on which assignment occurred
TRANSFER_TO_SALESREP_ID Identifier of the sales representative to whom deduction was transferred
TRANSFER_TO_COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the collector to whom deduction was assigned
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_TA_RULE_OUTPUT Trade Accounting rule output
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
AMOUNT_TO_BE_APPLIED Amount to be applied to txn as computed by rule
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
NEW_TRX_NUMBER The txn number returned by rule
INP_TRX_NUMBER The transaction number used by the rule to find matches
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_TA_PAYMNT_HIST_ALL Stores payment history information for customer-location combination for each period
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier of the customer
DSO Daily Sales Outstanding (monetary total of outstanding Receivables )* 30 / total no. of sales in last 30 days
DDO Daily Deductions Outstanding (monetary total of outstanding deductions)* 90/ total no. of deductions created in last 90 days
AVG_PAYMENT_DAYS Sum ( apply date - trx date) /( number of invoices)
AVG_DAYS_TO_BANK This column is obsolete or for future
DAYS_CREDIT_GRANTED No. of days discount is granted
DDSO Daily Delinquent Sales Outstanding monetary total of outstanding past due Receivables )* 30 / total no. of sales in last 30 days
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID Identifier of customer's location
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_CHECK_VALUE Latest receipt amount received
LAST_CHECK_NUMBER Latest receipt number received
LAST_CHECK_DATE Latest receipt date
PREV_CHECK_VALUE Second latest receipt amount received
PREV_CHECK_NUMBER Second latest receipt number received
PREV_CHECK_DATE Second latest receipt date
FROM_DATE Date on which accounting period as in column PERIOD_ NAME starts
TO_DATE Date on which accounting period as in column PERIOD_ NAME ends or the date on which the program is run
WEIGHTED_AVG_PMT_DAYS This column is obsolete
HIGH_CREDIT_MONTH Highest customer balance in a month in the current year
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
TOTAL_INVOICES This column is obsolete
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PERIOD Identifier of year to date payment history information
PERIOD_NAME Period Name for which payment history is represented
PERIOD_SET_NAME Accounting calendar name
PROMPT_PAY_PERCENT Percentage of payments received in time
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Accounting books defining column
LATE_PAY_PERCENT Percentage of payments not received in time
DISCOUNTS_ALLOWED_PERCENT Percentage of the payments that were qualified for discount
AVG_ELAPSED_DAYS This column is obsolete
AVG_DAYS_LATE Sum ( apply date - due date) /( number of invoices)
Receivables - AR_TA_RECV_TRXSET_ALL Stores association of Transaction Sets with Receivable accounts
Column Name Descritpion
RECEIVABLES_TRX_SET_ID Receivable Trx Identification.
START_DATE Starting Date
END_DATE Ending Date
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROFILE_ID Remittance profile Identification
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
RECEIVABLES_ACCOUNT_CCID Receivables Account Identification. This points to key flex field for GL account.
TRX_SET_ID Transaction set ID. ID of transaction sets, which is group of Transaction types.
Receivables - AR_TA_PROF_ASSGNT_ALL Stores the mapping of receipt profiles with the key flexfield
Column Name Descritpion
CODE_COMBINATION_ID Key flexfield combination defining column
SEGMENT3 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT4 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT5 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT6 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT7 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT8 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT9 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT10 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT11 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT12 Key flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SEGMENT13 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT14 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT15 Key flexfield segment
PROFILE_ID Profile identification
START_DATE_ACTIVE Date before which key flexfield is invalid
END_DATE_ACTIVE Date after which key flexfield is invalid
SUMMARY_FLAG Summary account flag
ENABLED_FLAG Key flexfield enabled flag
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
STRUCTURE_ID Flexfield structure identifier
SEGMENT1 Key flexfield segment
SEGMENT2 Key flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_TA_REMIT_HIST_ALL Contains the application details of all Receipts and Receipt lines processed by the Cash Engine
Column Name Descritpion
HISTORY_LINE_ID This is the primary key and uniquely identifies a row in this table.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
BATCH_NAME The name of the batch in the transmission. Updated for all record types.
CUSTOMER_ID The customer of the receipt (for record type 5) or the customer of the matched transaction (for record type 6).
CHECK_NUMBER The receipt number. Updated for record type 5 and 6.
REMITTANCE_AMOUNT The check/ receipt amount. Updated for record type 5 and 6.
TRX_NUMBER The transaction number as given in the receipt line details Updated for record type 6.
TRX_AMOUNT The receipt line amount as given in the receipt line details Updated for record type 6.
CUSTOMER_REF_NUMBER The transaction number against which a match was found. Updated or record type 6. This is used in the application details screen.
MATCHED_TRX_NUMBER The transaction number to be applied to the receipt. Updated for record type 6.
MATCHED_TRX_ID The customer trx id of the applied transaction. Updated for record type 6.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
MATCHED_TRX_TYPE The transaction type of the applied transaction. Updated for record type 6.
AMOUNT_APPLIED The amount to be applied for the receipt line to the receipt. Updated for record type 6.
DISCOUNT_AMT The earned discount computed for the matched transaction. Updated for record type 6.
NEW_TRX_ID The customer trx id for the deduction/ balancing transaction. Updated for record type 7 and 8.
NEW_TRX_TYPE The transaction type of the new transaction. Updated or record type 7 and 8.
AMOUNT The open balance of the applied transaction. Updated for record type 6. It is also updated for record types 7,8 where it indicates the amount for the new transaction.
PARENT_HISTORY_LINE_ID The history line id of the parent. Updated for record types 7,8,9. For 7 and 8 it contains the history line id of record type 6. For record type 9 it contains the history line id for record type 7.
RULE_PROCEDURE Contains the name of the matching rule procedure used for matching. This is updated for record type. For no match cases this is null.
RULE_PROCESS Obsolete in 2. 3 upwards.
CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID The bank account of receipt customer. Updated for record type 6.
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
TRANSMISSION_REQUEST_ID The transmission request id of the transmission. Updated for all record types.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
RECORD_TYPE Values are 5,6,7,8, 9. Updated for all records.
ORGANISATION_SEG The value of the organization. Updated for record type 5, 6.
CUSTOMER_SEG The customer number. Updated for record type 5 and 6. Note that values may be different as the receipt customer may be different from the customer as found from the transaction of the receipt line.
LOB_SEG The value of the line of business. Updated for record type 6. Shall be null for no match cases.
FLEX_SEG The value of the flex. Updated for record type 6. Shall be null for no match cases
PROFILE_ID The profile id of the receipt or receipt line. Updated for record types 5 and 6. Values for 5 and 6 may differ.
RULE_SET_ID The he Rule set id used. Updated for record type 6,7,8. This points uniquely to a row of the rule set table.
TRX_SET_ID The transaction set id used; updated for record type 6,7,8. This points uniquely to a row of the transaction set table.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PAYMENT_TYPE The payment type. Values discussed above. Updated for record type 6.
EVENT_TYPE The event type. Values discussed above. Updated for record type 6.
UCD_EVENT_TYPE The UCD event type. Values discussed above. Updated for record type 6.
PROMOTION_NUMBER The promotion number with which a match was found. This is populated only when there is a promotion match. Updated for record type 6.
ADJUSTMENT_TOLERANCE This is the write- off threshold value. Updated for record type 9.
ADJUSTMENT_ACTIVITY_ID This is the receivables activity id for the write- off adjustment. Updated for record type 9.
ADJUSTMENT_ID The id of the write- off adjustment. Updated or record type 9.
ADJUSTMENT_NUMBER The number of the write- off adjustment. Updated for record type 9.
ADJUSTMENT_STATUS The status of the adjustment. Updated for record type 9.
CREATED_FROM This may have values of 'CASH_ ENGINE' (for applications from Cash Engine) and 'MANUAL' ( for applications from Receipts Workbench for only those applications for which deductions were manually created ). Updated for all records.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
CURRENCY_CODE The currency code of the receipt. This is updated for record types 5 and 6. Both have same values.
RULE_ID The id of the rule used. Updated for record type 6.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID The id for the receipt. Updated for record types 5,6.
LOCKBOX_NUMBER The Lockbox number for the transmission. Updated for record types 5,6.
DISCOUNT_BASIS_USED The discount basis used by discount calculation for the matched transaction. Updated for record type 6.
FULL_DISCOUNT_FLAG The value of the full discount flag used by discount calculation. Updated for record type 6.
DISCOUNT_DATE_BASIS_USED The discount date basis used in discount calculation. Updated for record type 6.
DISCOUNT_DATE_USED The actual date used by discount calculation. Updated for record type 6.
DISCOUNT_GRACE_DAYS_USED The grace days used in discount calculation. Updated for record type 6.
UNEARNED_DISCOUNT The unearned discount computed by discount calculation. Updated for record type 6.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
MATCHED_TRX_PAYSCHD_ID The payment schedule id of the applied transaction. Updated for record type 6.
NEW_TRX_PAYSCHD_ID The payment schedule id of the deduction or balancing transaction. Updated for record type 6.
POSTMARK_DATE The post mark date of the receipt. Updated for record types 5,6. Has the same value in both records.
DEPOSIT_DATE The deposit date of the receipt. Updated for record types 5,6.
RECEIPT_DATE The receipt date of the receipt. Updated for record types 5,6.
APPLY_DATE The discount apply date. Updated in record type 6.
ITEM_NUMBER The item number of the receipt. Updated in record types 5,6.
BATCH_SEQUENCE The batch sequence number. Updated for record type 5, 6.
RECEIPT_SEQUENCE The sequence of the receipts application within a batch. Updated for record types 5,6.
APPLICATION_SEQUENCE The sequence of the receipt line applications within a receipt. Updated for record types 5,6.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
EDI_REASS_TRACE_NUMBER The EDI trace number of receipt and receipt line. Updated for record types 5,6.
EDI_TRX_HANDLING_CODE Reserved for future use.
EDI_ASSOCIATION_FLAG Reserved for future use.
CUST_DED_REASON_CODE Reserved for future use.
OPEN_RECEIVABLES_FLAG Reserved for future use.
BAL_NEW_REF This is the history line id for record type 7 stored in record type 8. Used in Receipt Reversal.
APPLICATION_STATUS Has a value of NULL or 'REVERSED'. Reversed indicates that the transaction has been reversed/ unapplied. Updated for record types 5,6,7.
PROMOTION_ID The id of the promotion with which a match was found. Updated for record type 6. Used for Receipt Reversal.
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_ID he id of the promotion payment Updated for record type 6.
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_MATCH_TYPE Has values of 'FIXED', 'VARIABLE', 'TOTAL' or NULL. Used for Receipt Reversal. Updated for record type 6.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_TA_RISK_COMENT_ALL Comments associated with customer-location combination
Column Name Descritpion
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
TYPE Identifier of summary comment or risk comment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
RISK_COMMENT Risk or summary comments
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier of customer
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID Identifier of customer location
ORG_ID Organization identifier
Receivables - AR_TA_REMIT_PROF_ALL Stores setup information about customer remittance processing
Column Name Descritpion
PROFILE_ID Remittance profile Identification
END_DATE Date to which Profile is active
DISCOUNT Type of the discount, i. e. earned or Unearned, which is populated from system setup. This determines whether to take earned or unearned discount when calculate open balance.
FINANCE_CHARGES_FLAG Finance Charge Flag. Possible values are 'Y' or 'N', which is populated from system setup. This determines whether to take Finance Charges when calculate open balance
ITEMS_ON_DISPUTE_FLAG Items On Dispute Flag. Possible values are 'Y' or 'N'. This determines whether to include items in dispute in Customers Open Balance.
RULE_SET_ID This takes only the Matching rules from ar_ta_rules table.
DEFAULT_TRX_SET_ID Transaction set ID. ID of transaction sets, which is group of Transaction types.
MATCHED_UNDR_PAY_RULE This field indicates whether to Leave the balance open or to create a debit transaction, if the receipt is matched against a transaction and it is an underpayment.
MATCHED_OVER_PAY_RULE This field indicates whether to be Unapplied or to create a credit transaction, if the receipt is matched against a transaction and it is an overpayment.
UNMATCHED_POS_PAY_RULE This field indicates whether to be Unapplied or to create a credit transaction, if the receipt is not matched against a transaction and it is Positive amount.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
UNMATCHED_NEG_PAY_RULE This field emphasis to create a Debit transaction, if the receipt is not matched against a transaction and it is a negative amount.
WRITE_OFF_OVER_PAY_FLAG Mark the existence of Over pay threshold.
WRITE_OFF_OVER_PAY_THRESHOLD The Overpay amount which can be written of without further approval
WRITE_OFF_UNDR_PAY_FLAG Mark the existence of Under pay threshold.
WRITE_OFF_UNDR_PAY_THRESHOLD he Underpay amount which can be written of without further approval
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ALLOW_RECEIPTS_ONLY_FLAG Valid Values are 'Y' or 'N'. If it is 'Y', Validate payments without remittance.
RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Receivables Transaction ID.
APPLY_DATE_FLAG Flag which mark the existence of Apply date
DEPOSIT_DATE_FLAG Flag which mark the existence of Deposit date.
POSTMARK_DATE_FLAG Flag which mark the existence of Postmark date.
APPLY_GRACE_DAYS Apply Grace Days. The period after the apply date, till the discount can still be granted to customers
DEPOSIT_GRACE_DAYS The period after the deposit date, till the discount can still be granted to customers
POSTMARK_GRACE_DAYS Postmark Days. The period after the postmark date, till the discount can still be granted to customers
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
FULL_DISCOUNT_FLAG Valid Values are 'Y' or 'N'. If it is 'Y', the full discount (Discount for the Gross amount) will be given to the customers if he make any amount payment otherwise it will be the percentage of what he paid
DISCOUNT_BASIS Basis on which discount is calculated. The Basis are Invoice Amount, Lines Only, Lines+ Tax Only, Lines+ Tax+Freight and Gross Amount.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
NAME Remittance Profile Name
DESCRIPTION Remittance profile Description
START_DATE Date from which Profile is active
Receivables - AR_TA_ASGN_TO_INT_ALL Interface table that stores details about all salespersons and collectors. Can be used by external deduction management systems
Column Name Descritpion
ASSIGNED_TO_ID Assignee Collector or Salesperson Identification
START_DATE Date this assignee becomes active. Null in case of Collectors
END_DATE Date this assignee becomes inactive
STATUS Active or Inactive
ORG_ID Organization identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ASSIGNED_TO_NUMBER Employee identification of Collector or Sales person number
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TYPE 'Collector' or 'Salesrep'
Receivables - AR_TA_TRX_TYP_INT_ALL Interface table that stores details about all transaction types; can be used by external Deduction Management Systems.
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID Unique identifier for customer transaction type.
ALLOW_FREIGHT_FLAG Yes/ No flag to indicate whether freight is allowed on transactions
TAX_CALCULATION_FLAG Yes/ No flag to indicate whether tax is allowed on transactions
GL_ID_REV Revenue Account identifier
GL_ID_FREIGHT Freight Account identifier
GL_ID_REC Receivables Account identifier
GL_ID_CLEARING Clearing Account identifier
GL_ID_TAX Tax Account identifier
GL_ID_UNBILLED Unbilled Account identifier
GL_ID_UNEARNED Unearned Account identifier
POST_TO_GL Yes/ No Flag to indicate whether transactions should be posted to general ledger
NAME Transaction type name
START_DATE Transaction type start date
END_DATE Transaction type end date
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of books identifier
TRX_CATEGORY Transaction category
STATUS Transaction type status flag
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
DESCRIPTION Transaction type description
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TYPE Transaction class. Could be one of: CM, DM, CB
Receivables - AR_TA_CR_AGEN_INF_ALL Stores credit information coming from a credit agency for customer-location combination
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_AGENCY_NUMBER Unique number used to identify Customer in credit agency database
TOTAL_EMPLOYEES Credit information from credit agency
HISTORY Credit information from credit agency
LAST_FINANCIAL_DATE Credit information from credit agency
LAST_DATE_REPORT Credit information from credit agency
CREDIT_SCORE Credit information from credit agency
STRESS_SCORE Credit information from credit agency
PAYDEX_SCORE Credit information from credit agency
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier of the customer
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID Identifier of the location
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CURRENT_RATING Current rating assigned by the Credit Agency
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
PREVIOUS_RATING Rating as of previous credit report
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
FINANCING Credit information from credit agency
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CONDITION Credit information from credit agency
SALES Credit information from credit agency
WORTH Credit information from credit agency
TREND Credit information from credit agency
START_DATE Credit information from credit agency
Receivables - AR_TA_CUST_INT_ALL Interface table that stores details about all customers; can be used by external Deduction Management Systems.
Column Name Descritpion
SITE_USE_ID Site use identifier
SITE_USE_CODE Business purpose
LOCATION Site use identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ADDRESS1 First line of address
ADDRESS2 Second line of address
Receivables - AR_TA_DEDN_RELATE_ALL Stores the relationships between deductions moved from an external Deduction Management System and new transaction created in Trade Accounting
Column Name Descritpion
RECORD_TYPE The record indicator. '1' : Deductions moving out of TA, '2' : Deductions coming into TA
NEW_TRX_TYPE_ID The Transaction type identifier of the newly created deduction in TA
ASSIGNED_TO_SALESREP_ID The assignment of salesrep to the deduction. Assigned to salesperson and Assigned to Collector are mutually exclusive
ASSIGNED_TO_COLLECTOR_ID he assignment of Collector to the deduction. Assigned to salesperson and Assigned to Collector are mutually exclusive
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Customer number
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID Customer bill to site identification
ORIG_TRX_ID Customer transaction id of the original deduction that was moved from TA
DMS_DEDUCTION_NUMBER Number of the deduction in the external DMS
DMS_DEDUCTION_DATE The date of the deduction in DMS
DMS_DEDUCTION_STATUS The status of the deduction in DMS
DEDUCTION_AMOUNT The amount of the deduction in DMS
NEW_TRX_ID The customer transaction identifier of the newly created deduction in TA
Receivables - AR_TA_DEDN_INT_ALL_ALL
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_TA_PROMOTIONS_INT Interface table that contains imported promotion data that was not validated or transferred to destination tables
Column Name Descritpion
PROMOTION_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME Name of the Product group
PERFORMANCE_DATE_START Start date of the Promotion performance
PERFORMANCE_DATE_END End date of the Promotion performance
SELL_DATE_START Product selling start date
SELL_DATE_END Product selling end date
SHIP_DATE_START Product shipping start date
SHIP_DATE_END Product shipping end date
CNSMR_TAKEAWAY_VOL_BUDGET Budgeted volume of the customer takeaway
CNSMR_TAKEAWAY_AMT_BUDGET Budgeted amount of the customer takeaway
CNSMR_TAKEAWAY_VOL_ACTUAL Actual volume of the customer takeaway
PROMOTION_ID Promotion unique identifier
CNSMR_TAKEAWAY_AMT_ACTUAL Actual amount of the customer takeaway
SHIPMENT_VOL_BUDGET udgeted volume of the shipment
SHIPMENT_AMT_BUDGET Budgeted amount of the shipment
SHIPMENT_VOL_ACTUAL Actual volume of the shipment
SHIPMENT_AMT_ACTUAL Actual amount of the shipment
PROMOTION_BUDGET_COST Budgeted cost of the total promotion
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
PROMOTION_NUMBER Promotion number
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
UNIT_OF_MEASURE Unit of Measure
ORG_ID Organization identifier
PROMOTION_NAME Name of the Promotion
PROMOTION_STATUS Status of the promotion
PROMOTION_STATUS_ID Oracle Status unique identifier
PROMO_THEME_ID Theme unique identifier
PROMO_THEME_NAME Name of the Theme
PROMOTION_PRODUCT_GROUP_ID Product group unique identifier
Receivables - AR_TA_PROM_LINES_INT Interface table that contains imported promotion details about products, payments (allowances), or customers, that were not validated or transferred to destination tables
Column Name Descritpion
RECORD_TYPE Record type (Product record, Payment record, Customer record)
PAYMENT_TOTAL_COST_BUDGET Budgeted cost of the Promotion payment
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_TYPE Type of the promotion payment type
STATUS Status of the record
PROMOTION_ID Promotion unique identifier
PROMOTION_CUSTOMER_ID Legacy customer's unique identifier
PROMOTION_PRODUCT_GROUP_ID Product group unique identifier
PRODUCT_ID Product unique identifier
PRODUCT_NAME Name of the product
ID_TYPE Product type unique identifier
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_ID Promotion Payment's unique identifier
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_NAME Name of the Promotion payment
Receivables - AR_TA_CUST_HIER_PARNT Stores information about parent customers that belong to parent-child hierarchies between customers
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_ID Parent Customer Identification
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_NAME Parent Customer Name
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Parent Customer Number.
