lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

My Student System Table Descriptions hand book (I have big hands) Part 10

Student System - IGS_RU_NRG_GROUP_CD Named rule group code.
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_CD Group code
DESCRIPTION Description about group code
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_RU_RET_TYPE This entity holds the allowed return types
Column Name Descritpion
S_RETURN_TYPE Contains the allowed rule return type
FUNCTION_RETURN_IND Determines if the return type is selectable
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_RU_RULE Rules
Column Name Descritpion
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies a rule
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_RU_SET Rule sets
Column Name Descritpion
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier of the rule
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SET_TYPE Rule set type
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_RU_SET_MEMBER Rule set members
Column Name Descritpion
RS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Rule set sequence number
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
UNIT_CD Unit code
VERSIONS Version number range

Student System - IGS_RU_TRG_GROUP_CD Turing Rule Group Code.
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_CD Group code
DESCRIPTION Description about group code
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_RU_TURIN_FNC Turin functions
Column Name Descritpion
S_TURIN_FUNCTION Turin function name
RUD_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Rule description number
PARENTHESIS_IND Parenthesis indicator
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_RU_TURIN_RULE_GR Turing Rule Group
Column Name Descritpion
GROUP_CD Group code
NAME_CD Name code
DESCRIPTION Description about turing rule group
RUG_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Rule group sequence number
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_RU_WORK_SET Rule working sets
Column Name Descritpion
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Sequence number
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record

Student System - IGS_RU_WORK_SET_MBR Rule working set members.
Column Name Descritpion
RWS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Rule work set sequence number
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
UNIT_CD Unit code
VERSION_NUMBER Version number
CAL_TYPE Calendar type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar instance number
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_ADMAPPL_SETUP This table holds the system administration setup details for self service admission application. There will be only one record in this table
Column Name Descritpion
ADMAPPL_SETUP_ID Unique identifier for admission application setup
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ALIAS_TYPE Alias type for capturing a persons previous last name
PERMANENT_ADDR_TYPE Permanent address type
MAILING_ADDR_TYPE Mailing address type
PERSON_ID_TYPE Alternate person ID type
PS_NOTE_TYPE_ID Person statement note type
WE_NOTE_TYPE_ID Work experience or extracurricular activities or personal activities that had the most meaning
ACT_NOTE_TYPE_ID If not attending school activities since last enrolled
DEPENDENT_OF_VETERAN Dependent of veteran military service type
APP_SOURCE_ID Application Source Id
CREATED_BY Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_ST_CITIZENSHP_CD This entity describes the available user defined citizenship codes.
Column Name Descritpion
CITIZENSHIP_CD Unique institution-defined citizenship code. Must map to one of the set of government defined citizenship codes described in the higher education student data collection element number 358.
GOVT_CITIZENSHIP_CD A value in the set of government defined citizenship codes. See element number 358 higher education student collection documentation. Each institution-defined citizenship code must map to a government citizenship code.
NOTES Text-based facility for entering and maintaining notes of up to 2, 000 characters.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
DESCRIPTION Unique institution-defined citizenship code. Must map to one of the set of government defined citizenship codes described in the higher education student data collection element number 358.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CLOSED_IND Selecting the 'Closed' indicator selected makes the citizenship code unavailable for future use

Student System - IGS_ST_DFT_LOAD_APPO This entity describes the portion of load which is attributed to a teaching period (defined as a percentage value). Used for determining load to be reported to the government . Where no apportionment exists, 100% is assumed
Column Name Descritpion
CAL_TYPE Name of a type calendar used within the institution. For example, ACAD-YR, SEM-1, LOAD-1.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier of the calendar instance
TEACH_CAL_TYPE Name of the teaching calendar type that contributes load to the specified load calendar
PERCENTAGE Default proportion of student load, expressed as a percentage, contributed by the teaching period to the specified load calendar instance. For example, 100 percent of the load generated in Semester 1 and 50 percent of the load generated in
SECOND_PERCENTAGE The default proportion of student load, expressed as a percentage, contributed by the teaching period to the second instance of the specified load calendar. It is used in cases if a single teaching calendar is related to two instances of th
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_ST_GOVT_SEMESTER This entity describes the semester against which load is to be assigned. Example 1, 2 or 3.
Column Name Descritpion
SUBMISSION_NUMBER Higher education student data collection submission number that is in 1, 2 or 3 of the enrollment statistics snapshot.
GOVT_SEMESTER Identifies the government semester that the student unit attempts captured in the context enrollment statistics snapshot will be reported in. See Element 353 of the higher education student data collection for the definition of the five gov
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SUBMISSION_YR Reference year of the higher education student data collection submission

Student System - IGS_ST_GOVT_STDNT_EN This entity describes a students enrollment details as captured at the census date for each submission of the Student Enrollment File to the government.
Column Name Descritpion
SUBMISSION_NUMBER Describes the government submission number; for example,1, 2, or 3.
HOME_LANGUAGE_CD An institution-defined code indicating use of language other than English at the student's permanent home residence. This code maps to an equivalent Government value.
GOVT_HOME_LANGUAGE_CD Indicates use of language other than English at the student's permanent home residence
PRIOR_UG_INST Indicates for a student commencing a postgraduate program the institution that the undergraduate work was undertaken. This institution-defined code maps to an equivalent Government value.
GOVT_PRIOR_UG_INST Indicates for a student commencing a postgraduate program the institution that the undergraduate work was undertaken
PRIOR_OTHER_QUAL Identifies whether a student had commenced and completed some other qualification or certificate of attainment or competence, and the last year the requirements for the qualification or certification were completed.
PRIOR_POST_GRAD Identifies whether a student had commenced and completed a higher doctorate, doctorate, masters degree or other postgraduate program, and the last year that the student was enrolled in such a program.
PRIOR_DEGREE Identifies whether a student had commenced and completed a Bachelor's degree program, and the last year that the student was enrolled in such a program.
PRIOR_SUBDEG_NOTAFE Identifies whether a student has commenced and completed a Diploma or Associate Diploma program done at a university, teachers' college, institute of technology, institute of advanced education, institute of tertiary education or some other
PRIOR_SUBDEG_TAFE Identifies whether a student had commenced and completed a Diploma or Associate Diploma program done at a technical college, and the last year that the student was enrolled in such a program.
PRIOR_SECED_TAFE Identifies whether a student had commenced and completed the final year of secondary education at a college, technical college, evening school, evening college, institute of technology, institute of advanced education or institute of tertia
PERSON_ID Uniquely identifies the student within the institution and that remains constant from year to year. Government element 313.
PRIOR_SECED_SCHOOL Identifies whether a student had commenced and completed the final year of secondary education at a high school, technical school, secondary school or secondary college, and the year that the student completed the final year of secondary e
PRIOR_TAFE_AWARD Identifies whether a student had commenced and completed an award program that is other than a Diploma or Associate Diploma program and the last year in which the student was enrolled in such a program.
PRIOR_STUDIES_EXEMPTION Identifies the extent to that the advanced standing exemption or status from the program's total requirements over all its stages were granted by the reference date of the first year of enrollment in the program.
EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD Indicates the institution or type of institution where the studies for that the advanced standing, that is exemption, was granted were undertaken. This institution-defined code maps to an equivalent Government value.
GOVT_EXEMPTION_INSTITUTION_CD Indicates the institution or type of institution if the studies for the advanced standing, that is the exemption, was granted were undertaken.
ATTENDANCE_MODE Identifies an institution defined mode of attendance by that the student undertakes the program. This institution defined code maps to a Government attendance mode.
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_MODE Describes the attendance mode by that the student undertakes a program
ATTENDANCE_TYPE Identifies an institution defined type of attendance based on the student's load in the reference year. This institution defined code maps to a Government attendance type.
GOVT_ATTENDANCE_TYPE Identifies whether a student is classified as being a full-time or part-time student, based on their student load in the reference year.
COMMENCEMENT_DT Date that the student commenced the current program attempt for the first time
COURSE_CD Identifies the program the student is studying. Government element 307.
MAJOR_COURSE Indicatesf whether or not the student is concurrently enrolled in more than one higher education program within the institution and if so whether the program is the major program or the minor program.
TERTIARY_ENTRANCE_SCORE Describes the student's score from school
BASIS_FOR_ADMISSION_TYPE An institution-defined code describing the main criterion used by the institution in granting the student admission to the current program. This institution-defined code maps to a Government defined basis for admission.
GOVT_BASIS_FOR_ADMISSION_TYPE Identifies the main criterion used by the institution in granting the student admission to the current program.
VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the program that the student is studying
GOVT_DISABILITY Indicates the student's responses to the Government special need information questions
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
BIRTH_DT The day, month and year of birth of the student. Government element 314.
SEX Identifies the sex of the student. Government element 315.
ABORIG_TORRES_CD Institution-defined code that identifies if or not the student identifies herself or himself as being of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. This institution-defined code maps to a Government code. See Government elemen
GOVT_ABORIG_TORRES_CD Describes if or not the student identifies herself or himself as being of Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent. Government element 316. For example, 1- Aboriginal or Torres/Strait Islander descent, 2 - Not Aboriginal or
CITIZENSHIP_CD Institution-defined code indicating a student's citizenship and residence status. This institution-defined code maps to a government citizenship or residence code. See Government element 358.
SUBMISSION_YR Describes the reference year of the government submission
GOVT_CITIZENSHIP_CD Indicats a student's citizenship and residence status
PERM_RESIDENT_CD Identifies if the student has permanent resident status or not. This code maps to an equivalent government value.
GOVT_PERM_RESIDENT_CD Identifies if the student has permanent resident status or not
HOME_LOCATION Institution-defined code describing overseas country code of a student's permanent home address. This code maps to an equivalent government value.
GOVT_HOME_LOCATION The postcode or overseas country code of a student's permanent home residence.
TERM_LOCATION The postcode or overseas country code for the residence in which the student lives during the semester or term, as most advised prior to the reference date. This institution-defined code maps to an equivalent Government value.
GOVT_TERM_LOCATION Thepostcode or overseas country code for the residence in which the student lives during the semester or term, as most recently advised prior to the reference date.
BIRTH_COUNTRY_CD An institution-defined code representing the country of birth of a student. This institution-defined code maps to a Government country code.
GOVT_BIRTH_COUNTRY_CD Describes the birth country code for the student enrollment
YR_ARRIVAL The year that a student not born in Australia first arrived in Australia.

Student System - IGS_ST_GVTSEMLOAD_CA This table describes the Load Calendars that contribute toward a semester.
Column Name Descritpion
SUBMISSION_NUMBER Higher education student data collection submission number
GOVT_SEMESTER Government semester either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 that the load is being assigned
CAL_TYPE The abbreviated name of the institution-defined load calendars which is are used in the creation of the context higher education student data collection submission.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number of the load calendar instance used in the creation of the context higher education student data collection submission.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SUBMISSION_YR Higher education student data collection submission year

Student System - IGS_ST_GVTSEMLOAD_OV This table describes the link between a government report semester and load from specific teaching periods. This link is made to the relationship between a teaching period and a load calendar instance to ensure consistency across all load
Column Name Descritpion
SUBMISSION_YR Higher education student data collection submission year
SUBMISSION_NUMBER Higher education student data collection submission number
GOVT_SEMESTER Government semester either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 that load is being assigned
CAL_TYPE The abbreviated name of the institution-defined load calendar's that is or are used in the creation of the context higher education student data collection submission.
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number of the load calendar instance used in the creation of the context higher education student data collection submission.
TEACH_CAL_TYPE The abbreviated name of the teaching calendar instance that is to have its default load apportionment overridden.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_ST_GVT_SPSHT_CHG This table contains changes made to data impacting on a previous government submission after the submission has been sent. These changes need to be reported.
Column Name Descritpion
VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the program being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the submission
SEQUENCE_NUMBER Unique identifier for govt_snapshot_change
CHANGED_UPDATE_WHO Contains the Oracle username of the person who last updated the record that has been identified as changing
CHANGED_UPDATE_ON Contains the date and time the record that was identified as changing was last updated
GOVT_SEMESTER Identifies the Government semester that the student load being reported for a unit of study or part of a unit of study occurs. DETYA element 353. For example, 1 - semester 1, 2 - semester 2, 3 - summer school. Reported in the contributio
SUBMISSION_YR Higher education student data collection submission year
UNIT_CD Describes the unit code of the unit being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the Government submission. Reported in the student load file.
EFTSU The Equivalent full time student unit value generated in a semester by a unit of study or a part of a unit of study for a particular stage of a particular program for a particular academic organizational unit and discipline group combinati
HECS_PREXMT_EXIE Contribution amount, prior to determination of exemption status, calculated for student load for non-work experience in industry components of a student program, that are counted for a semester. Reported in the Government liability status
HECS_AMOUNT_PAID Amount that has been paid for the higher education contribution scheme liability for a semester. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION The institution-defined code that identifies, for an enrollment in a program, the exemption status for the higher education contribution scheme liability for a semester. This code maps to an equivalent Government value.
DIFFERENTIAL_HECS_IND Describes if or not the contribution liability has been calculated through the differential contribution charging scale. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
CITIZENSHIP_CD Indicates a student's citizenship and residence status. This institution-defined code maps to a Government citizenship or residence code.
PERM_RESIDENT_CD An institution-defined code that identifies whether the student has permanent resident status or not. This code maps to an equivalent Government value.
PRIOR_DEGREE Identifies if a student had commenced and completed a bachelor's degree program, and the last year that the student was enrolled in such a program.
SUBMISSION_NUMBER Higher education student data collection submission number
PRIOR_POST_GRAD Indicates if student had commenced and completed a higher doctorate, doctorate degree or other post-graduate program and the last year in which the student was enrolled in such a program, as described in the higher education student data co
OLD_UNIT_CD Describes the unit code of the unit being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the Government submission. Reported in the student load file.
OLD_EFTSU The Equivalent full time student unit value generated in a semester by a unit of study or a part of a unit of study for a particular stage of a particular program for a particular academic organizational unit and discipline group combinati
OLD_HECS_PREXMT_EXIE The HECS amount, prior to determination of exemption status, calculated for student load for non-work experience in industry components of a student program, that are counted for a semester. Reported in the contribution liability status
OLD_HECS_AMOUNT_PAID The amount that has been paid for the higher education contribution scheme liability for a semester. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
OLD_HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION Identifies, for an enrollment in a program, the exemption status for the higher education contribution scheme liability for a semester. This code maps to an equivalent Government value.
OLD_DIFFERENTIAL_HECS_IND An indicator that describes if or not the contribution liability has been calculated through the differential contribution charging scale. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
OLD_CITIZENSHIP_CD An institution-defined code indicating a student's citizenship and residence status. This institution-defined code maps to a Government citizenship or residence code.
OLD_PERM_RESIDENT_CD Identifies whether the student has permanent resident status or not. This code maps to an equivalent Government value.
OLD_PRIOR_DEGREE Identifies whether a student had commenced and completed a Bachelor's degree program, and the last year in which the student was enrolled in such a program.
PERSON_ID Uniquely identifies the student within the institution and that remains constant from year to year
OLD_PRIOR_POST_GRAD Indicates if student had commenced and completed a higher doctorate, doctorate degree or other post-graduate program and the last year that the student was enrolled in such a program, as described in the higher education student data colle
REPORTED_IND Describes if or not the record has been included on a report
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
COURSE_CD Describes the program the student is studying