RELATIONSHIP_ENABLED Marker for whether to enable or disable the relationship
FROM_DATE Date on which Relation will be enabled or disabled.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_TA_CUST_HIER_CHILD Stores information about child customers and the mapping to parent customers. Part of a parent-child hierarchy definition between customers
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_ID Customer Id of the Child.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_NAME Customer Name of the Child.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Customer Number of the child.
PARENT_CUSTOMER_ID Customer Id of the Parent to which this child Belongs to.
ITEM_NUMBER Sequence number for the child belonging to this parent.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_TA_PROMOTIONS_ALL Stores data about promotions
Column Name Descritpion
PROMOTION_ID Promotion unique identifier
PERFORMANCE_DATE_START Start date of the Promotion performance
PERFORMANCE_DATE_END End date of the Promotion performance
SELL_DATE_START Product selling start date
SELL_DATE_END Product selling end date
SHIP_DATE_START Product shipping start date
SHIP_DATE_END Product shipping end date
CNSMR_TAKEAWAY_VOL_BUDGET Budgeted volume of the customer takeaway
CNSMR_TAKEAWAY_AMT_BUDGET Budgeted amount of the customer takeaway
CNSMR_TAKEAWAY_VOL_ACTUAL Actual volume of the customer takeaway
CNSMR_TAKEAWAY_AMT_ACTUAL Actual amount of the customer takeaway
PROMOTION_NUMBER Promotion number
SHIPMENT_VOL_BUDGET Budgeted volume of the shipment
SHIPMENT_AMT_BUDGET Budgeted amount of the shipment
SHIPMENT_VOL_ACTUAL Actual volume of the shipment
SHIPMENT_AMT_ACTUAL Actual amount of the shipment
PROMOTION_BUDGET_COST Budgeted cost of the total promotion
PROMOTION_BUDGET_DUE Budget due remaining
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PROMOTION_NAME Name of the Promotion
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROMOTION_STATUS Status of the promotion
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code
UOM_CODE Unit of measurement
PROMOTION_STATUS_ID Oracle Status unique identifier
ORG_ID Organization identifier
PROMO_THEME_ID Theme unique identifier
PROMO_THEME_NAME Name of theme
PROMOTION_PRODUCT_GROUP_ID Product group unique identifier
PROMOTION_PRODUCT_GROUP_NAME Name of the Product group
Receivables - AR_TA_PROM_PRODS_ALL Stores product details for promotions
Column Name Descritpion
PROMOTION_ID Promotion unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROMOTION_PRODUCT_GROUP_ID The product group unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
PRODUCT_ID Product unique identifier
PRODUCT_NAME Name of the product
ID_TYPE Type of the product
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - AR_TA_PROM_CUST_ALL Stores legacy customers, for imported promotion data along with corresponding Oracle customers
Column Name Descritpion
PROMOTION_ID Promotion unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
LEGACY_CUSTOMER_ID Legacy customer's unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ORACLE_CUSTOMER_ID The unique identifier of the Oracle Financial customer mapped to the Legacy customer
ORACLE_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Number of the Oracle Financial customer mapped to the Legacy customer
ORACLE_CUSTOMER_NAME Name of the Oracle Financial customer mapped to the Legacy customer
SITE_USE_ID The site use of the Oracle Financial customer mapped to the Legacy customer
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_TA_PROM_PAYMNT_ALL Stores payment allowance details for promotions
Column Name Descritpion
PROMOTION_ID Promotion unique identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_ID Promotion's payment allowance unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_BUDGET_UTILISED Total amount utilized from the last budget
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_NAME Name of the promotion payment
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_BUDGET Budgeted amount of the payment allowance
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_TYPE Type of the payment allowance
BUDGET_UTILISED otal amount utilized from the budget
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_TA_PROM_STATUS_MAP Contains mapping of promotion statuses defined in the legacy system with those defined in Oracle Financials
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_STATUS_ID The unique identifier of the status in Legacy system
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
LEGACY_STATUS_NAME The name of the status in the legacy system
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ORACLE_STATUS_ID The unique identifier of the status in Oracle Financials
ORACLE_STATUS_NAME The name of the status in Oracle Financials
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_TA_PROM_CUST_MAP Contains mapping of the customers defined in the legacy system with those defined in Oracle Financials
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_CUSTOMER_ID Legacy customer's unique identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
LEGACY_CUSTOMER_NAME Name of the customer in the legacy system
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORACLE_CUSTOMER_ID The unique identifier of the Oracle Financial customer mapped to the Legacy customer
ORACLE_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Number of the Oracle Financial customer mapped to the Legacy customer
ORACLE_CUSTOMER_NAME Name of the Oracle Financial customer mapped to the Legacy customer
SITE_USE_ID The site use of the Oracle Financial customer mapped to the Legacy customer
LOCATION Location name
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
Receivables - AR_TA_PROM_PAYMNT_TYP Defines the type of allowance for promotions
Column Name Descritpion
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_ID Payment allowance unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_NAME Name of the payment allowance
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROMOTION_PAYMENT_TYPE Type of the payment allowance
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
Receivables - AR_TA_LEGACY_STAT_INT Contains promotion statuses defined in the legacy system
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_STATUS_ID The unique identifier of the Status in the Legacy system
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
LEGACY_STATUS_NAME Name of the Status in the legacy system
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_TA_LEGACY_CUST_INT Contains details of customers, including Retailed Market Areas, defined in legacy systems
Column Name Descritpion
LEGACY_CUSTOMER_ID Legacy customer's unique identifier
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
LEGACY_CUSTOMER_NAME Name of the customer in the legacy system
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - AR_TA_CASHAPP_OB
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - AR_TA_RECON_INFO_ALL Temporary table used by the AutoReconciliation report
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_ID Customer Identification
TRX_DED_OTHERS mount of Transaction of Deduction Category but neither of Credit Memo nor of Debit Memo type
TRX_UCD_DM Amount of Transaction of Unearned Cash Discount Category and Debit Memo Type
TRX_UCD_OTHERS Amount of Transaction of Unearned Cash discount Category but not of Debit Memo type
TRX_BALANCING_DM Amount of Transaction of Balancing Transaction Category and Debit Memo type
TRX_BALANCING_CM Amount of Transaction of Balancing Transaction Category and Credit Memo type
TRX_BALANCING_OTHERS Amount of Transaction of Balancing Transaction Category but of neither Credit Memo Type nor Debit Memo Type.
TRX_ON_ACCT_CM Amount of Transaction of On Account Category and Credit Memo Type.
TRX_ON_ACCT_OTHERS Amount of Transaction of On Account Category but not of Credit Memo Type
TRX_CHARGEBACK_CB Amount of Transaction of Charge Back Category and of Charge Back Type
TRX_CHARGEBACK_OTHERS Amount of Transaction of Charge Back Category but not of Charge Back Type
GL_DATE eneral Ledger Date
TRX_OTHERS_DM Amount of Transaction without a Category but of Debit Memo Type
TRX_OTHERS_CM Amount of Transaction without a Category but of Credit Memo Type
TRX_OTHERS_INV Amount of Transaction without a Category but of Invoice Type
TRX_OTHERS_CB Amount of Transaction without a Category but of Charge Back Type
TRX_OTHERS_DEP Amount of Transaction without a Category but of Deposit Type
TRX_OTHERS_GUAR Amount of Transaction without a Category but of Guaranty Type
TRX_OTHERS_OTHERS Amount of Transaction without a Category and not belonging to any of these types : Credit Memo, Debit Memo, Invoice, Charge Back, Deposit, Guaranty.
TRX_EARNED_DISCOUNT Earned discounts taken
TRX_UNEARNED_DISCOUNT Unearned discounts taken
APPROVED_ADJUSTMENTS Approved adjustments
RECEIPTS_APPLIED Amount of receipts with a status of Applied
RECEIPTS_UNAPPLIED Amount of receipts with a status of Unapplied
RECEIPTS_UNIDENTIFIED Amount of receipts with a status of Unidentified
RECEIPTS_NSF Amount of receipts with a status of Insufficient Funds
RECEIPTS_STOP Amount of receipts with a status of Unapplied
RECEIPTS_REVERSED Amount of receipts with a status of Stop Payments
ENDING_BALANCE Ending balance
SALES_JOURNAL_CR Amount of Credit items on sales journal
TRX_INV_INV mount of Transaction of Invoice category and Invoice Type.
SALES_JOURNAL_DR Amount of Debit item on Sales Journal
RECEIPT_JOURNAL Amount of Receipt Journal
ORG_ID Organization identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
TRX_INV_OTHERS mount of Transaction on Invoice category but not of Invoice type
TRX_CREDIT_MEMO_CM Amount of Transaction of Credit Memo Category and Credit Memo Type
TRX_CREDIT_MEMO_OTHERS Amount of transaction of Credit Memo Category but not of Credit Memo type
TRX_DED_DM Amount of transaction of Deduction Category and Debit Memo Type
TRX_DED_CM Amount of Transaction of Deduction Category and Credit Memo Type
Receivables - AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ALL Accounting information for Receivables activities
Column Name Descritpion
RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Record identifier
DESCRIPTION Description of the receivables activity
TAX_CODE_SOURCE Lookup code for TAX_CODE_SOURCE lookup type. Values include Activity, Invoice, and None.
TAX_RECOVERABLE_FLAG Indicates whether tax for this activity is recoverable (not applicable to miscellaneous cash transactions)
STATUS Lookup code for the status of the activity
ACCOUNTING_AFFECT_FLAG Y or N flag indicates whether entities that are created should be posted to General Ledger
RISK_ELIMINATION_DAYS Stores the number of days after maturity that an endorsed bill receivable transaction must be held before the risk can be eliminated. If left blank, Receivables uses zero (0) days.
TYPE Lookup code for the type of the receivables activity
START_DATE_ACTIVE The date from which the activity is valid
END_DATE_ACTIVE The date at which the activity becomes invalid
DEFAULT_ACCTG_DISTRIBUTION_SET The default distribution set for the activity
INACTIVE_DATE The date on which the activity becomes inactive
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
NAME Name of the receivables activity
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CODE_COMBINATION_ID General Ledger code combination (account)
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
ASSET_TAX_CODE Asset tax code from the AR_VAT_TAX table (tax groups are not allowed)
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID General Ledger Set of Books used (only one supported currently)
LIABILITY_TAX_CODE Liability tax code from the AR_VAT_TAX table (tax groups are not allowed)
GL_ACCOUNT_SOURCE Lookup code for GL_ACCOUNT_SOURCE lookup type. Values include Activity GL Account, Distribution Set, Revenue on Invoice, and Tax Code on Invoice.
Receivables - AR_PAYMENTS_INTERFACE_ALL Imported Lockbox information that was not validated
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSMISSION_RECORD_ID Identifier of the transmission record
DESTINATION_ACCOUNT Destination account number
INVOICE3_INSTALLMENT Transaction's payment schedule
INVOICE4_INSTALLMENT Transaction's payment schedule
INVOICE5_INSTALLMENT Transaction's payment schedule
INVOICE6_INSTALLMENT Transaction's payment schedule
INVOICE7_INSTALLMENT Transaction's payment schedule
ORIGINATION Identifies the bank that sent the transmission
INVOICE8_INSTALLMENT Transaction's payment schedule
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Conversion type to realize foreign currency
EXCHANGE_RATE Conversion rate to realize foreign currency
CUSTOMER_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID Identifies the customer's bank account
TRANSMISSION_ID Identifies the lockbox transmission, also in the AR_TRANSMISSIONS table
DEPOSIT_DATE Date that the items referred to in a record were deposited in the bank
RECEIPT_DATE Date when the receipt was created
ORG_ID Organization identifier
ANTICIPATED_CLEARING_DATE Date when the receipt is expected to clear the bank
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
DEPOSIT_TIME Time when the items referred to in a record were deposited in a bank
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
TRANSMISSION_RECORD_COUNT Number of records within the transmission
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
TRANSMISSION_AMOUNT Sum of the payments within the transmission
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LOCKBOX_NUMBER Number given by the bank to identify a lockbox
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
CUSTOMER_NAME_ALT Customer's alternate name
LOCKBOX_BATCH_COUNT Number of batches in the lockbox
CUSTOMER_BANK_NAME Name of customer's bank
CUSTOMER_BANK_BRANCH_NAME Name of customer's bank branch
REMITTANCE_BANK_NAME Name of receiving bank
REMITTANCE_BANK_BRANCH_NAME Name of receiving bank branch
BANK_TRX_CODE Code that the bank uses to identify a transaction
LOCKBOX_RECORD_COUNT Number of receipts that are associated with the lockbox
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER1 Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER2 Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER3 Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER4 Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER5 Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
LOCKBOX_AMOUNT Value should equal the sum of all the payment amounts, as well as the sum of all batch amounts that are contained in a lockbox
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER6 Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER7 Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING_NUMBER8 Invoice number that corresponds to matching number
RESOLVED_MATCHING1_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING2_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
BATCH_NAME Batch name that corresponds to the batch
RESOLVED_MATCHING3_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING4_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING5_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING6_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING7_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
BATCH_AMOUNT Value should equal the sum of all payment amounts that are contained in a batch
RESOLVED_MATCHING8_INSTALLMENT Payment schedule for invoice number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING1_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING2_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING3_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING4_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
BATCH_RECORD_COUNT Number of records that are associated with a batch
RESOLVED_MATCHING5_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING6_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING7_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
RESOLVED_MATCHING8_DATE Transaction date that corresponds to transaction number that is stored in matching number column
MATCHING1_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
ITEM_NUMBER Identifies the item number that is associated with the payment record
MATCHING2_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
MATCHING3_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
MATCHING4_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
MATCHING5_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
MATCHING6_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
CURRENCY_CODE Currency code for the amounts in a record
MATCHING7_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
MATCHING8_DATE Date that corresponds to matching number that is stored in Invoice column
MATCH_RESOLVED_USING Method that is used to determine how to apply this receipt
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM1 Amount that is applied to transaction 1, in receipt currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM2 Amount that is applied to transaction 2, in receipt currency
REMITTANCE_AMOUNT Amount of a payment
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM3 Amount that is applied to transaction 3, in receipt currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM4 Amount that is applied to transaction 4, in receipt currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM5 Amount that is applied to transaction 5, in receipt currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM6 Amount that is applied to transaction 6, in receipt currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM7 Amount that is applied to transaction 7, in receipt currency
TRANSIT_ROUTING_NUMBER Transit routing number on a check
AMOUNT_APPLIED_FROM8 Amount that is applied to transaction 8, in receipt currency
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE1 Currency code of transaction 1
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE2 Currency code of transaction 2
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE3 Currency code of transaction 3
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE4 Currency code of transaction 4
ACCOUNT Bank account that a payment is sent from
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE5 Currency code of transaction 5
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE6 Currency code of transaction 6
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE7 Currency code of transaction 7
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE8 Currency code of transaction 8
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE1 Exchange rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency
CHECK_NUMBER Receipt number
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE2 Exchange rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE3 Exchange rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE4 Exchange rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE5 Exchange rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE6 Exchange rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Identifies the customer who sent the payment
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE7 Exchange rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency
TRANS_TO_RECEIPT_RATE8 Exchange rate that is used to convert the receipt amount to the transaction currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED_FROM1 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 1, in receipt currency
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TMP_AMT_APPLIED_FROM2 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 2, in receipt currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED_FROM3 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 3, in receipt currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED_FROM4 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 4, in receipt currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED_FROM5 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 5, in receipt currency
OVERFLOW_INDICATOR Indicates that additional overflow records exist that are associated with the payment
TMP_AMT_APPLIED_FROM6 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 6, in receipt currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED_FROM7 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 7, in receipt currency
OVERFLOW_SEQUENCE Specifies the sequence of records in an overflow situation
TMP_AMT_APPLIED_FROM8 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 8, in receipt currency
TMP_INV_CURRENCY_CODE1 Temporary currency code of transaction 1
INVOICE1 Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
TMP_INV_CURRENCY_CODE2 Temporary currency code of transaction 2
TMP_INV_CURRENCY_CODE3 Temporary currency code of transaction 3
INVOICE2 Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
TMP_INV_CURRENCY_CODE4 Temporary currency code of transaction 4
TMP_INV_CURRENCY_CODE5 Temporary currency code of transaction 5
INVOICE3 Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
TMP_INV_CURRENCY_CODE6 Temporary currency code of transaction 6
TMP_INV_CURRENCY_CODE7 Temporary currency code of transaction 7
INVOICE4 Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
TMP_INV_CURRENCY_CODE8 Temporary currency code of transaction 8
TMP_TRANS_TO_RCPT_RATE1 Temporary conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
INVOICE5 Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
TMP_TRANS_TO_RCPT_RATE2 Temporary conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
TMP_TRANS_TO_RCPT_RATE3 Temporary conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
INVOICE6 Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
TMP_TRANS_TO_RCPT_RATE4 Temporary conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
TMP_TRANS_TO_RCPT_RATE5 Temporary conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
INVOICE7 Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
TMP_TRANS_TO_RCPT_RATE6 Temporary conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
TMP_TRANS_TO_RCPT_RATE7 Temporary conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
INVOICE8 Matching number of invoice that a payment is applied to
TMP_TRANS_TO_RCPT_RATE8 Temporary conversion rate that is used to convert the receipt from the transaction currency to the receipt currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED1 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 1, in transaction currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED1 Amount that is applied in invoice's currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED2 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 2, in transaction currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED3 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 3, in transaction currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED2 Amount that is applied in invoice's currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED4 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 4, in transaction currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED5 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 5, in transaction currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED3 Amount that is applied in invoice's currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED6 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 6, in transaction currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED7 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 7, in transaction currency
AMOUNT_APPLIED4 Amount that is applied in invoice's currency
TMP_AMT_APPLIED8 Temporary amount that is applied to transaction 8, in transaction currency
CPG_PURCHASE_ORDER_NUMBER Contains the purchase order number of the receipt line, updated for record type 6
AMOUNT_APPLIED5 Amount that is applied in invoice's currency
CPG_CUSTOMER_REF_NUMBER Contains the promotion number of the receipt line, updated for record type 6
CPG_SHIP_TO_LOCATION_NUMBER Contains the ship-to location number of the receipt line, updated for record type 6
AMOUNT_APPLIED6 Amount that is applied in invoice's currency
CPG_TRANSACTION_DATE Contains the transaction date of the receipt line, updated for record type 6
AMOUNT_APPLIED7 Amount that is applied in invoice's currency
CPG_RECEIPT_STATUS OPEN indicates that some validation errors exist, while PENDING indicates receipt is ready for submission
CPG_BATCH_DATE Date of the batch, updated for record type 4
AMOUNT_APPLIED8 Amount that is applied in invoice's currency
CPG_BATCH_STATUS Status of the batch
CPG_BATCH_SOURCE Batch source, used in High Volume Entry EDI and Non-EDI windows, and updated for record type 4
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
INVOICE1_STATUS Status of the specified invoice
CPG_RECEIPT_COUNT Number of receipt lines in a receipt line, updated for record type 5
INVOICE2_STATUS Status of the specified invoice
CPG_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Receipt amount, updated for record type 5
INVOICE3_STATUS Status of the specified invoice
CPG_REASSOCIATION_TRACE_NUM Trace number of the receipt or receipt line for EDI batches, updated for record types 5 and 6
INVOICE4_STATUS Status of the specified invoice
CPG_ASSOCIATION_FLAG Y if receipt can be associated with a receipt line or vice versa, N if receipt cannot be associated, or Null if receipt is yet to be associated. Used by the Re-association module and updated for record types 5 and 6.