Student System - IGS_ST_GVT_STDNTLOAD This entity describes a students load details as captured at the census date for each government submission of the Student Load File.
Column Name Descritpion
SUBMISSION_NUMBER Describes the Government submission number, for example, 1, 2 or 3.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifer of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
SUA_LOCATION_CD Unit Section Location Code
UNIT_CLASS Unit Section Unit Class
PERSON_ID Describes a code that uniquely identifies the student within the institution and remains constant from year to year. Reported in the student load file.
COURSE_CD Identifies the program the student is studying. Reported in the student load file.
CRV_VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the program being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the Government submission
GOVT_SEMESTER Describes the code that identifies the semester that the student load being reported for a unit of study or part of a unit of study occurs. For example, 1 - semester 1, 2 - semester 2, 3 - summer school. Reported in the student load file.
UNIT_CD Describes the unit code of the unit being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the Government submission. Reported in the student load file.
UV_VERSION_NUMBER Describes the version number of the unit being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the Government submission.
SUBMISSION_YR Describes the reference year of the Government submission
SUA_CAL_TYPE The calendar type of the student unit attempt that the Government submission is for.
SUA_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER The sequence number of the calendar instance of the student unit attempt that the Government submission is for.
TR_ORG_UNIT_CD Describes the code that uniquely identifies an academic organizational unit within an institution. Reported in the student load file.
TR_OU_START_DT Describes the date from that the organizational unit is effective
DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD The institution-defined code of the discipline group of the unit being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the Government submission. This code maps to an equivalent Government value. See Appendix E classification of h
GOVT_DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD The discipline group of the unit being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the DETYA submission. Reported in the student load file.
INDUSTRIAL_IND Describes if or not the effective full time student units value for a unit of study or part of a unit of study is generated by a work experience in industry component. Reported in the student load file.
EFTSU Equivalent full time student unit value generated in a semester by a unit of study or a part of a unit of study for a particular stage of a particular program for a particular academic organizational unit and discipline group combination.
UNIT_COMPLETION_STATUS Describes if a student has completed, failed, withdrawn from, will commence later in the year or is still in the process of completing a unit of study as captured at the census date for the Government submission. Reported in the student l
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_ST_GVT_STDNT_LBL This entity describes a students liability details as captured at the census date for each government submission of the Student Liability File.
Column Name Descritpion
VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the program being studied by the student as captured at the census date for the Government submission.
GOVT_SEMESTER Identifies the Government semester in which the student load being reported for a unit of study or part of a unit of study occurs. For example, 1 - semester 1, 2 - semester 2, 3 - summer school. Reported in the contribution liability statu
HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION Institution-defined code that identifies, for an enrollment in a program, the exemption status for the higher education contribution scheme liability for a semester. This code maps to an equivalent Government value.
GOVT_HECS_PAYMENT_OPTION Code that identifies, for an enrollment in a program, the exemption status for the higher education contribution scheme liability for a semester. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
SUBMISSION_YR Describes the reference year of the Government submission
TOTAL_EFTSU The aggregated effective full time student units value generated in a semester for student load for all types of units of study or parts of units of study that relate to the student program, and that are counted for the semester. Reported i
INDUSTRIAL_EFTSU The aggregated effective full time student units value generated in a semester for student load for all work experience in industry components that relate to the student program, and that are counted for that semester. Reported in the contr
HECS_PREXMT_EXIE The contribution amount, prior to determination of exemption status, calculated for student load for non work experience in industry components of a student program, that are counted for a semester. Reported in the contribution liability s
HECS_AMOUNT_PAID The amount that has been paid for thehHigher education contribution scheme liability for a semester. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
TUITION_FEE The tution fee charged in respect of an amount of effective full time student units being reported. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
DIFFERENTIAL_HECS_IND Describes if or not the contribution liability has been calculated through the differential HECS charging scale. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
BIRTH_DT Day, month and year of birth of the student
SUBMISSION_NUMBER Describes the Government submission numbe, for example, 1, 2 or 3.
SEX Identifies the sex of the student
CITIZENSHIP_CD An institution-defined code indicating a student's citizenship and residence status. This institution-defined code maps to a Government citizenship or residence code.
PERSON_ID Uniquely identifies the student within the institution and that remains constant from year to year. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
GOVT_CITIZENSHIP_CD Code indicating a student's citizenship and residence status
PERM_RESIDENT_CD Institution-defined code that identifies if the student has permanent resident status or not. This code maps to an equivalent Government value.
GOVT_PERM_RESIDENT_CD Identifies if the student has permanent resident status or not
COMMENCEMENT_DT Date that the student commenced the current program attempt for the first time
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
COURSE_CD Identifies the program the student is studying. Reported in the contribution liability status file.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_ST_UNT_LOAD_APPO This entity describes the apportion of load for a particular unit in a teaching period. Example. 75% in semester 1 only and 25% in semester 2 only
Column Name Descritpion
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies the calendar instance
UNIT_CD Code of a unit that contributes load to a specified load calendar during a particular teaching period
VERSION_NUMBER Version number of the unit. Students are normally enrolled in the current version. Prior versions are end-dated.
TEACH_CAL_TYPE Name of the teaching calendar
PERCENTAGE The proportion of student load that is effective full time student units expressed as a percentage, contributed by the unit in the teaching period to the specified load calendar instance. Unit load apportionment overrides standard teaching
SECOND_PERCENTAGE The proportion of student load that is effective full time student units expressed as a percentage, contributed by the unit in the teaching period to the second instance of the specified load calendar. It is used in cases where a single tea
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
DLA_CAL_TYPE Abbreviated name of the load calendar type

Student System - IGS_ST_GVT_SPSHT_CTL_ALL This entity describes the characteristics of each government submission and is used to control the various snapshot and extract processes. There is a version for each government submission. Example 1995 submission 1.
Column Name Descritpion
SUBMISSION_NUMBER Higher education student data collection submission number
ESS_SNAPSHOT_DT_TIME Displays the date the enrollment statistics snapshot was captured
COMPLETION_DT Displays the date that the enrollments statistics snapshot data was frozen
ORG_ID Operation unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
SUBMISSION_YR Higher education student data collection submission year
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program

Student System - IGS_TR_GROUP_MEMBER IGS_TR_GROUP_MEMBER describes the tracking items that are members in a tracking grouping.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_GROUP_ID Name of the tracking group
TRACKING_ID System generated identifier of a tracking item assigned to the tracking group. A tracking group can have multiple tracking items as members. A tracking item is any business document or process monitored on the system.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_GROUP_NOTE This table will store references to notes held against a tracking group.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_GROUP_ID Used to uniquely identify each occurrence of a tracking group
REFERENCE_NUMBER Used to uniquely identify each occurrence of a note.
TRK_NOTE_TYPE Name of a type of note used within the tracking facility. Note types are institution-defined and are used for the purpose of a categorizing notes.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_ITEM_NOTE This table will store references to notes held against a tracking item.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_ID Used to uniquely identify each occurrence of a tracking item
REFERENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies each occurrence of a note
TRK_NOTE_TYPE Name of a type of note used within the tracking facility. Note types are institution-defined and are used for the purpose of a categorizing notes.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_NOTE_TYPE This table describes the user-defined note types for the Tracking Facility
Column Name Descritpion
TRK_NOTE_TYPE Identifies the type of note within the tracking facility
DESCRIPTION Provides an explanation for the type of note within the tracking facility
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_STATUS This entity describes the user-defined tracking statuses. These map back to the system-defined tracking statuses which are recognized by system functionality.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_STATUS The institution-defined name of a tracking status. Tracking statuses are assigned to tracking items, as an indication of the level of activity of an item. Each status is mapped to a system defined tracking status. For example, the institut
DEFAULT_IND Indicates the tracking status is the system default one
DESCRIPTION Description of the tracking status. Tracking statuses are assigned to tracking items as an indication of the level of activity of an item. Each status is mapped to a system tracking status For example, the institution-defined status current
S_TRACKING_STATUS Name of a system defined tracking item status. Each institution-defined tracking status is mapped to a system status.
CLOSED_IND Specifies if the tracking status is open or closed. Selecting the checkbox to 'closed', prevents use of the status in new or modified tracking item records.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_STEP This entity describes a particular step of a tracking item. The steps may be the default steps which have been setup for each tracking type or they may be additional or alternate steps defined by a user.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_ID System generated tracking item identification
RECIPIENT_ID Indentification of the tracking step recipient, or the person to whom the tracking item is sent. The recipient is typically a member of staff of the institution.
STEP_GROUP_ID Stores the Step Group Id of the Tracking Item Step
PUBLISH_IND Publish indicator
STEP_CATALOG_CD Stores the Step Catalog Code of the Tacking Item Step
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
TRACKING_STEP_ID System generated tracking step identification
TRACKING_STEP_NUMBER Sequence number of the tracking step, that is used to identify each stage of tracking. A step can be re-sequenced, if it, together with subsequent steps, has not been completed.
DESCRIPTION Tracking step description, that typically describes the required action.
S_TRACKING_STEP_TYPE Describes the system defined tracking step types. These are not able to be altered by users as they are recognized by system functionality.
COMPLETION_DT Date that action was taken for the tracking step. The current date is inserted by the system when the step complete indicator is selected and saved, but it can be overridden.
ACTION_DAYS Number of days the step recipient has to complete the step. This value is inherited from the tracking type step action days, and is used by the system to calculate the date by that the tracking item step should be completed, that is, the 'a
STEP_COMPLETION_IND Specifies if or not the tracking step has been completed. Selecting the indicator and saving the change causes the system to complete the step by automatically inserting the current date as the completion date. This date can be overridden.
BY_PASS_IND Specifies if or not the tracking step is to be by passed. Selecting the checkbox by-passes the step and causes the system to recalculate the action dates of subsequent steps. Only non-completed steps can be by-passed.

Student System - IGS_TR_STEP_NOTE This table stores references to notes held against a tracking step.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_ID Used to uniquely identify each occurrence of a tracking item
TRACKING_STEP_ID Uniquely identifies each occurrence of a tracking step within a tracking item.
REFERENCE_NUMBER Used to uniquely identify each occurrence of a note
TRK_NOTE_TYPE Name of a type of note used within the tracking facility. Note types are institution-defined and are used for the purpose of a categorizing notes.
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_TYPE This entity describes the user-defined tracking types which exist within the system. They are mapped back to the system defined tracking types which are recognised by the system functionality.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_TYPE The institution-defined name of a tracking type. Tracking types are used to identify like tracking items. Each tracking type is mapped to a system tracking type (either explicit or undefined) to enable specific functionality. Examples ar
DESCRIPTION The description of the tracking type. Tracking types are used to identify like tracking items. Each tracking type is mapped to a system tracking type (either explicit or undefined) to enable specific functionality. Examples are Special
S_TRACKING_TYPE The name of a system-defined tracking type. Each tracking type is mapped to an explicit or undefined system tracking type.
TARGET_DAYS The maximum number of days after the start date that a tracking item of this type should take to complete all steps. This value is used by the system to calculate the Completion Required By date for tracking items of this type. originat
SEQUENCE_IND An indicator which specifies whether the tracking steps associated with tracking items of this type must be completed in sequence. Setting the checkbox (ticked) applies the sequential restriction. The value of this indicator is inherited
BUSINESS_DAYS_IND An indicator which specifies whether or not the derivation of the tracking item required completion date and tracking step action dates is restricted to business days. Setting the checkbox (ticked) applies the business days restriction.
CLOSED_IND An indicator which specifies if the tracking type is open or closed. Setting the checkbox to 'closed' (ticked) prevents use of the tracking type in new tracking item records.

Student System - IGS_TR_TYP_STEP_NOTE This table will store references to notes held against a tracking type step.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_TYPE Describes the user definable tracking types that are used to assist in identifying the items being tracked. These map back onto system defined tracking types that are recognized by system functionality. For example, special consideration
TRACKING_TYPE_STEP_ID Uniquely identifies each occurrence of a tracking type step within a tracking type
REFERENCE_NUMBER Uniquely identifies each occurrence of a note
TRK_NOTE_TYPE Name of a type of note used within the tracking facility. Note types are institution-defined and are used for the purpose of a categorizing notes.
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_GROUP_ALL This entity describes a grouping of tracking items. The ability to group tracking items together may have a number of uses within the system.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_GROUP_ID Unique name of the tracking group. A tracking group is an institution-defined grouping of tracking items. For example, all special consideration applications for student 12345678 in semester 1 1999-all applications for admission to program
DESCRIPTION Describes tracking group. A tracking group is an institution-defined grouping of tracking items. For example, all special consideration applications for student 12345678 in semester 1 1999-all applications for admission to program abc123 in
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_ITEM_ALL Describes each occurrence of a tracking process for a particular student.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_ID System generated identification number used to uniquely identify a tracking item
S_CREATED_IND Indicates that the system has created the tracking item. User cannot delete steps of a system created tracking item.
OVERRIDE_OFFSET_CLC_IND Override offset calculation
COMPLETION_DUE_DT Completion due date
PUBLISH_IND Publish indicator
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
REQUEST_ID Request identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Application identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Last update date of this record by a concurrent program
PROGRAM_ID Program identifier of last concurrent program to update this record
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
TRACKING_STATUS An institution-defined tracking status used to define the current state of a tracking item. Institution-defined tracking statuses map onto system defined tracking statuses that are recognized by system functionality.
TRACKING_TYPE The name of an institution-defined tracking type, used to assist in identifying items being tracked. Each tracking type is mapped to a system tracking type, either explicit or undefined, to enable specific functionality. For example, specia
SOURCE_PERSON_ID The identification of the person who is the subject of the tracking item. Typically, a student is the tracking item subject. For example, if a special consideration application is being tracked, the student who submitted the application is
START_DT Date the tracking item was initiated. This date is set by the system and cannot be overridden.
TARGET_DAYS Maximum number of days from the start date that all tracking item steps should take to complete. This value is inherited from the target days value of the tracking type.
SEQUENCE_IND Specifies if the tracking steps associated with the tracking item must be completed in sequence. Setting the checkbox ticked applies the sequential restriction.
BUSINESS_DAYS_IND Specifies if the derivation of the tracking item required completion date and tracking step action dates is restricted to business days. Selecting the checkbox -ticked- applies the business days restriction.
ORIGINATOR_PERSON_ID Indentification of the person who created the tracking item