CPG_TRX_HANDLING_CODE Reserved for future use. Applicable only for EDI batches.
INVOICE5_STATUS Status of the specified invoice
CPG_CUST_DEDUCTION_REASON_CODE Reserved for future use. Applicable only for EDI batches.
CPG_ORIG_BATCH_NAME Batch name that the receipt or receipt line belonged to before association. Used in High Volume Entry - EDI window and updated for record types 5 and 6 for EDI batches.
INVOICE6_STATUS Status of the specified invoice
CPG_ORIG_LOCKBOX_NUMBER Lockbox number that the receipt or receipt line belonged to before association. Used in High Volume Entry - EDI window and updated for record types 5 and 6 for EDI batches.
CPG_BATCH_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number of the batch within the transmission. Used for display in the Unmatched Payments window and updated in the Lockbox_COVER module.
INVOICE7_STATUS Status of the specified invoice
CPG_POSTMARK_DATE Postmark date of the receipt. Used for discount calculation and updated for record type 6.
INVOICE8_STATUS Status of the specified invoice
GL_DATE General Ledger date
COMMENTS Contains text that is transferred to either the AR_BATCHES or the AR_CASH_RECEIPTS table, depending on records - Batch or Payments
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CUSTOMER_ID Identifier of a customer, also used in the RA_CUSTOMERS table
SPECIAL_TYPE Indicates the status of payment, if payment was applied to single or multiple invoices
APPLICATION_NOTES Reference number that could not be matched to a transaction number during AutoLockbox validation.
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE1 Customer Reference 1
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE2 Customer Reference 2
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE3 Customer Reference 3
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE4 Customer Reference 4
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE5 Customer Reference 5
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE6 Customer Reference 6
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE7 Customer Reference 7
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_REFERENCE8 Customer Reference 8
CUSTOMER_REASON1 Customer Reason 1
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_REASON2 Customer Reason 2
CUSTOMER_REASON3 Customer Reason 3
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_REASON4 Customer Reason 4
CUSTOMER_REASON5 Customer Reason 5
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_REASON6 Customer Reason 6
CUSTOMER_REASON7 Customer Reason 7
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_REASON8 Customer Reason 8
SOURCE_TYPE_FLAG Indicates interfaced data source
RECORD_TYPE Identifies the type of a record
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
SC_MATCHING_STATUS Lookup code for Smart Cash matching status
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
STATUS Status of the transmission record
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
RECEIPT_METHOD Method for processing receipts
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Identifies the receipt method, also in the AR_RECEIPT_METHODS table
BILL_TO_LOCATION Customer's site that remitted the receipt
TRANSMISSION_REQUEST_ID Identifies original concurrent request of transmission
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID Identifies the customer's site, also in the RA_SITE_USES_ALL table
TRANSFERRED_RECEIPT_COUNT Number of receipts in this transmission that were transferred to the interim table
TRANSFERRED_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Sum of the remittance amounts in this transmission that were transferred to the interim table
INVOICE1_INSTALLMENT Transaction's payment schedule
INVOICE2_INSTALLMENT Transaction's payment schedule
Receivables - AR_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL Oracle Receivables system options
Column Name Descritpion
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID General Ledger Set of Books that is used, only one currently supported
ACCRUE_INTEREST Y or N indicates whether to accrue interest
AI_LOG_FILE_MESSAGE_LEVEL Controls the detail of message that is displayed in the AutoInvoice log file
AI_MAX_MEMORY_IN_BYTES Controls the amount of scratch memory that is used in AutoInvoice
AI_ACCT_FLEX_KEY_LEFT_PROMPT Stores the segment name (not the left prompt) of one of the Accounting Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table
AI_MTL_ITEMS_KEY_LEFT_PROMPT Stores the segment name (not the left prompt) of one of the System Items Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS table
AI_TERRITORY_KEY_LEFT_PROMPT Stores the segment name (not the left prompt) of one of the Sales Territory Flexfield segments that AutoInvoice uses to join to the RA_TERRITORIES table
UNEARNED_DISCOUNT Y or N indicates whether to allow unearned discount
AI_PURGE_INTERFACE_TABLES_FLAG Y or N indicates if AutoInvoice automatically purges successfully processed transactions from the AutoInvoice interface tables
AI_ACTIVATE_SQL_TRACE_FLAG Y or N indicates if SQL trace is activated in AutoInvoice
DEFAULT_GROUPING_RULE_ID Defines the default grouping rule for customers that are defined in Oracle Receivables
SALESREP_REQUIRED_FLAG Indicates if salespersons are required
PARTIAL_DISCOUNT_FLAG Y or N indicates if more than one currency is allowed
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PRINT_REMIT_TO Y or N indicates whether to print the remit-to
AUTO_REC_INVOICES_PER_COMMIT Number of invoices that the Automatic Receipt program processes before saving
AUTO_REC_RECEIPTS_PER_COMMIT Number of receipts that the Automatic Receipt program processes before saving
PAY_UNRELATED_INVOICES_FLAG Y indicates that the cash windows (Receipts, Applications) allow the application of cash from one customer's invoice to another customer's invoice, even if the two customers are not related.
PRINT_HOME_COUNTRY_FLAG Y indicates that document programs will print all country codes in addresses, N indicates that document programs will print all country codes except the home country.
LOCATION_TAX_ACCOUNT Tax account that is the default value in the Tax Codes and Rates window
FROM_POSTAL_CODE Starting code of the postal code range that defaults when sales tax rate assignments are entered in the Tax Locations and Rates window
TO_POSTAL_CODE Ending code of the postal code range that defaults when sales tax rate assignments are entered in the Tax Locations and Rates window
TAX_REGISTRATION_NUMBER Registration number that is printed on customer invoices if customers are charged tax
DEFAULT_CB_DUE_DATE Default chargeback due date
POPULATE_GL_SEGMENTS_FLAG If Y, then the General Ledger Transfer Program populates segments in the GL_INTERFACE table.
UNALLOCATED_REVENUE_CCID Revenue account that is used when a cash receipt with a balance other than zero is applied to an invoice with a zero balance, used only for the cash basis accounting method
ORG_ID Organization identifier
TAX_CURRENCY_CODE Tax reporting currency. When specified, tax amounts are rounded using the tax precision and minimum accountable unit.
TAX_PRECISION Tax currency precision
AUTO_SITE_NUMBERING Y or N indicates whether to use payment rules
TAX_MINIMUM_ACCOUNTABLE_UNIT Tax currency minimum accountable unit
TAX_HEADER_LEVEL_FLAG Tax rounding level flag. When set, tax is rounded per document per rate.
TAX_ROUNDING_RULE Tax rounding rule, defined in the System Options window. Tax can be rounded up, down, or nearest, and can be overridden at the customer and site levels
TAX_ROUNDING_ALLOW_OVERRIDE Indicates if rounding rules can be overridden
TAX_CODE Tax code
CASH_BASIS_SET_OF_BOOKS_ID General Ledger Set of Books that is used for cash basis accounting method
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CODE_COMBINATION_ID_GAIN Code combination ID for realized gains
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID Identifies the default payment rule to be used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
RUN_GL_JOURNAL_IMPORT_FLAG Y or N indicates whether to automatically run the General Ledger Journal Import when posting
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
RULE_SET_ID Application rule set ID
TAX_USE_ACCOUNT_EXC_RATE_FLAG Y or N indicates if the tax code that is defined for a revenue account should be used
TAX_USE_SYSTEM_EXC_RATE_FLAG Y or N indicates if the tax code that is assigned at the System Options level should be used
TAX_HIER_SITE_EXC_RATE Indicates tax code defaulting hierarchy for a customer site level tax code
CER_SPLIT_AMOUNT Split amount that the Collection Effectiveness report uses
TAX_HIER_CUST_EXC_RATE Indicates tax code defaulting hierarchy for a customer level tax code
TAX_HIER_PROD_EXC_RATE Indicates tax code defaulting hierarchy for an item level tax code
TAX_HIER_ACCOUNT_EXC_RATE Indicates tax code defaulting hierarchy for a revenue account tax code
TAX_HIER_SYSTEM_EXC_RATE Indicates tax code defaulting hierarchy for the System Option tax code
TAX_ENFORCE_ACCOUNT_FLAG Indicates if the tax code that is associated with a revenue account must be used at the invoice line
TAX_DATABASE_VIEW_SET Indicates the tax view set suffix. For example, A for Taxware, V for Vertex, O for Oracle tax views.
INCLUSIVE_TAX_USED If Y, the running totals in the Transactions Workbench Lines window are disabled
CODE_COMBINATION_ID_ROUND Code combination ID for the rounding error
TRX_HEADER_LEVEL_ROUNDING Indicates if Header Level Rounding is enabled
TRX_HEADER_ROUND_CCID Code combination identifier of the header rounding account
CER_DSO_DAYS Number of day that sales are outstanding, used by the Collections Effectiveness report
FINCHRG_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Foreign key to the AR_RECEIVABLES_TRX table, indicates the default receivables activity for finance charges
SALES_TAX_GEOCODE US state and local tax jurisdiction code. Use this field to provide either a Vertex GeoCode or Taxware Geocode value for the Point of Order origin.
BILLS_RECEIVABLE_ENABLED_FLAG Bills Receivable enabled flag
TA_INSTALLED_FLAG Trade Accounting activation flag
POSTING_DAYS_PER_CYCLE Number of posting days per commit cycle in the posting program
REV_TRANSFER_CLEAR_CCID Code combination ID of clearing account for revenue transfers
SALES_CREDIT_PCT_LIMIT Revenue adjustment percentage limit of combined revenue and non-revenue sales credits per salesperson per transaction line
MAX_WRTOFF_AMOUNT Maximum write-off amount
IREC_CC_RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Receipt method for iReceivables credit card payments
ADDRESS_VALIDATION Type of validation that is used for addresses that are defined in the home country
SHOW_BILLING_NUMBER_FLAG Indicates whether to display the consolidated billing number in various Receivables reports and windows, such as the Transactions window. Replaces the AR: Show Billing Number profile option.
CROSS_CURRENCY_RATE_TYPE Determines the exchange rate type that Receivables uses to derive the exchange rate for cross currency receipt applications for Lockbox and Receipt API. Replaces the AR: Cross Currency Rate Type profile option.
DOCUMENT_SEQ_GEN_LEVEL Determines at what point Receivables generates a document number for a transaction: when it is saved, or when it is complete. Replaces the AR: Document Number Generation Level profile option.
CALC_TAX_ON_CREDIT_MEMO_FLAG 'Y' for calculating tax during Autoinvoice on credit memo using the tax calculation engine. N for using Receivables during Autoinvoice to prorate tax already calculated on related invoice.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
IREC_BA_RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Receipt method for iReceivables bank account transfer payments
PAYMENT_THRESHOLD Maximum number of days allowed for full payment
STANDARD_REFUND Stores the maximum number of days allowed for refund .
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION3 Credit Classification
CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION2 Credit Classification
UNMTCH_CLAIM_CREATION_FLAG Indicates if claims should be created for unmatched remittances that have a certain sign. Valid LOV choices are NULL (none), A (Any Sign), P (Positive), or N (Negative).
MATCHED_CLAIM_CREATION_FLAG Indicates if claims should be created for matched reference numbers
MATCHED_CLAIM_EXCL_CM_FLAG Indicates if credit memos should be excluded from claim creation
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
MIN_WRTOFF_AMOUNT Minimum write-off amount. This value must be negative
MIN_REFUND_AMOUNT Minimum amount in functional currency for which refund can be issued
IREC_SERVICE_CHARGE_REC_TRX_ID The Receivables Activity type used for Convenience Charges
ALLOW_LATE_CHARGES If late charges is allowed or not
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
LATE_CHARGE_DM_TYPE_ID Transaction type for the late charges Debit Memo
LATE_CHARGE_INV_TYPE_ID Transaction type for the late charges Invoice
LATE_CHARGE_BATCH_SOURCE_ID Transaction batch source for the late charges documents
PENALTY_REC_TRX_ID Receivables activity for penalty
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
POST_BILLING_ITEM_INCLUSION Indicates whether the post billing debit items should be considered for Average Daily Balance Calculation
LATE_CHARGE_BILLING_CALC_MODE Indicates the Calculation Mode of the Late Charge in Case of average daily balance (either Run Date to Run Date or Bill Date to Run Date)
AUTOMATCH_SET_ID Reserved for future use
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
AUTOMATCH_ENABLED_FLAG Automatch Cash Application control flag
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
CALC_DISCOUNT_ON_LINES_FLAG Indicates if discount amounts can be calculated using only the invoice line amounts
CHANGE_PRINTED_INVOICE_FLAG Indicates if changes can be made to transactions that were already printed
CODE_COMBINATION_ID_LOSS Code combination ID for realized losses
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
DEFAULT_COUNTRY Name of the country that is defaulted for addresses
DEFAULT_TERRITORY Indicates the Territory Flexfield that is defaulted into the Transaction windows
GENERATE_CUSTOMER_NUMBER Indicates if customer numbers are automatically generated
INVOICE_DELETION_FLAG Indicates if deletion of incomplete invoices is allowed
LOCATION_STRUCTURE_ID Identifier of the Sales Tax Location Flexfield structure
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SITE_REQUIRED_FLAG Indicates if the bill-to site is required for receipts
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TAX_ALLOW_COMPOUND_FLAG Indicates if compound taxes (taxes that are based on other taxes) are calculated
TAX_INVOICE_PRINT Indicates the method that is used for printing tax amounts on invoices
TAX_METHOD Type of tax method used, Sales Tax or Value Added Tax
TAX_USE_CUSTOMER_EXEMPT_FLAG Indicates if customer exemptions are included when calculating tax for transactions
ACCOUNTING_METHOD Lookup code for the accounting method
TAX_USE_CUST_EXC_RATE_FLAG Indicates if the tax rate that was defined for the customer is used
TAX_USE_LOC_EXC_RATE_FLAG Indicates if the tax rate that was defined for specific products based on the customer's ship-to address is used
TAX_USE_PRODUCT_EXEMPT_FLAG Indicates if item exemptions are included when calculating tax for transactions
TAX_USE_PROD_EXC_RATE_FLAG Indicates if the tax rate that is defined for specific products is used
TAX_USE_SITE_EXC_RATE_FLAG Indicates if the tax rate that is defined for the customer's business purpose is used
Receivables - HZ_CONTACT_POINTS Electronic methods of communicating with parties
Column Name Descritpion
CONTACT_POINT_TYPE Contact point type, such as phone or e-mail. Valid value from COMMUNICATION_TYPE lookup type.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
STATUS Lookup: contact_point_status. Typically, active, inactive, delete.
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Not currently used
OWNER_TABLE_NAME Table that stores the owner of the contact point
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Not currently used
OWNER_TABLE_ID Foreign key to OWNER_TABLE_NAME identifies the owner of the contact point
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Not currently used
EDI_TRANSACTION_HANDLING ANSI standard code for EDI transaction type
EDI_ID_NUMBER EDI trading partner number for the supplier site
EDI_PAYMENT_METHOD Indicates how a payment is to be made through EDI. Valid methods are ACH and BOP.
EDI_PAYMENT_FORMAT Indicates type of information being transmitted with the funds if using EDI_PAYMENT_METHOD ACH. Valid values are CCD, CCP, CHZ, CTX, PPD, and PPP.
EDI_REMITTANCE_METHOD Indicates how remittance advice are sent to the supplier.
EDI_REMITTANCE_INSTRUCTION Indicates who will send the remittance advice. Valid values are Banks or Payables systems.
EDI_TP_HEADER_ID EDI transaction header unique identifier
EDI_ECE_TP_LOCATION_CODE Trading partner location code for EDI Gateway
EMAIL_FORMAT Indicates the preferred format for e-mail addressed to this address. For example, HTML or ASCII.
EMAIL_ADDRESS E-mail address of the contact point
PHONE_CALLING_CALENDAR The name or code for a calling calendar used with this telephone number.
CONTACTS No Longer Used
DO_NOT_USE_FLAG No Longer Used
LAST_CONTACT_DT_TIME Date and time of last contact placed to this contact point.
TIME_ZONE Time zone expressed as the deviation or difference in hours from Greenwich Mean Time(GMT).
PHONE_AREA_CODE The area code within a country code.
PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE International country code for a telephone number. For example, 33 for France.
PHONE_NUMBER A telephone number formatted in the local format. The number should not include area code, country code, or extension.
PHONE_EXTENSION Additional number addressed after initial connection to an internal telephone system.
PHONE_LINE_TYPE Lookup code for the type of phone line. For example, general, fax, inbound, or outbound.
TELEX_NUMBER Reference number (usually a telephone number) that TELEX messages are sent to.
WEB_TYPE The prefix class to a web address. Typically this is either FTP or HTTP.
URL Uniform resource locator
CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE Source of data content
RAW_PHONE_NUMBER Unformatted telephone number
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
CONTACT_POINT_ID Unique identifier of this contact point
PRIMARY_FLAG Indicates if this is the primary contact point of this contact point type for referenced party, site, or location. Y for primary contact, N for all others.
TIMEZONE_ID Time zone identifier. Foreign key to HZ_TIMEZONES
CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE Contact point type, such as business or personal. Uses the CONTACT_POINT_PURPOSE lookup.
PRIMARY_BY_PURPOSE Y indicates that this is the primary contact point of the contact point purpose for the party or site. A party or site can have only one contact point with a value of Y.
TRANSPOSED_PHONE_NUMBER This column stores the concatenation of PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE, PHONE_AREA_CODE, and PHONE_NUMBER in reverse. e.g. If PHONE_COUNTRY_CODE=1, PHONE_AREA_CODE=650 and PHONE_NUMBER=5065747, this column stores 74756050561. This column is used in bui
EFT_TRANSMISSION_PROGRAM_ID Transmission program identifier
EFT_PRINTING_PROGRAM_ID Printing program identifier
EFT_USER_NUMBER The number that identifier you as a user of electronic funds transfer service to your bank or clearing organization.
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Identifier for this record from foreign or legacy system.
ACTUAL_CONTENT_SOURCE Additional Content Source Type column for backward compatibility.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL Stores business purposes assigned to customer account sites.
Column Name Descritpion
LOCATION Site use identifier
PRICING_EVENT No longer used
GL_ID_REC Code combination ID for the Receivable Account
GL_ID_REV Code combination ID for the Revenue Account
GL_ID_TAX Code combination ID for the Tax Account
GL_ID_FREIGHT Code combination ID for the Freight Account
GL_ID_CLEARING Code combination ID for the Clearing Account
GL_ID_UNBILLED Code combination ID for the Unbilled Account
GL_ID_UNEARNED Code combination ID for the Unearned Account
GL_ID_UNPAID_REC Unpaid Bills Receivable Account
GL_ID_REMITTANCE Bill Receivable Remittance Account
GL_ID_FACTOR Code combination ID for a bill-receivable factoring account. Used for Spanish requirements.
TAX_CLASSIFICATION Classifies Bill-To site to tax group codes. Foreign key to the AR_LOOKUPS table (AR_TAX_CLASSIFICATION) used in AR_VAT_TAX (TAX_CLASSIFICATION) indexes
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CONTACT_ID No longer used
BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID Bill-To site use identifier
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Site use identifier from foreign or legacy system
SIC_CODE Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code
PAYMENT_TERM_ID Payment term identifier
GSA_INDICATOR Indicates if this is a US federal agency supported by the General Services Administration (GSA). Y for organizations served by the GSA, N for organizations that are not served by the GSA.