Student System - IGS_TR_TYPE_STEP_ALL This entity describes the default steps which are held for each tracking type.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_TYPE Name of an institution-defined tracking type, used to assist in identifying items being tracked. Each tracking type is mapped to a system tracking type -either explicit or undefined- to enable specific functionality. For example, are specia
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
TRACKING_TYPE_STEP_ID Unique identifier of the tracking type step
TRACKING_TYPE_STEP_NUMBER The sequence number of the tracking type step, that is used to identify each stage of tracking. Steps can be re-sequenced using the zoom buttons.
DESCRIPTION Description of the tracking type step, that is typically the action to be taken. The description is inherited by tracking items of this type, but can be overridden. Tracking type steps are inherited by tracking items of the same type, but c
S_TRACKING_STEP_TYPE Describes the system defined tracking step types. These are not able to be altered by users as they are recognized by system functionality.
ACTION_DAYS The normal maximum number of days to complete the step for tracking items of this type. This value, together with the value of the sequential and business days indicators, is used by the system to calculate the action date of the tracking i
RECIPIENT_ID The identifier of the default step recipient for tracking items of this type. The default recipient can be overridden when tracking items are created.
STEP_GROUP_ID Grouping Id to indicate the steps belonging to the same group within the Tracking Type
PUBLISH_IND Decides to display the tracking steps for the tracking type on the self service screen
STEP_CATALOG_CD Step code from the step catalog table
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_TST_RSLT_DTLS Table that stores test results details for an Online Admission Application
Column Name Descritpion
SS_TST_RSLT_DTLS_ID Online Test Results Details Identifier ( SS_ TST_RSLT_DTLS _S )
TEST_SEGMENT_ID Test Segment Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred

Student System - IGS_SS_TEST_RESULTS Table that stores Test Results details for an Online Admission Application
Column Name Descritpion
SS_TEST_RESULTS_ID Online Test Results Identifier ( SS_TEST_RESULTS_S )
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred
ADM_TEST_TYPE Admission Test Type
TEST_DATE Date on which the test was administered
COMP_TEST_SCORE Composite Test Score
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SS_ACAD_HONOR Table that stores Academic Honors Details for an Online Admission Application
Column Name Descritpion
ACAD_HONOR_TYPE_ID Academic Honor type
HONOR_DATE Academic Honor Received Data
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
SS_ACAD_HONOR_ID Online Academic Honors Details Identifier ( SS_ACAD_HONOR _S )
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred

Student System - IGS_SS_EXCURR Table that stores Extracurricular Activity details for an Online Admission Application
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID person id
INTEREST_TYPE_CODE Extracurricular Activity Type
SUB_INTEREST_TYPE_CODE Sub interest type code
HOURS_PER_WEEK Hours per week
SS_EXCURR_ID Online Employment Details Identifier ( SS_EXCURR_S )
WEEKS_PER_YEAR Weeks per year
LEVEL_OF_INTEREST Level of interest
LEVEL_OF_PARTICIPATION Level of participation
PARTICIPATE_IN_COLLEGE Intent to participate in college
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred

Student System - IGS_SS_PER_REL Table that stores Person Relationship details for an Online Admission Application
Column Name Descritpion
SS_PER_REL_ID Online Employment Details Identifier ( SS_PER_REL_S )
BIRTH_DT Birth Date
SEX Sex (M/F/U )
DECEASED Deceased Indicator ( Y/N )
PERSON_ID person id
DIVISION division
START_DT Start Date
END_DT End Date
INSTITUTION_CD_1 Institution Code
CURRENT_INST_1 Current Institution Indicator (Y/N )
COURSE_MAJOR_1 Program Code
COMMENTS_1 Comments
START_DATE_1 Start Date
END_DATE_1 End Date
INSTITUTION_CD_2 Institution Code
CURRENT_INST_2 Current Institution Indicator (Y/N )
COURSE_MAJOR_2 Program Code
COMMENTS_2 Comments
START_DATE_2 Start Date
END_DATE_2 End Date
PM_SITE_USE_CODE Site use code
PM_START_DT Start date
PM_END_DT End date
PM_ADDR_LINE_1 Address Line 1
PM_ADDR_LINE_2 Address Line 2
PM_ADDR_LINE_3 Address Line 3
PM_ADDR_LINE_4 Address Line 4
PM_PHONE_1 Phone 1
PM_PHONE_LINE_TYPE_1 Phone line type
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred

Student System - IGS_SS_EMP_DTL Stores the Employment Details for an Online Admission Application
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
DIVISION Division Name
START_DT Start Date
END_DT End Date
WEEKLY_WORK_HRS Weekly Work Hours
SS_EMP_DTL_ID Online Employment Details Identifier ( SS_EMP_DTL_S )
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred

Student System - IGS_SS_ACAD_HISTORY Stores the Academic History details for an Online Admission Application
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Person id
INSTITUTION_CD Institution Code
CURRENT_INST Current Institution Indicator (Y/N )
SS_ACAD_HISTORY_ID Online Academic History Identifier ( SS_ACAD_HISTORY_S )
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred
SELFREP_GRADING_SCALE_ID Self reported gpa - grading scale id

Student System - IGS_SS_ADMAPPL_USES Stores all the details of the admission applications received online
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Admission Application Id
SS_TABLE_NAME Admission Application Dependent table name(Child)
SS_TABLE_ID Primary Key from the dependent table.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
SS_ADMAPPL_USE_ID Admission Application Use Id

Student System - IGS_SS_ADMAPPL_PGM Stores all the details of the admission applications received online
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Admission Application Id
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
NOMINATED_COURSE_CD Nominated Program Code
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred
CRV_VERSION_NUMBER Course Code Version Number
APPLY_FOR_FINAID Apply for Financial Aid ( Y/N )
FINAID_APPLY_DATE Financial Aid Apply Date
UNIT_SET_1 Unit Set ( Possible areas of academic concentration )
UNIT_SET_1_VER_NUMBER Version Number
UNIT_SET_2 Unit Set ( Possible areas of academic concentration )
PS_NOTE_TYPE_ID Note type for personal statement
UNIT_SET_2_VER_NUMBER Version Number
PS_NOTE_TEXT Note text for personal statement
EDU_GOAL_PRIOR_ENROLL Education goal prior to enrollment
EDU_GOAL_POST_ENROLL Education goal post enrollment
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive Flexfield Structure Defining column
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flexfield Segment column

Student System - IGS_SS_ADM_APPL_ALL Stores all the details of the admission applications received online
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Online Admission Application Identifier ( SS_ADM_APPL_S )
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
SCH_APL_TO_ID School Applied to Identifier
SPCL_GRP_1 Special Group 1
SPCL_GRP_2 Special Group 2
COMMON_APP Common Application
TEACH_PERIOD_SEQ_NUMBER Teaching Period Sequence Number
TEACH_PERIOD_CAL_TYPE Teaching period calendar type.
ACAD_CAL_TYPE Academic Calendar Type
ACAD_CAL_SEQ_NUMBER Academic Calendar Sequence Number
SOURCE_TYPE_ID Admission Application Type
ADM_CAL_TYPE Admission Calendar Type
ADM_CAL_SEQ_NUMBER Admission Calendar Sequence Number
ADMISSION_CAT Admission Category
S_ADM_PROCESS_TYPE Admission Process Type
STATUS Inserted/Updated/Transferred
ORG_ID Operating unit identifier
APPL_SUBMIT_DATE Application Submission Date
PERSON_ID_TYPE Person Id type.
RESID_STAT_ID Residency Status Identifier
API_PERSON_ID Alternate Person Id
LANGUAGE_CD1 Id for Language 1
LANGUAGE_CD2 Id for Language 2
COUNTRY_CD1 Code for country citizenship 1
COUNTRY_CD2 Code for country citizenship 2
PLACE_OF_BIRTH Place of birth
VISA_TYPE Type of Visa
VISA_NUMBER Visa Number - Default value will be 0
VISA_EXPIRY_DT Visa expiry date
PASSPORT_NUMBER1 Passport Number One
PASSPORT_EXPIRY_DATE1 Passport Expiry Date One
DISCLOSURE_IND Disclosure Indicator (Y/N)
LEVEL_OF_QUAL Level of qualification
APP_SOURCE_ID Application Source
ACT_NOTE_TYPE_ID Note type for activity since last enrolled.
ACT_NOTE_TEXT Note text for activity since last enrolled.
WE_NOTE_TYPE_ID Note type for work experience
WE_NOTE_TEXT Note text for work experience

Student System - IGS_SS_TEST_CONF -- Obsolete in 2138615
Column Name Descritpion
INACTIVE Determines whether the value is Active/Inactive
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
TEST_CONFIG_ID A unique identifier to identify each of the Test Configurations

Student System - IGS_SS_PERTYP_RESP_GROUPS_ALL Stores the Person Type responsibility group details
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_TYPE_CODE Code representing Person Type
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
RESPONSIBILITY_ID Responsibility Identifier
REQUIRE_APPROVAL_FLAG Indicates if approval flag is required or not
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SS_PE_PERTYP_RESP_ALL Stores the Person Type responsibility details
Column Name Descritpion
PERTYP_RESP_ID Person Type Responsibility Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
PERSON_TYPE_CODE Code representing the Person Type
RESPONSIBILITY_ID Responsibility Identifier
START_DATE Effective Start Date
END_DATE Effective End Date
FND_USER_NAME Valid FND User who can log on to Self Service Applications with current person id attached to it
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier

Student System - IGS_SS_SU_SELECTION_ALL Stores the Student Unit Selections
Column Name Descritpion
USEC_SU_SELECTION_ID Student Unit Selection Identifier
COURSE_CD Course Code
ENROLLED_DT Date of Enrollment
ENROLLED_CP Credit Points Enrolled for
GRADING_SCHEMA_CD Grading Schema Code
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
UNIT_CD Unit Code
CAL_TYPE Calendar Type
CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Calendar Instance Sequence Number
LOCATION_CD Location Code
UOO_ID Unit Offering Option Identifier

Student System - IGS_TR_TYPE_ALL This entity describes the user-defined tracking types which exist within the system. They are mapped back to the system defined tracking types which are recognized by the system functionality.
Column Name Descritpion
TRACKING_TYPE The institution-defined name of a tracking type. Tracking types are used to identify like tracking items. Each tracking type is mapped to a system tracking type either explicit or undefined to enable specific functionality. For example, spe
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
ORG_ID Operating Unit Identifier
DESCRIPTION Description of the tracking type. Tracking types are used to identify like tracking items. Each tracking type is mapped to a system tracking type -either explicit or undefined- to enable specificfunctionality. Examples are special consider
S_TRACKING_TYPE Name of a system defined tracking type. Each tracking type is mapped to an explicit or undefined system tracking type.
TARGET_DAYS The maximum number of days after the start date that a tracking item of this type should take to complete all steps. This value is used by the system to calculate the completion required by date for tracking items of this type. Originator c
SEQUENCE_IND Specifies if the tracking steps associated with tracking items of this type must be completed in sequence. Selecting the checkbox ticked applies the sequential restriction. The value of this indicator is inherited by tracking items allocate
BUSINESS_DAYS_IND Specifies if or not the derivation of the tracking item required completion date and tracking step action dates is restricted to business days. Selecting the checkbox -ticked- applies the business days restriction. The value of this indicat
CLOSED_IND Specifies if the tracking type is open or closed. Selecting the checkbox to 'closed' -ticked- prevents use of the tracking type in new tracking item records.
PUBLISH_IND Decides to display the Tracking Steps for the Items on the self service screen
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_USET Holds Self Service Staging Inquiry Unit Sets records-Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_USET_ID Unique Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
INQ_INQ_ID Inquiry Id
UNIT_SET_PREF_ID Id for Unit Set Preference
INQ_UNIT_SET_CODE_ID Unit Set Code Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_INFO_REQ Holds Self Service Staging Information requested records - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_INFO_REQ_ID Inquiry Information Required Id
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
INQ_INQ_ID Inquiry Information Id
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_TESTSEG Holds Self Service Staging Inquiry Test Segments - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_TEST_SEG_ID Unique Id for Test Segment
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
INQ_TEST_ID Inquiry Test Identifier
ADMISSION_TEST_TYPE Admission Test Type - Obsolete
TEST_SEGMENT_ID Test Segment Type
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_PROG Holds Self Service Staging Inquiry Programs - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_PROG_ID Program Code Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
INQ_INQ_ID Inquiry Id
PROG_PREF_ID Program Preference Identifier
INQ_PROG_CODE_ID Inquiry Program Code Id
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_PROG_USET Holds Self Service Staging Inquiry Program Unit Sets - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_PROG_USET_ID Identifier for Inquiry Unit Set Code Corresponding To Inquiry Program Code
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
INQ_PROG_ID Inquiry Program Code Id
UNIT_SET_PREF_ID Unit Set Preference ID
INQ_PROG_UNIT_SET_ID Inquiry Unit Set Code ID related to a program code ID
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_TEST Holds Self Service Staging Inquiry Test records - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_TEST_ID Test Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
INQ_PERSON_ID Inquiry Person Id
COMP_TEST_SCORE Composite Test Score
TEST_SOURCE_ID Test Source Identifier
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_EXTRACURR Holds Self Service Staging Extracurricular activities - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_EXTRACURR_ID Extracurricular Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
START_DATE Start Date of the activity
END_DATE End Date of the activity
INQ_PERSON_ID Inquiry Person Id
INTEREST_TYPE_CODE Extracurricular Activity Type
INTEREST_NAME Extracurricular Activity Name
ACTIVITY_SOURCE_CD Activity Source Code
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_CONTACT Holds Self Service Staging Contact records - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_CONTACT_ID Unique Identifier for Contact ID
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
INQ_PERSON_ID Inquiry Person ID

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_PERSON_ALL Holds Self Service Staging Inquiry person - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
ORG_ID Multi-Org Id
BIRTH_DT Birth Date
SEX Gender
CITIZENSHIP1_ID Citizenship ID - 1
CITIZENSHIP2_ID Citizenship ID - 2
IMP_SOURCE_TYPE_ID Import Source Type ID
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
INQ_PERSON_ID Unique Identifier for Person Stage
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_ADDRESS Holds Self Service Staging Inquiry Address - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_ADDR_ID Unique Address Identifier
POSTCODE Postal Code
START_DATE Start Date for the Address
END_DATE End Date for the Address
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
INQ_PERSON_ID Inquiry Person ID
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
ADDR_USAGE Address Usage
ADDR_LINE_1 Address Line 1
ADDR_LINE_2 Address Line 2
ADDR_LINE_3 Address Line 3
ADDR_LINE_4 Address Line 4

Student System - IGS_SS_INQUIRY Holds Self Service Staging Inquiry records - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_INQ_ID Unique Identifier for Inquiry Id
ADM_CAL_TYPE Admission Calendar Type
ADM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Admission Calendar Sequence Number
HOW_KNOWUS_ID How Do You Learn About Us
WHO_INFLUENCED_ID Who Influenced Your Decision
IMP_SOURCE_TYPE_ID Import Source Type Id
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Attribute Category For Descriptive Flex field
ATTRIBUTE1 Descriptive Flex Field Column
INQ_PERSON_ID Inquiry Person Id
ATTRIBUTE2 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE3 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE4 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE5 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE6 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE7 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE8 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE9 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE10 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE11 Descriptive Flex Field Column
INQ_ENTRY_STAT_ID Inquiry Entry Status Id
ATTRIBUTE12 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE13 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE14 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE15 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE16 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE17 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE18 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE19 Descriptive Flex Field Column
ATTRIBUTE20 Descriptive Flex Field Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
INQ_ENTRY_LEVEL_ID Inquiry Entry Level Id
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
EDU_GOAL_ID Education Goal Id
ACAD_CAL_TYPE Academic Calendar Type
ACAD_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER Academic Calendar Sequence Number

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_ACAD Holds Self Service Staging Academic Interests - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_ACAD_ID Unique Identifier for Inquiry Academic Information
SELFREP_RANK_IN_CLASS Self Reported Rank In Class
SELFREP_CLASSSIZE Self Reported Class Size
SELFREP_TOTAL_CP_EARNED Self Reported Total Credit Points Earned
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
INQ_PERSON_ID Inquiry Person Id
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
CURRENT_INST Current Institution Id
START_DATE Start Date in this Institution
END_DATE End Date in this Institution
COURSE_MAJOR Previous Major

Student System - IGS_SS_INQ_COLLEGE Holds Self Service Staging College - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
INQ_COLLEGE_ID College Activity Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
REQUEST_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_APPLICATION_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_ID Standard who column for concurrent Programs
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE Standard who column for concurrent Programs
INQ_PERSON_ID Inquiry Person Id
INTEREST_NAME College Activity Name
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_TR_STEP_CTLG_ALL This is repository for tracking steps
Column Name Descritpion
STEP_CATALOG_ID Record identifier
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
DESCRIPTION Step description
ACTION_DAYS Total action days for the step
PUBLISH_IND Display the steps
CLOSED_IND Step inactive indicator
ORG_ID Implementing organisation identifier

Student System - IGS_SS_APP_PGM_STG Staging Table for Application Program Instance in SS
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADMAPPL_PGM_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application Program Instance
SCH_APL_TO_ID School Applying to Id
LOCATION_CD Location Code
EDU_GOAL_PRIOR_ENROLL Educational Goal Prior Enrollment
EDU_GOAL_POST_ENROLL Educational Goal Post Enroll. This column is OBSOLETE
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY Descriptive flex field qualifier.
ATTRIBUTE1 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE2 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE3 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
SS_ADM_APPL_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application
ATTRIBUTE4 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE5 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE6 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE7 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE8 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE9 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE10 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE11 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE12 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE13 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE14 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE15 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE16 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE17 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE18 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE19 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE20 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard who Column
CRV_VERSION_NUMBER Program Version Number
CREATED_BY Standard who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who Column
UNIT_SET1_TITLE Major1 Title. This column is OBSOLETE
UNIT_SET2_TITLE Major2 Title. This columns is OBSOLETE
ATTRIBUTE21 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE22 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE23 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE24 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE25 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE26 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE27 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE28 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE29 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE30 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE31 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE32 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE33 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE34 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE35 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
UNIT_SET_1 Major 1. This columns is OBSOLETE
ATTRIBUTE36 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE37 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE38 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE39 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ATTRIBUTE40 Standard Attribute Column. Meant for descriptive flex field.
ORG_ID Org Id Indicator
FINAL_UNIT_SET_CD Final unit set
FINAL_UNIT_SET_CD_VER Final unit set version number
UNIT_SET_1_VER_NUMBER Major 1 Version Number. This column is OBSOLETE
APPLY_FOR_FINAID Apply for Financial Aid Indicator
FINAID_APPLY_DATE Financial Aid Apply Date
UNIT_SET_2 Major 2.This column is OBSOLETE
UNIT_SET_2_VER_NUMBER Major 2 Version Number.This column is OBSOLETE

Student System - IGS_SS_ADM_APPL_STG This table describes admission of applicant to institution
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Self Service Admission Application Identifier
ENTRY_STATUS Entry Status - Obsolete
ENTRY_LEVEL Entry Level - Obsolete
SPCL_GRP_1 Special Group1
SPCL_GRP_2 Special Group2
APPLY_FOR_FINAID Apply for Financial Aid indicator - Obsolete
FINAID_APPLY_DATE Financial Aid Apply Date - Obsolete
LAST_UPDATE_DATE standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY standard who column
CREATION_DATE standard who column
CREATED_BY standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN standard who column
ORG_ID Org id indicator
DESCRIPTION Description for Calendar (Admission)
APP_SOURCE_ID Application Source Identifier
APPL_FEE_AMT Application Fee Amount
APPL_DATE Application Date
ACAD_CAL_TYPE Academic Calendar Type
ACAD_CAL_SEQ_NUMBER Academic Calendar Sequence Number
ADM_CAL_TYPE Admission Calendar Type
ADM_CAL_SEQ_NUMBER Admission Calendar Sequence Number
ADMISSION_CAT Admission Category
S_ADM_PROCESS_TYPE System Admission Process Type

Student System - IGS_SS_APP_REQ_STG Staging Table to store the application fee requirement details
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Admissions Application Identifier
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
APPLICANT_FEE_TYPE Application Fee Type
FEE_PAYMENT_METHOD Fee Payment Methods
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who Column
SS_APP_REQ_ID Applications Requirements Identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard who Column
CREATED_BY Standard who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who Column
REFERENCE_NUM Reference Number

Student System - IGS_SS_APPL_PERSTAT Staging table for Personal Statements for Application in SS
Column Name Descritpion
SS_PERSTAT_ID Personal Statement Identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Self Service Admission Application Identifier
PERSL_STAT_TYPE Personal Statement Type
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
ATTACH_EXISTS Indicates whether attachment exists

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_HNRS_STG Staging table for SS Application
Column Name Descritpion
ACAD_HONOR_ID Sequence Generated PK
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column : Last Updated Date
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO column : Last Updated Login
REQUEST_ID Request Id of the concurrent process if required
PERSON_ID Person Id of the person
APPLICATION_ID Application number of the application in context
ACAD_HONOR_TYPE_ID Academic Honor Type
COMMENTS Any comments the user might enter about the honor
HONOR_DATE Date on which this honor was conferred
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column : Created By
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column : Created Date
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column : Last Updated By

Student System - IGS_SS_APP_PGM_STG_ALL
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADMAPPL_PGM_ID Application Program Id
SCH_APL_TO_ID School Applied to id
LOCATION_CD Location Code
ATTENDANCE_MODE Attendance mode
EDU_GOAL_PRIOR_ENROLL Educational Goal Prior Enroll
EDU_GOAL_POST_ENROLL Educational Goal Post Enroll
ATTRIBUTE1 Attribute1
ATTRIBUTE2 Attribute2
ATTRIBUTE3 Attribute3
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Application id
ATTRIBUTE4 Attribute4
ATTRIBUTE5 Attribute5
ATTRIBUTE6 Attribute6
ATTRIBUTE7 Attribute7
ATTRIBUTE8 Attribute8
ATTRIBUTE9 Attribute9
ATTRIBUTE10 Attribute10
ATTRIBUTE11 Attribute11
ATTRIBUTE12 Attribute12
ATTRIBUTE13 Attribute13
NOMINATED_COURSE_CD Nominated Course Code
ATTRIBUTE14 Attribute14
ATTRIBUTE15 Attribute15
ATTRIBUTE16 Attribute16
ATTRIBUTE17 Attribute17
ATTRIBUTE18 Attribute18
ATTRIBUTE19 Attribute19
ATTRIBUTE20 Attribute20
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard who Column
CREATED_BY Standard who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who Column
UNIT_SET1_TITLE Major1 Title
UNIT_SET2_TITLE Major2 Title
ATTRIBUTE21 Attribute21
ATTRIBUTE22 Attribute22
ATTRIBUTE23 Attribute23
ATTRIBUTE24 Attribute24
ATTRIBUTE25 Attribute25
ATTRIBUTE26 Attribute26
ATTRIBUTE27 Attribute27
ATTRIBUTE28 Attribute28
ATTRIBUTE29 Attribute29
ATTRIBUTE30 Attribute30
ATTRIBUTE31 Attribute31
ATTRIBUTE32 Attribute32
ATTRIBUTE33 Attribute33
ATTRIBUTE34 Attribute34
ATTRIBUTE35 Attribute35
UNIT_SET_1 Major 1
ATTRIBUTE36 Attribute36
ATTRIBUTE37 Attribute37
ATTRIBUTE38 Attribute38
ATTRIBUTE39 Attribute39
ATTRIBUTE40 Attribute40
ORG_ID org_id
UNIT_SET_1_VER_NUMBER Major 1 Version Number
UNIT_SET_2 Major 2
UNIT_SET_2_VER_NUMBER Major 2 Version Number

Student System - IGS_SS_ADM_APPL_STG_ALL
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Admission Appl id
SPCL_GRP_1 Special Group1
SPCL_GRP_2 Special Group2
APPLY_FOR_FINAID Apply for Finaid indicator
FINAID_APPLY_DATE Finaid Apply date
LAST_UPDATE_DATE standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY standard who column
CREATION_DATE standard who column
CREATED_BY standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN standard who column
ORG_ID Org id indicator
DESCRIPTION Description for Calandar
APP_SOURCE_ID Application Source Identifier
APPL_DATE Application Date
ACAD_CAL_TYPE Academic Calandar Type
ACAD_CAL_SEQ_NUMBER Academic Calandar Sequence Number
ADM_CAL_TYPE Admission Calandar Type
ADM_CAL_SEQ_NUMBER Admission Calandar Sequence Number
ADMISSION_CAT Admission Category
S_ADM_PROCESS_TYPE System Admission Process Type

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_SEC_STAT Table for checklist
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ADM_APPL_ID Application Number
SECTION AK Region Section Code
CREATED_BY standard who column
CREATION_DATE standard who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE standard who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN standard who column

Student System - IGS_TR_STEP_GRP_LMT This table will store the Step Group Limit for the Step Group ID of Tracking Steps
Column Name Descritpion
STEP_GROUP_ID Step Group Id for the Tracking Steps
STEP_GROUP_LIMIT Step Group Limit for the Step group Id for the Tracking Steps
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
TRACKING_ID Tracking ID for the Tracking Item

Student System - IGS_TR_TSTP_GRP_LMT This table will store the Step Group Limit for the Step Group ID of Tracking Step Types
Column Name Descritpion
STEP_GROUP_ID Step group Id for the Tracking Step Types
STEP_GROUP_LIMIT Step group limit for teh Step group ID for the Tracking Step Types
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
TRACKING_TYPE Stores the Tracking Type for which the group id are present

Student System - IGS_UC_APPLICANTS Holds applicant and application details.It synchronizes with UCAS views - 'ivStatement','ivQualification','ivStarC','ivStark','ivStarN'.
Column Name Descritpion
APP_ID Unique Record Identifier
STUDENT_SUPPORT Student support arrangement
PREF_REG NMAS - Preferred Region
QUAL_ENG NMAS - Qualified in English
QUAL_MATH NMAS - Qualified in Math's
QUAL_SCI NMAS - Qualified in Science
MAIN_QUAL NMAS - Main Qualification
QUAL_5 NMAS - Qualified with 5 Points
FUTURE_SERV SWAS - Future Service
FUTURE_SET SWAS - Future Setting
PRESENT_SERV SWAS - Present Service
ADDRESS_AREA Address area to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarA
PRESENT_SET SWAS - Present Setting
CURR_EMPLOYMENT SWAS - Current Employment
EDU_QUALIFICATION SWAS - Educational Qualification
AD_BATCH_ID Admissions Import Batch ID
AD_INTERFACE_ID Admissions Import Interface ID
NATIONALITY Applicant Nationality
DUAL_NATIONALITY Applicant Dual Nationality
SPECIAL_NEEDS Applicant Special Needs
COUNTRY_BIRTH Applicant Country of Birth
APPLICATION_DATE Application date to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
APPLICATION_SENT_DATE Application sent by UCAS date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
APPLICATION_SENT_RUN Application sent by UCAS run (batch) number, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK (Batch Id)
LEA_CODE Local education authority code, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
FEE_PAYER_CODE Fee payer code, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
FEE_TEXT Fee text, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
DOMICILE_APR Domicile code, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
CODE_CHANGED_DATE Coded information changed date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
APP_NO UCAS application number
SCHOOL School code, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
WITHDRAWN x to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
WITHDRAWN_DATE Withdrawn date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
REL_TO_CLEAR_REASON Reason for 'UF' to clearing by 'RR' transaction
ROUTE_B Applicant level Route B indicator, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK, indicates at applicant level
EXAM_CHANGE_DATE Examination details change date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
A_LEVELS Number of A levels expected, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
AS_LEVELS Number of AS levels expected, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
HIGHERS Number of highers expected, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
CSYS Number of CSYS expected, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
WINTER Number of winter A-levels expected, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
PREVIOUS Number of previous A/AS/Highers/CSYS, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
GNVQ (Y - yes, N - no) to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
BTEC (Y - yes, N - no) to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
ILC (Y - yes, N - no) to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
AILC (Y - yes, N - no) to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
IB (Y - yes, N - no) to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
MANUAL Manual investigation of previous results required (Y - yes, N - no), to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
REG_NUM Registration number, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
OEQ Other examination qualifications, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
CHECK_DIGIT UCAS application check digit
EAS Applied through Electronic Application System (Y - yes, N - no), to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
ROA Record of achievement, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
STATUS Applicant status, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
FIRM_NOW Firm choice number, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
FIRM_REPLY Firm reply, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
INSURANCE_REPLY Insurance reply, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
CONF_HIST_FIRM_REPLY Confirmation history firm reply, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
CONF_HIST_INS_REPLY Confirmation history insurance reply, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
RESIDENTIAL_CATEGORY Residential category, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK
PERSONAL_STATEMENT Statement of applicant intent, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStatement
PERSONAL_ID Unique Personal Identifier
IVQUAL_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification - Obsolete
MATCH_PREV Match status (full, part etc), to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
MATCH_PREV_DATE Date matched previous changed, to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
MATCH_WINTER Matched winter results, to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
MATCH_SUMMER Matched summer results, to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
GNVQ_DATE GNVQ moved date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
IB_DATE IB moved date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
ILC_DATE ILC moved date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
AILC_DATE AILC moved date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
GCSEQA_DATE GCSEQA moved date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivQualification
ENQUIRY_NO Clearing enquiry number
UK_ENTRY_DATE Available only from UCAS paper application form
PREV_SURNAME Available only from UCAS paper application form
CRIMINAL_CONVICTIONS (Y - yes, N - no) Available only from UCAS paper application form
IVSTARA_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarA - Obsolete
IVSTARC_TIMESTAMP Applicant level Timestamp for any change in any choice to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC - Obsolete
IVSTARK_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarK - Obsolete
IVSTARN_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarN - Obsolete
SENT_TO_HESA Sent to HESA (Y - yes, N - no)
SENT_TO_OSS Indicates wether this record has been exported to OSS or not
BATCH_IDENTIFIER Import Batch Identifier
OSS_PERSON_ID Mapped OSS person number
GCE Number of GCE
VCE Number of VCE expected
SQA SQA candidate
PREVIOUSAS Number of previous summer AS levels
KEYSKILLS Indicating if applicant is taking key skills
VOCATIONAL Indicating if applicant is taking Vocational Exams
SCN Scottish Candidate Number
PREVOEQ Previous Other Examination Qualifications
CHOICES_TRANSPARENT_IND Indicates whether the Student Application Choices are visible to institution or not.
EXTRA_STATUS Indicates the applicant's EXTRA processing status. This field will be populated when using HERCULES interface only. For Marvin Interface its value will be NULL
EXTRA_PASSPORT_NO Holds the applicant's extra processing passport ID. This field will be populated when using Hercules interface only. For applicant's who apply on the web will contain 'WEB'
REQUEST_APP_DETS_IND Request Application Details Indicator. Default 'N'.
REQUEST_COPY_APP_FRM_IND Request Copy of Application Form Indicator. Default 'N'.
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
CEF_NO The applicant's clearing entry form number
NAME_CHANGE_DATE Name change date to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarN
NI_NUMBER NMAS - UK National Insurance Number
EARLIEST_START NMAS - Earliest Start Date
NEAR_INST NMAS - Nearest Institution