SHIP_PARTIAL No longer used
SHIP_VIA The name of the preferred ship method.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
FOB_POINT Free on board point. The FOB point indicates the point at which title of goods is transfered to the buyer.
ORDER_TYPE_ID Order type identifier
PRICE_LIST_ID Price list identifier
FREIGHT_TERM Order Management lookup code for FREIGHT_TERMS
WAREHOUSE_ID Warehouse identifier
TERRITORY_ID Territory identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
SITE_USE_ID Site use identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
TAX_REFERENCE Taxpayer identification number
SORT_PRIORITY Sort priority
TAX_CODE Tax code associated with this site
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID Identifier for the customer account site. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE21 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE22 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE23 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE24 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE25 Descriptive Flexfield segment
SITE_USE_CODE Business purpose assigned to customer site account, such as Bill-To, Market, and Statements.
LAST_ACCRUE_CHARGE_DATE The last date that accrued finance charges were computed for this site.
SECOND_LAST_ACCRUE_CHARGE_DATE The next-to-last date that accrued finance charges were computed for this site.
LAST_UNACCRUE_CHARGE_DATE The last date that unaccrued finance charges were computed for this site.
SECOND_LAST_UNACCRUE_CHRG_DATE The next-to-last date that unaccrued finance charges were computed for this site.
DEMAND_CLASS_CODE Demand class (user-defined Lookup used by Oracle Manufacturing)
ORG_ID Organization identifier
TAX_HEADER_LEVEL_FLAG Used by Oracle Sales Compensation
TAX_ROUNDING_RULE Tax rounding rule
WH_UPDATE_DATE No longer used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PRIMARY_FLAG Indicates if this site is the primary site for this customer account. Y for the primary customer account site. N for other customer account sites.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
STATUS Site use status flag, Lookup code for the CODE_STATUS column.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID Identifies a salesperson associated with a business site. Also used to default salesrep in the Transactions window. The hierarchy of defaulting would follow from Bill-To site to Ship-To site to Customer, if not a multi-org setup.
FINCHRG_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Identifies receivables activity that are used for finance charges
DATES_NEGATIVE_TOLERANCE Acceptable range of days prior to a specified date
DATES_POSITIVE_TOLERANCE Acceptable range of days after a specified date
DATE_TYPE_PREFERENCE Preference for ship or arrival dates
OVER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for over shipment
UNDER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for under shipment
ITEM_CROSS_REF_PREF Lookup for item cross-reference preference for placing orders
OVER_RETURN_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for over return
UNDER_RETURN_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for under return
SHIP_SETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG Indicates if lines should automatically be included in ship sets. Y for lines included in ship sets. N for lines not included in ship sets.
ARRIVALSETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG Indicates if lines should automatically be included in ship sets. Y for lines included in ship sets. N for lines not included in ship sets.
SCHED_DATE_PUSH_FLAG Indicates if the group schedule date should automatically be pushed. Y for pushing the schedule dates, N for not pushing the schedule date.
INVOICE_QUANTITY_RULE Rule to indicate whether to invoice for ordered quantity or fulfilled quantity
Receivables - HZ_CONTACT_RESTRICTIONS Restrictions on contacting parties
Column Name Descritpion
CONTACT_TYPE Type of contact that should not be made with the party
RESTRICT_START_DATE Start date of the period during which the party should not be contacted
RESTRICT_END_DATE End date of the period during which the party should not be contacted
RESTRICT_REASON Reason that this type of contact should not be made with the party during this period
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
CONTACT_RESTRICTION_ID Unique identifier for the contact restriction
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
WH_UPDATE_DATE Warehouse update date when record was recorded or changed
SUBJECT_TABLE Table storing the subject of the contact restriction.
SUBJECT_ID FK to SUBJECT_TABLE; identifies the subject of the contact
STATUS Record status flag
Receivables - HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS Stores information about customer accounts.
Column Name Descritpion
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
PARTY_ID A foreign key to the HZ_PARTY table.
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Unique customer identifier from foreign or legacy system
STATUS Customer status flag. Lookup code for CODE_STATUS
CUSTOMER_TYPE Receivables lookup code for the CUSTOMER_TYPE attribute. I for internal customers, R for revenue generating external customers.
CUSTOMER_CLASS_CODE Customer class indentifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SALES_CHANNEL_CODE Order Management lookup code for the SALES_CHANNEL attribute.
ORDER_TYPE_ID No longer used
PRICE_LIST_ID Price list identifier
TAX_CODE Tax Code for the Customer
FOB_POINT The point in a shipment at which title to the goods is transferred. Examples include, FOB delivered (the title changes hands at the point of delivery).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
FREIGHT_TERM Order Management lookup code for the FREIGHT_TERMS attribute.
SHIP_PARTIAL No longer used
SHIP_VIA The name of the preferred ship method.
WAREHOUSE_ID Warehouse identifier
PAYMENT_TERM_ID No longer used
TAX_HEADER_LEVEL_FLAG Indicate if item is tax header or a line item. Y for records that are headers for tax purposes, N for records that are lines.
TAX_ROUNDING_RULE Tax amount rounding rule
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
COTERMINATE_DAY_MONTH Identifies the date when services ordered by the customer will end. Values for this column will take the form DD-MON.
PRIMARY_SPECIALIST_ID This column is for the service personnel dispatching feature in Incident Tracking and is a foreign key to the PER_PEOPLE table
SECONDARY_SPECIALIST_ID This column is for the service personnel dispatching feature in Incident Tracking and is a foreign key to the PER_PEOPLE table
CURRENT_BALANCE No longer used
PASSWORD_TEXT No longer used
ACCOUNT_ESTABLISHED_DATE Date when the customer account was originally established through either an Oracle Application or a legacy system
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
DEPARTMENT No longer used
HELD_BILL_EXPIRATION_DATE Held bill expiration date
HOLD_BILL_FLAG Indicates if the bill receivable should be held or not. Y for holding the bill, N for bills receivable should not be held.
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Customer account identifier
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PO_EFFECTIVE_DATE No longer used
SINGLE_USER_FLAG No longer used
GEO_CODE No longer used
ACCOUNT_NAME Description chosen by external party (but can be entered internally on behalf on the customer)
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
NPA_NUMBER Identifies an account with a Number Plan Area (NPA) used in telecommunications.
PIN_NUMBER No longer used
SUSPENSION_DATE No longer used
WRITE_OFF_AMOUNT No longer used
SOURCE_CODE Promotion that was used to make the party a customer
COMPETITOR_TYPE No longer used
WH_UPDATE_DATE No longer used
COMMENTS Free format information about the customer
DATES_NEGATIVE_TOLERANCE Maximum number of days prior to a date
DATES_POSITIVE_TOLERANCE Maximum number of days after a date
DATE_TYPE_PREFERENCE Preference for ship or arrival dates
OVER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for over shipment
UNDER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for under shipment
OVER_RETURN_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for over return
UNDER_RETURN_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for under return
ITEM_CROSS_REF_PREF Lookup for item cross reference preference for placing orders
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
SHIP_SETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG Indicates if lines should automatically be included in ship sets. Y for lines included in ship sets, N for lines not included in ship sets.
ARRIVALSETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG Indicates if lines include arrival sets. Y for lines included on arrival sets, N for lines not automatically included in arrival sets
SCHED_DATE_PUSH_FLAG Indicates if the group schedule date should automatically be pushed. Y for pushing the schedule dates, N for not pushing the schedule date.
INVOICE_QUANTITY_RULE Rule to indicate whether to invoice for ordered quantity or fulfilled quantity
PRICING_EVENT No longer used
STATUS_UPDATE_DATE Last status update date
AUTOPAY_FLAG Autopay flag
NOTIFY_FLAG No longer used
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_BATCH_ID Last active batch
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
SELLING_PARTY_ID Identifier of the party entering a business relationship as a seller. A selling party can be an individual or an organization. The Selling Party represents the external facing organization with which the customer is doing business, and is n
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
Receivables - HZ_CREDIT_RATINGS Credit ratings of parties
Column Name Descritpion
SUIT_JUDGE_IND No longer used.
CLAIMS_IND Indicates if open claims, legal claims, liens, protested bills or equivalent exist. Y for information is available, N for no information.
SECURED_FLNG_IND Indicates if open secured filings such as UCC filings, secured charges/mortgages pledgings or equivalent exist. Y for information is available, N for no information.
FINCL_LGL_EVENT_IND Indicates if special events, such as financial embarrassment and legal filings, exist. Y for information is available, N for no information.
DISASTER_IND Indicates if information exists about disasters such as fires, hurricanes, and so on. Y for information is available, N for no information.
OPRG_SPEC_EVNT_IND Indicates if information exists about operational changes such as name changes, management changes, change of control, moves, and so on. Y for information is available, N for no information.
OTHER_SPEC_EVNT_IND Indicates if special events exist that are not otherwise specified.
CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE Source of data content
STATUS Record status flag
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
PARTY_ID Unique identifier for a party. Foreign key to the HZ_PARTIES table
AVG_HIGH_CREDIT Average of all of the high credit experiences
CREDIT_SCORE Indicates the risk of delinquent payments.
RATING The rating company's rating number or code.
CREDIT_SCORE_AGE Indicate the age of the credit score, expressed in months.
CREDIT_SCORE_CLASS Provides the date when the credit score was calculated.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY Lookup for explanation codes in the CREDIT_SCORE column.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY2 Used for comments about the credit score.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY3 Used for comments about the credit score.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY4 Used for comments about the credit score.
RATED_AS_OF_DATE The date that the rating was acquired.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY5 Used for comments about the credit score.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY6 Used for comments about the credit score.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY7 Used for comments about the credit score.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY8 Used for comments about the credit score.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY9 Used for comments about the credit score.
CREDIT_SCORE_COMMENTARY10 Used for comments about the credit score.
CREDIT_SCORE_DATE Provides the date when the credit score was calculated.
CREDIT_SCORE_INCD_DEFAULT Indicates the probability, expressed as a percentage, of delinquency for a score range or class.
CREDIT_SCORE_NATL_PERCENTILE Indicates the relative credit rating of a business compared to all businesses whose credit ratings are included in the local country database.
DEBARMENT_IND Indicates whether the company is debarred from doing business with government agencies. Y if the compnay is debarred, N if it is not debarred.
RATING_ORGANIZATION The name of the credit rating organization.
DEBARMENTS_COUNT Count of filings by government agencies in the United States that prohibit the party from entering into contracts or transactions with those agencies.
DEBARMENTS_DATE Date of most recent filing to prohibit the party from entering into contracts or transactions with a government agency in the United States.
HIGH_CREDIT Maximum credit ever extended to this organization.
MAXIMUM_CREDIT_RECOMMENDATION Maximum credit limit recommended for the currency specified in the MAXIMUM_CREDIT_CURRENCY_CODE column.
PAYDEX_NORM Median or average Paydex score for the industry.
PAYDEX_SCORE Paydex score for the last 12 months payment history.
PAYDEX_THREE_MONTHS_AGO Paydex score three months ago.
CREDIT_SCORE_OVERRIDE_CODE In the US, indicates why no score was calculated, or why score equals zero.
CR_SCR_CLAS_EXPL Explains numeric credit risk score, which estimates the risk of delinquent payment over the next 12 months.
CREDIT_RATING_ID Credit rating identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LOW_RNG_DELQ_SCR Specifies the low end of the range of the Commercial Credit Score.
HIGH_RNG_DELQ_SCR Specifies the high end of the range of the Commercial Credit Score.
DELQ_PMT_RNG_PRCNT Specifies a delinquency percentage for a Credit Score range.
DELQ_PMT_PCTG_FOR_ALL_FIRMS Specifies a delinquency percentage for all firms.
NUM_TRADE_EXPERIENCES Number of trade experiences.
PAYDEX_FIRM_DAYS Number of days used in the Paydex score.
PAYDEX_FIRM_COMMENT Comment on the Paydex score for the organization.
PAYDEX_INDUSTRY_DAYS Number of days used in the Paydex score for the industry.
PAYDEX_INDUSTRY_COMMENT Comment on the Paydex score for the industry.
PAYDEX_COMMENT Additional Paydex information.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
SUIT_IND Indicates if open suits exist. Y if any open suit exists, N if no open suit exists.
LIEN_IND Indicates if open liens exist. Y if any open lien exists, N if no open lien exists.
JUDGEMENT_IND Indicates if open judgments exist. Y if any open judgment exists, N if no open judgment exists.
BANKRUPTCY_IND Indicates if open bankruptcy exists. Y if any open bankruptcy exists, N if no open bankruptcy exists.
NO_TRADE_IND Indicates no trade experiences exist. Y if any trade experience exists, N if no trade experience exists.
PRNT_HQ_BKCY_IND Indicates if Parent (P) or Headquarters (H) entered into bankruptcy.
NUM_PRNT_BKCY_FILING Number of bankruptcies filed by the parent.
PRNT_BKCY_FILG_TYPE Type of bankruptcy filed by the parent.
PRNT_BKCY_FILG_CHAPTER Chapter number of the bankruptcy filed by the parent under US Uniform Commercial Code.
PRNT_BKCY_FILG_DATE Bankruptcy filing date of the parent.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
NUM_PRNT_BKCY_CONVS Number of bankruptcy conversions by the parent.
PRNT_BKCY_CONV_DATE Date the bankruptcy converted from one type to another.
PRNT_BKCY_CHAPTER_CONV Change of bankruptcy type.
SLOW_TRADE_EXPL Conditional comment generated when Paydex score indicates slow trade experiences are present.
NEGV_PMT_EXPL Conditional comment generated when negative payments are present.
PUB_REC_EXPL Conditional comment generated if suits, liens, and judgments exist.
BUSINESS_DISCONTINUED Business discontinued at the listed location. Prompts reader to contact D&B Customer Service Center if business may be operating.
SPCL_EVENT_COMMENT Comment generated if special event section exists.
NUM_SPCL_EVENT Number of occurrences of the special events.
SPCL_EVENT_UPDATE_DATE Date this special event was updated.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
SPCL_EVNT_TXT Narrative of the special event.
FAILURE_SCORE For US, the Failure Risk Class, 1 through 5. For Canada ,the Stability Score that indicates risk of business closure, 1 through 10. For Australia, the percentile failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_AGE Failure score age in months.
FAILURE_SCORE_CLASS 1 through 5 to indicate risk of financial stress for a customer account. 1 for a business with greatest risk, and 5 for a business with least risk.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY2 Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY3 Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY4 Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY5 Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY6 Comments related to failure score.
DESCRIPTION A textual description of the rating effort.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY7 Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY8 Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY9 Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_COMMENTARY10 Comments related to failure score.
FAILURE_SCORE_DATE Date that the failure score was calculated.
FAILURE_SCORE_INCD_DEFAULT Probability, in percentage, of failure for score range of class
FAILURE_SCORE_NATNL_PERCENTILE National percentile that reflects the relative ranking of a company among all scorable companies in the local country database.
FAILURE_SCORE_OVERRIDE_CODE In Europe, code for the reason for variance between the D&B Rating and the Failure Score. In the US, code for the reason why no score was calculated, or why the score is 0.
GLOBAL_FAILURE_SCORE Global score for risk of business default.
ACTUAL_CONTENT_SOURCE Additional Content Source Type column for backward compatibility.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
COMMENTS Commentary explaining the rating.
DET_HISTORY_IND Code that indicates if detrimental information exists for the party and whether complete details exist on management and party. Y for information is available, N for no information.
FINCL_EMBT_IND Indicates if open bankruptcy, receivership liquidation, or equivalent exist. Y for information is available, N for no information.
CRIMINAL_PROCEEDING_IND Indicates if criminal proceedings exist. Y for information is available, N for no information.
Receivables - HZ_CUST_CONTACT_POINTS This table is no longer used
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
STATUS Status flag. Lookup code for CODE_STATUS
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
Receivables - HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES Credit information for customer accounts and customer account sites
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCOUNT_PROFILE_ID Unique identifier of this customer profile
CREDIT_CHECKING Indicates whether a credit check is to be carried out
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
CONS_INV_FLAG Indicates if balance forward bill is generated and sent to customer. Y for yes, N or null
CONS_INV_TYPE Format of balance forward bill. SUMMARY, DETAIL, or IMPORTED. Validated against HZ_CONS_INV_TYPE lookup type
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID_FOR_ADR Identifies AutoCash rule set for unapplied amount in Post QuickCash
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
NEXT_CREDIT_REVIEW_DATE The next date that credit will be reviewed
REVIEW_CYCLE Review cycle of customer profile data
LAST_CREDIT_REVIEW_DATE Date of last customer profile data review
PARTY_ID Party identifier that profile is associated with
CREDIT_CLASSIFICATION Credit classification.
CONS_BILL_LEVEL Level at which balance forward billing is done, ACCOUNT or SITE. Validated against HZ_CONS_BILL_LEVEL lookup type.
LATE_CHARGE_CALCULATION_TRX Indicates whether late charges should be calculated on overdue invoices and or late payments. Validated against lookup type AR_MANDATORY_LATE_CHARGES.
CREDIT_ITEMS_FLAG Indicates if credit items such as unapplied or on-account receipts, can be offset against the overdue balance to reduce the amount liable for late charges.
DISPUTED_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG Indicates if late charges can be calculated on disputed transactions
TOLERANCE Percentage over credit limit that this customer can exceed before action is taken
LATE_CHARGE_TYPE Determines if late charges should be recorded as an adjustment, debit memo or interest invoice. Validated against lookup type AR_LATE_CHARGE_TYPE.
LATE_CHARGE_TERM_ID Payment term used when an invoice or debit memo is created for late charges. Foreign key to RA_TERMS.PAYMENT_TERM_ID.
INTEREST_CALCULATION_PERIOD Indicates if interest calculation period for late charges is daily or monthly. Validated against lookup type AR_CALCULATION_PERIOD.
HOLD_CHARGED_INVOICES_FLAG Indicates if late charges can be calculated more than once for a transaction
MESSAGE_TEXT_ID Message text printed on the late charge transaction. Applies only to late charges recorded as invoices or debit memos. Foreign key to AR_STANDARD_TEXT.STANDARD_TEXT_ID.
MULTIPLE_INTEREST_RATES_FLAG Indicates if interest and penalty charges can be calculated using multiple rates for a single late charge period
CHARGE_BEGIN_DATE Optional value that indicates the date late charges begin.
DISCOUNT_TERMS Indicates if discount terms exist. Y for discount terms are allowed, N for no discount terms are allowed. The default value is Y.
DUNNING_LETTERS Indicates if dunning letters are sent to this customer when invoices, debit memos or chargebacks become past due. Y for dunning letters are sent, N for no dunning letters. Default value is Y.
INTEREST_CHARGES Indicates if late charges are enabled
SEND_STATEMENTS Indicates if statements are sent to this customer. Y for statements are sent, N for no statements. Default value is Y.
CREDIT_BALANCE_STATEMENTS Indicates if customers credit balances receive statements. Y for statements are sent, N for no statements. Default value is Y.
CREDIT_HOLD Indicates if a credit hold exists on this account. Y for a credit hold is in place, N for no credit hold.
PROFILE_CLASS_ID Identifier of the customer profile class associated with this customer profile
SITE_USE_ID Identifier of the site use record associated with this customer profile. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREDIT_RATING List of values choices
RISK_CODE List of values choices
STANDARD_TERMS User-defined payment terms
OVERRIDE_TERMS Indicates if user can override standard terms. Y for overrides are allowed, N for no overrides of standard credit terms
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS Number of days that the interest rate refers to
PAYMENT_GRACE_DAYS Maximum number of overdue days allowed before action is taken
DISCOUNT_GRACE_DAYS Number of days after discount term date that this customer can take discounts
STATEMENT_CYCLE_ID Identifier of the statement cycle associated with this customer profile
ACCOUNT_STATUS User-defined account status
PERCENT_COLLECTABLE Percentage of this customer's account balance that you expect to collect on a regular basis
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID Identifier of the autocash hierarchy associated with this customer profile
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
AUTO_REC_INCL_DISPUTED_FLAG Indicates if disputed transactions are included. Y for including disputed transactions, N for not excluding disputed transactions.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
TAX_PRINTING_OPTION Tax printing option
CHARGE_ON_FINANCE_CHARGE_FLAG Formula used to compute late charges.Possible values are simple, compound or flat rate. Validated against lookup type AR_FORMULAE.