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_RESULTS Holds applicant examination results . It synchronizes with UCAS view 'ivStarPQR'.
Column Name Descritpion
APP_ID Unique applicant identifier
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
APP_NO UCAS application number
ENQUIRY_NO Clearing enquiry number
EXAM_LEVEL Examination level
YEAR Examination year
SITTING (S - summer, W - winter)
AWARD_BODY Awarding body
SUBJECT_ID Subject code synchronized with ivStarPQR
APP_RESULT_ID Unique Record Identifier
PREDICTED_RESULT Predicted result
RESULT_IN_OFFER Result stated in conditional offer
EBL_RESULT Result declared by exam board synchronized with ivStarPQR
EBL_AMENDED_RESULT Amended result declared by exam board synchronized with ivStarPQR
CLAIMED_RESULT Applicant claimed result synchronized with ivStarPQR
IVSTARPQR_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarPQR - Obsolete
IMPORTED Record imported from UCAS ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column

Student System - IGS_UC_COM_EBL_SUBJ Holds the list of subjects of an examining board. It synchronizes with UCAS view 'cvEBLSubject'
Column Name Descritpion
DATETIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view cvEBLSubject - Obsolete
YEAR Year (1950-2049)
SITTING No S - summer, W - winter
AWARDING_BODY Awarding Body Code
EXTERNAL_REF Awarding Body's own module / paper / exam identifier
EXAM_LEVEL Examination level
TITLE Subject Title
SUBJECT_CODE UCAS subject abbreviation
SUBJECT_ID Subject Identifier
IMPORTED Record imported from UCAS? ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column

Student System - IGS_UC_COM_SCH Holds the list of all schools known to UCAS. It synchronizes with UCAS view 'cvSchool'.
Column Name Descritpion
DATETIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view cvSchool - Obsolete
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
SCHOOL_NAME School name
NAME_CHANGE_DATE School name change date
FORMER_NAME School former name
NCN Cambridge National Candidate Number (NCN) for exam matching purposes
DFEE_CODE DFEE school code
COUNTRY APR country code
SCHOOL UCAS school code
LEA APR local education authority code
UCAS_STATUS School status (L - live, M - merged, N - not live, C - closed)
ESTAB_GROUP Establishment group
SCHOOL_TYPE School type
STATS_DATE Date when statistics collected
NUMBER_ON_ROLL Number on roll
NUMBER_IN_5_FORM Number in 5th Form
NUMBER_IN_6_FORM Number in 6th Form
NUMBER_TO_HE Number in higher education
IMPORTED Record imported from UCAS? ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)

Student System - IGS_UC_EXP_QUAL_SUM The expected qualification summary table will hold the qualifications attained by this applicant
Column Name Descritpion
EXP_QUAL_SUM_ID Expected qualification summary identifier(Sequence generated)
IB IB Indicator
ILC ILC Indicator
AILC AICE Indicator
KSI Key Skills Indicator
ROA ROA Indicator
MANUAL Manual Check Required
OEQ OEQ Indicator
VQI Vocational Qualification Indicator
SEQ_UPDATED_DATE Sequence Updated Date
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
EXP_GCE Expected CGE
EXP_VCE Expected VCE
PREV_A_LEVELS Previous A Level
PREV_AS_LEVELS Previous AS Level
SQA SQA Candidate
BTEC BTEC Indicator

Student System - IGS_UC_ADM_SYSTEMS List of the UCAS System details. - OBSOLETE
Column Name Descritpion
MARVIN_SEQ Marvin flat file sequence control number
CLEARING_FLAG Flag indicates whether the System allows the Clearing Period or not
EXTRA_FLAG Flag indicates whether the System allows the Extra Period or not
CVNAME_FLAG Flag indicates whether an applicant record requires to search in CVNAME or not
NAME System Name
DESCRIPTION System Description
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column

Student System - IGS_UC_ATTEND_HIST The attendance history table will hold the details of the last institution attended by the applicant. Case and Seed Document: UC_2893542_UCFD210_Acad history Streamlining_CS_DP1.doc - Obsolete
Column Name Descritpion
ATTEND_HIST_ID Attendance history identifier.(Sequence generated)
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person Identifier
INST_CODE Institution Code
YEAR_COMM Year Commenced
YEAR_COMP Year Completed
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_UC_EXAM_SCORES Holds records that links to exam level values in IGS_UC_REF_CODES and holds grades/points against exam levels.
Column Name Descritpion
EXAM_SCORES_ID Unique Record Identifier
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
REF_CODE_TYPE Always 'EL' to link to column - IGS_UC_REF_CODES.code_type
EXAM_LEVEL Examination level.Links to column - IGS_UC_REF_CODES.CODE.
POINTS Point score
GRADES Grade score
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns

Student System - IGS_UC_DEFAULTS Holds default values that will get applied to UCAS application records being imported into OSS . This table will always hold 1 record at any time
Column Name Descritpion
ACA_CAL_ALT_ID Academic calendar Alternate Id - Obsolete
TEST_CHOICE_NO Application choice number to be used for testing offer conditions
TEST_TRANSACTION_TYPE Transaction type to be used for testing offer conditions
COPY_UCAS_ID Indicates the source of person number to be exported to OSS if auto-numbering is switched off in OSS . 'Y" indicates that the UCAS Id should be copied into person number . 'N' indicates that the customer will customize a stub routine to gen
DECISION_MAKE_ID The Unique Person Id assigned automatically to the application on creation
DECISION_REASON_ID The unique Id Assigned to the decision reason code field of the admission application
OBSOLETE_OUTCOME_STATUS User Admissions outcome status code with system status VOIDED
PENDING_OUTCOME_STATUS User Admissions outcome status code with system status PENDING
REJECTED_OUTCOME_STATUS User admissions outcome status code with system status REJECTED
ACA_CAL_TYPE Academic Calendar Type - Obsolete
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
ACA_CAL_SEQ_NO Academic Calendar Sequence Number - Obsolete
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
NI_NUMBER_ALT_PERS_TYPE National Insurance Number Alternate Person ID Type
NAME System Name
DESCRIPTION System Description
ADM_CAL_ALT_ID Academic calendar Alternate Id - Obsolete
CURRENT_CYCLE Current Cycle for this system
CONFIGURED_CYCLE Configured Cycle for this system
PREV_INST_LEFT_DATE Used to hold the default Day and Month details, which are used to construct the Academic History's Effective to Date from the UCAS Year Left Previous Institution value. This column will be having the year component as dummy value of 1904
ADM_CAL_TYPE Admission Calendar Type - Obsolete
ADM_CAL_SEQ_NO Admission Calendar Sequence Number - Obsolete
DEF_ACA_CAL_ALT_ID Deferred Academic Calendar Alternate Id - Obsolete
DEF_ACA_CAL_TYPE Deferred Academic Calendar Type - Obsolete
DEF_ACA_CAL_SEQ_NO Deferred Academic Calendar Sequence Number - Obsolete
DEF_ADM_CAL_ALT_ID Deferred Academic Calendar Alternate Id - Obsolete
DEF_ADM_CAL_TYPE Deferred Admission Calendar Type - Obsolete
DEF_ADM_CAL_SEQ_NO Deferred Admission Calendar Sequence Number - Obsolete
ADM_PROC_CAT Case and Seed document: UC_UCCR009_APC Import Changes_3290860_C_DP2.doc - Obsolete
ADM_PROC_TYPE Case and Seed document: UC_UCCR009_APC Import Changes_3290860_C_DP2.doc - Obsolete
CURRENT_INST_CODE Current Institution code
UCAS_ID_FORMAT 9 digit UCAs Id format for future use
TEST_APP_NO Application number to be used for testing offer conditions

Student System - IGS_UC_CRSE_VAC_OPS Holds course vacancy options that are updated to UCAS views . It synchronizes with UCAS view 'uvCourseVacOptions'
Column Name Descritpion
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
INSTITUTE Installed Institute code from IGS_UC_DEFAULTS.Current_Inst_code
UCAS_CAMPUS UCAS campus code
OPTION_CODE Option code
DATETIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view uvCourseVacOptions - Obsolete
UPDATER ID of the last updater
CL_UPDATED Vacancies updated not notified(Y- yes)
CL_DATE Vacancies updated date
VACANCY_STATUS (open,closed,overseas)
SENT_TO_UCAS Update sent to UCAS ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)

Student System - IGS_UC_CRSE_KEYWRDS Holds the keywords linked to a course during the UCAS admission cycle . It synchronizes with UCAS view 'uvCourseKeyword'
Column Name Descritpion
SENT_TO_UCAS Update sent to UCAS ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
INSTITUTE Installed Institute code from IGS_UC_DEFAULTS.Current_Inst_code
UCAS_CAMPUS UCAS campus code
OPTION_CODE Option code
CRSE_KEYWORD_ID Sequence generated primary key
KEYWORD Keyword value
PREFERENCE Priority order 1 to 6
DATETIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS - Obsolete
UPDATER No Longer used
ACTIVE No Longer used
DELETED Deleted Flag. Default of 'N'

Student System - IGS_UC_CRSE_DETS Holds additional details for a course that are updated to UCAS views Also holds details of courses run by other institutes , to synchronize with UCAS views 'cvCourse','uvCourse'.
Column Name Descritpion
SHORT_TITLE Course short title Synchronizes with UCAS view cvCourse , uvCourse
LONG_TITLE Course long title Synchronizes with UCAS view cvCourse , uvCourse
UCAS_CAMPUS UCAS campus code.Synchronizes with UCAS view cvcourse,uvCourse,uvCourseVacancies
OSS_LOCATION Mapped OSS location code
FACULTY UCAS faculty code.Synchronizes with UCAS view cvCourse , uvCourse
TOTAL_NO_OF_SEATS Total number of seats on program
MIN_ENTRY_POINTS Minimum entry points for program
MAX_ENTRY_POINTS Maximum entry points for program
CURRENT_VALIDITY validity for current year.Synchronizes with UCAS view cvCourse , uvCourse
DEFERRED_VALIDITY Validity for deferred year.Synchronizes with UCAS view cvCourse , uvCourse
OSS_PROGRAM_CODE Mapped OSS program code
TERM_1_START First term start date . Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourse
TERM_1_END First term end date . Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourse
TERM_2_START Second term start date . Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourse
TERM_2_END Second term end date . Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourse
TERM_3_START Third term start date . Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourse
TERM_3_END Third term end date . Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourse
TERM_4_START Fourth term start date . Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourse
TERM_4_END Fourth term end date . Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourse
CL_UPDATED Vacancies updated not notified (Y - yes).Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourseVacancies
CL_DATE Vacancies updated date.Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourseVacancies
OSS_PROGRAM_VERSION Mapped OSS program version
VACANCY_STATUS Vacancy status(open/closed/overseas etc.) .Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourseVacancies
NO_OF_VACANCY Number of vacancies .Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourseVacancies
SCORE (00-30) synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourseVacancies
RB_FULL (null - open , F-full) synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourseVacancies
SCOT_VAC Up to 6 grades of 'A' ,'B', or 'C' .Synchronizes with UCAS view uvCourseVacancies
SENT_TO_UCAS Update sent to UCAS ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)
UCAS_SYSTEM_ID UCAS System Identifier
JOINT_ADMISSION_IND Indicates that the course is joint admissions entity course. The value 'Y' indicates that the course is a joint admissions course.
OPEN_EXTRA_IND Indicates whether the course is open for EXTRA applications or not.
INSTITUTE Institute at which course is held
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
CLEARING_OPTIONS Indicates whether to use Clearing Option Codes for this course
IMPORTED Flag set to Y when record is imported from UCAS
KEYWRDS_CHANGED Indicates whether the Course related Keywords are changed or not
CVCOURSE_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view cvCourse - Obsolete
UVCOURSE_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view uvCourse - Obsolete
UVCRSEVAC_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view uvCrseVac - Obsolete

Student System - IGS_UC_COND_DETAILS This is the detail table in the offer library.It holds the condition that makes up the offer.
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
CONDITION_TEXT Condition free text
CONDITION_LINE Line number for condition name
ABBREVIATION Offer abbreviation code
GRADE_MARK Point score(currently not used)
POINTS Subject code
SUBJECT Subject code
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns

Student System - IGS_UC_COM_SCSICNTS Holds the list of all school site contacts. It synchronizes with UCAS view 'cvSchoolContact'.
Column Name Descritpion
SITECODE School Site Code
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
CONTACT_CODE School Site Contact Code
DATETIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view cvSchoolContact - Obsolete
CONTACT_POST Name of post held by contact
TELEPHONE Telephone number
FAX FAX number
EMAIL Email address
SCHOOL School Code
PRINCIPAL No Longer used
LISTS No Longer used
ORDERS No Longer used
FORMS No Longer used
REFEREE No Longer used
CAREERS No Longer used
EAS_CONTACT No Longer used
IMPORTED Record imported from UCAS? ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column

Student System - IGS_UC_COM_SCHSITES Holds the list of all school sites.. It synchronizes with UCAS view 'cvSchool'
Column Name Descritpion
SITECODE School Site Code
DATETIMESTAMP For future use, should UCAS decide to split cvSchool into cvSchool and cvSchoolSites - Obsolete
ADDRESS1 School Address Line 1
ADDRESS2 School Address Line 2
ADDRESS3 School Address Line 3
ADDRESS4 School Address Line 4
POSTCODE School Post Code
MAILSORT UK Mail Sort code for bulk emailing
SCHOOL School Code
COUNTRY_CODE Country Key (E - England, N - Northern Ireland, S - Scotland, W - Wales, O - Others)
IMPORTED Record imported from UCAS? ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column

Student System - IGS_UC_COM_INST Holds the list of all institutions. It synchronizes with UCAS view 'cvInstitution'.
Column Name Descritpion
DATETIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view cvInstitution - Obsolete
INST_CODE Abbreviated institution name
INST_NAME Institution name
UCAS Universities and Colleges Admissions Service Institution (Y-Yes, N-No)
GTTR For Future Use (Y-Yes, N-No) (Graduate Teacher Training Registry)
SWAS For Future Use (Y-Yes, N-No) (Social Work Admissions System)
NMAS For Future Use (Y-Yes, N-No) (Nursing and Midwifery Admissions System)
IMPORTED Record imported from UCAS? ('Y' Yes, 'N' No)
INST Institution Code
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_STATS Holds applicant data required for HESA purpose . It synchronizes with 'ivStarH' & 'ivStarX'
Column Name Descritpion
APP_ID Unique applicant identifier
STARH_SOCIO_ECONOMIC Socio Economic classification
STARX_SOCIO_ECONOMIC Socio Economic classification
STARX_OCC_BACKGROUND Occupation background
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
IVSTARH_DEPENDANTS NMAS - Number of Dependants
IVSTARX_RELIGION SWAS - Religion , 1 - Protestant, 2-Catholic , 3- Other
APP_NO UCAS application number
IVSTARX_DEPENDANTS NMAS - Number of Dependants
IVSTARX_MARRIED NMAS - Marital Status , S- single , M - Married , D- Divorced , W - Widowed , Blank - not known
IVSTARH_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarH - Obsolete
STARH_ETHNIC Ethnic code synchronized with UCAS view ivStarH
STARH_SOCIAL_CLASS Social class code, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarH
STARH_POCC_EDU_CHG_DT Parental occupation or last educational institution attended changed date, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarH
STARH_POCC Parental occupation code, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarH
STARH_POCC_TEXT Parental occupation description, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarH
APP_STAT_ID Unique Record Identifier
STARH_LAST_EDU_INST Last education institution attended, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarH
STARH_EDU_LEAVE_DATE Education leaving date, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarH
STARH_LEA Local Education Authority synchronized with ivStarH
IVSTARX_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarX - Obsolete
STARX_ETHNIC Ethnic code synchronized with UCAS view ivStarX
STARX_POCC_EDU_CHG Parental occupation or last educational institution attended changed date, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarX
STARX_POCC Parental occupation code, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarX
STARX_POCC_TEXT Parental occupation description, synchronized with UCAS view ivStarX
SENT_TO_HESA Record exported to HESA (Y - yes, N - no)

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_CLR_RND Holds applicant clearing round details . It synchronizes with UCAS view 'ivStartZ2'.
Column Name Descritpion
APP_CLEAR_ROUND_ID Unique record Identifier
OSS_LOCATION OSS Location code
FACULTY UCAS faculty code
ACCOMMODATION_REQD Accommodation required ( Y - yes , N - no)
CLEARING_APP_ID Unique Clearing Applicant record Identifier
ROUND_TYPE Previously used for central clearing.Now holds value 'F' for forms based clearing .
RESULT Clearing round coded result
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
APP_NO UCAS Application number
ENQUIRY_NO Clearing enquiry number
ROUND_NO Clearing round number
DATETIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStartZ2 - Obsolete
INSTITUTION Institution Code
UCAS_CAMPUS UCAS campus code

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_CHOICES Holds applicant choice details and related offer details. It is also used to synchronize with UCAS view 'ivOffer'.It also syncs. to 'ivStarC'.This table will hold child records only when the parent table 'IGS_UC_APPLICANTS' has 'App_No' pop
Column Name Descritpion
APP_ID Unique applicant identifier
ROUTE_B_PREF_ROUND Route B preference round number (1,2,3) to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
ROUTE_B_ACTUAL_ROUND Route B actual round number (1,2,3) to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
CONDITION_CATEGORY Attached offer condition category. Links an offer to a choice
CONDITION_CODE Attached offer condition name. Links an offer to a choice
DECISION Decision, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
DECISION_DATE Decision date, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
DECISION_NUMBER Decision number, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
REPLY Applicant reply, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
SUMMARY_OF_COND Summary of conditions, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
CHOICE_CANCELLED Choice cancelled (Y - yes, N - no), to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
APP_NO UCAS application number
ACTION Action by default, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
SUBSTITUTION Indicates substitution made, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
DATE_SUBSTITUTED Date a substitution was applied or made, post-15thDec, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
PREV_INSTITUTION Previous institution code, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
PREV_COURSE Previous UCAS course code, to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
PREV_CAMPUS Previous UCAS campus code to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
UCAS_AMENDMENT UCAS Amendment to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
WITHDRAWAL_REASON Reason for 'W' in 'LD', 'LA'
IVOFFER_TIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivOffer - Obsolete
OFFER_COURSE UCAS Course code in offer, to synchronize with UCAS view ivOffer
CHOICE_NO UCAS application choice number
OFFER_CAMPUS UCAS campus in offer, to synchronize with UCAS view ivOffer
OFFER_CRSE_LENGTH Duration of course in offer, to synchronize with UCAS view ivOffer
OFFER_ENTRY_MONTH Month of entry in offer, to synchronize with UCAS view ivOffer
OFFER_ENTRY_YEAR Year of entry in offer, to synchronize with UCAS view ivOffer
UCAS_CYCLE UCAS cycle to which this Application Choice belongs
OFFER_ENTRY_POINT Point of entry in offer, to synchronize with UCAS view ivOffer
OFFER_TEXT Text version of offer letter to synchronize with UCAS view ivOffer
EXPORT_TO_OSS_STATUS Default Value NEW,identifies the status of exporting this application choice
ERROR_CODE Identifies the error encountered while exporting the application choice to OSS ,meaningless when export_to_oss_status = 'NEW'
REQUEST_ID Request Id of the run of 'export applications to oss' process
BATCH_ID Admissions import process batch in which the last error was encountered
EXTRA_ROUND_NBR Holds the UCAS EXTRA processing round number.
LAST_CHANGE Choice level time stamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
INSTITUTE_CODE Institution code to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
INTERVIEW GTTR - Interview date
LATE_APPLICATION GTTR - Late Application flag
MODULAR GTTR - Modular flag
RESIDENTIAL NMAS - Residential Accommodation required
UCAS_PROGRAM_CODE UCAS course code to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
OSS_PROGRAM_CODE Mapped OSS program code
OSS_PROGRAM_VERSION Mapped OSS program version
APP_CHOICE_ID Unique Record Identifier
CAMPUS UCAS campus code to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
OSS_LOCATION OSS location code
FACULTY UCAS faculty code to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
ENTRY_YEAR Year of entry to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
ENTRY_MONTH Month of entry to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
POINT_OF_ENTRY Point of entry to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
HOME Applicant will live at home (Y - yes, N - no) to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarC
DEFERRED Applied for deferred entry (Y - yes, N - no). Default is No

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_CHO_CNDS Holds the non-academic conditions against applicant choices
Column Name Descritpion
APP_CHOICE_COND_ID Unique Record Identifier
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
APP_CHOICE_ID Unique application choice Identifier
APP_NO UCAS application number
CHOICE_NO UCAS Application choice number
CONDITION_TYPE Non-academic condition type(free-format text entered by user)
CONDITION_DESC Non-academic condition description(free-format text entered by user)
SATISFIED Non-academic condition satisfied by applicant(Y-yes,N-no)
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_CLEARING Holds applicant clearing details . It synchronizes with UCAS view 'ivStarZ1'.
Column Name Descritpion
CLEARING_APP_ID Unique clearing Applicant record Identifier
COURSE UCAS course code
CAMPUS UCAS campus code
ENTRY_MONTH Month of entry
ENTRY_YEAR Year of entry
ENTRY_POINT Point of entry
RESULT Result of clearing
CEF_RECEIVED Clearing form Received ( Y- yes , N - no)
CLEARING_APP_SOURCE Applicant's source of clearing information ( N - newspaper , O - other)
IMPORTED Record imported from UCAS (' Y' Yes , 'N' No)
CREATED_BY Standard WHO columns
APP_ID Unique applicant identifier
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO columns
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard WHO columns
ENQUIRY_NO Enquiry Identifier
APP_NO UCAS application number
DATETIMESTAMP Timestamp to synchronize with UCAS view ivStarZ1 - Obsolete
DATE_CEF_SENT Date clearing entry form was sent
CEF_NO Clearing entry form number
CENTRAL_CLEARING Central clearing ( Y - yes , N - no)
INSTITUTION UCAS Institution code

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_ACADIN_STG Staging table for Academic Interests for a Self Service Admission Application
Column Name Descritpion
SS_ACADIN_ID A unique identifier to identify an academic interest for a self service admission application
SS_ADM_APPL_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application
FIELD_OF_STUDY Field of Study
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_APPINT_STG Staging table for applicant intent details for a self service admission application
Column Name Descritpion
SS_APPINT_ID A unique identifier to identify applicant intent details for a self service admission application
SS_ADM_APPL_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application
INTENT_TYPE_ID Applicant Intent
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_EDUGOA_STG Staging table for applicant education goals post enrollment details for a self service admission application program instance
Column Name Descritpion
SS_EDUGOA_ID A unique identifier to identify applicant education goals post enrollment details for a self service admission application
SS_ADMAPPL_PGM_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application Program Instance
EDU_GOAL_ID Education Goal
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_OTHINS_STG Staging table for applicants other institutions applied details for a self service admission application
Column Name Descritpion
SS_OTHINS_ID A unique identifier to identify applicants other institutions applied details for a self service admission application
SS_ADM_APPL_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SV_OTH_INFO Table that handles the gathering of other specific informtion that SEVIS requires on Foreign students and Exchange Visitors.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
PRINT_FORM Flag indicating to SEVIS whether to print the form or not
DRIVERS_LICENSE Drivers license number the student has.
DRIVERS_LICENSE_STATE State that the student drivers license was issued in
SSN Social Security Number for the student.
TAX_ID Tax identifier number that the student has.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_SPLINT_STG Staging table for special interests for a self service admission application
Column Name Descritpion
SS_SPLINT_ID A unique identifier to identify a Special Interest for a Self Service Admission Application
SS_ADM_APPL_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application
SPECIAL_INTEREST_TYPE_ID Special interest type id
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SV_ADDRESSES Table for foreign students and exchange visitors holding the addresses for US, Foreign, and Site of Activity.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
POSTAL_CODE Postal code for the students address given.
POSTAL_ROUTING_CODE Postal routing code for the students address.
COUNTRY_CODE Country code for the address given for the student
PROVINCE Province of the address given for the student
STDNT_VALID_FLAG Flag indicating if the student is valid or not
ACTION_TYPE Used for Exchange Visitors for site of activity address. R - Remove site A - Add site.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
REMARKS Address remarks for the Exchange Visitor
PRIMARY_FLAG To indicate that a particular Site of Activity is Primary
ACTIVITY_SITE_CD Stores the Site of Activity code
PARTY_SITE_ID Party site identifier for the persons address type.
PRINT_FORM Flag to indicate if the form is to be printed by SEVIS.
ADDRESS_TYPE Address type that indicates the record type being stored Foreign, US, or Site of Activity.
ADDRESS_LINE1 First line of the students address.
ADDRESS_LINE2 Second line of the students address.
CITY City for the address lines given for the student.
STATE State that the students address resides in.

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_SPLTAL_STG Staging table for special talents for a self service admission application
Column Name Descritpion
SS_SPLTAL_ID A unique identifier to identify an special talent for an self service admission application
SS_ADM_APPL_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application
SPECIAL_TALENT_TYPE_ID Special talent type id
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SV_BATCHES Main table for each Batch run for gathering information of Foreign Students and Exchange Visitors for SEVIS processing.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch run Identifier for the SEVIS data gathering process
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
SEVIS_ERROR_CODE SEVIS error code returned for the batch.
XML_GEN_DATE Date for XML Generation
INBOUND_PROCESS_DATE Date when the SEVIS Inbound was processed
SEVIS_SCHOOL_ORG_ID Party Id of the School
SCHEMA_VERSION Version of the XML Schema that is being used for the XML data transfer to SEVIS
SEVIS_USER_ID DSO of the batch
SEVIS_SCHOOL_ID SEVIS ID that is assigned to the School that is part of the SEVIS program
BATCH_STATUS Status flag value for the Batch that has been requested.
BATCH_TYPE Type of batch request that has been made. Foreign student request or Exchange Visitor
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SS_AD_UNITSE_STG Staging table for applicant desired unit set details for a self service admission application program instance
Column Name Descritpion
SS_UNITSE_ID A unique identifier to identify applicant desired unit set details for a self service admission application
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who column
SS_ADMAPPL_PGM_ID A unique identifier to identify a Self Service Admission Application Program Instance
UNIT_SET_CD Unit Set Code
VERSION_NUMBER Unit Set Version Number
CREATED_BY Standard Who column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who column

Student System - IGS_SV_BIO_INFO Table that is to be used for all the student Bio information that is new or updated. All information on Foreign students or Exchange Visitors that is required for SEVIS.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
SUFFIX Suffix for the persons name
GENDER Persons Gender.
LEGAL_RES_CNTRY_CODE Country code the student is legally from
POSITION_CODE SEVIS position code for the student
COMMUTER Flag indicating if student is commuter or not.
VISA_TYPE SEVIS code value for visa type the student is associated to.
REMARKS Storage for the remarks on the students Bio information
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
BIRTH_CITY The Exchange Visitor birth city
CATEGORY_CODE Category code value for the Exchange Visitor
BIRTH_CNTRY_RESN_CODE Stores the reason code if the birth of country is U.S. or a U.S. Territory
PRINT_FORM Flag to indicate if SEVIS is to print the form based on user request.
BIRTH_DATE Date of the persons birth.
BIRTH_CNTRY_CODE Country code that the person was born in.
LAST_NAME The persons last name.
CITIZEN_CNTRY_CODE Citizenship country code value for the person
MIDDLE_NAME Persons middle name.
FIRST_NAME Persons first name

Student System - IGS_SV_CONVICTIONS Table for foreign students that have had convictions and information that is needed to be sent to SEVIS.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
CONVICTION_ID Conviction identified for the record in the run
PRINT_FORM Flag to indicate if the form is to be printed by SEVIS or not
CRIMINAL_CONVICTION Flag indicating if the person has been convicted or not
REMARKS Comments made about the conviction
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SV_DEPDNT_INFO Table to hold the information on the dependent information for the Foreign students and Exchange Visitors for SEVIS.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
FIRST_NAME First name of the dependent.
MIDDLE_NAME Middle name of the dependent
SUFFIX Suffix for the name of the dependent
BIRTH_DATE Birth date of the dependent
GENDER Sex of the dependent.
BIRTH_CNTRY_CODE Stores the reason code if the birth of country is U.S. or a U.S. Territory
CITIZEN_CNTRY_CODE Country code of the dependent citizenship.
RELATIONSHIP Relationship the dependent is to the student
TERMINATION_REASON Reason code why dependent was terminated from student relation
RELATIONSHIP_REMARKS Remarks for the dependent relationship to student
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
PERM_RES_CNTRY_CODE Dependent permanent residency country code.
TERMINATION_EFFECT_DATE Date that the dependent was terminated from student relationship.
REMARKS Remarks on the dependent record.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
LEGAL_RES_CNTRY_CODE Legal residency country code for the Exchange Visitor
BIRTH_CITY City where the Exchange Visitor dependent was born.
DEPDNT_ID Student dependent record identifier.
OTHER_REASON_REMARKS Other reason remarks for the dependent information for Exchange Visitor
BIRTH_CNTRY_RESN_CODE Stores the reason code if the birth of country is U.S. or a U.S. Territory
REPRINT_RSN_CODE Captures the reason for Reprint
REPRINT_REMARKS Captures the remarks for Reprint
PERSON_NUMBER Person number for the dependent information being sent to SEVIS
PRINT_FORM Flag indicating if form is to be printed or not.
DEPDNT_ACTION_TYPE Dependent action being taken on the record.
DEPDNT_SEVIS_ID SEVIS identifier for the dependent of the student
VISA_TYPE Visa Type that the dependent has.
LAST_NAME Last name of the dependent.