GROUPING_RULE_ID Identifies the default invoice line grouping rule for the customer
CLEARING_DAYS This column is used to specify a value for the number of clearing days before receipts that belong to this customer (or site) can be cleared by the Automatic Clearing program. This overrides the value of the payment method / bank account.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG Descriptive Flexfield
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier for the Customer Account. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG Descriptive Flexfield
STATUS Indicates whether the profile is active or inactive
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CREDIT_ANALYST_ID Identifier of the credit analyst associated with this customer profile
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
Receivables - AR_MC_CASH_BASIS_DISTS_ALL Distribution of payments over revenue accounts, used in Cash Basis Accounting for MRC
Column Name Descritpion
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID Identifier of the record used to determine the application of payments or credit memos associated with this distribution item
SOURCE Indicates whether this distribution is related to an AR_ADJUSTMENTS or RA_CUST_TRX_LINE_GL_DIST record
TYPE Distribution type, Lines, Tax, Freight, Charges, or Invoice
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Payment schedule that application was made to
GL_DATE General Ledger date
CURRENCY_CODE Currency of distribution
AMOUNT Amount posted
ACCTD_AMOUNT Functional currency equivalent of amount
CASH_BASIS_DISTRIBUTION_ID Identifier of the distribution item
CODE_COMBINATION_ID General Ledger account code combination
POSTING_CONTROL_ID General Ledger posting process identifier
GL_POSTED_DATE Accounting date that distribution amount was posted
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID_CASH Application that triggered posting of credit memo application
ORG_ID Organization identifier
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
Receivables - AR_TAX_EXTRACT_MATRIX_ITF Stores the details of matrix columns for the interface table of the Tax Reporting Ledger
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TAX_ENTERED_DR Debit tax amount in entered currency of the transaction
TAX_ENTERED_CR Credit tax amount in entered currency of the transaction
TAX_ENTERED_AMOUNT Total tax amount in entered currency of the transaction
TAX_ACCOUNTED_DR Debit tax amount in functional currency
TAX_ACCOUNTED_CR Credit tax amount in functional currency
TAX_ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT Total tax amount in functional currency
TAX_LINE_NUMBER Tax line number
TAXABLE_ENTERED_DR Debit taxable amount in the entered currency of the transaction
TAXABLE_ENTERED_CR Credit taxable amount in the entered currency of the transaction
TAXABLE_ENTERED_AMOUNT Total taxable amount in the entered currency of the transaction
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_DR Debit taxable amount in the functional currency
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_CR Credit taxable amount in the functional currency
TAXABLE_ACCOUNTED_AMOUNT Total taxable amount in the functional currency
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
MATRIX_LINE_NUMBER Detail line number for a given EXTRACT_LINE_ID
TAX_CODE_TAX_CLASS_CODE The class to which the tax code belongs (Input/Output)
MATRIX_LINE_ID Primary key of the table
TAX_CODE_ID The tax code identifier
TAX_CODE Tax code
TAX_CODE_RATE The rate associated with the tax code
TAX_LINE_EFFECTIVE_TAX_RATE The effective tax rate when an exemption / exception is applied to this tax code
TAX_CODE_VAT_TRX_TYPE_CODE VAT transaction type for the tax code
TAX_CODE_REG_TYPE_CODE Register in which this transaction will be reported - Interim, Tax or Non-Recoverable
TAX_CODE_TYPE_CODE The tax type to which the given tax code belongs
TAX_CODE_NAME The printed name of the tax code
TAX_CODE_DESCRIPTION The description of the tax code
TAX_RECOVERABLE_FLAG Flag to mark whether this line is for recoverable tax or non recoverable tax
Receivables - AR_MC_TRANSACTION_HISTORY Stores posting-related information about transaction history lines for each reporting set of books associated with the parent record.
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ID Transaction history line identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Transaction identifier
STATUS Bill receivable transaction status
SET_OF_BOOKS_ID Set of Books identifier
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivable posting batch identifier; -3 means that the row is not posted.
GL_POSTED_DATE Date this record was posted to General Ledger
CREATED_FROM Code pointing to the form/program that created this row
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_TA_TRX_TO_CREATE Information about the transactions that the Cash Engine needs to create
Column Name Descritpion
PAYMENT_TYPE The payment type.
EVENT_TYPE The event type.
TRX_CLASS The class type of the transaction that needs to be created.
SEQUENCE The sequence in which the transactions need to be created.
Receivables - AR_TA_VERSIONS Trade Accounting versions
Column Name Descritpion
SERIAL_NUMBER Serial number
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TIME_STAMP Time stamp
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ALL Life cycle of a transaction
Column Name Descritpion
TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ID Unique identifier for transaction history
POSTABLE_FLAG Indicates if the row is postable. Y for postable. N for not postable.
FIRST_POSTED_RECORD_FLAG Indicates if this is the first row posted for the transaction. Y for the first row. N for not the first row.
POSTING_CONTROL_ID Receivables posting batch identifier. -3 indicates that the row is not posted. Stores the identifier of the concurrent request for posted records.
GL_POSTED_DATE Date when record was submitted for General Ledger posting
PRV_TRX_HISTORY_ID Unique identifier for transaction history of the record that precedes the current record
CREATED_FROM Code for form or program that created this row
COMMENTS Comments related to this row
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifies the transaction that this history row relates to
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
STATUS Transaction status. Lookup code for TRANSACTION_HISTORY_STATUS.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent program who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent program who column. Date when a program last updated this row.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the concurrent request that last updated this row.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
EVENT Event that resulted in the creation of this row. Lookup code for the TRANSACTION_HISTORY_EVENT column.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column. User who last updated this row.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
MRC_POSTING_CONTROL_ID No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_GL_POSTED_DATE No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MRC_CREATED_FROM No longer in use. Multiple Reporting Currencies columns are obsolete in R12. Accounting information for reporting currency is stored in Subledger Accounting tables in R12.
MATURITY_DATE Maturity date for this history row
EVENT_ID Identifier of the event created in Subledger Accounting.
BATCH_ID Foreign key to the AR_BATCHES or RA_BATCHES table. Points to batch used to create this row for the transaction.
TRX_DATE Transaction date, when this history row occurs
GL_DATE General Ledger date for this history row
CURRENT_RECORD_FLAG Indicates if this row is the latest step for this transaction. Y for the latest step. Null for not the latest step.
CURRENT_ACCOUNTED_FLAG Indicates if this row is the latest accounted step for this transaction. Y for the latest accounted step. Null for not the latest step.
Receivables - AR_TA_CASHAPP_OB_ALL Stores the current open balance of all transactions processed by the Cash Engine for a transmission
Column Name Descritpion
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID The payment schedule id of the transaction being processed. This is used to identify a transaction.
TRANSMISSION_REQUEST_ID The transmission request id for the batch which the Cash Engine is processing
BATCH_NAME The batch name
CURRENT_OPEN_BALANCE The current open balance of the transaction
ORG_ID Organization identifier
Receivables - AR_TA_CUST_TRXSTR_ALL Stores the link between original deductions and split or merged deductions
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of the customer deduction associated with split or merge
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_TRX_PARENT_ID Identifier of the customer deduction associated with split or merge
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUST_STRUCT_TRX_DATE Date on which split or merge happened
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_TA_DEDN_INT_ALL Interface table that stores deductions being moved between Trade Accounting and external Deduction Management System
Column Name Descritpion
RECORD_TYPE The record indicator. '1' : Deductions moving out of TA, '2' : Deductions coming into TA
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
DEDUCTION_DATE Transaction date of the deduction
DEDUCTION_AMOUNT Amount due remaining of the deduction
DEDUCTION_TYPE_ID Transaction type identification of the deduction
ASSIGNED_TO_SALESPERSON_ID The most recent assignment of salesrep to thed deduction. Assigned to salesperson and Assigned to Collector are mutually
ASSIGNED_TO_COLLECTOR_ID The most recent assignment of Collector to the deduction. Assigned to salesperson and Assigned to Collector are mutually exclusive
ASSIGNED_TO_NAME The most recent name of the Assigned to
DEDUCTION_TERM_CODE The code that identifies the terms
DEDUCTION_PO_NUMBER The Purchase Order number which is referred on the invoice transaction against which this deduction is created. NULL if the deduction is non- invoice related
DEDUCTION_PO_DATE The Purchase Order number which is referred on the invoice transaction against which this deduction is created. NULL if the deduction is non- invoice related.
CUSTOMER_NUMBER Customer number
DEDUCTION_TRX_CLASS The class of the transaction against which this deduction is created. NULL if the deduction is non invoice related
DEDUCTION_TRX_NUMBER The invoice number against which this deduction is created. NULL if the deduction is non invoice related
DEDUCTION_TRX_DATE The date of the invoice against which this deduction is created. NULL if the deduction is non invoice related.
DEDUCTION_TRX_AMOUNT The original amount of the invoice against which this deduction is created. NULL if the deductions is non invoice related
DEDUCTION_CHECK_NUMBER The check number against which this deduction is created. NULL if the source of this deduction is SPLIT/ MERGE screen
DEDUCTION_CHECK_DATE The date of the check against which this deduction is created. NULL if the source of this deduction is SPLIT/ MERGE screen
DEDUCTION_CHECK_AMOUNT The amount of the check against which this deduction is created. NULL if the source of this deduction is SPLIT/ MERGE screen.
DEDUCTION_SHIP_TO The ship to site use id of the deduction
DEDUCTION_STATUS The status of the deduction
INVOICE_RELATED_FLAG Yes/ No flag to indicate whether the deduction is invoice related
CUSTOMER_SITE_USE_ID Customer bill to site identification
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
DEDUCTION_ID Customer transaction id of the deduction
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
STATUS Status of the Deduction
DEDUCTION_NUMBER Transaction number of the deduction
ORG_ID Organization identifier
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES Classification categories for classifying parties and related entities
Column Name Descritpion
CLASS_CATEGORY Class category that belongs to the group
DELIMITER Used for concatenated class code in the HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM table
FROZEN_FLAG Y or N indicates whether the data in the HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM table for this class category is valid or not. The Refresh of Classification Denormalization program refreshes the data
CLASS_OWNER_ID Identifies the owner of the class category.
ALLOW_MULTI_PARENT_FLAG Y or N indicates whether codes under this category can have multiple parent codes or not
ALLOW_MULTI_ASSIGN_FLAG Y or N indicates whether codes under this category can be assigned to an object more than once or not
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
ALLOW_LEAF_NODE_ONLY_FLAG Y or N indicates whether or not the instances of those entities associated with this particular CLASS_CATEGORY can only be assigned to leaf node class codes of that particular CLASS_CATEGORY
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Used for locking purposes
Receivables - HZ_CLASS_CODE_RELATIONS Relationships between classification codes
Column Name Descritpion
CLASS_CATEGORY Classification category name
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
CLASS_CODE Parent classification code
SUB_CLASS_CODE Child classification code
START_DATE_ACTIVE The date when the class code relationship becomes effective
END_DATE_ACTIVE The date when the class code relationship is no longer applied.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - HZ_CODE_ASSIGNMENTS Intersection table linking industrial classification codes to parties or related entities
Column Name Descritpion
CODE_ASSIGNMENT_ID Unique identifier of the assignment of an industrial classification code to an object
END_DATE_ACTIVE The date when the class code is no longer applied.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
STATUS Record status flag
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
RANK Used to rank classes if multiple classes have been assigned to a party.
OWNER_TABLE_KEY_1 First column of alphanumeric or multi-part foreign key.
OWNER_TABLE_KEY_2 Second column of alphanumeric or multi-part foreign key.
OWNER_TABLE_KEY_3 Third column of alphanumeric or multi-part foreign key.
OWNER_TABLE_KEY_4 Fourth column of alphanumeric or multi-part foreign key.
OWNER_TABLE_NAME Table that stores the owner of the class code
OWNER_TABLE_KEY_5 Fifth column of alphanumeric or multi-part foreign key.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program Who column. Request identifier of the program that last updated this row. Foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program Who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row. Foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program Who column. Program identifier of the program that last updated this row. Foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program Who column. Date when a program last updated this row
ACTUAL_CONTENT_SOURCE Source system that users can overwrite data from.
OWNER_TABLE_ID Identifies the owner of the class code
CLASS_CATEGORY Classification category name
CLASS_CODE Classification code
PRIMARY_FLAG Indicates if this is the primary class code of a class category for the organization. Y for the primary class code, N for all others.
CONTENT_SOURCE_TYPE Source of data content. The data may have originated from Dun & Bradstreet or be user entered.
START_DATE_ACTIVE The date that the class code applies to the organization.
Receivables - AR_SELECTION_CRITERIA Stores the selection criteria on a entity.
Column Name Descritpion
SELECTION_CRITERIA_ID Selection criteria unique identifier
TRX_NUMBER_HIGH Transaction high range
SITE_USE_ID Customer location
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
DUE_DATE_LOW Due date low range
DUE_DATE_HIGH Due date high range
TRX_DATE_LOW Transaction date low range
TRX_DATE_HIGH Transaction date high range
CUST_TRX_TYPE_ID Transaction type
RECEIPT_METHOD_ID Payment method
TRX_NUMBER_LOW Transaction low range
Receivables - AR_REVENUE_ADJUSTMENTS_ALL Stores information about specific revenue adjustments
Column Name Descritpion
REVENUE_ADJUSTMENT_ID Identifier for revenue adjustment record and primary key for this table.
PERCENT Percentage of revenue that is adjusted
LINE_SELECTION_MODE Indicates criterion that is used to select lines
FROM_CATEGORY_ID Identifier of category that revenue is adjusted from
TO_CATEGORY_ID Identifier of category that revenue is transferred to
FROM_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Identifier of inventory item that revenue is adjusted from
TO_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID Identifier of inventory item that revenue is transferred to
FROM_CUST_TRX_LINE_ID Identifier of transaction line that revenue is adjusted from
TO_CUST_TRX_LINE_ID Identifier of transaction line that revenue is transferred to
GL_DATE General Ledger accounting date for the revenue adjustment accounting
TYPE Indicates the type of revenue adjustment
REVENUE_ADJUSTMENT_NUMBER Unique reference number for the revenue adjustment
REASON_CODE Indicates the reason for the revenue adjustment
COMMENTS Further information to supplement revenue adjustment reason (free text)
STATUS Indicates revenue adjustment status
CREATION_DATE Standard who column. Date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column. User who created this row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column. Date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column. User who last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column. Operating system login of user who last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield context.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifier of the transaction whose revenue is adjusted
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
APPLICATION_DATE Date when revenue adjustment was applied
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent program who column. Application identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the program that last updated this row.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent program who column. Date when a program last updated this row.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent program who column. Identifier of the concurrent request that last updated this row.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
FROM_SALESGROUP_ID From Sales Group identifier
TO_SALESGROUP_ID To Sales Group identifier
FROM_SALESREP_ID Identifier of salesperson that sales credits are transferred from, or whose associated revenue is adjusted
TO_SALESREP_ID Identifier of salesperson that sales credits are transferred to or added
SALES_CREDIT_TYPE Indicates type of sales credit that is adjusted
AMOUNT_MODE Indicates type of amount that is adjusted
AMOUNT Amount of revenue that is adjusted, in transaction currency
Receivables - AR_LOCATION_ACCOUNTS_ALL Stores the tax accounting information
Column Name Descritpion
LOCATION_VALUE_ACCOUNT_ID Primary key of the table
EDISC_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the non-recoverable tax account for earned discounts
UNEDISC_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the non-recoverable tax account for unearned discounts
FINCHRG_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the non-recoverable tax account for finance charges
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
TAX_ACCOUNT_CCID Code combination ID for the tax account
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
INTERIM_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the deferred tax account
ADJ_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the expense/revenue account for adjustments
EDISC_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the expense account for earned discounts
UNEDISC_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the expense account for unearned discounts
FINCHRG_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the revenue account for finance charges
ADJ_NON_REC_TAX_CCID Code combination ID of the accounting flexfield for the non-recoverable tax account for adjustments
Column Name Descritpion
Receivables - HZ_CREDIT_PROFILES Profiles about a party's credit policy
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_PROFILE_ID Unique identifier for credit profile
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ENABLE_FLAG Indicates if credit profile is enabled or not. Y for credit profile is enabled, N for credit profile is not enabled.
EFFECTIVE_DATE_FROM Effective credit profile start date
EFFECTIVE_DATE_TO Effective credit profile end date
CREDIT_CHECKING Indicates if credit must be checked. Y for required credit checking, N for optional credit checking
NEXT_CREDIT_REVIEW_DATE Next date of credit review
TOLERANCE Tolerance for credit limit
CREDIT_HOLD Indicate if a credit hold exists for a customer. Y for an exisitng credit hold, N for no current credit hold
ORGANIZATION_ID Unique identifier for an organization. Foreign key to the HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS table
CREDIT_RATING Credit rating
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ITEM_CATEGORY_ID Unique identifier for a category of items. Foreign key to the MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES table
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SETS_TL Sets of credit usage rules translated into multiple languages
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SET_ID Unique identifier for credit usage rule set
LANGUAGE The defined Language Code of the row from LANGUAGE_CODE column in the FND_LANGUAGES table
SOURCE_LANG Source language indicated the actual language code of the row
NAME User-defined name of the rule set
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SETS_B Sets of credit usage rules in the base language
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SET_ID Unique identifier for credit usage rule set
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
GLOBAL_EXPOSURE_FLAG Y or N indicates whether credit exposure includes data from all organizations or not.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
Receivables - HZ_CREDIT_PROFILE_AMTS Credit limits in specified currency
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_PROFILE_AMT_ID Unique identifier for credit profile amount
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
CURRENCY_CODE ISO currency code for this credit limit
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT Order credit limit amount
OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT Overall credit limit amount
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREDIT_PROFILE_ID Unique credit profile indentifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CREDIT_PROFILES table
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CREDIT_USAGES Association between credit limit and credit usage rule set
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_USAGE_ID Unique identifier for credit usage
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
CREDIT_PROFILE_AMT_ID Credit profile amount identifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CREDIT_PROFILE_AMTS table.
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUST_ACCT_PROFILE_AMT_ID Customer account profile amount identifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS table.
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROFILE_CLASS_AMOUNT_ID Profile class amount identifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_PROF_CLASS_AMTS table.
CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SET_ID Credit usage rule set identifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SETS table.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CREDIT_USAGE_RULES Usage rules assigned to each credit limit
Column Name Descritpion
CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_ID Unique identifier for credit usage rule
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
USAGE_TYPE References the AR_LOOKUPS table
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
USER_CODE Currency codes
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
EXCLUDE_FLAG Indicates if any currencies are excluded. Y for currencies are excluded, N for no currencies are excluded. The default is N.
INCLUDE_ALL_FLAG Indicates if all currencies are included. Y for all currencies are included, N for not all currencies are included.The default is N.
CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SET_ID Credit usage rule set identifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SETS table
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
Receivables - HZ_DNB_REQUEST_LOG Requests for information from Dun & Bradstreet
Column Name Descritpion
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PARTY_ID Party identifier
REQUESTED_PRODUCT Dun & Bradstreet Global Data Product code
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
COPIED_FROM_PARTY_ID Party ID from which Dun & Bradstreet data was copied
DUNS_NUMBER DUNS number of the party for which information was purchased
STATUS Purchase status
Receivables - HZ_CLASS_CATEGORY_USES Usage of class categories by owner tables
Column Name Descritpion
OWNER_TABLE Table that the classification will apply to. For example, the HZ_PARTIES table.
COLUMN_NAME Column from the OWNER_TABLE that applies to classification. For example, HZ_PARTIES.PARTY_ID.