Student System - IGS_SV_EMPL_INFO Table to hold all employment related information on Foreign students and Exchange Visitors that is required to be sent to SEVIS.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
EMPL_START_DATE Date that the student started this type of employment.
EMPL_END_DATE Date that the student is to end employment of this type.
EMPL_NAME Student employers company name
EMPL_TIME Employment time for this type Full or Part time.
COURSE_RELEVANCE Course that has relevance to this employment for student
EMPL_ADDR_LINE1 Employers address line 1.
EMPL_ADDR_LINE2 Employers address line 2.
CITY Employers city
STATE Employers state
POSTAL_CODE Employers postal code
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
POSTAL_ROUTING_CODE Employers postal routing code
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
ACTION_CODE Action to indicate, if it is a new record, to be deleted or to be modified
EMPL_REC_TYPE Employment record type that is being sent to SEVIS.
PRINT_FORM Flag indicating to SEVIS to print the form or not
EMPL_TYPE Employment type for the record being sent. Off campus OPT or CPT.
NONIMG_EMPL_ID Foreign student employment identifier.
RECOMMEND_EMPL Flag indicating if student has been recommended for employment or not.
RESCIND_EMPL Flag indicating if student has rescinded employment or not.
REMARKS Remarks made by student on employment record

Student System - IGS_SV_FINANCE_INFO Table that stores all the financial information on Foreign students and Exchange Visitors that is required for SEVIS.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
OTHER_EXP_DESC Description of the other expenses for the student
SCHOOL_FUNDS School funds amount for the student.
SCHOOL_FUNDS_DESC Description of the school funds amount
OTHER_FUNDS Other funds amount for the student
OTHER_FUNDS_DESC Other funds description for the student
EMPL_FUNDS Employment funds amount for the student
PROGRAM_SPONSOR Program sponsor for the Exchange Visitor
GOVT_ORG1 United States Government agency amount for the Exchange Visitor
GOVT_ORG2 United States Government agency amount for the Exchange Visitor
GOVT_ORG1_CODE United States government agency code supporting Exchange Visitor
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
GOVT_ORG2_CODE United States government agency code supporting Exchange Visitor
INTL_ORG1 International government agency amount for Exchange Visitor
INTL_ORG2 International government agency amount for Exchange Visitor
INTL_ORG1_CODE International agency code supporting Exchange Visitor
INTL_ORG2_CODE International agency code supporting Exchange Visitor
EV_GOVT Financial amount for Exchange Visitor from the students legal residence country
BI_NATNL_COM Bi-National Commision financial support amount for the Exchange Visitor.
OTHER_ORG Other organization funds amount for the Exchange Visitor.
REMARKS Remarks for the student financial information
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
PRINT_FORM Flag indicating if SEVIS is being requested to print the form
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
RECVD_US_GVT_FUNDS Yes or No flag indicating that the Exchange Visitor has received United States Government Funds.
GOVT_ORG1_OTHR_NAME Capture the name of the organization if the funding org is selected as OTHER
GOVT_ORG2_OTHR_NAME Capture the name of the organization if the funding org is selected as OTHER
INTL_ORG1_OTHR_NAME Capture the name of the organization if the funding org is selected as OTHER
INTL_ORG2_OTHR_NAME Capture the name of the organization if the funding org is selected as OTHER
OTHER_GOVT_NAME Captures the name of the other govt organization.
ACAD_TERM_LENGTH Academic Term length the student is expected to be present for.
TUITION Tuition amount that the student is getting
LIVING_EXP Living expense amount for the student.
PERSONAL_FUNDS Personal Funds for the student
DEPENDENT_EXP Dependent expenses amount for the student.
OTHER_EXP Other expenses amount for the student

Student System - IGS_SV_LEGAL_INFO Table to store all Legal information that is to be sent to SEVIS on the Foreign students and Exchange Visitors.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
VISA_EXPIRATION_DATE Date visa for the student expires
I94_NUMBER Country Admission form number to enter country.
PORT_OF_ENTRY SEVIS code for the port where the student entered country
DATE_OF_ENTRY Date the student entered the country
REMARKS Remarks for the students legal information
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
VISA_ISSUE_DATE Stores the VISA issue date
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
PRINT_FORM Flag indicating if SEVIS is being requested to print form
PSPRT_NUMBER Passport number for the student
PSPRT_ISSUING_CNTRY_CODE Country code where the passport was issued from
PSPRT_EXP_DATE Date the passport for the student expires
VISA_NUMBER Visa Number the student is visiting with.
VISA_ISSUING_POST SEVIS Issuing post code where the visa was issued.
VISA_ISSUING_CNTRY_CODE SEVIS country code where the visa issued.

Student System - IGS_SV_PERSONS Table for information on the students that are to be submitted in the request for the batch run.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier for the request being run.
ISSUING_REASON Reason code for the creation of the user
CURR_SESSION_END_DATE Current session end date for the student or visitor.
NEXT_SESSION_START_DATE Next session start date for the student
OTHER_REASON Other reason for the information that is being sent to SEVIS
TRANSFER_FROM_SCHOOL School that the student is transferring from
EV_CREATE_REASON Exchange Visitor creation reason code to be sent to SEVIS
EV_FORM_NUMBER Form Number for the Exchange Visitor
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
PERSON_ID Person Identifier that is linked to the HZ_PARTIES table.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
INIT_PRGM_START_DATE Initial program start date for a continuing Exchange Visitor.
SEVIS_ERROR_CODE SEVIS Error code value returned.
SEVIS_ERROR_ELEMENT SEVIS element that had the error reported back.
NO_SHOW_FLAG Captures if the person has not reported to college/university even after landing in US
STATUS_CODE Captures the status of the person e..g. if the EV is in INITIAL status or in ACTIVE
LAST_SESSION_FLAG Used to indicate that a person is in his last session
ADJUDICATED_FLAG Used to indicate that a person has been Adjudicated
REPRINT_RSN_CODE Captures the Reprint Reason
REPRINT_REMARKS Captures the remarks for the re-Print
REMARKS To capture the remarks for NON-IMMG
PDSO_SEVIS_PERSON_ID Person Id of the DSO associated with Student
RECORD_NUMBER record number in the batch that is being processed. up to 250 records per batch
FORM_ID Form Identifier that has been entered for the person.
PRINT_FORM Flag indicating form being requested for reprinting by the user
PDSO_SEVIS_ID SEVIS identifier of the person responsible for the student.
RECORD_STATUS The status of the record that is being processed. Update or Create status
PERSON_NUMBER Person number that is assigned to the person on creaion of person record in HZ_PARTIES
SEVIS_USER_ID The SEVIS Identifier that is assigned to the user upon creation of record processing.

Student System - IGS_SV_PRGMS_INFO Table for program related information that SEVIS requires on the Foreign student and Exchange Visitors.
Column Name Descritpion
BATCH_ID Batch identifier used for the run of the SEVIS process
SECONDARY_MAJOR Students secondary major code for the student which is the value that SEVIS needs not OSS value for majors
MINOR Students minor code for the student which is the value that SEVIS needs not OSS value for minors
LENGTH_OF_STUDY Length of student that the student is planning for.
PRGM_START_DATE Program start date that the student is involved in.
PRGM_END_DATE Program end date that the student is involved in.
ENGLISH_REQD Flag indicating if English is required for the program the student is in or not.
ENGLISH_REQD_MET Flag indicating if English being required has been met or not for the program the student is in.
NOT_REQD_REASON Reason for the english proficiency requirement not being needed.
MATRICULATION Exchange Visitor matriculation value.
EFFECTIVE_DATE Effective date of the program the student is in
PERSON_ID Person identifier that the conviction record is associated to
AUTHORIZATION_REASON Authorization reason code value
TERMINATION_REASON Reason why the student has been terminated
END_PRGM_REASON Reason code for the student ending the program.
REPRINT_REASON Reason code for the form being reprinted.
SUBMIT_UPDATE Flag indicating if the student has submitted for update
REMARKS Remarks for the students program information
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
PRGM_ACTION_TYPE Type of action that has been performed on the program for the student.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
EDUC_LVL_REMARKS Education Level remarks for OTHER type of Education Level.
AUTH_ACTION_CODE Action to indicate, if it is a new record, to be cancelled or to be modified
SEVIS_AUTH_ID Authorization ID taken from EN transaction table
PRINT_FORM Flag indicating that the form is to be printed or not by SEVIS.
FORM_STATUS_ID Form status identifier for the student based on either Exchange Visitor form or Foreign Student Form that has been filled out.
POSITION_CODE Position code value for the Exchange Visitor.
SUBJECT_FIELD_CODE Subject code that the student is involved with.
EDUCATION_LEVEL Education level of the student being reported to SEVIS.
PRIMARY_MAJOR Students primary major code for the student which is the value that SEVIS needs not OSS value for majors

Student System - IGS_UC_ENQ_DETAILS Holds the basic person details for a UCAS applicant making an Extra or Clearing application.
Column Name Descritpion
APP_NO The UCAS applicant number
ADDRESS_LINE3 Third line of the Identifying Address
ADDRESS_LINE4 Fourth line of the Identifying Address
COUNTRY Country of the Identifying Address
POSTCODE Postal Code of the Identifying Address
EMAIL E-mail Address
TELEPHONE Telephone Number
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
SURNAME Surname of the Person.
GIVEN_NAMES Given name of the Person.
SEX Sex of the Person.
BIRTH_DT Birth Date of the Person
PREFIX Title of the Person
ADDRESS_LINE1 First line of the Identifying Address
ADDRESS_LINE2 Second line of the Identifying Address

Student System - IGS_TR_STP_CTL_TYPE Stores the system tracking type records associated with Catalog
Column Name Descritpion
S_TRACKING_TYPE System Tracking Type associated with the step catalog
CLOSED_IND Indicates that if the association is still valid
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column
STEP_CATALOG_ID References the Step Catalog Id from IGS_TR_STEP_CTLG_ALL

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_ADDRESES Holds UCAS Applicant Address details
Column Name Descritpion
APP_NO Unique identifier , Applicant Number
FAX Facsimile
EMAIL Email address
HOME_ADDRESS1 Home Address line 1
HOME_ADDRESS2 Home Address line 2
HOME_ADDRESS3 Home Address line 3
HOME_ADDRESS4 Home Address line 4
HOME_POSTCODE Home Post code
HOME_PHONE Home telephone number
HOME_FAX Home facsimile
HOME_EMAIL Home email address
ADDRESS_AREA Address area
MOBILE Mobile Phone number
COUNTRY_CODE Correspondence Country Code
HOME_COUNTRY_CODE Home Address Country Code
SENT_TO_OSS_FLAG Sent to OSS indicator
AD_BATCH_ID Admissions Import Batch ID
AD_INTERFACE_ID Admissions Import Interface ID
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
ADDRESS1 Correspondence Address line 1
ADDRESS2 Correspondence Address line 2
ADDRESS3 Correspondence Address line 3
ADDRESS4 Correspondence Address line 4
POST_CODE Post code
MAIL_SORT Mail sort
TELEPHONE Telephone number

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_NAMES Holds UCAS Applicant Name details
Column Name Descritpion
APP_NO Unique identifier , UCAS Applicant Number
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
CHECK_DIGIT Check digit of the application number
NAME_CHANGE_DATE Name change date
FORE_NAMES First name
BIRTH_DATE Date of birth
SEX Gender
SENT_TO_OSS_FLAG Sent to OSS indicator

Student System - IGS_UC_APP_REFEREES Holds UCAS Applicant Reference details
Column Name Descritpion
APP_NO Applicant Number
FAX Facsimile
EMAIL Email address
STATEMENT Electronic Application Statement
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
PREDICTED_GRADES The predicted grades as given by the referee
REFEREE_POST Referee post
ESTAB_NAME Establishment name
ADDRESS1 Address line 1
ADDRESS2 Address line 2
ADDRESS3 Address line 3
ADDRESS4 Address line 4
TELEPHONE Telephone number

Student System - IGS_UC_CCONTRL_INTS Holds control information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
RUNDATE15JAN Run date of last application number by 15th January
APPNO24MAR Last application number by 24th March
RUNDATE24MAR Run date of last application number by 24th March
APPNODECISIONPROC Last application number in decision processing
RUNDATEDECISIONPROC Run date of last application number in decision processing
APPNOFIRSTOPF First application number for Overseas Partnership forms
APPNOFIRSTRPANONEU First application number for Record of Prior Acceptance - non EU
TIMEOFYEAR Space - Clearing not started, A - CEFs sent to applicants (UCAS MU06 run) , C - Clearing started
APPNOFIRSTRPAEU First application number for Record of Prior Acceptance - EU
NOMORELATRAN Y - too late for LA transactions
STARXAVAIL Y - Star X data is available
TIMEOFDAY S - Session running - updates allowed, D - Daily run/backup - no updates possible
EXTRASTART Extra processing start date
LASTPASSPORT Last passport date
LASTLE Last LE date
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N,O,D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data
ROUTEBTIMEOFYEAR Space - Route B choices on GA0 - Route B supplementary forms sent, 1 - Round 1 sent, 2 - Round 2 sent, 3 - Round 3 sent, 5 - No more supplementary forms, 6 - No more send-offs
APPNOFIRST First application number
APPNOMAXIMUM Maximum application number this year
APPNOLASTUSED Last application number in use
LASTDAILYRUNNO Last daily run number
LASTDAILYRUNDATE Last daily run date
APPNO15JAN Last application number by 15th January

Student System - IGS_UC_CCRSE_INTS Holds Course information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
SYSTEM_CODE UCAS System Code: U, G or N
JOINTADMISSION Joint admission indicator
OPENEXTRA Extra processing open indicator
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data
INST Institution Code
COURSE Course Code
CAMPUS Campus Code
FACULTY Faculty Code
SHORTNAME Short Course Name
LONGNAME Long Course Name
VALIDCURRENT Null - not valid this year, D - discontinued, R - running
VALIDDEFER Null - not valid this year, D - discontinued, R - running