ADDITIONAL_WHERE_CLAUSE Helps restrict the set of instances in the owner table from which the classification will apply.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CLASS_CATEGORY Public classifications such as US SIC, NACE, NAICS or custom classes.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
Receivables - HZ_CONTACT_PREFERENCES Stores contact preference information for parties or their addresses and contact points
Column Name Descritpion
CONTACT_PREFERENCE_ID Unique identifier for the contact preference
PREFERENCE_END_DATE Ending date of the period during which a party should or should not be contacted.
PREFERENCE_START_TIME_HR Starting hour of the time range during which a party should or should not be contacted. 0-23 hour format.
PREFERENCE_END_TIME_HR Ending hour of the time range during which a party should or should not be contacted. 0-23 hour format.
PREFERENCE_START_TIME_MI Starting minute of the time range during which a party should or should not be contacted. 0-59 minute format.
PREFERENCE_END_TIME_MI Ending minute of the time range during which a party should or should not be contacted. 0-59 minute format.
MAX_NO_OF_INTERACTIONS The number of times you can use this contact point. The period of time that this number applies is stored in the MAX_NO_OF_INTERACT_UOM_CODE column.
MAX_NO_OF_INTERACT_UOM_CODE The period of time during which the maximum number of interactions applies. Uses the MAX_NO_OF_INTERACT_UOM_CODE lookup.
REQUESTED_BY Indicates if the permission or restriction was created internally or requested by the party. Uses the REQUESTED_BY lookup. Value can be Internal or Party.
REASON_CODE Reason that this type of contact should or should not be made. Uses the REASON_CODE lookup.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CONTACT_LEVEL_TABLE Table that stores the contact level of the contact preference. Uses the SUBJECT_TABLE lookup. Value can be HZ_PARTIES, HZ_PARTIES_SITES, or HZ_CONTACT_POINTS.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Version number used for the purpose of controlling concurrent programs
STATUS Record status flag
CONTACT_LEVEL_TABLE_ID Foreign key to the table specified in CONTACT_LEVEL_TABLE column. Can be PARTY_ID from HZ_PARTIES table, CONTACT_POINT_ID from HZ_CONTACT_POINTS table, or PARTY_SITE_ID from HZ_PARTY_SITES table
CONTACT_TYPE Type of contact that should or should not be made with the party. Uses the CONTACT_TYPE lookup.
PREFERENCE_CODE Permission to use or not to use a particular contact method. Uses the PREFERENCE_CODE lookup.
PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE Appropriate subjects to send or not to send to the party that the preference is created for. Uses the PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE lookup.
PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_ID Reduced LOV depending on the preference topic table selected. The PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_ID column and PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_CODE column are mutually exclusive.
PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_CODE Reduced LOV depending on the preference topic table selected. The PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_ID column and PREFERENCE_TOPIC_TYPE_CODE column are mutually exclusive.
PREFERENCE_START_DATE Starting date of the period during which a party should or should not be contacted.
Receivables - HZ_CLASS_CODE_DENORM Denormalization of the classification code hierarchy
Column Name Descritpion
CLASS_CATEGORY The name of the classification category that identifies the category. Derived from the HZ_CLASS_CATEGORIES table.
END_DATE_ACTIVE The date when the class code relationship is no longer applied. Derived from FND_LOOKUP_VALUES.
ENABLED_FLAG Indicates if denormalized customer classification is enabled. Y if it is enabled, N if it is not enabled.Derived from FND_LOOKUP VALUES.
SELECTABLE_FLAG Indicates if the classification code can be selected. Y if it is enabled, N if it is not enabled.Derived from the ALLOW_LEAF_NODE_ONLY flag.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
CLASS_CODE Classification code
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
SECURITY_GROUP_ID Security group id
CLASS_CODE_MEANING Classification code meaning
CLASS_CODE_DESCRIPTION Classification code description
LANGUAGE Language used for class code meaning and description
CONCAT_CLASS_CODE oncatenated classification code
CONCAT_CLASS_CODE_MEANING oncatenated classification code meaning
CODE_LEVEL Depth of the code hierarchy
START_DATE_ACTIVE The date when the class code relationship became effective. Derived from FND_LOOKUP_VALUES.
Receivables - HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL_M The HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL_M table stores the information of customer site uses from HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table before the account merge happens. The primary key for this table is CUST_SITE_USE_ID , CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID.
Column Name Descritpion
SITE_USE_ID Site use identifier
LOCATION Site use identifier
SCHED_DATE_PUSH_FLAG Indicates if the group schedule date should automatically be pushed. Y for pushing the schedule dates, N for not pushing the schedule date.
INVOICE_QUANTITY_RULE Rule to indicate whether to invoice for ordered quantity or fulfilled quantity
PRICING_EVENT Event that triggers pricing of orders. For example, at entry, at shipping, or at invoicing.
GL_ID_REC Code combination ID for the Receivable Account
GL_ID_REV Code combination ID for the Revenue Account
GL_ID_TAX Code combination ID for the Tax Account
GL_ID_FREIGHT Code combination ID for the Freight Account
GL_ID_CLEARING Code combination ID for the Clearing Account
GL_ID_UNBILLED Code combination ID for the Unbilled Account
GL_ID_UNEARNED Code combination ID for the Unearned Account
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
GL_ID_UNPAID_REC Unpaid Bills Receivable Account
GL_ID_REMITTANCE Bill Receivable Remittance Account
GL_ID_FACTOR Code combination ID for a bill-receivable factoring account. Used for Spanish requirements
TAX_CLASSIFICATION Classifies Bill-To site to tax group codes. Foreign key to the AR_LOOKUPS table (AR_TAX_CLASSIFICATION) used in AR_VAT_TAX (TAX_CLASSIFICATION) indexes
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID Customer merge header record identifier
MERGE_REQUEST_ID Request identifier of the concurrent program for this record
CONTACT_ID No longer used
BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID Bill-To site use identifier
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Site use identifier from foreign or legacy system
SIC_CODE Standard Industry Classification (SIC) code
PAYMENT_TERM_ID Payment term identifier
GSA_INDICATOR Indicates if this is a US federal agency supported by the General Services Administration (GSA). Y for organizations served by the GSA, N for organizations that are not served by the GSA.
SHIP_PARTIAL Indicates if this customer site accepts partial shipments. Y for a customer site that accepts partial shipments, N for customer sites that do not accept partial shipments.
SHIP_VIA The name of the preferred ship method.
CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID Identifier for the customer account site. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table
FOB_POINT Free on board point. The FOB point indicates the point at which title of goods is transfered to the buyer.
ORDER_TYPE_ID Order type identifier
PRICE_LIST_ID Price list identifier
FREIGHT_TERM Order Management lookup code for FREIGHT_TERMS
WAREHOUSE_ID Warehouse identifier
TERRITORY_ID Territory identifier
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
TAX_REFERENCE Taxpayer identification number
SORT_PRIORITY Sort priority
TAX_CODE Tax code associated with this site
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE21 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE22 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE23 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE24 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE25 Descriptive Flexfield segment
LAST_ACCRUE_CHARGE_DATE The last date that accrued finance charges were computed for this site.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
SECOND_LAST_ACCRUE_CHARGE_DATE The next-to-last date that accrued finance charges were computed for this site.
LAST_UNACCRUE_CHARGE_DATE The last date that unaccrued finance charges were computed for this site.
SECOND_LAST_UNACCRUE_CHRG_DATE The next-to-last date that unaccrued finance charges were computed for this site.
DEMAND_CLASS_CODE Demand class (user-defined Lookup used by Oracle Manufacturing)
ORG_ID Organization identifier
TAX_HEADER_LEVEL_FLAG Used by Oracle Sales Compensation
TAX_ROUNDING_RULE Tax rounding rule
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
SITE_USE_CODE Business purpose assigned to customer site account, such as Bill-To, Market, and Statements.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
PRIMARY_FLAG Indicates if this site is the primary site for this customer account. Y for the primary customer account site. N for other customer account sites.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID Identifies a salesperson associated with a business site. Also used to default salesrep in the Transactions window. The hierarchy of defaulting would follow from Bill-To site to Ship-To site to Customer, if not a multi-org setup.
FINCHRG_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID Identifies receivables activity that are used for finance charges
STATUS Site use status flag, Lookup code for the CODE_STATUS column.
DATES_NEGATIVE_TOLERANCE Acceptable range of days prior to a specified date
DATES_POSITIVE_TOLERANCE Acceptable range of days after a specified date
DATE_TYPE_PREFERENCE Preference for ship or arrival dates
OVER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for over shipment
UNDER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for under shipment
ITEM_CROSS_REF_PREF Lookup for item cross-reference preference for placing orders
OVER_RETURN_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for over return
UNDER_RETURN_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for under return
SHIP_SETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG Indicates if lines should automatically be included in ship sets. Y for lines included in ship sets. N for lines not included in ship sets.
ARRIVALSETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG Indicates if lines should automatically be included in ship sets. Y for lines included in ship sets. N for lines not included in ship sets.
Receivables - HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS_M The HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS_M table stores the information of customer profile amounts from HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS table before the account merge happens.The primary key for this table is CUST_ACCT_PROFILE_AMT_ID, CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID.
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCT_PROFILE_AMT_ID Unique identifier of profile amount row
OVERALL_CREDIT_LIMIT Overall credit limit
MIN_DUNNING_AMOUNT Dunning letter is not printed if account balance is below this amount.
MIN_DUNNING_INVOICE_AMOUNT A dunning letter is not sent, if an invoice is less than this amount.
MAX_INTEREST_CHARGE Maximum late charge amount.
MIN_STATEMENT_AMOUNT A statement is not printed if the total amount of the statement is below this amount.
AUTO_REC_MIN_RECEIPT_AMOUNT Limits the minimum receipt amount for a currency
INTEREST_RATE The same percentage interest will be charged consistently on overdue invoices. Used when interest type is percentage.
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
MIN_FC_BALANCE_AMOUNT Late charges should not be calculated if customer balance is below this threshold.
MIN_FC_INVOICE_AMOUNT Late charges should not be calculated if individual transaction balance is below this threshold.
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
SITE_USE_ID Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table
EXPIRATION_DATE Date on which this credit limit expires
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY JG Descriptive Flexfield definition
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG Descriptive Flexfield
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG Descriptive Flexfield
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CUST_ACCOUNT_PROFILE_ID Identifier of the customer accounts profile
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
CURRENCY_CODE Code defined for a currency
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID Customer merge header record identifier
MERGE_REQUEST_ID Request identifier of the concurrent program for this record
EXCHANGE_RATE_TYPE Exchange rate type for late charges. Validated against the table GL_DAILY_CONVERSION_TYPES. The type USER is excluded.
MIN_FC_INVOICE_OVERDUE_TYPE Indicates whether the minimum invoice balance overdue is expressed as a fixed amount or a percentage
MIN_FC_INVOICE_PERCENT Invoice balance threshold percentage below which late charges can not be charged
MIN_FC_BALANCE_OVERDUE_TYPE Indicates whether the minimum customer balance amount overdue is expressed as a fixed amount or a percentage
MIN_FC_BALANCE_PERCENT Customer balance percentage threshold below which the late charge cannot be charged
INTEREST_TYPE Refers to the interest portion of the charge to be calculated on late invoices. Can be a fixed amount, a percentage or based on a charges schedule. Validated against lookup type AR_INTEREST_PENALTY_TYPE.
INTEREST_FIXED_AMOUNT The flat amount to be charged on all overdue invoices. Used when interest type is fixed amount.
INTEREST_SCHEDULE_ID Charge based on a tiered schedule. Used when interest type is charges schedule. Foreign key to AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES.SCHEDULE_ID
PENALTY_TYPE Refers to any additional penalties to be added to late charges. Can be a fixed amount, a percentage or based on a charges schedule. Validated against lookup type AR_INTEREST_PENALTY_TYPE.
PENALTY_RATE The penalty will be calculated as a fixed percentage of the late charge. Used when penalty type is percentage.
MIN_INTEREST_CHARGE Minimum late charge amount.
TRX_CREDIT_LIMIT Credit limit for an order
PENALTY_FIXED_AMOUNT The penalty will be a flat fee applied to the late charge. Used when penalty type is fixed amount.
PENALTY_SCHEDULE_ID Charge based on a tiered schedule. Used when penalty type is charges schedule. Foreign key to AR_CHARGES_SCHEDULES.SCHEDULE_ID
Receivables - HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL_M The HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL_M table stores the information of customer profile amounts from HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table before the account merge happens. The primary key for this table is CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID , CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID.
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID Customer site identifier
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier for a customer account. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
PARTY_SITE_ID Identifier for a party site. Foreign key to the HZ_PARTY_SITES table
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Address identifier from foreign system
STATUS Customer Status flag. Receivables lookup code for CODE_STATUS
ORG_ID Organization identifier
BILL_TO_FLAG Indicates if this is a Bill-To site. Y for a Bill-To site, P for the primary Bill-To site, and N for a site that is not a Bill-To site.
MARKET_FLAG Indicates if this is a Marketing site. Y for a Marketing site, P for the primary Marketing site, and N for a site that is not a Marketing site.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
SHIP_TO_FLAG Indicates if this is a Ship-To site. Y for a Ship-To site, P for the primary Ship-To site, and N for a site that is not a Ship-To site.
CUSTOMER_CATEGORY_CODE User-definable category. The lookup type is CUSTOMER_CATEGORY.
LANGUAGE Operating language of customer site. Foreign key to the FND_LANGUAGES table
KEY_ACCOUNT_FLAG Key account for sales representatives
TP_HEADER_ID Trading partner header identifier
ECE_TP_LOCATION_CODE Stores the EDI location code. It should be unique for a customer. The column accepts free-form text.
PRIMARY_SPECIALIST_ID Used for the service personnel dispatching feature in Incident Tracking. Foreign key to the PER_PEOPLE table
SECONDARY_SPECIALIST_ID Used for the service personnel dispatching feature in Incident Tracking. Foreign key to the PER_PEOPLE table
TERRITORY_ID Identifier for the territory
ADDRESS_TEXT Address text used for context search
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TERRITORY Territory for this customer account site
TRANSLATED_CUSTOMER_NAME Translated customer name
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID Customer merge header record identifier
MERGE_REQUEST_ID Request identifier of the concurrent program for this record
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ALL_M This table is used to store the deleted records for HZ_CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ALL during account merge
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID ID of first customer account in a relationship. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
RELATED_CUST_ACCOUNT_ID ID of second customer account in a relationship. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_ALL table
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
CUSTOMER_RECIPROCAL_FLAG Indicates if this relationship is reciprocal or not. Y for reciprocal relationships, N for relationships that are not reciprocal
STATUS Customer relationship status flag. Lookup code for CODE_STATUS
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ORG_ID Organization identifier
BILL_TO_FLAG Bill-To customer account
SHIP_TO_FLAG Ship-To customer account
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID Customer merge header record identifier
MERGE_REQUEST_ID Request identifier of the concurrent program for this record
CUST_ACCT_RELATE_ID Customer account relationship identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
RELATIONSHIP_TYPE Revenue accounting code for the RELATIONSHIP_TYPE column in the AR_LOOKUPS table
COMMENTS Additional comments
Receivables - HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG This table is used to record account merge audit history
Column Name Descritpion
NUM_COL1_NEW New value of the number column in the updated record
DEL_COL107 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL108 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL109 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL110 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL111 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL112 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL113 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL114 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL115 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL116 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL117 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL118 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL119 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL120 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL121 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL122 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL123 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL124 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL125 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL126 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
NUM_COL2_ORIG Original value of the number column in the updated record
DEL_COL127 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL128 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL129 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL130 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL131 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL132 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL133 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL134 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL135 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL136 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL137 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL138 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL139 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL140 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL141 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL142 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL143 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL144 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL145 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL146 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
NUM_COL2_NEW New value of the number column in the updated record
DEL_COL147 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL148 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL149 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL150 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL151 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL152 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL153 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL154 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL155 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL156 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL157 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL158 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL159 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL160 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL161 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL162 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL163 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL164 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL165 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL166 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
NUM_COL3_ORIG Original value of the number column in the updated record
DEL_COL167 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL168 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL169 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL170 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL171 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL172 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL173 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL174 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL175 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL176 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL177 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL178 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL179 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL180 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL181 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL182 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL183 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL184 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL185 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL186 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
NUM_COL3_NEW New value of the number column in the updated record
DEL_COL187 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL188 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL189 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL190 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL191 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL192 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL193 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL194 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL195 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL196 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL197 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL198 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL199 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL200 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
VCHAR_COL6_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL7_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL8_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL9_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL10_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL11_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
NUM_COL4_ORIG Original value of the number column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL12_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL13_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL14_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL15_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL16_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL17_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL18_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL19_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL20_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL21_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL22_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL23_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL24_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL25_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL26_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL27_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL28_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL29_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL30_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL31_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
NUM_COL4_NEW New value of the number column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL32_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL33_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL34_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL35_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL36_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL37_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL38_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL39_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL40_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL41_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL42_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL43_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL44_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL45_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL46_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL47_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL48_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL49_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL50_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL51_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
NUM_COL5_ORIG Original value of the number column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL52_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL53_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL54_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL55_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL6_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL7_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL8_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL9_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL10_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL11_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL12_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL13_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL14_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL15_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL16_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL17_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL18_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL19_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL20_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL21_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
NUM_COL5_NEW New value of the number column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL22_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL23_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL24_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL25_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL26_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL27_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL28_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL29_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL30_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL31_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL32_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL33_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL34_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL35_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL36_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL37_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL38_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL39_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL40_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL41_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL1_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL42_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL43_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL44_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL45_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL46_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL47_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL48_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL49_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL50_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL51_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL52_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL53_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL54_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
VCHAR_COL55_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
VCHAR_COL1_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL2_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL2_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL3_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL3_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL4_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL4_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL5_ORIG Original value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
VCHAR_COL5_NEW New value of the varchar2 column in the updated record.
DATE_COL1_ORIG Original value of the date column in the updated record.
TABLE_NAME Name of updated table.
DATE_COL1_NEW New value of the date column in the updated record.
DATE_COL2_ORIG Original value of the date column in the updated record.
DATE_COL2_NEW New value of the date column in the updated record.
DATE_COL3_ORIG Original value of the date column in the updated record.
DATE_COL3_NEW New value of the date column in the updated record.
DATE_COL4_ORIG Original value of the date column in the updated record.
DATE_COL4_NEW New value of the date column in the updated record.
DATE_COL5_ORIG Original value of the date column in the updated record.
DATE_COL5_NEW New value of the date column in the updated record.
PRIMARY_KEY_ID1 Number primary key component of the record that was updated.
PRIMARY_KEY_ID2 Number primary key component of the record that was updated.
PRIMARY_KEY_ID3 Number primary key component of the record that was updated.
PRIMARY_KEY_ID Number primary key component of the record that was updated
PRIMARY_KEY5 Varchar2 primary key component of the record that was updated. For tables with a multicolumn primary key.
PRIMARY_KEY6 Varchar2 primary key component of the record that was updated. For tables with a multicolumn primary key.
NUM_COL6_ORIG Original value of the number column in the updated record.
NUM_COL6_NEW New value of the number column in the updated record.
NUM_COL7_ORIG Original value of the number column in the updated record.
NUM_COL7_NEW New value of the number column in the updated record.
NUM_COL8_ORIG Original value of the number column in the updated record.
NUM_COL8_NEW New value of the number column in the updated record.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ACTION_FLAG Indicates if the record was deleted or updated during account merge. D for deleted, U for updated
DEL_COL1 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL2 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL3 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL4 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL5 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL6 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
MERGE_LOG_ID Merge Log ID used as primary key
PRIMARY_KEY1 Varchar2 primary key component of the record that was updated. For tables with a multicolumn primary key.
DEL_COL7 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL8 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL9 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL10 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL11 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL12 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL13 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL14 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL15 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL16 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL17 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL18 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL19 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL20 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL21 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL22 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL23 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL24 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL25 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL26 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
PRIMARY_KEY2 Varchar2 primary key component of the record that was updated. For tables with a multicolumn primary key.
DEL_COL27 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL28 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL29 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL30 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL31 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL32 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL33 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL34 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL35 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL36 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL37 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL38 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL39 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL40 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL41 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL42 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL43 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL44 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL45 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL46 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
PRIMARY_KEY3 Varchar2 primary key component of the record that was updated. For tables with a multicolumn primary key.
DEL_COL47 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL48 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL49 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL50 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL51 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL52 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL53 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL54 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL55 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL56 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL57 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL58 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL59 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL60 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL61 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL62 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL63 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL64 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL65 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL66 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
PRIMARY_KEY4 Varchar2 primary key component of the record that was updated. For tables with a multicolumn primary key.
DEL_COL67 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL68 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL69 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL70 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL71 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL72 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL73 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL74 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL75 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL76 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL77 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL78 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL79 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL80 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL81 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL82 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL83 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL84 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL85 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL86 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
NUM_COL1_ORIG Original value of the number column in the updated record
DEL_COL87 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL88 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL89 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL90 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL91 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL92 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL93 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL94 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL95 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL96 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL97 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL98 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL99 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL100 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL101 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL102 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL103 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL104 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL105 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
DEL_COL106 Stores data during account merge for a deleted record
Receivables - HZ_CUST_MERGE_LOG_DICT This table is used to define the data in hz_customer_merge_log
Column Name Descritpion
TABLE_NAME Name of the table for which merged records are logged in HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
NUM_COL3_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the NUM_COL3_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL142_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL143_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL144_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL145_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL146_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL147_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL148_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL149_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL150_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL151_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL152_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL153_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL154_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL155_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL156_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL157_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL158_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL159_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL160_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL161_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
NUM_COL4_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the NUM_COL4_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL162_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL163_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL164_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL165_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL166_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL167_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL168_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL169_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL170_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL171_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL172_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL173_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL174_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL175_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL176_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL177_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL178_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL179_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL180_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL181_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
NUM_COL5_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the NUM_COL5_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL182_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL183_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL184_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL185_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL186_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL187_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL188_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL189_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL190_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL191_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL192_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL193_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL194_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL195_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL196_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL197_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL198_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL199_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL200_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
VCHAR_COL6_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL1_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COL1_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL7_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL8_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL9_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL10_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL11_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL12_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL13_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL14_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL15_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL16_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL17_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL18_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL19_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL20_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL21_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL22_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL23_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL24_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL25_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL26_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL2_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COL2_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL27_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL28_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL29_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL30_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL31_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL32_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL33_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL34_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL35_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL36_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL37_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL38_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL39_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL40_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL41_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL42_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL43_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL44_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL45_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL46_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL3_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COL3_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL47_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL48_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL49_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL50_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL51_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL52_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL53_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL54_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL55_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COLX_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL4_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COL4_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
VCHAR_COL5_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the VCHAR_COL5_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DATE_COL1_NAME Date Column
DATE_COL2_NAME Date Column
APPLICATION_ID ID of the application to which the table specified in TABLE_NAME belongs.
DATE_COL3_NAME Date Column
DATE_COL4_NAME Date Column
DATE_COL5_NAME Date Column
PK_COL_ID1_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY_ID1 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG. The data type of the column specified here should be NUMBER.
PK_COL_ID2_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY_ID1 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG. The data type of the column specified here should be NUMBER.
PK_COL_ID3_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY_ID1 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG. The data type of the column specified here should be NUMBER.
PK_COL5_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY5 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
PK_COL6_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY5 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
NUM_COL6_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the NUM_COL6_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG. The data type of the column specified here should be NUMBER.
NUM_COL7_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the NUM_COL7_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG. The data type of the column specified here should be NUMBER.
NUM_COL8_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the NUM_COL8_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG. The data type of the column specified here should be NUMBER.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
DEL_COL1_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL2_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
PK_COL_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY_ID column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG. The data type of the column specified here should be NUMBER.
DEL_COL3_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL4_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL5_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL6_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL7_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL8_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL9_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL10_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL11_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL12_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL13_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL14_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL15_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL16_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL17_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL18_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL19_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL20_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL21_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL22_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
PK_COL1_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY1 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL23_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL24_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL25_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL26_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL27_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL28_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL29_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL30_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL31_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL32_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL33_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL34_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL35_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL36_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL37_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL38_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL39_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL40_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL41_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL42_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
PK_COL2_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY2 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL43_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL44_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL45_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL46_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL47_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL48_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL49_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL50_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL51_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL52_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL53_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL54_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL55_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL56_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL57_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL58_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL59_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL60_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL61_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
PK_COL3_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY3 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL62_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL63_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL64_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL65_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL66_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL67_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL68_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL69_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL70_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL71_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL72_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL73_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL74_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL75_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL76_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL77_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL78_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL79_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL80_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL81_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
PK_COL4_NAME Name of the primary key column whose value is logged in the PRIMARY_KEY4 column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL82_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL83_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL84_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL85_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL86_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL87_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL88_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL89_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL90_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL91_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL92_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL93_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL94_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL95_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL96_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL97_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL98_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL99_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL100_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL101_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
NUM_COL1_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the NUM_COL1_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL102_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL103_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL104_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL105_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL106_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL107_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL108_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL109_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL110_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL111_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL112_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL113_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL114_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL115_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL116_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL117_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL118_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL119_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL120_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL121_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
NUM_COL2_NAME Name of the column whose value is logged in the NUM_COL2_ORIG column of HZ_CUSTOMER_MERGE_LOG.
DEL_COL122_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL123_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL124_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL125_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL126_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL127_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL128_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL129_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL130_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL131_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL132_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL133_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL134_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL135_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL136_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL137_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL138_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL139_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL140_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
DEL_COL141_NAME Name of the column for the deleted record
Receivables - HZ_CUSTOMER_PROFILES_M This table is used to store the deleted records for hz_customer_profiles during account merge
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCOUNT_PROFILE_ID Unique identifier of this customer profile
CREDIT_ANALYST_ID Identifier of the credit analyst associated with this customer profile
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
REVIEW_CYCLE Time for Periodic Reviews
PARTY_ID Party identifier
CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID Customer merge header record identifier
MERGE_REQUEST_ID Request identifier of the concurrent program for this record
CONS_BILL_LEVEL Level at which balance forward billing is done, ACCOUNT or SITE. Validated against HZ_CONS_BILL_LEVEL lookup type.
LATE_CHARGE_CALCULATION_TRX Indicates whether late charges should be calculated on overdue invoices and or late payments. Validated against lookup type AR_MANDATORY_LATE_CHARGES.
CREDIT_ITEMS_FLAG Indicates if credit items such as unapplied or on-account receipts, can be offset against the overdue balance to reduce the amount liable for late charges.
CREDIT_CHECKING Indicates whether a credit check is to be carried out
DISPUTED_TRANSACTIONS_FLAG Indicates if late charges can be calculated on disputed transactions
LATE_CHARGE_TYPE Determines if late charges should be recorded as an adjustment, debit memo or interest invoice. Validated against lookup type AR_LATE_CHARGE_TYPE.
LATE_CHARGE_TERM_ID Payment term used when an invoice or debit memo is created for late charges. Foreign key to RA_TERMS.PAYMENT_TERM_ID.
INTEREST_CALCULATION_PERIOD Indicates if interest calculation period for late charges is daily or monthly. Validated against lookup type AR_CALCULATION_PERIOD.
HOLD_CHARGED_INVOICES_FLAG Indicates if late charges can be calculated more than once for a transaction
MESSAGE_TEXT_ID Message text printed on the late charge transaction. Applies only to late charges recorded as invoices or debit memos. Foreign key to AR_STANDARD_TEXT.STANDARD_TEXT_ID.
MULTIPLE_INTEREST_RATES_FLAG Indicates if interest and penalty charges can be calculated using multiple rates for a single late charge period
CHARGE_BEGIN_DATE Optional value that indicates the date late charges begin.
NEXT_CREDIT_REVIEW_DATE The next date that credit will be reviewed
TOLERANCE Percentage over credit limit that this customer can exceed before action is taken
DISCOUNT_TERMS Indicates if discount terms exist. Y for discount terms are allowed, N for no discount terms are allowed. The default value is Y.
DUNNING_LETTERS Indicates if dunning letters are sent to this customer when invoices, debit memos or chargebacks become past due. Y for dunning letters are sent, N for no dunning letters. Default value is Y.
INTEREST_CHARGES Indicates if late charges are enabled
SEND_STATEMENTS Indicates if statements are sent to this customer. Y for statements are sent, N for no statements. Default value is Y.
CREDIT_BALANCE_STATEMENTS Indicates if customers credit balances receive statements. Y for statements are sent, N for no statements. Default value is Y.
CREDIT_HOLD Indicates if a credit hold exists on this account. Y for a credit hold is in place, N for no credit hold.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
PROFILE_CLASS_ID Identifier of the customer profile class associated with this customer profile
SITE_USE_ID Identifier of the site use record associated with this customer profile. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL table.
CREDIT_RATING List of values choices
RISK_CODE List of values choices
STANDARD_TERMS User-defined payment terms
OVERRIDE_TERMS Indicates if user can override standard terms. Y for overrides are allowed, N for no overrides of standard credit terms
DUNNING_LETTER_SET_ID Identifer of the dunning letter set associated with this customer profile
INTEREST_PERIOD_DAYS Number of days that the interest rate refers to
PAYMENT_GRACE_DAYS Maximum number of overdue days allowed before action is taken
DISCOUNT_GRACE_DAYS Number of days after discount term date that this customer can take discounts
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
STATEMENT_CYCLE_ID Identifier of the statement cycle associated with this customer profile
ACCOUNT_STATUS User-defined account status
PERCENT_COLLECTABLE Percentage of this customer's account balance that you expect to collect on a regular basis
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID Identifier of the autocash hierarchy associated with this customer profile
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
WH_UPDATE_DATE Date when the record was entered or changed in a data warehouse
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
AUTO_REC_INCL_DISPUTED_FLAG Indicates if disputed transactions are included. Y for including disputed transactions, N for not excluding disputed transactions.
TAX_PRINTING_OPTION Tax printing option
CHARGE_ON_FINANCE_CHARGE_FLAG Formula used to compute late charges. Possible values are simple, compound or flat rate. Validated against lookup type AR_FORMULAE.
GROUPING_RULE_ID Identifies the default invoice line grouping rule for the customer
CLEARING_DAYS This column is used to specify a value for the number of clearing days before receipts that belong to this customer (or site) can be cleared by the Automatic Clearing program. This overrides the value of the payment method / bank account.
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE1 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE2 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE3 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE4 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE5 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE6 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE7 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE8 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE9 JG Descriptive Flexfield
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Identifier for the Customer Account. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE10 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE11 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE12 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE13 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE14 JG Descriptive Flexfield
JGZZ_ATTRIBUTE15 JG Descriptive Flexfield
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
STATUS Indicates whether the profile is active or inactive
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
COLLECTOR_ID Identifier of the collector associated with this customer profile
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
CONS_INV_FLAG Indicates if balance forward bill is generated and sent to customer. Y for yes, N or null for no.
CONS_INV_TYPE Format of balance forward bill. SUMMARY, DETAIL, or IMPORTED. Validated against HZ_CONS_INV_TYPE lookup type.
AUTOCASH_HIERARCHY_ID_FOR_ADR Identifies AutoCash rule set for unapplied amount in Post QuickCash
Receivables - HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES_M This table stores the information of a customer account role from HZ_CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLES table before the account merge happens. The primary key for this table is CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLE_ID, CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID.
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCOUNT_ROLE_ID Unique identifier for the role played by the party in the customer account
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
PARTY_ID Foreign key to the HZ_PARTIES table
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS table
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE21 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE22 Descriptive Flexfield segment
CUST_ACCT_SITE_ID Customer account site identifier. Foreign key to the HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table
ATTRIBUTE23 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE24 Descriptive Flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Not currently used
PRIMARY_FLAG Indicates if this party occupies the primary role for this account. Y for a party in the primary role for this account, N for all other parties.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Not currently used
ROLE_TYPE Lookup for type of role a party performs.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Not currently used
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Not currently used
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Not currently used
ATTRIBUTE25 Not currently used
STATUS Not currently used
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER Not currently used
CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID Customer merge header record identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
MERGE_REQUEST_ID Request identifier of the concurrent program for this record
SOURCE_CODE Promotion that was used to make the party a customer
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS_M This table is used to store the deleted records for HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS during account merge
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Customer account identifier
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Concurrent Program who column - application id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_APPLICATION.APPLICATION_ID).
SHIP_SETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG Indicates if lines should automatically be included in ship sets. Y for lines included in ship sets, N for lines not included in ship sets.
ARRIVALSETS_INCLUDE_LINES_FLAG Indicates if lines include arrival sets. Y for lines included on arrival sets, N for lines not automatically included in arrival sets
SCHED_DATE_PUSH_FLAG Indicates if the group schedule date should automatically be pushed. Y for pushing the schedule dates, N for not pushing the schedule date.
INVOICE_QUANTITY_RULE Rule to indicate whether to invoice for ordered quantity or fulfilled quantity
PRICING_EVENT Event at which to price orders. For example, at entry, at shipping, or at invoicing.
STATUS_UPDATE_DATE Last status update date
AUTOPAY_FLAG Autopay flag
NOTIFY_FLAG Notify flag
LAST_BATCH_ID Last active batch
ORG_ID Organization identifier
PROGRAM_ID Concurrent Program who column - program id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAM.CONCURRENT_PROGRAM_ID).
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER This column is used for locking purposes
SELLING_PARTY_ID Identifier of the party entering a business relationship as a seller. A selling party can be an individual or an organization. The Selling Party represents the external facing organization with which the customer is doing business, and is n
CUSTOMER_MERGE_HEADER_ID Customer merge header record identifier
MERGE_REQUEST_ID Request identifier of the concurrent program for this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Concurrent Program who column - date when a program last updated this row).
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flexfield structure definition column.
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive flexfield segment
PARTY_ID A foreign key to the HZ_PARTY table.
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield segment
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield segment
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 Reserved for country-specific functionality
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 Reserved for country-specific functionality
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 Reserved for country-specific functionality
ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE Unique customer identifier from foreign or legacy system
STATUS Customer status flag. Lookup code for CODE_STATUS
CUSTOMER_TYPE Receivables lookup code for the CUSTOMER_TYPE attribute. I for internal customers, R for revenue generating external customers.
CUSTOMER_CLASS_CODE Customer class indentifier
PRIMARY_SALESREP_ID Primary sales rep identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
SALES_CHANNEL_CODE Order Management lookup code for the SALES_CHANNEL attribute.
ORDER_TYPE_ID Order type identifier
PRICE_LIST_ID Price list identifier
TAX_CODE Tax code for this customer
FOB_POINT The point in a shipment at which title to the goods is transferred. Examples include, FOB delivered (the title changes hands at the point of delivery).
FREIGHT_TERM Order Management lookup code for the FREIGHT_TERMS attribute.
SHIP_PARTIAL Indicates if this customer accepts partial shipments. Y for customer accepts partial shipments, N for customer will not accept partial shipments.
SHIP_VIA The name of the preferred ship method.
WAREHOUSE_ID Warehouse identifier
TAX_HEADER_LEVEL_FLAG Indicate if item is tax header or a line item. Y for records that are headers for tax purposes, N for records that are lines.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
TAX_ROUNDING_RULE Tax amount rounding rule
COTERMINATE_DAY_MONTH Identifies the date when services ordered by the customer will end. Values for this column will take the form DD-MON.
PRIMARY_SPECIALIST_ID This column is for the service personnel dispatching feature in Incident Tracking and is a foreign key to the PER_PEOPLE table
SECONDARY_SPECIALIST_ID This column is for the service personnel dispatching feature in Incident Tracking and is a foreign key to the PER_PEOPLE table
ACCOUNT_LIABLE_FLAG Indicates if the account is liable for other customer accounts. Y for customers accounts that are responsible for the liabiliities of other customer accounts, N for an account that is not liable for other accounts.
CURRENT_BALANCE Total balance on the account
ACCOUNT_ESTABLISHED_DATE Date when the account was established
ACCOUNT_TERMINATION_DATE Date when the account was terminated
ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DATE Date when account was activated
DEPARTMENT Customer department responsible for this account
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
HELD_BILL_EXPIRATION_DATE Held bill expiration date
HOLD_BILL_FLAG Indicates if the bill receivable should be held or not. Y for holding the bill, N for bills receivable should not be held.
REALTIME_RATE_FLAG Real time rate flag
ACCT_LIFE_CYCLE_STATUS A state of the account from the point of view of the orginator of the account.
ACCOUNT_NAME Description chosen by external party (but can be entered internally on behalf on the customer)
DORMANT_ACCOUNT_FLAG Indicates if the account is considered to be dormant. Y for accounts that are considered dormant, N for active accounts.
NPA_NUMBER Identifies an account with a Number Plan Area (NPA) used in telecommunications.
SUSPENSION_DATE Date when the account was suspended
SOURCE_CODE Promotion that was used to make the party a customer
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
COMPETITOR_TYPE A short term that identifies the type of competitor
COMMENTS Free format information about the customer
DATES_NEGATIVE_TOLERANCE Maximum number of days prior to a date
DATES_POSITIVE_TOLERANCE Maximum number of days after a date
DATE_TYPE_PREFERENCE Preference for ship or arrival dates
OVER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for over shipment
UNDER_SHIPMENT_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for under shipment
OVER_RETURN_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for over return
UNDER_RETURN_TOLERANCE Percentage tolerance for under return
ITEM_CROSS_REF_PREF Lookup for item cross reference preference for placing orders
Receivables - AR_TRX_SUMMARY This table stores the fields, such as 'Total Invoices Value', 'Total Invoices Count', 'Total Cash Receipts Value', etc., that require summarization for a specified period of time. The lowest level of granularity at which the data can be st
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Customer Account Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
OP_BAL_HIGH_WATERMARK This column value contains the highest Open Receivables Balance for the specific Account, Site, Currency and date (identified by as_of_date). The Open Receivables Balance is calculated by summing the amount_due_remaining on the payment sche
OP_BAL_HIGH_WATERMARK_DATE Highest open receivables balance, which is the sum of the amount_due_remaining on the payment schedules of the debit items and unresolved cash on all cash receipts, for a specific account, site, currency, and date.
TOTAL_CASH_RECEIPTS_VALUE Sum of the amounts of all Cash Receipts for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_CASH_RECEIPTS_COUNT Count of payment schedules (installments) of all Chargebacks for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_INVOICES_VALUE Sum of the amount_due_original on payment schedules (installments) of all Invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_INVOICES_COUNT Count of the payment schedules (installments) of all Invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
INV_PAID_AMOUNT Sum of the total amount paid against closed invoices for a specific Account, Site, Currency and as of a given date.
INV_INST_PMT_DAYS_SUM Summation of the product of number of days that it took to make payments against invoice installments and the paid amount for a specific Account, Site, Currency and a date i.e.(amount_applied*(apply_date - due_date)).