Student System - IGS_UC_CEBLSBJ_INTS Holds EBL Subject information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data
YEAR Year , 1950 - 2049
SITTING S - summer, W - winter
AWARDINGBODY Board (from cvRefAwardBody)
EXTERNALREF Awarding body code for this exam or paper or module etc
EXAMLEVEL Exam level, takes values A , AS, CS, H, GN, S
TITLE Subject Title
SUBJCODE UCAS subject abbreviation
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O,D etc

Student System - IGS_UC_CINST_INTS Holds the institution codes loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
INST 3 character Institution Code for Small Systems
INSTCODE Institution Code for Small Systems
INSTNAME Institution Name for Small Systems
UCAS Indicates the system to which the record belongs to
GTTR Indicates the system to which the record belongs to
SWAS Indicates the system to which the record belongs to
NMAS Indicates the system to which the record belongs to
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CJNTADM_INTS Holds Joint admissions information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
CHILDINST Child institution
PARENTINST1 Parent institution 1
PARENTINST2 Parent institution 2
PARENTINST3 Parent institution 3
PARENTINST4 Parent institution 4
PARENTINST5 Parent institution 5
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CRAMEND_INTS Holds date time stamps of Hercules views information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
APRDATE Date time stamp of CVREFAPR view
POCCDATE Date time stamp of CVREFPOCC view
RESCATDATE Date time stamp of CVREFRESCAT view
STATUSDATE Date time stamp of CVREFSTATUS view
ESTABGROUP Date time stamp of CVREFESTGROUP view
TARIFFDATE Date time stamp of CVREFTARIFF view
DISDATE Date time stamp of CVREFDIS view
COUNTRY Date time stamp of CVREFCOUNTRY view
ERRORDATE Date time stamp of CVREFERROR view
ETHNICDATE Date time stamp of CVREFETHNIC view
EXAMDATE Date time stamp of CVREFEXAM view
FEEDATE Date time stamp of CVREFFEE view
KEYWORDDATE Date time stamp of CVREFKEYWORD view
OEQDATE Date time stamp of CVREFOEQ view

Student System - IGS_UC_CRAPR_INTS Holds Domicile information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
DOM 3 digit numeric Domicile code
DOMTEXT Domicile description
LEAFLAG Y = LEA in England or Wales, N = not an LEA
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CRAWDBD_INTS Holds Award body information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
SITTING S - summer, W - winter
BODYABBREV Board Abbreviation
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O,D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CREFPOC_INTS Holds Occupation codes information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
POCC Occupational group (in the range 0000 to 9999)
SOCIALCLASS Pre-2000 Social Class. 0 - not known, 1 - professional, 2 - managerial or technical, 3 - skilled - non manual, 4 - skilled - manual, 5 - partly skilled, 6 - unskilled
ALTERNATECLASS1 Alternative Class
ALTERNATECLASS2 Alternative Class
SOCIOECONOMIC Socio-economic Classification
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CRFCODE_INTS Holds Reference codes information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
CODE_TYPE Code Type, takes values DC, ER, EG, PC, PS so on
CODE Code for Small Systems
CODE_TEXT Code Description for Small Systems
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O,D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CRKYWD_INTS Holds keyword information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O,D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CROFFAB_INTS Holds Offer abbreviation information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
ABBREVCODE Abbreviation code
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data
ABBREVTEXT Abbreviation description
LETTERFORMAT Letter format takes values from A to G
SUMMARYCHAR Summary of conditions character
UNCOND Y - Valid for unconditional offers, N - Not valid for unconditional offers
WITHDRAWAL Y - Valid for withdrawal decisions, N - Not valid for withdrawal decisions
RELEASE Y - Valid for release to clearing, N - Not valid for release to clearing
TARIFF Y - Valid for use in Tariff offers, N - Not valid for use in Tariff offers
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O,D etc

Student System - IGS_UC_CRPREPO_INTS Holds Pre 2000 Occupation codes information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
POCC Occupational group (in the range 0000 to 9999)
SOCIALCLASS Pre-2000 Social Class. 0 - not known1 - professional, 2 - managerial or technical, 3 - skilled - non manual, 4 - skilled - manual, 5 - partly skilled, 6 - unskilled
ALTERNATECLASS1 Alternative Class
ALTERNATECLASS2 Alternative Class
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CRSUBJ_INTS Holds Subject code information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
SUBJCODE Subject code
SUBJTEXT Subject Description
SUBJABBREV Subject abbreviation
EBL_SUBJ EBL subject code
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CSCHCNT_INTS Holds School contacts information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
SCHOOL School Code
LISTS Y = This post orders or receives lists
ORDERS Y = This post deals with material orders (handbooks, forms etc)
FORMS Y = This post returns or co-ordinates transmission of forms to UCAS (incl. Payment)
REFEREE Y = This post acts as a referee on some or all UCAS forms
CAREERS Y = This is the careers material contact
EASCONTACT Y = This is the EAS installer or administrator
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data
SITECODE For future use - when one organization has several site addresses
CONTACTCODE Set to 1 for primary contact and 2 for any existing secondary contacts
CONTACTPOST Name of Post e.g. Headmaster, Head of Sixth, Director of Education etc (Title1)
CONTACTNAME Post holders name e.g. Mr J Smith Dr A Waters etc (Name1)
TELEPHONE Includes STD code e.g. 01242 123456
FAX Fax Number
EMAIL Email address
PRINCIPAL Y = This post is the head of the organization

Student System - IGS_UC_CTARIFF_INTS Holds Tariff information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
EXAMLEVEL Exam level code
EXAMGRADE Exam grade
TARIFFSCORE Tariff score
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

Student System - IGS_UC_CVNAME_INTS Holds prospective applicants information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
APPNO Application Number
BIRTHDATE Date of birth
SEX Gender
CHOICESALLTRANSPARENT Applications Choices are visible to institution or not
EXTRASTATUS Indicates whether the applicant is in extra processing
CHECKDIGIT Check digit for the application number
NAMECHANGEDATE Name change date
FORENAMES First name
INDEXSURN Surname index
CANCELLED Cancelled indicator
WITHDRAWN Withdrawn indicator

Student System - IGS_UC_CVSCH_INTS Holds Schools information loaded from UCAS
Column Name Descritpion
SCHOOL UCAS school code
LEA APR codes which are also LEAs
UCASSTATUS L,M,N,C (Live, Merged, Not Live, Closed)
ESTABGRP cvRefEstGroup
SCHOOLTYPE cvRefSchoolType
STATSDATE Date when statistics collected - no on roll through No going to HE
NOROLL No on Roll
NO5TH Number in 5th form
NO6TH Number in 6th form
NOHE Number going to higher education
ADDRESS1 School address line 1
SITECODE For future use - when one organization has several site addresses
ADDRESS2 School address line 2
ADDRESS3 School address line 3
ADDRESS4 School address line 4
POSTCODE UK addresses only
MAILSORT UK only - 5 digit mail sort code for bulk mailing
TOWNKEY Town key
COUNTRYCODE E,N,S,W,O for England, N.Ireland etc
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data
NAMECHANGEDATE Date when school name last changed
FORMERNAME Schools former name
NCN Cambridge NCN for exam matching purposes
EDEXCELNCN Formerly BTEC National Center Number
DFEECODE 7 digit DFEE code (DFEE schools only)
COUNTRY Use APR codes for meaning

Student System - IGS_UC_CYC_DEFAULTS Holds cycle default values
Column Name Descritpion
SYSTEM_CODE UCAS system code
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard WHO column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard WHO column
UCAS_CYCLE UCAS Cycle, takes values 2003, 2004
UCAS_INTERFACE UCAS Interface Selection
MARVIN_SEQ MARVIN File Sequence Number
CLEARING_FLAG Clearing indicator
EXTRA_FLAG Extra processing indicator
CREATED_BY Standard WHO column
CREATION_DATE Standard WHO column

Student System - IGS_SC_OBJ_ATTRIBS Table that stores the information related to Security Object Attributes
Column Name Descritpion
OBJ_ATTRIB_ID Object attribute identifier. Sequence generated
OBJ_GROUP_ID Object group identifier generated from IGS_SC_OBJ_GROUPS
OBJ_ATTRIB_NAME Object attribute name that is defined by the user.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
ACTIVE_FLAG Identifies the no longer used object attributes.

Student System - IGS_SC_OBJ_ATT_MTHS Table that stores the information related to Security User Attribute Values that are associated to the user attributes defined.
Column Name Descritpion
NULL_ALLOW_FLAG Identify the Object attributes that will not result zero number of rows.
OBJ_ATTRIB_ID Object attribute identifier sequence created from IGS_SC_OBJ_ATTRIBS
OBJ_ATTRIB_TYPE Object attribute type
STATIC_TYPE Static type
SELECT_TEXT Select statement text
OBJECT_ID Object identifier sequence created from FND_OBJECTS
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SC_OBJ_GROUPS Table that stores the information related to Security User Attribute Values that are associated to the user attributes defined
Column Name Descritpion
OBJ_GROUP_NAME Object group name defined by the user
OBJ_GROUP_ID Object group identifier generated by sequence.
DEFAULT_POLICY_TYPE Default policy type 'G' - Grant 'R' - Restricted
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SC_GRANTS Table that stores the information related to Security Grants defined by the user.
Column Name Descritpion
GRANT_TEXT Grant text string
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LOCKED_FLAG Flag indicating that the grant is locked or not
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
USER_GROUP_ID User group identifier generated from the table WF_LOCAL_ROLES
OBJ_GROUP_ID Object group identifier generated from the table IGS_SC_OBJ_GROUPS
GRANT_NAME Grant name given by the user
GRANT_ID Grant identifier generated from sequence
GRANT_SELECT_FLAG Flag indicating if select is to be granted or not
GRANT_INSERT_FLAG Flag indicating if insert is to be granted or not
GRANT_UPDATE_FLAG Flag indicating if update is to be granted or not
GRANT_DELETE_FLAG Flag indicating if delete is to be granted or not
FUNCTION_ID Function identifier generated from the table IGS_SC_OBJ_FUNCTNS

Student System - IGS_SC_GRANT_CONDS Table that stores the information related to Security Grant Conditions defined by the user.
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
GRANT_COND_NUM Grant condition number. The possible values are 1-999 per restrictions on number of conditions per grant
OBJ_ATTRIB_ID Object attribute identifier generated from table IGS_SC_OBJ_ATTRIBS
USER_ATTRIB_ID User attribute identifier generated from table IGS_SC_USR_ATTRIBS
CONDITION Condition of the grant.
GRANT_ID Grant identifier generated from the table IGS_SC_GRANTS
TEXT_VALUE Condition text value
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SC_OBJECTS Table that stores the information related to objects that are to have security enforced
Column Name Descritpion
OBJ_GROUP_ID Object group identifier generated from the table IGS_SC_OBJ_GROUPS
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
OBJECT_ID Object identifier generated from the table FND_OBJECTS
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
SELECT_FLAG Identifies whether the object is registered for select security or not.
INSERT_FLAG Identifies whether the object is registered for insert security or not.
UPDATE_FLAG Identifies whether the object is registered for update security or not.
DELETE_FLAG Identifies whether the object is registered for delete security or not
ENFORCE_PAR_SEC_FLAG Identifies the objects whose insert/delete privilege depends on update privilege of parent
ACTIVE_FLAG Identifies the no longer used objects

Student System - IGS_SC_OBJ_ATT_VALS Table that stores the information related to Security Object Attribute Values that are associated to the object attributes defined.
Column Name Descritpion
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column
OBJECT_ID Object identified generated from the table FND_OBJECTS
ATTR_VALUE Attribute value from the secured attribute
PK1_VALUE Primary key value 1 of the first primary key column of the object table
PK2_VALUE Primary key value 2 of the second primary key column of the object table
OBJ_ATTRIB_ID Object attribute identifier generated from the table IGS_SC_OBJ_ATTRIBS
PK3_VALUE Primary key value 3 of the third primary key column of the object table
PK4_VALUE Primary key value 4 of the fourth primary key column of the object table
PK5_VALUE Primary key value 5 of the fifth primary key column of the object table
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SC_OBJ_FUNCTNS Table that stores the information related to Security Object Functions that are associated to the objects defined for security purpose.Table that stores the information related to Security Object Functions that are associated to the objects
Column Name Descritpion
OBJ_GROUP_ID Object group identifier generated from table IGS_SC_OBJ_GROUPS
FUNCTION_NAME Function name defined by the user
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
FUNCTION_ID Function identifier generated by sequence
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SC_OBJ_GRANTS Table that stores the information related to the grants and objects defined to be secured
Column Name Descritpion
OBJECT_ID Object identifier generated from the table FND_OBJECTS
GRANT_WHERE Grant where clause generated based on the grants and attributes
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
GRANT_ID Grant identifier generated from the table IGS_SC_GRANTS
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SC_USR_ATTRIBS Table that stores the information related to Security User Attributes
Column Name Descritpion
ACTIVE_FLAG Identifies the no longer used user attributes.
USER_ATTRIB_NAME User attribute name defined by user
USER_ATTRIB_TYPE User attribute type
STATIC_TYPE Static type
SELECT_TEXT Select statement text string
USER_ATTRIB_ID User attribute identifier generated from sequence.
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SC_USR_ATT_VALS Table that stores the information related to Security User Attribute Values that are associated to the user attributes defined.
Column Name Descritpion
USER_ID User identifier generated from table FND_USERS.
ATTR_VALUE Attribute value retrieved based on the attribute secured by user accessing
CREATION_DATE Standard Who Column
CREATED_BY Standard Who Column
USER_ATTRIB_ID User attribute identifier generated from table IGS_SC_USR_ATTRIBS.
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard Who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard Who Column

Student System - IGS_SC_PER_ATTR_VALS Will contain the security attribute information for a person
Column Name Descritpion
PERSON_ID Unique Identifier of a Person
USER_ATTRIB_ID Security Attribute Id
USER_ATTRIB_VALUE Security Attribute Value
CREATION_DATE Standard who Column
CREATED_BY Standard who Column
LAST_UPDATED_BY Standard who Column
LAST_UPDATE_DATE Standard who Column
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN Standard who Column

Student System - IGS_SV_BTCH_SUMMARY Table to store details about information being included in each batch processed
Column Name Descritpion
SUMMARY_ID Sequence Generated Primary Key
OWNER_TABLE_NAME Stores the primary table name which holds the information
OWNER_TABLE_IDENTIFIER Stores the value of the primary key which helps to identify the information in staging table e.g. Dependent ID, Employment ID
ADM_ACTION_CODE Indicates if the record is on HOLD
CREATED_BY Standard WHO Column

Student System - IGS_UC_COUNTRY_INTS Interface table for related view cvRefCountry
Column Name Descritpion
DESCRIPTION Country Description
TYPE H = Home, E = EU, O = Overseas
RECORD_STATUS Status of the interface record , takes values N, O, D etc
ERROR_CODE Code for the error encountered during processing of this interface record data

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