TOTAL_BILLS_RECEIVABLES_VALUE Sum of the amount_due_original on payment schedules (installments) of all Bills Receivables for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
SITE_USE_ID Site Use Identifier
TOTAL_BILLS_RECEIVABLES_COUNT Count of payment schedules (installments) of all Bills Receivables for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_CREDIT_MEMOS_VALUE Sum of the amount_due_original on payment schedules (installments) of all Credit Memos for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_CREDIT_MEMOS_COUNT Count of payment schedules (installments) of all Credit Memos for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_DEBIT_MEMOS_VALUE Sum of the amount_due_original on payment schedules (installments) of all Debit Memos for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_DEBIT_MEMOS_COUNT Count of payment schedules (installments) of all Debit Memos for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_CHARGEBACK_VALUE um of the amount_due_original on payment schedules (installments) of all Chargebacks for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_CHARGEBACK_COUNT um of the amount_due_original on payment schedules (installments) of all Chargebacks for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_EARNED_DISC_VALUE Sum of the Earned Discounts that were given on the closed payment schedules (installments) of all invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_EARNED_DISC_COUNT Sum of the Earned Discounts that were given on the closed payment schedules (installments) of all invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_UNEARNED_DISC_VALUE Sum of the Unearned Discounts that was given on the closed payment schedules (installments) of all invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
TOTAL_UNEARNED_DISC_COUNT Count of the Unearned Discounts that were given on the closed payment schedules (installments) of all invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_ADJUSTMENTS_VALUE Sum of the adjustment amounts on the payment schedules of all the debit items for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date (identified by as_of_date column). Special adjustments, such as Adjustment Reversal, are not included because
TOTAL_ADJUSTMENTS_COUNT Count of the adjustments on the payment schedules of all the debit items for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date. Special adjustments, such as Adjustment Reversal are not included.
TOTAL_DEPOSITS_VALUE Sum of the amount_due_original on payment schedules (installments) of all Deposits for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
TOTAL_DEPOSITS_COUNT Count of payment schedules (installments) of all Deposits for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
SUM_APP_AMT_DAYS_LATE Summation of the product of amount applied and the difference in apply date and due date for all the cash receipt applications against the Invoices Installments for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date i.e. (amount_applied*(apply
SUM_APP_AMT Sum of the amount applied against the closed payment schedules (installments) of all the Invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and date.
COUNT_OF_TOT_INV_INST_PAID Count of the payment schedules (installments), that have been paid off completely, i.e., status = CL, of all Invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
COUNT_OF_INV_INST_PAID_LATE Count of the payment schedules (installments) that have been paid late, i.e., status = CL and actual_date_closed > due_date of all Invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
COUNT_OF_DISC_INV_INST Count of the payment schedules (installments) with earned or unearned discounts applied to Invoices for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date
CURRENCY Currency code
LARGEST_INV_AMOUNT Transaction amount corresponding to the largest invoice for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
LARGEST_INV_DATE Transaction date corresponding to the largest invoice for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
LARGEST_INV_CUST_TRX_ID Unique identifier of the largest invoice for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
DAYS_CREDIT_GRANTED_SUM Summation of the product of amount_due_original and difference of the due_date and trx_date, i.e., (amount_due_original * (due_date - trx_date)), for the payment schedules (installments) of all Invoices for the specific Account, Site, Curre
NSF_STOP_PAYMENT_COUNT Count of all cash receipts having a status of Reversed with a Reversal Category of Non Sufficient Funds for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
NSF_STOP_PAYMENT_AMOUNT Sum of the amount on all Cash Receipts having a status of Reversed with a Reversal Category of Non Sufficient Funds for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date.
REFERENCE_1 Reference columns for future usage
REFERENCE_2 Reference columns for future usage
REFERENCE_3 Reference columns for future usage
REFERENCE_4 Reference columns for future usage
AS_OF_DATE Specific date for which the current summary record has been created.
REFERENCE_5 Reference columns for future usage
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
Receivables - AR_TRX_BAL_SUMMARY This table stores the fields, such as 'Total Invoices Value', 'Total Invoices Count', 'Total Cash Receipts Value', etc., that require summarization for a specified period of time. The lowest level of granularity at which the data can be st
Column Name Descritpion
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Customer Account Identifier
BEST_CURRENT_RECEIVABLES amount_due_remaining on open payment schedules (installments) of all transactions, i.e., Invoices, Debit Memos, Bills Receivables, Chargebacks and Deposits, that have a due_date greater than or equal to today's date (sysdate) for the speci
TOTAL_DSO_DAYS_CREDIT Reserved for future usage.
OP_INVOICES_VALUE This column value contains the sum of amount_due_remaining on open payment schedules (installments) of all the Invoices the specific Account, Site and Currency.
OP_INVOICES_COUNT This column value contains a count of the open payments schedules (installments) of all the Invoices for the specific Account, Site and Currency
OP_DEBIT_MEMOS_VALUE This column value contains a count of the open payments schedules (installments) of all the Debit Memos for the specific Account, Site and Currency
OP_DEBIT_MEMOS_COUNT This column value contains the sum of amount_due_remaining on open payment schedules (installments) of all the Debit Memos for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
OP_DEPOSITS_VALUE This column value contains the sum of amount_due_remaining on open payment schedules (installments) of all the Deposits for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
OP_DEPOSITS_COUNT This column value contains a count of the open payments schedules (installments) of all the Deposits for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
OP_BILLS_RECEIVABLES_VALUE This column value contains the sum of amount_due_remaining on open payment schedules (installments) of all the Bills Receivables for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
OP_BILLS_RECEIVABLES_COUNT This column value contains a count of the open payments schedules (installments) of all the Bills Receivables for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
SITE_USE_ID Site Use Identifier
OP_CHARGEBACK_VALUE This column value contains the sum of amount_due_remaining on open payment schedules (installments) of all the Chargebacks for the specific Account, Site and Currency
OP_CHARGEBACK_COUNT This column value contains a count of the open payments schedules (installments) of all the Chargebacks for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
OP_CREDIT_MEMOS_VALUE This column value contains the sum of amount_due_remaining on open payment schedules (installments) of all the Credit Memos for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
OP_CREDIT_MEMOS_COUNT This column value contains a count of the open payments schedules (installments) of all the Credit Memos for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
UNRESOLVED_CASH_VALUE This column value contains the sum of unresolved cash available on all the Cash Receipts for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
UNRESOLVED_CASH_COUNT This column value contains count of all the Cash Receipts for the specific Account, Site and Currency that have unresolved cash on them.
RECEIPTS_AT_RISK_VALUE This column value contains the sum of cash receipt amounts for the specific Account, Site and Currency that have a status of 'At Risk'.
INV_AMT_IN_DISPUTE This column value contains the sum of the amount in dispute on open payment schedules (installments) of all the invoices for the specific Account, Site and Currency.
DISPUTED_INV_COUNT This column value contains the count of open payment schedules (installments) of all Invoices for the specific Account, Site and Currency that have a dispute amount.
PENDING_ADJ_VALUE This column value contains the sum of the adjustment amounts on all debit items for the specific Account, Site and Currency that have not been approved, i.e., the adjustment status is not 'Approved' or 'Rejected'.
ORG_ID Organization identifier
LAST_DUNNING_DATE Last dunning date
DUNNING_COUNT dunning count
PAST_DUE_INV_VALUE This column value contains the sum of the amount_due_remaining of the open payments schedules (installments) of all the Invoices for the specific Account, Site and Currency, that are past their due date.
PAST_DUE_INV_INST_COUNT This column value contains a count of the open payments schedules (installments) of all the Invoices for the specific Account, Site and Currency, that are past their due date.
LAST_PAYMENT_AMOUNT Amount of the most recent cash receipt (based on receipt date) for the specific Account, Site, Currency and a date (identified by as_of_date column).
LAST_PAYMENT_DATE Date of the most recent cash receipt (based on receipt date) for the specific Account, Site, Currency.
LAST_PAYMENT_NUMBER cash_receipt_id of the most recent cash receipt (based on receipt date) for the specific Account, Site, Currency.
REFERENCE_1 Reference columns for future usage
REFERENCE_2 Reference columns for future usage
REFERENCE_3 Reference columns for future usage
CURRENCY Currency code
REFERENCE_4 Reference columns for future usage
REFERENCE_5 Reference columns for future usage
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
Receivables - AR_TRX_SUMMARY_HIST This table stores the history of all the modifications, performed on different transactions, which would affect the data in the summary tables.
Column Name Descritpion
HISTORY_ID History Record Identifier
PREVIOUS_HISTORY_ID Unique identifier of the previous history record of the current transaction.
DUE_DATE Due date of the installment.
AMOUNT_IN_DISPUTE Amount in dispute against the installment of the transaction.
AMOUNT_DUE_ORIGINAL Amount due original on the transaction.
AMOUNT_ADJUSTED Amount adjusted on the installment.
COMPLETE_FLAG Indicates whether processing of the current record is complete. Valid values are Y and N.
CUSTOMER_ID ICustomer account identifier.
SITE_USE_ID Site use identifier.
AMOUNT_DUE_REMAINING Current amount due remaining.
CURRENCY_CODE Lookup code for the currency of the transaction.
TRX_DATE Transaction Date
EVENT_NAME Business event associated with the current record.
INSTALLMENTS Number of installments of the current transaction.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Identifies the transaction.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Identifies the payment.
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Identifies the payment schedule of the transaction.
Receivables - AR_RAMC_AUDIT_TRAIL This maintains revenue related status changes for invoices.
Column Name Descritpion
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Invoice Identifier
CONTRACT_LINE_ID Contract Line Identifier
ACCTD_AMOUNT_RECOGNIZED Amount Recognized in Functional Currency
ACCTD_AMOUNT_PENDING Amount Pending in Functional Currency
REASON_REFUND_FLAG Indicates Existence of Refund Clause
REFUND_EXPIRY Refund Clause Expiration Date
CUSTOMER_TRX_LINE_ID Invoice Line Identifier
REASON_PAYMENT_TERM_FLAG Indicates Existence of Non Standard Payment Terms
REASON_CREDIT_FLAG Indicates Existence of Credit Problem
REASON_ACCEPTANCE_FLAG Indicates Existence of Acceptance Clause
ACCEPTANCE_EXPIRY Acceptance Clause Expiration Date
REASON_CANCELLATION_FLAG Indicates Existence of Cancellation Clause
CANCELLATION_EXPIRY Cancellation Clause Expiration Date
REASON_FISCAL_FLAG Indicates Existence of Fiscal Funding Clause
FISCAL_EXPIRY Fiscal Funding Clause Expiration Date
REASON_FORFEITURE_FLAG Indicates Existence of ForfeitureClause
FORFEITURE_EXPIRY Forfeiture Clause Expiration Date manual_override_flag Indicates Manual Adjustment
MANUAL_OVERRIDE_FLAG Indicates Manual Adjustment
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who column - user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
TRX_NUMBER Transaction Number
BILL_TO_SITE_USE_ID Bill-to site use identifier
CUST_ACCOUNT_ID Customer Account Identifier
CONTRACT_ID Contract Identifier
Receivables - AR_SUM_REF_EVENT_HIST The AR_SUM_REF_EVENT_HIST table temporarily stores the history of all AR business events that different transactional activities raise while the Refresh AR Transactions Summary Tables concurrent program is running.
Column Name Descritpion
EVENT_KEY Uniquely identifies a specific instance of a business event.
PAYMENT_SCHEDULE_ID Unique identifier of the payment schedule record of the transaction that raised the business event.
CUSTOMER_TRX_ID Unique identifier of the transaction that raised the business event.
CASH_RECEIPT_ID Unique identifier of the cash receipt that raised the business event.
RECEIVABLE_APPLICATION_ID Unique identifier of the receivable applications record that raised the business event.
ADJUSTMENT_ID Unique identifier of the adjustment that raised the business event.
HISTORY_ID Unique identifier of the ar_trx_summary_hist record.
REQUEST_ID Concurrent Program who column - concurrent request id of the program that last updated this row (foreign key to FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.REQUEST_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column - date when a user last updated this row.
LAST_UPDATE_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard who column - date when this row was created.
CREATED_BY Standard who column - user who created this row (foreign key to FND_USER.USER_ID).
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who column - operating system login of user who last updated this row (foreign key to FND_LOGINS.LOGIN_ID).
PROCESSED_FLAG For Future Usage.
Receivables - AR_TAX_EXTR_SUB_AP_EXT This table is an extension to AR_TAX_EXTRACT_SUB_ITF to store transaction tax information specific to Oracle Payables.
Column Name Descritpion
EXTRACT_LINE_ID Extract Line Identifier
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT1 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT2 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT3 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT4 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT5 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT6 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT7 No longer used
AP_TAX_RECOVERABLE_FLAG Flag that indicates if the line is recoverable or not.
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT8 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT10 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT11 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT12 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT13 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT14 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT15 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT16 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT17 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT18 No longer used
AP_TAXABLE_MERCHANT_DOC_NO The Merchant Document Number recorded on the Payables expense report
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT19 No longer used
GDF_AP_INVOICES_ATT20 No longer used
GDF_AP_CHECKS_ATT_CAT Global Attribute Category on AP_CHECKS_ALL table
GDF_AP_CHECKS_ATT1 Global Attribute1 column AP_CHECKS_ALL table
GDF_AP_CHECKS_ATT2 Global Attribute2 column AP_CHECKS_ALL table
AP_TAXABLE_MERCHANT_NAME The Merchant Name recorded on the Payables expense report
GDF_AP_CHECKS_ATT3 Global Attribute3 column AP_CHECKS_ALL table
GDF_AP_CHECKS_ATT4 Global Attribute4 column AP_CHECKS_ALL table
GDF_AP_CHECKS_ATT5 Global Attribute5 column AP_CHECKS_ALL table
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT1 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT2 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT3 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT4 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT5 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT6 No longer used
AP_TAXABLE_MERCHANT_REFERENCE The Merchant Reference recorded on the Payables expense report
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT7 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT8 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT9 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT10 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT12 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT15 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDORS_ATT16 No longer used
AP_TAXABLE_MERCHANT_TAX_REG_NO The Merchant Tax Registration Number recorded on the Payables expense report
GDF_PO_VENDOR_SITES_ATT10 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDOR_SITES_ATT11 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDOR_SITES_ATT12 No longer used
AP_TAXABLE_MERCHANT_TAXPAYERID The Taxpayer ID recorded on the Payables expense report
GDF_PO_VENDOR_SITES_ATT13 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDOR_SITES_ATT14 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDOR_SITES_ATT15 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDOR_SITES_ATT16 No longer used
GDF_PO_VENDOR_SITES_ATT17 No longer used
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REPORTING_ENTITY_ID Reporting Entity Identifier
AP_TAXABLE_COUNTRY_OF_SUPPLY The first Country of Supply recorded on the Payables Taxable Distribution line. If this taxable amount records multiple values for Country of Supplyonly the first is shown
REPORTING_ENTITY_TAX_REG_NO Reporting Entity Tax Registration Number
GDF_AP_REP_ENTITY_ATT_CAT Global Attribute Category
GDF_AP_REP_ENTITY_ATT1 Global Attribute
GDF_AP_REP_ENTITY_ATT2 Global Attribute
GDF_AP_REP_ENTITY_ATT3 Global Attribute
GDF_AP_REP_ENTITY_ATT4 Global Attribute
GDF_AP_CHECKS_ATT10 Global descriptive flexfield segment
VENDOR_SITE_CODE Vendor site code name
AP_DOC_TYPE_CODE AP document type code
AP_DOC_TYPE_MEANING AP document type meaning
ORDER_BY_DOC_TYPE Order by document type
BALANCING_SEGMENT_VALUE Balancing segment value for reporting entity Accounting Flexfield(s)
BALANCING_SEGMENT_DESC Balancing segement description
CANCELLED_DATE Date invoice cancelled
AP_TRANS_START_EXPENSE_DATE Date on the Expense Report.
Receivables - AR_TAX_EXTR_SUB_AR_EXT This table is an extension to AR_TAX_EXTRACT_SUB_ITF to store transaction tax information specific to Oracle Receivables.
Column Name Descritpion
EXTRACT_LINE_ID Internal unique identifier for this record
AR_TRX_SALES_ORDER_SOURCE The Sales Order Source, recorded on the Receivables Transaction Header
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT4 Global attribute4 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT5 Global attribute5 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT6 Global attribute6 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT7 Global attribute7 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT8 Global attribute8 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
AR_TRX_SALES_ORDER_REVISION The Sales Order Revision,recorded on the Receivables Transaction Header
AR_TRX_SALES_ORDER_DATE The Sales Order Date,recorded on the Receivables Transaction Header
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT_CAT Global attribute category on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT1_DATE Global attribute1 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT2 Global attribute2 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT3 Global attribute3 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT4 Global attribute4 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT5 Global attribute5 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
AR_TRX_BATCH_SOURCE_NAME The Receivables Batch Source name used to create the original Transaction,used only for Receivable Transactions
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT6 Global attribute6 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT7 Global attribute7 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT8 Global attribute8 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT9 Global attribute9 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT10 Global attribute10 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT11 Global attribute11 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT12 Global attribute12 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT13 Global attribute13 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT14 Global attribute14 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT15 Global attribute15 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
AR_TRX_SIC_CODE The Internal identifier of the Receivables Batch Source name used to create the original Transaction, used only for Receivable Transaction
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT16 Global attribute16 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT17 Global attribute17 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT18 Global attribute18 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT19 Global attribute19 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_ATT20 Global attribute20 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT_CAT Global attribute category on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT2 Global attribute2 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT3 Global attribute3 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT4 Global attribute4 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
AR_TRX_FOB_POINT The FOB (Terms of Delivery) of the ReceivablesTransaction Header
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT5 Global attribute5 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT6 Global attribute6 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT7 Global attribute7 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT8 Global attribute8 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT9 Global attribute9 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT10 Global attribute10 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT11 Global attribute11 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT12 Global attribute12 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT13 Global attribute13 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT14 Global attribute14 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
AR_TRX_WAYBILL_NUMBER The Waybill number of the Receivables Transaction Header
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT15 Global attribute15 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT16 Global attribute16 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT17 Global attribute17 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT18 Global attribute18 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT19 Global attribute19 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_LINES_ATT20 Global attribute20 column on RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT_CAT Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att Category
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT1 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att1
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT2 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att2
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT3 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att3
AR_TRX_POSTING_STATUS The posting status of the Receivables Transaction Header
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT4 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att4
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT5 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att5
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT6 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att6
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT7 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att7
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT10 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att10
GDF_RA_CUST_TRX_TYPES_ATT20 Gdf Ra Cust Trx Types Att20
GDF_AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on RA_RECEIPT_CLASSES_ALL table
GDF_AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES_ATT2 Global attribute2 column on RA_RECEIPT_CLASSES_ALL table
GDF_AR_RECEIPT_CLASSES_ATT3 Global attribute3 column on RA_RECEIPT_CLASSES_ALL table
AR_TRX_PURCHASE_ORDER The Purchase Order Number, recorded on the Receivables Transaction Header
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT_CAT Global attribute category on RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL table
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL table
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT2 Global attribute2 column on RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL table
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT3 Global attribute3 column on RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL table
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT4 Global attribute4 column on RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL table
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT5 Global attribute5 column on RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL table
GDF_RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ATT6 Global attribute6 column on RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_BILL_ATT_CAT Global attribute category column on RA_BATCH_SOURCES_ALL table
GDF_RA_CUST_BILL_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Billing Party
GDF_RA_CUST_BILL_ATT9 Global attribute9 column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Billing Party
AR_TRX_PURCHASE_ORDER_REVISION The Purchase Order Revision, recorded on the Receivables Transaction Header
GDF_RA_CUST_BILL_ATT10 Global attribute10 column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Billing Party
GDF_RA_CUST_BILL_ATT12 Global attribute12 column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Billing Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT_CAT Global attribute category on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT2 Global attribute32column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT3 Global attribute3 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT4 Global attribute4 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT5 Global attribute5 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT6 Global attribute6 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT7 Global attribute7 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
AR_TRX_SALES_ORDER The Sales Order Number,recorded on the Receivables Transaction Header
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_BILL_ATT8 Global attribute8 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Billing Party
GDF_RA_CUST_SHIP_ATT_CAT Global attribute category column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_CUST_SHIP_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_CUST_SHIP_ATT9 Global attribute9 column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_CUST_SHIP_ATT10 Global attribute10 column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_CUST_SHIP_ATT12 Global attribute12 column on HZ_CUST_ACCOUNTS for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT_CAT Global attribute category on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT1 Global attribute1 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT2 Global attribute2 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party
GDF_RA_ADDRESSES_SHIP_ATT3 Global attribute3 column on HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL table for Shipping Party

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